The Night of the Lion

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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A lively lewd lion laps and loves a lightweight but likable loner.

Disclaimer - Please don't read this expecting to find anything other than unusually erotic lion smut. I would hate for anyone's sensibilities to be tarnished by the smoldering lust that is barely repressed within these words. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be unlawful for you to do so.)

The Night of the Lion

The air conditioning keeps the tastefully designed room just slightly too chilly as I sit on the edge of the four poster bed looking at the vaguely impressionistic art hanging on the walls. Digging my feet into the plush woven rug at the side of the bed, my heart jumps as as I hear the brass handle of the door begin to rattle and turn. Breath quickening, I stand up as the old hinges holding the heavy tarnished hardwood creak open, letting in light and stunning beauty as he steps in and gently closes the door behind him.

Oddly, the first detail that stands out to me are his taut legs, tawny padded paws tensing easily with every step as the muscles of his feline limbs all move in concert with an inhuman grace and ease. My mouth hangs open as I try to find words, watching him walk across the room towards me, shaggy auburn mane jostling slightly with every step. He stands easily a head and a half taller than me, but there is an odd beneficent warmth that seems to radiate from him as he covers those six short steps. I look up at his leonine head as he smiles down at me, dark wet animal nostrils taking in my scent while his long feline tail with its auburn tuft shifts slowly behind his legs, drawing my eyes to the plump animal package nestled between them.

Opening my mouth, I take a step forward, unsure of what to say, but before I can speak, he presses a wide padded finger against my lips. The leathery skin is softer than I imagined, and surprisingly warm. My eyes widen, looking up into his deep golden eyes as he scrapes his soft digit down my chin, plush fur brushing against me as he leans in, heavy breath panting against my face before he tilts his massive maned head sideways and presses his thin black lipped mouth with twitching whiskers towards my still slack jaws.

The kiss is sudden and all encompassing, his broad raspy pink tongue scraping across my cheek before sliding into the corner of my mouth as he wraps his burly arms around me, wet nose pressed against the side of my face. Ticking across my gums, his chest begins to rumble in a deep resonant thrumming of affection as I melt into his arms. Holding me tight, his tongue dances around and rasps at the inside of my mouth as one of his huge hand-paws reaches down towards the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up and rubbing underneath against my belly with his suede and velvet hand while he entwines his tongue with my own.

Pulling back from the kiss, my world is temporarily engulfed in rustling blue cotton as he tugs my t-shirt up and over my head. I swallow nervously as he licks his chops, paws pressing slowly up my chest, rubbing slow tight circles over my nipples with incredible finesse as I tentatively reach out and twirl a wisp of his mane between my fingers. The longer darker fur is a little coarser, but still marvelously plush and warm. His purring picks up volume as I sink my hand into his regal mane and stroke my fingers through it slowly.

He smells like the warm sand on a white shell beach or the wind blowing off a mountain in the earliest days of summer. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as he presses his body against mine, reaching down and carefully unzipping my fly while his soft furred crotch presses against the bulge in my boxers. He gently tugs down the thin cotton, and I gasp, breath catching as he grinds his fuzzy sheath against my erect member. It's softer than I had ever dreamed possible. Broad paw reaching down, he grasps my cock and squeezes it tightly against his own leonine package.

There's no way I can prepare myself for when he starts rubbing, pulling tightly down and then sliding back up, heat building as I moan out, watching his sheath tighten while his swelling thick pointed prick presses out. His paw slides over both of our cocks as mine jerks and leaks out clear pleasure unbidden as his continues to swell, feline spines beginning to tingle against my most sensitive flesh.

Hugging his furry body tight against mine, his sandy fur slides against my skin while his paw reaches down to grope at my testes, gently squeezing them together between his warm padded digits. His head leans in above me, and I feel his raspy tongue start combing through my hair in long yanking strokes while I lose myself against his chest, enveloped in his strong warm embrace. Slowly, my dark hair is mussed up as it lightens and pulls back into soft leonine fur under his nibbling ministrations. My balls feel strange: warm and pulsing as he kneads them. I can feel them swelling, bulging to fill his grasp, becoming rounded and heavier as my sack tightens, slowly sprouting a thing velveteen coating of sandy colored fuzz even as our hot throbbing members grind together in the middle of our tight embrace.

