Part One: Catch and Release

Story by Orion Xindari on SoFurry

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#1 of The Half-Black

This is my first attempt at writing down this story I have had in mind for some time. It is pretty long, and the intro takes some time, but I tried to get to the meat of it as quickly as possible. There will be at least one more part uploaded eventually, depending on how it is received. It is not a sunshine ad rainbows story, but I hope to develop some real relationships over time. If you are put-off or offended by non-con/dub-con, do not read further.

Please leave a comment or a vote if you like what you read, and I'll be sure to respond!

The first thing Reyne became aware of as he slowly regained consciousness was that it was nighttime. Through blurry vision, he could make out a fire crackling a few yards away, casting shadows about the area and causing the elf to turn his head away. Where am I? The last thing he remembered was falling from his lookout spot in a tree as something had slammed hard into his back. He'd tried to land on his feet, as he had done many times before, but the force of the blow caused him to spin out of control. When he landed, his head had struck the ground and it had all gone black.

It had been daylight, then, which meant he had been out for hours, and he was not alone. Fighting against the pain the light caused him, Reyne forced his eyes to open and waited for them to adjust. Eventually, he was able to make out four figures sitting around the fire, their backs to him. His head was still ringing, so he couldn't make out what they were saying even though he could hear voices.

As he tried to stand, the elf realized he'd been tied up and leaned against a tree. He could feel ropes cutting deep into his wrists, binding them tightly behind his back. More rope was wrapped about his ankles, making standing impossible, and looking down he could see his weapons had been taken.

His movements must have drawn attention, for he saw the three of the figures get up and move to stand in front of him. One began to speak, and at last the words were clear enough to make out.

"Well now," the voice said, obviously male. "You woke up after all. Unfortunately for you, I have a feeling you're gonna wish you hadn't."

Reyne raised his gaze to look up at the man before him. Even in the darkness, with the light at his back, the speaker was obviously a human. The accent, too, was familiar: Genorian, for certain. A feeling of dread crept into the back of the elf's mind. He knew now what must have happened.

He'd been patrolling the edges of the Eldari border, checking up on some reports that a band of orcs had moved into the area. This stretch of land did not meet directly with another country, but rather ran into a long mountain range called the Obsidian Peaks, named for their dark and sinister appearance. No one had laid claim to the mountains or much of the forests on either side, for it was wild and practically uninhabitable. Thus, Reyne's unit had not thought to encounter any opposing army's forces.

Apparently, they had been wrong. Genoria was the human kingdom that lay on the other side of the Obsidian Peaks, and these men were clearly soldiers. What they were doing in the Elvish lands, he did not know, but it was obvious that they had ambushed him and taken him captive.

"Now listen closely, little elf - we're going to ask you some questions, and you're going to give us answers."

"What are you doing in Eldari?" Reyne asked, ignoring the man's words. He then let out a grunt as the human kicked him savagely in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to double over.

"I don't think you were listening," the man hissed. He reached out and grabbed a hold of Reyne's jaw in a painful grip, forcing the elf's head up so he could look into its eyes. "I'm the only one asking questions, and if I don't like the answers I'm going to start marking up that pretty face of yours, understand?"

Reyne forced himself to hold the man's gaze, even as he wheezed and gritted his teeth from the pain. He'd been trained to withstand interrogation in the army, and even though he had no idea what these men thought he knew, he was prepared to remain silent.

The human must have seen the resolution in his eyes, because his face grew even darker and he dug his fingers harder into the elf's skin. He then pushed back hard, slamming Reyne's head into the tree behind him and almost causing him to black out again. A fist then crashed into his jaw, snapping his head to one side and making him taste blood.

"Get him up." The two other soldiers immediately moved forward and hauled the dazed elf to his feet, having to support almost all of his weight as he reeled from the blows.

Through the dizzying pain, Reyne heard the leader order the men to take him over to the fire, and he felt himself being dragged. Once there, his legs were kicked out from under him and he went down hard onto his knees. Only a foot or so away from the flames, the heat was stifling and panic began to take over as he heard the man speak again.

"Push his face into the coals, and let's see how long he keeps quiet."

Horrified and completely taken aback at how quickly the man had jumped to such brutal methods, Reyne began to thrash against the hands holding him. Physically he was smaller than these humans, who looked like hardened soldiers, but he was a warrior. Lithe though he was, he'd trained long and hard and possessed considerable strength, and he threw all of it into getting away from the fire.

For a moment he made some leeway, likely due to the human's surprise at his sudden vigor, but with his hands tied and the numbers against him, the elf could not break free and he soon felt himself pushed back towards the flames.

"That's enough."

The voice seemed to cut through the sounds of the struggle and suddenly the men holding him went still. Bewildered, Reyne ceased his thrashing and craned his head to look around at the speaker. The fourth figure, who up until this point had neither moved nor spoken, now stood up from his seat, and Reyne had to bite back a startled gasp.

The man was enormous, standing at over seven feet tall. He was covered entirely in jet-black scales and had two long, curved horns jutting out of his head. He was dressed in simple but fine clothing, and it was silver rather than the dark blue uniforms of the human soldiers. Red, pupil-less eyes seemed to glitter in the firelight as he looked calmly at the human's leader, who had whirled about to face him.

"What?" the human asked incredulously, staring at the hulking creature with an expression of both surprise and rage. The thing stepped forward, showing no sign that the man's anger at all affected him. Reyne simply stood completely still, entirely in awe of whatever it was he was looking at.

"I said enough," the giant repeated, his voice low and calm. He turned his gaze over to the men holding Reyne on his knees. "Let him up."

The two soldiers hesitated for a moment, glancing first at their leader and then at each other. Neither seemed willing to argue with the creature, and they quickly pulled Reyne to his feet and stepped back, drawing an angry glare from their commander. The leader himself seemed to want to protest, but before he could speak the scaled man walked over towards the elf, who had to struggle not to cower away.

"What is your name, faelith?" the creature asked, using the Elvish word for solider or warrior. Reyne startled at the term, then steadied his nerves as best he could to reply.

"Reyne... who, and what, are you?"

The man gave an amused snort at the question, seeming surprised. He gave a bow, his small smile revealing gleaming white fangs that sent a shiver up Reyne's spine. "Orion the Black, as I am called. Which, I suppose, answers both of your questions."

Now the elf was truly surprised, and even more terrified. This man was a half-dragon, a creature Reyne had only ever heard stories about. And not only that, but a half_black._ Amongst dragonkind, blacks and reds were by far the most violent and aggressive, and their half-mortal offspring were said to be no different. What on earth such a creature was doing with Genorian soldiers was a mystery, but the relief at being saved from the burning now gave way to fear at the prospect of what torture a half-black might inflict.

How he had not guessed the creature's heritage, he could only wonder - it seemed so obvious now. Still, even though he'd never seen even a picture of a half-dragon, he'd always imagined them to be bestial, distorted things due to the vast differences of their parents. This man, who he knew now was called Orion, looked neither misshapen or even grotesque. Scaled and horned though he was, the half-drake had a perfectly symmetrical face and a build that was very human-like, if much larger. He had no muzzle, no flattened nose - he simply looked like a man with scales rather than skin. Coupled with the well-fitted clothing, he made for an imposing but not unattractive figure - not at all what Reyne would have guessed.

Handsome or not, the elf felt himself wondering if he'd have been better off left to the humans, as horrible as they were. He watched the black warily, and it was clear Orion could see the fear in his eyes.

"You need not look so afraid," the drake said in perfect Elvish, startling the elf once more. "I have not the bloodlust of my dragonkin." He then turned to look at the human commander, who was seething as he watched the two communicate.

"You should take him back to Orendale, Rorous. Is that not what your orders were?"

The man called Rorous bristled and had obvious trouble keeping his words civil as he responded. "If I was able to, yes," he ground out. "But we are low on supplies, and can't afford to waste them on this." He jabbed a finger at Reyne, his expression darkening further. "I will take care of this myself and we can leave."

"You don't even know what it is they hope to learn," Orion replied dismissively, turning his back on Reyne and the humans as he walked over to his seat. "And leaving a mangled corpse on the Eldari doorstep will cause questions. I'm sure we can find sufficient supplies along the way for one captive."

"This isn't up for discussion," the commander snapped, his face now an angry shade of red. The other two soldiers looked uncomfortable, shuffling in place as Rorous seemed prepared to launch into a tirade.

The half-black never gave him a chance. "Discussion?" he growled, whirling back around to fix his red eyes on the human leader. Rorous stiffened, his mouth snapping shut as Orion took a step towards him. "Were you under the impression that I cared what you thought? Allow me to clarify - you're taking him with you so he can be questioned without the threat of your incompetence ruining things."

