A New Dawn - Chapter 15 (With Friends Like These...)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#16 of Malakye's Story - Part 2 (A New Dawn)

A New Dawn is the sequel to my story 'A Place to Belong'. I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last (if not even more! :-)) and those of you who are late to the party, I recommend that you read the first part. Or don't, it's up to you.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol * depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriatly so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

This time round I do not have a proof reader so please let me know via note if there are any glaring (or small) mistakes so that I can fix them. And as always, constructive cristisim is welcome!******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"What can I get for you cutie?" A dragoness with large breasts asked.

"What ever... I just really need a drink!" I muttered, not bothering to look at what they had to sell. I just hoped her calling me cutie was just meant as a greeting, and not some flirting which she hoped would lead to her becoming my wife.

"Tough day huh?" She asked, as she turned away to prepare my drink.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Well just remember this hun, things always look better in the morning!" She chuckled and handed me a metal tankard filled with draconian ale.

I sniffed it, the bitterness of the dark liquid stinging my nose, but I wasn't going to complain. I gulped it down, the liquid leaving a tingling sensation in the back of my throat. I gasped for breath and put the empty tankard on the bar. The taste was not the most pleasant, but it was no worse than the draconian ale I had had back in Zangar. It was very similar, not surprising really.

"You want another drink hun?" The bar maid asked, I nodded.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

I want to take this moment before you read the story to celebrate a little milestone. Despite being 13 chapters shorter than A Place to Belong', with this chapter we have exceeded the word count of 'A Place to Belong'. Just wanted to share this little nugget. It means that the chapters are longer and there is likely going to be a similar number of chapters before this part is finished. Hope you enjoy the chapter. ^_^


Chapter 15



"Come on then big boy!" Jason sneered drunkenly, slamming his tankard against the table. "You think you can beat me?! I would like to see you bloody try!"

"I'll beat you all right!" The dragon, who had been called Trance by his companions, snarled at Jason.

Jason had gotten talking to him and bragged about how he could beat any dragon in the room in an arm wrestle, and looking at the size of Jason's arms he probably wasn't far wrong. Trance and his friends had taken great offence at the declaration and had wanted to prove him wrong. Out of the five of them, Trance was the only one left to try and beat Jason, his friends having tried and failed. This only succeeded in inflating Jason's already over sized ego.

Trance pulled up a seat across the table and put on a brave face, but I could see the cracks appearing already. Even with a considerable amount of liquid courage Trance looked nervous. The pride of both him and his friends was on his shoulders now. He locked paws with Jason and they prepared themselves for the coming battle. The spectacle had attracted the attention of nearly half the tavern, all of dragons cheering on Trance while Cody cheered on Jason. Eric and Aceh watched with amused expressions, Eric puffing on his pipe as he watched the proceedings. Michael sat with an expression which showed his mixture of emotions. He was embarrassed at Jason's antics, and yet seemed proud.

Somehow I had ended up as the referee of the matches. But I didn't mind, it just meant I got a front row seat to the show. I wrapped my paws round theirs, asked both of them if they were ready, once I got the go ahead from each of them I released their paws and signalled the start of the match.

To his credit Trance held his own pretty well, but he was clearly out matched. Slowly Jason began to push Trance's paw down towards the table. Despite the hoots and hollers of all the other Zangarians he couldn't pull it back. Jason had a big confident grin plastered across his muzzle all the while until eventually it was all over. Trance let out a groan and nursed his arm while Jason yelled in triumph and downed the rest of his drink in celebration. He began to flex his arms and pose for the females, a few of them eyeing him up and down with dreamy looks of passion.

"Not bad, but I think I'll have to put you in your place." A Zangarian declared, stepping forward.

He was a good bit older than Trance and his buddies, I would have put him around my fathers age, his arms much thicker and more defined than Jason's previous opponents. I instantly clocked his shoulder guards, he was master level water bender; the gold trimmed shoulder guards and water design etched into steel. He sat down and positioned his arm, waiting for Jason to accept his challenge.

