Gray - 1. A Day In The Life

Story by JakeM on SoFurry

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Thought I'd upload my second story series to SoFurry, this one got pretty much no attention on InkBunny when I uploaded it there, so I wanted to see how it went over here. Let me know what you think!

'A Day In The Life' Is a 1967 Beatles' song on their 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' album, a very sad song dedicated to their manager, Brian Epstein, who died of a drug overdose in 1967.

I recommend you read Arin's back story before reading this, it can be found here:

DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental, though there may people mentioned who are present in real life.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author. Any names or products mentioned that are present in real life are copyrighted to their rightful owners.



1 - A Day In The Life

The music died slowly, held on for much longer than natural, due to the heavy amount of amplification and technology employed at a concert of this standard and size. The odd shout and cheer was audible through the thousands of screaming fans 'I LOVE YOU!' 'ARIN OVER HERE!' were the most common. The Rabbit stepped away from his mic, bathing in the love radiating off his audience, and bowed to his adoring fans, flashing them his adorable smile and waved, seeing his fellow band mates, the 3 other members of 'Spotlight Arin' doing the same. It struck him suddenly at how famous they had become in such a short time, less than a year ago the 4 boys were struggling to find a gig in a local pub, none of them could have guessed that by now they would have a best selling album and be on a sold-out world tour. He gave them one final wave and walked off stage, handing his favourite Gibson Les Paul to a stage hand, before giving the man a stern look.

'If you drop that, or damage it in any way, you're paying.' He said to the older man, obviously shocked and quite offended by the arrogance of the famous young rabbit, he just grumbled and walked off with the star's precious guitar.

Arin made his way backstage to his dressing room, smiling at people who greeted him along the way, but wishing they would just fuck off and leave him alone. He walked into his enormous dressing room, a large desk with a mirror attached was on the left hand side as you walked in, along with a fridge containing many different drinks and food stuffs, on the right was a sofa that took up an entire wall, with a large but low glass coffee table just in front of it, littered with magazines, empty beer cans, bottles of vodka and general mess. The rest of the room was pretty similar to the coffee table, covered in crap. Arin's clothes were tossed across the floor, a mixture of his tight jeans and tight t-shirts, generally dark colours to stand out against his light grey/off-white fur. In one corner of the room was a door leading to a sizeable en suite bathroom. In the top corner opposite the sofa was an extremely large flat screen TV, and below it raised up on a stand was the latest games console. In various places around the messy room were Arin's guitars, propped up against a wall or just lying on the floor.

He closed the door behind him a turned round, locking it and resting his fist of the frame, closing his eyes and sighing, thinking back on his life, as always happened after a concert. He pulled himself away, his ears still ringing from his concert and the screaming fans. Lowering himself into the large sofa he relaxed for a few seconds, loving the plush feeling around him. His eyes still closed he struggled to access the pockets of his tight jeans. Finally reaching inside he grabbed the small plastic package within. Pulling it out he peeled himself off the sofa and sat forward, so he was leaning over the glass coffee table. Sighing he undid the seal on the package and poured the contents onto the surface.

Grabbing a nearby piece of paper he divided the cocaine into separate lines, making it easier for him to inhale. Without a second thought he rolled up the piece of paper and placed it to his nose. Positioning the other end at the base of one of the lines, breathing in as he did so, he pushed the paper up the line, inhaling the drug like a vacuum cleaner. He did so for the rest of the lines. Once he was done he got up and threw the piece of paper away and started wiping his nose, for fear of any remnants of the powder. As he did this, however, a knock was heard at the door 'Shit.' He thought to himself, rubbing the table to get rid of the last of the cocaine and straightened out his clothes slightly, before sitting back down on the sofa, trying to look casual. 'What is it?' he called out, deliberately sounding as if he didn't want to be disturbed.

'I'm sorry to disturb you Mr Gray, but there are several fans here with backstage passes who would very much like to meet you.' An authoritative voice called out, it was the stage manager.

'Can't they visit Joe? Or Damian? Hell, even Jack would be happy to see them.' He called back.

'I'm... sorry sir, but the rest of the band members are currently indisposed. As these fans did pay nearly twice as much for their tickets they are entitled to meet you.' The professional replied, a touch of annoyance at the boy creeping into his voice.

