Metempsychosis - Part 1 - Prologue

Story by esiel on SoFurry

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This is the introduction to a large-scale story series I've been working on for over 5 years. Originally, the first two parts were posted here under my old username. Since then, they've been retouched and parts have been rewritten. Although I've been told I have a good writing hand, I don't think I'm writer material and English is not my first language, so forgive any quirks you might stumble across. And lastly, expect the unexpected, as I'm quite unconventional when it comes to kinky stuff and it will show. ;)

I proofread myself multiple times and have others read but I'm not infallible, so please do point out typos, syntax errors and what have you.

All characters are © myself

Enjoy. ^__^

C.E. 2014 - Somewhere on Earth

The name is Jon. I'm just an ordinary, everyday human. I'm an only child, from an ordinary family and was raised under liberal Christian values by adoptive parents. I'm not rich or special by any means. I'm just another human being going with the flow, with hobbies like gaming, reading and watching a few television shows. Besides that, I'm just trying to survive in this crazy, messed up world we live in, driven by corruption, greed and power. Truly, some things never change, no matter what timeline we look at.

With that said, I still feel different from my peers. How? Well, that's difficult to explain. There are so many things to consider...

Most notably, ever since I was born, I've been having nightmares. Not your usual, random nightmares. This nightmare is always the same. It's like a different world where I used to be, perhaps even where I used to live, at some point or another. Ever since I can remember, I've tried to find answers or at least, explanations to what I experience. My room is filled with bookcases full of books about dreams, out-of-body experiences, astral projection, occultism, mythology and all sorts of New Age hocus pocus that most wouldn't even be able to grasp. Yet, for me these subjects have always been a part of my life.

30-something-years later, the nightmare isn't nearly as scary as it used to be. But it is still as vivid. Well, enough to wake up with actual traces of it, anyway. How so? Ears bleeding, rings of sweat around me when I wake, even bruises... that sort of thing. When I was younger, my parents brought me to countless specialists because of that. Juvenile psychologists, neurologists (because I also experience temporary pulsatile migraines), psychoanalysts, psychiatrists... name a specialist, I've seen one. Most just deemed it as sleep terrors (or even parasomnia), unable to give tangible explanations to it all.

Of course, as doctors, they are driven by the rational. Irrationality is their worst enemy. Even suggesting something irrational would likely get them a reprimand at best and to some extremists, possibly a revocation of their medical license. They all said it would come to pass and told my parents that they should not worry about it too much. They gave my parents sedatives to help me sleep. Well guess what? It never passed. Oh, and the pills? All they did was making me unable to wake up by my own will. It made it even worse. Thankfully, my parents quickly understood that and threw away the pills.

Nothing changed since then. The nightmare is still there, even though it has gotten to become less of a nightmare and more of a kind of double-life for me. I get sucked into it every few nights. I might as well try to explain it. That will give a better idea of what I'm stuck with...

Inside the nightmare -

The nightmare as I first remember it was pretty basic. Yet, for a child, it would easily be traumatizing. It basically consisted of barren landscapes, with barely any architecture or buildings. It was like a battlefield, after the war which was waged upon it was over. There was nothing and no one. As the years passed, new elements added to it; buildings, structures and even characters were gradually added to it. I'm still not entirely certain what triggered the changes; was it age, life experiences or something (or someone), somehow telling my subconscious that I was ready for more?

The first character I remember was a dragon... an anthropomorphic dragon. I was about 12 years old, the first time I saw him. He was dressed like he was going to war. Dressed either in full combat gear or fatigues, that dragon was anything but pleasant. He was uncooperative, anti-social and not very talkative. He was, to put it bluntly, an asshole. I still remember his first words when we first met: "What's a whelp like you doing here?" is what he asked me. As for me, when I first met him, I was all over him. I've always felt something for dragons. Something special, I mean; I'm not just another "dracophile", as some would say. I feel a deeper connection to dragons in various ways. Maybe it has to do with the fact I used to be one of them? A "dragonkin", like I saw on the net? Perhaps. For now, let's keep to the fact that I caught him without any gear on a few times. Hey, it's my own dream state, right? I figured a bit of eavesdropping wouldn't hurt anybody.

