Old Friends, New Kinks

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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#4 of Quick Kinks

"Thanks for coming with me, honey. This means a lot to me." Celia said as she sat behind the wheel of her Toyota Camry.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. From what you've told me about him he sounds like a fascinating person." Replied her husband from the passenger seat.

"Yes he is. He's an old high school boyfriend of mine. He called me about a week ago; it was the first time I'd heard from him in five years." The dragoness continued, sighing nostalgically. "He was so attractive... But he doesn't hold a candle to you.

"Really, even though he's of your own species?' David questioned skeptically.

"Yes. He was devilishly handsome, but we developed slight differences in our relationship. Although he was incredibly considerate and empathic... we just didn't match. Not like you and I do."

"Awww... that's sweet of you to say." The human said, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek and making her giggle.

"Well it's true." She retorted happily, smiling as she pulled the car off the freeway and onto the off-ramp leading to Seacliff beach.

"So how are we supposed to find him?" David asked as Celia pulled into the parking lot next to the surfline.

"Oh, he said he'd be on the beach by the time we arrived. He's pretty tall; I don't think it should take me too long to spot him." The dragoness answered, her eyes roaming the beach as she walked down the steps and onto the sand.

"Celia! Over here!" David heard a deep voice call to his left. He turned to see a tall dragon with black scales and hair waving at them. He had his shirt off and the human noted how muscular he was. He also noticed an otter standing beside him. She leaned over and said something that David was too far away to discern and the dragon nodded before turning his gaze back to Celia.

"Kirek, is that you?" Celia exclaimed as they finally reached each other.

"Last time I checked... look at YOU!" the dragon replied. "Gods you're beautiful."

"I could say the same about you; you're ripped!" Celia said.

"That he is." Piped the otter standing next to him.

"Oh, where are my manners. Celia.... erm.... Um I don't mean to be rude, but who is this?" Kirek asked, looking at David.

"Oh yes. This is David. He's my husband." The dragoness said, beaming with pride and regarding the human with eyes full of love.

"Wow, fantastic! Congratulations to the both of you. As I was saying; Celia, David... this is my mate Veronica." The dragon said, leaning sideways and kissing the otter who returned it happily.

David watched them with a smile before he grabbed Celia, dipped her down in his arms and placed a deep, ardent kiss on her muzzle. The dragoness's eyes widened in surprise before they slid closed. Her arms went around his neck as she kissed him back, murring against his lips.

They separated with a slight gasp a few moments later. Glancing sideways they saw both Kirek and Veronica looking at them with slightly shocked expressions.

"He does that from time to time..." Celia said, earning a chuckle from them. She then turned back to her husband who was looking down at her with a grin. "And I love it." She purred, pressing her lips against his for a shorter... but just as passionate kiss.

"I know just how you feel, Celia. I never know when this big guy is going to push me up against something." Giggled Veronica, nudging Kirek's shoulder playfully.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're so damn sexy." The dragon retorted, swinging his arm around his mate's shoulder.

(Electric Crown by Testament)

The four of them spent the entire day on the beach. Celia and Kirek lay on the sand and caught up with each other while David took to the waves and got acquainted with Veronica, who needless to say was quite at home in the water. Celia learned how much her old flame had come to like metal, and how he had met his wife. She spoke about her and David's extremely prominent love life, only to learn that the dragon and otter's was just as lively.

David and Veronica also conversed about various things; how she and Kirek had met, their current occupations and even recent movies they'd seen. She even lent him her boogie board so he could ride the waves while she body-surfed. The group switched a while later; David and Veronica lounging on the beach while Celia and Kirek took to the water, laughing and splashing each other as they played in the surf.

A sharp whistle rang out across the beach late that evening, it's source being Kirek calling David and Veronica over to where he and Celia stood.

‘Hey guys, Celia and I were just talking and we thought it'd be fun to go and have dinner together." The dragon announced.

"Well, I don't see any problem with an idea like that." David replied.

"Where did you have in mind, love?" piped Veronica, walking next to him and leaning against him.

"I was thinking about the Dolphin out on the edge of the wharf." He responded.

"Oh David, you'll love it. It's such a nice little place; no crowds, no wait... and great food." Piped Veronica.

"Hey, even if I WAS against it... it looks like I'm outnumbered anyway." The human commented dryly before giving a chuckle.

"Okay, it's settled then. Let's all get changed and then you can just follow us over there." Kirek said.

As the dragon and otter walked off towards the bathrooms Celia walked up to her husband and nuzzled him lovingly.

"Thanks." She whispered with a smile.

"You don't have to thank me, sweetheart. These two seem like quite a nice couple to get to know. And... come on... you know I'd suffer the fires of hell for you." David replied, nipping her neck lightly. The dragoness nodded, giving him a hug before they clasped hands and walked off to change out of their swimsuits.