'Oh for fucks sake...' Arin mumbled, before sighing 'Okay fine, I'll talk to them, but not for long. Gimme a sec.' The drugs were starting to take effect, and everything was moving very fast around him, as he moved his head the light from the lamp in the corner followed him, like a paint brush being drawn over his eyes. He felt alert, more awake and energised. He jumped up from the sofa and did pumped his fists as he ran on the spot, as if he was about to run a marathon. He bounced over to the door, suddenly feeling extremely happy and pleased to meet his fans. He unlocked the door and opened it with a big smile, to be faced with a tall leopard frowning down at him, the stage manager. He stepped aside to reveal 5 shy and excited looking teenagers, from about the age of 15 - 18, three girls and two boys. 'Hello!' he said loudly and over excitedly. He stood back from his door, letting the 5 kids in, as each walked past he noticed their ID cards and memorised their names. 1, a lioness named Rebecca, 2, a pony named Chantelle, 3, a very attractive fox named Max, he was 17 years old, 4, a panther named Jessica and 5, a slender but cute Puma named Robbie, also 17.

The 5 teenagers entered the room and stood awkwardly in one corner as Arin walked over to the fridge, everything going a mile a minute, his head in the most wonderful of euphoric places. He opened the fridge and giggled and how amazing fridges really were. Suddenly remembering there were 5 anxious fans behind him he reached out and grabbed a beer 'Anyone want one?' The three girls all shook their heads, but the two boys both said 'yes' in unison. Arin smiled at them and reached back in, showing the 5 his toned backside through his jeans, and grabbed another 2 cans, chucking them over to Ollie and Robbie. Arin opened his bottle and slightly staggered back over to his sofa, the fans huddled in their group, shifting their position so they were always facing the star as he walked about. The rabbit sat down and looked up at the kids staring down at him. They stared and he sat awkwardly for a few silent moments. 'Well?' He asked eventually.

Is if that broke the ice all 5 fans started quickly throwing their praises over to him, the girls in particular very fervent in their appreciation. Arin smiled at what he heard, the drugs making every sound crisp and pleasing, but he could not understand what all of them were saying, so, in a calm manner he lifted his paw up for silence, immediately all 5 squawking teenagers stopped and waited. This made Arin smile even more, the way they worshipped him like that felt incredible. 'One at a time, please, I want to hear all of you say how great I am.' He said, with only a little sarcasm, but a smug grin plastered across his face. He turned to the Pony, Chantelle, first, as she was the youngest at only 15. 'Hi sweetie.'

Chantelle looked as if Arin had just asked her to marry him, her eyes were glazed over in pure adoration, she realised she hadn't spoken so quickly stuttered 'Uhh... h...hi, A...Arin. Umm, th...that was a great concert. Uhh, I love all your songs and I...I think your voice is amazing...' She blushed and trailed off. 'C...can I have your autograph?' She asked meekly.

Arin bounced up and walked straight towards her, giving her a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead. 'Of course, sweetie.' He signed her album and a photo of himself, writing a little message 'Dear Chantelle, thank you so much for coming to my concert, it was lovely meeting you, all the best, Arin Gray xox.'

Chantelle's cheeks turned from a previously brownish colour to bright pink, which made Arin smile and want to reach out touch the fur, as if it would be hot to the touch. 'Th...thank you much!'

'Oh, T'was nuthin.' He said in a fake southern American accent. 'Go on, maybe you can go can see Joe or Damian.' Chantelle nodded and practically ran out of the room. Arin watched her go, trying not to giggle. He turned to the remaining four and noticed they were all clutching similar items that Chantelle had, he signed them all, writing little messages, chatting with each of them in turn, spending a little more time with Robbie and Max than the girls, just so he could eye them up and flirt a little, the two boys seemed to love it.

'Uhh... I have to go, th...thank you for signing my stuff, Mr Gray.' The lioness Rebecca timidly said, looking a bit embarrassed at the fact she had interrupted her favourite star when he was talking to one of his fans.

Arin turned around. 'Oh, okay, it was really nice to meet you, keep listening! And please, call me Arin. Mr Gray is... was... my father.' His face darkened and his eyes closed at the sudden memory flashing across his mind 'IT WAS YOUR FAULT.' His mind shouted at him. He opened his eyes and snapped back to his drug altered reality, everything spinning slightly. He smiled again, reassuring the frightened lioness. 'I hope to see you at another one of my gigs.' With that she turned and ran in a similar fashion to Chantelle. He moved back to Robbie, looking at him up and down, fiddling with the slightly younger boy's top button on his collar. 'So, Robbie, know of anyone you fancy?' He winked.

