The Brood - Chapter 2

Story by ZeeRabidMonsta on SoFurry

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#2 of The Brood

GREETINGS! I am separating the original the story into individual chapters so that it will be easier for all of you to remember where you left off! Please PLEASE stay tuned as I will be working hard to add many more chapters until I am satisfied the story is told and I can send it to a publisher! I am counting on all of you to keep me informed of how the story is coming along in your eyes. Critique is most welcome!

Chapter Two

There was much to be said about just how nice this house was. There were more than a few rooms. A large living area and kitchen. Dining room as well as a pool out back. I was impressed. The entire property was bordered by the forest.

I saw all this because the den in the back had a long high window. I peered through it for some time while they waited and watched me. It was awkward but I was getting used to it. I took a deep breath and turned around looking at all of them. There were a dozen people in this large room. Eight males and four females. I gazed at all of them then my nose twitched smelling something delightful. I looked at the large coffee table in the middle of the common area and it was stacked with food. Everyone was seated on the large semicircle couch or standing around it. Its fabric a dark grey suede.

"I don't want to seem like I'm an ass so someone start talking while I stuff my face, ok?"

A man who I assumed was Donny put a pillow on the floor for me near the table and sat next to me. God he smelled good. Almost as good as the food, but the food took priority, so it smelled better.

"First, what would you like to know?" Donny asked. His voice like a rich milkshake, it just rolled all over me, I got goosebumps. I stared at him for a moment.

"Ok...What were you two talking about me being a matriarch? Explain that." I grabbed the nearest sandwich and took a bite. Oh lord, so good, an egg salad sandwich.

"Well. We all sensed your change soon as it happened. We can all can sense when a new one of us is born. But...You felt different. The oldest of us, Bastian, is the only one of us that knows what a Matriarch feels like. He says that you felt like one." He picked up a rolled up bit of ham and chewed on it. Waiting for me to take that in.

I looked around for this Bastian and expected to find an old man. But sitting on the couch was a man who seemed all of 40. And a healthy 40. I knew it was him because he smirked when I looked at him.

He leaned forward with elbows on his knees. "That's right Lady Zusak. I'm the oldest. The look on your face is normal. I'm between 400 and 300 years old....Lost track a long time ago." His smirk was friendly if not mirthful.

I nearly choked on my food but I nodded. "So...When was the last time you guys had a...matriarch?" I asked looking around while taking another bite of food. I was scarfing as much as I could down but I was still hungry.

"A little over a hundred years. She was killed during the big change." A female spoke up this time.

She was clearly very serious and small but I could sense strength in her.

I kept nodding to myself thinking about it. So they have been without a leader that long...Wow.

"So. Let me get this straight. I might be your Matriarch, but how am I supposed to know I am? What exactly is expected of me?" I said around a chip.

Bastian spoke up again. "Every Matriarch is different. Some have been ruthless, some have been very weak. It all depends on the woman who comes into the position. Also each one has had her own particular traits and abilities. Our last one was a ruthless leader. She had the ability to see a person's worst fears and use them against the person. It was not a good time for us." He seemed to grimace as he explained that bit.

"Are you serious? That sounds horrid..." My brows furrowed, glad to not have ever met her.

After having finished three sandwiches and a bowl of mac n cheese I finally felt sated. I sat back and stretched. Thinking of more questions. "Am I the only one here who feels an overwhelming urge to protect you guys? I feel a very strong urge to protect all of you. Is that part of the job?"

The small woman spoke up next. Chloe was her name. "We go by our instincts as much as we can. Unless they interfere with our human lives. So if that is how you are feeling, I say go with it." She smiled a bit.

Sebastian spoke up. "If it feels very strong then the chances are very good that you are our matriarch. I can think of ways to test it." He let out a mischievous chuckle. I blinked at him.

"Ah. Ok. This is going to take some getting used to. New smells, feelings, all of it." I muttered as I gazed upon the various faces. Many of them smiling, a couple of them seemed apprehensive to the point of fear. One looked down right sullen, like she didn't want to be here, and clearly with no affection for me. I could tell by the wary feeling I got when I gazed at her.

"I know that most of you don't know me from a dog on the road and this is all very new to me but I am not stupid. There's no way I could refuse all this. You will soon know that I will not squander this new life of mine. I was not a meek person before and I am not about to start now." I stood up and they all seemed to want to stand up too but they forced themselves to stay still. "This is all a lot to take in but I will, I swear, do my best to adjust." I turned to walk away but stopped and looked at them. "Regardless if I am Matriarch or not. I'll make it work. I choose to stay."

I heard quite a few of them let out breaths of relief. Their faces brightening. The female one with the long dark brown hair all but hissed.

Josh stood and came to me, kneeling beside me, rubbing his face against my thigh. "If it would be ok. I'd like to go bring your things to your room for you?" I could already tell he would be the affectionate sort and it should feel weird to have a stranger rub himself on me like that. Inside me, I could tell it was normal, something told me so. I was compelled to reach down and grasp his hair gently. He gasped and closed his eyes. I let go and he all but bounced out of the room.

