Horns for your Birthday (Illustrated)

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Miketest63! Happy Birthday to youuuuu!"

A birthday present for a new, but dear friend of mine and a newcomer to SoFurry who I dragged here :D I wish you a wonderful year to come and steamy paw-sessions with this present! I hope it satisfies all sorts of day dreams and make your day just a little bit hotter ;3

Story by moi

Pickles belongs to moi

Axel belongs to Mikey

Art by Pathesis

Artist: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pathesis/

Original Art submission: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14577699/#cid:87814437

Soft, lazy waves stretched up to the shore kissing it with white-tipped lips. With every moment, the gentle wusshhh of the water broke apart with the interruptive squeals of childish delight from droves of kids ranging from the short, curious nine-year olds to clumped, chattering 16-year olds. Each of them, ranging from the shortest, squatest runt to the bulkiest, buffest macho man wore a matching t-shirt bearing the circular logo of cartoon paws held together around blocky, cheerful lettering- "Ocean Spray Camp" while the white outline of a wave broke over the 'S.'

Three days into the two-week camp, friend groups had formed between the children- all selected based on their financial situation outside of the charity summer camp to participate in something to brighten otherwise unsure summers. The youngest group: a spunk, speckled leopard; a fuzzy, growing lioness; and a short, fluffy housecat clumped together into an adopted litter that hovered near to their favorite counsellor, whose t-shirt bore the same logo but on a bright yellow fabric instead of the muted, primary hues of the campers. Like the waves, the cubs' giggles rose and fell in steady pulses with an obvious high point and then a twiddling beat of rest while they played on their chosen jungle gym. With a fiery hue of orange fur, the lanky maned wolf even mimicked the colorful shades of play equipment. His blue eyes flashed with a soft twinkle of enjoyment even as the girls tugged on the sweep of black hair between his eyes, using it as a handle.

Across the beach, the other assigned counselor leaned back into sand on her back, cradling one of the youngest, male campers against her side. His head rested on her stomach, rising and falling with every slow breath she took. Gingerly, her fingers toyed with the little curls on the boy's head, singing in a hushed, whispered voice: "Somewhere over the rainbow... Bluebirds fly... And the dreams that you dreamed of, dreams really do come true." Her breath sucked in a lazy, wavering sound, before she continued. "Someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me, where trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney tops, That's where you'll find me..."

Her voice petered off, letting the distant combination of giggles, gossip, and gulls take over until the boy lifted up his head from the girl's exposed, softly furred stomach that showed with her t-shirt tied up beneath her breasts, covering a bikini top beneath. One hand innocently tugged on the soft, golden fluff on her thighs before he looked at her while nuzzling her belly button sleepily. "What dreams do you dream?" He whispered, with the sweet curiosity of a young mind.

A playful grin swept up the canine's lips into a little smirk. Her eyes peeked over the beach towards the other counselor assigned to the area, the maned wolf now being tackled down into the sand by a pile of young girls, all happily basking in his brotherly affection. "I think I dream of a new friend..." She told the boy, petting his head as it shifted to see where she looked, identifying the other counselor easily.

"You want to make Axel your friend?" The small German Shepherd started to shift on her stomach, reaching an oversized paw up to hers and 'helping' her off the toasted sand. "I can introduce you, dreams really do come true!" A gap-filled smiled flashed up at the girl briefly before she was tugged down the beach, the tuft of her tail wagging as she followed the boy.

Standing in front of the teenager and his trio of girls, the young pup cleared his throat. "Axel?"

Two, striking blue swept up towards the newcomers. At the sight of the familiar camper, a warm smile broke over the wolf's muzzle, showing the small glint of his pointed canines. "Heya, Buddy. Whatcha need? Who's this?" His eyes shifted to the other counsellor, someone he'd seen only in brief passing and during their early name-games before they'd all been given a girl cabin or a boy cabin and separated off to different jobs. Long legs, covered in lush fur led up to wide hips, held in tiny, jeans shorts paired with her counsellor top, rolled up to show her stomach, covered in lighter fur. From the neckline of her shirt, he could seen the strings of her bikini top and the free jostling of her breasts in the t-shirt revealed the swimsuit must be a certain degree of skimpy.

As if they'd practiced, all three girls piped up. "That's Pickles! She's our boss of the night!" Giggles flew out of their lips before they waved cheerfully at the canine.