The puma looked confused, but quickly caught on, as he stared down into the shorter rabbit's icy blue eyes. 'Well... there is this one g-'

He was cut off by the remaining female, Jessica the panther, clearing her throat. She was the same age as Arin, at 18. Arin spun around to face her. She walked forward, slowly and seductively, as if on a catwalk, her breasts jutting out, her bra barely keeping them in place. As she moved her pitch black fur rippled in a sensual dance. Arin just stared at her deep green eyes. She placed her soft paw on Arin's shoulder and slowly paced around him, keeping her paw on his body at all times, Arin stood but followed her eyes when they were visible to him. She was incredibly beautiful, there was no denying it.

She spoke with a deep alto voice, like velvet, confident and smooth. 'I really like your band Arin, you especially. Your voice is really... unique, and the way you pluck your guitar strings, well... I'd very happy for you to pluck my strings any time.' She whispered into his ear, so he could feel her warm breath on his face, which felt incredible to the high rabbit.

His voice cracked in a very pubescent way as he spoke to her 'Thank you very much, uhh, Jessica, b... but you're not my type.' He tried to remain cool in front of the two boys behind him.

The cat purred slightly and smiled at him, then at the other boys. 'Very well, rock star. It was nice meeting you.' She said this line as she walked toward the door, her figure very well on display, and her sleek black tail dragging behind her as she left.

Arin followed her with his eyes as she left the room, in a sort of trance. He quickly shook his head and spun round, smiling, to face the two boys. 'Well, now that the girls are all gone... would you two like another beer?' they both nodded their heads enthusiastically as he headed to the fridge and grabbed 2 mores cans. He handed one to each of them, taking their empty cans at the same time. As he did so he ensured his paw lingered on top of their paw a little too long and looked into their eyes, noticing that both gave him the same look, a mixture of nerves, adoration, love and... lust.

Arin gave them his most adorable look before walking over and closing the door, then sitting in the middle of the sofa. As it was, the top of Arin's head come up to the bottom of the puma, Robbie's head, and to eye level with the fox, Max. He couldn't deny that both were very attractive boys, and he wasn't going to let them leave until they did him a little favour. 'Hey guys, come on, make yourself comfortable.' He gestured to the sofa and spread his arms along the back, prompting the boys to sit either side of him. 'So, what were your favourite bits of tonight?' He asked casually, but with a slight edge to it, as the drugs were still making his head buzz.

Robbie lowered himself on the right of Arin, making sure the famous rabbit's arm was around his shoulders, and their legs were touching. The slightly less confident fox sat down on Arin's left, not quite as close as Robbie was, but the rabbit's arm was still around his slender frame. Max spoke first. 'Well, umm... it was all amazing, seriously! I loved you cover of 'A Day In The Life' by The Beatles, it was incredible, oh! And Mrs Robinson was great... and Johnny B Goode, and all of your own songs were amazing... Seriously, you guys are like the modern day Beatles.'

Arin stiffened slightly before turning to the fox. 'No, no we're not. Don't compare us to The Beatles, no one will ever be as good as The Beatles, they were and still are the greatest rock band of all time, and we will never come close. Please, don't make any comparisons to them.' The fox was a little taken aback and looked quite upset. Arin felt a bit sorry for him and drew him in for a sideways hug, pulling him close, putting his paw on the fox's leg. 'I'm sorry, I know you meant it as a good thing, and thank you.' Still holding the fox, who was in absolute heaven at being hugged by his idol, and could definitely feel a stir in his boxer shorts, Arin turned back to Robbie, who was looking a little jealous at the hug. 'What about you, Robbie?'

'Uhh... Yeah, it was all... good. Umm.' He was clearly distracted by the growing bulge in the rabbit's right jeans, and wished it was him being held, not the timid fox.

'Just good?' Arin asked jokily, as he noticed where the puma's eyes had fallen. With his other arm he pulled Robbie in close, so both the boys were snuggled up against their favourite star. Arin could practically smell their arousal, which made him smile and his own cock beg to be released from the constricting trousers.

