Beach Balls by Zwoosh

Story by lucentorb on SoFurry

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#6 of College Life (commissioned stuff)

A commissioned story that was finished for me a long while ago by Zwoosh and that I've been negligent on posting ^_^;

My monkey stars in a porn shoot with a hot stud on a beach, smut ahoy!


A warming glow of immortal sunlight washed across the golden shoreline. The crisp smell of sea salt danced across on an errant breeze that both cooled and calmed oneself. It would have been a relief to Robert's senses, but his nerves were too tightly wound to take any reprieve from the moment. Even as several people milled about, spread out across the hot sand on beach towels and with parasols, it did little to revoke the surreal feeling the whole situation had.

The monkey stood quite gormlessly amidst it all. Unsure of what to particularly do to prove his usefulness or just to be generally polite and helpful, he remained motionless in his spot underneath some shelter the filming crew had rigged up. His stomach continued to ignore his pleas for silence as it wrought itself tighter and tighter with each passing second, the anticipation leading up to what would shortly follow getting to him. Beside him stood the immensely tall stallion, a proud Shire who sipped at a water bottle casually, watching his team work. He wore a dressing gown, even though it must have been nearly twenty degrees out, covering up his muscled form loosely. The whole thing barely closed across his chest though, leaving his pectorals on show, nearly bulging through the delicately soft white fabric. Robert didn't try to stare, instead forcing himself to look fixedly forward as though he were readying himself for the challenge ahead. In fact, that wouldn't be too far from the truth. The only exception to the ruse was that deep down inside he was wondering why the hell he'd agreed to it.

He'd returned to the gas station's bathroom over and over, on and off for the past month, varying the lengths and times of his visits. Some days, he'd get maybe just the one cock and then some wheezy dude trying to stuff his own ass up against the hole, but Rob had always politely declined. Other days though he was rushed off his footpaws, tending to dick after dick, his holes always aching, his guts and stomachs always full to the brim with anonymous seed. He would leave the bathroom with a guilty blush across his face, waddling over to his car and speeding home, too eager to get into his bedroom to play with all the deposits that had been left up his ass. However, it had been one late night, when Robert was done faffing around with users on the hook-up site and had risked a trip to the toilets for some gloryhole action that he'd run into someone peculiar.

It had begun as usual; a cock offered through one of the holes in the wall, to which the monkey had gotten straight to work. A reptilian member for once, which was a rare treat, a deep red in colour and its size was terrifying. He hadn't been sure then if he could have taken him up his ass, but most guys there just wanted to blow their load and leave. This man, however, did something unusual. After letting loose what had to be a pretty heavy load, the guy had zipped himself up and then produced something else through the hole. Two large fingers, with sharp and intimidating claws, had pushed through what appeared to be a business card. Not wishing to be impolite, Robert had taken the card but then promptly stuffed it into his clothes where he forgot about it for several days. Only when it came to laundry did the card resurface and he took the time to finally take a look at what it said. On the front was what appeared to be a crown, split into two halves and coloured black and red with the letters 'K' and 'S' in white on it. Flipping the card over revealed an embossed telephone number for him to call, written on the side in pen 'Ask for Zwoosh'.

Curiosity was a bitch. Robert rang the number, asked for this 'Zwoosh', and before he knew it he was pulling into the parking lot of what had turned out to be a pornography studio.

Apparently, word of his oral skills had become something of a talking point amongst the gay community. Why he'd never noticed it himself might have been because it was more of hush rumours and exchanged whispers all behind his back, but when he'd met the mutt at Kaiser Studios, he was shown the extent to how much of a pseudo-celebrity he had become. Somebody had posted a forum that advertised his services at the particular gas station he frequented; another had made a thread asking if anybody knew who he was. Robert was embarrassed to his very being when he'd learnt this, but the mutt, introducing himself instead as Martin, had told him it would bode him well for what he was about to be proposed. The mutt was producing a series of films for the studios, and he wanted fresh blood from new amateurs to reinvigorate some life into the stories. It'd add a sense of realism, he had explained. Robert didn't really understand the whole thing. All he was aware was that he was being handed a contract and a pen, with promises of big pay cheques in it for him. He was being offered the chance to become a one-time porn star.

He couldn't have scribbled his signature fast enough.