The dinner was fabulous. David was indeed quite impressed with the little place and Celia couldn't remember a time when she'd had better food... other than whenever her dear husband cooked bacon. They talked about all kinds of things; ranging from Kirek and Veronica's past exploits at the boardwalk to Celia and David's narrow avoidance of detection following their fling at the school.

"Ahhh, that was great..." sighed David, leaning back in his seat and rubbing his now full stomach.

"Told you." Said Veronica from across the table.

"Hey, why don't we all go for a walk out to Steamer's Lane?" Kirek suggested, pointing out the window at the lighthouse on the cliff.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea; I need some exercise to work off that absolutely decadent chocolate cake..." added Celia.

"Yep, we don't want you getting fat and ruining that perfect figure..." David chided, receiving a playful slap from his wife's tail.

About ten minutes later Kirek, Veronica, David and Celia were on their way out to the point. The dragon and otter were arm in arm while Celia had her tail wrapped around her husband's waist and her arm around his shoulders.

"This place has immense sentimental value for Kirek and I." murmured Veronica, gazing sideways and smiling fondly at the dragon.

"Oh really? Why is that?" queried Celia ad they finally reached the lighthouse.

"This is where we first kissed and found that our feelings were mutual." Kirek answered.

"AND... this is where he propose to me." Veronica added. Both the dragon and otter flashed their devil horns side by side, showing off their offsetting wedding bands.

"Awww... how romantic." The dragoness sighed.

The mates both nodded, then suddenly began kissing each other deeply. Celia and David looked at them, then at each other... and then shrugged; dragoness and human pressing their lips together as well and joining in the public expression of love.

As the two couples shared each other's lips, a young man with blue hair and yellow eyes walked past the four of them and smiled.

"That was quite a day." Mused David as Celia pulled her car into the driveway of their house.

"Yes it was. Thank you for coming along." Celia replied.

"As I said; the two of them seem like genuinely good people. I wouldn't mind seeing them again." Her husband mused as he opened the front door and stepped inside, followed by the dragoness.

"Yes they are, but now I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep." She said with a stretch.

"I am too, my love." Her husband responded, suddenly sweeping his wife up in his arms and carrying her down the hall towards their bedroom. Celia gasped and gigged when he picked her up, curling her tail around her husband's waist and laying her head against his chest.

David pushed the door to their room open with his foot and set the dragoness down on the floor so she could go change into her nightgown. As she walked into the bathroom David shed his own shirt and stripped down to his boxers. He then got into bed and waited for Celia.

She emerged several minutes later, wearing her silken nightgown. The thin cloth left very little to the imagination, her flawless nudity clearly visible through the translucent fabric. David whistled softly, earning a playful scowl from the dragoness who then hopped into bed beside him.

"Mmmm... g'night love." She murred, cuddling up to him.

"Good night, sweetheart." He replied, leaning over to kiss her softly. Celia kissed him back softly before... perhaps inevitably... they leaned into each other, deepening their kiss. Their tongues danced as their hands roamed their lover's body. They rolled over so that David was atop her, still kissing her heatedly. Her paws massaged his neck as she arched herself up, pressing her body against him.

When they separated several minutes later they were both breathing faster and could feel the tendrils of arousal begin to emanate way from their loins.

"We really are hopeless, you know that?" panted David.

"What do you mean?" Celia replied, looking at him with a puzzled smile.

"We never can STOP, can we?" the human chuckled, nibbling her neck. His wife giggled softly, gently caressing his head with her hands.

"What makes you think I'd ever want to?" She answered, running her tongue along his cheek. The human sighed contentedly and wormed his hands beneath her silken dressings, slowly pulling it up and off. She did the same for him, taking both sides of his boxers in her hands and pulling them down his legs. His cock was already slightly hard and getting harder while her own sex was presently quite moist.

"David, I want to try something different tonight." Celia told him, holding his gaze.

"What might that be, my love?" queried her husband.

"I know you've wanted to try it for a while now, but I just haven't been ready." She began, David looking at her with a curious expression. "David, I want you to take me in the tailhole." She finished, a slight blush on her cheeks. Her husband looked at her with a serious expression before he spoke.

"Are you sure, Celia? It's true that I've wanted to give it a try for some time, but I don't want you to do this on my account. If you still don't feel ready..."

"David, I was talking to Kirek and he told me how active their sex life was. It got me thinking... that maybe we should try something new." She replied, her eyes pleading softly. David seemed to mull it over for a few more moments before he began to smile.

"Whatever you desire." He husked, kissing her softly.

"Mmmm. Thank you David. Would you like me to warm you up a bit?" Celia quipped, eying his erection hungrily.

"If you feel the need to..." David started, but was unable to finish; his reply becoming a deep moan as his wife's muzzle sealed itself around his throbbing manhood. He could barely force himself to reach beneath the bed to pull out their massage oil because of the intense burst of pleasure that surged through him as she started to suckle on him.

