Stress Leave 4 - Travel Bonus'

Story by Jonathon Ford on SoFurry

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The following story contains various acts of yiffery between two furries of different species. If this sort of thing isn't what you'd call a "good read" then I'd suggest something else. Anyway as always the following is copyright by me. And as always comments and suggestions are most welcome: [email protected]

Stress Leave 4 - Travel Bonus'

©Jonathon "CJ" Ford

John idly flipped through the company newsletter in what had become a rare moment of peace in his life over the last three months. The cover of the magazine told the story well "Passenger numbers soar." It said in bold lettering, laid across a picture of the nine new Sub-orbital Cruisers that World Regional had just taken delivery of the month before. John folded the magazine on his knee and lifted his coffee mug from his desk. He sighed heavily as he looked at the picture that had been behind the cup, it was a snap of him and Linda at one of the charity golf events that they'd played in earlier in the year. But for the past month and a half his clubs had sat in a corner of the garage gathering dust. And he could scarcely remember the last time that he'd made it home in time to have dinner with his wife. He finally took a pull at his coffee before setting the mug down heavily on the desk again. Lifting the newsletter from his leg he looked at a small notice in the bottom corner of the page. "Captains and F/O's wanted for Sub-orbital Cruiser crews. Please contact Claire in Flight Operations, Level 7." It read. That same notice had been in the newsletter every month since it was announced that the company was increasing the number of Cruisers they operated, six months ago now, and they still need to find more flight crew.

John tossed the mag. onto his desk letting it slide into the base of his LCD computer screen, off at the moment, since he'd managed to finish all of his after flight reports for the last week. He lifted the cup from his desk and cradled it in his paws, leaning back in his chair as the rumble of another heavy jet taking off drifted in through the cracked open door. He looked blankly at the various cockpit and aircraft photo's that adorned his office walls. He let his mind drift, finally settling one a moment just a little over three months ago, a moment that had put him in the place he was now.

The phone by the bedside rang and Linda reached a sleepy arm across John to lift the handset from its rest. "Gledfern residence." She said, hiding the sleep in her voice as best she could.

"Oh. Good morning Mrs. Gledfern. This is Claire Hopwood from World Regional airlines. I was hoping to speak with John if he was available." The female voice on the other end of the phone said cheerfully.

"I'm sorry Claire but he's still asleep. Can I have him call you when he gets up?"

"That would be great Mrs. Gledfern. Have a good day." She said before hanging up the phone.

Linda placed the receiver back on its rest before sliding back down into bed and snuggling in close to John. Normally John would have been up and had the phone in paw before the second ring. But with the energy he had expended last night it wasn't too surprising that he was still sound asleep. Linda wrapped an arm around him and pulled herself tighter to him. John stirred slightly as she held him and purred softly against his back.

"Umm," he groaned as he rolled over, putting his free arm around Linda, "Was that the phone that just rang?" he said sleepily.

"Yes it was, but don't worry about it, it can wait until after breakfast." She replied, kissing him on the nose.

"I love you." He said before drifting back to sleep.

Linda sighed and ran her paw through his head fur, for a minute or so before falling asleep again herself. It was John's moving that woke her just over an hour later as he tried to slide out of bed without disturbing her. She gave him a quick squeeze before loosening her grip on him, allowing him to get up. John slipped around the bed and kissed her lightly on the cheek before making his way to the bathroom.

By the time that John had finished in the bathroom and returned to the bedroom Linda was already up and about. He could hear her as she pottered around downstairs getting breakfast ready. John tossed his towel onto the bed and pulled a fresh pair of boxers from the top drawer of the dresser that he and pulled them on. He pulled his robe down from the back of the bedroom door and shrugged it on, before padding down the stairs to see what Linda was up to.

When he rounded the corner in the hallway to Linda was just pouring his coffee into a mug which rested on the table. He smiled and put his arms around Linda's shoulders and kissed her soft cheek, "You're far too good to me." He whispered into her striped ear. He could hear and feel her start purring as he held her in his embrace. He let his arms fall off her shoulders before she turned and kissed him on the nose.

"Yes I know I am, but I can't help it. I love you too much." She replied before heading back into the kitchen, her tail tip flicking back and forth as she worked to get breakfast ready.

John sank into his chair and hoisted the steaming mug from the table, inhaling the rich aroma that rose up in the soft wisps of steam. He took a sip before setting it back on the table and lifting the morning copy of USA Today from the tabletop and seeing what interesting things were going on in the world. After a few minutes of perusing and a half cup of coffee he folded the paper and laid it back on the table. "Who was that that called this morning anyway sweetheart?" he asked sipping at his coffee.

"It was Claire from operations at work." Linda's voice came from around the corner in the kitchen. "She asked if you could call her back this morning sometime." She added.

The aroma of cooked ham began to waft through the hall into the eating area and John could feel his mouth starting to water at whatever it was that Linda was cooking for their breakfast. Not long after Linda turned the corner and placed two plates on the table, each containing one jumbo sized ham and cheese omelet. John couldn't help but lick his lips in anticipation of how good it was going to taste.

After breakfast John helped Linda clean up before he lifted the cordless phone from its charger and dialed the number for operations in the WRX complex. The phone rang twice before a young lady answered it, "Welcome to World Regional Express airlines operations department this is Rachael." She said with a bubbly voice.

"Ahh, Good morning Rachael this is Captain Gledfern. I was hoping to speak to with Claire if she was available please." John replied.

"Just one moment Captain and I'll put you through." The young lady said before pressing the button to place him on hold, subjecting John to some of the most terrible hold music imaginable. It was a relief when Claire finally picked up the phone at the other end. "Captain Gledfern." She said happily, "Thank you for calling me back so soon. I'm sorry if I woke your wife this morning."

"Not a problem. We where just about to get up anyway." He lied to her, "Now what can I do for you Claire?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

'Well captain as you know we are in the process of expanding our sub-orbital cruiser fleet. The problem is that we are finding ourselves a few crews short and we are looking for current crews to volunteer to take one some of the extra shifts just until we can get enough crews line checked and ready to go."

"So how many extra shifts are we talking about here?" John asked.