The idea was exhilarating. The concept of being simply well known was thrilling enough, but to get even greater renown in the gay community would be impressive to say the least. Though the monkey was, by his own admittance, not so much a nymphomaniac, he did have urges and desires, and a particular liking to oral. It's why gloryholes were so enticing to him. The beach setting then was a little different. It presented a new challenge. One he'd certainly rise to, naturally, but he couldn't wait to see what the stallion was packing.

He recognised the male's face. It was unmistakable almost, but then again, CJ had performed in quite a number of films for the studios. Robert had seen him dotted about online, grainy clips pirated from the stuff the studios had released. Mostly just him in his younger years, when he was less built and had a much thinner frame, but the looks were just the same. He held a cocky air about him, one that gave off the sense that whilst he knew exactly what he was doing, he had no true desire to be there. Which made sense, Robert guessed. According to the mutt, the horse had apparently been called in on a favour after having opted out of signing onto new titles.

"So..." The monkey began, taking a sip from his bottled water that they seemed to push into his paws whenever he wasn't holding it, as though it were something precious that he should religiously clutch by his side, "You got any idea what we'll be doing?"

"Some," CJ said, though it was more bordering upon a grunt, "Just wing it the dog-guy said and keep it entertaining." That was the end of that brief conversation, at least for a while. Awkward silence fell between them, which Robert tried once more to break,

"Do you do this often?" He was going to pretend like he knew nothing, that to him he was, as indeed was true, just an amateur novice fresh to the game. CJ rolled his eyes,

"You've got no idea." Robert thought the conversation might have ended there. The stallion seemed coldly indifferent to him, persisting to stare across the beach as they cleared it out for the main event. But when he spoke up again, he was pleasantly surprised that the horse was actually talking back for a change, "I used to do these when I was younger. I sound so old when I say this, but 'back in the day'," he waggled his fingers to illustrate just how awkwardly he used the phrase, "I used to film one of these every day, or at least I'd take a crack at doing as many scenes as I could; though of course they force you to take breaks - nobody likes a guy who can't cum for shit or if they're floppier than a jellyfish."

"Why'd you put yourself through that?" Robert asked. He knew enough of the business to know that actors often worked by fixed contracts. They'd sign on for however many shoots and were paid a set sum in whichever fashion they preferred. To work continuously and without rest seemed bizarre.

"It was different back then. At least it was for newbies, like me," CJ explained, leaning back against the flimsy table that had been rigged up under the tent, "You can't trust fresh meat to perform flawlessly on their first go, so recruits would get paid for whenever they made a successful shot. If you fucked up, didn't do what you were supposed to or just plain messed up the scene, then you don't get paid, simple as. I was living paycheque to paycheque back then, so I was constantly on camera, trying to make sure I got enough to feed myself for the month. Gradually you learn..." He looked back out across the beach, voice trailing off, "Though you make a lot of mistakes along the way..."

Robert would have asked for more, but someone's voice called out across the beach that distracted the stallion enough to stand up and stride out into the hot sun. Robert followed, assuming it was time. The mutt was waving them over with a clipboard in paw and dressed in loose clothing, wiping his brow every now and then as he sweated in the heat.

As they made their way over, the monkey couldn't help but notice everyone else was vacating to a safe distance, either opting to switch back into regular clothes or zipping beneath the shade to cool off whilst the crew did their thing. Whilst he tiptoed across burning sand, he caught the judging glances of other extras who were being called away and off the 'set'. Robert could only assume they either envied him for the opportunity or loathed him for selling his body out for a mere film. They weren't exactly on the best ground either; the whole beach belonged to some playboy that was, according to Zwoosh, one of the earliest investors in Kaiser Studios and even owned several of the clubs back in Century City and Victory City. Normally this place was open to those who registered season passes online, letting them attend a nude beach so long as they qualified some superficial criteria. As part of the contract, Robert was vaguely aware he'd get free access to this closed off bay just because he'd starred in the film. It was a weird feeling.


The monkey shook his head, trudging over to the small gathering that were collecting around a splayed out overly large soft green beach towel. CJ had already shrugged off his robe and passed it off to an attendant, who scarpered back to safety across the beach. It left the stallion standing there, paws on hips, sporting a bright red speedo that red 'lifeguard' in bold yellow lettering across the rather obvious bulge - if Robert were honest, it looked as though the poor garment might snap off at any moment since it looked far too full. He could only think though of what lay beneath, the mashed form of a cock and balls pressing against the smooth fabric. He was glancing about at their 'stage', noting from which angles the cameramen would be coming at, surveying how he'd best ravish the monkey. Robert could only listen to the mutt as he laid out their plans,

"So you cool with that?"

