Hate the Neighbors

Story by Dequire on SoFurry

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#1 of Hate the Neighbors Trilogy

Just a fun little thing I had in my head and decided to do for fun. As with A Mistress' Pleasures, anyone willing to do cover art for these in exchange for custom stories would be highly appreciated!

The Trentin family always had such a good house. Such a good pool. Such a good dog. Such a good.. reputation. Why did everyone love them so much? They were dick waving pricks!

Angela just couldn't get a hold of the answer for the life of her. Her neighbors were throwing a house party to celebrate their new dog, and they were making a big tiff of it. It was a ritzy dog and was a beautiful breed, but.. come on! It's a friggin' dog!

The woman almost kicked over a night stand as she thundered through the hallways, exploring the large, well decorated house in her irritation. She'd even come dressed in her best, a black and grey striped skirt that went to just above mid-thigh, a pair of ebony black stockings, grey high heels and a white dress shirt that hugged her bust with red buttons.

Her flaming red hair, tied back in a neat knot on the back of her head, was just slightly disheveled due to her semi-enranged speed waking through the house. The sight of every fancy, well placed piece of deqour and furniture and every per-fucking-fect flower in every perfectly placed vase had her had her twitching. She knew she should stop, calm down, make an excuse, smile and just go home to work one out and let loose. But some urge wouldn't let her.

And then she came to the door at the end of the hall, and besides that it was a total dead end. Stopping, her arms crossed over her chest, she glanced back irritably down the hall. Seeing no one else, an irritation fueled curiosity got the best of her.

The door slid open easily and she poked her head in. And then she saw her outlet. Her grand prize. More specifically, her neighbor's prized and the reason of her being at their home in the first place. Saleen. They're thoroughly trained, declawed, harmless wolf bitch.

She was beautiful, really. Well groomed, shiny silver coat with a pure white underbelly, fluffy tail.. and a scent of heat so strong Angela could smell it with her blunted, dull human nose. It almost hit her like a wall as she stepped into the room, blinking briefly in a daze. But her daze didn't last for long, and soon she had her eyes set firmly on the wolf.

For her part, Saleen seemed happy as could be to see the strange woman, panting, her tail wagging as she walked right up to the woman. Angela couldn't help but grin as she knelt down and ran her hand over the wolf's shaggy, groomed pelt, petting and rubbing her gently, much to the wolf's delight.

But how to fuck with the wolf somehow without getting bitten and making her neighbors freak out sufficiently that she'd feel content..

She wasn't left to think for long. She was jolted from her thoughts with a jerk as she felt the canine's head stuffing itself between her thighs and giving a long, wet lick over her hidden package, neatly tucked away by a red satin thong. She shuddered heavily as she bit her lower lip. Her decision was made.

Glancing back at the door, she licked her lips and stepped behind Saleen. The wolf watched her with a curious gaze as the woman made for the source of that gorgeous scent, and when a hand rested on her rump, that fluffy tail lifted out of the way on instinct. The orange haired woman reached down and took a moment to run her fingers up and down those puffy Y shaped folds, teasing them and making the wolf whine.

As she slid two digits deep into those soaked depths, she tugged the front of her skirt and even her panties down. Her heavy dick laid over her balls, but that position was rapidly changing. As she hooked the elastic waistband of her skirt under her hefty orbs, she gripped her dick and began to work herself, getting nice and hard as she fingered the canine.

To her mild surprise, it didn't take much to get her three quarter of a foot up and rearing to rear the dog before her. With a slight grin, she tugged her fingers free and grasped Saleen's hips with both hands.

The dog had just started to enjoy the fingers inside her when they were retracted and moved. But she wasn't left empty for long. With both hands clasping the confused wolf's hips, the head of that blunted, strange dick pressed to her pussy. Saleen's ears perked and she let out a soft whuff of recognition, her tail lifted high and out of the way. And then those sopping wet folds parted.

Angela's eyes rolled back as she slid in. She wanted to watch those pussy folds part and let her slide right in, defiling her would-be nemesis' favorite pet, but the feeling was mind boggling. Her mound was steaming hot, and those walls were silky smooth as she slid right up. The strange angle just made her dick pulse in delight as she slid up and in, one smooth motion sinking herself in right up to her balls. The bitch was so wet she could already feel droplets on her groin.

Her mind was just starting to click again when she realized that insane heat source of bliss was moving. Or more accurately, she was. She was already thrusting, her balls brushing against the thick fur as she sunk herself into those silken, searing depths. She finally managed to look down and watch as her now shiny dick slid in and out of the wolf's pussy, working against her inner walls. Angela was barely able to hold back from rutting the hell out of that hound.

And then she began to wonder why she WAS holding back. Suddenly gripping two fist fulls of wolf fur, she grit her teeth and began to breed the bitch in front of her in earnest. Her ass tensed inside of her skirt as she rammed herself in right up to her nuts, sheathing her dick and brushing her balls through that silky fur, making her skin tingle. She drew back, slammed in again, and made a rapid, deep pace of it.

Seleen was whimpering and whuffing as she was fucked, keeping her posture, head lower and ass high as she was taken and filled, even if it was with the wrong kind of meat. The rapid impacts to her rear end, the fullness in her snatch, the grip on her hips.. She knew what that meant, and that meant lift your tail and take it. And Angela was quite content having her do just that as she rutted the dog.

The red headed woman felt like SHE was going to be fucked brainless, even though she was doing the fucking, driving her mis-matched breeding tool right into that snatch as best she could. If she had a tail, it would be wagging.

She plugged that near sloppy mound as fast as she could, bending over the canine as she whimpered a bit in bliss. She couldn't remember when she'd last fucked someone this hard, and she wasn't about to start straining to remember. Her focus was on the rapidly rising feeling settling into her balls. It was rapidly becoming harder and harder to ignore.

And soon she stopped trying to. She gave in to her instinct, biting her lower lip and shuddering as she rammed herself home. Her jaw dropped, her tongue fell free from her lips and her hips twitched, grinding roughly into the wolf as she began to empty the contents of her balls nice and deep into the canine. She almost whimpered herself as her mind melted for those few moments.

Angela could feel her balls tense, her hips jerking forward just a bit as her dick emptied out inside of that gorgeous cunt. Each blast felt like a cannon shot to her as she panted raggedly, her body tremblinga bit.

When at last she felt her orbs emptied, she released the wolf's hips and fell back. Her dick slipped free as she dropped onto her back, looking dazed, stupid and sated, a half smile on her face.

She laid there for a few moments, before a wet, rough feeling on her dick made her gasp and come back to reality. She looked down, blinking away her bleariness, to see the wolf bitch had begun to lap at her dick, making it bob and jump in her lap as it was cleaned up of juices and cum. Angela groaned, laid back and enjoy the thorough tongue bath.

Hate the neighbors. Love the dog.

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