A fox's frist love

Story by SnowySnowpaw on SoFurry

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Hiya, the name's Frost. I'm a 5' 2'' arctic fox with three tails and long black hair. I'm 15 and go to Pawston High School, but enough about me, this story is about a cute fox boy I know.

His name is Kit, or at least that's what furs call him, even is parents. I think his real name is Danule or something. He's a likeable fox, athletic, charming, not to mention he has a nice rump.

He's one of those kids who everyone knows and likes. Everyone knows me, but I'm known because I'm gay. I feel no need to hide it, hell sometimes I even cross-dress, I think skirts are so roomy.

I would get beat up a lot if it wasn't for my two best friends. One is a black wolf named wolf (yeah real creative there.). He's a quiet guy and very serious. The other is a husky named Ace. He's really outgoing and kinda thick headed, also he has a short temper.

Now Wolf is arguably the toughest kid in school and Ace is the varsity football quarterback. So basicly, I'm friends with the two toughest furs in school. So furs are scared to hit me.

But I'm rambling, so let's just get started with the story; It was a typical school day, classes, lunch, hanging with friends, the usual. Now I'm not a sports guy, but I love tennis, so after school I had tennis practice (I'm varsity yay!). Kit is also on the team. Today for practice we had mock matches against each other. I went up against Kit and lost. I wasn't paying that much attention, I was too busy looking at Kit's crotch. Damn him and his short shorts.

Well after practice I really needed to pee, unforutatly all the urinals were taken. So I had to use a stall. I opened the door and I already had my shaft out when I noticed someone else was in there, it was kit and he had a pretty good view of my member, considering it was right in fount of his face.

I blushed deeply. "Sorry, I didn't notice that someone else was in here." I was waiting for him to yell at me or hit me, but he smiled and giggled. "My your offly forward." Then he licked my cock, he licked it! He smiled again and said. "But I like my men that way."

I was stunned, the fox I have been chasing after for 4 years was now slowly pawing me off. He giggled. "Don't think I didn't notice you staring." He slowly licked the tip of my fully erect shaft.

I worriedly looked around, hopeing no one was watching, but no one was here. Kit giggled again. "Looks like no one is here. Let's move to somewhere more comfortable."

He then got out and moved to where the benches and lockers were and sat down, showing off his fully erect member. It was huge! It must have been at least 1 foot long. I started to drool as I was staring at his cock. He saw me and giggled. "Wipe your mouth cuteie, you're leaking."

I blushed as I wiped my mouth. I walked over to him and I started to lick p and down his large shaft. He moaned. "My, my. You're a eager little fox arn't ya?" I blushed deeper in response as I ran my tounge down to his balls and started to suck on them. He let out a long moan. "Mmm, good boy."

His balls tasted really salty, but I loved it. I'd wash it down with his cum later. I ran my tounge back to the tip and started to suck on it. He let ut a sharp yip, telling me I found his sensitive spot. I smiled. "Looks like I found my foxys sensitive spot." I continued to suck on the tip, listening to his yips and moans (they were so cute.).

He smiled and rustled my hair. "Yeah ya did, now keep going." I did as I was told and took in more of his red member into my muzzle. I could only fit about 8 inches before I started to gag.

He smiled at me and giggled. "You can stop there hun. I don't want my lovely fox to choke." I blushed and started to bobb my head up and down on his cock, rolling my tounge around it. He yipped and moaned in pleasure, trusting his hips to move more of his length into my muzzle. "Man. you're good at this." I started to move faster in response and I started to fondle his ball sac.

I could tell by his thrusting, yips, and grunting, that he was close to cumming. So I started to paw him off while still blowing him. After a little while of this, he let out a loud yip as he sent out a torrent of his hot, steamy fox cum down my throat.

I swallowed as much as I could, but there was too much and I needed to open my mouth so I didn't choke on it. I opened my maw and let him spurt his last bits of hot, sticky cum all over my face and chest. He smiled. "You like that?" I giggled and wagged my tails. "Yummy yummy I got cum in my tummy." He smiled as he laid against the lockers panting.

To tell the truth I was still horny. I made a long protest whine as I got up, turned around, placed my paws on the lockers, forced my rump into the air, and lifted my tails reviling my tight pink pucker. "I want more. Please fuck me."

Kit just chuckled. "Your a really horny fox arn't you?" He got up a started to lick my tailhole. I moaned loudly. "Oh god! That feels sooooo good." He giggled and started to lick faster causinging me to yip and moan louder in pleasure. "Ohhhhhhh More!" He started to rub my rump as he sticked his tounge into my tailhole and started to probe around in their. I let out a sharp yip. "Yes! Fuck me with your tounge!"

He then pulled his tounge out and smiled as he stood up. "I think I lubed you up enough." He then put the tip of his shaft up to my tailhole and started to tease me by rubbing his cock up and down against my pucker. I let out a long whine. "Please don't tease me, I want it in me now!" He smiled as he shoved his member into my tight virgin tailhole. "As you wish hun."

I let out a loud, sharp yip as he entered me. "Ohhh Kit! That feels so good!" After a little while he was fully in me, he grinned. "Ready love?" I shoved my paws forcibly to the lockers, shoving my rear farther onto his long rod. "Fuck me hard."

You have no idea how much I wanted this. I have had multiple wet dreams about this, sometimes even in the day. Nw it was finally happening and I won't let this moment slip away.

Kit smiled. "Well then here I come!"He then pulled out of me all the way till his tip then shoved it in hard and fast. I yipped loudly as he continued to thrust in and out of my tight tailhole."Oh!*gasp* Oh! *pant pant* More Kit !" The feeling was incredible. Sure it hurt like hell, but it was soooo worth it.

I heard Kit grunt. "God your tight." I let out a giggle though my pants. "That's what happens when you're a virgin." He started to hump faster and he lightly smacked my ass.

I could feel his knot hitting against my hole meaning that he was getting close, as was I. I gripped the lockers and my tailhole tightened as I neared my climax. Kits cock was roughly hitting my prostate causing me to get even closer to cumming and after a few more thrusts, I came hard all over the lockers in fount of me.

Kit was nearing his climax and the instant tightness of my tailhole drove him over the edge. With one final thrust his knot popped into my pucker (which caused me to yip) and he came hard into my tailhole, flooding my colon with his hot fox cum.

After about 30 seconds Kit stopped cumming and colasped on me, he was heveyer then he looked.I couldn't believe it. Not only did I finally yiff with the fox of my dreams, but I did it in a public place without being seen. Of course that's when I noticed that their was a cat staring at us with a look of disgust. "Dude, that's sick." He then rushed out like his feet were on fire.

I giggled and looked at Kit. "Well I guess everyone will know your gay now." He smiled as he licked the top of my head. "So what ? I still have you." I smiled. "Thanks hun." He then stood up taking me up with him (we were still tied) He grinned. "We should take a shower. We stink." I giggled. "Sure hun."

He took me over to the showers and turned the water on. We stood under the water for almost two whole hours. His knot disappeared like an hour ago, but he was still in me, mostly cause I'd whine if he tried to pull out.

Kit turned off the water and pulled out of me. I whined at the absence of his cock in me, but I got over it and followed him. We got dressed in silence. I notice that he was wearing a pink thong with white frilly lace (soo cute!).

We left the locker room and started walking on the sidewalk back to our houses. We lived only a few blocks away from each other.

We stopped at my house and Kit looked at me and smiled. "Hey my parents won't be home till late. Wanna come over to my house and have a little more "fun"?" I giggled, there's no way I'd pass this up. "Sure, lead the way."