A Day Off

Story by liltenhead on SoFurry

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Every night I really like doing this amazing thing called sleeping. The reason I call it amazing is over the fact that I can't ever enjoy it; cause oh no, we have to go on some wonderful adventure. But that's the curse of every Pokemon right? Forced to do things we don't want to? That... is not going to last forever, cause I'm flipping the table today!

*poke poke*

"You ever going to wake up sleepy head?"

Like every single morning, my closest friend and trainer wakes up before the Pidgeys even open their little eyes. And of course he always loves ruining any peaceful sleep that I was in.

I groaned out in pure discomfort and rolled over in bed, being careful not to cut any part of the bed up. He was already fully awake and quite cheery for six in the morning, while I'm just lying there hating life.

But there was no way I could stay angry over that face, so instead I just poked his shoulder with my spike while teasing, "yeah how do you like it?"

He however stood his ground, and quickly jabbed me in the stomach with his finger chuckling the entire time, "glad to see you awake!"

I quickly grabbed his hand and forced it back, all the while my lips were forming into a smirk watching him get all tingly from my paw. "Well Conner... you woke me up... like you do everyday!"

The cheeriness in this morning was already reaching new heights as he jumped up in bed and hopped down to the floor. "Well I just can't let my Lucario buddy enjoy all the sleep to himself!"

Well you could try sleeping like a normal human for once, I need my sleep! Deciding that pouting was only going to fuel the fire, I swung out over the bed landing on my own two feet getting the blood flowing. Every step I took towards Conner was done in a stretching manner, really trying to get the angry morning cramps out. "So... what's my magical quest for today?"

He placed his hand on my shoulder, and softly spoke, "well I think you deserve some time off for once."

My entire posture slouched instantly, "well why didn't you just let me sleep then..."

"Well, for what I have planned, you can't be asleep!"

I brushed his hand away gently with my paw still slightly annoyed, "well what is it then?"

He started to slowly reach back up for my shoulder, but I swiftly batted his hand back, "well I figured you could use a little ice cream hot head."

"I... do... do you even know what time it is?!"

Even though he and I both knew that this was ridiculous, he kept pressing forward while slowly bouncing on the heels of his feet. "Well it's never too early for a sweet treat."

I quickly grabbed his hand and rushed him out of the door, not even giving him time to change into more appropriate clothing, "okay then Conner, let's go enjoy some breakfast cream." Wow that was terrible...

But it didn't even phase him, and hell even his appearance didn't throw him off. I guess a pair of shorts and a t-shirt isn't really that unorthodox. However I was still finding it hard to believe that any sane person would want to go get ice cream on the break of dawn.

However after a only a single minute of trudging along the street, my jaw nearly dropped. Behold, a random ice cream stand that I some how never even knew about.

"What is this some kind of sick joke?"

He poked me once more in my side making my fur stand up on end, "see? There's always a time and a place for everything!"

I just threw my face down into my paws, trying to block out the whole stupid engagement. My tail fell limp in between my legs and I pitifully cried out, "just get me a cone please."

Retreating to a little bench by the stand I rested down and finally looked up from the ground. Of course Conner was at the stand getting my order, but I couldn't help but notice another small group of people just looking at me as they approached from where we had just came from.

Well... what are you going to do about it? Yeah I'm outside my Pokeball, so what?

But I overplayed it in my mind, and the small group beamed off to the left and Conner quickly overtook my vision brandishing his gift. "Whatcha' looking at buddy?"

I stretched my legs out and leaned my back against the bench, "well I'm looking at you now."

He quickly strode over next to me, and took a seat against me with his leg touching mine. It was slightly odd, but I just had to quickly remind myself we share the same bed. And hell, he lets me stay outside in the real word so I'd say I'm a pretty lucky Lucario.

My eyes slowly found their way over to his hand and I quickly noticed an error. "Hey... why'd you only get one?"

His face started to burn up slightly in the already warm sweet morning. But his reply sounded even more embarrassed, "well I got us a double scoop so we could share."

Huh? I wasn't even shocked by the idea, more so confused how this would work. "Uhh... how do we both eat it at the same time?"

He relaxed back, and brought the cone up towards my face, "well we can either wait for the other to finish, or just pick our own scoop."

My voice came out into a sigh, "well I guess we'll just have to share."

For some reason that made him chuckle lightly, "do you want top or bottom?"

Oh come on, does that even matter?

"I need to fit my big nose in some how, so I guess I'll just take the top one."