The dragon now stood only a few feet away from the silent soldier, who looked at once furious and terrified. After a tense moment, Rorous spat and stalked off, saying nothing. Orion watched him go, his posture relaxing almost immediately as he looked at the remaining men.

"Retie his hands in front of him and hobble his legs so he can walk. Then get him some food and leave him be. We're leaving in the morning."

Wordlessly, the two men complied, and the half-dragon soon disappeared into the forest. Reyne said nothing and did not attempt to resist, wondering at what had just happened. As he was retied to the tree, this time with slack enough to lay down, he sent a silent prayer up to the heavens that he made it out of this mess alive.

Two weeks later.

Reyne let out a sigh of relief as the men in front of him slowed to a stop, Rorous barking out commands to make camp. The man holding the elf's lead jerked him over to one side, causing the prisoner to wince in pain as the ropes pulled at his chafed wrists. He was tied to a tree and then left alone as the humans hurried to ready a shelter before the sun went down.

He sat down with a groan. Every muscle ached, and his wrists and ankles were rubbed raw from weeks of being bound. He'd been forcibly marched all the way through the Roaring Pass, which was a treacherous enough journey without being hobbled. His stride was hindered by the ropes, so he had to take quicker steps in order to keep up. If he lagged behind, Rorous had him dragged by his wrists until his could catch up. As a result, the ropes binding his hands were stained with dried blood.

It had been a hellish few weeks since his capture. The human commander despised the elf, keeping him alive only at the threat of repercussion from Orion, and made things as difficult for him as possible. When the half-dragon disappeared, which he often did for hours at a time, Rorous made a point of shoving the captive around and even withheld food while all the others would eat.

The only reason Reyne had managed to survive so long was because of Orion. Several times, when the drake had returned from wherever he went during the day, he had given Reyne extra food from something he himself had killed while away, perhaps knowing the humans were starving the elf. He was also the only one who ever bothered talking to the prisoner, asking questions and occasionally discussing the few times he had visited Eldari. He was surprisingly calm and even kind, though he did not seem to have any inclination of freeing the elf.

Now, as the sun was beginning to set and the air was growing cold, Reyne saw the half-black return with a stag draped over his shoulder. After dropping the deer and exchanging a few words with Rorous, who begrudgingly thanked him for the food, Orion headed over to where Reyne sat watching everything.

"I brought something for you," he said by way of greeting. He held out his hand, in which he held a small pile of dark purple leaves with bright green stems still attached.

"If you chew these, you can use the pulp as a soothing salve. It should help with your wrists. Here." Without hesitation, the half-drake crouched and began untying the elf's bonds, much to Reyne's shock. He didn't seem the least bit worried as he undid first the prisoner's hands and then his feet, tossing the rope off to one side and pushing the leaves back at the elf.

"Chew these, but be careful not to swallow." Reyne complied, considering bolting away now that he was unbound but dismissing it as suicide, what with the dragon so close. When he applied the salve to his wrists he groaned aloud in relief, the pain immediately dulling as the juices cooled the inflamed skin.

"Thank you," he said sincerely, looking back up at the black. Orion simply nodded, rising up to his feet and looking over his shoulder at the others. The men were working on readying the deer for cooking, and none of them paid much attention to the prisoner or his benefactor.

"Let's take a walk, shall we?" the dragon said abruptly, startling the elf below him. Reyne didn't respond, looking warily up at the drake. Was he serious? Orion offered him a hand to help him up, answering his unspoken question, and he cautiously took it. Pulled to his feet, the elf followed close behind his captor, looking worriedly over at the humans as they began to head directly away from the camp.

"You're not going to tell them?" he asked quietly, looking over his shoulder as he walked.

Orion chuckled, never bothering to turn about. "Why bother?" he asked, stepping off of the trail and into the woods. Reyne walked after him, feeling a flicker of hope that perhaps the half-dragon intended to free him after all. He dared not run, however; he knew he would not get far with Orion on his heels.

They walked for about twenty minutes before stepping into a small clearing. A small stream ran through the middle, dripping down from a large rocky outcrop and cutting through the thick grass. Orion walked over to stand in the shadow of the stone and turned to look at Reyne.

"A lovely place, no? I was sitting here earlier while I waited for you all to catch up, and that stag wandered right up to the water to drink. Never saw it coming."

Reyne looked about distractedly, thoughts of escape all but blocking out anything else. He studied his captor, wondering what the dragon was playing at.

"Why have you brought me here?" he asked carefully, hoping he would not offend. Orion simply blinked back at him, his face betraying nothing as he replied.

"To talk to you away from your keepers," he said easily. The elf nodded slowly, forcing himself to take things slowly. The drake was being elusive, his answers neither confirming nor crushing Reyne's hopes, and the uncertainty was maddening.

"About?" he pressed, trying to keep the desperate hope out of his voice. Orion looked away, scanning the small meadow and taking his time answering which caused the elf to fidget.

"Well..." he said slowly, "I'll admit, talking wasn't _exactly_what I had in mind." He glanced back at Reyne now, a small smirk teasing at the corners of his mouth.

The elf was confused, the sudden shift in mood leaving him bewildered for a moment. Then he saw the strange glint in the dragon's eyes and the meaning of the words suddenly dawned upon him.

"Wh-what?" he stammered, taken aback. Orion took a step towards him and he instinctively backed away a step. Stopping, the half-black gave the elf an appraising look and tilted his head to one side.

"Don't be afraid - I don't want to hurt you," he said, smiling a kind but mischievous smile. He walked forward again, taking hold of Reyne's arm in a firm but gentle grip before he could back away. Orion turned slowly, pulling Reyne with him until the elf had his back to the stone wall. "I'm not here to torment you... I'm just here for you."

A sickened feeling began to settle in Reyne's stomach. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Orion was... propositioning him? It seemed so out of the blue, so entirely unexpected that he didn't know how to react. Then Orion moved closer, and suddenly he was filled with panic.

"No!" he said abruptly, pulling his arm free and backing away a bit. The half-drake looked back at him steadily, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. Reyne couldn't reconcile the idea of the man who had helped him survive his imprisonment with the creature before him now. Was he being serious? It certainly seemed so, and Reyne did not feel like he was getting a choice in the matter.

"Come now," Orion urged, stepping forward until Reyne's back pressed against the stone. "I'm sure I can convince you to see things my way." He leaned in close, almost touching the elf as he grinned down at him.

"Get away from me!" Reyne shoved as hard as he could against his captor's chest, knocking the half-dragon back a step. He made to run, but was stopped as a hand grabbed hold of his throat in a bruising grip and pinned him to the stone wall behind him. Wheezing as the air was forced from his lungs, he saw for the first time true anger blazing in the eyes of the creature before him. He grabbed at the clawed hand wrapped around his neck and tried to pry it off, desperate for air, but Orion hardly seemed to notice. His lips curled, revealing the gleaming fangs beneath, and his red eyes seemed to glow as they stared unblinkingly into Reyne's own.

Up until now, Reyne had been amazed at how calm and in control Orion always seemed to be, as though he were unaffected by his dragon blood. Now, though, it was like looking at a completely different creature, the way his features had contorted into a feral snarl of rage as he continued to choke the elf with seemingly no effort. Desperate, Reyne fought to break free, but it was like trying to bend steel. Nothing he did so much as budged the grip on his throat, and even with one hand the half-dragon held the elf easily against the wall no matter how hard he shoved.

Terror unlike anything the elf had ever known now took hold of Reyne's heart as he realized he was going to die. Nothing he had trained for meant anything when so clearly outmatched, and there was no one coming to his aid. Helpless, he could only summon up the last of his waning air and hope to stir whatever compassion might still remain within the seething creature before him.

"Please..." was all he could manage, still pushing weakly at the hand cutting off his air supply. His vision began to darken as he stared pleadingly at the dragon, his lungs screaming for air. For a moment, there was no sign that Orion had even heard his pleas, and the hand remained locked about his throat. Then, at last, the snarl faded slowly from the scaled face. A flicker of something decidedly more human lit the half-black's eyes, and Reyne's neck was released suddenly. Gasping, the elf slumped forward, knees too weak to support him. Orion caught him easily, holding the dazed man upright as he tried to steady himself.

I'm alive, was all Reyne could think, delirious with relief at being able to breathe. For a moment he simply rested in the dragon's hold, too elated to care about his closeness to the one who'd nearly killed him. As he sobered, however, he felt the fear creep in from the back of his mind, and he began to wonder what he was in for now that he had been spared.