Under all this gear of his, there's one heck of a sexy dragon. Everything one could dream of: tall (almost 8 feet tall), chiseled chest and abs, shiny snow-white scales and a short but soft looking mane, about as white as his scales. His horns go straight back from his head at an angle and are made of sapphire, reflecting the light quite vividly. His wings, usually always tucked to his back, look strong and capable and his tail is slender and lean, without any appendage at its tip. Whenever his icy blue eyes look at me, I get shudders. They have a lot of depth but I also can tell that they have a lot to say about him. I guess it doesn't help that I have a soft spot for soldiers. They're so collected and strong. They're so dependable, unlike most everyone else. Even with his attitude, I couldn't help but want to be near him whenever I was in the dream state. It wasn't until about a year's time later that I would finally learn his name: Nathaniel.

He says he used to be a soldier for a group of people he called "Sirians", although he quickly pointed out that to him, they were nothing he wanted to identify with anymore. When I asked him where he was from, he said that his homeworld is called Sirius. When I said I'm from Earth - which he calls "Terra", he seemed surprised and mentioned that Sirius is in the same galaxy. At first, I made nothing of it. I was too young to know more. It wasn't until I was older that I'd actually get into occultism and start reading into lost civilizations and mythological continents and that I would really start to put pieces of the puzzle together. As time went by, I learned through talking to him that he wanders there, patrolling and looking for his enemy which I understood is some black mech he calls "Storm". I wasn't too sure what he meant by that, honestly. Not that I honestly cared much, at the time. I was just glad I had someone else than me there, to talk to and observe. It made the nightmare seem so much less scary, all of a sudden.

As I mentioned before, the nightmare seems to change at intervals which I'm not too sure of. From what I can tell so far, the changes may be influenced by my daily life or by things I learn by reading or doing some soul-searching or regression. Either way, it wasn't until I was about 15 years old that the nightmare took a different turn. From one night to another, all of a sudden and for no apparent reason, new hangar-like buildings appeared. One of them looked like some military hospital or medical facility of some sort. Another one was like old barracks, where I ended up finding Nathaniel installed in. He said that place suited him. I asked him if he knew how and why it appeared but he said they were always there. I suppose that he had been there much longer than I and that perhaps these things were hidden from me until then.

The last building was locked. Nathaniel seemed to know what was housed there. I told him I wanted in and that I would find a way to get in but he became suddenly very aggressive and forbade me to approach the place. He started to guard it constantly; like something was there that he didn't want me to see. One night, I sneaked in while he was sleeping. I stole his weapon. It was some kind of energy gun or whatever. I don't know much in these things. I'm definitely no soldier material. When I first fired it as a test shot, I was knocked straight on my ass from the recoil. Some soldier, eh? Anyway, it was surprisingly silent so I used it to break the lock on the doors without waking Nathaniel. When I entered the place, I saw nothing. That is, until a pair of yellow eyes lit up. A loud whine filled my ears and heavy heat starting blasting against me. A smell I can't identify soon flooded my senses and I got really dizzy and lightheaded, like I was being drugged. It was sort of like the exhaust out of a diesel truck, but times ten. I could barely breathe, after a while. All I remember after that was deep, robotic male-sounding voice saying something in a language I couldn't understand. I passed out and woke up back in the normal world, still bearing the feeling like I had been drugged and with a pounding headache. My head was throbbing with my heartbeat. I had a migraine from hell like I never had before. Thing is... I didn't hate that scent. I didn't feel like running or even covering my face. The reason why would become more logical much later on.