"Oh yeah? Should I meet her? Is she nice?" Axel's entire focus shifted to the girls, a playful grin on his muzzle still.

"Oh yeah! She sings to us every night! Plus, she brought snacks from 'Merica!" The lioness supplied, beaming up at her counsellor for a brief second before she grew distracted with her friends once again.

"Yeah?" Axel's gaze shifted to the girl with a merely friendly smile. "Well hello, boss of the night."

Pickles chuckled, imagining herself being an entirely different kind of 'boss' in the night, but by the docile smile on the other canine's face, he obviously didn't have his mind in the gutter as she did. "Hello to you too." She paused as sand seemed to explode around them while the four children scampered off down the beach to a developing sand castle city. "Would you want to take a dip with me? Since we just lost our charges for a few."

Slowly, the wolf rose to his feet, brushing off sand from his short as he did so. "Sure, it's a bit hot. It'll feel good."

The girl nodded, eyeing the front of his swim trunks with untamable curiosity, but her glances revealed nothing. As she led their way to the edge of the water, her hips swayed with a flirtatious sashay, staying just enough in front of the male so her ass showed, peeking out of the bottom of her shorts. While she walked, she started to lifted the bottom of her top, raising it so Axel saw as the fabric slipped up her back, revealing the flimsy string that tied into a bow to hold the triangles of fabric for her swimsuit on. Before it uncovered her breasts, she turned and walked backwards, idly mentioning something as the fabric uncovered the little triangles of white that covered and attempted to contain her breasts. The full, bouncy C-cups seemed ready to spill out of the suit, but it held with every jiggling step.

Sheepishly, Axel shifted his gaze out towards the water, politely ignoring her chest- much to the girl's dismay!

"S-so, you certainly have a bit of a pose forming! Is there going to be a lot of competition for your affection?" She purred, stepping closer so he felt the soft flesh of her breasts briefly press to his arm, tickling his fur with her own lush coat.

"I-uh." A shuffling step moved him away from her and towards the water. "No, I'm sure the girls love everyone just the same. They are full of love."

An irritated little grumble nearly escaped the canine, giving the back of the wolf's head a "Seriously?"-stare before she raced towards the water. "Come on in!" She barked back, hoping swimming together would drag his mind off the kids long enough to notice her flirting. As she hurried to the water, she carelessly dropped her shorts, tossing them back towards the beach as her matching white bottoms showed even more of her round ass. Axel swallowed, averting his stare as his mind clouded.

"God, I've been here for nearly a week and haven't masturbated since I left home, and this girl doesn't even realize what she's doing to me" he muttered to himself, hurrying into the cold water to kill the swelling boner in his shorts, blessing the freezing bite of the waves to nip the problem in the bud.

"God, I've been here for nearly a week and haven't masturbated since I left home, and this boy doesn't even realize I'm doing anything!" Pickles thought to herself, pouting as she turned towards the male, flicking her suit slightly so she forced a nip-slip of her skimpy suit.

Seeing the little rosy bead of her nipple, peeking out of the side of her top as if playing peek-a-boo with him, Axel flushed. He looked out towards the water and shouted about just diving in to get used to the cold, escaping the burning sight of the innocent slip.

"Argh!" The girl growled, following him into the water, this time with a little toying with her entire bikini top's strings, loosening them so they tumbled off as she surfaced feet from the boy. "Oi!" She gasped, playfully making an O of her lips.

"Oh no!" Axel mirror, eyes making quarters as he ogled the girl briefly, swallowing needily. The sight of her full breasts, suddenly bared to him with a stiff nipple poking out from the soft fur on each tit, stiff from the cold, he couldn't handle it. "I-I..."

"Will you help me?" She requested, shuffling close to him- close enough that her breasts rubbed against his chest as she tipped her head to exposed her neck where she'd tossed the loose, untethered ties. His breath caught at the sensation of her soft tits basically mashed against him as she peeked up from beneath the fluttering veil of her eyelashes.

"Oh-Uh-Of course!" His hands fumbled, clumsily grabbing onto the ties and securing them once again before shuffling away again, tipping his focused to the shore once again. "I should check on the girls!" He called over one should, hurrying back to shore as he shoved his boner down into the water again, imagining dead hamsters to kill the pulsating rod.