Eventually, Orion leaned the disoriented elf back against the wall, though this time he did not hold him against it. Instead, he put a hand on either side of Reyne's head, blocking any attempts of escape - assuming Reyne was stupid enough to try it again. He loomed over the smaller male, looking him over as he took a deep breath, erasing the final traces of the anger that had so consumed him.

"That was..." the dragon began, his voice quiet and calm, "wrong of me. I don't want to hurt you." The words were careful, even dispassionate, but Reyne could see what might almost be guilt written on Orion's face. The black brought a hand to the elf's face and ran it gently over one side, claws tracing harmlessly over the skin. "I'm sorry."

Reyne held perfectly still, sufficiently cowed by the dragon's prior fury into resisting all thoughts of forcing his way out of this. His only hope now was to reason with his captor - to hope he would show compassion and forgo his previous intentions. He waited for a moment, assuring himself that the anger had truly gone from the half-dragon's eyes before speaking.

"Then let me go," he said finally. He shifted slightly, pulling away from the hand resting on his cheek and forcing himself to meet Orion's dark red eyes. "Leave me my dignity. I don't want this."

To his relief, the half-drake did not seem to grow angry at his objection. If anything, Orion's eyes seemed to soften as he listened, and for a moment Reyne felt a flicker of hope. Then, the hand returned to his face, cupping his jaw in a gentle but firm grip as the black dragon leaned in until their faces were mere inches apart.

"Not yet, you don't." Reyne felt his stomach drop at the words, and then suddenly the dragon's mouth was at his neck, the hand at his jaw forcing his head upwards and back. Terror at the thought of those powerful jaws closing in around his throat caused Reyne to yelp before going completely ridged, an instinctive response hoping to appease the beast about to kill him. Orion, however, apparently had other intentions, and soon the elf felt him pressing open-mouthed kisses against the already-bruising skin of his neck.

Once his mind registered that the dragon showed no desire to tear open his throat, Reyne immediately brought both hands up to push against his assailant's head and arms, trying to get him off despite the memory of the punishment such behavior had warranted last time. He was unable to even slow the other male's progress, however, as the hand holding his jaw moved to take hold of his hair, pulling his head back even further and making the elf gasp at the pain when he tried to resist. Orion's other hand then moved to grasp at Reyne's tunic, tearing at the fabric with ease as he continued licking and nipping at the elf's throat.

"No!" Reyne said desperately, struggling against his captor to no avail. "Stop!" Nothing seemed to phase the half-dragon in the slightest - the blows he rained against the creature's back didn't even seem to register, and he might as well be pushing against a boulder for all the good it did him to try to break loose. He moved his hands to fight the one tearing his tunic open, and felt it still for a moment. Hot breath ran across the sore skin of his neck as Orion's mouth pulled back slightly, his head raising until his lips were at his prisoner's ear.

"There's no point in fighting it," the drake whispered in a smooth, purring voice. "Though, I admit, I find your struggling appealing. But why resist? It's pointless: I'm going to have you, and you can't stop me from taking you however I wish. It doesn't have to be a bad experience for you, though." The hand at his tunic resumed its destruction of the clothing despite the elf's resistance, and Reyne felt the fabric give way easily at the insistant pull, revealing the elf's smooth white chest to the now exploring hand.

"Let go of me, stop this -" Reyne's outraged words turned to a surprised gasp as the clawed fingers brushed over his nipple, sending a jolt of unwanted pleasure through him. He heard an amused rumble from Orion as the fingers repeated the motion, drawing another sharp intake of breath from the elf.

"Sensitive, mmm?" Reyne felt his face burn at the teasing words, and tried to shove the invasive hand away. Orion would have none of it, and he gave the responsive nub a hard pinch, making Reyne jump and cry out in pain. He was shocked at just how painful a simple pinch felt in such a sensitive place.

"Behave," the dragon chided, still amused though annoyance was clear in his tone. He repeated the action once more, drawing another pained yelp, before pressing a claw warningly against the hardening flesh. "Arms at your sides." Face aflame, Reyne did as he was told, earning an approving hum from Orion. The pain, he could have easily dealt with - he was a warrior, after all - but he knew he could not allow the dragon to grow truly angry, lest he find himself losing his life along with his dignity. The claw was removed and the fingers began to rub gently instead. Now, Reyne had to stifle groans from the stimulation, and he let out another gasp as the hand moved to caress his other nipple. He couldn't help it - it felt good, despite the way his mind cried out indignantly and tried to squelch the sensations.

"You see, both pain and pleasure are within my power to give you," Orion drawled, giving each nub a gentle squeeze. Reyne simply held perfectly still in stony silence, trying to ignore the sensations the dragon was evoking in his body. He was mortified at his inability to control his reactions, and that he should feel any pleasure at all from the unwanted advances. He refused to look at the half-drake, and Orion let out a soft sigh when his words went unanswered.

"I see you remain unconvinced. Well..." The dragon paused, and Reyne could see a smile beginning to form on the dark lips. The hand in his hair eased up on its grip, allowing the elf to tilt his head down a bit further, while the other hand left his chest and moved to his shoulder. Orion moved back to whisper into the prisoner's ear once more.

"There are other places I can demonstrate with." For a moment Reyne was confused, until he felt the warm wetness of Orion's mouth close over the lobe of his ear. Instantly, the elf froze in shock, before his body instinctively arched, a loud moan erupting from his throat. A rush of pleasure that completely dwarfed the sensations coming from his chest caused him to feel light headed for a moment. The mouth released him, and he could only stare, stupefied, into the now smugly-grinning face of his captor.

"Oh, yes - I've had elves before. I know all about how sensitive those ears are. You seem awfully quiet now, though. Didn't you like it?" With that, Orion took a long, deliberate lick up the outer shell of the pointed ear, and Reyne again could not resist groaning aloud. The dragon smiled down at the elf, who looked at once furious and desperate.

"Mmm, I thought as much. Shall I give it a bite, now, to show you how much pain I can use it to cause you?" The blood drained entirely from Reyne's already pale face at the casually uttered threat. He could not imagine the pain a bite would cause - even a flick to his sensitive ears could cause extreme discomfort. A bite... the idea filled him with horror.

When the elf failed to respond, Orion shrugged and moved his mouth up to cover the pointed tip, fangs just barely grazing the skin. Despite himself, Reyne felt his body begin to tremble, and he swallowed his pride and hastily began to plead.

"Don't! Please, no. Don't bite it." He hated how weak he sounded - how his voice lacked any pride or power. He was helpless, and he hated it... but he couldn't fight the fear of the pain the dragon could cause him, and he knew he was not strong enough to break free.

Orion's mouth released the ear, and he brought his head down to look into his prey's face, though Reyne avoided his gaze. The drake smiled, seemingly pleased with himself, and gave the elf's jaw a lick.

"Pleasure it is, then." He took the earlobe back into his mouth and began to suckle it, releasing the elf's hair and bringing both hands down to tease his nipples once more. Reyne felt his back arch against his will, pushing himself against the dragon as he cried out in reluctant pleasure. Orion moved forward in response, pressing flush against the elf's body as he continued his assault on both areas, alternating between ears until Reyne began to whimper and twist. The elf brought his hands up to push against Orion's shoulders, the combination of the sensations becoming uncomfortably over-stimulating. Thankfully, the black dragon heeded the unspoken wishes and removed his mouth, letting his hands drop lower to rest on the elf's hips.

At this point, Reyne's legs were providing very little support as his knees weakened - he remained upright only because he was pinned between Orion's body and the stone wall. Absently, he was aware of how inhumanly warm the drake was, contrasting sharply with the cold stone behind him.

"Put your arms around my neck," the half-black murmured, his breath teasing the still-wet ear and causing Reyne to shiver. The elf was still reeling from the previous attentions, his entire body flushed from a mixture of shame and arousal. He shook his head to clear it and looked up at his captor, fixing him with as steely a gaze as he could muster. He clenched his jaw, refusing to comply with the request - to further humiliate himself by giving in. After a brief silence, Orion simply sighed again, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Now, Reyne." he said, causing the elf to startle at the sound of his name. A moment later, he felt the hands at his waist grab hold and hoist him up, lifting him as though he weighed nothing. Surprised, Reyne instinctively wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck for stability, drawing a triumphant smirk from the drake. The elf glared, seething, but made no attempt to struggle: he knew it would only make things worse for him.

