A Linoone and a Feraligatr - Part 1

Story by SilverZekrom on SoFurry

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#1 of A Linoone and a Feraligatr

This is a (mostly) fetish story. Read the tags ; these words quite describe what you're going to imagine if you're about to read this.

So, here we are ! This is the first story I post on SoFurry. I should maybe warn you that English isn't my first language ; if you find some mistakes, want to post a comment, or share your impressions, please feel free to do so, it will be heartily welcomed :3

Oh, and it's a story about a lone Linoone wandering in the woods, who will come across a proud, gassy Feraligatr. As the former doesn't ask for anything, the latter simply enjoy such a unexpected encounter, taking the furry to his cave.

Linoone was roaming. However, he kept thinking it started off on the right foot. He had just been searching for food a day like another (that was, what, three, four months ago ?), when a random Trainer found him. Then, without even realizing it, the Pokémon had received a little knock on the head, right between his ears. He had been captured.

He had heard talk about it - a kind of a wild legend, which spread among the tall grass : Pokémon who disappeared, and then who are rarely seen again, if not never seen again. But some would say that they lived happily with the creature who had took them away - these so called creatures were not often deprived of good intentions. So, Linoone had been captured, too ; he had traveled, a bit, and then was quickly put in some place, for quite a long time. This said, he hadn't really seen a lot of things. He would stay almost every day in the object that had knocked him on the head, right between his ears. Sure, Linoone would have want to see what his first Trainer looked like, but he had to believe that it had not to be done. And then, his situation had been even more abstract, or confusing ; he thought he has been traded or something, and a lot of time. It was strange, having travel so much, without even seeing the light of the different suns he should have been gone under. And, then, another day, he finally saw the face of one little girl. He was a bit disappointed ; she was not particularly special, not even kind. She and her flower-colored clothes simply let him go, in the woods... and the little girl had gone. He had been released.

So, the fact was Linoone was now alone. He was sort of abandoned, of course, but not sad for all that. It wasn't like he had really been attached to his previous "Trainers", hm ? Anyway, he was in this same, endless yet lovely forest for several days, and it seemed to him that he had quickly got his natural instinct back - at least he was proud about thinking so. He had no problem about feeding himself, for he would easily find berries, mushrooms, or every other thing Nature has to offer him. On this mid-season weather, the dense foliages turned gold, topaz orange or even ruby red, making these precious bunches puffing up with gemstones ; yet summer's heat and shiny sunrays could still be felt in all this luxury, since it was as if the gorgeous painting was disseminate in the thin air, by the woods odors and by this delicate warmth, resulting into a delightful atmosphere, stroking the skin as softly as silk would do. The furry Pokémon was going along a stream, without being next to it. He heard it flowing, rather roughly, not from far away - going on this way guaranteed him always having a spot of water if he were thirsty. Well, finally, the reason that would explain this roaming is that Linoone was seeking a place where he could make his own sett, as in the good old days - and then he would finally take a break after this "training moment". It was a bit of a trek, traveling without any defined purpose.

All of sudden, Linoone heard a rustling sound, moving in the bushes. Of course, he was actually surrounded by bushes, but he heard this sound coming from near. Or, at least, he was moving closer to the area where the sound was coming from... The Rushing Pokémon kept moving ; he wasn't going to stop for so little. Sounds, in the woods, are rather common. The noise, which increased as the furry Pokémon was going on, reminded him someone gulping down something. Branches and leaves were torn, snatched, then a mouth was opened, to swallow quickly : no crunching or chewing. Curious, Linoone raises his head, trying to make the creature out, thing which was feasting greedily ; but, as we said, Linoone wouldn't stop for that all. Creatures who fed themselves, it was common, if not natural - even in the woods. And finally, the sound, although it was more and more distinct, stopped dead. So Linoone, thinking being responsible, stopped immediately after, this time trying to really know what his own presence could have disturbed.

"...Is there someone here ?" he asked with a cordial, yet suspicious voice.

Nobody showed up. The Pokémon just barely perceived brushing in the bushes. As he began worrying, he walked on with a faster step.

"Excuse me, if I'm disturbing... I go on my way ! Have a good day !"

He was almost running for few meters now, when, suddenly, in an abrupt rustling of leaves, a great, impressive blue form appeared like a bolt from the blue, and landed just in front of Linoone in a heavy thump that shake the ground. The Rushing stopped suddenly, and stumbled, like so brought up short. After a small groan, the muzzle covered in dirt and dead leaves, he grumbled about the idiot who had the excellent, stupid idea of - Then he tilted up his snout, and realized what actually stood in front of him. And he felt small.

