Chapter 3:My life with Skye

Story by Snow34 on SoFurry

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#3 of My life with Skye

What a shock! Adam finds out that his parents are dead. Skye knew about this.

However, Adam recived a necklace from his mother. What secrets does Skye still hold from Adam? Will he change how he views Skye?

Only time will tell...

Adam/Skye belongs to me.

Lucario belongs to Pokemon

Pokemon belongs to @GameFreak/Nintendo

Chapter 3: They're dead?

Adam awoke suddenly. He felt that something was not right. He wonder if Skye still around. Nowhere to be seen. Adam felt better as he rose from bed. He looked at the table infront of him. He remembered the Sapphire that was standing there. He picked it up and stared at it. What does it do? Adam rembered the letter. "It contains the powers that I possess." What kind of powers? He wondered. With no further explinations, he placed the Sapphire in his pocket and left the strange room to look for Skye.

He found the door through a long passageway he went through. The passegway can't be that long, the house was to small for a path like that! With a shrug, he opened the door and went through it. He looked away as the light of the sun blinded him. He looked around the house to see if anything has changed. Looks normal enough. He noticed a letter on the floor, with something inside. He took what was inside first. An amulet. Of a Latias and a Latios. Going around each other almost like a heart. He Clipped it on. It Looked amazing! He took out the paper and started to read the letter.

"Dear Adam,

By the time you read this, we will be dead. We were taken by some strange creatures that we have never seen before We were just having tea, then we heard a crash. And the strange creatures came in and started killing everyone in the flat. I only just escaped by a mark on my knee. It killed everyone else in that house. While running away, I noticed an amulet I have never seen before. It had your name on it. It will be in this letter you read. I may never see you again. Or any of us, at all. It seems like you are the only one left in our family tree. May you always know that we always love you and that you never forget us. Goodbye... Adam.

Your loving Mother. xoxo." Adam looked at it as a tear left his eye. Everyone in his family was gone. He was the only one left. The amulet that he recieved was a memory of his mother, father, his brother and also his sister.

"I wanted to tell you." Adam, with misty eyes looked behind him and saw Skye.

"Then why?" Adam asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you wouldn't trust me." Skye replied. "So I thought you would like to see it with your own eyes. I'm sorry." Adam stood there. He dropped the letter, collapsed onto his knees and started to cry. He couldn't stop himself. His parents left him, he didn't know anyone else that could take care of him and the amulet he wore was a memory of them. He felt a paw on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Skye kneeling beside him. Skye wiped off his tears.

"Adam. I am so sorry. Your parents are dead. But there is no need to cry."

"Why?!" Adam shouted "Skye! My parents are dead. This amulet is the only thing that was left me before they were killed. And you are telling me to not worry? Why?" More tears started coming out his eyes.

"Adam, like I just said. I am so sorry that your parents are dead. But I know someone who can take of you."

"Who?" Adam asked, sobbing. "Who would want to take care of a miserable chid like me?"

"I will." Adam looked at Skye with widened eyes. "I will take care of you as your mother would and raise you as one of my own." Skye hugged Adam. "Don't worry. I will be here for you. Always." Adam just sat there. Skye as her mother? Adam's mouth twitched. Skye broke the hug as she looked at Adam. "Adam? Are you okay?" Adam said nothing as she pulled her into a hug. "Adam?? What's wrong?" Adam said nothing but started sobbing.

"S-S-S-S-Skye? Wha-wha-wha-what I am I going to do without them?" And then started crying. Skye hugged him tighter."Don't worry. You've got me. Your guardian angel (if you like)." Adam smiled and kept on hugging Skye as she did the same.

As a few minuites passed, Skye noticed that Adam was getting heavy. He was asleep on her shoulder, but smiling at the same time at that point. "Oh Adam. I'll always be here to protect you. My son." She kissed him on more time as she carried Adam to bed.

Lux: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: My dream (Short chapter) I slowly opened my eyes to a dark and swirly surrounding. I was in what seemed to be my dream. Water was beneath me. I was probably in a place of my mind I have never been in before. I looked around in astonishment....

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Chapter 4: My life with Skye

Chapter 4: It is only the beginning Adam woke up once again. He noticed the soft covers he lay underneath. He was here before. The same room. The same place. Adam once again rose from bed and left the room. Everything left intact. He went upstairs. He...

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Hasquet request:Chapter 1

Chapter 1: My arrival "Huh?" I squinted my eyes as I was in a place I did not recognise. I saw that I was close to the ground, meaning that I must have shrunk. "What happened to me?" I looked at my hands which now seemed to be white and I saw a...

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