"With what?" he replied, a little sheepish he'd missed the explanation. 'Zwoosh' sighed,

"CJ is going to take the lead. We figured it'd be easier for him to have control of the scene since prior to now in the film, he's just saved you from drowning. Now he's going to help you recuperate with some relaxation... Well, you know, sex." He chuckled, as though the absurdity was something to laugh at, "I'm sure you can work with CJ easily enough? Just treat it as any other guy you'd sleep with and you'll be fine."


It wasn't like any regular hook up though. It was far from it, with the cameras position at different points all looking in on Robert and with a stud of a stallion ready to use him for millions to see. Normally he'd fuck with a guy for a few hours until they succumbed to exhaustion and slept. There would be no sleep in this instance, no chance for rest. One take was all they had to do it in. Robert shrugged off his robe finally and exposed his lithe body for the final time today. He sported a similar speedo to CJ, only his was plain and purple. His build differed far greater though, being much slimmer and less stacked as the horse was. His diminutive size also seemed more apparent without the fluffiness of the dressing gown to at least give him slight volume. He ran a paw back through his headfur as he felt the sea breeze whistle across his limbs, cooling him off from the beating sun. He couldn't help but place a paw over his groin however, conscious that whilst he didn't have as enticing a bulge as CJ, he was protruding a healthy bump all the same that was unmistakably throbbing beneath the thin fabric.

"Right, everyone not essential needs to fuck off," the mutt called out, "Those who are needed, stay put and let them do their thing."

Robert blushed as several more furs wandered back out of sight, even Zwoosh himself disappearing with them. All that remained was two or three guys with cameras, crouching down and waiting patiently for them to start. CJ grunted,

"You ready to do this?"

He could only nod in response.

The stallion laid himself down out across the towels, spreading himself out and patting an empty space beside him for the monkey to join. Robert knelt down first onto his knees before he felt his arms being grabbed gently by the horse, pulling his body down into the stallion's torso. He came into the crux of CJ's armpit, his head resting upon an immense bicep that cushioned him from the uneven sand. No words were shared - none were necessary for the scene - as tender lips reached down and met against Robert's. He closed his eyes upon instinct, breathing in a sweaty scent from the stallion's hot body, and opened his mouth to allow the stallion to kiss him deeply. One paw ran across his chest and over to his back, enclosing his body in a hugging embrace that pulled Robert even closer than before. A heavy taste washed over his mouth as the stallion's tongue explored the crevices of his maw; all the while, Robert could hear shuffling footfalls in the sand, another male's breathing coming close to the back of his head, certain that if he opened his eyes he'd see a camera staring down at him whist he made out with the horse. He ignored the urge to look, as badly as he wanted to, and instead took efforts to kiss back. Returning with his own tongue, he sought entrance to CJ's muzzle, who obliged and rolled onto his back whilst Robert began to probe into his mouth. A stronger taste of bitterness flooded his senses, finding the source of the flavour to be much more potent. It was pleasant nonetheless, even as he now lay atop the horse's body. He could feel every powerful muscle twitch beneath his own stomach, the broad chest pressing against his thinner frame, thick arms circling about his waist. His legs were pushed back across the insides of the horse's thighs, leaving their crotches, whilst covered, to grind between each other. Robert blushed despite being occupied with letting CJ kiss him passionately, knowing that somewhere a camera would be getting a decent shot of his junk being dwarfed by the horse's bulge, the two smothering one another in a fight of speedos.

Robert felt paws stroke across his back, fingers running along his spine and down towards his tail that flicked this way and that. Even as CJ fought back with kissing, reclaiming the monkey's mouth, he busied himself in other ways too. His groin with pulse with every thundering heartbeat as he playfully ground back against Robert, but his fingers went after a different prize. They found the waistband of his speedos and slipped past it, pulling the already tight fabric away and making it tighter as the paws slid inside. They nestled in their new home, each palm squeezing at a respective cheek of the monkey's behind, massaging the soft flesh and pushing their bodies harder together. He could feel CJ try to spur things along, his paws acting as catalysts and roaming further than they ought to. Robert could feel his speedos begin to slip down, ever so gradually revealing the line which parted his buttocks and ultimately held today's prize. He could feel as well some camera hovering behind him, taking a good long shot of his behind as CJ groped it for the film as though he were handling two lumps of meat. The monkey couldn't help but moan against the stallion's leathered lips, grunting and squirming as he felt his body heat up beneath the sun and from the Shire's sweaty body.