That sound, form, and thing happened to be a Feraligatr. The Linoone hadn't ever seen one before, which could explain his embarrassment. For his part, he only saw a yellow V-shaped scaly pattern, on the inflated, lower gut of a big, bulky, yet tall, azure reptile standing above him, on pilars of muscles that he used as hindlegs. The Feraligatr folded his forelegs, and looked down on him, slyly. His dominant, orange gaze was kind of coral-crowned by red spikes coming right between these eyes ; he wore a broad grin on his large jaws, from where were poiting out some teeth. And, furthermore, its mouth, from its blue, round snout down to his creamy-colored lower-jaw, was covered in some blood-colored liquid. The Linoone gulped.

"Look at that ! What have we here... ?" asked the Feraligatr in a manly voice, looking into the poor, trembling situation.

Intimidated by the role he just began to play, the Rushing Pokémon answered shyly :

"Oh... Erm... N-not really s-someone, more like anyone... I mean... J-just a humble L-Linoone..." "Yeah, I do see that. And what are you doing on my territory ?"

Wonderful. His territory. It was getting better and better, truly. We have to say, although well-educated and not coward at all, Linoone had never confronted a decent predatory until this moment. At the era of the good old days, when there had been some Poochyena annoying one Wurmple, the Rushing Pokémon surely made his proofs as valiant protector of the weak and defenceless ; when some Taillow would have been lost, exhausted, chirping of distress in the darkness of the night, Linoone would have lead a expedition by himself to rescue the poor little thing. But he never had imagined coming by one monster like the one he was facing now ; and that were not his months of "training" that helped him much. This surprise, and probably some indeterminated, subconscious, psychological, complicated stuff that we'll keep quite, caused our Linoone to be strongly struck by such an astounding, reptilian vision. Thus, our furry Pokémon, for who this giant beast had to be some equivalent of a king around here, couldn't help but lowered his eyes in submission, and, looking at his white claws almost paralysed with fear, he began to stammer.

"I-I did-d-not want to d-disturb you, p-please b-believe me..."

"Yeah, I already get this point." interrupted Feraligatr. "I asked you what you are doing here, not what you aren't."

Feeling even more ill at ease, Linoone was shivering now, his tongue frozen with fright ; he had to let go a few seconds before he was anew able to speak.

"I... I-I seek a p-place where I c-could make me a sett-"

Suddenly, a rumbling, grotesque noise was heard. It was so unexpected that it cutted Linoone off right in the moment. The obvious sound resonated around, and died in the silence, until the lonely, fresh sound of the stream could be heard again, not far. For Linoone, although he knew without doubt that the rumble came from the sturdy beast in front of him, it was so incongruous to this all situation that it would have took him too much time to realize what the feral gator just did. And he would probably have carry on with his sentence, doing as if nothing ever happened, if the Feraligatr didn't sighed, before making his point with a smile, waving a paw behind his ass.

"Wow, I didn't think that it would act up so quickly !"

From that moment on, Linoone was clearly confused. The noble respect he had for the blue scaly was simply blown away as a subtle, unpleasant smell flared his tiny nostrils. And the Feraligatr carried on asking without any problem, slightly amused :

"So, you were speaking about settling, right ? Have you been chased away from... Huh, from where you come from ?"

Animated by no sentiment, as they were all sitting on the fence right now, between the revulsion, the submission and the protest, the Rushing Pokémon, no more lowering his eyes, simply said :

"Hem... Not really ; I was about to say that I had been capt-"

Once again, in the middle of a word, a sound interrupted him. It was a long gurgle, coming right from the reptile's tummy. The Feraligatr licked his lips, swallowing the reddish juice that lefted on it, and rubbed his bulging gut.

"Oh, dude, I'm trying a new protein diet... I stole some food to a human this morning ; oh, and these berries I just found ! I think it's about to keep its promises !"

This time, Linoone could see the reptile leaning to the right, his tail raising a bit as he let a fart burst out in a vile, sputtering noise. It made flutter some unfortunate dead leaves on the ground ; then the flatulence became softer, and ended in a fetid exhalaison. The Feraligatr wasn't shy at all, and just sniffed his foul expulsion proudly, murring. He wafted the smell in Linoone's direction.

"Here ! You can enjoy it, too !" he said in a raucous laughter.

Now, the Linoone felt clearly awkward. As waves of warm stink strucked him and quite incommodated him, he waved a paw before his muzzle, coughing a little, more by social instinct than real need - in an other hand, he was clearly disgusted, as, beyond the rude behaviour, the odor was quite rotten. The Big Jaw Pokémon, watching the furry's reaction, grinned.