I lean my head back and his wide warm scraping pink tongue begins to slide over my face in prickling hot strokes. My cheeks feel flushed and hot as a pressure builds up in my sinuses even as my nose turns up and my face begins to creak out slowly under his ministrations. His strong arm behind me pulls my body closer towards him as I close my eyes and he gingerly laps over my eyelids, coaxing the straw colored fur over my changing face while my eyes fade unseen into a blazing shade of liquid gold, drawing the world into sharper focus as I open them for the first time.

As the end of my nose becomes moist and dark, dappled with a few shades of fleshy pink, I huff in his musky male scent, listening to his rumbling growls as he nibbles at my ears playfully, pulling them up into furry rounded points that twitch under his teasing laps while I bury my face in the thick mane-fur of his neck and deeply inhale, lost in a world of feline sensation.

His hand below slides up from my now taut round feline balls, grinding our throbbing lengths together as he wraps around them both and begins sliding forcefully up and down, sickened with both of our clear passion. I can feel the base of my cock tingle as a creeping warmth envelops it, forming a lose roll of a tawny sheath as my member begins to twist and change. The tight padded leonine paw pauses, pressing our penises together, making me moan as the rounded head of my member tapers down into a proper feline point. Then his ministrations move down as I feel my reddening soft sensitive cock-skin prickle and blaze into new sensation, forming texture catching against his own barbed member, each spine making me growl as it forms and grinds against his own, making my heavy balls jostle as my hips quiver.

The handsome beast's broad paw slides forward against my back, slipping around and grabbing under my changing chin, tilting my head up as he kisses me in earnest. I growl, throat developing a rumbling purr as I lap into his mouth. Our tongues entwine, grinding against each other as mine flattens and becomes solid and raspy, gripping against his own. My teeth creak as my jaws grow and my canines press out into thick fangs that clack against his own, resonating through my broadening skull as our sloppy kiss continues. My wet flaring muzzle huffs in his lusty scent as we explore each other, my head becoming fully leonine while I suckle on his tongue and lap against his sharp smooth solid teeth.

My eyes widen as he pulls back and smiles coyly, strong arms pressing against my chest and toppling me backwards upon the plush bed. He kneels on the floor before me as I sit up and shake my head, ears twitching as my feline senses heighten the anticipation. I let out a gasping growl as I feel his whiskers tracing down my calf before he grabs my foot in his massive paw-hand, licking out with his wet rough tongue and suckling on every one of my toes with a blazingly intense attention to detail, his heavy tail batting against the floor behind him in a satisfied manner. My digits all clench as they swell out into heavy pads, nails darkening as they pull back into sharpening points, obscured by the pillowy plushness of my forming fur.

His paws run up and down my calves as my feet swell out, gaining muscle and tight tendon as my joints arrange themselves for my new heavy pawed digitgrade stance even as he begins to slather my other foot in his feline affections. I lean back and growl as I grab at the thick comforter on the bed, feeling his tongue scrape over my new dark thick leathery pads as tawny fur races up my legs, making my new blunt toes writhe in the bliss of the new feelings pricking out with waves after wave of soft and yet pricking plushness.

While his rough lapping moves up my legs, my skin begins to feel oddly heavy, and I surprise myself as I twitch my loosening pelt inadvertently while his furry head moves in between my thickening thighs. Ears twitching bemusedly, his yellow eyes stare up at my own as he licks his chops, nuzzling against either side of my legs before leaning in and lapping up at my heavy tawny furred balls, lifting them up and letting them pat back down against my plush fur. The abrupt sensation makes my pointed feline prick jerk and leak out a bead of clear musky pleasure that dribbles down the side of my marbled shaft even as he laps in again, scraping up my loose furry taint. One of his strong broad paws reaches up and presses me further back, fanned out against my belly, laying me down one my back so that my rear hangs just off the side of the surprisingly solid bed, giving him better access . . .

