When Scipheo Met Hobbes

Story by Seigfreid Zelfried on SoFurry

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When Scipheo Met Hobbes

Characters i Own:Scipheo Bellaruse

Characters i Don't: Calvin &Hobbes

A bright light is Shining in a room on a Tiger Driving himself into a taller Bat with white fur and red hair, his body which stood at 6'4...his figure was girlish as he clung to the tigers frame. His body being ravaged by the striped beast.....as he pushed into the tigers member laying upon a large king sized bed....

"Yeah...that's me....Scipheo...i bet your wondering who the Tiger that's fucking me like a wild beast and tearing me inside out is....well...ill start from the beginning"


The Cold air....the bracing breeze and the feeling of Snow around me in the cold world of New York City....and what's worse...it was FUCKING winter...i swear...my nuts would have fallen off if not for my thick layered clothing although that didn't stop me from going to school..........

from my house and a mile down i found myself constantly dragging my feet to and from the high school my body slightly dazed at the feeling that i have to put up with the Jack asses there....but what made this even worse...was the constant reminder that people at said high school were so closed minded that if they had a brain fart it would go and stay trapped within there heads...and yes...for the record i AM gay just not open about it.

I Sit in homeroom...my body shaking like a leaf speaking silently to myself

"Do they ever turn the Damn heat on in this place....i swear. It feels like an Ice box in here...."by now you had already guessed....i don't like the cold weather...if anything its a pain in the ass for me...

"alright Class...we have 2 new students today...a Mr. Calvin and a Mr. Hobbes...".

my head turned upwards looking to the new students....

Calvin...a Tall kid about 16 years old by the look of it wearing a Red and orange striped shirt with Blond spiked hair a human as well....and Hobbes...a tall stripped tiger wearing a buttoned down shirt a tie and long black pants with a studded belt buckle...his hair was a rust color short and jagged a bit.

in my mind i couldn't help but stare at the Tiger...my body shook just looking at him. I thought to myself -was he even gay...what am i thinking....no...STOP IT!!-i snapped out of in time to see Hobbes closing in...he chose the seat next to mine i only said one thing.


"Hi....Hobbes and you are??"

"S-scipheo...Scipheo Bellaruse...."

"what a nice name...scipheo..."

My body froze...for a moment or two...-holy...is he Hitting on me?!?...he couldn't be...is h- my thoughts were interrupted when the teacher called on me

"Scipheo....since you have so much time to stare off into space...you can show Mr. Hobbes around"


"yes mr.Bellaruse??"

"yes Mam...."

*The Bell Rings*

-Second Period-

At last....free from my Visual Torture of Hobbes....Dear god why me? but anyway Time for Band practice...all though it seems to be rather Disorganized the sound and crisp vibrations of the notes make it all the better. The more I think about it the more I find that I cant help myself but feel proud with the group.

-heh...if I don't stop soon im going to get a fat head....- and my role In the Band is the Violinist...ahh such a wonderful instrument...although terribly soothing. sometimes I cant help myself but to fall asleep from the sound of the orchestra, and this time was none to different.

 In my sleep, Visions of That tigers muscular and lewd frame plagued my Dream's the more I thought about him the lewder my dreams became...from being fully clothed to stripping off his close.

 First was the shirt easily he unbuttoned it all the way and took it off with a simple cat and fluid like motion. Being the tease I thought he was he approached and sat on my lap rubbing his tail hole up against my crotch...the more he did it the bigger my member got...

-Dear god...can someone get this God off my cock!?-

 Then...the sounds of giggling and laughter were heard from around me...opening my eyes I looked around to see a few people staring at me for some odd reason, then I found out why...they were laughing at me because of my hard on...Quickly I covered myself and raised my hand up Frantically letting the teacher see it.

"yes Mr.Bellaruse.."

"can I please be excused to the bathroom?"

"alright but come back before class has ended or I wont check you off at attendance"

"yes Sir..."

And with that I bolted for the bathroom...a person who was carrying a Speedometer clicked the button and clocked me going at 35 miles per hour...quite a record if I say so myself, once I got to the bathroom it was stark empty using this to my advantage.