"You're on!" Jason smirked.

From looking at them I had to give the advantage to Jason, he was much more heavily built, his biceps considerably bigger than his opponent. Jason clasped paws with him and stared him down, his expression one of confidence. I placed my paws over theirs.

"I'm not going to go easy on you boy!" The dragon mocked Jason.

"I wouldn't have it any other way old timer!"

They signalled that they were ready and I released their paws. The dragon was quick off the mark, he began to push Jason back but Jason gritted his teeth and pushed back, forcing their paws back to their starting positions. There was a lot of shouting from the spectators now, from their shouts I discovered his name was Malnark.

Jason continued to push Malnark back, but Malnark held his own pushing back up to the starting position. Malnark was a lot stronger than I expected. But Jason wasn't going to lose so easily. Jason visibly put everything into it, his chest flexed, his nostrils flared, and slowly he began to force Malnark down. Malnark was slowly but surely being overpowered. The tavern was in an uproar, everyone was cheering on Malnark, begging him not to lose.

I felt a surge of spiritual energy from Malnark, the energy pouring into his right arm, and suddenly he seemed to get a second wind. No, it was more than that. The effort he was putting into it seemed to lessen, the strain in his expression lessening, and he began to push Jason back. I couldn't believe it, he was using his nen as a strength boost! I wanted to object, but I doubted that it was against the rules. Plus I was actually impressed, I had never imagined using my nen for anything beyond bending.

After that the match was all but over. Jason fought back as hard as he could, even managing to push Malnark back at one point and from the waver in his expression I could tell that Malnark had been surprised at that, but another surge of spiritual energy gave him the edge he needed to over power Jason and secure his win. The whole tavern exploded with cheers, Jason's ego well and truly beaten. Jason extended his paw to Malnark in respect, his other paw nursing his arm. Malnark shook his paw and muttered a few words to Jason that I couldn't make out over the noise.

Everyone began to return to their respective groups, expecting that that would be the end of the show. I looked at Malnark and then back at Jason, who was being consoled by Cody. Jason's head hung low in disappointment. I couldn't let it stand there, I had to try and avenge Jason, and I would use Malnark's own trick against him.

"MALNARK!" I yelled.

Everyone in the room turned to look. Malnark eyed me with confusion, waiting for me to say what I had to say. I didn't say anything. I sat down and held my arm out, just as Malnark had done when he had challenged Jason. He chuckled.

"You must be Kaldor's boy."

"What if I am?"

"You sure you want to do this? I would hate to make you look foolish." Several dragons laughed.

"Don't hold back!" I smirked.

That got his attention, he knew I was being serious. He walked back to the table and took his seat, wrapping his paw round mine.

"Just remember, you asked for this!" He smiled and I felt his spiritual energy flare and begin to flow into his arm.

Cody ran up and took over the role of referee, placing his paws over ours. Malnark gave the signal that he was ready. I focused and drew on my own spiritual energy, it poured out of me and engulfed the area around us. I could sense everyone, almost see them with looking as my energy flowed round them, but this wasn't going to help me. I focused on forcing as much of my spiritual energy into my arm as I could just as Malnark was doing. Now that mine was next to his I could feel the difference. His was heavier and more tempered than my own. Once I felt I had forced as much of my spiritual energy into my arm as could, without straining myself, I nodded at Cody.

The room was silent, the air was heavy with tension, as everyone watched us stare each other down. I looked in to Malnark's blue eyes, determined that I would avenge my friends loss against Malnark's advantage. Cody released our paws and the match began.

Almost immediately he was pushing my paw down, Malnark slowly over powering me despite using my own spiritual energy. But I couldn't give up. I clenched my eyes shut and tried to force more of my nen into my arm, picturing the energy flowing through my veins, into my muscles, fusing with my bones, into every nook and cranny of flesh. I managed to stop him, match his strength, but I was already half way to losing. I needed to exceed his strength! I focused harder, the only thing I could think about was the flow of my nen.