"I have an idea ! You could come along with me and settle in my cave !"

"What ?!"

The Rushing Pokémon didn't even have time to think about rushing that a giant azure paw with five sharps claws grabbed him. With his sheer force, Feraligatr could take the little furry by the neck as easily as he were a little pile of moss, and lift him in the air, with a broad grin. Liking not the way in which such a random, bad-mannered Pokémon act towards him made the Linoone rebellious : he became agitated, and started to shout, struggling. He was trying to scratch the impressive beast hopelessly, his Fury Swipes slicing nothing but the air, as the Feraligatr, satisfied with having found such a boy in such a moment, carried him through the forest.

Speaking about Feraligatr, we didn't say much about him. Well, his early background don't really matter at this point, but it would be appropriate to know the reasons of such a behaviour. The fact was simply that Feraligatr, more or less self-educated, loved imposing himself, living as he wanted, doing what he wanted, eating what he wanted, and sharing his awful butt blasts with who he wanted. Not only taking care of his manly stature implied having precise and productive diets, but he was truly fond of unleashing good ole farts that would disorientate his surroundings, and thus he would assume even better his superiority, with the only purpose of flattering his ego, indisposing with his own fragrance and enjoying the physical pleasure of such a relief. So, playing with his appearance, bulk, and bodily functions, and using them to make the most of it was the main activity of this Feraligatr, who led a rather modest, yet quite proud life, simply enjoying what the nature gave him.

Few minutes later, they arrived towards his home. In its quality of a cave, it was a humble hole digged in a cliff side, whose entrance was half-close by somewhat round boulder. A waterfall was roaring and flowing down nearby, from the cliff down to a pond of water. The stream that Linoone followed came from this place. How pretty it could have been, the furry Pokémon only flailed more, as he knew that entering in this cave in company of Feraligatr, whose gut was sloshing in some ominous bubbling noise, announced some bad issues.

"Please ! Please let me go ! I don't want to settle with anyone !" "Oh, it would be impolite of you denying an invitation !" smirked Big Jaw.

The gator patted his belly, with his free hand, as more gurgles rushed down to his lower intestines. But, as he restrained himself on the way, he now felt the pressure intensifying, and his colon ready to explode. He moaned, and, in a huge, urgent need to relieve himself, hurried and stomped his way to his home.

As they entered in the stony hole, its malodorous atmosphere left his mark on Linoone's mind ; in some watery humidity, a ancient yet distinct stench of rotten food lingered the whole cave, as an addition of all the gases that had stank up the place and corroded the walls. The brawny gator turns towards the boulder of the entrance, and, using his sole free hand, rolled the rock before the exit and thus blocked the only way to escape. While he was grunting in the effort, a bit of gas leaked out of his tighten rump in a squeak during half-second, but he succeeded in controling his bowels to delate the release once more, and finished to close the improvised door. There was just enough light, piercing through the cracks around the boulder, to show to Linoone that he was locked up alone but with this flatulent Pokémon. Feraligatr looked at him with a mischievous grin.

"Okay, great ! Now, it's relaxing time !"

He promptly pinned the Linoone on the ground, and without leaving him complain, he raised his thick tail and sat down on him in a heavy thud. The little furry saw in horror the blue, toned rump of the scaley and his purple anus fell down upon him ; light brown strains remained of some previous reliefs, and that wasn't in favor of the smell, a potent, musky stench. Shouting in despair, he was forced to watch and smell this chunky, dirty ass, his tail swinging vigorously between Feraligatr's hindlegs. Big Jaw giggled his hindquarters, squishing the rather long, furry Pokémon who perfectly fitted between his big thighs, and then didn't waste more time.

The scaley released a rank, noisy torrent of flatus which echoed in the cave and sputtered right above the poor Pokémon's face for five seconds, blowing his fur back. A hot, rotten odor of digested meat invades Linoone's muzzle, and he was forced to breathe in this dreadful, strong wind. Each second of it was an offense to the furry olfactive system, for he was not accostumed to such a stench, so close, so perceptible. It was pretty huge for the beginning, in other words, a perfect start in the alligator opinion, who waved a hand in front of his face, teasingly.

"Whew ! This one actually wanted to get out ! That's not usual, so a great farting moment wait for us - hopefully for you, you're in front seat !"