"About two or three per week" Claire replied, "We are going to pay the crews that do the extra shifts time and a half for each shift."

John nodded silently as he listened to the offer. Time and a half was quite a nice bonus in income, even though it wasn't like neither he nor Linda really needed it.

"Also," Claire piped up over the phone, "we are giving each crew member an extra four weeks paid leave this year for taking on the extra workload."

That was what really got John's attention, "And we could take this extra holiday time when?" John asked

"Just as soon as we have enough crews to cover the shifts that you would leave open by taking it." Claire replied

"Well," John replied, "I'll take it on. I'm due in at the office tomorrow so we can sort out forms and stuff then."

John had filled out the agreement forms the next day and started the same afternoon with a short day trip to LA and back. And now here he sat in his office feet up on his desk drinking his first peaceful cup of coffee at work for the last three months. In that time WRX had had nothing but problems trying to get crews trained and ready. John's good friend Neil had been promoted to captain during that period and he hadn't even been able to find enough time to have a celebratory beer with his bunny friend.

Now it was just starting to look like WRX might just get enough crews through line checks this week to cover the shortfall. And so John might just be able to finally arrange that extra four weeks leave that he was promised.

The phone sitting on his desk rang, and John swung his feet down from it to reach the phone. Lifting the handset he said, "Captain Gledfern."

"Good afternoon Captain," a female voice replied, "This is Marie from dispatch. I just wanted to let you know that you won't be called out this afternoon so you might as well head home for the evening. And before I forget, starting next week you'll be back on normal scheduling."

John smiled. He would be able to get to planning his and Linda's time away after all. "Thank you Marie. Have a good afternoon." He said.

"And the same to you captain." Marie replied before hanging up her end.

John placed his handset back onto the rest slowly. He folded his paws and rested his muzzle on them, looking past his computer screen at the far wall of his office, as he thought about what he wanted to do with his extra leave. In the end he settled on going to the US, spending some time with old friends and just doing a few touristy things, not to mention playing a few of the worlds top rated golf courses. He flipped on the monitor for his computer and brought up the duty roster for the next month. During his two weeks on next month he only had five flights and three reserve days. So he had a very light load next month, he paused a bit before pulling up the current crew assignment sheet. Scanning down the sheet he found Neil's name and looked to see what he was doing at the moment. According to the computer, Neil should be down in his office reviewing the scores of the latest simulator sessions with the new first officers. Neil and he had covered each others duty shifts before, and since the next month was only light he figured Neil wouldn't mind.

John pushed his chair back from the desk and stood up, stretching his arms wide before flipping the monitor off again. He snatched his coffee mug up with his right paw and headed off down to see Neil. Pulling the door shut behind him, he made sure it clicked closed solidly before heading off down the hall, he'd been having a bit of trouble with that door the last couple weeks, and he kept reminding himself to get maintenance to have a look at it. He passed the maintenance office on his way to the elevator, and decided to stop in on his way back from seeing Neil.

Pushing the call button for the elevator he stood in the hall, rocking back and forth slightly. The arrival chime sounded and the doors slid open almost soundlessly a second later. There were two flight attendants on the elevator already. John stepped into the car, a big smile on his muzzle, "Good afternoon ladies." He said politely.

The two flight attendants smiled back at him, "Good afternoon captain." The both chimed, in near perfect unison. They looked at each other and giggled about it as John pushed the button for Neil's floor. He'd never met either of the two before, not surprising considering that WRX had a flight attendant staff of nearly 5000. One was a vixen, a bit taller then average for a fox, and very good looking for any species. The other was a snow leopard, her black spots contrasting with her snow white fur. They also complimented her uniform very nicely. If John hadn't been a happily married wolf they might have been in trouble.

"So what type are you girls crewing?" john asked, passing the time in the short elevator ride.

"Well," the vixen started, "I'm on the seven four and Lindy here just started on the cruiser. What are you flying captain?"

"I'm on the cruiser as well." John replied, "You enjoying the cruiser so far Lindy?" he added.

The snow leopard nodded her head, "Very much so. I was on CRJ's with Delta before I came over here. The Cruiser is so much nicer to work on. Everything's so easy to get at."

"Good. I look forward to crewing with you some time." John said as the elevator slid to a halt and the arrival chime sounded again. John stepped off the elevator and turned to face the two girls, "Have a good afternoon." He called as the doors began to slide shut. The two waved back and he just saw the vixen lean over to tell Lindy something as the doors closed fully.

John set off down the hall towards Neil's office. It didn't take that long to get to Neil's office door. John knocked firmly on the wooden door. "Come in." he heard the bunny's voice call from behind the door. John opened the door slowly and stepped into the office, closing the door smoothly behind him.

Neil looked up from the papers that he was reviewing and smiled widely when he saw who had come to see him. He leapt up from his seat behind the desk and extended a paw towards John. John smiled and took the offered paw with his own. Neil shook his paw firmly, he was very strong for a rabbit his size. "How've you been keeping mate?" he said, finally releasing John's paw.

"I can't complain too much. I've been pretty busy the last few months." John said taking a seat at the desk opposite Neil.

"No kidding. I had a look at your schedule the other week, and," Neil smiled, "They've been working you like a dog." He chuckled at the comment.

John just sat back and rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe that Neil would use that expression, even if it was, in fact, quite fitting.

"Anyway John," Neil started again, "What can I do for you?"

"Well you are still running the sim next month aren't you?" John said folding his paws in his lap.

"Yes I am in fact. Why?"

"Well since I volunteered for these extra shifts the last three months while all the new crews were getting trained up, the company gave me an extra four weeks leave. I was planning on taking it next month, and I was hoping you might be able to take over my trips while Linda and I are away." John said, leaning back in his chair.

"I think I should be able to. What do you have on next month?"

"Just five out and back one day trips and three days active reserve."

"That's it?" Neil said looking a bit perplexed, "They go from working you like a..." he started, before John gave him a "Don't even think it" look, "They go from loading you up," Neil restarted, "To barely giving you anything at all?" he shook his head, "Those guys in dispatch are an odd bunch. Yeah covering that won't be a problem, I'll work my sim rides around it, but you owe me one."