 I Locked the door behind me and went into one of the Big stalls, Visions of that Damn tiger still ran through my mind...I could see him laying on a red satin bed stroking himself off violently with 2 thick fingers in his what seemed to be tight ass begging and pleading...

"Scipheo...I need you...I need you...I want you inside me..."

In my mind Hobbes was begging and pleading and it only got me horny for the real thing...not knowing it my hand slipped into my Pants as another one unzipped them letting out my full 7 ½ inch member,

slowly my hand pulled out my member and started stroking it off slowly as I pictured Hobbes was the one jerking me off.

My Body moaned and groaned as I started to go faster, undoing the button on my pants making them fall off as I reached behind me and pushed 2 fingers into my tail hole pretending that Hobbes was the one who was taking me, I matched my Fingers thrusts with the thrusts in my mind as I picked up the pace with my member, I was so lost in my lust for this Adonis that I even started hearing his voice.

"you want me to cum inside you don't you..."

"Yes...Please I need it so badly.."

It didn't add up ,I could feel a hot and sticky substance in my tail hole but there was nothing there...but that wasn't what mattered right now my Body couldn't take any more pleasure, I arched my Back as I moaned loudly through Sound proof Walls and came all over the wall smearing it with cum, then my body grew tired as I fainted in the bathroom. (show of hands how many have done that?)

Within a couple minutes I heard banging on the door as I woke up and looked around,

Quickly I cleaned up the mess I had made and raced back to the Band room to find that

Class was still going...we did a couple of songs then finished class. Personally I find the Devils Trill

To be quite the waker upper your fingers ache so much that it feels like there going to split open.

5th Period


In Science class we had free period since most of what we did we already covered. in my case since I was Nocturnal I was allowed to fall asleep due to my animalistic nature and needs. Slowly, ever so slowly I fell asleep and started to Dream again.

 the desks were big enough to cover us up but that wasn't the thing that mattered what mattered was the dream I had, Hobbes and me sitting under a large tree looking up at the sky and watching the beautiful shapes and sizes of the clouds. As I spoke to him

"Hobbes, this has been a wonderful day hasn't it?"

"Indeed it has Sciphio, but it can get much better"

"Oh yeah? How?"

"like this"

 Then the real exciting part happened, Hobbes got down on one knee in front of me, reached into his pocket and pulled out a 3 gem ring 1/3 sapphire, 1/3 Ruby, and 1/3 emerald. My body quaked in excitement as he was about to put the ring on but then...I woke up and under my breath swore

"god Damnit it all"

However when I looked beside me to see the one who woke me...it turned out to be hobbes and that's when I panicked and yelled in my head -FUUUUUUUCK!!!!-

  • At the end of school -

I turned and looked at Hobbes...he was grinning...and openly to...my eyes just opened as the bell Rang loudly...the school was cleared out instantly...just me and hobbes were still sitting down. As we left the school Hobbes just turned to me and said the one thing i never expected him to say....

"I like you"

"you say something???"

"yeah...i said i like you a lot"

a moment of silence filled the area around us as i stared at the tall striped tiger.....slowly i continued walking as if nothing had ever happened as i finally spoke.

"so...is Calvin like a Brother or what??"

"no...he's a very good friend of mine.."

"is that so, never seen a human have a tiger for a friend before...only when it was in those strange and very odd cartoons... so what were you saying before??"

Silent...Hobbes just said nothing as we continued walking down the sidewalk...its funny really...here i am walking down the Side walk...in Bulky clothing with a freaking Venus in a mans body....such a thing i could not believe...but it was starting to get Significantly warmer and my body started sweating...without a need i took off my Jacket showing another and another and another...until i was down to a long sleeved sweat-shirt

"you know what i hate most about winter..."

"no...not really..."

"its to Bloody dull Hobbes that's what i hate most about it.."

silence again...-Geeze hobbes cant you at least TRY to make some conversation...i never really was one to go for the Silent type...-

It wasn't long before we arrived at His house, Hobbes, being the gentleman that he is invited me inside....

"heh...thanks i guess...but wont your parents be thinking its suspicious that you brought a man home and not a lady?"

