Chapter 3: Night of Truth

Story by Nachtwolf413 on SoFurry

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#3 of Those College Years

Hey everyone!

Here is chapter three of the series! And before I forget, a massive kudos goes to Nogard for his indispensable help writing some of the sections (ps. you should read his stories if you get the chance).

As always, the following contains adult material, etc. etc.


* * *

Tyler gasped as he stepped into the cold morning air. As on most Mondays, he had risen early for his morning class, and he walked slowly across the frozen and sleeping campus. His thoughts turned frequently to the events of the past week, and the thought of his lover still lying warm in Ty's bed helped to stave off the cold air. Never before had he felt so right, and he secretly knew that he owed his new happiness to his friends...he would have to find a way to repay them, somehow.

The thought of his friends brought a smile to Ty's face; he knew they would have no end of joy over hearing the wolf's wonderful new news (even if they themselves had no small part in it). Jayden and Ethan would be particularly excited, not least because they had also been particularly taken with Mark's charm, and they certainly wouldn't mind the presence of another attractive male in their midst.

The sun was barely breaking over the treetops when Ty reached the gym for his yoga session. Although he loathed his early rising time, the wolf had very quickly come to realize that the invigorating morning session did wonders to start the day. He was able to watch the sun slowly float over the forest, painting the sky in hues of brilliant orange and red. Tyler, who had always been fond of sunsets and sunrises, loved every moment of it, and the new warm thoughts of Mark served only to increase his joy; he was positively bouncing by the end of the session. He was nonetheless surprised, however, when he picked up his phone to see a message from Jayden (not least due to the fact that the dragon was awake before noon).

The text said simply, truth night tonight.

Ty grinned, memories of the last delightfully awkward truth night burning fresh in his memory. It was time for Mark to truly meet the family.

* * *

The white wolf was still asleep when Ty returned to his room, prompting a wry smile and shake of the head from the grey animal; how other animals could waste so much of their morning was beyond him. Luckily, however, Ty had a couple of hours before his next class, and he decided to take advantage of the warm body resting in his bed. Quickly stripping down to only his boxers, Ty quietly slipped under the covers, trying not to wake Mark.

Mark moaned slightly at the new presence on the bed, but he gave no indication that he was awake. Encouraged, Ty slowly rotated so that Mark was spooning him, but before he could continue, the white wolf grabbed him and pulled him in close, growling playfully.

"Wolf, did you really think you could sneak up on me," Mark growled, squeezing Ty tightly.

"Of course I did," he replied. "You sleep like a log."

Ty squeezed Mark back, and in response, the larger wolf gave a contented sigh, licking affectionately a few times at the back of Ty's neck and eliciting a playful murr from the smaller wolf.

"How was yoga?" Mark asked as he continued to groom the grey wolf.

Ty yawned, "It was nice. I may actually be able to touch my toes by the end of the semester. Plus," he added, stretching his arms above his head and smiling, "once I'm flexible enough, I won't need you anymore."

Suddenly a sharp pain shot through Ty's right arm, causing the wolf to gasp in pain. Mark's ears perked up at the sound.

"Honey?" he asked with concern in his voice.

Ty reached up to massage the offending arm.

"It's nothing," he groaned. "I must have pulled something this morning. I'll just work it out."

The small wolf rubbed at his arm, gasping sharply each time he passed over the tender spot. He had done more than just pull something; he knew this was one of those aches that didn't go away quickly.

"Honey, you work yourself too much," Mark said gently, as he began to rub at the offending limb. A new feeling of calm flowed through Ty as his lover's warm hands worked soothingly at the knots in his muscles. Within moments, the massage had spread to Ty's back; the small wolf obviously had a lot of tension stored in his little body, and Mark slowly began to work the muscles there. When he passed over Ty's upper back, though, the small wolf let out a loud groan. Mark stopped immediately.

"Did that hurt?" he asked.

Ty shook his head energetically, "no, it felt great. I think you may have found my sweet spot."

Smiling, Mark continued to work at the depression between Ty's shoulder blades, earning a few more contented moans from his lover.

"You like that?" he inquired with a smile. He didn't need to hear the response to know that the small wolf was thoroughly enjoying the attention.

