field of dreams

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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a story or is it a dream that the human has? who knows?

It was a warm summer's night, the sky clear other then for the full moon in the sky.

All around was nothing but the sound of late night animals, that and the odd car zooming past along the long road outside the homes.

In one of these homes a human slept or was trying too, even with the windows open fully and the fan blowing warm cool air onto his almost naked body he couldn't sleep.

The human was 20 and male he was chubby but not too chubby to the point that he had to watch what he ate.

He tossed and turned in his sleep then sighed; he looked into the darkness of his room then got up and looked out of his big bay windows.

He could see the gardens and the field just over the over growing garden.

He sighed and lay back down drinking some water, he then closed his eyes and tried to sleep, thinking of nothing but what he liked, when he heard a noise coming from the field.

A loud whinny and the sounds of horses, he thought it was his mind playing tricks making him dream of horses, but when the eco of the neigh came again he sat up in bed.

He opened the curtains and looked into the field the only light from the moon being a bit hard to see but in the field that was over grown with grass and weeds he could see horses.

He thought it was just a trick of his mind, so drinking a load of water he looked out into the field but he could hear and see them.

He got up and dressed himself in some clothes, some jogging pants and a lose fitting top, he then walked to the back door, opening it he was meet by a cool blast of air, the day had been warm by it was now cool and feel fresh instead of heat and burning.

The human made his way though the jungle of his garden to the back of it where the fields where, he got there and looked.

The heat from the field had gone, if you looked you'd see waves of heat coming from the ground but that was now gone, but he looked and then a load of horses came running by him.

They where all normal colours of brown, black and some grey.

He looked as they past him, so very loudly yet no one else could hear them only him.

He then saw in the distance another horse, the horses stopped and stood in a row, then another horse behind the first horse followed.

The human hopped the fence the wire that once would have shocked you was dead and not going to shock him, he then watched as the horses the two main ones bowed to each other.

The other horses then departed and stood away, the two in the field now circled each other, the human then saw that they where stallions.

They both started to groom each other, lightly biting and then nuzzling each other.

Then in a snort one of them reared up and the other one did the same both then started to fight, the other horses around just watched on, as if turned into cows, because cows just watch something happening, the human took a look at the closest one and saw that it was a mare.

The two stallions started to run then fight again there hooves hitting each other with power, one then turned and kicked hitting the one horse in the side he turned and kicked as well missing.

From the looks of it the black stallion was the leader of this pack, the other either a son or another younger stallion hoping to get this heard.

They both snorted until one bit into the others neck and they both fell.

The younger stallion didn't get up, he just lie down bloody and looking like he'd been in a fight, the other stallion wasn't so good looking himself.

Both soon meet and nuzzled like you would after a duel or battle, the younger stallion left, the human looked and saw him leap over a fence then he was gone.

The stallion then neighed loudly and the mares came to him, the one near the human did too, the human just followed her a bit shy at this powerful horse, and what he had just seen might happen to him.

But he was also thinking was he dreaming? This all seemed real but then so do dreams, he got to the others who all then stood in a circle, the stallion then snorted and the moon shone on his soft back fur.

Then some strange powder came down from the skies, it was almost like rain but it wasn't, it was like a feeling, an urge, the human unsure put his hand out and felt the strange rain, as it hit his hand it was gone, but he then felt strange.

The mares started to snort and whiney as if they needed something or something was coming.

The human felt it too, his body started to feel strange, his whole body felt horny, as if he needed to be pleased, the mares around him started to re-act like him, they then ran off, there tails raised high in need of something.

The human stood there, his body was re-acting to the rain stuff, his body was shaking and feeling hot, his insides burned, he then knew what it was.

The human was in season, but how was that possible? He moaned as he felt his inners burn, they needed water, but that wasn't it, he drank some of the water from the horse bowl there that did nothing.

The big black stallion then came up to the human sniffing him, he was unsure what kind of mare walks in two hoofs instead of four and has the shape of a human.

The human stroked the stallion, but when it went away the burning re-turned more power fuller.

The human looked, the mares where eating the grass and peeing, but instead of a yellow colour it was white and would only drizzle out or even drip out.

The human could smell the air, he was getting excited from this, his pants started to tent, he blushed then remembered, he was a male, the scent of the mares had made him happy, but at the same time him touching that rain made him feel like a mare in heat.

The human made his way over to the mare nearest to him, a big brown mare, she ate the grass and then looked at the human but instead of moving away she lifted up her tail, thinking the standing up horse was a the stallion, the human lightly touched her soft butt, he then sniffed her scent, it was powerful.

His pant tightened, but he was too short, he moved away but the mare followed, he then had an idea, he lead her over to the fence, she just looked at him as he climbed it, she went over and sniffed at him, the human stroked her and made a fuss of her.

The mare enjoyed this but her inner body heat was enough to drive her crazy, she turned tail lifted, the human looked around then pulled his pants down and pushed his cock into her cunt.

He moaned as it was soft and warm wet as well, he then thrusted, sadly though his cock wasn't the size of the stallion, but he thrusted into the mare, making sure she was pleased.

The mare felt the cock enter her but it didn't really do much other then make her feel pleased, she pushed back into it thinking the stallion had gone soft.