"not really, they already know that im gay. but im shocked YOU knew"

"uhhh Hobbes...i didn't know"

there was an Awkward silence....almost as if a bomb was being dropped...almost if the entire planet would stop one moment...then explode the next..

"uhh hobbes...you ok??"


"uhhhh Hobbes...you okay big guy??"

still no answer....

-i wonder...if this would snap him out of it-

without feeling or without knowing i kissed Hobbes strait on the lips, my tongue forcing its way into his muzzle as i felt him wrap his paws around my back...my eyes closed as i continued to kiss Him deeply, my hands traveling on and over his body.

slowly i pull away from Hobbes and blush a bright red color...

"im sorry, you were, i mean i thought well, i should probably go" as i was about to head out the door i felt a strong firm grip on my hands...turning i saw the large tiger gripping my hands as he pulled me into another kiss this time he was the one for forced his tongue into my mouth...which i gradually accepted...

"Hobbes wh-"

"shhh I told you Scipheo i like you a lot I want you to be mine" my face burned bright red with those words as i simply nodded a bit

"good...now shall we go somewhere a little more private??"

-is this really going to happen?? am I really going to make love to a Venus in Disguise....this is to good to be true-my heart was pounding faster and faster as he lead me to his room, the ground was a bright red as the bed was a large King.

-wow...he really has a good life...-

without noticing it Hobbes had started to remove my clothes and then his...his body shined in the dim light that filled the room...slowly he lifted me up and placed me onto the bed...then placed himself on top of me...using a deep kiss while he grinded along my self.

-Dear god...i love this feeling...i never knew such a blissful feeling existed...please...don't let anything destroy this moment....- slowly i felt something press against my Tail hole...looking down i saw looking at me like he was about to go into his feral instincts....i only nodded as he grinned widely...and started pushing himself into my body...every moment felt like a painful surge into my body.

 lord knows how much i wanted to scream out in pain, but all that came out was a slight painful moan-Oh God...it hurts so much...i feel like im going to be split in half....oh god!!-.

The Tiger Started pulling himself out, his member grinding up against my tight ass as he pulled out till only the head was left inside...then drove himself into me over and over again with Rapid thrusts hitting my prostate making me moan out loud


"want me to -oh god- stop??"

"no...keep going...please ill get used to it"

without need for further invitation he started plunging his thick cock in and out of me...my body being Ravaged by a dominating Tiger whose essence was so overwhelming i couldn't even withstand it. i felt so helpless, my body was submissive and my thoughts were clouded by pure lust, i could feel every thrust as if the previous ones never happened...looking into his eyes i could tell he was loving this as much as i was....with my timid form you could say I was more fitting like this...a scared and timid bat being Fucked by a tiger like this...


"don't worry scipheo...just take it all...relax...and it will be alright...I promise you..."

How quickly his words soothed my pain away...I could feel my release building, my ass

Starting to get tighter and tighter around his cock as I could feel the waves of pleasure.

Nothing else seemed to matter...all that mattered was him...and me ....I needed him to explode inside of me.

 "Hobbes...Give it to me....I want you to take my innocence...please....Cum inside me..."

The tiger gave not a word as he quickened his paces driving his member in and out hard and fast through my abused hole...my body groaning as I let out loud moans that shook the entire house....and then I felt it...a

Wet and burning sensation.

 It flew through my body...over and over again he plunged himself out of my tail hole as I let out a loud shriek echoing from the house outwards...I then let out a burst of seed from my cock onto the bed as I fell onto it exhausted along with Hobbes my body aching all over as I turned to look at the tiger and smiled....

"heh...this cat is tired and this bat is the same....hmm...screw the cold. Ill just snuggle with my new heater...and this one I actually play with" with that I pulled the stained covers over our bodies as I slowly pulled my self out from under Hobbes and beside him...my arms wrapped around his body as I kissed him on the nose gently and fell fast asleep with him. Tired and ready for the embrace of sleep....

AWWWW wasn't that a sweet story?? Just goes to show you...a Tiger may have the same stripes....but what's underneath them is completely Different...I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it...now then...HAVE A WONDERFUL 2009 all =3 also...PLEASE comment :3