Within moments, Ty was drifting off to sleep. Mark pushed and kneaded at his back until the smaller wolf had collapsed in his arms, adrift once more in his warm dreams. Nuzzling him gently, Mark closed his eyes and kissed him before drifting off himself.

* * *

Ty couldn't help but smile throughout the day. The thoughts of Mark, the excitement over all that was happening, and the anticipation of that night's events had all conspired to make him unusually happy (and even more bouncy than usual). He played with unusual fervor in orchestra, earning himself a pleasant smile from the director. Dinner seemed to fly by, and Mark and Ty spent most of the time antagonizing each other. Christine, who was sitting nearby, couldn't help but smile at them; she had never seen Ty so happy.

After dinner, Jayden, Jake, and Ethan returned to their suite while Mark and Ty returned to the small wolf's room. Within moments, the two had settled onto the bed; Ty was busily reading a biology text while Mark worked through the night's physics homework. As usual, Ty was in his customary position, snuggled up against Mark, though the gentle swaying of the white wolf threatened to lull him once more to sleep.

Suddenly, Mark slammed his textbook to the floor, causing Ty to leap clear off the bed, wheeling around looking for some unknown attacker. When his eyes settled on Mark, the other wolf was rolled over on his back in a fit of laughter.

Ty scowled.

"That was unnecessary," he griped, trying to look offended.

Mark kept laughing.

" was totally necessary, little wolf," he said, righting himself and scooting towards Ty, "It was absolutely necessary."

Ever so slowly, Mark's face inched forward, sending a wave of excitement through Ty. He closed his eyes and moved toward his mate, eager to renew their passions. However, when he moved in, Mark slowly crept out. Ty cocked his head in confusion before moving in again, at which point Mark repeated the process.

Ty grunted in exasperation, eliciting a look of pure innocence from Mark.

"What?" he asked slyly.

In response, Ty leapt up and grabbed the white wolf, holding him tight and stifling his words with his tongue. Mark relented easily, and the two started to moan as their pent-up fervor began to ooze its way out. Their paws made the usual explorations, but as soon as Mark had removed Ty's pants, the grey wolf's cell phone went off.

The two exchanged looks of consternation as Ty checked the caller's ID; it was Ethan. Silently, he shot Mark a glance that said I have to take this. Mark simply nodded.

"Yeah," Ty answered the phone.

"Tyler," came Ethan's voice, "it's time. What are you up to?"

"Not much. I...ohh," he gasped, looking down. Mark looked back and ran his fingers once more up the sensitive length of Ty's shaft. With a pleading look on his face, Ty simply shook his head, mouthing "no." Mark smiled, giving no indication of his intentions.

"Sorry, I had something stuck in my throat," he lied. "Anyway, I was just getting ready to!"

Mark had suddenly engulfed Ty's cock in his muzzle and was slowly blowing the smaller wolf. He had a devilish grin on his face, and Ty knew that there was nothing he could do about it without dropping the phone. Trying to keep himself under control, he returned his attention to Ethan.

"To come over there," he breathed. "I was wondering when!"

Mark took another lick, sending waves of pleasure up Ty's spine.

"When you would be calling!"

Mark had once more returned his attention to the blow-job, raising a steady paw to massage the now-slick shaft. It took all of Ty's self-control not to moan loudly into the phone.

"So yeah, we should be over there in a few minutes."

"That's cool," the golden replied. "Did you see the e-mail the provost sent out?"

Oh God! Why did he want to talk now?

"No, not yet," he nearly yelped as Mark began to massage his knot. The grey wolf's entire body was trembling now. He knew it was only a matter of time before he blew his load all over Mark's face, and the white wolf could sense this as well. He picked up the pace, sending Ty into a frenzy of sensation and nearly causing him to drop the phone.

Thankfully, Ethan was doing most of the talking. Ty had only to murmur the obligatory "yeah" or "sure" every few seconds. Finally, Ethan brought the conversation to a close.

"Well, you're welcome to come when you want," Ethan said as he hung up the phone.

As if on cue, Ty's member spasmed, shooting a string of hot wolf cum across Mark's face. The large wolf licked it off with relish, a prankish grin written across his face.

Panting, Ty fixed Mark with a stern glare. He could hardly speak through the force of his orgasm.

"That," he groaned, "was most definitely not necessary."