'Uhh, sorry. Yeah, it was amazing.' Robbie pulled himself together to look into the famous teenager's eyes, falling into the icy blue caverns. 'Your cover of the Kinks' song 'You've Really Got Me Going,' really... got me going.' He winked at the rabbit and lowered his paw onto his leg, gently rubbing near the groin, making Arin sigh with pleasure. The rabbit leaned forward and engaged Robbie in a passionate kiss, both tasting each other's mouths and tongues, Robbie surprised at first, but soon melting into it, in utter bliss and amazement.

Max watched with wide eyes, his mouth also slightly open in surprise. Not really knowing what he was doing, he lowered his paw to his groin and began massaging the bulge within, not taking his eyes off the erotic kiss.

Arin noticed Max's paw lower out of the corner of his eye, and he turned to face him. 'May I?' he asked smoothly. The fox was confused for a second before quickly nodding. Arin smiled and leaned in, giving him an equally passionate kiss as he had given Robbie. The puma moved his paw over slightly, so it was on top of Arin's bulge, and he began firmly massaging it, eliciting moans of pleasure through the rabbit, which in turn sent soft vibrations through the fox, making him tremble in bliss. Arin turned back to Robbie and kissed him, feeling Max's paw join Robbie's in massaging his bulge. The rabbit switched frequently between the two muzzles we was enjoying tasting so much. Eventually he pulled away 'So, what's going to happen now?' he said, looking from side to side at the boys.

Robbie gave a cheeky smile and undid the button on the rabbit's tight trousers and, with a little help from Max, lowered them to his knees, along with his boxers, revealing the rabbit's full 6.3 inch erection. The sudden hit of cool air on his sensitive skin sent pleasurable shivers down Arin's spine, making his cock throb slightly as a large drop of precum formed at the tip. He closed his eyes and relaxed back, his head resting on the sofa 'Get to work.' He said quietly, the drugs making every little touch and sound seem to be amplified 10 times, sending him into a state of euphoria.

Robbie looked at Max briefly, who was a little unsure still, and shrugged. He dived down onto the rabbit's cock, savouring the taste of the famous teenager's precum, right to the base of his cock, inhaling the masculine musk, better than any cologne. He pulled back up and let the member fall from his mouth, he started to lick along the shaft, Arin breathing heavily and letting out soft moans of ecstasy, the sensation enhanced by the cocaine.

Max looked down at the cock being serviced by the puma, he couldn't resist any longer, so he dived down as well, licking along the other side of the shaft, the two boys' tongues rubbing together often, making them stop and give each other passionate kisses. Robbie took the rabbit's length back into his mouth, guzzling down any precum that came his away, letting Max taste it in their kisses, as the fox rubbed his muzzle around the base of the famous cock and balls, suckling on his testicles, and inhaling his sweet scent. They swapped every so often. Arin just lay back with a big goofy grin plastered on his face. He was on such an immense high that he didn't even notice his dressing room door open.

'Ehem.' Said the Dalmatian that stood in the door way.

Arin didn't flinch or jump, he wasn't remotely startled. He stopped the two boys servicing him from stopping by keeping his paws firmly placed on their heads. He calmly lifted his head from the sofa and opened his eyes to be greeted by a bored face, it was the band's drummer. 'Oh, hey Joe, what can I do you for?' He smiled, as if nothing was happening.

'Seriously Arin? Every show this happens, you let your fans in with you and you seduce the guys. Always the same. Are they even old enough?' Joe didn't sound amused, but he didn't really care that much.

'Oh, fuck off Joe, It's fine, it's how I relax. And yes, they are both old enough. They're both 17.' Arin said, not offended, just not really wanting to be bothered.

'Yeah, that's not the only way you relax. You've gotta stop this, man, the band can't take much more of your constant cocaine consumption.' Joe pointed to the empty plastic bag on the coffee table, still covered with floury residue.

Arin was starting to get annoyed. 'Fuck off, will you? What I do is none of your business. Tell me what you wanted and get out. I'm kinda busy.' He gestured to the 2 boys still servicing his cock, giving Joe a stern look.

Joe sighed. 'I was just letting you know that the rest of us are going to make a move, we'll see you back at the hotel. Don't be long, or we'll get worried.' He started to leave, closing the door.

'Thanks man!' Arin called after him. He turned back to the puma and fox, they hadn't let up at all in that little exchange and Arin could feel himself getting close. 'Hurry up guys, I'm nearly done.' He huffed, closing his eyes again.

