Josiah's Find

Story by Sisuke on SoFurry

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Yeah this is my first yiff story iv ever written and yeah my grammer sucks so if you have anyidea on what i can do to fix this story go ahead and tell me.

Josiah was out in a field one day just laying in the grass watching the clouds float by thinking about dragons and what would it be like if he ever met one. "I wonder what a dragon would do if met one." Josiah asks himself. "Would it eat me? Would it torture me? Or would it just stare at me?" He thought about it for a while then he heard his friends calling him. So he gets up and leaves the field and back towards the cul-de-sac where his friends were playing kick ball. "Yo Jo! You been out in the field looking at the sky again weren't you?" His best friend Trevor asked. Josiah rubs his head. "Yeah well I like to spend my time thinking about stuff its soothing." Josiah says. "Oh by the way who's team am I on?" Trevor looks at Jo. "uuuh your on Bryans team." "Aw man do I have to be on Bryans team? He sucks." "Well yeah so do you! At least I got better grades then you!" Says Bryan in defense. "Yeah well I'll just watch I'm not really one for sports." Josiah says as he quickly runs to his house grabbing a 2-liter bottle of soda and running back out side and sits down on the curb and watches as his friends argue about who gets to kick first. After he watched a little bit of them playing his mind wonders back to the thought of meeting a dragon. "I hope someday I get to meet one." He says to himself.

One day he was out in the field thinking about where his life was going. His thoughts were interrupted by a very strange sound coming from the woods "What was that?" He asked himself "Probably was nothing." He said then he got up and walked back to his house to go to sleep. A few weeks later he was out in the field again thinking of all the school work he has to do when his thoughts were interrupted again by a very weird sound coming from the woods to his left. "What the hell was that?" He asks himself getting up and walking towards the woods where he heard the sound come from. He hears the sound again to his right and walks in that direction for some time. After 20-40 minutes he came across a cave but it wasn't an ordinary cave. It looked like someone or something carved it, as the walls and floor were completely smooth. "What could have done this?" He says. The cave entrance was about 15 feet high and ten feet wide. He walks in side to get a look around and see what's in it.

Looked like it was a normal cave that a bear would live in or something. At the back of the cave there was a bed made out of leaves. "So something or someone is living here." He says to himself just as he was about to leave the light at the front of the cave was blocked by something. Something big. "Who are you?" The thing rumbled out in a growl. Josiah stood there not knowing what to say or do. "What are you doing here?" The thing said in a loud growl stepping into the cave. Josiah was scared yet excited as he saw what was blocking the light in the entrance walking towards him. It was a dragon. It had navy-blue scales it was on four feet it was about 13 feet in height and 30 feet long from head to tail. It had 2 white horns on the top of its head that were streamed with gold and silver. The dragon glares at Josiah. "Answer me!" The dragon growled. Josiah was scared. "Ar-are yo-you going eat m-me?" Josiah asked shakily.

The dragon stood there and thought a minute then got a wide grin on its face. "No little human I will not eat you." Josiah sighs in relief. "Oh good for a while there I was sure you were going to eat me." The dragon's grin widens "I will not eat you...but I haven't fucked something for 3 months." It grins evilly. Josiah stares stunned. "Yo-you me-mean your going t-to fuck me?" The dragon takes a step forward Josiah can now noticeably see the dragons swelling sheath. He backs away trying to get as far away from the advancing dragon as much as he can and he runs into the back of the cave. The dragon takes slow steps till its 2 feet away from him. "Oh this is going to feel so good, I can't remember the last time I did a human."

The dragon is now at its full length, which is 15 inches. Josiah huddles against the wall making him as tiny as possible. "Please...don't fu-fuck me." He begs. The dragon laughs and grabs him pinning him on all fours, ripping off his clothes and getting a good look at his ass. "Oh your ass looks so tight human." The dragon whispers into his ear as he places his rock hard member against his ass. "Please don't do th...aaaaaah!" Was all he could say as the dragon starts to push its big cock into his tight ass. "Ooh. You are tight. You're the tightest thing I've had since that other small dragon walked in here." He says when it has half of its cock in his ass. "Please stop! I'm begging you!" He could feel the dragon's large cock throbbing deep inside him as well as a stabbing pain in his ass. "Why should I? I haven't had this much fun in months!" The dragon says as he hilts into his tight ass growling in pleasure at the tightness of Josiah's hole. "Now relax and enjoy the ride human,"