The next night when I fell asleep, Nathaniel was waiting for me to wake in the alternate world and he was really pissed off. He hit me several times and held me and swore if I went there again, he would tie me up. After that, he suddenly pulled me close without warning and held me against him. It was the first time that through his aggressive behavior, I felt genuine fear and kindness. He was most definitely worried. Was he being good to me? Was he trying to protect me?

As time went by, the nightmare never really changed more than that. Nathaniel is still there and now I know what or rather who I saw, was Storm. Somehow, I didn't feel he was dangerous but I listened to Nathaniel. I never went back but sometimes, I can't help wanting to go back. I don't get why Storm never comes out, either. He sleeps there and stays there at all times. Why did he react to me? What did he want? Was he going to tear me to pieces? I can't be sure and it really pisses me off, at times. As for me and Nathaniel, we've grown pretty close, actually. I sleep close to him, now. He treats me like I'm his protégé or something. Sometimes I feel like he's seeing something in me. I thought that maybe he failed protecting someone and now he's making up by protecting me. We've actually grown much closer than just being "friends"... especially since I was in my twenties, by then. I was getting older, you know. I was much of a late bloomer but like any young adult, I eventually ended up wanting to explore my body and the new feelings rousing up in me.

In my physical, daily life, I never even felt attracted to another human being. The thought of sex with another human still kind of irks me. So I was always a loner, never making the first step to make friends, much less find a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Early on, I figured out that outside humans, gender has no incidence on if I feel attracted to another or not. Even with other humans, I find gender mostly irrelevant. Yet somehow, Nathaniel was different. He was strong, tall and I always found him so attractive. When I was younger, he felt like a big brother but now when I was close to him, I felt different. His warmth was making my body react. You know, I had jacked off before, by myself. I'm no different than any other. But this time, Nathaniel was making me feel something that was completely alien to me. I always found him to be attractive but I never really thought about doing anything more than just lying against him! But one night, I was just too worked up. At that time, I couldn't help it anymore.

I started to take off my clothes slowly while he was sleeping and pressed closer to him. Goodness, that feeling! I thought I was going to pass out. His warmth was driving me insane. I felt drunk and lightheaded from his musk. It didn't take very long for my cock to grow so hard that I was felt my heart beat through its throbbing. I was scared as hell that he would wake up and be really angry... but at the same time, I wanted him so badly. Driven by my desire and by his intoxicating musk, I slowly slid a hand into his pants and felt for his crotch. I always thought dragons were like any other reptile, therefore cold-blooded. I suppose that like many humans, I thought cold-blooded meant that his scales would be cold but at that time, the warmth coming off of him was overwhelming me. He was different; his smooth, ultra-fine scales made his hide look almost rubber-like. I couldn't see but I felt no sheath or anything. I did feel a slit where a sheath should be, though... and it was bulging at my cool hand. I felt the tip of his warm cock peek out and I pulled back quickly, a bit of precum already on my fingers. Obviously, I slid over carefully to lick it off and I started shivering from the bittersweet taste. Now I really wanted him! "I've seen others sex reptiles before but I'll do more than just sex you!" was the kinky thought that went through my head at the time. When I pulled back and looked up, I immediately saw Nathaniel with his eyes open and then shuddered, dread installing itself in me as I realized he had seen - and especially, felt - what I was up to. He was awake!

"Enjoying yourself?" he said groggily.

"I... err... well... I'm sorry!" was all I managed to utter quickly and apologetically, not knowing what to say anymore and scared to death he would rip my heart out.

"Don't you have anything better to do, kid? You said you're not from here, did you not? You said that when you wake up, you're in a different world, full of humans. Then why the hell are you doing this?" he asked me, not looking as much angry as he was surprised.

"I-I just... I don't like them! They're ugly!" I blurted out instinctively, without thinking.

"Hm? What kind of nonsense are you blabbing about?"