"Hey?" John said, "I thought this made us square for the last time."

"Come on," Neil replied, "You know that business with the rollerblading doesn't count."

"Ok, fine." John said with a mock disappointed voice. "Anyway I'm off for the day. So I'll see you later."

"Alright then, and say hello to Linda for me." Neil said, getting up and shaking John's paw again before he walked out the door.

John head back down the hall to the elevators and pressed the up call button. He waited for the car to arrive for a few moments before the chime sounded and the doors parted, to an empty car this time. He stepped on and pressed the button for his floor. The ride up was short and quick. The chime sounded and the doors opened again allowing John off. He walked the few paces to the maintenance office and opened the door. There wasn't anyone in the office and he looked around for the defect reporting sheet. Eventually finding it on the desk behind the counter, he reached over and snatched it up. Pulling a pen from his shirt pocket he found the first empty space on the reporting page. "Inspect and repair / replace door catch" he wrote in the box, along with his office number. He dropped the clipboard back onto the desk before continuing back to his office. Once he got to his office John refilled his coffee mug and sat back at his desk to file the necessary paperwork for taking his leave.

It took the better part of an hour for John to finish filling out all the things that needed to be completed, including booking their tickets to and from San Francisco. With that done John checked his watch and looked up at the ceiling, doing a mental calculation of what time it would be in California at the moment. It took him a minute to figure out the time change, but when he finished he knew that his old friend should be at home. John lifted the handset of his phone from its rest and dialed the number. It took a second for the international system to process the number, but soon enough it began ringing. It rang a few times before the other end picked up. "Hello this is Travis." The voice on the other end of the line said.

John smiled to himself. "Hello Coyote." He said. "What you been up to."

"Hey wuffie," Travis said happily, "I haven't heard from you in a while."

"Yeah I know mate. Sorry about that, but they've been keeping me really busy over here for the last couple months." John said leaning back in his chair. "But anyway how's things with you and your mate?"

"Same as always, you know I just love him to death. And how's your wife doing?"

"Linda's doing alright, not that I've seen that much of her the last three months." John replied with a bit of a sigh.

"You are going to have to introduce me to this lady of yours one of these days you know." Travis said.

"Well how does next month sound to you?" John said, grinning widely.

"What, you mean you're coming over here to visit? When exactly?" The coyote asked, unable to contain the excitement in his voice.

"Well since I took on a bunch of extra work the last three months, which is why I haven't seen that much of Linda, the airline has given me an extra four weeks paid leave. So I thought we'd take next month off completely and come over there for a bit of a holiday. But to answer your question we fly into SFO on the first at eleven in the morning. So by the time we clear customs and what not it'll be about noon I'd think."

"Ok then. I'll check with my schedule at the studio, but I should be able to pick the two of you up." Travis replied

"Are you sure?" John said curiously, "I don't want to put you out at all."

"Nonsense," Travis replied, "I wouldn't miss it, and then I get to meet this woman that you are so in love with. And watch you try and get in on the drivers side again." He added with a giggle.

"I can't believe you still remember that." John said giggling himself at the memory of the last time he'd gotten to visit his coyote friend. "Oh and how are the lion and tiger doing these days?"

"They're doing fine. I'd put the lion on to say hello, but he's a bit tied up at the moment." Travis said, suppressing a giggle.

"Really, with what?" John asked cautiously.

"Rope I think."

"Oh dear." John said with a mock concerned voice, but unable to stifle a giggle. "Well say hello to them for me. And give that jackal of yours a hug for us."

"I will. You take care and I'll see you next month." Travis said.

"Always, and see you in a few weeks." John said before gently setting the phone back on its rest.

With everything that he wanted to do at the office out of the way he logged out of the system and pulled his flight bag from under his desk. With flight bag in tow he headed for the door, lifting his cap and coat from the rack next to the door. He slipped on his coat, even though it wasn't near cold enough to require it, as a captain he had an image to maintain for the airline. He placed his cap between his pointed lupine ears and opened the door, turning out the light before pulling the door closed behind him. John slipped the ID card from its holder on his coat pocket and slid it across the reader next to his door. The lock beeped and the light changed to red, showing that the door was locked.

John made his way down to the lobby and out to the employee parking lot, opening the passenger door of his Jeep he tossed his flight bag onto the seat. He slapped the door shut and headed around to the driver's side. Hopping in he settled into the seat before pushing the button to disengage the engine cut-out. He started the engine and let it idle while he removed his cap, setting it on his flight bag next to him. Putting the car in gear John backed out of his space and headed for the gate. He paused to let the gate open, before driving through. He stopped on the other side and waited for the gate to close behind him. Traffic on the drive home was light, especially for this time of day, and John thanked the heavens for it. Just over an hour after leaving the office he turned into his driveway and opened the garage door. As he pulled into the garage Linda's white and black striped head appeared in the doorway to the house, followed closely by the rest of her.

John slipped from behind the wheel of the car and pulled his flight bag out behind him. Linda lent against the doorframe, watching her wolf as he got out of the car. John walked around the front of the Jeep, slapping the button to close the garage door as he closed the distance between them. He set his flight bag down and looked up into Linda's warm eyes. She was wearing her "around the house" robe and she just looked back into his eyes. Then without warning she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. John wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her back.

Linda nuzzled his neck for a moment, a booming purr resounding from deep within her, before she lent back just enough to kiss the bridge of his muzzle. "I'm glad you're home." She said, returning to nuzzling him.

John lent his head against hers and let out a sigh, "I'm glad I could be home as well." He said, "This is the first time in three weeks that they haven't called me out to fly."

Linda let go of him totally and took a step back from the door frame, giving John the opportunity to actually get inside the house finally. "I was just about to start making dinner." She said, turning to walk back down the hall to the kitchen.

"Umm, that's great honey. I haven't been able to have dinner with you for a while now." John said following her closely. He wrapped his arms around her again, stopping her in her tracks. "Then again," he said, as he took a deep breath, his nose traveling up Linda's neck just above her soft fur, "maybe I'll skip dinner and go straight to desert." He finished before kissing her cheek softly.

