True love never rust: Part 1

Story by Elian93 on SoFurry

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#15 of Short Stories

A longer short story strongly inspired by a specific song and I hope the song will be able to be guessedin the second and last part :)

The sun was dangling in the summer air and made the temperature accurately wonderful on the little island where a family and its friends had settled for the summer vacation. It had been made a tradition to spend their summer time on this very pleasant paradise. The island wasn't that big but still held what was necessary for the ultimate summer vacation; huge area for picnic, both in the shadows and in the sun, an incredible view over the ocean, not too much rain but enough for the vegetable garden to drive well and the mandatory impressive beach with the most soft sands in miles and it was all owned by the family. Where the mansion was placed was on a little hill surrounded by trees where several pathways were placed around the building which mainly led to the different edges of the island. The most used were the one that led to the ferry and the one that led to the beach.

15 years old golden retriever Stan was best friends with 16 years old German shepherd Henrik who was the child of the family that owned the island. They had been friends for many years and they always went to the beach together, swam in the mild sea water where they would look for crabs to follow and in some cases fight with, splash waters at each other and bury their feet into the underwater sand until the evening had approached where they would lay on the comfortable, soft sands and talk about whatever came to their mind. When they finally were dry they went straight back to the mansion where they most of the time had timed they arrival to the dinner. But what Henrik didn't know was that Stan had some years ago fall in love with him without telling him and Stan was planning on this vacation to tell him about his very emotion he had for his best friend. Stan had hid it well and wished on every trip to this island in the years he was in love with Henrik to reveal what he had concealed inside himself.

Today was another day full of sunlight and after their lunch Stan asked Henrik to swim together at the beach casually as usual and of course Henrik said yes, how could he otherwise? They walked the path that led to the beach. The high grass tickled their furry legs and often they took off their shoes to experience the trod grass that made the path to the beach. It always felt calming and soothing. Stan took the initiative to start the conversation:

"So which beach side are we going to be at today?" Stan had turned his head so it could see the expression of Henrik while still being able to have sense of where he was heading.

"I want to fight big crabs today if that's fine with you" replied Henrik and made a gesture with his paw that signed he asked for Stan's permission.

Stan smiled and blushed slightly inside and thought that having the authority over your crush wasn't that bad at all. He finally answered with a nod and said "Fighting crabs it will be then"

They went to the stony part of the beach where bigger crabs would be easier to find. They took their clothes off and only had their shorts on. Stan noticed that Henrik took his clothes off faster than himself and explained it with that he was probably eager to start than himself.

"I'll go ahead, Stan" Henrik was running towards the edge of the beach to find the perfect branch to use of the crabs.

Stan stood back and enjoyed the eagerness his best friend radiated. He looked at the bare back of Henrik and remembered that it was exactly 3 years he found out that he had crush like feelings for Henrik and might had been in love with him in either 4 or 5 years. Stan fiddled with the sentences he had prepared for every possibility for today: "I've been in love with you in years... I love you since... I had been in love with you since... since that day I've fallen in love with you..." but he couldn't decide which sentence were going to be the fateful outcome of his choice.

"Come on, Stan! There are a lot of big crabs here!" Henrik had apparently found a good spot meantime and stood now up in the sea water and waved at Stan to come over.

"Coming!" Stan knocked off the thoughts as it wasn't appropriate yet; he needed to find the right angle to spring into. He found a branch and ran over to Henrik where he felt that the excitement from Henrik was contagious and had infected him with same level of both excitement and eagerness that Henrik showed earlier. If they just could continue in their raising in the summery haze as the same way they had been doing for years it would had been wonderful for Stan but he wanted it to evolve to a greater relationship and were willing to take the consequences that might follow if the situation would enroll in either good or bad way, maybe even in between.

They lived in the moment of enjoyable activity while the sun seemed to run than walk through the sky. They were about to go and dry themselves on the comforting sand when Henrik accidentally came to hit Stan on his nose with his branch with sudden great force.

"Argh!" groaned Stand who now frowned and held his nose with his paws.

"Sorry, Stan, I didn't mean to..." exclaimed Henrik a bit shocked and threw the branch to see if he could be of any support.

"It is okay, Henrik, it's nothing" Stan didn't want to make Henrik worry about this but the nosebleed showed otherwise; much blood had managed to pour out even though Stan tried to stop it with his paws but the sea water that still were on the paws made it stung badly. Stan frowned deeper and now showed pain.

"It's not okay, Stan! Come, let's get you on dry land and make you lie down. Perhaps that will stop the bleeding a bit... sorry again"

"It was an accident, Henrik, don't think about it" The blood inevitable flood to his muzzle and he could taste fluid steel which he hated but he wasn't mad at all, not the slightest. He couldn't make himself to be angry at Henrik even if he broke his limbs.