"Damn!" Pickles grumbled, looking down at herself with a huff. "He's either not interested or the dumbest man on Earth. For my sake, I'm assuming the second." She briefly resituated her breasts and followed after him, chewing at her lip nervously as she made her way to wear he'd collapsed on the sand near the playing girls.

"Hey Axel..." She crooned, voice lowering into a whisper. "Guess who's horny?"

His cheeks instantly colored at her words. The rough, rumble of her whisper sent chills down his spine while her intense, green- colored stare held him for a full second of unblinking eye contact. His words caught in his throat, but before he could speak someone else did, with obvious curiosity.

"What's horny mean?"

Instantly, a grin broke over Pickles's muzzle, "Well, horny means to have horns, like a bull does!" She lifted her hands to her head, mimicking horns before she looked at Axel again, purposely showing him the horns on top of her head. "Get it? Horn-y!"

The kids squealed with delight at this new idea, forming their own horns and plowing each other back into the sand with explosions of the little grains all around them. "Wh-why are you telling me this?" Axel stammered, looking stricken and unsure.

"Because, Axel, I want you to be like a bull to, for me... I was thinking maybe you could... plow into me?" Her innocently voice squeaked up, eyebrows goofily waggling with the insinuation. One finger found the bulge in his shorts, unhideable now. She traced around the fat shape, squeezing over the girth that throbbed under the thin fabric of his shorts. "I wanna see this all hard... and wet... with saliva." Her tongue swept out, licking over her lips. "Okay?"

His head bobbed once in a meek 'yes,' though his words couldn't seem to escape from the clog in his throat. Her hand gently found his, tugging him up and towards a narrow path into a hidden area at the edge of the beach, obscured with piled up driftwood. Tucking into their relative privacy, she lowered onto the sand, hooking her thumbs into the top of his swim trunks and easing the waistband down, cooing as every inch of his cock came into view. Thick veins ran up his length, following the full seven inches up to a flared tip while the base bulged with a pulsing knot.

"Mmmm..." A finger ran over his know, rubbing along the veins that showed around its girth. "Knot." A playful grin held her lips, keeping them in a happy little smile before her lips pressed into a pucker, kissing to his tip and breaking his silence with a gasp.

"A-ah... The kids..."

Pickles just giggled, glancing once back at the beach where the kids still played as bulls, racing at each other. "They're just as horny as we are." She joked, banishing his complaints as a hand coiled around his length and started to pump over him, slowly caressing her soft paw pads over every inch while her lips rose to the head, spreading out around his plump girth and lowering the steaming heat of her mouth over the first portion.

"Ohhh..." Axel breathed, puffing air from his open maw as two hands scooped up the mutt's ears, rubbing over their soft, curled hairs and petting at their hair atop her head while her lips sunk lower, bobbing down his length.


A week without release and the arousing surprise of the girl's seduction did the boy no favor, leaving him whimpering with the first time her lips kissed to his base, making his tip dip down into her throat where it constricted tightly around him. Then she eased back, returning to just her tongue playing with him, toying with the entirety of his length.

Her tongue was slick, warm, and fluid as it glided over the curve of his tip lazily as though she had all the time in the world to sit on her knees servicing him despite the children racing around the beach without their watching eyes. When his lip loosened and drooped forward slightly with a pant that threatened to let his pink tongue unravel from his lips like any canine, she returned a warm coo, sounding delighted to be bringing him pleasure. Slowly, her tongue crawled higher up his length, tracing its way up the underside of his cock over the veins decorating the flesh while the tip rested between her eyes. Once her tongue tip lapped against his base, her nose twitching at the musky scent, she pulled back swiftly and parted her lips around the tip, sinking the heat of her warm down over top of his girth, encompassing every inch in her elongated muzzle, surrounding him in the wet heat of her mouth and rubbing him to the ridged roof of her jaw. Once her lips kissed to his base once again, following after her tongue, her mouth constricted in a powerful suck- the sudden clenching around his sensitive flesh brought a throaty moan from the male, both knees wobbling beneath him.

"Ah... I... I'm guh-guh..." Her suckling lips pulled back, just enough to whisper in a husky tone, "Cum for me, Axel. Give it to me." Her lips opened wide, presenting her tongue as her paw pumped down his length, jacking him off with fast, jerking motions.