Linda giggled and leaned her head back against his, "Silly wolf," she said, "Dinner first, desert," she spun around to face him, "later." Kissing him on the muzzle before stepping back and out of his grasp. "Dinner will be about twenty minutes." She said before rounding the corner into the kitchen.

"Perfect." John thought to himself. That would give him just enough time to shower and get out of his uniform and into something more comfortable, and more easily removable. John padded off down the hall, his anti-slip shoes squeaking slightly on the tiles as he walked, when he hit the soft carpet of the stairs however, the noise ceased instantly.

In the bedroom John stripped off his uniform, hanging up his pants and coat. He removed the pen and wings from his shirt pocket, setting them on the dresser, before tugging off his shirt and tossing it into the hamper, followed quickly by his undershirt. He made his way the few steps to the bathroom, flicking the door closed about half way as he passed it. Reaching into the shower he turned on the water, letting it come to temperature as he slid off his boxers, tossing them against the walk to be retrieved later. As the first wisps of steam began to drift over the closed shower door, John opened it and tested the water with a paw. Finding it to his liking he hoped in, letting the warm water soak through his fur. He hummed softly as he let the water saturate him. Then, snatching up a bottle of fur shampoo and squeezing some onto his paw, he began to rub it through his fur. Working up a rich lather and letting it sit for a minute to really get deep into his fur. He rinsed the shampoo from his fur and turned off the shower. Running his paws down his arms, chest, and legs he squeezed as much of the excess water from his fur as he could before stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel to finish the job.

After giving his fur a quick brush, to ensure that it didn't get knotted up, John pulled his boxers back on and stalked back into the bedroom. He tugged his robe down from the back of the bedroom door and pulled it on, tying it closed round the middle. He padded silently down stairs and towards the kitchen. Long before he actually arrived in the room he could smell the meal that Linda had made for them. She was just finishing with the last touches being put on the table. Her striped tail twitching back and forth as she leans over the table, arranging the serving dishes. "Well grab a seat sweetheart." She said before looking up at him. John smiled and pulled a chair back before sliding into it. Somehow she always knew when he was looking at her. Linda finished getting the plates just the way she wanted them before sinking into her own seat and hoisting a serving spoon.

About midway through dinner John piped up, "This is really great hun. Not to mention that fact that I'm actually eating it with you." Linda smiled began purring softly. "I booked us tickets to the States at work this afternoon." John added

Linda nearly chocked mid-chew and swallowed before responding, "Really? I thought you were still working overtime?"

"Well I am for the rest of this week, but after that I go back to normal rostering. And since I had the extra four weeks leave to use, I thought we could go over to the US and see some friends and do a few touristy things as well."

"So which friends were you thinking of seeing. I need to make phone calls and let people know that we're coming. You know arrange someone to pick us up from the airport and that sort of thing." Linda said.

"Well the pick up from the airport has already been taken care of. I called my old friend Travis from work and he insisted that he pick us up and stay at his place."

"Travis? Is that that coyote friend of yours that you used to stay with when you did those international ferry flights?"

"The same, he's been dying to meet you since he couldn't make it over to our wedding."

"And I can't wait to meet him, this coyote that left such good memories in your head. You've always said good things about him."

John nodded and they talked about what else they were going to do, who they were going to visit, and the places they wanted to go. They finished dinner and John helped Linda clear the table and wash up in the kitchen. It was getting on in the evening so they decided to just go upstairs and get ready for bed, seeing as John had to work the next morning.

In the bedroom John shrugged his robe off and hung it on the back of the door, before turning to walk back to the bed. Sitting on the end of the bed in his boxers he watched as Linda disrobed as well. Much to John's surprise and not to mention delight she revealed that she'd not been wearing anything underneath it. Her bare furred breasts, normally firm in their own right, were now hard and standing proud in the cool night air. John's muzzle split into a wide grin and the pink tip of his wolfhood, still hidden by his boxers, began to creep from its furry home.

Linda grinned back and began to purr softly. Her tail twitched back and forth until it wrapped around her thigh seductively, its tip flicking back and forth just below her sex. Slowly she moved, covering the distance between herself and John in graceful strides. As she approached John's member continued its journey out of its warm home, fighting against the loose confines of his boxers, forcing them to tent noticeably. Linda stopped right in front of him, his muzzle mere inches from her hard nipples. It was all John could do to resist the urge to pounce off the bed and take his loving wife right where they would land.

Linda lent forward and kissed John on the forehead. Then slowly she made her way down his front, pausing for a long moment to take his muzzle with hers in a long passionate kiss. After the kiss she continued down his chest, teasing his nipples until they were as hard as hers. Her slow teasing, although immensely pleasurable, soon had John whimpering like a puppy. Linda's paws preceded her muzzle, rubbing John's swollen and painfully hard cock through the thin fabric of his bowers. John threw his head back at her touch, his tongue lolling from his mouth as his hips moved, pumping his hot wolf meat against her warm paws.

As Linda closed the distance between her lips and John's member she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down effortlessly between John's half minded thrusts. It had been a long time between sessions and she could tell that he was in definite need of relief, and being only to happy to give it to him, as his cock sprang from its prison to stand proudly erect in her face. Linda sank to her knees and lowered her head until her nose hovered just above his pulsing shaft. She took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of his wolfhood. She licked her lips and ran her rough feline tongue up the sensitive underside of his meat. John couldn't take anymore and his arms gave out, causing him to flop onto his back on the bed.

Linda looked at him and grinned ever wider, her purring rising in volume. She drew her lips over her sharp teeth and encircled the head of John prick, getting a gasp from his prone form as a result. Slowly she descend upon him, taking his length into her hungry muzzle and down the start of her throat, until her nose rested firmly in his crotch. John's paws continually gripped and released the bed sheets as Linda's warm, moist muzzle engulfed his member. Linda began bobbing her head slowly sucking harder with every upstroke of John's maleness. She felt his paws on her head and she continued to bring him towards the edge. John's fingers rubbed the back on Linda's head, entwining themselves with her head fur, rubbing the backs of her feline ears, causing her to moan around his shaft.