With an arm around the elf's waist and another under his legs, Orion turned and carried his captive away from the rock outcropping and into the open field of grass that lay next to the stream. Pressed tightly against the dragon's chest by the firm hold, Reyne could feel the supernatural heat radiating off of the half-breed, as well as the steady pulse of his heartbeat as he stopped just a few feet from the edge of the brook. Kneeling, Orion lowered the both of them to the ground, placing the elf in a sitting position in the short grass.

"Stay here," he said simply, before rising again and removing his traveling cloak. Reyne bristled at the commanding tone, and for a moment he considered fleeing. If he could just get to the tree line... but no, it was too big a risk. He had no idea what Orion might do if he tried to run and failed, but for all he knew it might involve crippling his legs. For all that he might act controlled and civil, the man was still a half-black, and he'd already demonstrated the ability to regress into a more primal sort of beast. The image of his snarling, feral gaze as he'd nearly choked the elf to death only minutes before was burned into Reyne's mind. He felt sick to his stomach when he thought of what staying would almost certainly entail, but he was not yet ready to die or be crippled.

As the thoughts warred in the trapped elf's head, Orion had carefully laid his cloak down on top of the grass. The thick material was intended to double as a bedroll whilst traveling, and spread out it covered a good deal of ground. Satisfied, Orion sat down in the center of the cloak, turning his attention back to the conflicted elf sitting nearby. He gestured to the space beside him.

"Join me."

For an instant, Reyne thought again about running, but in the end the fear of reprisal was too much. When it was all said and done, he was afraid of the drake - terrified, even. I'm a coward, he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. Lowering his head in shame, he got to his feet and walked over to the spread cloak. With his eyes fixed at some distant point off to one side, he sank to the ground and sat about a foot away from his captor. He could feel the dragon's eyes upon him, and though he did not meet its gaze he could feel the satisfaction radiating off of it.

After a pause, Orion shifted his position, closing the distance between the two. Even sitting down, he was significantly taller than the other male. Taking advantage of his height, he leaned down and gave the elf's ear a gentle lick, earning a soft gasp from the surprised prisoner. Orion slid an arm around Reyne's waist and repeated the action, causing the elf to try to pull away.

Humming in amusement mixed with exasperation, Orion pulled his quarry back against him, lowering his head so that he could murmur into an ear. "You are quite stubborn," he commented, using his free hand to cup the elf's cheek and turn its face towards his own. "It is both provocative and immensely aggravating. You seem to know there's no escaping this... why not get all the enjoyment you can out of it?"

The flash of anger that lit up the elf's face surprised the half-dragon, as did the cold tone and hard words that were his response. "Because I do not want this. And I will not give you the satisfaction of thinking otherwise."

Orion huffed, looking slightly taken aback as he regarded the clearly enraged elf. He seemed to think about his next words before he replied, spending a silent moment simply considering his response. "It does please me to see you enjoy my attentions," he admitted. "But believe me, there are other means of extracting my satisfaction, and I doubt you would find any of them better to your liking." He noticed the trace of fear that crept into the bright green eyes looking up at him and he began running his fingers along the elf's cheek in a slow, purposeful pattern.

"I would much rather take my enjoyment from your pleasure, rather than from your pain and fear. It will be one or the other, however; the one thing I detest is the quiet endurance act. I admire your bravery, elf, and I would reward it with gratification... on the other hand, a much darker part of me would enjoy breaking that brave spirit." Reyne began to shrink away from his captor, but the drake forced him even closer and gazed penetratingly into the wide green eyes.

"Show me which option you prefer," he commanded, pulling the elf up and towards him before covering his mouth in a hard kiss. Reyne felt himself go completely ridged in the dragon's grasp, not resisting and yet not participating in any way. Then the black growled, low in his throat, and the elf flinched before moving his mouth tentatively against the dragon's. Smiling against his captive's mouth, Orion pulled the hapless male onto his lap, forcing their chests together as he wrapped him in a tight embrace.

Reyne felt almost numb as he forced himself to reciprocate the dragon's kiss, the heat from the half-drake's body seeping into his own. The promise of what inaction would cause was clear from Orion's words, and Reyne knew the dragon would make good on that threat. As much as he despised playing a part in his own debasement, he had not the resolve to suffer instead. So, with a pit in his stomach, he resigned himself to surrendering to his captor, trying to ignore the feeling of the half-black's hardened length pressing into him through their clothing.

Soon, the dragon's tongue demanded entry into his mouth, and Reyne obligingly opened his lips to allow Orion to explore as he pleased. The half-drake tasted like he smelled - like rich, dark tea leaves and spices, and his mouth was as warm as the rest of him. As the kiss deepened, Reyne felt hands pulling the shredded tunic from his body, and though he did his best to shrink into himself once he was bared to the night air, he did not resist.

When at last Orion pulled away, his red eyes were glowing and he gave Reyne a satisfied smile. "An excellent choice. I'm glad you've come to see things my way." He tucked a strand of hair behind a pointed ear, and Reyne felt his face heat as he averted his gaze. The dragon leaned back then, looking over the elf's bared torso, further adding to his humiliation.

"You are exquisite," Orion praised, running one hand over the toned abdomen as he toyed with the elf's ear with the other. "Muscular, for an elf." Reyne resisted the urge to pull away, and as the dragon found a particularly sensitive spot he leaned his head into the hand at his ear and groaned. He knew he would not be given further warnings if he managed to displease Orion again. And, damn it all, it did feel nice, despite everything. He still felt humiliated and weak, but he tried to ignore those feelings and focus on the physical sensations.

"There you go." Orion raised his other hand to the opposite ear, rubbing the edges gently in synchronized patterns. Reyne felt his back arch on instinct, and the dragon seemed eager to sample the proffered chest, teasing the responsive nipples with his tongue and eventually taking first one and then the other into his mouth. The heat of the half-drake's mouth on his nipple coupled with the stroking of his ears caused the elf to cry out loudly, his hands moving of their own accord to grab at the dragon's head, trying both to hold it in place and push it away, as it quickly turned over-stimulating.

"Too much?" Orion asked, removing his mouth from the sensitive nub and looking up at the elf. Reyne nodded, dazed and only now aware that he was gasping for breath and that his cock had become hard in his trousers. This development sent a new wave of shame through the panting elf and he self-consciously tried to move off of the dragon's lap.

"Easy," the half-black rumbled, grabbing hold of Reyne's hips and pushing him back into place. "I'll ease up a bit, then. You really are wonderfully responsive." The elf was barely listening - all he could focus on was the fact that he had become so completely aroused under the dragon's attentions, and he had been so caught up he hadn't even noticed. Orion definitely had a knack for finding and pushing all the right buttons, and Reyne began to wonder how long he'd be able to maintain a grip on himself.

"Why don't you take off my tunic?" the dragon suggested, drawing Reyne out of his thoughts. Swallowing hard, the elf simply bowed his head and reached for the buttons on his captor's shirt, not giving himself time to think about the moment drawing ever nearer. His hands were trembling, and thus it took him a while to get all of them undone, but Orion simply watched silently the entire time. When he finally reached the last button, he hesitated for a moment before pushing the fabric back and off of the half-dragon's broad shoulders, at which point Orion moved to help take it off the rest of the way.

"Here," Orion said, taking Reyne's hands once the shirt had been removed. He placed both the elf's hands against the hard muscles of his scaled chest and ran them slowly down his torso. "My scales are not nearly so sensitive as your skin. But it feels nice all the same."

Reyne moved his hands freely up and down the half-drake's torso, once his hands were freed, per Orion's direction. He was surprised that the scales didn't all feel sharp or even stiff - they felt almost like snake scales in along the chest, though the shoulders and back were covered in thicker, more ridged ones. Here and there, there were even patches where the scales turned into leathery skin, betraying Orion's mortal heritage. The dragon hummed contentedly, running his own hands through the long strands of russet hair atop the elf's head as he let Reyne explore his chest and back.

Eventually, Orion pulled Reyne's face back up to his own and gave him a long, penetrating kiss. Lips still locked, Reyne felt the dragon lean forward, pushing the elf onto his back as he went onto all fours above him. Worried, Reyne felt himself tense up again, but Orion didn't seem to notice. A clawed hand began tracing its way up and down Reyne's abdomen, going lower and lower with each teasing pass.

When he felt the hand begin to pull at his belt, Reyne couldn't help but push against it for an instant. Orion broke the kiss and gave the smaller male a warning glance as he continued unfastening the belt at Reyne's waist, making the elf reluctantly cease his struggles. The half-drake wasted no time in tossing the belt off to one side as it was removed, and then set to work on the fastenings that were all the held the trousers in place. Helpless, the elf felt his heart begin to pound in his chest as he lay perfectly still under his assailant, and as his pants at last were pulled off along with his smallclothes he found himself wishing to be anywhere but there.