It was time to stop teasing though. After a few minutes of collecting some footage of the monkey writhing across his chest, kissing him and suckling upon his sweating nape, CJ propped himself up into a sitting position, paws leaning back to support his weight. His legs were spread wide as Robert slipped between them, landing upon his knees facing the horse. It was obvious what he was expected to do, but it felt more intimidating, knowing he had to perform well in front of an audience. As he fluttered open his eyes for the first after their make out session, he finally caught a glimpse of his first camera watching him, a red light glaring at him with the announcement that they were in fact recording. Doing his best not to draw attention to the guy holding the heavy camera, he fixed his gaze upon the horse's bulge, licking his lips from true anticipation. He'd spent so long gawping at the hidden monster, now it was finally time to see what he'd gotten himself in for. He shuffled back, lowering himself down so that his face was close to the stallion's groin as he reached to pluck at the 'lifeguard's' waistband. It took some tricky picking, the speedo clinging so tightly to CJ's sculpted form that it was near impossible to get any hold on the underwear, but he eventually succeeded and peeled the swimwear away. As soon as the pressure was released, the horse's manhood sprung free, already nursing a firming member. Robert gasped as the monster lurched across his face, its meaty weight smacking against one cheek. He couldn't help but blush, his face burning from the humiliation of it as pre smeared over his lips and nose. CJ grinned, just as a camera panned round to catch his expression in it all after getting a nice shot of the monkey turning lustful.

Robert didn't need any encouragement or direction. He pulled the speedo down until it released those apple-sized balls and hooked under his sack. With one paw, he took a hold of CJ's length at its base, taking in its size and thickness. He'd taken things that had come close, his mind flitting back to every instance he'd been graced with the opportunity to take a stallion, but he was dealing with a professional now, not an amateur. He would have to do his best to impress the horse that much he knew.

Opening his mouth, he wasted no time in taking the blunt head in between his lips. Immediately he was greeted by a salty taste of pre and sweat, having been packed into the swimwear for so long the entire shaft now reeked of a masculine stench that had the monkey shivering from the simple flavour. Already he could feel his jaw stretching as he took down as much as he could for a first attempt, burying the length up to the medial ring in his maw. He gagged however and was forced to pull off, coughing slightly but unperturbed,

"Take it nice and slow," CJ drawled, feigning arousal and dominance for the camera, but Robert knew it was more helpful advice than just some cheesy line from the script. Actors would improvise on the spot if things weren't going right, giving tips and new commands if they felt something wasn't working. As he pulled back, letting a glob of spit land on the flaring head, he could see CJ's concerned eyes watch his every move whilst he was out of shot.

Robert changed tack, something to warm up his oral skills if he was going to take the giant the horse possessed. Instead, he moved down, kissing the stallion's shaft as though it were delicate and something to be savoured. He slid his tongue up and down the length, making it obvious to the camera as he slathered the member in his spit. Going as leisurely as he dared, he went from head to balls with casual slowness. His tongue traced idle and errant patterns across the cock, slurping in any direction which had CJ burrowing his fists into the towel. He descended a little lower, wondering what exactly he could get away with. Quite nearly just lying flat upon his gut, Robert dug his face deeper, the stallion's cock riding upon along the side of his cheek as he took a slow lick of CJ's balls. They too were sweaty, and emanated with a rich musk that swam through the monkey's senses. His head felt woozy, unhelpful in the heat, but he pushed himself deeper still so as to drown out any thought of dizziness. He could feel the stallion's body warm against his own, thighs pressing against his head and shoulders, the muscles rippling so discreetly it would never have been caught on camera. But Robert could feel it, just as he took one ball into his mouth, his tongue running over the fuzzy sack and suckling up the sweat that ran across the orbs, he knew he was very much beneath the Shire's thumb, his power exuding from his build. Instinctually, Robert felt the urge to lift his rear into the air, wanting the stallion to just turn him around and mount him like any mare, rutting him hard with little consideration or grace. But the show must go according to the vague plan detailed. Robert doubled his efforts and took both nuts into his mouth, their taste and weight rolling across his tongue, filling his maw out until his cheeks bugled. He strained to fit them, his face half-smothered by the horse's meat, and his jaw ached from being forced apart. A paw clasped at the back of his head, pressing him down against the horse's taint and sack, breathing in every possible scent and surrounded in male musk; he simply gurgled upon that sack for as long as he could until his body's protests could not go unheeded. CJ was kind enough to let him lurch back and gasp for air as he released the stallion's balls, spit dribbling down the monkey's chin.