Linda felt John's body stiffen as he approached his peak. She descended his wolfhood, taking it into her muzzle and letting his rapidly expanding knot fill her mouth. She sucked hard and felt his prick twitch and jump in her mouth and throat, sending jets of hot wolf seed down her throat. Linda milked every last drop of cum from John's softening shaft, before letting it slip from her muzzle, slapping wetly against his chest fur. Licking her lips and whiskers to catch any bits that may have escaped Linda crawled up onto the bed, purring contentedly. Propping herself up on her elbows she looked down at her love's face. He had such a silly look about him, eyes half closed in exhaustion, tongue lolling from his muzzle, and a deeply satisfied grin from ear to pointed ear. John looked up into her warm eyes. "I love you so much." He said softly before getting up onto his elbows and kissing her lips, getting a taste of himself in the process.

Both shuffled their way up the bed and under the covers, falling asleep in nothing but their fur, and not caring because they were in each others arms. Linda lay pressed against John's side, one arm across his chest, purring softly. Her purring, and previous efforts, put John to sleep almost instantly.

It seemed far too soon that John's bedside alarm clock was dragging him from his pleasant dreams. But still he slapped it with a sleepy paw and inched his way out from underneath Linda's still sleeping arm. He showered quickly and got dressed before heading out to the garage, he'd be able to get a bite to eat at the office whilst going over the flight plans and other paperwork for the day's flying. Starting the engine of his Jeep he began the drive into work, hoping that traffic would be reasonable at this time of the morning.

John stood over one of the many flight planning desks in the operations room at World Regional's headquarters looking over the flight details for his trip. It was a fairly easy day, Hong Kong to San Francisco then to Sydney and home. One paw rested around his coffee mug, half filled with tea at the moment, as the other traced the routes that were set out in the flight plan. With his free paw he pulled a little flip open notebook from his shirt pocket, setting it open on the desk beside the chart. He flipped through the pages until he found a blank one, before pulling a pen from his opposite pocket and clicking it on. He quickly jotted down the points that he knew he'd have to make reports before closing his pen and replacing it, and taking another sip of tea from his mug.

John looked over the charts for a few more minutes and finished his tea before looking at his watch. With a sigh he folded the charts back into their original shapes and put them back in the rack at the top of the desk, since the planes had a full set onboard already he had no need to take these ones. He washed his mug out quickly before snatching his flight bag and jacket and heading out to the elevators down to the causeway and over to the terminal building.

In the terminal it only took him about ten minutes to clear security and get to his gate. He found his first officer, a fox named Garry, waiting by the door along with the cabin staff. "Morning Garry." John said as he reached the group.

"Morning sir." Garry replied extending a paw.

John took the offered paw with his own, shaking it firmly before releasing it and addressing the rest of the crew. Since their aircraft hadn't finished disembarking all its passengers yet they stood and talked next to the aerobridge doors. When the cabin and flight crew of the arriving flight finally pushed open the doors and walked out, exchanging nods and smiles with John and Garry's crew, John held the door open for his crew as they entered the aerobridge heading for the aircraft parked at the gate.

Once aboard the aircraft John and Garry set about preparing the flight deck and all the aircraft systems for departure. When it came time to decide would be pilot flying for the first sector of the day John and Garry settled matter with a round of rock, paper, scissors. Which Garry won. So John grabbed his cap from the shelf in the bulkhead behind his seat, placing it on his head before walking through the still open cockpit door. Down the aerobridge stairs and out onto the tarmac. He made short work of the preflight inspection, checking this and looking at that, before mounting the stairs again, pausing at the top to enter the access code on the door. Returning to the flight deck he pulled the door closed behind him and pressed the lock button on the aft aisle stand, rewarded by a loud click and the words "flight deck locked" appearing briefing on the E.I.C.A.S. screen.

With the systems now ready for departure John called clearance delivery and got their cleared route, which both he and Garry copied onto their respective notepads. John, as pilot not flying, entered the clearance into the flight management computer and discussed the changes briefly with Garry, just so that both knew exactly what was going on. As they reviewed everything they could hear the cabin crew getting the passengers loaded behind them. I t wasn't long before all the passengers were aboard and the forward left door closed and locked. John confirmed the door's status with the flight management system and called the forward cabin attendant station to confirm that they were ready for pushback. The head flight attendant, a small clawed otter, confirmed that they were, so John radioed the ground controller and received their pushback and taxi clearances.

The flight to LA and then to Sydney was uneventful, aside from a few pockets of moderate turbulence that hadn't been on the forecast. John elected to stay on the plane at Sydney during the hour and a half layover, while they picked up fuel and passengers. It wasn't until they were about halfway through boarding passengers that John and Garry got a call from the company office at Sydney international, notifying them that two connecting flights had been delayed out of Auckland and Christchurch due to bad weather that they had their first drama. And as a result a simple hour and a half refueling stop turned into a three hour layover. Since they already had all the current passengers onboard there wasn't much that could be done. John picked up the cabin phone and made that announcement that every passenger hates to hear and every captain hates to give. "Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking..." he went on to explain the basics of the situation and apologized for the delay. Eventually the two flights arrived and the last of their passengers was finally in their seats.

With the added delay to their departure and no thanks to a stronger then forecast headwind, John and Garry managed to arrive back at Chek Lap Kock airport just before the curfew. They taxi to their assigned gate and finish out the securing checklist as the passengers depart to where ever they happened to be going tonight. After the last of the passengers are gone John and Garry step out of the flight deck and shake the paws of the cabin staff, thanking them for an uneventful trip, before they all made their way back to World Regional's complex next to the terminal.

John opened the door to his office, slipping his ID card back into its holder as he turned the handle. He hung his cap on the set of hooks just inside the door along with his coat. Lifting his coffee mug from his desk he poured himself a cup from the pot he'd left on the warmer from this morning. He sank into his chair and turned on his computer monitor and started filling out the after flight reports that the company required, which didn't take him that long, the only out of the ordinary thing that he had to fill out was a brief description of the reason for their delay.