* * *

The two wolves had regained some semblance of calm by the time they had reached Ethan's room. Ty periodically shot venomous looks at his partner, but Mark's deep blue eyes disarmed him every time they caught his gaze. By the end of their short walk, both were smiling sheepishly, earning quizzical expressions from the occupants of the room.

The usual crowd was gathered there. Ethan and Jayden were fighting over a spot on the couch, and as always, Ethan had the upper hand. The golden retriever had pinned the small dragon and refused to get up until he relented the spot. Jake sat behind the two roommates, splitting his attention between the friendly scuffle and his computer. Finally, Mike was perched on Jayden's bed, his phone to his ear as he shared another juicy story with his girlfriend.

As all of the seats were occupied, the two wolves took a spot on the floor, and within seconds Ty had scooted onto Mark's lap. Ty looked up at him affectionately before leaning back into the white wolf's strong chest.

Once Ethan and Jayden had been subdued (never an easy task), Jake turned to look at everyone in the room. Once he was sure he had their attention, he moved to lock the door. Mark, who had no idea what was going on, looked at the panther with a puzzled expression on his face. Jake turned around to face the group before laying out the rules.

"First off, I'd like to thank Mark for joining us. We're mainly doing this for you, so you can get to know us better. Now I'll explain the rules. First, you must answer every question truthfully. Believe me, nothing will shock us. Second, you must answer your own questions as well. Third, there will be no looking down upon or making fun of anyone else for something he has or has not done. It discourages honesty if anyone bashes another for anything. Fourth, everything is completely confidential, so anything said in this room stays in this room. Finally," Jake stared right at Mark and smiled before continuing, "nothing, and I mean nothing is off limits."

Suddenly, it occurred to Mark what exactly a truth night was: they were all about to share some of their deepest and darkest secrets! With a growing feeling of unease, he lowered his mouth to Ty's ears.

"Honey," he spoke quietly, "I'm not sure I want to do this."

Ty turned and smiled at him. He could distinctly remember his first experience with truth night, and he had not forgotten the smothering feeling of awkwardness. He had also not forgotten the immense curiosity that had welled up within him after the first question, nor the intense bonds he had developed with the rest of his family as a result of their frank discussions. Squeezing his partner gently, Ty reassured him quietly.

"Don't worry, hun. I felt the same way my first time. You'll have fun, I promise. Besides, we're family. You can trust us," he whispered earnestly.

With obvious reservation, Mark slowly nodded. He didn't want to disappoint his lover.

Jayden was the first to begin.

"I'll go first and I'll start off easy. How often do you paw off?" he asked, causing Mark's eyes to shoot wide open in shock.

Ty felt the larger wolf tense up, and a twinge of guilt shot through him. He didn't want to put his wolf in a position he didn't want.

"Daily," Ty said calmly, hoping the comfort with which he answered might reassure his companion. He smiled as Mark looked down at him.

"Well, maybe not daily anymore," he added with a wink.

Mark was agape, but the rest of the group merely laughed. Completely caught off guard by their reaction, Mark found himself starting to chuckle a little bit. Mike was the next to respond.

"I don't do it." The rest of the group stopped their chuckling and stared at Mike, dumbfounded by his response. Mark's original feeling of unease slowly started creeping back before the panther followed up his original statement.

"Melissa takes care of me quite frequently if you know what I mean."

Mike smiled and winked at the group which elicited "oohs" and laughter from everyone, and Mark even found himself laughing along.

Jake said, "About twice a day normally. Sometimes I'll go for three or just one, so it averages out, I guess."

Jayden cut through the laughter of the group by retorting, "Yeah, but you have a single so you don't have to worry about someone coming back in the middle of one of your sessions." Jayden shot a quick glance at Ethan who smiled back innocently before answering the question himself.

"I do it every day. Jay has class between noon and 2:00 so I have plenty of time to...enjoy myself." He winked at the group before continuing, "So don't venture up here during that time because I lock the door and won't let you in."

Jayden chuckled before saying, "You know that if one of my classes ever gets cancelled, I deliberately won't tell you, just so that I can catch you in the act."