If those watching us were yelling and shouting support, then I couldn't hear them. The whole world was blocked out. Hell not even Malnark was there, all I could picture was his arm, the rest of him didn't exist! With my eyes clenched shut I could only picture his arm, glowing brightly from his spiritual energy.

I poured every single drop of spiritual energy I could muster into my arm, and slowly I began to fight back, pushing against his arm until we were back to the starting position. A surge of power from him had me back on the defensive, but I was fighting back just as hard. I felt my arm shake and shudder under the strain of it all, but his was doing it as well. I was matching him, but matching him wasn't enough!

His nen was flowing so powerfully into his arm now, it actually felt like a I was trying to swim against a strong river current. I tried to picture something that could give me the strength and confidence to fight back. I tried to think of something that could beat a waterfall, the most powerful thing I could think of. I remembered a terrible storm that had struck the village when I was a cub, I had been so scared. A terrible storm where the clouds had literally come out of the sky, shaped like a spear tip and took large gouges out of the ground. A tornado!

I pictured a tornado flowing through my arm, forcing it's way through the waterfall! I felt my spiritual energy begin to move round and round in my arm, as if reacting to my thoughts, taking the form of the tornado. Slowly I felt his resistance falter, I slowly pushed against him. I pushed and pushed and pushed! I couldn't keep this up! When would it end? I felt his paw stop, and no matter how much I pushed I couldn't budge him. The resistance increased suddenly, I was now just a gust of wind blowing against a large boulder. It was hopeless! I had nothing more to give!

A pair of paws clapped me on the shoulders and dragged me back to reality. The noise was deafening, dozens of dragons cheering. I looked up to see Jason with a giant grin on his muzzle. How could he be so happy? I looked down at the table and saw something I couldn't believe, I had Malnark's paw pinned flat against the table.

I looked at Malnark, his expression one of disbelief. I had won? I had won! As the realisation sank in I let go of Malnark's paw and slumped back in the seat. I had won! I smiled my biggest smile and looked to my left, an excited fox jumped and cheered for me.

I watched as Malnark stood, looking down at me with annoyance. But slowly he began to smile and extended his paw to me. I stood up and shook it, he pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

"You are one strong son-of-bitch!" He chuckled. "One day you will be a Grand-master, just like your daddy! Just you wait and see!"

The rest of the evening passed with a whirlwind of congratulations, drinks, laughs and an all round good time. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I had had so much fun! For the first time everything just seemed... normal. This was what life could be like. This is what Cody had been trying to tell me. I had been pushing myself so hard with my training that I had nearly forgotten how good life could be.


The first thing I was aware of was my pounding headache. The whole world felt like it was spinning and I was stuck... where ever the hell I was. I felt nauseous, I didn't want to open my eyes... it just seemed like a really bad idea. I felt exhausted, my right arm felt numb and what ever the hell I was sleeping on felt lumpy. There was a scent that was all too familiar to me, but my headache didn't let my mind linger on the prospect for too long.

A body moved next to me, I felt my heart rate quicken until I realised that it was probably Cody, the scent of sex was strong in the air. Again the scent was familiar, but I couldn't quite place it, but I was too tired. I sighed and then tried to ignore my headache long enough to slip back to sleep. But when the body beneath me began to move I realised that who ever I was with was a lot bigger than Cody!

My eyes shot open, but the room I was in was pitch black. I didn't want to move and disturb who ever I was using as a pillow until I knew who it was. What I could tell was that they were large, muscular and covered in fur. That meant it was one of my friends, that was a relief at least. But it definitely wasn't Cody.

My curiosity got the better of me, I had to know who it was and since my sense of smell was letting me down that meant I had to get a look at them. As I pushed myself up I cringed, my ass hurt like hell. I reached down to nurse it and felt a thick moistness between my cheeks. Someone had topped me! My eyes now adjusted to the darkness I could see who I had slept with, and they were looking back at me.

