An Evening in Roma

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#41 of The Moonrise Chronicles

           Edward felt a little bad for her.

She was judging all religious people by the cardinal. He knew that there were

plenty of well-intentioned priests and nuns out there trying to do good deeds.

He doubted any of them knew of the dark chambers deep below the Vatican, nor of

things like werewolves and "magic" rings. Bad things came in many forms,

including one shaped remarkably like himself. He had kept his death toll to

just one so far, and he hoped for it to remain that way. He didn't seem to have

the bloodlust she had survived on. But for now, they had their own lives to

think about.

With claws protruding, the two of

them slid down the pipe like beads on a string, slowing down from time to time

as they hit the braces holding it to the side of the structure. But they made

it without drawing attention to themselves. Edward draped the robe over his

head, while Maggie did her best to appear to be a young boy. If nothing else,

they looked like pilgrims from some poor land.

They weaved their way through and

around obstacles until hey made their way to the courtyard of St Peter's

Basilica. The massive church loomed above them, and soon after, it faded behind

their backs. They made their way out with a small knot of visitors, and due to

the robe, Edward and his small ward were very nearly ignored. Once they were in

Rome proper, they slid down the side streets until they were lost among the

winding ways.

"OK Maggie. We made it out. I don't

know how, but we made it out. But now what? We have no IDs, no money, and we're

carrying a bag of stolen priceless artifacts."

"Whine, whine, whine.  The first thing we need to do is find the main

branch of Banca d'Italia. Once we get there, I need to convince them that a

recent transfer to the bank is mine. Then, I'll have money for us, and we can

get a hotel and buy some real clothing."

"Isn't that like the main Italian


"Sort of. Trust me."

"You're not planning on robbing it

are you?"

"No! I had Verona deposit money in

her several New York accounts. No point in traveling with that much cash. I

then had her create an account here to receive wire transfers.  Now all I have to do is to convince them that

the newly created account is mine."

"Good luck with that!"

"Luck has nothing to do with it!"

He never asked. He didn't want to

know. But she came out of the prestigious bank with two credit cards with an

unlimited balance. One was in her name, and the other in his. "You see father,

this is a modern age. You can't still think like a medieval werewolf. You have

to think modern. Technology is a great thing. Look at Cardinal Shit-head. He's

likely still in bed dreaming of getting his hands on our property or of boning

some small boy's ass.  Yet here we are

out of his little trap as easy as carving our way through jello."

"I think I would have felt better

bumping that guy off. He knows too much!"

"Not as much as he thinks he knows.

I say let him stew. When he finds his precious piece of paper is gone, and with

it four of his little treasures, he'll wish he was dead."

Their next stop was to the Hotel

Albergo Del Sole Al Pantheon. It had smaller rooms than their one in New York

City, but it was a fine place and likely the last spot anyone would look for

them. There was a little trouble getting booked in, with them not having the

proper IDs, but again, Maggie seemed to make that go away.The porter spoke only broken English. "Americans?" He asked with a smile."Yes. Why?"He smiled his best grin and went to the built in stereo system and with a friendly wink clicked it on. Edward nearly laughed out loud when the opening notes of Dean Martin's An Evening in Roma." filled the room. "See, see, we have American music here!" He backed out of the room and closed the doors.

Then it was a matter of getting a seamstress

and a tailor to the room, and after that baths and food. Maggie groaned a little

about that, but she was hungry. "I could stomach just about anything right

now!" Since they still didn't have clothing, they put on the bathrobes and

prepared to eat dressed like that. When the food came in Edward drooled just

from the smell. Maggie was even keenly interested for once.

"I guess nothing like an adventure

to build your appetite!"

She piled up a plate and stuck her

fork into it. She bit into the pasta and sauce and sucked it down like it was

dessert. Then she stopped. "This is weird."


"Because it tastes good to me. And

my stomach isn't feeling like shit."

Edward tasted his own food.

Thankfully, his was still sitting well as before. "Where's the ring?"

She grinned. "Were do you think?"

He had given it back to her during their shower.

"So maybe that's something else the

ring does."

Her eyes sparkled. "Can you

imagine! Not having to kill ever again?"

"It does have its upside."

"Upside! Good god father. Upside?!

I suppose you think I like killing people. Ok, I do, but only those I think deserve

it. You can't deny that there are a lot of jerks and crooks out there the world

would be better off without."

He was shoveling in food. "Yes, I

agree. I just don't like being stuck in the place of having to choose. It's not

my style."

"But you would have preferred to

kill Cardinal Medici?"

"Yes, I think so. On the other

hand, I'd like to know more about this guy. All of those years of hunting

werewolves. What's the point?"

"The ring for one." Then she

clamored over the sofa and grabbed the bag. She pulled out the three boxes and

the key. The rolled up document she set on the table. Taking the key she tried

each of the locks again. Each time nothing happened.

The inscription above the one said Clavem est in mente tua.

She read it out loud as best as she

was able. Edward mumbled around his food. "So what does that mean?"

She shrugged. Then she brightened. "I

can find a translator online!" The room had a computer connected to the net, so

she jumped over to it and started clacking away. In no time she hollered, "The

key is in your mind." She stopped and did a double take. "What key is in whose


"Probably something that had

meaning to someone who's been long dead. Try another one."


via ducit ad salute.  She came up

with "The winding road leads to salvation?"