My now strong loose skinned leonine thighs clench in at the sides of his thick maned head as his ravishing laps stretch down lower and lower until he rasps across my exposed anus, making my entire body stiffen. My orifice clenches and writhes as he tenderly laps across it, causing the furry skin to bunch up around it, giving it that leonine prominence that encourages him to scrape against it harder. There is a pressure building up inside of me, like that feeling when you want to go to sleep, but just can't get comfortable, and it's only intensifying, making me twist my spine and growl out as he continues to ravish me.

One of his heavy leonine paws reaches up and massages just under my stretched hole, feelings intensifying as he rubs a growing nub of flesh that sends tingles through my entire body. He pauses for a second, licking over his dark leathery nose as his paw pads pinch and knead, and a wave of relief washes over me as my spine cracks out, straining as he kneads it between his fingers, stretching the taut skin of my anus. He licks over the growing velveteen nub before sliding up further, fingers pulling down on my now forming tail, pulling my stretched anus taut as his wet hot pink tongue presses tight against my leonine hole for a split second before sliding in to grind against my clenching insides.

Jerking this way and that, my new tail grows thick and strong, getting longer and longer as his pink rasp pumps inside of me and his clever digits tease the sensitive thick base of my new swelling appendage. I lay spread eagled, arms grasping the plush comforter to either side of me as I close my eyes and grit my teeth at the sheer amount of pleasure.

My tail snakes this way and that, occasionally patting against him, dragging my bristly tail tip over his throbbing cock, making his body shiver. He opens his fearsome jaws wide and shoves his pink fleshy tongue inside of me one last time, making me growl and rake my arms against the blanket at the wet hot pressure even as his claws comb through the fur on my newly formed twitching tail. When he slides back, heavy mane rubbing against my tensed thighs, I open my yellow eyes and listen to my heavy breathing with twitching ears. Blinking, I'm surprised to see that I've torn great rents in the bedspread, cotton stuffing leaking out all around me as I hold my hands in front of my face, marveling at my now thick digited paws, flexing and feeling my claws press out and then retract, clenching my padded fingers against the leather palms of my new hands.

He pushes himself up towards me seductively, fur sliding against my own as he nuzzles against my chest. I can feel my own breath catching in my throat in a new way, causing a bass rumble of amorous feline eagerness as he guides me with his paws, coaxing me up so that I lay fully back on the tattered bed. With a coy growl, he slides his face down, whiskers tickling against me as his nose huffs over my painfully erect leonine member. Opening his lips with a lion's smile, he sinks down, bobbing his head over my crotch, suckling at my maleness as my tight testes churn. But as soon as he started, he pulls back, leaving my member in the suddenly cool air as a string of pre snaps between his tongue and my throbbing glistening tip.

My pleased purring turns into a rumbling growl as he climbs up onto the bed next to me, leaning in against my now broad chest, his auburn mane contrasting with my still maneless fur.

I need more.

Every part of my whole body feels like it's glowing with pent up energy. Opening my heavy mouth to voice my desires, my words catch in my throat as he strokes a padded finger up my chin, tilting my head back as my eyes cross trying to see what he's up to. He strokes his claw up the side of my cheek, smiling as he slides it in the side of my surprised thin lipped animal mouth.

His other hand grabs my package roughly, smearing my feline cock with its own slick clearness and his own thick spittle. I gasp as his finger squelches inside of my powerful jaws, teasing my gums and fangs as his fur slicks down, coated in my saliva. I'm confused as he pulls his finger back slowly, sliding past my slack lips as he pulls himself fully on top of me, legs folded to either side as his plump balls rest against my belly, proud member twitching with anticipation.