"I just... don't like them. They're all so ignorant and narrow-minded. Most male humans are nothing but sex-hungry beasts, child rapists, hardasses or racist bigots. All they look for is females with big boobs to boast to everyone that they've got the hottest girl in town. I don't consider myself in that category, thank you very much."

"I see... Funny you'd start with males. What about females? 'Cause you know, you're a male, if I'm not mistaken."

"Most female humans give more importance to their bodies and the search of the perfect body than they'd care about a chubby, mundane guy like me. All they think about is the latest diet, how they can look better and how having a strong guy with a cool car and lots of money will make them look good. They want males with money to cater to their every wish. No female ever looked at me with any interest and to be honest, I'm not interested in them either. Not because they're females but because they're just as bad as male humans!"

"And what about me?"

"You? Well, you're a dragon! A soldier, on top of that!"

"Ex-soldier", he replied, correcting me. "Anyway, so what? What difference does that make if I'm a dragon and if I used to be a soldier?"

"Well, you're strong. You're tall and attractive. And that combat gear is fucking hot." I blushed hotly as the words came out by themselves. "I just never liked other humans. Not for their behavior, not for their beliefs and sure as hell not for their bodies, either. But you, you've always been so good to me. You keep me company here. You feel so warm and your hold is always so comforting. I just thought... I thought that maybe if I couldn't find a girlfriend or a boyfriend in my waking life, I might as well find one here! I've known you for over a decade! So I..."

"Shit, just shut up, will you?! You talk way too fucking much, you know that? Stop flapping your lips and make yourself useful, already!"

And then, he suddenly took my hands and made me undo his pants. He grinned at me and removed his shirt, soon making me take off his pants. And there I was, naked, my skin against his warm scales. I felt so cold and bare but at the same time, I was so hot that my blood was boiling. All I could do was lay there against him, pressing my quickly stiffening cock to his slit and grinding slowly. He groaned as his cock peeked again and slid out from his slit in all its crimson, glistening glory. It was covered in his slit's slimy and sticky fluids and the scent filling my nose was overwhelming, hinting heavily of camphor. He was as thirsty for this as I was! At that time, I wanted this moment to last forever: frotting and holding each other as we filled the air with warm, wet squelching. Little did I know, things would actually get better. In time, they'd get _much_better, actually.

"So... you've never actually mated with anyone before?" he suddenly asked me in a curious, surprised tone.

"No... I'm not too sure how to behave right now..." I replied, deeply embarrassed.

"Well, you're doing pretty well. Watch out, I'll roll."

"Roll? Hey wait...!"

I barely had the chance to finish my sentence before he grasped me and suddenly rolled us over so he lay on top of me. His paws roamed about my chest and sides, making me shiver uncontrollably, feeling his scales against me and his cock throbbing against my own.

"Damn it, stop shivering like that! You look like you're scared of me or something. Are you cold or something?"

"N-No! I'm just really nervous and unsure. I just... I don't understand why you actually want to do this with me..."

"Are you stupid or something? You're the one who put your hand in my pants in the first place!"

"I know! I just didn't think you were awake! Instincts got the best of me! I'm not really worth your time..."

"What the hell are you babbling about now? Don't give me that "I'm not worthy" horseshit. I've been staying with you here for over 10 years! And besides, you humans are pretty nice, compared to my kind. You're so delicate; your skin is so smooth and your flesh is so warm."

"You can't be serious!"

"What do you mean? Why are you looking at me and blushing like that? Do you have a problem with yourself as a human or something? You said you didn't consider yourself like them but you act like you're the same as them! Make up your damn mind, already!"

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Stop apologizing, it's annoying! Now, we mate. Do you want me or not? If not, say so, already!"

"I-I do. I want you, Nathaniel. I've wanted you for a long time..."