"Sounds like religious mumbo jumbo.

But they must have some meaning.  How

about contestant number three?"

She grabbed the sole remaining box

and read off the inscription.

 In luce


That one sounded easy enough, and

the compute agreed. "In the light of the moon. So what then? You can only open

it in the light of the moon? That's sort of corny. Sounds like something Tolkien

would have written."

Edward wiped his mouth and leaned

back. "The inscription on our box was a hint. So these must be too. I think

that Leonardo meant for them to be able to be opened over the ages, and in case

someone forgot how, he put instructions on each box. That each one opens

differently meant that no single person could easily obtain whatever was

inside. But if this key fits but doesn't work in any of the boxes, does that

mean there is another box out there somewhere?"

"Maybe father. Does this key look

just like yours?"

He took it and held it up. It did

look just like his. He was expecting a different shape, one unique to each box.

But maybe nothing quite so extreme. Keys got lost. No point in making opening

the boxes impossible. "It looks identical."

She ignored her food and

concentrated on the boxes.  She put the

one away that mentioned the moon. It was daylight. The winding road. What did

that mean?

"Father, what do you suppose it

means by that? A winding road."

"Religiously speaking, it probably

means that you never live on a straight path. You must follow life as it

proceeds, and that is often down a curved route that takes you past all sorts

of distractions. Once you're past those distractions, you achieve heaven."

"Riiiiiiight. No wonder people are

so fucked up."

She sat and stared at the box for a

while. She stuck the key in and turned it. But she noticed something odd. When

it should have clicked open, it went pas t the mark a little. She applied

pressure to it. It resisted and Edward yelled at her. "Don't break it!"

"I don't think I am." She continued

to apply pressure, and with a sudden click, the key moved again. She proceeded

to push, eventually turning it and making it back to the starting point, and

then again. She hopped up excitedly. "Winding! You have to wind the damn thing


One more turn rewarded her persistence

with a click. The lid popped up. Edward jerked in his seat. "Hot damn Maggie,

you're good at this stuff!"

She used her thumb to open the top

the rest of the way. There was nothing inside. "Shit! Now I need to figure out

how to open the bottom compartment."

From all appearances, it would seem

that there was no false bottom, but as this box was the same as the other back

home, that meant it most likely did. Maggie tried to turn the key again, but it

was finally stuck. She could move it neither forwards nor backwards.

"Well shit! Now look. It won't budge.

Maybe I did break it."

Edward took the box. "No, I don't think

so. Each one must be very different from each of  the others. He went to a lot of work to make

these all very different. So you got the lid open by turning it several times.

Now it's stuck..." He tried to pull the key out, but it wouldn't move. Maggie

snorted. Then he pushed in on it. The lock snapped and the key spun under the

force of the ancient spring until it was back to the start position. The bottom

popped up.

"Son of a bitch!" She cried. "I

wish I had had a chance of meeting this guy. I think that calling him a genius

is faint praise indeed!"

Inside was a small leather envelope.

She dumped it out and opened it up. It was another ring. She was so excited she

did a back flip and landed on the floor. "Hot damn! I'll just bet priesty-pants

never figured it out! We've got another ring, one for you and one for me!"

She tossed the ring to him. He

deftly grabbed it and looked at it. It was identical to the other. He would

have compared them, but he figured her present hiding place was suitable. It

could stay there for now. Later he might go after it.

She grabbed the first box. "Let's

see what we can do about this one!" But try as she might, it failed to open.

She finally got frustrated and sat down to finish her cold food. "You know, I

think we should hide these other boxes. I mean, if we can't get them open that

is. And hide the key somewhere too. Make him go back to square one."

"I suppose so. If we each have a

ring, then we're pretty much invulnerable now. I don't think wearing more than

one does us any good."

"That would make sense. Why have

more than one at a time. But then again, we don't know that. So keep track of

anything different you feel or experience. Maybe we can wear both at times too.

Maybe there is something that multiples do that a single doesn't."

He was going to say how far-fetched

that sounded and shut his mouth. Here he was, a new werewolf discussing the

properties of rings that essentially operated on magic. In Rome. With a little

werewolf girl he regularly had sex with. That was technically his daughter.  He was so going to need a good shrink when

this was all over.

She finished eating and room

service came and cleared away the remains. Their clothing came a little while

later, but only pre-made, store bought stuff. It was all good Italian brands and

soon the two of them were dressed to kill. The rest would come later.

But they decided for the moment to

stay inside. By now the cardinal was probably onto them and their escape, and

while he could track them in his werewolf form, the chances were good he wasn't

going to be doing anything until nightfall. That gave them a few hours. They

were tired, but since they didn't think that they had time for a full night's

sleep, one stayed awake while the other slept. Edward went first. Maggie

clicked away on the online translator, deciphering the papal bull document she

had stolen. It took a long time, but she was able to finally figure out the

whole thing. She painstakingly transferred the translated text over to a word document

for later. She uploaded a copy of it onto the cloud in case there was ever

going to be a need for it. The original; well she stared at it for a while.

Something was going to have to be done with it. She had ideas, but for now she

would wait. Besides, it was her turn to get some shuteye.

And she had just the way of waking

him up!