Above him, he could see a hungry look come over the dragon's face as it unabashedly stared at its prey's naked form. A hand traced a path from Reyne's navel to his thigh, skirting around his exposed manhood with deliberate slowness. He was no longer aroused, thanks to the break from Orion's teasing touches, but that did not seem to faze the half-dragon in the least. The hand at his thigh retraced its path, narrowly missing the elf's cock once more and causing him to shiver.

"You are magnificent, Reyne. Truly." The elf felt his face burn at the praise, which only made him feel more degraded. Normally he took great pride in his appearance: the lean muscle that marked him as a warrior was hard-earned, and he'd hoped one day it would help him to attract a mate of his choosing. Now, though, it was on display against his will, and the delight it obviously caused his captor only shamed him further. He shut his eyes, willing himself to disappear, but a soft growl from the drake caused them to snap back open.

"I want you to look at me. Don't close your eyes, do you understand?" Reyne nodded miserably, and Orion gave his body another look-over. "Better than I had even hoped. Though it seems you are not enjoying this as much as you were before." With that, the dragon looked pointedly at the elf's flaccid length, a teasing smirk tugging at his mouth. Reyne, chagrined, simply sat there looking back at the dragon helplessly. He had known? The humiliation was almost too much to bear, and it was only with great effort that the elf remained in place, rather than trying to crawl away.

"You blush quite prettily, but you have no reason to feel ashamed. I know what I'm doing, and you are lucky to have such a responsive body." Orion reached up to pinch a nipple to demonstrate, and Reyne whimpered in protest, jerking away. The dragon seemed bemused, rather than angry at the elf's response, and he cocked his head to one side for a moment, watching quietly.

"Have you ever been with a man before?" he asked after a moment. Clenching his jaw, Reyne shook his head abruptly. Orion seemed unsurprised, nodding to himself. "I see... But you have been with a woman, yes?" This time, the elf hesitated, and the dragon's face showed a flash of utter disbelief.

"Never?" The tone was not mocking, only shocked, but still it caused Reyne to bristle.

"Once," he snapped, more loudly than he'd intended. He watched warily to see if his tone would anger his captor, but Orion seemed simply thoughtful.

"Well, then... that is interesting," the dragon mused. "I suppose we'll just have to make up for lost time." He reached back down to the elf's thigh and gave it a nudge, looking down into the other male's eyes.

"Spread your legs for me," he ordered softly. Reyne swallowed hard, trying to remove himself from the situation as he obediently parted his knees for the half-dragon. Orion nodded approvingly and shifted above him, kneeling between his thighs and going down onto his forearms, lowering himself gently on top of Reyne's naked form. The elf jerked as the dragon's stomach pressed down against his groin, and Orion gave him an amused smile.

"You have done exactly as I've asked, and for that you shall be rewarded. I believe in taking care of my mates, and unwilling though you are, this extends to you. When I take you, it will not be enjoyable for you, and so I will give you your pleasure now to make up for it." He licked at Reyne's neck, dragging his tongue up his jaw to his ear where he ran it along the edge teasingly. "Now is the time to let go. Let your body tell me what it likes, and I will give it what it wants. Right now, I live to please you."

With that, Orion resumed the attention he had previously paid to Reyne's ears with his mouth as his hand rubbed along his nipples. Despite himself, the elf gasped and tilted his head back in pleasure, enjoying the now familiar sensations. This time, though, the hand at his chest did not linger long, and instead traced downward until it wrapped around the semi-hard length of Reyne's cock.

"Ahhh! Stop... D-Don't. I'm - " Orion silenced the stammering elf with an insistent kiss, swallowing the protests as he gave the elf's cock a gentle squeeze. Reyne groaned into Orion's mouth, feeling himself harden in the dragon's warm hand. Part of him screamed that he should fight against the man above him, who was pleasuring him against his will, but the thought was drowned out by the flood of sensations coursing through him.

Orion pulled back from the kiss and locked eyes with his captive, holding him immobile with his burning gaze as he paused his administrations to take a long, slow lick up his own palm before returning the hand to the elf's now erect member. Slowly, aided by the lubrication his saliva provided, he began to stroke the hard length.

Beneath him, Reyne could only moan as he felt himself buck uncontrollably, pushing up into the hand gripping him. He'd never had another person's hand pleasure him before, and despite himself he had to admit it felt a hundred times better than using his own. On top of that, his imprisonment had ensured that he'd not been granted relief even from his own hands in weeks. He needed this.

His sole sexual encounter had been many years ago - a rushed night with an Elvish girl he hadn't even known in a village that his patrol had been passing through. Neither of them had been experienced, and both were intoxicated, so it was more of a fumbling mess than anything romantic. It wasn't that Reyne wasn't interested, or that he didn't have plenty of girls interested in him; he'd just spent so much of his adult life running patrols and scouting missions that he'd never found the time to court anyone.

Now, here he was -lying helpless beneath a half-dragon who was holding him prisoner and yet also making him react as he never had before. The elf felt a confusing jumble of emotions regarding the man crouched above him. On one hand, if it hadn't been for Orion the other mercenaries would surely have skinned him alive and left him as a warning to the rest of his people. He'd also been the only thing standing between Reyne and starvation on multiple occasions, which the elf had not forgotten. Now, though, Reyne had to wonder if it had all been purely out of selfishness that the dragon had ever deigned to help him. After all, he was now forcibly enduring whatever debasement the half-breed desired to inflict, and he had nearly met his end when he attempted to escape. Orion obviously did not care if Reyne wanted this or not, and the humiliation the assault caused the elf was nearly crippling.

All of these thoughts raging in his head were nearly swept aside by the torrent of sensations his body was experiencing. Like it or not, Reyne could not help but be a bit overwhelmed by the pleasure the dragon was giving him, and it became more and more tiresome to try to fight it. As the hand wrapped around his cock picked up its pace and began stroking him more vigorously, Reyne found himself surrendering to the situation - at least for the moment. His hips continued to buck in time with the hand, and his eyes rolled back into his head as a finger swept over his sensitive tip, using the fluid that had leaked out to further lubricate the rest of him. There was no getting out of this situation, and so at last he decided to take his captor's advice and try to enjoy it as much as he could.

"Orion?" he gasped out, fighting to focus his gaze as again the finger rolled gently over the head of his cock to collect the precum that had leaked out. At the sound of his name, the dragon glanced up from his position at the elf's chest, his mouth releasing the nipple it had been giving attention to as he looked at the elf curiously.

"Yes?" Orion never slowed the pace of his strokes, though Reyne could feel the hand's grip relax a bit, helping him focus his thoughts. He felt himself flush, both with arousal and embarrassment, as he tried to force himself to voice his desire. It made him feel dirty and weak, to not only give in to the treatment but to ask for more, but he could not help the need that coursed through his entire body. He fumbled for the words, staring back at the dragon who waited expectantly.

"Your mouth," he managed at last, "I... I want it on me. Please." He grit his teeth at the whining neediness in his own voice, at the fact that the thought alone made him nearly finish on the spot. But he pushed back the voice that told him he should be ashamed - he had already made up his mind to take what pleasure he could get from this. He may very well be dead soon, if Orion no longer felt the need to protect him once his lust was satisfied. He would not throw away what could be his last chance at something akin to happiness.

Orion, meanwhile, responded at first by simply raising his eyebrows in surprise. He slowed the motions of his hand until he was barely moving it at all, his eyes fixed searchingly on Reyne's own. The elf began to internally squirm in embarrassment as the silence stretched on, but eventually a small smile began to grow upon the dragon's lips. Orion pulled himself up until his face hovered above Reyne's own, giving the elf a short but deep kiss that ended with a sharp nip on his captive's lower lip, drawing a gasp and a tiny bead of blood that he licked away.

"As you wish. Like I said, right now I live to please you," the half-drake purred, giving one of Reyne's ears a gentle rub. He kept his eyes locked on the elf's as he slowly worked his way down the smooth, pale body, kissing and licking as he went. When he reached the straining erection, he leaned his weight onto one elbow as he took the base in his hand.

"My mouth is not something I typically give to my mortal lovers," Orion murmured, slowly taking his eyes away from Reyne's to focus upon the other male's cock. He licked the tip teasingly, causing the elf to whimper and buck. "But since you asked so nicely..."