Ethan blushed a little while the rest of the group laughed. Though he was too self-conscious to ever admit it, the golden had secretly hoped one of the two roommates would indeed catch the other in the act. Unfortunately for Ethan, Jay had perfected the art of the covert deed: the dragon had once successfully pawed off while on a crowded bus, complete with a friend asleep on his shoulder (the group had gotten the chance to marvel at this story during the last truth night). Ethan, for his part, didn't think he could ever get the courage to try something that daring, especially in mixed company.

Now it was Mark's turn to answer, and by now, any uneasiness he felt had been washed away by the casual atmosphere of his friends. With growing confidence, Mark answered, "Twice a week."

Ty turned to regard Mark.

"Well," he said coyly, eliciting laughs from the group, "we can work on that."

This time, Mark joined in the laughter whole-heartedly.

"That's not really up to you, now is it?" he asked provocatively, earning a playful punch from Ty and lecherous "oohs" from their audience.

Jayden finished out the question.

"Only twice a week as well. Mainly because I don't have the same liberties that Ethan does. I honestly think there's only an hour total in the week when he's guaranteed not to be in the room...and I like to make my sessions last," he said with a wink.

It was now Ethan's turn to ask a question.

"On a scale from zero to ten - zero being straight, five being bi, and ten being gay - where do you fall?"

Mike and Jake said one and two respectively (which was no surprise to the group), and Ty and Mark answered with the obligatory "nine." However, much to Mark's surprise, Ethan and Jayden both answered five. Though the white wolf had known them only briefly, they had managed so far to slip under his own gaydar. Of course, being the curious wolf he was, Mark naturally wondered if they had done anything together; after all, two bi furs living in intimate quarters seemed an obvious path to amorous adventure.

Jake's question came next, and it seemed as if the panther had read Mark's mind.

"Have you ever done anything sexual with anyone in this room?"

The question was obviously directed at the wolf couple. Ty answered on Mark's behalf that they had gotten "intimate" a couple of times, which caused Mark to be a little embarrassed. He quickly got over it, though, when Ty nuzzled closer to him, squeezing his thigh playfully.

Much to Mark's surprise, Ethan and Jayden hadn't done anything together despite seeming so close, and Mike and Jake obviously had done no experimenting owing to an aversion to anything seen as "out of the ordinary."

The group continued asking and answering questions for what seemed like hours. Mark had really gotten into it by now; he was learning new things about his friends - and even Ty - that he never would have guessed were true. He finally understood how this group could be so close to each other. However, Jayden decided to make things a little more personal when it came back around to him.

Smiling broadly, he asked, "How big is it?"

As it went around the room, everyone answered normally: six inches, seven inches, etc... Mark confidently stated, "eight and a half inches" and Ty said immediately in response, "And I love every bit of it" before kissing Mark on the cheek and nuzzling closer. The group chuckled before turning their attention toward Jayden.

He smiled again before saying, "twelve inches."

Ethan was the first to react.

"Bullshit! There's no way!" he shouted half-jokingly.

Jayden responded, "Well, this is truth night. Isn't part of the rules that we have to be truthful?"

Ty retorted to Jayden, "You know as well as the rest of us that you're lying."

The rest of the group agreed with Ty and began jeering Jayden for his obvious fib.

Jayden responded with a little frustration, "Hey, making fun of someone for an answer is against the rules and you all know that."

Jake said in response, "So is lying. You broke one rule so we can break a rule in response."

Growing more frustrated, Jayden sighed and said, "Then I guess there's only one way to settle this."

Almost immediately, Jayden reached up and dropped his pants, eliciting a cacophony of gasps from the animals gathered there. Telling tales of their exploits was nothing, but the friends had never exposed themselves before. Mike and Jake looked at each other with curious glances; they were the only straight members of the group, and everyone else had their attention on Jayden's rock hard pink member.

"Still don't believe me?" Jay asked suggestively. He felt extremely awkward standing naked in front of his friends sporting a full erection but he could think of no other way to solve the issue. He broke the awkward silence of the room by saying, "Just because I say a bigger number doesn't mean it's fake. For instance, Ethan, how do I know that you're telling the truth about your seven-inch cock? The short answer is: I don't, and neither does the rest of the group."

In response, Ethan stood and dropped his own pants in turn. Ty could hardly believe what was going on. He had always joked that this sort of thing would eventually happen between the two roommates, and it was not secret (not since the last truth night) that he had always fantasized about seeing those two naked.