The human's legs where pushed into the fence, he groaned as the heavy mare pushed onto him, he needed to finish quickly.

The human thrusted into the mare hard, his cock throbbed, the human enjoyed the wet walls on his cock, he wished that he was hung like a stallion but he didn't care.

His cock then came into the mare, it was short, again he wished that he could have stallion sized balls, enough to please and fill her.

After a few moments his orgasm died down, he smiled; the mare had felt something warm in her marehood but just ignored it and walked away.

The human sighed and wondered if he could do that again, however the stallion was trying to mate a mare that wasn't in the mood or wasn't ready.

He watched the mare stood there the stallion thrusting into her but she would move then he get soft.

He walked over as the stallion thrust again only just touching her lips, his cum coming out and going to waste, the human then stood in front of the mare and gave her some food, the stallion hit his mark.

He thrusted into her, he snorted and bit into her neck then in a few seconds he was done, he grunted and sloped out of her,

The mare just pee'd, she was done and went back to eating the grass in the field.

The stallion had now had almost all the mares in the field, apart from one.

He went over and started to groom her, she just looked up and lifted her tail, the stallion then started to lick her but he got a different taste then mare juices.

He snorted and thrust into her hard, he wasn't happy, someone had already had this mare, or that what he thought.

After mating with her he then saw the up right horse, he snorted and ran over or more galloped over to him.

The human had been fingering the mares and tasting the stallions cum, he then gasped as the stallion came towards him at full speed.

The human ran like mad but the stallion grabbed him and pushed him into the grass.

The human groaned and lay there, he then saw the stallion over him, he was big and powerful, the human then got up, he looked at the stallion and the stallion looked at him.

They circled each other, the stallion then noticed the human's cock, it was soft, he went near it and turned his top lip up at it smelling the mare's scent.

The human gulped and looked at the stallion; the stallion rubbed his front hoof in the grass that was a challenge, the human got down then saw the stallion's cock and balls.

The human then knew he needed to do something if he wanted to live.

He moved towards the stallions parts then lightly cupped his balls, the stallion's skin shock thinking the human's hands where a bug, the human then lightly cupped them, they where so round and where so full, he then stroked the large wet cock.

It was long at least 8 maybe more inches longer then his, ad thicker but 3 maybe 4.

The human moved and lightly suckled on the tip, the stallion grunted then moaned letting out a groan, the human lightly rubbed the stallion's big balls, the stallion thrusted a little, the human gagged as he took the head into his mouth.

The taste of mare was on it as well as some of his cum, it was salty but so sweet, the human just kept rubbing the stallion's shaft.

It throbbed and twitched, the stallion liking this thrusted trying to fuck the hole that was on his cock.

The human just sucked more he could feel the stallions shaft throb and pulse though his hands, he then looked and could only see the stallions underbelly.

The stallion snorted and then neighed loudly, the human thought nothing of it until he felt the warm cum in his throat.

The stallion came a load, it shoot down the human's throat, he gagged and choked as it filled his checks, the stallion thrusting as well didn't help, he then let it out gasping, it fell into his lap right onto his hard cock it was like a shower.

The stallion then just moved away, he then sniffed the human who was now on all fours.

The human coughed and gagged, he had enjoyed that but didn't like the after effect, he then felt something lick his hole.

He looked and saw the stallion; his hole must have been giving off the scent of a mare in season.

He got up and saw the stallion look at him; he then sniffed his crouch lip going up again.

The human then had an idea, after that BJ and now the licking of his hole, the inner heat was too much, he needed the stallion to mate with him.

The human walked over to the gate that divided up the fields, the stallion walked over, he then sniffed the human's butt.

The human spread his legs and braced for what was about to come.

The stallion mounted him and his cock missed the human's hole, instead it rubbed on the human's cock, the human gasped and felt it on him, it was so warm and soft, then it softened.

The stallion jumped a little on the spot then mounted the human again, this time he hit his spot.

The human gasped out as the stallion big long thick cock entered his tight hole, it pushed into him and he loved it, the stallion thrusting into him, his cock buried into the upright mare's marehood pussy.

The stallion thrusted more, the human rubbed the stallion's balls, he really wanted to be filled, the others looked on, they had been mated, the stallion then snorted dancing on the spot like a person needing the toilet.

The human rubbed whatever part of the shaft wasn't in him then he felt it.

The stallion let off a neigh then came into the human's butt.

The human moaned he felt the warm cum in his butt, the stallion thrusted a few more time really emptying his balls, he then waited, his cock slopped out of the human and he just left the up right mare there.

The human moaned as he felt the stallion slop out of him, some cum coming out of him from that, his own cock came from it.

After wards he looked and the horses seemed to just walk into thin air.

The human looked and then thought that it was a dream, he went home feeling the after effects, his hole hurt but his inners no longer burned.

He smiled and lay in bed, he then slept, a few hours later he woke and felt his butt, it was not hurting, he then moved and then it did hurt, he also could taste salty something and his breath was bad.

As he walked the dog, he meet up with someone mowing the fields.

He told him that he'd heard horses in the field; the other older human laughed and said that no horses had been in this field for 3+ years.

He drove off, was that night just a dream or was it just a strange field, the human didn't know, but what he did know is that he'd had a great night, in the field of dreams.

~the end~