With a cute masculine growl of pleasure, he reaches behind himself, raising his tail up and pressing against his bared asshole with his slickened finger, spreading around my spittle as he gently presses inside himself ever so slightly, making his tail twitch and whip back and forth behind him, brushing against my own as it thumps against the bed, matching the frantic tattoo of my heartbeat. Looming over me, he shifts his weight around, thighs tensing as he slowly lowers his body over mine, one paw reaching back and brushing over my hip, sliding past my inner thighs and gently grabbing my stiff cock, coaxing it into position as he lowers himself.

My senses light up as I feel the tip of my member brush past his soft fur a second before resting against the tight warm ring of his leonine ass, still moist from my own spittle. Rocking his hips, he grinds against me, making me mewl out in need as I reach forwards and grasp around his waist with my broad clawed hands, mussing up his tawny fur as he smiles beatifically down at me. Hind paws writhing against the covers, I grit my teeth, feeling unspeakable anticipation as his warm flesh slides against me, tensed as my feline spines tickle against his taut pronounced feline entrance.

I can feel his thighs relax on either side of me as he slides down. There is a brief moment where we both strain against each other before, with a sudden hot rush of pleasure, my cock spreads his ass wide and slips inside of him as he clenches and writhes around me. One of his paws clenches at my thigh as we both growl out a duet of feline pleasure, huffing in each other's musk as he pulls back up slightly.

It's overwhelming.

The feeling of every spine pulled lightly in the same direction makes my tail gyrate, my ass clench, and my pointed cock jerk inside of him. The timber of his own bass growl changes too and his broad pink tongue laps up over his huffing nose even as his own leonine cock twitches and wells out thick pre that slides down his shaft and dribbles onto my belly. And then he shifts his weight again, pulling himself up those scant few inches and starting the whole process over again.

Within a few rocking motions, he's built up a rhythm, and I find that I can't help but match him as my hips thrust up into his taut writhing lion-hole. Leaning forwards, his heavy paws fan out against my chest as he braces himself and begins to pick up his pace, tail lashing around as each thrust becomes wilder and more erratic. My grip on his hips tightens as I slam into him again and again, feeling my taut balls begin to squeeze and churn as a rising passion boils up inside of me as his tight passage clenches and squeezes with inhuman vigor. My jaws hang open and my voice catches in my throat, my entire world taken up by the overwhelming sensation of shoving into the beautiful beast on top of me.

The bed creaks under us as with one penultimate clench he falls back fully against me. My head tilts back and my pupils dilate as my cock begins to jerk, sending waves of my liquid hot male essence rocketing into him. Stretching my jaws wide, I let out my first true roar, which resonates through the room as the fur on my neck darkens and fluffs out with every pressured jolt of orgasm, forming a thick leonine mane that spreads down towards my clenched belly with every mind shattering pulse.

His ass begins to wildly spasm around me, clenching in long hot arrhythmic pulls. Wide paws tensing, claws scraping against the thick skin of my chest, I feel his heavy balls tighten up before his booming roar joins with my own and his glistening musky maleness spatters out molten gouts of feline essence that splash against my now thickly furred chin and chest. The feeling of his passage clenching so fitfully around me drives my climax to new heights as I recklessly slam into him, ears folded back against my skull. He milks me for everything I'm worth as the room becomes filled with the scent of lion lust, a spicy passionate sensation that suffuses my senses as I lose myself inside him.

It seems like ages have past as he finally pulls himself up and off of me, collapsing at my side with a heavy thump. For a few minutes, the only sound is of our heavy breath rumbling through our throats and the occasional pat of one of our tails switching to the side in a satisfied manner. On any other night, I would feel the need to get up, and at least make a token effort of preparing for whatever life had in store for me, but tonight I'm completely satisfied as he snuggles up next to me, wrapping his strong warm arms around my chest and resting his chin on my shoulder. I turn my neck and lazily lick at his chin as he nuzzles against my ear.

Whatever is happening tomorrow can wait. Right now, there's only one place that I want to be. With our lazy satisfied purring rumbling through our heavy feline bodies, we both drift off to a completely satisfied slumber.