He just lay there and took in the incredible feelings of her sucking him off for several minutes before he tapped her shoulder. "How about you let me warm YOU up a bit..."

Celia pulled away from his length with a smile and nodded. She lay back with her legs spread, tail twitching with her arousal. She reached one hand up to play with one of her full breasts, eying him with a lusty expression.

David smiled back at her, applying some of the oil to his hands. He then proceeded to rub the sensitive lips of her pussy with his palm, working the lubricant into her sex. The dragoness moaned softly, stroking his head tenderly. David massaged her lips for a few moments more before his hand moved lower, fingers eventually reaching her puckered anus. He traced its outline before he gently eased a slick finger into her tight depths.

Celia whined softly, the new sensation of being stretched in such a new place quite strange to her. But as her husband pushed his finger deeper she began to feel a sort of hot, diluted pleasure... which was increased as he added another finger.

"Ohhh D-David..." she sighed, responding to his penetration by pushing her hips back against his fingers.

The human kept up his intimate intrusion for a few minutes before Celia suddenly stopped him. She got on all fours with her back to him, raising her tail and exposing her virgin tailhole.

"I'm ready." She murred, although David could detect a hint of apprehension in her voice.

He moved up behind her, pressing the head of his cock against her pucker.

"Last chance to back out..." he offered.

"I appreciate your consideration, but I said I wanted to give this a try and I mean it." Celia purred.

David smiled and took a moment to steady himself before he slowly started to push his hips forward.

The dragoness groaned loudly as her husband's cock gradually started to fill her. Her inner muscles slowly relaxed as he went deeper, eventually pushing the rest of the way in and hilting himself.

"Ohh Celia. So... tight. W-warm..." he gasped incoherently. The dragoness could only nod, pressing back against him a bit.

"J-just take it slow..." she nearly whimpered, her breathing already quite shallow.

Her lover murmured his acknowledgment from above her, slowly withdrawing before pushing back in with a groan of pleasure. He then started to rock his hips into her upturned rump at a slow pace, barely able to keep himself under control as he thrust into her tight tailhole.

Celia was now keening and panting as a totally new kind of pleasure began to overwhelm her; not quite the same as when he fucked her pussy but it was starting to feel just as intense.

"Oh ohgod David! F-faster... please..." she moaned, now eager to have him pound her into submission.

He did as she bid; his eyes squeezed shut with bliss as he began thrusting into her with rapid strokes. His wife rocked herself back against each one of his movements, her back arching as he drove into her powerfully.

"Fuck... Celia!" David nearly shouted, this new way of making love proving to be almost too much for him. Her ass was so tight and gripped his thrusting member with such vigor as he had never felt before. It drove him crazy!

The panting, sweating dragoness was fairing no better, intense waves of euphoria washed over her with each plunge he gave into her hot body. It seemed that in a span of no more than a few minutes under her husband's powerful thrusts she was already almost upon her orgasm.

Her eyes narrowed and her muzzle formed into a sly grin as an idea popped into her head. While still thrusting back against him she moved her tail around, sliding it between his own legs from behind so that the tip rested just under her dripping sex. She pressed it upwards so that his balls slid along her scales with each thrust, an action that made David nearly yell with pleasure, and so that the end of her tail automatically rubbed against her aching pussy as it moved back and forth with their movements.

She could only speculate as to his proximity to his own release; her very sanity buried beneath the tidal wave of pleasure that flooded her body as she hit her peak. She gave a mighty roar as her rear clenched around him, her juices spilling from her convulsing sex as she twitched and writhed, her arms bucking under the sheer bliss. She just lie there and let her orgasm wash over her, keeping her rump raised for her lover's thrusts.

Feeling her already tight ass rippling around him set off David's own climax. He slammed himself deep within her, calling her name as he shot his load into her. He leaned over her back, hands gripping her hips as his seed flowed from him in strong pulses. Pure ecstasy surged through his entire being as his peak hit him like a freight train.

They shuddered through their orgasms together before they both began to come back down to earth, literally; both human and dragoness collapsing together in a tired, gasping heap.

"Oh... ... oh... my.... GOD!" Celia exclaimed, still starved for air.

"That was amazing..." David gasped from atop her.

"Y-you think I don't... know that?" she chided with a smile, just laying there and enjoying the feeling of his strong body pressing her into the sheets and his cock filing her ass.

The two of them decided to just stay that way for the rest of the night, just too tired to even contemplate moving. David rested his head on her shoulder, nibbling lightly on one of her ears. Celia raised her upper body so she could lay a pillow beneath her head, lying back down with a contented sigh once it was in place.

"Thank you, David." The dragoness purred, her tail still twitching but in a much more subdued manner.

"Hey, I got just as much out of it as you did." He quipped, an immense sense of fatigue beginning to fill him.

Minutes or hours later the two fell asleep, but not before mutual utterances of love and devotion... their dreams inhabited only by the other.