Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fortieth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#41 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Now that the barbarians around Belthin's tower have fled and the area is safer, it's time for that most favorite of all adventurer activities: looting! Rufus deals with the Valkyrie leader, Jutta, while Kyte sniffs out the loot in Belthin's tower. Meanwhile, Wisselfleur and Imogen approach Ryg for help with their blisterheat. Finally, back at the Blue Feather camp, the night's erotic activities finally play themselves out.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Fortieth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

Vote 1:

Join in - 1

Wait for Rufus - 16

Vote 2:

1 - 9

2 - 7

3 - 6

4 - 4

5 - 2

6 - 5

7 - 8

Vote 3:

On to the Valkyries - 11

Back to the Blue Feather Camp - 8

Additional Votes:

* Skaeth is up to something - 7 * Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely) - 10

* Rufus/Urtan scene, where they finally go at it - 11

* Spark becoming a size queen/interested in Horse - 5

* Introduce a centaur filly - 1

* Shara gangbanged (suggestions for circumstances pending) - 1

* Lesage's gradual sexual corruption - 2

* Tame Belthin - 1

Vote Options in Progress:

* Wisselfleur and Imogen seduced by Rufus (Adel included)

* Kyte's submission, and more Kyte screentime - 19

* Urta/Rael/Adel/Rufus scene; family dynamics in action - 8

* The Steampunk Trio start work on sex toys - 5

* Campfire tale for Urta and/or Urtan - 10

Author Notes

My inspiration for Kyte is drawn quite heavily from Foxxfire's excellent humanoid dragons. You can find his work on this subject here:

This tale does not go into the steamy parts of the party's journey toward the Valkyrie camp, but only sets them up. The fun will start in the next installment, now that the fun back at the Blue Feather camp has come to an end, and I can concentrate on Rufus and company fully.

Pathfinding Fortieth Entry

* At the Blue Feather Camp *

A soft whirr came from Midge's goggles as she zoomed in on the point where Spark's tailhole was being stretched open by Horse's immense dark brown cock. At this point, the bardic foxboy was panting heavily, long minutes of steady, unstoppable rutting having left his mind almost completely blown, his tongue lolling out as he drooled onto the ground, his eyes dazed and out of focus. Midge tapped the side of her goggles, returning her view to normal, and glanced at Deo and Flit. The blue rabbit and orange fox returned her look, a combination of uncertainty and eagerness in their expressions, the fronts of their overalls badly tented, dark stains spreading across the groin regions from the boys' copious precum. Both of her friends looked at Midge hopefully, their ears perked (or at least Deo's lop ears perked as much as they could), eyes wide and bright behind the telescoping lenses of their goggles.

The orange-haired gnome visibly thought it over, then looked back to the erotic scene playing out before them. Crystal's entire body was lit from within by a soft pink glow now, even as the gnolls surrounding her on all sides, plugging each of her exquisitely tight, clenching holes grit their teeth, Greymuzzle yowling loudly as he squirmed beneath her, his cum visibly splashing against the female construct's inner walls, as seen through her pinkly-glowing translucent outer shell. Rish and Rack weren't far behind, the twins leaning over Crystal as they came to muffle their own loud orgasmic cries by kissing each other deeply, passionately, their smooth, broad hyenatongues working almost brutally against each other.

A high-pitched wail from Spark drew the attention of the Steampunk Trio back to the slender foxboy as his pink penis pulsed in Horse's huge hand, squirting its seed all over the ground. The girlish dimples just above Spark's buttocks, as well as the trim musculature of his rump, were clearly visible through his soft fur as the teenage fox clenched_down in the throes of an _intense_climax. Since Spark's tailhole was already so incredibly stretched, it was an almost perfect circle around Horse's invading member, Midge, Deo, and Flit could only imagine how impossibly tight Spark's buns must be around the huge hyenaman's pumping shaft. Knowing this, it was no surprise at all when Horse's jaws clamped down around Spark's neck, holding the smaller male firmly as Horse started to _pound the poor little foxboy's bottom with all his might, his balls tightening as climax hit, a muffled grunt forced from his throat as he began filling Spark to the very brim, and beyond, the teen's belly starting to swell with the sheer volume of cum being pumped into him with no avenue of escape with such an immense shaft plugging him up. Whining cutely as he was cumstuffed, it was only a matter of moments before Spark looked as though he were six months pregnant.

"I think we need more research first," Midge finally concluded, to which her two friends looked very disappointed, but finally nodded in agreement. "Obviously this is a fruitful field for study, but it's also obvious it has its dangers." She glanced pointedly towards Spark's badly swollen belly as the poor little foxy squirmed under the massive male still humping his hips over him.

"I'll bet Spark would make a great subject for experimentation," suggested Flit, his tail wagging as the three eager inventors quietly slipped off towards their tent, leaving the gnolls and their lovers to finish their fun beneath the open night sky. "He's really, um, flexible, and looks like he can take a lot of punishment without serious injury. And I'm already thinking of some ideas for how we might run some stress tests with his assistance."