"Ah, Ah, Ah!" He gasped, breathing gushing from his mouth until he finally choked on the air and the first spurt of cum splattered over the girl's pink tongue, contrasting the rosy shade. The salty pang of his jizz stained her mouth, bringing her tongue licking up the mess from her lips while she lewdly swallowed with an audible sound. Glancing up at him, her tongue traces over his shaft once more, this time to clean up the lingering precum and saliva smeared over his length.

Holding his gaze, she winked playfully before rising from her knees and kissing his cheek once. "I'll find you later!"


And find him later she did. Once the moon had risen high into the sky and gotten fat off a midnight snack. Each of her little cubs were snug in their bed, crashed from sugar highs and zipped up inside sleeping bags. Their heads were all nestled on pillows, filled with the lingering sound of her voice singing and humming happier than usual. In the dark, without her flashlight, for fear of rousing the girl's, Pickles's slipped into a pair of flip flops to match with the oversized t-shirt she wore, hanging to mid-thigh.

Creeping past the creaky board and into the cool, summer night, Pickles crept across the camp to the 'boy' side, picking the one she knew housed her favorite maned wolf. Slipping inside, found the familiar, bright fur and shuffled over his sleeping form, straddling his face so that her pussy, bare beneath her makeshift nightgown hovered mere inches from his lips and nose. Her thick scent, earthy and spicy, filled his nose. Leaning her mouth as close to his ear as she could reach, she whispered in a deep, raspy tone: "You, my dear, have a favor to return."

Axel's eyes fluttered open, widening as he realized just what hovered over him with a gasp that puffed out against the girl's sex. "Oh?" He mumbled, nuzzling into her thigh, "I do?" His nuzzling morphed into soft, building kisses.

Incrementally, the butterfly-like kisses worked closer to the main heat of her sex. His lips dipped further between her thighs exploring her in the night and lighting down onto the soft flesh above her slit. A full, pressing kiss dotted over the velvet of her fur, but then retreated back to her waistline. Lightly, his tongue dipped out with a short lick. His lips worked harder against her skin, still soft, but now a beat longer against all the same skin again like a second coat of paint.

Above him, the puppy gasped out into the air, grabbing onto the side of his bed and biting to her lip with a furtive glance towards the two sleeping forms also occupying the cabin. Every exhale washed hot breath over her vulva, tickling her lower lips while his lips seemed to skim over the most sensitive flesh of all of the sex itself and forcing her to bite harder onto her lip to trap in the little mewls of delight that threatened to escape. Her clit throbbed, swollen and poking out from her lips, but Axel expertly ignored the familiar pleasure buzzer, keeping his pace agonizingly slow. His lips started to work closer to her sex. His long traced along her lower lips, without pushing between them to her wet heat. Kisses coated the space around where her clit pushed out from her sex. Her crotch buzzed with stimulation. Heat and wetness copiously radiated and leaked out from her. Fingers continued to pet down her thighs, massaging and caressing the lush fur while a kiss pressed against her lips directly and the tip of his tongue started to tease between.

"A-ah... You're good at this." She praised meekly, giving him a wide eyed glance from above, thigh shuddering around his head.

With his lips pressed over top of her own Axel couldn't return her statement with a true grin, but she felt his mouth curling against her before his tongue tip started to stroke down between the slit of her sex, but with merely the tip. Instead of the full, broad stretch of his tongue licking up between her sex, just the tip stroked down the sensitive line as though he was merely sampling her spicy flavor.

"L-like r-r-rrrrreally good." She stammered, starting to make a gaspy, purring sound low in her throat along with muffled, guttural whines. Her entire body seemed to be at his mercy. Relaxed, yet tensed, every touch of his tongue made her breath out in a moaned exhale. When his tongue reached up towards her clit, she'd whimper, but each time Axel would avoid the most sensitive bead itself, leaving it torturously ignored while he bathed the rest of her bare sex in his saliva, letting her t-shirt pool over his head as though he hid beneath it, sneakily pleasuring the girl while his friends slept on either side of them. Wetness clung to the male's chin. Slowly, his lips inched down and licked at her from angled below, teasing the sensitive patch between her ass and her lips, soaking her perineum with wet kisses and strokes from his tongue. Situating himself over her entrance, still without parting her lower lips apart, Axel dove his tongue between so just the tip could reach inside her, feeling the needy clench of her sex against him. Pickles's breathing hitched, she tried to buck up to his lips with an impatient jerk of her body but the hands on her thighs held her down.

