Chapter 4: My life with Skye

Story by Snow34 on SoFurry

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#4 of My life with Skye

It's back with a new character in the scene. But who is this mysterious creature?

Only time will tell...

Adam and Skye belong to me.

Luacrio belongs to pokemon/nintendo/gamefreak

Chapter 4: It is only the beginning

Adam woke up once again. He noticed the soft covers he lay underneath. He was here before. The same room. The same place. Adam once again rose from bed and left the room. Everything left intact. He went upstairs. He opened the door to his room. Nothing lost. Everything undamaged. He saw a messsage on the screen which was on the desk. It said only one word. "Skye." A strange thing as Skye seemed to be here for a short time. The computer was off and the light of the screen was also not in use, so how is the screen off and the screen showed her name? Adam got into his other clothes and started working on his laptop connecting it to the screen and checking for any malfuntions and any other oddities that may have interfeared with the screen in any way. The laptop screen went black as well. Then the same name appeared on the screen "Skye". I blinked and rubbed my eyes. What was going on? I tried clicking everything on the keyboard. Nothing. Everything went dark. What now? Adam was looking around in the dark. He was trying to see if anything is happening. It started raining again. What's coming next? Infernape? Staraptor? or even Floatzel was possible. Since Floatzel was a water type, it would make sense to arrive while it was pouring rain. But nothing came through. Adam was enveloped in a cylinder of light. Rings appeared around the cylinder as he turned into data and was pulled into the screen of his laptop.

Adam slowly opened his eyes as he was traveling through cyberspace, he passed thorugh massess and massess of data. He saw all kinds of data in the cyberspace he was traveling through.

"So, this is what's inside a laptop." Adam thought to himself. "I never knew a laptop can carry so much memory." He felt himself still flying past the series of data that was stored on his laptop. A circle of light at what appered to be at the end of the cylinder of data he was flying in. He covered his eyes as to shield his eyes to make sure he was not blinded by the light he saw infront of him. Then, everything went black.

He slowly opened his eyes, getting up, balancing himself as he wobbled. He stood up, straight, and looked around him. Something was... Different. He looked around himself once more. He was lying on some sort of computer generated grass. And the sky seemed to be computer generated as well. It looked as blue as Skye's fur. Ths sun was shining as well, generating heat like the real sun. The closest city seemed miles and miles away fro where he stood. He gasped in shock as he looked closer at the sky that was above him. There was a circle of light in the sky. Is that where he came from? He insepcted himself to see if anything was bruised or damaged. He checked everything. No visible damage seen. No bruises visible. Nothing to be wary of afraid of. He was walking across the field was on. Behind him he heared an explosion and some shouting. Adam froze. What the heck was that? He turned around as some smoke was seen to the right of him from behind a house. He ran to the house and looked around the corner. There was fire. There was a family surrounded by the fire. Buckets of water were splashed everyhere. He had some water in his bag he just seemed to have. Where did the bag even come from? He wasn't wearing a bag when he traveled to this other world. The family got rid of the fire. Adam tip-toed off as he continued his journey through the giant field.

His journey seemed to be paused by a forest he reached. It looked dark and different, clearly this isn't like any other forest. It was pixilated and the title of the forest was shadow forest. "No wonder it's so dark underneath the trees." Adam thought to himself, "I can barely see anything in this forest.". He took a deep breath and took his first step into the shadow forest. Little did he know that an animal of some sort animal was following behind him. The paws moves fowards as it started to follow Adam into the forest.

Hasquet request: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3: The lost temple** We looked around as we saw nothing but darkness. "It's really dark in here, Adam." I knew what to do. I got a torch and two rocks. I swiped the two rocks together a few times until the torch lit with fire. "Wow!"...

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My life with Skye: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Meeting Lux the Luxray Adam was looking around him as the forest seemed to go on forever. He looked behind him as he felt as if something was following him. Something was following him. But he couldn't see it because it seemed to turn...

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Chapter 3:My life with Skye

Chapter 3: They're dead? Adam awoke suddenly. He felt that something was not right. He wonder if Skye still around. Nowhere to be seen. Adam felt better as he rose from bed. He looked at the table infront of him. He remembered the Sapphire that was...

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