"What the hell? Why did I do that?" I blinked at my hand.

"That among other instincts told him that what he asked was approved of. You basically told him he could do whatever he wanted within reason." Bastian stated as he stood. "As I would like to ask you to make a list of all that you will need to make your life here comfortable. Such as furniture, favorite foods, clothes. Whatever you like." He seemed to puff out his chest and come to me in very much the same manner that Josh had. Getting to a knee his head was to my chest. He was a big man. He leaned in and I held my breath as he rubbed his head along my upper arm. I reached up and grasped his hair as I had done before and I felt him let out his own breath at the same time as I had.

He got up and smiled down from his 6 foot height and walked out of the room. A few of the men following him.

As I watched them go I took all this new information in bit by bit. Swallowing as my eyes fell upon Donny as he cleared his throat.

"You have something to say?" My head tilting, curious.

"There is something they didn't want to tell you but I want to. There is a rival faction of weres that have been trying to run us out of town for the past few years. The wolves. Their alpha's mate is a crazy bitch. She's snapped. And her mate is too broken to stop her. The wolves wouldn't be bothering us if it weren't for her." He turned his head to the side quickly, in order to make it crackle.

"So you are saying things are not very peaceful with the brood as of right now?" I leaned against the large couch stretching my back a bit.

He stood up with me. "That would be it."

Great. I have the worst night of my life then I inherit a family with drama. Not my idea of a great weekend.

"Ok. What do we do about it?" I ask.

"Their next in line has contacted us secretly. He's informed us that if we ally with them he will take the alphas down and take over. He has the support of most of the pack but, there are a few, troublesome ones. He want's our help in culling them. I told him he'll have to wait." His dark blue eyes gazing down at me.

"Sounds like a plan. Would you keep me updated?" I touched his arm, why? I don't really know.

I saw him look at my hand and smile. "Of course my lady." He took my hand and kissed the palm of it. Sending shivers up my spine.

"Okay. That was different. I think I shall go for a walk now" I laughed nervously and bolted from the room, leaving his laughter behind. Man he was gorgeous.

I walked down the hall to where I saw the grand foyer earlier on our way from the room I woke up in.

Chloe was in the foyer and I walked up to her. "I was just about to go for a walk."

She nodded and was holding a device in her hand. "I just wanted to take your orders for the furniture and whatnot for your room." Her voice pleasant.

I sighed a bit and looked at her. "I guess that's a good idea huh?"

"I think so." She grinned a little and asked. "What kind of bed would you like?" She asked.

"I can get any kind I want?" I asked with a brow rising high.

She laughed softly. "You aren't used to having nice things I take it. Yes you can have any bed you want." She tapped the screen of the device. "I have the company on standby to deliver it within the hour."

My mouth hung open for a moment as I was thinking. What was I going to do? Say no? "How about a platform frame, wood, with one of those awesome foam mattresses? Do they have one with drawers under it?" I asked with hope in my voice.

She laughed. The laugh sounded like tinkling bells. "Of course." She tapped a few things and looked up. "Type of wood?"

"Nothing fancy. I don't want any rare kinds of wood." I furrowed my brow and smiled when she nodded.

"The bed has been added to the order." She simply stated.

"Okay! Well I will unpack later. I don't need much. A dresser or two some bedside tables." I talked as I tapped my chin in thought.

Chloe had been taking notes on things I would like to have in my room. From art to hang on the walls to a brand new computer system, at Chloe's insistence. This was all very new to me. A few moments later I was out the door and Chloe on the phone with the furniture company.

I looked out into the waning light of the day. I walked around the front grounds for a while just lost in thought. Not really paying attention to my surroundings.

I heard a noise and quite nearly jumped out of my own skin. I turned and saw Chloe pulling her hand down from mouth as she had cleared her throat to get my attention.

"I just wanted to let you know that the furniture and things we ordered will arrive shortly." She smiled warmly.

As if her word were divine law I saw a large truck pulling up the house. I blinked.

"You weren't kidding."

We turned back to the house in companionable silence.

The Brood - Chapter 3

Chapter Three The rest of the evening I spent all day with Chloe ordering things and sitting in the den. For some reason all that had happened felt completely natural and it filled me with a strange sense of joy. The smell of delicious food brought me...

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The Brood - Chapter 1

There was nowhere for me to run. The dead end alleyway stank of urine and vomit. There were mountains of trash and foul smelling rotted food. I had to swallow the bile that rose up. It was a narrow passage and I could see there was a way out....

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Rodent Persuasion

[Edited and Revised on Sept 16, 2010-9:37pm] She was dreaming deeply, though she was hearing this sound, and couldn't quite place where it was coming from. She felt someone shaking her and suddenly she was awake. She sat up and panted a...

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