"Hi there stud." Jason said sleepily.

"Did we...?" I was a little surprised at myself to be honest, not that I felt bad about sleeping with him.

"Oh yeah!" He chuckled. "I knew you were a stud the moment I saw ya! You filled me up nice and deep!" I blushed at how easily he said these things. I couldn't remember any of it, but the seed leaking from my tail-hole was all the evidence I needed to know that it had happened. "Your memory a little fuzzy?"

"Yeah... a little."

"Well you were pretty plastered! After you beat him, that Malnark bought a bottle of spirits, gave it to you. It was some strong stuff!"

"What about Michael?" I asked, looking over my shoulder. There he was sleeping soundly, a fur pelt covering him from the waist down. He looked so peaceful.

"You really don't remember do you?" Jason asked. I shamefully shook my head. "Well don't worry, he had his fun too!" He chuckled quietly. "Now lets just get some shut eye, he can be a right grouchy pants if he doesn't get enough sleep."


I awoke again using the nook of Jason's arm as a pillow, he was awake and watching me. A burst of warm light flooded the room as the curtain was pushed aside. From the silhouette I knew it was Michael. He stumbled back into the room, the light disappearing as the curtain was pulled closed again. He fell back onto the pile of sleeping furs next to us.

"So the sleeping prince wakes." He laughed. I laughed as well, I was too nervous to talk. I wasn't sure what to say. "How are you?"

"Fine..." I muttered. "A little sore?" I said, it came out more as a question than a fact, referring to the occasional twinge of pain from my tail-hole.

I glanced down at Michael's crotch and wondered just how big he was. I had apparently taken him last night. From what I had heard about stallions in general, they tended to be on the larger side of life when it came to sex.

"Heh! I guess, but you did pretty well." He ruffled my head-fur. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty hungry."

"Yeah..." I said bashfully.

Jason proceeded to get up, the fur pelt covering his modesty fell and even in the extreme dimness of the room, I could clearly see the sheer size of him. The limp muscle hanging between his legs, it had to be as thick as my wrist, my mind boggled. If Michael was the same size as him no wonder that my tail-hole was feeling particularly tender.

I didn't want them to think that I felt embarrassed or feeling awkward about the whole situation. I stood up as well, silently grateful that my penis had receded back into its slit, making me feel slightly less bashful. I looked around for any sign of my loin cloth.

"Looking for this stud?" Jason asked, my loin cloth hanging from his finger.

I reached for it and he pulled it just out of my reach. I reached out for it again and once again he pulled it out of my reach. I gave him an unamused look, while he just grinned. He snickered and tossed it at me.

"Can you blame me for wanting to keep you naked?" I just shook my head and looked round at Michael, who was quite blatantly staring at my ass.

Jason stepped forward and planted a kiss on my muzzle. I was taken by surprise by the act but managed to stop myself from pulling away. His tongue pushed its way into my maw and the soft muscle wrestled with my own tongue. He wrapped his arms round me and pressed his large muscular body press against mine. I relaxed and returned the gesture, and suddenly I felt another hot, muscular body press against my back, another set of muscular arms wrapping round me, and a tongue gently licking at my neck.

After the kiss was over, I was a little breathless and Jason looked me in the eye and gave me a wink. I could feel the hot flesh of his cock pressed against my thigh and the strong, hard, muscular chest of Michael against my back. I turned my head to see Michael with a similar grin to Jason.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Well you said you didn't remember much of last night, so we thought we'd give you a little something to remember this by." Jason grinned. "And if you ever want to relive the experience, sober or drunk, you are welcome in our bed any time!"

"Any time!" Michael repeated, giving my ass a gentle squeeze with one of his massive paws.

"Thanks." I blushed but couldn't stop smiling.

"Now how about we all go get some grub!" Michael said. "Cody is getting the others up, so we can all go together."