With the report submitted John could finally head home. Before leaving his office John took the time to thumb through the collection of CD's in the rack on his desk, looking for one of his favorite music albums that he'd brought in last week to listen to whilst killing time on standby in his office. About halfway down the pile he found a different disc, his copy of the cruiser's specs. and crew training disc. Since he and Linda were flying on the cruiser over to the States, and he could probably do with a refresher look at everything anyhow, he placed the disc in the outside pocket of his flight bag. A few rows down he found the one he was looking for and pulled it from the stack, setting on the desk while he turned off his computer screen and got his coat.

John pulled on his coat and lifted the disc from the desk, slipping it into one of his pockets before taking hold of the extendable handle on his flight bag and heading for home. He stopped to lock the door to his office, pulling it closed he noticed that it clicked home perfectly, "Those maintenance guys must have fixed it last night." He thought to himself as he passed his card over the reader to lock the door. A short elevator ride and walk later he was opening the door of his jeep and tossing his flight bag into the passenger seat. He took the CD out of his coat pocket and set it on the dash as he climbed into the car. Popping the disc into the stereo he set off on the drive home.

Traffic tonight, like the morning, was nice and light so the drive home only took about forty-five minutes. But with the delay leaving Sydney, it was still very late, and the lack of lights on in the windows of his home, he knew that Linda was already in bed. Like so many other times over the last few months he pulled into the driveway and into the garage trying to be as quiet as possible. Leaving his flight bag in the car, John pulled the cruiser training disc from the outside pocket and headed into the house.

He wasn't really all that tired at the moment so John quietly tiptoed to his downstairs den and turned on his desk lamp and computer. Once the computer was up and running he placed the disc in and waited for the program to activate. In the mean time he lifted a pair of headphones from a stand beside the monitor and switched them on, cutting out the desk speakers so that the computer voice wouldn't wake Linda upstairs. John scrolled through the various lessons until he found the one that he was really interested in. Clicking on the lesson label "General Overview" he screen blanked for a second and then a cut away image of the cruiser appeared. The computer voice in John's ears told him all the basic points that he already knew about the aircraft. Then the program stopped to let John pick a section of the aircraft to review. He studied the image on the screen for a few moments before noticing something that he'd either failed to notice during his actual check out on the plane, or that he'd completely forgotten about in the time since.

John clicked on a little area about halfway down the fuselage below the main cabin deck that looked like it was fitted with a pair of beds. The computer program launched into a description of the "crew rest area" and all of its features, such as sound proofed walls and ceiling so the noises from above would wake a resting crew member. John took careful note of the main cabin access point, which happened to be an unmarked door panel beside the aft lavatory. John smiled as he exited the program and turned off the computer before flipping out the light and heading for bed. As quietly as he could he snuck into the bedroom, Linda's sleeping form all tucked in under the covers, her soft white and black striped fur rising and falling slightly as she slept.

The next two weeks, the last of the month, seemed to fly past. John had one more extra trip before getting back to his normal schedule. John had two trips the week before he and Linda were due to go on holidays, one of which was an overnight in London and returning the next day. Since John was going to be away for a full month and it had been five already since his last simulator check the company scheduled it for him on the last day he worked before going on leave. Both John and his first officer for the check received top marks in all fields of the check out. After John finished with his duty shift Neil dropped by his office with a couple of cold beers to celebrate both his promotion to captain, all be it a bit belated, and John being able to take a well deserved break. John quickly removed all of his work insignia, since it was against company policy to drink while in uniform, before he and Neil opened a pair together in his office.

The next day John and Linda spent packing everything that they would need and making sure that everything in the house was in order. Neil had been good enough to volunteer to look after their house while they were away. The fact that they had an over the top home theater setup probably helped his thinking a bit. Not that they minded at all.

That night both John and Linda turned in early. It was going to be a long day, especially with what John had in mind for the flight over. He decided to surprise Linda in the morning with his plans as they drove to the airport, rather then letting her stew on the prospect.

The morning of their departure dawned to a dull gray, cloud filled sky as moderately heavy rain lashed the bedroom window. John looked over from where he lay in bed, Linda's arm draped across his chest. He could see the rain sheeting down the glass as the wind flung it against the pane. He let out a soft sigh and a groan at the same time. He knew that weather like this meant a slow trip to the airport and that flights, most likely including theirs, would be delayed. Rolling over John looked into his wife's sleeping face. He could feel more then hear the soft purr that she always seemed to have whilst sleeping. Gently he kissed her nose and stroked the back of one striped ear. Linda stirred and pulled him closer to her, before her eyes fluttered open and a smile parted her muzzle. "Morning." She said softly, kissing John back. Her ears twitched as the picked up the rain on the window glass and ceiling, "Why does it always seem to rain when we want to go away?" She groaned, nuzzling her head into John's chest a bit deeper.

"I know," John replied stroking the back of her head, making her purr louder, "Come on, it's time to get up. It'll be a long drive to the airport in this weather.

Linda nodded and shuffled onto her back, leaving John free to get up, as she looked at the ceiling for a few moments. John sat up on the edge of the bed and looked back down at Linda. As she lay on her back her breasts made two nice pillars out of the sheets and his wolfhood started to slip from its home and harden at the sight of them. John had to close his eyes and look away from the lovely sight as he got out of bed, he didn't want to spoil the fun by diving in right here and now, tempting though it may be. John made his way to the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the water get warm as he brushed his teeth and removed his boxers.

Steam was rolling over the top of the shower door by the time John finished with his teeth, and the mirror in front of him had clouded over. The first time he knew Linda was in the room with him, was when he felt one of her strong, yet soft, paws come to rest on his rear. The suddenness of it made him jump a little and he heard Linda giggle behind him as she opened the shower door. John hopped into the shower right behind her and the two of them took turns washing each other. After a good twenty minutes John turned off the shower and pulled a pair of towels from the shelf on the wall.

Linda was first to get dressed and downstairs, so she set a place for John at the table, pouring him a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. John tugged their suitcases down the stairs and loaded them into the Jeep, as rain still lashed the garage door. Linda handed him his coffee as he walked back in through the connecting door. They made short work of the light breakfast, placing the bowls and their coffee mugs in the dishwasher before heading out the car.

