Forever loved, Ch 1- innocence

Story by Hasuki on SoFurry

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#1 of Forever Loved

Forever loved, Ch 1- innocence

By InuHasuki

Disclaimer: Not 18, don't like gay furries, don't read. Simple. Enjoy ^^.

M/M, no yiff, violence (not in yiff), Husky, Cat, romantic (see bottom of page)

-It may start out a bit violent, but the end is really cute =3

CRAK! He slumped against the now cracked soda machine, blood running down his muzzle, caking his fur. His tail lay twisted and broken beneath him. "Jason!" I struggled franticly against the humans who held me down, I suppose I was bleeding pretty badly by that point, but all I could see was Jason, his broken and bloodied form, and the human anti-morphic gang leader holding the blood spattered baseball bat. His eyes were wide with terror as the tall human advanced slowly, raising the bat to deliver the final blow. "NO!!" I twisted frantically in the tight grip of my captors, until my muzzle met flesh. I felt my teeth pierce the tender skin, the taste of his blood spurring me on. He screamed and released my paw, and I felt my short claws tear into his cheek, by the time the bat-wielding human heard his fellows' cries, I was on him, my muzzle clamped tightly around his throat, my jaws slowly compressing. He whimpered and dropped the bat with a clang, his eyes still showing his hatred as I felt his soft windpipe between my teeth. My gaze flashed to Jason's bloodied form, and I prepared to end the life that had hurt my friend... "No, please, don't be like them." it was Jason! I released the human's neck, and he collapsed, my near-death bite paralyzing him with fear at the ferocity of my attack. I ran to my battered friends' side, cradling him in my arms, brushing one soft lock out of his eyes, I felt my eyes tear up, and the sobs began to rake my body, seeing my friend like this. He placed one paw on my cheek, saying "please, Chris, stop. I don't want to see you sad." I hugged him to me, feeling his feeble heartbeats against my chest, "I'll never let you go. I promise." The tears were dripping to the pavement below us, red from the blood on my cheeks and muzzle. I held him to me and sobbed as the sirens approached...

It had been two years since the night Jason almost died, but still I awoke with the feel of him in my arms. I yawned widely, shaking off my covers, my tail wagging slowly at the warmth from the window. I jumped slightly as the phone went off. I grumbled and snatched the receiver, still groggy. "mrf?" I grumbled into the wrong end, turning it over and trying again, "whoos'ere?"

"Hi! It's me!" I grinned at the perky voice over the line, the energy in his voice seeming out of place as I rolled out of bed, hitting the ground with a thump. "We gonna walk to school today?" he asked.

"Huh, oh yeah, school." I frowned and looked up at my clock, groaning. I stood, shaking my head to try and wake up, grabbing my black baggy pants from over the chair where they lay, setting the phone down to pull them up, careful to pull my tail through the special hole, fastening my belt and picking it up again, "--was thinking I might wanna come over later today and we can do homework together. Okay, buddy?"

"Hmm." I mumbled back into the phone, slipping my shirt on, the phone now held between my cheek and shoulder as I grabbed my wallet and a pencil or two off the dresser.

"So see you at seven? Your place?" I could see his cheery orange furred tabby cat face over the phone as he most likely ate breakfast.

"Sure. See ya then." I hung up, a slight grin on my muzzle after the conversation. I looked in the mirror; my fur was sticking out oddly from how I slept on it on my left cheek. I licked my paw, smoothing it down slightly, and ran my paw through my hair, pushing my bangs out of my eyes. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. My dad was busy with his coffee and my little brother was sitting at the table, eating some sort of sugary cereal. He grinned up at me, and said

"Mom's gonna be pissed. You were supposed to take out the trash last night." I swatted him in the back of the head softly as I rummaged through the pantry, finally choosing a box of beef and chicken cereal that looked like it was edible, pouring myself a bowl. "Ow! Chris hit me!" He whined, and dad responded without looking up "don't hit each other. And you're gonna get docked five bucks off your allowance for not taking out the trash, Chris."

I cursed under my breath and he stuck out his tongue at me. I shot him a dirty look as I woofed down the rest of my cereal, grabbing my backpack and running outside, nearly running into Jason, who was coming up the walk. He laughed as I skidded to a stop, panting. The big grin on his face making me smile softly. I was wagging madly, and he giggled, grabbing at my tail, and I laughed along with him. I always seemed to smile a lot when he was happy like this. He had fully recovered from that horrible night so long ago; the only indication of the terror we went through was a tiny kink in his tail where it had broken.

He was wearing a pair of cutoff jeans-shorts, and a green sleeveless t-shirt, that clung tightly to him because of his short fur. It sharply contrasted with my baggy black pants, adorned with more pockets than I could ever use and my black wallet-chain, and my tight white t-shirt that barely hid my grey markings framing my chest. We must have looked like a very strange pair, the smaller feline scampering to keep up with my longer strides. We walked in the direction of the school, our conversation wandering from TV shows we had seen to our takes on international diplomacy and politics. The walk seemed to fly by as it always did when I was with him, and before I knew it, we had to part to head to class.