An animalistic cry ripped itself from Reyne's throat as the dragon's warm, wet mouth enveloped all of him in a single easy motion. The feeling was pure ecstasy, unlike anything he'd ever felt, and his head fell back as his back arched up off the ground. For a moment Orion remained there, holding perfectly still, before he slowly pulled back up, letting his mouth leave Reyne's member entirely as he looked up and smiled at his captive.

"More?" he asked, chuckling when Reyne's head nodded fervently. The dragon grabbed a hold of Reyne's hips, pushing them down and pinning them so he could not lift them. He then began lapping at the elf's tip, drawing whimpers from the pinned male as he tried unsuccessfully to buck up into the half-dragon's mouth.

"Patience," Orion chided, turning his attention to the elf's thighs, which he gently nipped and kissed. Reyne groaned at the tortuous teasing, his hands reaching to grasp at his cock, desperate for relief.

"Don't you dare," Orion growled, his tone causing Reyne to freeze in place, a bit of fear returning amidst the heady desire. The dragon gave him a stern look that caused the elf to put his hands back down by his sides, grabbing fistfuls of the cloak beneath him.

"Please," Reyne groaned, looking pleadingly at his captor. Orion huffed, looking both annoyed and pleased with himself, before begrudgingly moving his head back to Reyne's needy cock.

"Very well." This time, Reyne simply moaned and closed his eyes as he was once again surrounded by the warm mouth of the half-dragon. The moan changed to a breathy "fuck" as Orion began to suck, his tongue lavishing the underside of the elf's cock as he moved up and down in a steady rhythm. Unable to thrust in time with the dragon's movements, Reyne could only lay there writhing and groaning as he was sucked and licked with amazing skill. It seemed that this was yet another skill Orion had mastered throughout his many "conquests", as there was no hesitancy or awkwardness in his movements.

Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for Reyne's groans to turn into one long, desperate moan as he felt his balls begin to tighten. He could feel his release quickly approaching, and his hands gripped the cloak beneath him in a white-knuckled grip as he panted, hips still struggling to push upwards against the dragon's hold. He whined as Orion took his mouth off of his cock, but the hand that replaced his mouth kept the rhythm up seamlessly, stroking faster and faster until the elf was whimpering incoherently. He was barely aware of the dragon's gaze upon him, though he heard the words through the haze of his lust.

"That's it. Come for me."

Too far gone to have stopped even if he'd wanted, Reyne complied, letting out a loud cry as he erupted into the dragon's hand. Stars exploded behind his eyes as he arched up off the ground, spilling into the palm still stroking his length and over his own stomach. When the cry turned into a quiet whine, the hand slowed on his cock and simply squeezed, milking the elf until he squirmed from the sensitivity. Blessedly, Orion relented, and the hand let the softening cock fall against the elf's stomach.

Reyne could do nothing but lay there, exhausted and delirious, as the dragon raised himself back up to his knees, looking down at the elf with a hungry expression. The half-drake looked pleased, his eyes moving from his captive's flushed face down to his stomach, which was covered in his own seed. Orion leaned down, catching the elf's lips in a probing kiss before rising back up. Reyne looked back up at the smirking face, still reeling from his orgasm, and felt his legs being pushed farther apart. Worry seeped in amongst the dizzying bliss of his release, and he stiffened as he felt hands roaming over his thighs.

"Relax," Orion rumbled, pushing at the elf's knees to spread them even further. Reyne allowed himself to be manipulated, feeling the warm glow of his orgasm fade away as he watched the half-black begin to undo his own belt and fastenings, a sort of hurriedness replacing the slow, deliberate movements from before. It seemed his captor had run out of patience with very little warning. Without any ceremony or pause, Orion pulled off his pants and simply tossed them off to one side, baring himself entirely to the elf lying beneath him.

A mixture of curiosity and dread filled Reyne's mind as he saw for the first time the dragon's hard cock bared for his view. It was similar in many ways to the elf's own (he found himself flooded with relief that it wasn't the sheathed, tapered organ of a typical dragon) but its size and girth were perfectly proportionate to the larger male's size. Easily over nine inches long and significantly thicker than any elf's, the black member was an intimidating sight, and Reyne felt his mouth go dry as he looked at it.

Missing nothing, Orion caught the elf's gaze after a moment, his dark red eyes burning with lust. He took himself in one hand, staring into Reyne's eyes all the while, and leaned forward onto the other so that he was crouched over the other man. For a moment he simply looked down at the elf, running his hand slowly over his length. There was an animalistic glint in the half-drake's eyes, one that sent chills up Reyne's spine as he lay there not daring to move. Naked, the half-dragon seemed even bigger, his muscular form now exposed to the night. Reyne felt his eyes drawn in spite of himself down to the rhythmic stroking of the hand, and he saw Orion grin as he caught him looking.

"You have no idea," the dragon murmered, his voice now a rumbling growl, "how much effort it is taking me to keep from fucking you right now."

Reyne felt the blood rush to his face as the words left his captor's mouth, and he squirmed beneath the intensity of the black's gaze. He had never seen Orion quite like this - his very being seemed to ooze lust, his eyes seemed to glow with a primal hunger. Crouched over his conquest, he looked more dragon now than man, and the savage might that radiated off of him caused the elf to shiver as his body reacted. Reyne was startled to find himself becoming aroused by it. He was afraid, terrified even, but there was another, equally primal place within him that responded to the sight of the powerful male above him by making him itch to give himself over... to surrender to the drake and let himself be taken.

Above him, Orion continued to speak. "I am going to fuck you, of course, but for your sake I will take my time getting there." He grabbed one of Reyne's hands and brought it to his cock, making the elf grip the hardened member. The dragon groaned softly, pushing his prey's hand up and down in a slow rhythm, watching the elf intently. "If I were a full-black, there would have been none of this preparation for you. I'd have bent you over that log over there the second I had you alone and let you scream yourself hoarse as I forced every inch into you."

Swallowing hard, Reyne repressed a shudder as he tried not to picture the scenario being described. He looked back at the half-black silently, allowing his hand to be moved up and down the other male's length without resistance. Feeling the sheer size of the dragon's fully aroused member in his own hand only increased the elf's dread of the moment when he would be made to take it in its entirety. He'd never so much as experimented with himself before in this way, never even really considering having sex with another male, let alone one so large. He only hoped Orion would make some effort to be careful, otherwise he could do real damage. Suddenly the elf realized just how damning that would be for him - if he could not walk well enough to keep up, or if walking aggravated any internal wounds, Rorous and the others would kill him or walk him to death.

Cautiously, Reyne raised himself up on one elbow, holding Orion's gaze all the while. "I won't fight you. All I ask is that you not damage me. It could cost me my life once we set out again. Please." He knew there was nothing he could do to stop the dragon if he was careless or violent, but he hoped that the black's ability to be reasoned with thus far continued on even as he grew more lustful.

To the elf's relief, there was no hesitation as Orion nodded his head once in agreement. Wordlessly, the half-drake removed Reyne's hand from his cock, moving his fingers along the elf's stomach to scoop up some of the seed that remained there. Looking intently at Reyne, the dragon retracted his claws and used the come to moisten two fingers before lowering them out of the elf's sight.

The elf was unable to stop himself from flinching as he felt a finger press against his entrance, and he saw Orion's gaze flicker up to his. "Lay back and relax," the dragon murmured, and Reyne obeyed, doing his best to release the tension in his body. He looked up at the stars overhead, trying and failing to picture himself being back at home as the first finger pushed into him.

"Gods, you are tight," Orion said above him, and Reyne felt his face burn. He bit back a groan of discomfort as the finger inside him pushed in further, pressing against untouched places. As the half-drake began to move the digit slowly out and then back in again, Reyne shifted, wishing he could stop this.

"Relax," Orion told him again, still pushing his finger in and out. "It's going to take me a while to get you ready for me, and it will only be worse for you if you tense up." Gritting his teeth, Reyne did his best to comply, trying once again to pretend he was somewhere else.

Eventually, the finger inside him began moving faster, and then a second finger was added. Every once and a while Orion would pause to wet his fingers once more, and Reyne could only grimace at the fact that his own seed was being used to lubricate his body for the dragon's use. Still, he was grateful for the added slickness, and he did not protest its use.

When Orion began to try to push a third finger inside, Reyne groaned aloud. The stretching was painful and the pressure inside made him feel somewhat nauseated. He twisted slightly, trying unconsciously to evade the intruding digit, and heard Orion growl.

"If you don't let me stretch you, I'm going to tear you open when my cock goes in. Lie still - I am running out of patience."