The two boys increased their pace, massaging and sucking more deeply. They were both eager to taste Arin's cum and have it plaster their faces. Both boys lifted off him simultaneously and wrapped on paw each around the rabbit's thick shaft, their faces close to the tip, mouths open. After a few tugs Arin's cock exploded. Thick ropes of cum flew from his member, the first few landing in Robbie's mouth, then the next into Max's. Arin panted and moaned heavily at the wonderful sensation. As the orgasm subsided the boys let the last few shots land on their faces, loving the warm feeling on their fur. They looked at each other and kissed passionately, letting Arin's cum slide between both their mouths, they broke apart and stared lovingly into each other's eyes before looking up at Arin, who was looking down at them and smiling.

'Hehe, you guys are really cute together, you should totally go out!' He said enthusiastically. 'Come on, sit back up.' The boys did as they were told and he pulled them back into a hug as they had began. He deeply kissed both of them, making sure to get a good taste of his cum. 'Thank you, both of you, that was great. Well, I hope you enjoyed the concert and the, uhh... after gig show,' He grinned 'But get the fuck out of my dressing room.' He said cheerily. Both boys were a bit taken aback and quickly got up, and went to the door, neither of them realising they still had Arin's cum plastered on their faces. They opened the door and took one last look of their idol, who waved at them. Arin giggled as the door slowly closed and he saw Robbie push Max up against the parallel wall and start kissing him very deeply and passionately, max melting into it. The door fully closed, leaving Arin alone, again.


He sat back and sighed, suddenly feeling very lonely. He was one of the richest 18 year olds in the world and yet he felt as if he had no one. Well, that wasn't true. He had Ewan.

Ewan was basically his big brother, despite being slightly younger than Arin, and not related to him at all, the white wolf was much more mature and sensible. They had been friends since the age of 10, right after Arin's parents died. Ewan had pulled the rabbit out of the depression he was in and they had been inseparable ever since. Whenever Arin felt down, or needed guidance, or someone to just look after him, Ewan was there. Ewan was the first person that Arin actually came out to, at the age of 14, Ewan just smiled and gave him a tight hug, before confessing his own homosexuality. He also confessed to Arin that he had deep affections for him, he had done for at least two years. Arin let him down gently, that he only saw Ewan as a big brother, not as a lover, it was awkward to begin with, but they learned to accept it together. Not a day went past when they didn't see each other, even throughout the past year when Arin reached international stardom, Ewan was always somewhere in the background.

The day Arin's parents were killed in a car accident was a day ingrained in the rabbit's memory for ever, as one would expect. The 10 year old rabbit had been acting out at home, for not being allowed to watch a television programme or something equally as futile, he took it upon himself to run away. He ran fairly far away from their small suburban home, and his parents became extremely worried when he had not returned that evening. They set off in their car to look for the probably frightened kit, in his haste his father was reckless on the roads, as were other drivers. It's quite obvious what happened, both were killed in a fatal car crash. Arin blamed, in fact he still does, himself for their death, if he hadn't been so selfish then they might be alive and he would be hap- He choked down the thought. He had not received any therapy after the accident as his Aunty, and legal guardian, Matilda Carrie was very religious and believed the lord god would show him the way. Well, he didn't and by the age of 16 he spiralled. He started with alcohol, then to marijuana, and now cocaine and sometimes heroin. His depression was so dark and so deep, Ewan sometimes thought he was beyond professional help. It tore Ewan up inside seeing his best friend... the love of his life, slowly killing himself this way, but he could not do anything behind the rabbit's back, or risk jeopardising their friendship, and he was pretty sure he could not live without Arin as much as Arin couldn't live without Ewan.

Arin began to feel depressed that Ewan was not here right now, he was sure he'd be on his way backstage, fighting the many security levels and fake reporters. He just... he needed his big brother now, to be held and told everything was going to be alright. He was definitely coming down from his high. He sighed again as he leaned forward back over the coffee table, reaching into his pocket and taking out another packet of cocaine. Repeating the procedure he inhaled deeply, his nose stinging from the sensation. He sat bolt upright for a second, everything becoming extremely clear and vivid, lights and noises heightened beyond normal capability, before slumping back into the soft sofa, his eyes firmly shut and a small trickle of blood coming from the corner of his nose.

To Be Continued...