Deciding to not let him things make things any more awkward, or letting the ice cream melt, I maneuvered my muzzle around the cone and finally connected my tongue to the top chocolate scoop. The cold, yet amazing taste actually went well for a morning food. I slowly raised my paw to his hand, and assisted in holding the cone in the best way I could. And before I could recuperate his tongue smacked up against the bottom part of the cone.

From an outside perspective, this probably looked really odd, but I just shut everything and focused on my licking. Basically I was holding his hand, while we both were eating an ice cream cone trying not to overlap each other. But after some time I just had to take a break in order to get my tongue back into a more normal sensation.

The amazing chocolate taste practically took over my entire mind, "now this is a real treat."

He quickly stopped licking the lower portion and replied with chocolate all around his lips in a slightly humorous manner, "hey buddy, yah got some of that cream on your muzzle."

Really? I didn't even notice... Trying to be as smooth as possible, I quickly batted my muzzle with my spare paw in a desperate attempt to clean myself up. But thankfully Conner took action and cleaned off my muzzle for me with his own spare hand. A small blush started to creep up from underneath my fur, but I quickly dove back into the ice cream trying to mask my embarrassment.

Conner however only let out a soft giggle and swiftly returned to his now depleting portion. And as if nearly on que, my top portion completely collapsed and my tongue fell down to his portion, causing his tongue to brush up against mine.

I instantly froze in place, and he did exactly the same. But... but our tongues were still connected lying up on the ice cream. My face was practically smashed up against the cone, but I just couldn't drag it back.

Oh this is so... so wrong but he isn't pulling back either!

But he practically read my mind, and lowered the ice cream cone from our faces giving us a second to breath. He started to speak, "I uhh... not sure if," I quickly cut him off though.

My cold lips quickly pressed up against his spreading some ice cream across my face, but I didn't care. A small moan escaped our lips in unison, like we were both expecting this. The ice cream cone did manage to fall to the floor, but that wasn't even a subject of discussion at this point.

We kept this up to the point I felt something wet land on my head. Conner instantly jumped onto the word segment, "I uhh, I'm sorry."

My paw quickly cupped his mouth shut and shot my head upwards, and noticed that the entire sky darkened. "Okay... I have no idea why you're sorry, but this rain isn't gonna care."

I pulled my paw back from him, being extra careful to not of cut him in anyway. He quickly pouted out, "oh come on a little rain never hurt anyone." His hand started to slide up and down my leg creating a rather sensual feeling.

Damn this is really awkward. I quickly threw my arm around his shoulder and dropped my head down. "Well there's always a lot more privacy at home."

More raindrops came sailing through the air starting to soak up into the concrete, washing the remaining ice cream away.

"Oh why do we need privacy mister tongue?"

I quickly jumped up off of the bench, and very quickly and carefully hoisted him into the air and laid him out over my shoulder. "Cause I don't feel like drowning right now."

"Oh come on, it's just a little drizzle!"

Not even paying much attention, I started to run back home which was only a minute or so away with him bouncing up and down with every single step. "Yeah well I don't feel like getting wet!"

"I... you... fine!"

His pouting was quite cute, and for the first time my best friend was completely lost in my grasp. But luckily for us, we managed to get safely inside the house before any real damage could be done. I flipped the light switch on, and carefully planted him down onto the ground.

"Alright now we can actually talk about what just happened."

The soft sound of the rain beating against the room added a rather romantic ambiance. And I was even slightly afraid to call it romantic, but it felt right.

"Well sir, you're tongue seems to have found mine."

"He-hey not like I meant to!"

My tail started to wag against my will, completely blowing my cover. Oh thanks tail...

Of course he instantly picked up on that and quickly walked up against me carefully avoiding my spike. I wrapped my arms around him, and he slid his arms around my waist. But before I could even plant a kiss on his forehead, he grabbed my tail instantly causing me to jump.

I strained my tail against his hand trying to desperately fight back, "hey why are you grabbing my tail!"

"Cause I'm falling in love with you."

"Wait what?"


The single light I turned on instantly shut off, cascading the room back into minimal lighting. A distant boom of thunder followed up with the new ambient lighting in the room. I decided to be a smart ass for a second, "see? totally saw that one coming."

His hand dropped off my tail as well as his arms. "Well we can play a game will quick."

How did that? Nevermind. I let him go as well and he started to walk back into the bedroom. I chased after him and asked, "what type of game?"

He didn't respond, instead he just opened up his closet door and rummaged through it. I sat down on the bed slightly flustered, "alrighty then, waiting on that game."

But to my surprise he turned around and flaunted off a tennis ball. "Hey, does the doggy wanna go fetch?"

I laughed a little bit over the creativity, hell there isn't much else to do with no power. "Just saying I'm not gonna go fetch it."