He didn't even seem to listen to my last sentence before he gripped at my chest with his claws. I felt a slight sting but at the same time, I felt so safe in his warmth. He then muffled me as he locked his muzzle to my mouth. I wasn't too sure what to do so I just followed his lead and we started kissing, letting our tongues dance together as he now led the grinding motions against me, his hips gyrating with mine. I felt his cock throbbing and warming up against my own, our precum mixing as our scents mingled in the air. He seemed just as intoxicated by my own, soft wooden musk as his own deeper, stronger scent flooded my senses. He groaned and deepened his frotting motions as I felt my own cock already overloaded by the pleasure flowing through me. I swear I thought my balls were bigger than melons at the time. Now, one could think a dragon's breath would be fetid and terrible but at that moment, to me it wasn't quite like that. His warm, moist breath was only guiding me on as we shared breath and held each other; time seeming to stand still around us. At one point, he pulled back and slowly licked down my neck and chest. My god! I thought I was going to pass out right there! He made me shiver uncontrollably as the smoothness of his thick human-like tongue caressed me and I felt such warmth as his breath blew against my body. I shivered again and this time, he was amused by it.

He was making his way lower now, all the way to his prize, standing quite tall and at attention, I must admit. At that very moment, I pushed him back a bit.

"What is it now? This better be important!" he said in an impatient tone.

"I'm the one who wanted you, so I... I want to do this first."

"Hah! You've got guts, whelp. No one ever talked back to me or dared pushing me back before. I like you. Go on ahead. But don't you get used to it! I'm an alpha male, not some bitch for you to handle as you please. You're going to owe me, after this..."

The way he said it could seem arrogant but he was strangely loving about it. He was amused by my boldness and he respected me enough by then to let me take the lead. So I smiled to him and placed a kiss on his snout before rolling back on top of him. I would take advantage of the moment to run my hands all over his chest, marveling at his body warmth and relishing in the moment. I kissed all over and stroked, slowly making my way down to his crotch. I must have spent minutes just touching and rubbing over his slit, feeling for his internal testes. His cock was already fully slid out and after a while I finally started to stroke it and that made him groan and lay back, letting out an eager, soft growling moan. I chuckled before giving his cock several slow, careful licks. It was a miracle I was still conscious! I had never felt such pleasure and excitement crashing through me. It was like a tidal wave of pleasure. I had a shudder when I thought about his teeth on my own cock but when I finally engulfed his cock in my mouth - well, most of it anyway, I was really careful about it; nursing it and making him squirm and moan in pleasure.

For a dragon, he was better than any human I could think about! He tasted so wonderful; so different from anything I imagined. It was like one of those eucalyptus-flavored candies, hilariously enough. I sure seemed to know how to push the right buttons for him, too. Honestly, it felt almost instinctive. Maybe it was, actually. I was getting rid of the humanity and letting the hidden dragon in me take over! I kept nursing more and more, clamping and using my tongue, letting it swirl and twirl all over his stiff length, giving it playful clamps and sucking on it alternately between my tonguing. It took a while of growling and arching from his part before he couldn't take anymore and let out a sudden, deep long-winded roar, shuddering heavily under me as his throbbing cock erupted and sprayed several ropes of sticky dragon cum all over my waiting palate. I had tasted myself before but he was so much better! All that warm, slightly salty cum from this sexy beast was sweeter than any candy. Psychological, perhaps... but at the moment, I didn't give a damn. I nursed him for all I could get. He was panting and purring lowly. The soft vibrations flowed through me, enjoying the feeling of his body rumbling against mine. I was still shaky and feeling warm all over from the pleasure I felt. He sure seemed to feel good, too.

"Ohhhh! Nathaniel... I-I've never felt so good in my life! I don't ever want to wake up!"

He chuckled and smiled at me, his expression devoid of any aggressiveness and now displaying a mischievous grin. That made me relax.

"Murr. Didn't you say you get here pretty much every time you fall asleep? So we'll be able to do this again then, won't we? Gets lonely here, you know what I mean...?"

Was he actually implying that he felt something for me? That he was pleased?

