Pokemon Fusion

Story by techdrake on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon Fusion

i know it's been a long time since i've uploaded. i've had a lot of stuff happen to me these past several months but now i'm back

(i do not own Pokemon, Pokemon belongs to it's respective owner) now with that said enjoy the story.


He looked over at the charzard in the tube desperitly trying to break it and get out but the meteral the tube was made of was to strong.

"Quit trying you pathetic lizard you aren't getting out of there" the scientist said.

However charzard didn't listen and kept at it, eventually having to stop from using all it's energy. "All right now that the lizard has calmed down lets get the process started shall we." "Wait" said one of the grunts "Wait for what" "The boss just called and said he wants another subject throne in the fusion." "WHAT ANOTHER ONE THE MACHINE CAN BARLEY TAKE THREE BUT FOUR WILL DESTROY IT!" the scientist screamed at them. The grunt recoiled from the outburst and said with a shaky voice "i know but what the boss wants the boss gets. "fine let me reconfigure the machine for another subject." he said The grunt nodded and went to fetch the subject. A few min later the grunt reappeared dragging a boy behind him. the scientist look shocked at first but smiled he had always wanted to test the machine on another human. the boy didn't look no older than 15, he watched as the grunt through him into another tube beside the charzard. just as the scientist pushed the button for the machine to start a huge explosion rocked the base. "what was that!" one of the grunts said a little panic could be heard in his voice. one of the speakers came on and some one on the other side said "the police are here abandon what you are do........." the speaker suddenly stopped and all you could hear was static. "run" one of the grunts said. As soon as everybody started toward the door it got kicked in. -----------------------5 min later----------------------- "Sir i can't stop the machine" the tech said. "What do you mean you can't stop it, you're the best tech we got." "I know that sir but the machines operating system is protected by a self-destruction system if any body try's to tamper with it the base goes bye-bye." "i see" he said sadly. As he walked up to the tube that had the boy, his son. he said "I'm sorry son." the machine started the final count down "3, 2, 1...commencing fusion" and with that a bright light enveloped the whole room and when the light finely died down there was a single Pokemon left in one of the tubes. the voice was back "fusion complete......warning system overload self-destruction activated t-minus 5 min, all personal evacuate." at that point the tube slid open and the Pokemon inside fell out unconscious. "men grab that Pokemon a haul it out to the truck" "but sure....." "no buts do it now. We don't leave any one behind" the man gulped but he obeyed and with the help from the others managed to get out and away from the base witch went up in smoke. the man in charge picked up the phone and called ahead to the town "nurse joy I've got an emergency, I'm on my way from team anvil's nearby base having recovered a fused Pokemon from the base just before it blow. right thank you joy be there in less than 5." -----------------------------------------POV change----------------------------------------- Darkness everywhere that's all i see, then out of now where three Pokemon appear before me two of them look at me as if i was an annoyance to them the third looks like its happy to see me. Then one of them speaks its scolipede. "so they fused us with a human" it said in anger. "yes it appears that they did" the second one said witch was volcarona. then there's just charzard just standing there looking at me. I stare at it before it clicks "charzard is it really you?" i ask just to be sure "yes it is max." "wait so you know this human" volcarona said "yes he's my trainer" with that out of the bag i waited to see what the other 2 would do. some Pokemon liked humans others not so much. "interesting" scolipede said. "well we better decide who is gonna take control" said volcarona "take control, take control of what?" i said volcarona looked at me and said "we must decide who will take control of are new body. the four of us were used as a fusion to create a new Pokemon and there is are problem. 4 minds 1 body and we must decide now who will control it." suddenly the thought hit me that i might never see my family again. as the Pokemon began to debate who would get control of the body, charzard noticed my sad mood and realized that out of everyone here i had the most to loose. charzard after some talking managed to convince the others to let me have control. "why?" i asked "because you have a family we don't." scolipede answered "so how will this work." "simple you will absorb us then when only you are left you will wake up." "so how do i do this." "simply come up to us and put your hand on our forehead and we will do the rest." first up was scolipede i went up to him and I did as instructed. He began to glow then he was gone. Next was volcarona, i paused when i got to charizard. "i want to thank you for all you've done for me charizard" he shuck his head and said "no it is i who should be thanking you" "for what?" "for picking me as your starter. i had almost given up hope that i would never get picked." "well how could i not pick you, you looked so lonely just sitting there looking at me." charizard blushed slightly before dipping his head, and i put my hand on his head then he disappeared. slowly it began to get dark as he fell into a deep sleep.

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