Now thoroughly confused by the turn of events, Jake and Mike simultaneously got up.

"Ok guys," Mike said, feigning a yawn, "I think that's enough for me."

The two panthers shuffled quickly out of the room, leaving Ty and Mark alone to observe the events unfolding before them. Looking for some sort of indication of how to react, Mark looked down to Ty; with a smile, he noted the small wolf's growing excitement. Quietly, he sneaked a hand under Ty's waistband, quieting the wolf's gasp when his hand found the grey wolf's rock-hard erection.

In the center of the room, Ethan and Jayden stood regarding each other curiously. For his part, the dragon had not expected anyone to take the bait. Now, he was standing member to member with a very attractive golden retriever. Throwing all caution to the wind, he reached a hand to the dog's member and stroked it slowly, causing the dog to yip in surprise.

"You know," he said, "I might have exaggerated a little bit."

Ethan looked at Jay in shock. Was this really happening to him? He had always wanted the opportunity to paw off another fur, and now his roommate had a firm hold on his cock. Smiling gently himself, he reached out his own paw to grasp the dragon's shaft.

"Yeah, just a little bit," he chuckled, running a paw up the dragon's length. Jayden moaned loudly in response, his cock trembling at the attention.

Ty and Mark looked on with shock. Ty had always known that boundaries meant nothing to the dragon and golden, but his mind had always installed some sort of barrier to the events unfolding before him. Yet it was happening now, and he had to admit to himself that it was incredibly arousing. Mark had noticed the same things, and he was now slowly massaging Ty's member, rubbing the tip at the end of each stroke.

Ethan and Jayden had now fallen into a steady rhythm, and both were moaning in synchrony while the dragon flexed his wings in pleasure. The highly sexualized content of the night's conversation had primed him, and his member shook with each stroke of the golden's paw. Ethan was positively quivering by now, and he began to whimper as his orgasm approached.

Mark had now matched his tempo with the other two, and Ty was moaning softly. With his other hand, the large wolf reached under his companion's shirt and began to run his claws through Ty's fur. The grey wolf groaned in response, his body shaking in time with Mark's paw. Ripples of familiar pleasure rolled across his body, and he began to twitch on the larger wolf's lap.

Jayden had now picked up the pace; both animals were getting close, and it was now a competition to see who could hold out longest. The dragon began to add his own soft groans to the whimpers and moans of the canids, and he smiled as Ethan began to whimper more excitedly. The golden retriever was now thrusting rapidly into the dragons hand, and it took the better part of Jayden's self-control to keep himself steady.

Within a few brief seconds, the air in the room was thick with the musk of four very excited animals. Their moans, groans, and whimpers added to the scent of their arousal to push them all exceedingly close to the breaking point. Ethan and Ty were panting as their cocks trembled, spasming as their seed begged to be released. For their part, Mark and Jayden were restraining themselves, though the dragon and white wolf were moaning almost as loudly as the smaller animals.

Ethan was the first to go. His pawstrokes became erratic as his balls pulled up to his cock. His body trembling, he shot string after string of doggy cum all over the dragon's face and chest. The sight and increased speed of Ethan's stroking almost pushed Jay over the edge, but he managed to control himself. Pre was leaking out of his cock in prodigious amounts, making the golden's paw shine. Grinning, he licked up the seed that had landed on his face and milked what more he could get out of the golden's member.

Across the room, Ty had to stifle a howl as he blew his second load of the night all over his boxers. Rather than relent, however, Mark picked up the pace, making Ty cry at the extended pleasure. His body was shaking uncontrollably, overwhelmed by the attention. Mark began in turn to thrust against the smaller wolf's rump, the front of his own pants already wet with pre from the excitement.

The sight of the two canids writhing in pleasure was too much for Jayden. He groaned as his member tensed and shot his cum all over his partner. Ethan began to lick at it, smiling at his dream come true and continuing to milk the dragon's cock.

The last to join in was Mark, whose thrusting against Ty was sufficient to send his already-primed wolfhood into climax. As his thrusting began to slow, he leaned down and kissed his wolf, who was still awash in his own orgasm.

"Honey, I think I like this family."