Subdued by the thinly-veiled threat, Reyne bit his lip and held still as the third finger finally pushed in. Gods, how was he going to survive the actual act if the warmup alone made him feel like he might tear in two? After a couple of minutes, the sharp pain faded away to a dull burn, and Reyne finally managed to relax again.

"You're as ready as you're going to be," Orion said suddenly, removing all of his fingers and causing Reyne to flinch. Already? Panic began to fill him as his eyes moved once again to look at the dragon's enormous length, which the drake was already lubricating with the rest of the elf's seed as well as his own precum. I don't think I can do this. Gods, help me. Reyne lay paralyzed, heart thundering in his chest as Orion looked back down at him, eyes wild with lust.

"Turn over, Reyne."

Feeling sick to his stomach, the elf reluctantly complied, rolling onto his stomach and angling his head off to look off to one side. He couldn't bring himself to look at the other male, even as he felt the half-black shift above him. How can this be happening? Reyne shut his eyes, taking deep, calming breaths as he willed himself to just get through it.

Too soon, the warm scales of the dragon's legs pressed against the inside of his thighs, spreading them wider. He felt his buttocks being pushed apart, and soon after he could feel the tip of Orion's cock press against his entrance. He clenched his fists, trying to stay relaxed but failing, as he waited for the inevitable.

"This is going to hurt," the half-drake told him, his voice a deep, throaty rumble. "A lot. But you will be fine so long as you don't try to fight it. It will all be over quickly. Now, take a deep breath."

Reyne did, and then quickly let that breath out as a scream. With one hard thrust, Orion had buried himself over halfway inside, filling the elf until he thought he would tear open. Pain shot up through Reyne's body, and it was only through exertion of will gained from years of combat training that he managed not to try to throw his assailant off. He had been hurt before, sliced and bruised and even stabbed once. This was an entirely different kind of pain - a deep, internalized burn that he felt throughout his whole body.

A loud groan from Orion mingled with the scream from the elf beneath him, and immediately the dragon pulled back to thrust again. This time, more of his cock sank into the tightly clenching passage, and he let out a growl of satisfaction even as his reluctant mate cried out again in pain. Twice more he pushed himself in, and finally he felt his hips press flush against the elf's ass, his entire length buried inside. Now, at last, Orion paused his thrusts to give the other male a chance to adjust.

Below, Reyne felt as though he was being ripped apart. Each thrust sent the invading cock stabbing deeper and deeper, and not even three fingers had prepared him for the sheer size of the dragon's member. Each time he had been unable to hold back cries of pain, and the last push had caused tears to well up in his eyes. He felt Orion still, fully hilted inside him, and he let out a pained moan, wanting to beg the man to stop.

"You're doing well," he heard the drake pant, before he could speak. "The worst is over now." Reyne said nothing and simply held as still as possible, dreading the moment when the dragon would move again. Orion gave the elf a full minute to adjust before withdrawing slowly, drawing a groan from his partner. Once only the head remained inside, he pushed back in just as slowly, groaning as he reentered.

Suddenly, Reyne felt hot breath on his back, and then Orion began pressing open-mouthed kisses onto his shoulders and neck.

"Your ass is so tight," the half-black whispered, rolling his hips forward and making the elf whimper. "And all mine to enjoy." The dragon's rhythm began slowly picking up speed, each thrust a little harder than the last. Reyne fisted his hands in the blanket, his ass burning as Orion pushed in and out. He could feel every inch of cock as it worked within him, stretching him wider and wider as the tempo increased.

It wasn't long until the dragon was pounding into the elf beneath him, his thrusts growing less rhythmic as he approached his climax. Beneath him, Reyne rocked with the force of each push, gritting his teeth and hoping it was almost over. He had been stretched to the point that he no longer felt as though he might tear apart, but his passage was unused to the pummeling it was receiving. Each time the cock slammed back into the elf's tender flesh he grunted with the pain, the sound mingling with the pleasured groans of the half-drake.

At last, Reyne heard the dragon let out a roar and felt the cock within him begin to pulse. Hot liquid filled his abused passage as Orion continued to pump in and out, the roar trailing off into a quiet growl as the thrusts began to slow. Finally, the half-black stilled, his breath coming out in ragged pants. He remained inside the elf, lowering his head to rest against the other male's back as he recovered.

Reyne lay unmoving, relief at the fact that it was over mingling with the sinking realization of what had just happened. It seemed his mind was having trouble processing everything, his emotions all jumbled up into a confusing mess. Here he was, a prisoner, lying underneath one of the men who held him captive. Even though he had received his own pleasure - had even openly asked for more - he'd never had a choice other than to relent or suffer pain. Now it was over, and yet he was still at the dragon's mercy; he could be taken again, if the drake so chose. He felt suddenly vulnerable, somehow even more so than he had during the act, and as Orion eventually shifted above him Reyne felt a bolt of fear shoot up his spine.

Letting out a contented sigh, the dragon pressed another kiss in-between the elf's shoulder blades, raising himself up and slowly pulling out, causing the elf to squirm in discomfort. Reyne groaned in relief as at last the filling pressure was removed, though he remained where he was and did not look up at the other man

"Thank you," he heard Orion say, and he didn't respond. He felt a hand begin to run gently through his hair and flinched, wanting to draw up into himself and away from the black. There was a pause, and then he felt Orion get to his feet beside him.

Hearing the dragon begin to walk away, Reyne raised his head, turning to see the drake walk over to his discarded trousers and start looking through the pockets. Pulling out what looked like a handkerchief, he then stepped over to the edge of the nearby stream and knelt, wetting the cloth before turning back to the elf.

Meeting Orion's gaze for the first time since he'd turned over, Reyne could see the burning lust had left the half-black's eyes. Still, the way the man towered over him caused Reyne to shiver, remembering his own helplessness. Apparently completely uncaring that he was still entirely naked, the dragon tossed his pants back onto the pile of clothes as he returned to the elf's side. Kneeling beside the other male, Orion looked down into Reyne's eyes and held up the cloth.

"I'm going to clean you up now, alright?" His voice was soft now, and the dragon waited for Reyne's response before acting. Swallowing hard, the elf reluctantly nodded his head, and Orion began cleaning the mess from his skin. The cool water felt nice against the stinging flesh, and the drake was careful not to press down hard around the reddened entrance.

Reyne lay perfectly still, willing himself to take slow, deep breaths to try and calm the panic in his heart. Even as his captor continued to treat him gently, he could not shake the feeling of utter vulnerability that made him want to curl into himself and hide. He'd never before felt so helpless, not even when he'd been taken prisoner. It shook the very core of the warrior, and he didn't know how to pull himself out of the pit he seemed to be sinking into.

Orion cleaned the elf in silence, and when he finished he walked back to the stream and cleaned himself off, tossing the soiled rag away when he was through. He went back to his clothes, rummaging through them once more before returning with more of the leaves he had given Reyne for his sore wrists, which he showed to the elf as he knelt beside him.

"You're going to be very sore," the dragon said quietly, "but some salve will help." He put the leaves into his mouth and chewed for a while before spitting them back into his hand. Gently, he maneuvered the elf onto his side, looking at him all the while. Reyne held Orion's gaze until he felt fingers at his backside again, causing him to flinch. "Don't be afraid - I'm not going to take you again. This will probably hurt a bit, but in the end you'll feel much better. Now, lay still and relax for me."

Reyne bit back a cry as he was reentered, his entrance incredibly sore and sensitive. Thankfully, the medicine immediately dulled the burning sensation, and this time when the finger inside began to press slowly inward it did not hurt nearly as much. The half-dragon took his time, carefully and gently applying the salve around inside the hurting elf before withdrawing to coat his finger once more.

"Is it starting to feel better?" Orion asked as he pushed his finger in once more, causing the elf to twitch. Unable to bring himself to speak, Reyne simply nodded, looking away from the dragon to stare into the nearby trees. He could feel Orion's gaze on him, watching him silently for a while.

"I'm sorry it had to be so painful for you," the half-drake said eventually. Feeling his jaw clench, Reyne did not respond, though Orion only paused a moment. "The first time always is. With time, that pain turns into pleasure, though. Assuming your partner knows what he's doing..."

Inside, Reyne felt the dragon's finger press upwards into a spot never before touched, and suddenly he felt a bolt of pleasure shoot up through his body. He yelped in surprise, his gaze snapping back to look at the half-black in bewilderment. Orion's eyes glittered, though he had the decency not to smirk as he looked back at the stunned elf.

"..which, of course, I do." the dragon finished. He gave Reyne a questioning look as he rubbed the spot again, making the elf jump and groan. "Would you like me to show you?"