"I have to agree," chimed in the normally quiet Deo, his voice soft and shy as he held open the tent flap for his colleagues, before all of them started reaching for drafting paper and pens on which to put down their sudden rush of ideas. "But, um...when are we going to try things out ourselves."

"Rufus saved us from slavery, so we'll let him decide the details," answered Midge with a firm nod, which was almost immediately mirrored by her friends. Their course of action decided, the three youngsters quickly got to work, until the wee hours of dawn finally saw them nodding off in the midst of their drafting.

* Belthin's Tower, End of Quest *

Now this, this is what Kyte lived for. Making her way through the tower of the sorceress, nostrils working at the end of her triangular dragon's muzzle, Kyte let her senses, including her supernatural senses, guide her movements. Those two gnolls, the siblings, Urta and Urtan, were following Kyte, of course, making sure the sinuous dragonkin didn't try to run off or run away with some treasures (and she suspected they were watching her shapely scaly buns at least as much as her other movements), as was the big minotaur, Skaeth, her former fellow-worked under Praxis before he sold out to a new boss, but they were the only ones, and they didn't interfere with Kyte's work.

A dragon's senses, even those of a dragonkin, were perfectly attuned in so many ways, but there were two things which dragons excelled at finding above all other races, even the incredible nose of Rufus: treasure and virgins. It was the former for which Kyte was being employed to find right now, serving her new master, Rufus, in cleaning out every part of Belthin's tower. The dark-haired sorceress had, under duress in her own torture chamber, given up the keys to her tower, including the ones that deactivated the many traps that protected her hiding places, but she hadn't been too forthcoming about where those hiding places might be. Skaeth, knowing Kyte's sensory abilities, having seen them in action many times while they'd both worked for Praxis, had volunteered the quiet dragoness, who normally did everything she could to avoid attracting attention to herself. After all, Kyte was well aware of how vulnerable her new female body was, and how sensitive to pleasure, and knew that if Rufus took it into his head to dominate the green-scaled dragoness, Kyte wasn't at all sure she'd be able to resist, and in fact strongly feared that she'd lose herself completely, becoming a slave in mind and soul as well as in body to the powerful alpha male. Skaeth seemed interested in Kyte in a similar fashion, but this didn't trouble Kyte nearly as much, since, while Skaeth was a powerful leader in battle, she got the feeling that he wouldn't overwhelm her nearly as badly as the more charismatic Rufus would. She didn't want to end up like Belthin, who'd been collared by one of her own anti-magic slave chokers as soon as the beautifully-muscled she-minotaur, Jonna, had the time to locate one, having been made intimately acquainted with their use during her stay in the wicked sorceress' dungeon. No, Kyte had no desire to end up being led about on a leash, like Belthin now was, however good the sex might be.

As Kyte worked, slowly filling up one of the multiple bags and pouches of holding Belthin had around the lower parts of her tower, the wonderful devices so much larger on the inside than their size would indicate, with the various trinkets and lovely devices and bags of genuine loot the filthy rich sorceress had stashed all around the tower, she cast her mind back to the other thing which dragons could sense: virgins. Wisselfleur and Imogen, specifically. The taut-muscled hippogryph and unicorn girls had been badly flustered when they'd been led off, along with that satisfied-looking Padmini, by the elfboys, Calanon and Durion. They'd looked a lot more calm after they'd regrouped with the party, the elven youths explaining how they'd used some calming incense, which Belthin normally used for meditation, to help the two close friends get control of themselves once more. Of course, Kyte well knew that the calm wouldn't last: demonic blisterheat was a horrible affliction, as she well knew from Praxis' use of a lesser derivative, and it was only a matter of time before the pair would be left in the most exquisite agony imaginable. Kyte only hoped she would never have to experience anything similar...did dragons go into heat?

This thought and others troubling her, the green-scaled dragoness worked her way from the bottom to the top of the tower, taking her time, scouring every nook and cranny for everything of worth. At the end of the it all, she and those with her would be bearing quite an extensive haul!

That, though, was within the confines of Belthin's tower. Outside the tower, in what had once been the gathering ground for the barbarian army that had flocked to Belthin's standard, Rufus stood confidently, one end of Belthin's leash held lightly in his hand. Nearby, the dark-haired sorceress knelt submissively on the ground, casting fearful, longing glances up at the small jar holding her heart, which still dangled from where it hung around Rufus' neck.

"You've done us a service we cannot repay," Jutta, the tall, wavy-haired blonde woman declared to Rufus as she stood before him with her other rescued Valkyrie-tribe amazons. "My second in commands are capable, but my people look to me for leadership. By freeing me, you have surely saved us from our assailants."