It wasn't quite over yet, as Robert went back for a third and potentially final try, taking the horse's length once more and guiding the fat head to his lips. He opened as wide as he could, this time making sure to angle his body so that it had a smoother entry. This, incidentally, offered the camera a chance to take a shot of Robert leaning his rump up into the air, his exposed cheeks warming under the glowing rays with his hole just peeking out between his cheeks. He raised his tail to let them scope around him, sliding his mouth down across CJ's length. Slowly, with much persistence, it found its way inside, slithering like a rigid snake up his gullet until Robert feel like he could take no more. His nose bumped against the stallion's crotch though as he opened his eyes, seeing he'd downed the whole cock in one go. At that moment, he couldn't help but moan softly, his own need for the taste of cum upon his tongue overriding that of whatever the filmmakers wanted. Robert moved his head back, rubbing a paw along his neck as the bloated head bulged out his throat obscenely. He groaned as he felt the flare pull across his mouth, all the way back until the horse's cock popped from between his lips. Immediately he didn't leave it dangling for long, putting his mouth to the head again and swallowing up to the medial ring without hesitation. CJ growled, forcing himself to keep his hips planted to the towel as his muscles went to buck against the monkey's efforts. Robert stroked a paw along the stallion's inner thighs, partly just to feel the male's body working against his own, but also to make sure he didn't abruptly start to fuck him senseless. He wanted to retain some control, if only for a few minutes, as soon he knew the horse would have him pounded brutally into the sand with the cock plundering his ass and not his mouth. He grew to learn the Shire's size and shape through his mouth, feeling it slide deeper until his mouth ground against coarse pubic fur. The sharp tang of pre would occasionally roll across his tongue, but otherwise he was welcomed by that matted texture of horse cock, every inch pressing out his cheeks and throat. After a while, it was natural that he ached, but he kept up the show if only for the cameras, longing for the horse to shoot in his muzzle. Not that it would happen. Perhaps CJ might pull out after fucking him and blow his wad across Robert's face - that would be hot.

CJ did pull out, pushing the monkey's shoulders back with one carefully aimed hoof. Robert moved back onto his thighs, kneeling on the edge of the towel as CJ stood up, paw gripping his dick and stroking the spit-soaked length. He leered over the monkey with a lustful grin, barking an order,

"Come on then, show me your hole."

He could only obey, obliged to on camera, turning around awkwardly on the towel and perhaps tussling it up some. He didn't care really. As he stooped down, balancing on all fours with his elbows and knees digging into the towel and the sand, he could feel the horse squat into position. A camera loomed just over him, looking down his back to where CJ stood, one paw reaching out to get a hold of his hips whilst his other, he assumed, guided his member to his hole. But he was shocked when he felt a rasping tongue glance across his ass. It delved in without warning, prising into his ring and opening him up. He felt those leathered lips suckle at his hole, slurping hungrily and with gusto as CJ ate him out. His eyes were clenched shut from the sensation, his body rocking forward each time that flat tongue drove in particularly hard. Shuddering, he moaned every flick the appendage gave, feeling spit trickle down his crack. Though the horse didn't keep it up for long, those few seconds of expertly applied rimming really got him turned on. His cock was rock hard, pulsing and dribbling a thick string of pre all across the towel just from having his ass suckled by the stallion. Not many men were into that kind of thing, and those who were weren't as good as CJ.

Behind him, he felt the horse's weight shift. It was a familiar change, one that Robert could anticipate well. He bit his bottom lip as he felt that meaty head rub up around his hole, dribbling the spittle and pre all across the pucker to leave him ready and lubed up. Forced to wait, CJ lingered just upon the edge, teasing every now and then with a little of the tip, but just keeping back so that Robert was sated with the actual dick. Maybe it was for the film, letting the audience at home rub a little closer to their own orgasm, ultimately forcing them to skip ahead to when both males would inevitably cum. The monkey could picture it now, without having to look behind him, knowing some guy would be peering across their bodies and taking a nice shot of the stallion's member ready to ram deep into his ass. It had him on edge just thinking about it, what that sight must look like. He'd have to watch the playback of the recordings later to see, though he could have cum there and then from the thought of it.