"You're not mad at me? Not even a little?" Stan saw Henrik lifting his invincible eyebrows in surprise. He shook his head and smile slightly with a "No". "Props to you, man. I would at least get a bit irritated with this grade of damage"

"Probably, Henrik" replied Stan who remembered all the other incidence where one of them got hurt in a wild activity and Henrik were always complaining at least a bit when it was him and was always a bit angry at Stan in few hours. "I love your temperament; it's a bit cute to me" thought Stan innocently and came to remember that it was this day he was going to reveal his thoughts to him.

They made themselves lie down on the sand and it turned out to help the nosebleed a bit. Luckily they had taken sheets with them and Stan used Henrik's to cover and dry the blood when Henrik insisted him to use it as an apology.

"Stan?" asked Henrik gently who looked at the clouds that were beside the drying sun.


"Do you think we could do this in the rest of our lives?"

"I don't know, Henrik, but I hope so, I really hope so. I mean we still grow and have many years ahead of us but I'll try to give what I can to keep this friendship"

"Really?" Henrik sat up and viewed down on Stan whom he had made an eye contact with. Stan looked back but broke it in fear of getting busted and said to make it sound natural:

"Yes, I will, Henrik. Will you?"

"Of course I will!" Stan could hear some timidity in his voice. Henrik rested now on his arms in his sitting position and finished with "You're my best friend, Stan, and we've done this for so many years... Of course it will continue like this!" Henrik looked upon the ocean with philosophizing eyes.

Stan then looked closely at the side of Henrik's face and smiled again, this time with passion and felt a flying bird going bananas inside him. It encouraged him to say the following:

"My nosebleed has ceased, Henrik. I want to show you something before we go home if that's fine with you"

Henrik broke his philosophical sight upon the ocean and looked at Stan in curiosity "Yes, that's ok with me"


They walked halfway through the path they went through when they took to the beach when Stan signed them to straight to the right into the woods. He had been keeping this place as a secret like his feelings for Henrik. Stan showed the way while Henrik was quite thrilled and curious to see what his best friend had in his sleeve. They went about 5 minutes and those 5 minutes the light got more subdued but as soon they arrived to a dome formed placed where lights where shinning beautifully through it completely changed the atmosphere: The lights that had managed to shine through the forest where rays and the dusts were floating around in the dome which had a romantic effect. Stan had found this place 2 years ago when he had nothing to do since Henrik was, at that time, at the market with his parents. This dome of trees was absolutely perfect for a confession and Stan knew he had to use it at the right moment if he wanted to make his confession optimal.

"Wow!" it sounded from Henrik who took a look in the dome "This is incredible! How long have you known this place?"

It was time.

"Henrik... I've something to tell you and it's important"

"Huh? What's up, Stan?" replied Henrik quite confused and mystified "It is about our friendship?"

Stan sighed and said "Yes" hoping it would go smoothly which it most of the time didn't.

"What's with it?" said Henrik peculiarly.

"I was wondering... if we could... make it more than... just friendship" Stan heart as pumping blood like never before and sound like a horse that just had gained incredible great speed. The bird was rampaging inside him and he could clearly feel that he was blushing; the emotions were pouring out like spring water. His glance was filled with hope and belief and the ray of light made them shine brightly.

"I don't understand, Stan. What do you mean that you want to make it more than friendship? We are like brothers to each other"

Stan was thinking that many situations like this always started with the first one to tells his feelings for the another one and the another one nearly always turned out to be confused about this and this was one of them out of countless many.

"I... want to be... your boyfriend... Henrik" said Stan finally and now looked down upon the clear ground timidly and awaited the outcome that will change his view of life.

Henrik stood there now and was slowly realizing that Stan was in love with him since Stan never seemed to be angry at him and always treated him very friendly and now lovely. He could see now why Stan had been a bit odd lately. Furthermore Stan had showed him this beautiful place for the first time while he was confessing his love for Henrik.

"Stan... I... I don't know what to say..."

These words stung the very core of Stan but...

"I do have feelings for you... but... I'm not sure about it... yet" Henrik walked towards Stan, stood in front of him and laid his paws on Stan's shoulders and finally said "Look at me, Stan"

The hope was about to get true for Stan and he looked back at the eyes of Henrik with expectant radiance and a muzzle that puzzled with words that never came out of sheer surprise that seemed quite expected.

"Do you love me...?" asked Stan spontaneously and asked the higher powers of a "Yes" while he still looked down upon the ground of shyness.

"I may have, Stan, I may have" answered Henrik and laid his forehead on Stan's gently. Stan felt this kind sensation of happiness for the first time in his life. His eyes were filled with water of gladness and joy.

"Can we... try and work this out... Henrik" again Stan hoped for a yes from the above.

"We can try, Stan, and we will try" Henrik began to embrace Stan into a deep hug and Stan could nothing but answer it with his hug of great passion.

"I hope this will last, Henrik" whispered Stan with a happy whimper.

"Hopefully it will, Stan"

True love never rust: Part 2 - 14 years later

Stan really and deeply embraced his and Henrik's time together as lovers but it ended some years ago because Henrik grew up and drifted away from Stan where Stan deeply wished that it would have continued until their death would split them apart. It...

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