John backed the Jeep out of the driveway and pressed the button to close the garage door. They started the long drive in to the airport. As they made steady progress through the, mercifully light, traffic John broke the monotony of the sound of the windshield wipers. "I was looking over the specs on the cruiser the other week and I noticed something interesting." He said without taking his eyes off the road.

Linda sighed inwardly, thinking that he was going to go on about some little technical thing, but she smiled, "Really? What is that?" She said.

"Well I noticed that the cruisers have a crew rest area under the main passenger deck. But since all of our flights are three hours or less it never gets used, and the cabin crews don't even know about it." John said, grinning slightly.

"Well if the cabin crew doesn't know about it then what good..." Linda started before she looked at John and realized where he was going with his comment. She smiled as well, "So what you're saying is that we could..." she said and John just nodded.

"You said you always want to try and join the club." John said.

The rest of the trip passed in silence, save for the falling rain and the rubbing of the windshield wiper rubbers on the glass. Soon they turned off the main road and into the airport. John pulled up at the gate to the WRX staff parking lot and passed his car against the reader, his arm getting soaked in the process. The gate slid open and they drove through. The WRX parking area was about the most secure parking area on the airport, with its razor wire topped fences and multiple video surveillance cameras. John pulled into his normal spot and lifted his umbrella from the backseat. Holding it near the door he opened the door and quickly opened the umbrella. He helped Linda out of the car, handing her the umbrella before hefting their luggage out of the back of the car. It was just a short walk to one of the undercover walkways that led to the front door.

Once they got into the building the mouse behind the reception desk looked up at them, smiling as always, "Good morning Captain Gledfern. Terrible weather outside isn't it."

"That it is Amy. Could I get you to but this umbrella in my office for me?" John said smiling.

"Sure thing sir. You two have a nice holiday." Amy said reaching over the counter to take the umbrella from John's paw.

John and Linda took one of the elevators up to the level for the causeway to the main terminal. They cleared customs and immigration very easily, mainly because most of the immigrations officers knew John very well and both he and Linda went through the aircrew line.

Once inside the terminal John and Linda went to the gate and grabbed a coupe of seats. Linda stayed and looked after their carry-ons while John went and picked up a coffee for them both. Back at the gate John sank into his seat and looked out the window. He could hear the aircraft taking off outside, but with the rain he couldn't see them. The plane that they were flying out on was already parked at the gate and various teams of people moved about, getting the aircraft ready to depart again. As the time was fast approaching for the flight to board, John was sure that they would be delayed, because of the reduced traffic flow the weather was causing. But they boarded on time anyway, and then sat on board the plane waiting to be pushed back. John stared out the window from first class and was just about to sigh when he noticed that the rain had let up a bit. A few moments later the plane surged backwards as the tug pushed the loaded aircraft away from the gate. The rain stayed light for long enough to allow John and Linda to get away on time. John squeezed Linda's hand as they climbed away from Hong Kong international, soon lunch would be served, and after that they'd have dessert.

The cruiser climbed smoothly through the various layers of cloud that covered the area surrounding Honk Kong. After they passed through about 12,000 feet the clouds parted, dull gray giving way to brilliant blue the golden rays of sunshine reflecting off the cloud tops. After passing through 20,000 feet it became clear that they wouldn't be hitting any clear air turbulence on climb to their desired level. The captain turned off the fasten seatbelt sign and made the usual announcements about keeping it fastened while seated and the weather for their arrival in San Francisco. John recognized the voice on the PA instantly. It was Tony, an otter he'd been crewed with on more then a few occasions.

The flight attendants started the meal service soon after. Linda decided to have the chicken pasta, while John had the pepper steak. Both of them rushed through their meal, anxious to get to their own in-flight entertainment. John leaned over and whispered the location of the entrance into Linda's ear. She nodded and licked her lips expectantly. John squeezed past her and made his way towards the back of the aircraft, as if heading for the bathroom. Once at the aft part of the plane he turned the handle on what looked like an ordinary door, the only difference being that unlike every other door on the plane, which opened out, this one opened in. Thus anyone who tried the handle would assume the door was looked and leave it at that.

John pushed the door open quietly, just enough for him to slip past it and into the hidden stairs and compartment. He had just managed to get all the lights set just right over the single bed that took up one wall of the compartment when he heard the door open and close again, the faint click of the lock being set. Linda padded down the few steps to the compartment floor. John smiled and hugged her tightly. Slowly they shuffled their way over to the bed as they held each other tightly, kissing passionately their tongues dancing in each others muzzles.

As they reach the side of the low bed, John pushed Linda down gently until she's sitting on its edge. Without breaking their kiss his paws worked her shirt buttons, soon he had them all undone and was able to slide her shirt from her shoulders and off her arms, tossing it aside to be collected later in the trip. With her shirt removed John made short work of her bra, sending it to join her shirt on the floor. His paws roved over her now exposed breasts, every now and then giving them a playful squeeze drawing a gasp and low moan from Linda, breaking their kiss. John took the opportunity to move his kissing lower. Slowly he ran his lupine tongue down the side of her neck and shoulder, until he reached his target. Slowly he circled her breast with his tongue, moving in towards her nipple each time, until finally he ran his tongue slowly across her hard nipple and took it into his muzzle. The shock of his warm mouth and tongue suckling her nipple made Linda gasp, every muscle in her being tensing, her paws griping the tucked in sheets of the bed. When John was satisfied with the hardness of this nipple he smoothly kissed his way over to the other, lavishing the same treatment on her other breast as well.

Once both nipples her were hard and standing out from her breasts John began kissing his way down her exposed front, making his way over chest and firm, toned tummy, from which a booming purr emanated. Once he arrived at the waistband of her pants he paused long enough to unbutton her pants and begin sliding them down off her hips. Linda lay back onto the bed, her head resting again the cabin wall, her hips lifting from the bed just slightly, giving John an easy moment to slip her pants down past her knees, followed mere moments later by her panties. Once past her knees gravity took hold and did the rest. John quickly descended upon Linda's already moist sex. His tongue ran along the edges of her pussy, being very careful not to brush directly over top of it. Linda swooned as he teased her sex, her paws running through his head fur as she purred and panted. John could hear her breathing getting faster as he built her towards climax. He could also feel his wolfhood, trapped and achingly hard in his pants. Linda must have guessed what he was feeling because in mid-swipe of his tongue she tightened her grip on his fur and shifted her weight, catching John by surprise as she reversed their positions.