Unhurriedly, CJ put his fingers to the edge of his flare and pushed the head in. The hole gave up some resistance, but once pressure overcame strength Robert gasped, a satisfying pop erupting from his behind as his rim swallowed in the cock. He scrunched up his paws and moaned out in a low, quiet voice whilst the stallion behind pivoted his hips forwards, introducing thick meaty inches into his guts. From a bathroom stall to now, he could never quite get used to a horse's endowment. Even with repeated use, Robert was still left a mewling, shuddering mess as the cock slid up into him, reworking his body and fucking into his innards. He could feel the walls of his bowels fill out, every crease and crevice smoothed out as they stretched about the monster entering him. It went beyond the average guy's dick, who could tap and jab at his prostate, and moved to a realm where a horse could grind away at his inner sweet spots, leaving them sore and eroded down to a point where overwhelming pleasure was all he felt. All Robert could do, there and then, was to groan in pained bliss as he was ripped a new one. His rim clung to the shaft with a tight grip, begging for those balls to tap against his own and let him know he could take a breather. The medial ring had popped past his hole, slipping into him, followed by the thicker portion of CJ's cock. He ground himself in deep until his lap slapped against Robert's cheeks, his balls swaying and batting at the monkey's own pair. He growled, laughing sardonically, as he let himself relish in the sensation of the male's guts massaging his member deep in him.

Whilst CJ paused for a moment, either to collect his strength or to let the camera take a few seconds of the monkey's ass spread wide open around the beautiful stallion cock, he didn't wait around long to start pulling back out. It was just as arduous as it was going in, leaving Robert shuddering in breathless pants, head digging into the hot sand as he tried to stagger through the gut-wrenching sensation. His cock jumped and twitched but refused to just yet cum, not quite near its edge yet, but if the horse could keep up this performance and he failed to adjust then he would be soon. It felt like that flare was scraping along every inner wall it could, hollowing him out ready to be fucked merciless. It was as though this wasn't even the main course, merely an appetiser for what was to soon come. Time dragged on as CJ levered his hips back, not stopping until he'd removed his entire length from the monkey's hole. Robert could feel the soft air brush against his stretched rim once that flare slipped free with a lewd squelch, whimpering quietly from the humiliation that all of this would be on film. He didn't want to try and picture it now. He would certainly blow his nut there and then if he did.

The stallion moved backwards, slamming his hips in quicker with a little more force this time. He might have been forced to go slow due to natural anatomy, it was clear he wasn't about to mess around waiting for however long it'd take for the male to adapt. If he didn't grow accustomed quickly, then it'd be his problem to deal with; he'd signed a contract, after all. Robert grunted when that blunt head hammered his gut, riding past his prostate and pushing deeper than most males ever could. His whole body seemed to tremble from the sensation, his abdomen most likely swelling from the man's size entering him, but he daren't look. He kept his eyes fixed into the sand, only occasionally throwing his head back like a horse might, shaking it as he tried to endure the exquisite agony. Of course someone stood close by, camera in paw, catching it all, ready to be boxed up and shipped off to whoever wanted to see Robert get his guts fucked up through his body on their televisions and monitors. He didn't care if what he did was considered sexy or not anymore, if what he was doing could be deemed entertaining in that way; from here on out, he knew all he cared about and acted upon was pure pleasure. His moans were genuine, his grunts more so, and the delicious slurps his body gave as CJ began to make those fucking motions were sweet to his ears. The rolling tide lingered upon his periphery, his limbs melted into the sand, and he lay there, face covered in golden grains, as the stallion drove into him.

"Oh yeah boy..." the stallion grunted, paws now clasping at his waist on either side, pulling the monkey's rump back onto his cock in a swinging pattern. Robert didn't respond. He couldn't. He was too addled with the feeling of having his rear split open by the male's meat; the sensation of it driving back and forth through his gut was overwhelming, leaving him to drool across the towel. In the back of his mind, he was sure he recognised what the horse was saying, prompting an appropriate blush of pride from pleasing the male, but it was all just mechanic. In and out, that was all he could focus on, his cock begging for some release as it was teased mercilessly, wanting very much to cum but never quite there. He tried to buck his hips, if only to provide that extra glimmer of stimulation to his deprived sweet spot, but CJ's hold was too strong. He was left for the enduring stallion to decide when they were just about done, though reputation left much to Robert's imagination. Rumours had spread of the stallion's ability to hold back, to fend off an orgasm. He worried he'd be like this for hours, surrendering to a catatonic state of laborious bliss whilst CJ had his fill - whilst the audience at home had their fill and more.