During some seconds, Linoone coughed hard, definitely not born to love these pungent scents. The lower gut of the squashing beast gurgles, and a thick, terrible supply of flatulence rumbled in a deep tone. The furry, repulsed, tried to hold his breath, as the sulphuric warm wind started to irritate his eyes. So he closed them, only feeling the warm and the force of the flatulence on his muzzle. Thus, he avoided this expulsion's foulness, but that was greatly underestimating the skills of Feraligatr, since his colon rapidly replied by expeling an other fume of intestinal pollution. Like so, since respiration, sadly for the furry, is a mechanical reaction, he was not able to hold his breath for long, and didn't really have the choice ; his face turning red, he suddenly had to gasp for air, and doing so, had to take desperate whiffs of the foul-smelling heat, filling his lungs with horrible methane. It made it cough roughly, and the gator heard him and his breathing, thus being sure that his victim was at the place he wanted.

"Yeah... Sniff that good, strong gas !"

Feraligatr grinned, and, effortlessly, let his bowels act on. The poor Pokémon lying under his tailhole felt a silent, but very rich, evil-smelling breeze struck him, burning his nose and attack his crying eyes. The SBD was emited puff by puff, in hot expulsions. Each time his dirty anus would expand, and some sulphuric, eggy bubbles would spread out, wafts of unbearable gas - the Linoone gasped for so much oxygen that he imagined himself falling unconscious under this steamy, scaly tail hole. Such a ridiculous idea was revolting him, but the massive, gassy rear of Feraligatr he just had above his nose obliged him to recognize that the nasty beast was clearly capable of doing so. Linoone tried to call for anyone's help, but he just succeeded in opening his mouth, just when the blue, scaly rump dropped another fart bomb. A putrid wind rmade jiggle his purple tail hole, and the funky air was blown into the furry's mouth. His eyes got red shot and his face started to change color as he tasted the acrid, fishy butt blast. He felt a bitter stench permeating his whole respiratory system, from his tongue down to his bronchial tubes, passing through his trachea ; it was nauseating him.

"Don't you love this hint of rotten shit... ?" ask the gator who had just sniffed. "Well, that must be a reek of my previous dump !"

As Linoone was hoping that he would not vomit here and now, he swore to himself to never more open his mouth as long as he would be under Big Jaw's nasty rump. Feraligatr, hearing his victim gag, knew that he was making an impression, that the furry took it right in the kisser, and that his smelly torture was trully a good idea on such a subject. Thus he focused on his bowel movement, and applied himself, repositionning his anus right above the Linoone's snout, to be sure that he had a comfortable seat and that he was forced to breathe in every of his ass bursts.

Then the stout gator ripped a barrage of squeaky, short farts, which sputtered noisily in the cave. Not that it deafened the poor Linoone, but they surprised him so much that he yelped, afraid. Then the cacophony came to a gross descrescendo, sounding deeper and wetter, the last one being especially beefy.

"Aw yeah... These are like heaven... You must feel lucky to get some good whiffs down here..."

The Feraligtr, for his part, was truly enjoying this moment of dominance. He was no more teasing the Rushing Pokémon, but savoring his relief. He was delightfully passing potent, loud farts at his own pace, alternating the various storms and the calms, during which he would inhale his own fumes, wafting the smell into his nostrils, while Linoone would struggle in the stench, pushing away as hard as he could his toned rump. He had to recognize the Rushing Pokémon had some strength and endurance, and such a reluctance to physical submission that he wouldn't remain still ; so each moment the fetid, subversive perfume would fill the nostrils of the crude scaly, he would press his hindquaters harder on his victim.

The cave was getting warm, in the stench of rotten eggs ; gases started to hovering around, since they couldn't escaping much from the cave. But a specially vile odor stank out the area next to his posterior, from where the gassy emissions were emitted. The dirt was little by little blown away by the flatus which was pouring out of the gator's filthy ass. One from the outside would only heard rumbling noise from the cliff, that it would take for some gurgling of the waterfall ; but it would be sufficient to get closer and, in the boulder bottom left-hand corner, one could notice the dying grass, shriveled up by the toxic emanations that leaked through a fissure, for years of farting.

When Big Jaw felt the need to lean slightly in order to help to flush out his bowels, he slowly raised a leg. Linoone, despite having now a blurred sight because of his tears, saw one of the azure thicks of his tormentor leaving hope ; so he rushed to get out of this smelly beast. But as he craned his head to get up, and inevitably getting closer to the foul reptile's ass (it was the prize to pay for liberty), the crafty Feraligatr cut cheese ; the furry felt the gator's sphincter rumbling against his muzzle during one short moment, before being farted back to his place by the force of the wind. He swore and groaned of disgust, while the gator laughed.

"Well, you'll not leave so early ! That's rude !"