Linda made short work of removing John's shirt and unbuttoning his pants, her skilled and nimble paws knowing just how to do things. As she kissed his way down his chest and tummy, her paws massaged his hard and pulsing wolfhood through the gap left in his unbuttoned jeans. She worked his meat through the thin material of his boxers. Grasping it she gave a slight squeeze the intense pleasure sending shockwaves through John's system. Arching his back as he unconsciously thrust his hips against her paw. Linda used this to remove the stubborn and confining garment, tossing into the growing pile of discarded clothes. With his cock now free and in the open it stood proud and ready for action, pre leaking from its tip thanks to Linda's efforts. Linda lowered her head towards the pulsing shaft, inhaling its thick musky scent. Gently she ran her feline tongue over the sensitive tip, drawing a sharp gasp from John, his paw nearly tearing into the sheets on the bed.

Linda pulled her lips over her sharp fangs and descended on John's throbbing meat, taking every inch slowly into her sucking muzzle. Pre oozed from its tip as she sucked it in. She swallowed the sweet nectar with vigor. She bobbed slowly taking his cock all the way into her mouth each time .John's breathing grew shallow and rapid as Linda sucked him off. She could tell John was getting close, but she didn't want to end their session just yet.

Letting his pre leaking, saliva covered tip slip from her muzzle, and getting a whimper of despair from John as a result she changed her position, moving her wet and waiting sex directly over his pulsing wolfhood. Slowly she lowered herself onto his head. Inch by inch she sank onto his hard wolf cock. She begins to ride him, sliding up and down along his hard pole. John soon picks up her rhythm and starts thrusting his hips in time with her movements. As his thick meat slides in and out of her warm, moist love passage each sensation is increased by the reduced air pressure in the cabin. John's knot begins to take shape and swell, each time becoming harder to push past Linda's tight pussy lips. John let his paws drift down Linda's sides, taking in her toned shape, before grasping her hips and thrusting hard and deep into her tight confines, his knot popping through and tying them together. The move is all it takes to send Linda over the edge, every fiber in her being pulses with electricity and her pussy lips clamp around John's shaft. The added pressure on his knot as he continues to thrust shallowly into her pushes him over as well. Howling out his climax as his cock jumps, pumping jet after jet of wolf seed into her waiting insides. Even their climaxes are drawn out by the high altitude and Linda's still spasming pussy milking every last drop from John's empty balls.

As they lay in each others arms, panting heavily from the effort both had put in, an announcement came over the PA speaker in the hidden compartment, informing everyone that they will be starting their descent shortly and that the cabin staff would be coming through the cabin handing out arrival card in a few minutes. Linda smiles as she begins to lift herself off John's softening cock her muscles tired and even a bit sore. She got about halfway up when John quickly grabbed her arms and pulled her back down, locking his muzzle to hers. After a few moments he pulls back and looks into her deep green eyes. "Welcome to the mile high club sweetheart." He said.

Linda smiled back, giving him a quick kiss on the muzzle before gently pulling herself off his now soft cock. Quickly they clean themselves up as best they can and get dressed again. Linda is the first out of the compartment, John following her a minute later. They settle back into their seats just in time for one of the cabin staff to come by with arrival cards for them to fill out. The younger vixen gives the air a quick sniff as she hands them the arrival cards. She looks at them puzzled for a moment as she realizes the scent of sex lingering on them. Julie, the vixen, knows John and Linda from some of the company functions and so she smiles and gives John a playful wink as she headed off down the isle to attend to the rest of the passengers. John glanced after her for a moment, only to receive a quick elbow in the ribs from Linda. He smiled and gave her a mock hurt look. Causing Linda to giggle slightly and kiss him on the nose.

As they descend into San Francisco the weather is fine and they get a great view of the city and the Golden Gate as they approach SFO. The landing was smooth and soon the aircraft was parked at the gate and everyone was getting ready to disembark. John pulled both his and Linda's carry-ons from the overhead compartment and set them on the floor. As they moved toward the door they passed a flight attendant station, John took the opportunity and lifted the interphone from its cradle, pressing the button for the flight deck. The phone beeped once before being picked up. "Flight deck." The voice on the other end said.

John smiled, "Nice landing Tony." He said.

"Oh hey John thanks. Have a great time in San Fran." Tony replied

"I will. Have a good trip home." John said before hanging up the handset.

Once they go into the terminal, John and Linda made their way through passport control with all the rest of the passengers. The customs officer was very polite and wished them both a pleasant stay before clearing them through.

They collected their checked bags hurried off to customs and quarantine. Since neither of them had anything to declare the officer just collected their card and bid them good day.

Once they exited the secure area in to the meeting area, it didn't take John long to spot the every distinctive colors of his friend. As they made their way towards him, Travis spotted them and began closing the distance between them. When they met Travis threw his arms open and took John into a big hug. John released his bag and hugged Travis back before taking a step back and taking Linda's paw. "It's so good to see you again mate." John said a big smile on his muzzle. Travis looked at Linda as John introduced her, "And this is my better half and love of my life. Linda."

Linda blushed a bit as she extended a paw to Travis. Travis took it and kissed it softly. "John has told me a lot about you," She said, "I can see why he thinks so highly of you."

Now it was Travis' turn to blush, "He's told me a lot about you as well. And I can see why he loves you so." His comment causing John to blush slightly. "So was your flight over?" Travis asked as he turned to head back out to the parking garage.

"Well it was much less stressful then some." John and Linda replied nearly in perfect unison. They turned to each other and giggled.

Travis rolled his eyes as they walked. John had told him about Linda's "Stress relief" and he fancied he cold smell something different on them both. Now it all just made sense what they'd gotten up to during the flight.

The End.