He felt the stallion's paws sneak around his body, however, and fingers began to deftly tease and taunt the already soaking length that bobbed at his crotch. As CJ hunched over his body, burning chest pressed down tightly against his back, he began to tickle the member. Pre stained his fingertips, letting them glide silkily across his bared flesh, every inch set ablaze by wanton urges of orgasm. All the while, Robert couldn't ignore the meat that ploughed his ass a new canal, making his lower body shudder from the exertion. He wanted something to finish, either himself or the stallion, just something to signify they were drawing to a close. It was unbearable, yet insatiably sordid. His hips quaked against the stallion's own, that last inch of breeding prime meat fucking into his guts, stretching him out with every deeper thrust until he couldn't bear it any longer. Robert cried out, his back arching as sensations became too much. It bubbled over in his body and rose up to claim every nerve ending he had available, his balls seizing up and his cock twitching before it erupted, sending a heavy spray of his seed out across the towel, out across the horse's paw and fingers. He garbled out some cry to a deity, calling out the fake name they'd given CJ for the film to at least provide some grounding, but otherwise he was lost out again at sea, trapped in his climax that had his whole body exhausted. He panted hard, his chest rising and falling with chattering breaths whilst he rode out the orgasm.

Away from Robert's line of sight, but directly for the camera to see, the stallion drew his paw away from the spent member - not before giving a few torturous strokes to leave Robert whimpering in the background - and brought the fingers to his muzzle. Messily he dragged his paw across his lips, tongue slathering through each digit and lapping up the male's cum, humming in appreciation for the taste. It would look good for those who'd already just shot their nuts across their keyboards and tissues at home, imagining that it was their spooge the stallion was eating up so greedily, blushing furiously as they got the urge to whack out a second one.

It was then that he had to provide a little encore performance to go out on - something to leave viewers wanting more. CJ pulled out of Robert's abused ass, giving it a hearty slap as thanks for the ride, but pushed the monkey onto his back. The poor male allowed himself to be rolled over, manhandled for the closing scene. With tired, horny eyes that lingered with an afterglow for sex and still with an appetite for more, he looked up at the stallion who knelt astride his chest, sitting upon the male's stomach, cock dripping spit, pre, and other fluids across the monkey's neck. CJ took a grip of his base, providing his shaft with some support whilst his other paw stroked rapidly across an inch just below his medial ring - a weakness of his - and began to buck his hips, feeling the need to cum rising. He fought it off for as long as he could, smearing his blunt head around Robert's lips for the film, slapping his cheeks so as to humiliate him a little more, but it was too much. He began to lose control, his lips peeling back and his muscles tensing up until it hit him, like running into a brick wall at a sprinting speed. It winded him when it came, surging through his dick until a fountain of seed flooded out across Robert's face. It took several jets of hot horse jizz until there was some sign that he might be waning, but he rode out the pleasure whilst it lasted, growling and neighing wildly. Robert's face was soon covered in the thick gloop, his tongue lapping at errant puddles of cream that seeped across his lips. He looked to be in heaven, paw groping at the stallion's thighs which pinned him down beneath the male's onslaught whilst the other rubbed the seed into his chest, into his fur, marking him with the taste and scent of another man. The camera took it from there, as CJ's orgasm abated to nothing but a dribble, it took a close in shot of Robert's delirious expression, coated in thick spooge, with the cock tracing the cum around his lips and mouth in a dirty display of dominance.


The Secret Gloryhole by Zwoosh

\* It was a quiet service station. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary about it, at least to Robert it didn't. As the young primate had driven home the longer way from work that day, he'd stopped by, just to scope it out. It was the run-of-the-mill gas...

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Good Morning

\* Gnnr. _What time was it?_ The husky attempted to roll over. As he did he felt something warm slide across his muzzle. He twitched at the movement. _Hmmn? What was that?_ A groggy question floated through his head as he began to drift off again....

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It's Just Temporary - Holiday Special by Gruffy

**\*** _"Dashing through the snow..."_ Rob sighed quietly to himself and carried on with his assigned task, putting up Barbie dolls onto the shelf at the Santa's Grotto section of The Shopping Palace Department Store, an especially garish section of...

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