He enjoyed this new occasion to deepen always more the Linoone's face inside his hellish tailhole. A bit bothered by swinging tail of the Pokémon, and thinking that leaving the furry move in such a way could create some openings between his olfactory system and his scaly rump, Feraligatr grabbed it, and held it mightily, so Linoone couldn't move at all. Then, since the Rushing Pokémon started to be tired of struggling against such a powerful opponent, and got dizzy of breathing in this foul-smelling tempest, Big Jaw could now let his whole weight lying on Linoone's head. In such a way that his entire behind rested on this soft body, no more being disturb with some pointless flailing : from now on, his asshole was stuck to his victim's nose. In this position, Feraligatr smirked, and released a pretty long, rumbling flatulence, which echoed like a horn in the cave. The intestinal gas was the only air to reach the furry's nostrils, since when there was not wind coming down from the damn hole, the poor little thing had it and its moist scales blocking his breath. The fart reeked a mixing of human and natural food, in which Linoone, if his previous Trainers had paid more attention to him, would have distinguish the disgested sausages from the spicy berries the blue beast had swallowed later. Being a professional, he hadn't chewed anything so that his digestive system work full-time and generate the most gases as possible. And, as it was fabulously working, the feral gator was basking in his cloud, tongue out, as he heard the muffled cries of the furry Pokémon, who was choking in the horrendous stench.

"MMMmmpff!" "Aw yeah... Yeah... Sniff it, my boy... Sniff deeply..."

Hearing, and, above all, feeling the poor, helpless Linoone who was suffocating in his flatulence, added to the relief of blowing so much steam out of his colon, had rapidly turned on the Feraligatr, who was now quite horny. But he didn't stroke, because for partical reason, he couldn't since he was immobilising his farting cushion. So, he lowered his snout between his knees, and took nice whiffs, inspiring heartily his disgusting scent.

And he was not done with airy, concentrated ones : he let out a silent hiss, blowing back the fur of our little friend, who almost felt it, all sweating form the heat, scorching his skin under his fur. The abhorrent stink was crepting out for four seconds, when a deep part of Feraligatr's colon suddenly awake, making the gurgling sound of pierced gas pocket. At this moment the reptile groaned, feeling his ass burning as he were just about to shit liquid. But he didn't ; it was no diarrehea, just a searing, sulphuric stream of a pure eggy heat that was slithering out of his tailhole. As it completely filled the lungs of the doomed furry with hydrogen-sulfid, his body began to convulse, his long tail, held by the blue scaley, shaken with spasms. Linoone, for sure, have now the stench of the gator flatus deeply permeated his fur, and felt that it was down to its insides. After such a deadly one, Feraligatr chuckled, and, waving his tail as if he wanted to cool down its sweaty behind, he also waved a paw before his snout, this time because the stink stung his own nose.

"WHEW ! That was HOT ! Are you still alive down here ?"

The claws of the Linoone right paw scratched desperately the ground, so the reptile took it as a yes.

The cave was a true sauna now, even Feraligatr began feeling beards of sweat rolling down his neck. The big gator's bowels made some bubbling sounds, which were so noisy that they would rather be called squishing sounds. He groaned right after, feeling the pressure building up in his intestines, rushing down to his colon, and he grumbled, fists clenched on the the fluffly tail, and his teeth gritted.

"Woah ! A big one's coming...!"

He leaned over, and, at the end, he pushed out a very soggy, humongous flatulence. It boomed for ten full seconds, sometimes more windy than noisy, but the horrid, intense stink being neck and neck with a crackling sound, resulting in a greasy abomination. It reeked of old, strong, and shitty swamp gas ; his vibrating, sweaty asshole spat an sticky, intestinal slime on Linoone in the deflagration. That was a real, repulsive hurricane, which would knock-out the strongest Dragon-type. Then, when it came to an end, a shiver ran down the alligator's spine through its red spikes as he exhaled loudly ; the beast finally felt empty. He just let out a last small poot, and then, huffing and puffing, he turned around to the inert body squashed under his rump.

"Pheeeeeeew ! Dude ! That was one of my best, for sure ! I've told you it would be something !"

When Feraligatr got up, he was ready to find the Linoone coughing and being angry at him... It'd be cute. He got his rump off of his now burnt, humid, hairy cushion. But when he stood in the polluted, thick atmosphere, he turned around and found the Pokémon lying on the ground, unconscious. Linoone's upper body parts were soaked in the gator flatulence stench, shiny of ass sweat, if not scattered with slimy, brown drips. Big Jaw picked his new companion by the neck, and burst out laughing coarsely.

"Hehe ! You're welcome, my boy !"