Completely taken aback by the sudden surge of pleasure, Reyne didn't know how to respond. Part of him wanted to push back against the invading finger, eager to feel the sensation again. Then, he felt his body flush as he realized Orion had once again gotten the better of him, demonstrating once more the complete lack of control Reyne had over even his own body. Ashamed, the elf shook his head vehemently, feeling angry tears beginning to form in his eyes.

For his part, Orion seemed entirely caught off guard by the other man's reaction, and for a moment he simply blinked in surprise. "No?" he asked. When Reyne's only response was to have the tears fall from his eyes, the dragon hastily removed his finger and wiped the remaining salve onto the blanket below. He reached out for the elf, pulling him up into a sitting position and leaning him against his chest. Reyne did not resist, though the fear returned as he felt himself pressed into a careful embrace.

"Easy," the half-black murmured, rubbing the elf's back as he held the smaller male against him. He bent his head, trying to catch Reyne's gaze. "I wasn't going to make you do anything you didn't want to." He got no response, and his confused expression turned into a frown.

"You're shaking," he said, his hand stilling on the elf's back. "Are you afraid of me?" Reyne blinked back the rest of his tears, regaining control of himself as he looked up at the drake. He said nothing but pushed away from the dragon's hold, summoning what courage he could. To his surprise, Orion released him, letting him move away a few feet before speaking.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Reyne."

"Not now, maybe," the elf said at last, sitting at the edge of the blanket. He was still too afraid to try to run, especially in his current state. "But you might change your mind. And there isn't anything I could do to stop you. After all of this, I'm still your prisoner."

"My prisoner?" the dragon asked. "It was never my idea to take or keep you prisoner."

"Does it matter?" Reyne spat, feeling his anger beginning to overcome his fear. "You took advantage of it all the same."

Orion stood up, causing worry to trickle back into Reyne's mind, but made no move to advance. "Your status makes no difference to me. I did not come here with the intent taking advantage of you because you are a captive. That does not matter to me."

Reyne felt his face heat as he gaped at the dragon, incredulous. "No? So it's just that you don't care what I want, regardless of who or what I am?"

The drake growled, though it seemed to be more in frustration than hostility. He brought a hand up to his face, rubbing his eyes as he paused to form his response. When he spoke, his words were slow and careful.

"Amongst my own kind, things are very different from what you may be used to. Black dragons respect and desire strength above all else, and that extends to their mating habits. We take what and who we want, and if we are strong enough to force them to cooperate and even enjoy it, we have proven ourselves a worthy mate." He held up a hand, no doubt anticipating Reyne's rebuttal. "I understand that this is not a shared sentiment. I am not pretending that I expected you to be grateful or even alright with it - I knew going in that it would feel to you like a violation. I am simply trying to explain that, from my end, I was not showing you any sort of disrespect."

"What do I care how you meant or didn't mean it," Reyne snapped. He fisted his hands in his hair, closing his eyes and willing himself to wake up from the nightmare he was in. He heard Orion approach and his eyes snapped open, his body tensing as the dragon drew near.

"It matters," the black said, "because you should know I am not your enemy." He walked over and picked up Reyne's clothes, tossing them over to the elf as he reached for his own and began dressing himself. "Get dressed. We should be going."

Despair sunk like a heavy stone in Reyne's chest. He was to be retied and marched back to camp, and in the morning they would set off towards his interrogation and probable execution. Nothing had changed, save that he had been used and discarded. He stood and began to slowly dress, wondering if it would be better to run and make Orion kill him rather than face what surely lay ahead.

"I know what you're thinking, and you needn't worry." The elf glanced over at the half-black, who was now dressed from the waist down. "I'm not going to return you to your captors."

Stunned, Reyne froze for a moment, sure he had misheard the man. Not go back? He forced himself not to let his hopes up, immediately wary of Orion's intentions. It took him a moment to find his voice, staring at the dragon in disbelief.

"You're not?" he asked, his tone unsure and cautious. When Orion shook his head, the elf had to take a moment to process things, hope beginning to rise against his will. "What, then?"

The half-drake looked thoughtful for a moment, buttoning his shirt distractedly as he seemed to consider the question. "Well," he said at last, "I suppose you have two options."

"And those are?" Reyne asked, scarcely daring to believe that he might soon be free. He hoped this was not some sort of trick - it would crush him to have regained hope only to have it snatched away.

Again Orion paused, musing over his words before answering. "Option one, you leave right now alone. Heading west, at a good pace, you could probably make it to Lamilia in about two week, give or take. You'd have a head start, since everyone is likely asleep back at camp; however, they would notice come daybreak, and then they would be after you with a vengeance. Plus, you'd be alone with no food, inadequate gear, and nothing to keep you from freezing up in the higher parts of the pass. There's also the border patrol to consider."

As the dragon trailed off, Reyne's mind was racing. The trip through the Roaring Pass was a difficult one even with sufficient gear and without a group of soldiers on your trail. There was enough wildlife about that he could probably hunt the food he needed, but he had no weapons or traps available to him. He'd have to make his own tools, find adequate shelter for the cold nights, and above all keep ahead of Rorous and his men, plus any other patrols in the area. He grimaced - the odds didn't seem very good.

"What's my other option?" he asked eventually.

Orion looked over his shoulder at the elf steadily, pulling on his boots as he replied. "I am returning home, heading north up the trail we passed earlier today. You are welcome to accompany me."

Incredulous, Reyne could only stare at the dragon as he again struggled to find words. "Go... with you," he said, his mind rebelling at the very idea.

"Yes," Orion said simply. "I have my own lands independent of the human kingdom, where you could be without fear of recapture. It's fairly far away on foot - about three weeks - but, as I will be flying, should only take four days or so."

"And when we get there?" Reyne asked, feeling apprehensive. "What happens?"

Now fully dressed, the half-dragon turned to face the elf, who had been so consumed by the conversation that he was still mostly naked. "You would live in my keep and serve me, in exchange for room and board and whatever else you may desire."

At last it all made sense, and Reyne felt his anger return as he climbed to his feet. "So you're saying I'd go from being the Human's prisoner to your slave?" He was shouting, feeling his emotions surge as the hope he'd been so reluctant to feel shriveled up. Orion remained infuriatingly calm, blinking slowly in the face of the elf's anger.

"No," he answered gently. "I'm saying you would be a servant. Meaning you could leave whenever you wished, and your life and possessions would be your own. Once you had accumulated whatever you deemed necessary to make the journey home, or if you found my wishes too much to bear, you would always be free to go. It is an even longer and more treacherous journey from my territory to your homeland, but you would not be half-starved, half-naked and penniless when making it."

Derailed, Reyne turned away, thinking over all the drake had said. He felt his anger begin to ebb away, though he resented the fact that he was only given the two alternatives.

"When you say serve you..." he began, knowing the answer to the unspoken question.

"I mean in my bed," Orion finished without hesitation, confirming the elf's fears.

Reyne felt his head begin to spin, confronted with the ultimatum. Either he went out alone into the wilderness, where he would almost certainly die or be recaptured, or he went with the half-black where he would certainly be used for its pleasure. Both options made him feel sick to his stomach, one for fear of death and the other at the humiliation of even considering becoming a bed-toy. He struggled to think of another option, anything that would mean he could preserve his life and his dignity, but he could come up with nothing.

"Allow me to add," Orion said after a moment, "that I will not be cruel to you, should you decide to come with me. I will not ask you to do anything overly painful or permanent, and the moment you decide it's over I will not stand in your way."

"Why won't you just take me home?" Reyne asked, giving the dragon a pleading look.

A flash of anger clouded the drake's face for a moment, then faded away as he took a steadying breath.

"I have already set you free, sparing you from both torture and probably death, and I am betraying the men I was supposed to be aiding by doing so. You would ask more of me?"

Reyne clenched his jaw, realizing the dragon had a point. His options were limited and terrible, but it was more than he'd dared hope for hours earlier. He studied Orion carefully, trying to look at the offer from a more objective standpoint. He would be required to please the dragon in whatever manner asked, becoming little more than some whore to the creature. Still, he would be safe and out of the Genorian's reach, and he could leave whenever he wished, assuming the black kept his word. He would probably have to stay for some time, as it was already mid-fall and it would take time to gather enough supplies to make the journey come springtime. Could he last that long, or did he risk dying trying to make it back home with nothing to aid him?

He resumed dressing himself, thoughts racing through his head. Orion stood nearby, watching silently. A sinking feeling of resignation caused Reyne to lower his head, knowing there was only one real option.

"Alright," he said at last.

"I'll go with you."