"Nathaniel, thank you so much... This place was a nightmare at first but with you here, it seems like paradise, even with the barren surroundings. You shine so much light and warmth that it doesn't even matter."

"Now, now... don't get all sappy on me. You've got work to do."


"Heh. Did you think you'd get away with just myself climaxing?"

Wait, what? He wanted me to mate him?! I had resigned to the fact that I would never physically mate with anyone but his words made something inside me explode. I was both extremely excited at the thought but also deeply worried that I would not be up to his expectations (or perhaps, to my own).

"No! It's just, I didn't think..."

"What? That I would let you mate me? That I would want you? Stop being stupid. I've been alone here too, you know? Now make yourself useful, will you? Your cock looks like it will explode at any moment and I sure as heck want it to be inside me when it happens!"

He moved and positioned himself on his back, lifting his rump and exposing his gaping tail hole to me. It wasn't puckered like mine; it looked more like a slit of sorts, just below where his genital slit was. A bit like a cloaca, except in two separate slits. I felt paralyzed. I was worried I wouldn't be able to drive myself to climax or that I wouldn't be up to his liking. The last thing I wanted after this was to disappoint him! I slid over him and held him tightly, shivering and panting heavily, not even having pressed in yet and rubbing my cock all over his rump and pressing teasingly against his tail, already covered in precum and each time drawing a lustful growl from him. He lifted his head up and glared at me.

"What are you waiting for? Do you need instructions or something? How about just "fuck me"? Is that clear enough for you?"

I gasped and shuddered at his words. His words struck me like an order but also touched me in a way words can't express. He wanted me... no, he needed me! Knowing that somehow made me feel a bit better and gave me enough courage so that I lifted my hips and took a breath, pushing my way into his warm tail. And tight, he was! Either he was never mated that way or it had been a while. A long while! Either way, the feeling of his warm depths gripping at my cock was driving me on; I was grasping him, stroking his wings and sides, kissing wherever I could reach and panting as my entire body trembled in pleasure. And he was feeling it! He kept growling and moaning in lust and that was enough to encourage me to thrust even deeper and slightly harder. That seemed to push his buttons because he was growling deeper. I kept muttering sweet - and admittedly, naughty - things to him between my panting and I held him even tighter, picking up some speed and a bit of force. At that time, I think I hit a weak spot because he roared and I felt something really hot around my cock. I moaned out and that heat set me off too. I shuddered quite deep as my cock erupted and shot several thick globs of hot cum inside him, riding and grinding with whatever stamina I had left before collapsing against him and trying to stop panting. It took a while for me to catch my breath; the pleasure flowing over me was of such intensity that I never wanted it to stop.

"Oh gods...! You truly are such an amazing dragon, Nathaniel!"

"Murrr! You're pretty skilled. We'll have to do this more often, I guess. Although, next time, I willpound your ass! Heh."

"Mmmm! I'll be willing, you can bet on it!"

I yawned and blushed a bit, feeling tired even within dream state. He smiled to me.

"I'm so tired... I'll rest for now, ok? I'll be back soon. For now, just hold me, like you always do."

And he did. He held me unlike anyone ever did, without even talking back or commenting on what I said. I never wanted to actually wake up in the real world. This was perfect.

"I love you" I uttered softly into his ear slit.

I blushed at my own words but he gave a contented, soft sigh.

"I haven't heard those words in a long time... I do too, Jon. Whenever you're here, I'll be your guardian. I'll keep you safe. I feel something from you. I don't know what to call it... a "bond", I suppose. I feel something deeper than just wanting to be your mate. I can't explain it but I feel good with you. I feel like I've always known you. Sleep well, little one. Peaceful dreams."

It was the first time he called me by my name. And then, I woke up back in my room and it was already daylight outside. I still felt the pleasure I had felt in the dream state and of course, the sheets needed changing. The only thing I didn't realize back then was that this "bond" we share would be deeper and more complex than I ever thought possible.

To be continued...