The dragon slowly pulls out leaving only the tip in only to push back in a little harder grunting as he pushes back in getting a grunt of pain from Josiah. "Why are you d-doing this?" He asks through grunts of pain. The dragon smiles. "Because I can." Answers the dragon with a sneer as he increases the speed and power of its thrusts his instincts to mate taking over. Josiah lets out yelps of pain as the dragon increases its speed and power his blood leaking out mixing with the dragon's pre. He felt like his whole body was in pain. The dragon moves his large member in and out of him at a fast and hard rhythm making him yell in pain. "God human you're so tight!" the dragon says moaning and growling in bliss as he goes harder into Josiah. "Pl-please s-stop!" Josiah begs between his yelps of pain.

The dragon gives him a sneer. "Not till I fill you with my hot seed." The dragon said as he releases some pre into his ass making its pleasure increase 10 fold as well as making cock move in and out faster and smoother. Josiah lets out screams of pain as the dragon goes harder into him. The dragon's tongue is now lying out at the side of his mouth. "I'm going to cum soon." It said between its grunts as it thrust hard into Josiah. At that the dragon's eyes roll back into its head as it pulls completely out of his ass with a pop. Josiah sighs in relief and relaxes as he feels the dragon pull its huge cock out of his ass. "Oh thank god." He says to himself thinking it was over but the dragon had other plans in mind as it walked around to the front of him and thrust it's member into his mouth. "Now human you get to suck me." It murred as it feels the warmth and wetness of his mouth.

He tried to pull off the dragon's cock but the dragon grabbed his head and pushed it further down its length deep throating him causing him to gag on its cock. "Mmmmm. Now be a good little human and suck me." The dragon growled. Josiah had no choice so he started to suck on the dragon's cock horrified that he actually likes the taste of the dragon's hard meat. "What's wrong with me?" He thinks "I'm being raped by a dragon and I'm liking it!" The dragon murrs in delight as it gets sucked. "I'm ab-about to shoot my seed into your mouth get ready human." He just sucks on the dragon's cock getting ready for the blast of cum that will fill his mouth. The dragon lets out a roar as it bucks one last time into his mouth shooting his hot sticky seed into Josiah's mouth. He swallows the seed instantly liking its unique taste as wave after wave of hot sticky cum is shot into his mouth and down to his stomach.

After the dragon's seed stops blasting into his mouth the dragon smiles and says. "Now human I will give you a drink so you can wash it all down." It moans as it relieves it's self into Josiah's mouth. He swallows the urine reluctantly as the dragon pisses into his mouth surprised again that he likes its taste. The dragon grins as he pulls out of his mouth before he's done pissing and blasts his urine all over him. "Did you like your meal, drink and shower human?" It said murring seducingly . "......yes." He said as much as he hated to admit it he did enjoy it and his own cock was hard wanting attention. The dragon noticed this and smiled. "Would you like me to relieve you of your desire?" It said with a seducing voice. All Josiah could do was lay there on his back as he answered "Yes. Please." At that the dragon wrapped its tongue around Josiah's cock and squeezed gently causing Josiah to buck a little eager for release and pleasure.

The dragon chuckled and went down taking Josiah's whole cock into its mouth all at once liking the taste of Josiah's cock. Josiah bucks gently into the dragons mouth moaning in pure pleasure as his climax builds quickly from everything that happened before this point. "Oh god! That feels good!" Josiah says as between his moans of pleasure as the dragon sucks on his cock and as it moves a paw down to play with his balls. Josiah couldn't hold it in any longer he bucks hard up into the dragon's mouth and cums hard. The dragon swallows his cum instantly enjoying its taste not letting a single drop leak out. After the dragon pulls off and Josiah just lays there in the after glow. "Now get out of here human." Josiah looks at the dragon. "Can I ever come back?" He asks. The dragon thinks. "Once a week human. Once a week. Now get out I'm tired." Josiah gets up and walks to the entrance of the cave and looks back for a second then runs off home.

The End