I waved to him as I merged with the steady flow of students into the doors of the school. I was careful not to let any of the hoofed kids step on my paws. If you didn't pay attention you'd be limping for weeks. I reached my destination a few minutes short of the bell, slipping into my desk and pulling out my sketchbook, flipping to a blank page. The class was slowly filling; the noisy chatter of the students as they arrived was increasing in volume. I pulled out my headphones and hooked them to my ears. The only problem with this pair was that if you swiveled your ears they could fall off. They still had good sound, so I tolerated the minor flaw.

The bell rang, accompanied by three or four kids scampering into the room. I sighed as the teacher, a short kangaroo, lit up the projector and began to lecture. I allowed my mind to drift as I sketched, back to the days immediately after the gang jumped us outside the school; The worried nights, by his side as he lay in the hospital, me holding his paw, my muzzle with a bandage over my stitches. I remembered our joy when he could walk again, the day he left the hospital and we spent the whole night playing video games. I saw his soft smile, felt his warm fur against me... the lights snapped on in the room and I shook my head, glancing at my sketchbook where I'd been drawing. I blushed bright red beneath my fur, flipping the page quickly, glancing nervously about to be sure no one had seen. On the page was a sketch of Jason and myself, locked in a passionate embrace, his sheathe full against me. I sat back, heart racing, staring into space as the teacher recited our homework for the weekend. Why had I drawn us like that? Yet the drawing intrigued me, and I felt my sheathe begin to fill beneath my desk. I wasn't... no. How could I be? I liked girls, right? The bell rang, snapping me out of my trance, and I gathered my things, nervously trotting to English, looking forward to a nap to settle my mind.

Lunch came without farther event, and I met Jason at our usual eating grounds behind a row of portables. I settled down in my usual spot, and he sat directly beside me, his tail wrapping around mine, us grinning slightly at the small sign of friendship. A couple other furs wandered over, a jaguar and short Dalmatian, named Alex, who I had met in my sophomore science class. They were close, almost always hanging out together. They'd latched onto our little group of outcasts to escape the rowdiness and chatter of the cafeteria. I waved to them and they waved back. I turned to Jason and we chatted casually, our conversation seeming to gravitate to music this time. We both liked rock, though my tastes were a bit louder and 'harder' than his. Our chat was cut short by class however. I groaned at the prospect of trig and CAD.

As the bell rang, I made my way through the crowds until I met up with Jason at the front of the school at our usual spot. I waved to a couple of friends as we walked off campus together. I had made a few friends through high school, but I was Jason's only real friend. Not that people didn't like him, he was just shy. He'd latched onto me when I was alone as well in middle school, and neither of us wanted it any other way. He was always with me, not that I minded. He's always been close. We walked to my house, and up to my room, passing my mom on her way to go shopping, laughing at the day's events. He spread out his books on the bed and I turned on the computer. We worked in relative silence, small snippets of conversation breaking up the monotony of the daily homework, and I managed to finish after just half an hour. I sighed happily, putting the computer in idle and rolling my chair over to the bed, looking at his progress. He had barely done half his assignment and he was usually faster than me, especially in math. "You alright buddy?" I asked, concerned.

"What? Oh yeah, sure. Just a bit... distracted." His tail twitched nervously behind him.

"Oh." I responded, continuing to watch him. He just stared at the paper, idly twirling his pen. "You wanna talk about it?" I placed my paw on his shoulder. Looking into his eyes, a nervous smile on my muzzle, worried he might need my help.

"It's just someone I know. I mean I really like them, but I don't think they feel the same way." He looked down. "It's really nothing."

I felt a slight twinge of disappointment at what he said, confused at my response, why wasn't I happy he found someone? I hugged him to me, patting him on the back softly. "What kind of person wouldn't like you? You're the best guy I know."

He stiffened in my arms and said softly, his voice barely a whisper "It's you, Chris. I think... I think I love you." I froze, and he looked down. "I'm sure you won't want to be my friend anymore, so I guess--"

A million thoughts shot through my head, I felt confused and nervous and finally, sure. I pulled him to me, and nuzzled his cheek gently, tears flowing down my cheeks, "I love you too, Jason. I always have." He smiled widely and his tail wrapped around us, sitting there, him so warm in my arms...


Part 2- uncertainty <>

Author's note: This is my first story of the sort, in several ways. This chapter represents the innocence and birth of Chris and Jason's relationship. The next chapter will delve deeper into their own personal uncertainties. The next chapter will have yiff, I promise! Anyway, I like to hear comments, so e-mail me your comments and suggestions. I'll ignore you if you flame my though, so don't waste your time. [email protected] thanks for reading! =3

Full Disclaimer: This story deals with graphic violence and homosexual relationships between anthropomorphic characters. It also contains graphic descriptions of the above mentioned acts. If this sort of material offends or disturbs you, please do not read this story. If however, you can appreciate a cute, sweet story, enjoy ^^

All characters, concepts and story are copyrighted 2005 by the author, please do not modify, repost or redistribute this work without the author's express permission. Thank you.