"Nuh uh uh. You asked for this! You demanded this!" Axel scolded to her skin, glancing up to see her lips hanging open in a wanton pant and her cheeks flushed with heat in the dim light of the moon that snuck into the cabin through the opened windows, partly obscured by her massive t-shirt hanging in his face. Her body shivered with every lick. She twitched with the slightest parting of her lower lips, feeling them finally spread open at the process restarted.

One hand, with two fingers, carefully spread the girl's lower lips open to expose the rosy red inner folds while his tongue stroked down the entire length of her slit once again, starting with a teasing flick over her tightly puckered asshole before stretching up just beneath her clit and then darting away. His lips pushed down against her opening, letting his tongue dig down into her snatch, slurping up the copious, wet excitement that leaked out from her body built up after seven entire days without release, building it up and up. As if frenching her, his tongue worked into her, rubbing to the textured inner walls of her heated sex. Her body quivered. Her body quaked. A gasp of a moan escaped with the heat and wetness of his mouth over her body and the tongue rubbing inside of her, soaking the entrance of her sex with spit as she messied his face.

"Ah! Axel! Keep going!" She pleaded, trying to buck and grind to him, but he still held her down from controlling her pleasure. rocking the cot slightly on the wood floor of the cabin. His tongue even pulled all the way out and went back to licking in broad strokes up her slit.

As a moan poured of of the girl and broke through the silence of the night and her chest shook against the air, Axel pressed his mouth over her clit. His lips suctioned over the sensitive bead, puffing air out from his nose while his tongue started to flick over the swollen, nerve-packed clitoris. Back and forth. Up and down. His tongue worked mercilessly over the sensitive thing. As his mouth focused on her clit, a finger teased to her entrance and sunk into the knuckle, giving her just a taste of penetration as she bucked and moaned into the air, desperately.

The puppy nearly screamed, finally feeling her needy clit stimulated had her hovering at the edge in minutes, but Axel pulled back and left it throbbing bare in the air once again as soon as she started to tense and contract around the finger easing into her, robbing her of the wanted orgasm. His pinky finger rubbed over her asshole, feeling her wetness that pooled in the pucker while his tongue kissed along her inner thighs, giving her clit a break as a second finger joined the first and pumped into her. His digits curled up, searching for the rough patch of her g-spot before finding it with a loud howl into the air from the trembling female, shaking the walls of the little cabin and rousing the two sleeping males with muffled gasps of surprise.

Her hips jerked needily, giving merely a squirm beneath his hand as two fingertips rubbed to her g-spot, pressing with unrelenting pressure just as his mouth closed over her clit once again, rubbing his tongue over the pulsing, heated nub.

Mewls filled the air, desperate gasping screams. She humped down down against his face, forcing him to keep going, smearing her need all over his chin and tangling her shirt over his mouth, drying up the mess.

This time, he doubled his efforts at the first sign of orgasm. Her screamed into the air and he suckled harder over her clit. She howled out his name still too lost to realize she was announcing their activities to anyone, and his tongue flicked faster and harder to the needy buzzer. She contracted around his fingers, and the digits pushed harder into the fleshy g-spot. Her legs curled up around his head clutching around his neck, finally allowing her to hump and grind to his face as her entire body tensed and rolled through a gut-wrenching orgasm.

The puppy seemed to run out of stream instantly, slumping over onto him with a little grunt before she squirmed her hips away from him desperately to hide her sensitive, pulsating clit away from his torturously pleasuring lips. "Ah... Stop... Stop..." She whimpered into his ear, curling towards his shoulders as the two other males in the cabin sheepishly looked at their camp mate with wide questioning stares, to which he merely widened his own eyes at in response as though to scare them off.

She passed out moments later, slumping into his chest and breathing into his neck in gaspy puffs. As he fell asleep, Axel circled an arm around the girl, pulling her tightly to his chest and slipping into his own, deep sleep.


At day break, Pickles woke to the first stream of sunlight and escaped back to her cabin, leaving a wet kiss over her bed partner's lips before she hurried back, only to find the leader of the retreat sitting on her bunk.

"Hello, Miss Pickles. I've been hearing some things about you, Missy, and I have a group of eight and nine year olds telling me they're horny." A stern stare held the groggy girl's wide-eyed, doe-in-headlights imitation.

"I-I was just telling them how to be bulls..."

"Is that what the racket last night was too? We were just playing as bulls again?"

Pickles flushed, fidgeting. "Uh yeah, something like that."