But there was a spark in his eye, and he threw it back out into the main hallway.

Ahh screw it... I got up and ran after it, practically getting to it before it came to a full stop. Conner instantly broke out into laughter and he just leaned up against the wall watching me come back with my toy.

However, I was coming back a changed Lucario, cause I liked to play games. I entered back into the room and dropped the ball onto the ground leaving a satisfying pounding sound on the hard wood. "I love you too Conner."

There was no time for speaking, instead I just gave him a kiss from a safe distance, trying not to penetrate through his chest. He let out a soft groan and I fell into the kiss fully, blocking out the sound of the rain and thunder completely. The only thing I was hearing was his breath, and the sounds of our lips smacking. And then also the sweet sweet... wait what the hell?!

I somehow didn't notice it, but he slid his hand down my stomach and gripped my testicles. My entire body tensed up but... I wasn't going to stop him. The tip of my man hood instantly poked out through its sheath, already showing my excitement.

My lips slowly fell off of his as he kept up his little massage. "So... uhh... heh... what are you doing?"

He slid his hand up onto my sheath, growing my erection even further. "Playing a game."

I looked down at myself in complete amazement, there I was with a now raging boner, with my trainer fondling me. "Huh... so what's this one called?"

Our eyes locked onto each other's as his hand slid up onto my shaft. "It's called pleasing my Pokemon."

"Heh, pretty creative name."

He crouched down to his knees, with an erection of his own. "Good, I'm glad you like it!"

"What are you doing- oh!"

He instantly grabbed my member and ran his tongue around the tip of my member. A little giggle escaped his lips and he sunk his mouth onto my member sending so many different pleasure waves through my entire body.

But... I was feeling playful as well, and perhaps a little bit too playful. But I had a plan. I let him get about three more head strokes off, before I gently pushed his head back with my paw. His mouth slid off of my member leaving a small trail of saliva connected between his lips and my tip. "Wha... what?"

I didn't answer, instead I just placed my paws on the underside of his arms and hoisted him into the air. He had a slight look of confusion, but he seemed to be loving every second of this. "Wanna see a real doggy in action?"

His eyes glared, "ye... yes!"

"Heh... alright!"

I spun him around, and practically tackled him across the room onto the bed. The springs strained against the sudden weight, but they were about to be truly broken in. Deciding to keep my rampage up, I grabbed his shirt, and literally tore it off of his body. This entire time my member was laid up against his butt, luckily the bed was a perfect height.

"Whoa, easy there doggy."

Oh but we haven't even started! "I don't give a shit if I break this bed!"

With my intentions fully stated, I grabbed his shorts and completely stripped him down into the nude. He was rock hard, and butt already exposed for my doings.

"You wait right there Conner, give me a second."

He only let out a little squeak and turned his head to look at me. I backed away from him, with my paw sliding off of his thigh. I grabbed the tennis ball, and thrust it onto my chest spike. He had a look of pure anticipation on his face, like he was waiting for this for years.

I slid back over to my original position, and slowly slid the tip of my man hood into his butt. We both groaned out from the completely new sensation, and hell I felt pretty dumb with this tennis ball on my chest. But I bent over him, and rested the ball up on his back, it wasn't very comfortable, but sure as hell beat murder.

"Well, I'm glad you got me all lubed up, cause this'll be a tight fit."

"I don't know what you did with my old Lucario! But I like it!"

Taking his words as fuel, I humped into his tight passage way breaking every tie I knew about. "Ahh dang it Conner!"

He reacted by stretching out, making the whole sensation even more erotic. And after a few more seconds, I was already full lengths inside of him, with my knot smashing off of his entrance.

But his following words surprised me even more, "come on... gotta try harder than that to win!"

"Oh trust me Conner, I'm gonna win!"

I gripped at the back of his hair, and pulled out only to fully thrust back in rocking his entire body along the bed. And every once in-awhile, the entire room would flash to life from a distant lightning bolt.

Honestly, my pace was a lot more feral then anything, but I knew just how badly I needed this, and he was more than happy to supply.

The mixed sound of rain and slapping sounds of the sex was really quite something on its own, and brought me closer to climax.

He was practically moaning the entire time, and I figured it was about time to seal the deal. I growled out, "You're about to be mine forever!"

I had my full weight pressing him down into the bed and still had my paw entangled into his hair. With one final thrust, my knot finally slipped deep inside, and my seed wasn't far after. My entire aura pulsated with a blue spastic light coating the entire room. Even the lightning wasn't bright enough to drown out the light of my love.

My entire body slumped over onto his, I was just completely exhausted.

The last words I heard were, "good doggy..."