Riding School

Story by Jeremy on SoFurry

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Riding School

The lights shone brightly in the arena as Cathy and her horse, Diemonic, a dark-brown 17.5 hands high horse, leapt as one over the three meter high jump. They landed gracefully, Cathy feeling the powerful shoulder muscles of her faithful stead move as it turned sharply to the left its powerful leg muscles propelling it and its rider over top of the next jump.

The crowd cheered as the rider and horse completed their last jump together and the fifteen year old girl burst into a huge smile and clapped her horse on the side of its large muscular neck in appreciation. The horse snorted in response and slowly started a light trot shaking its head from side to side. An announcer broadcasted over the loudspeakers to the crowd the time of the pair and that they had completed their ride with no faults, but the fifteen year old wasn't really listening. She was remembering how only two months earlier she had gone to the Milgert riding school for girls after getting on the honour roll at school. And because the school was so close to her home, Cathy could continue in the fall, which made the brown haired blue-eyed girl very happy.

* Flashback *

The car drove away with her parents talking to themselves without even saying goodbye, as the slender girl sighed and picked up her bag. Cathy was fifteen but she was barely 92 lbs, and stood about 5' 3". From what she had heard about this school, there were five other girls aged no more than 18, and the headmaster and a female instructor. Cathy could make out a young woman in outdoorsy clothes and a middle-age women on the porch of the house.

Walking up to the two women, Cathy smiled politely and was glad when the two women smiled back at her. The middle-age lady explained about the compound, told Cathy about the buildings, that schedules were to be followed strictly. Interestingly to Cathy, there were only eight horses and what was extremely strange to Cathy, they were all male.

Glancing nervously between the two women, Cathy smiled slightly disappointed. Male horses she understood were much more aggressive than female horses, and she knew little about horse jumping. But not wanting to be a worry wort, she hoped her smile had hid her nervousness.

The younger woman, who called herself Margaret, smiled again at Cathy and clapped her on the shoulder before taking her around and telling her what was to be expected from her. Because, the school was the best and they expected the best of their riders ...

* End Flashback *

Cathy and Diemonic were now headed back to the stables where the horses were kept. It was dark outside and kind of chilly but to Cathy it brought on an element of freshness which soothed her nerves as she held the reins to her horse. Because of such an important show, Cathy's first ever jumping competition, it would be a number of firsts for herself and her horse.

Diemonic tossed his head and followed after the small human girl into the stables and into his own stall. He tossed his head several times and neighed at the other horses looking fiercely at any that would look at him, to him he was the victor of this night. Feeling Cathy's slender fingers move through his mane and receiving a pat on his neck settled down Diemonic. Cathy as a small slender girl was still amassed how Diemonic could be downright vicious to the other horses and be very gentle and docile to her and sadly to other human girls as well.

As Cathy moved her fingers through his mane, Diemonic lowered his head and nudged his nose in between her legs. It had happened to her once before when she had been braiding his mane and she had swatted him right on the nose, however this time she decided to let him nose around just a touch, no one was around. However, Diemonic pushed his nose closer to her crotch and actual ran his tongue along the underline of the uniform pants that Cathy wore and her panties.

Gasping softly Cathy was somewhat disgusted but at the same time something tingled deep within her belly. Looking around to ensure that no one was there, she felt Diemonic run his long tongue along the bottom of her pants again. Blushing, Cathy moved his curious head from between her legs and unbuttoned her dress shirt and took off her pants and underwear revealing a slender girl with an almost hair-less vagina and developing mounds of flesh.

The horse starred at her again and snorted softly before feeling her hands grab his head and bring it down to her vagina. The horse rubbed his head against the girl's open legs before slipping his tongue along her slit tasting the sweet juices that came from her vagina. Diemonic than slipped his tongue into her nether region and moved around inside her before Cathy noticed the sheath to his member and noticed that 16" of horse cock had emerged.

Backing away from the horse and feeling his tongue slip out of her moist vagina, Cathy stepped onto the metal bars that were attached to the paddock that kept the horse from entering into the stable. Feeling cool wood press against her butt and her back Cathy gasped as the horse came closer and placed his front hooves on either side of her head, his large member positioned at her virgin entrance.

With a slight nod from his human, Diemonic snorted softly and moved his head around to look at the other horses before moving his back legs forward and feeling her legs wrap around his stomach and feeling his large member sink deep into her warmth. Feeling a block to the continuation of his member into this tight warm body, where his cock felt safe, Diemonic pulled halfway out before pushing back into her vagina resulting in Cathy screaming and the taking of her cherry as the small piece of skin broke, allowing the entrance to the large member.

Tears trickled down Cathy's cheeks as the horse looked down between its front legs and nuzzled the top of her with its cheek. Cathy took several sharp breaths, her vagina contracting tightly around his large member before reaching up with one of her slender hands and rubbing Diemonic on his nose. Snorting, Diemonic pushed against the girl, pushing more of his large black member into her.

Cathy even though feeling a large amount of pain with 2/3 of his large black member inside her, her belly still tingled with pleasure making her moan. The horse pulled its large member from the girl until only the cockhead rested inside her vagina and than he slowly moved back into her resulting in another gasp from her. For the next ten to fifteen minutes, Diemonic trusted in and out of his young rider quickening his pace once he felt his balls fill with his potent seed. Cathy was now in a bliss, all the pain was gone and there was only pleasure as something tingled more in her belly.

Finally, Diemonic pushed against Cathy, his warm belly fur rubbing against her belly, breasts and clit, resulting in all 16" entering into her extremely tight vagina, and a wall of potent seed shot deep into her womb. Cathy moaned as her vagina walls contracted around the horse member milking it, as several large shots of seed continued deep inside her belly. As sweat trickled down her face, Cathy felt hot sticky-cum trickle down her legs as Diemonic rested his large member inside her vagina her muscles massaging his member, cum pumping into her. However, all good things have to come to an end and Diemonic pulled out of the girl and she fell to the ground as more cum leaked out of her belly.

Cathy tried to crawl to her uniform to put it back on but her hands and legs were too shaky and she couldn't move too much. Gasping softly she felt Diemonic lie down next to her and she moved so she could rest her head against his strong shoulder. Some of the girls would wonder where she was but it was usual for girls at the school to stay with their horses sometimes. However, as Cathy fell asleep she wondered if Diemonic would try to mate with her again in the morning, which could result in embarrassing circumstances. Oh well, if he wanted to mate with her again, she would let him any time he wanted, even if people were around.

This is my first ever story, and I am think of making it into a series. Not only chapters with Cathy and Diemonic, but there are five other girls and the headmaster and the instructor, have several stories or chapters with them having sex with their horses. Maybe, or I will just keep it as Cathy and Diemonic. What do you guys think?