Of course, Rufus quietly neglected to mention the strong temptation that had been there to take the Valkyrie queen as his slave, keeping her on a leash next to Belthin. Even fully armored once more, Rufus couldn't really see that big of a difference, since her armor consisted of a very skimpy top, which was mostly just a pair of plates shaped to cup the beautiful amazon's bounteous breasts, held up by two slender chains that looped around her back and around her neck, and an equally skimpy bottom, which was a fur-lined metal plate in front and one in the rear, held together around her waist by another slender chain, with a gem-eyed metal skull set on the front of the pubic plate. Obviously there was powerful magic at work, as Shara confirmed for Rufus when he discretely asked the foxtaur while the Valkyries were dressing, which allowed such scant covering to serve as protection the equal of a knight's full plate, turning away even the most powerful blows from the exposed skin of its wearer, but Rufus couldn't see it as being much use, even with its enchantments, if its wearer got into a clinch with an opponent. That, and, honestly, Jutta and her Valkyries were worse than naked wearing such gear, even if it did, as Jutta proudly declared, "do honor to the gods and demonstrate our bravery in battle." Rufus knew he was going to have a hard time controlling himself around such beautiful, muscular, scantily-clad women, no matter how many times Adel kicked him in the shins. Hence, it was with great relief that Rufus heard Jutta's words to him.

"We Valkyries go forth to our city in the mountains," declared the tall warrior woman, pointing with her recovered lance toward the not-so-distant peaks. "Our people have need of us. Follow as you may, and we shall receive you with great welcome, as equals, an honor afforded to few men, and none in my time. Jonna, my dear sister in battle, has told me that she is willing to travel with you as a guide if you wish it. If you would prefer to travel without her, of course, I can provide you with another means to find the path. She does, however, feel that she owes you a life debt, and has declared to me that, if you will have her, she will serve you in any way you wish."

This led Rufus' eyes towards Jonna, who was standing stoically just behind the tall and proud Jutta. Though Jutta was tall, of course, Jonna was taller, the white-painted she-minotaur dressed far more sensibly, in indigo-tinted plate mail, complete with a plate that lay between her short ivory horns to serve as a helmet, a great silver blade lying naked save for a few straps across her broad back for ease of transportation. Jonne folded her arms at Rufus' look and returned his gaze steadily, saying nothing, her face stoic and impassive, impossible to read. Still, she didn't contradict what the amazon queen had said, and Rufus didn't think the Valkyrie was the sort to tell falsehoods, and certainly not the kind to give a battle comrade away to another lightly.

"We shall see," Rufus said finally, giving a glance down at Adel, who seemed a little awestruck at the towering she-minotaur, a reaction Rufus didn't blame her for in the least: the sleek-furred female was incredibly beautiful, her body (when he'd seen her naked as well as now, in her armor) like a statue in its sculpted perfection. "I need to consult with my present companions first."

At the same time Rufus was speaking with Jutta, Wisselfleur and Imogen were speaking with Ryg, quietly, and out of sight of the others as much as was possible in the scattered, toppled campground of the fled barbarian horde. Rael was sitting on an overturned barrel nearby, listening quietly, a concerned, sympathetic look on her cute, puppyish face.

"It really helped," Wisselfleur was explaining to the blind shamaness. "Those two boys must have had to learn how to deal with all sorts of things I can't even imagine," she added with a slight shudder, considering what it must have been like as slaves to Belthin. "But the incense just doesn't last very long, and it's already starting to wear off."

Imogen, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment (and other things) at the intimate nature of the conversation, nodded in agreement, though she kept quiet, her head down, not meeting Ryg's unseeing eyes.

"There's only one cure for infernal blisterheat," Ryg said gently, patting the two fillies' shoulders in sympathy. "It's the same cure that Padmini had, from the demon who afflicted you. I'm already working with Lesage to help cure her of the worst of her pregnancy, to let you know before you ask," the pale-furred shamaness added, sensing even without sight when Imogen's mouth opened, about to ask the very questions that were being answered. "Normally giving birth to a demon's spawn is dangerous, fraught with the likelihood of death during childbirth, and the offspring is almost certain to be inclined toward evil. Fortunately for Padmini, though, besides her training in such matters already, which will greatly ease the birth, she has me, and I have delivered infernal spawn before over the course of my significant lifespan. Also, I have Lesage, and I've never had access to an angel before. With the angel's help, I may be able to purge some of the vile influence from Padmini's unborn child, and I know that the birth itself, when it comes, will be safe, so long as we start helping her now. I wouldn't worry about her, no, not now. You should be more concerned for yourselves."

"What are we supposed to do?" Wisselfleur asked, sharing a look with Imogen before looking back to Ryg. The shamaness frowned, her brow furrowing, before she turned and started to rummage in some of her gear. Eventually, she turned and held out a small clay jar, which Wisselfleur took.

"Rub that on the afflicted areas," Ryg said. "It won't cure you, of course, but it should soothe your affliction for a while. If you're too embarrassed to do it yourselves, Rael will help you, I'm sure," she added, once again sensing the two fillies' reactions before they could say anything, her senses without sight far more keen than those of many with working vision, not all of her enhanced perceptions the result of the aid from the wind spirits that constantly attended her.

Hearing her name, Rael hopped to her feet and walked over to the two fillies, taking the jar from Wisselfleur, her tail wagging, her ears perked, her every movement making it clear that this was a pup who was eager to please.

"I'll be happy to help out any way I can," Rael said with a smile, giving the jar a sniff as she cracked the top a little, her ears quirking quizzically at the odd but not unpleasant scent within before she screwed the top tightly once more. "So, um...where's the part of you that's hurting so much?"

Imogen and Wisselfleur traded a look, realizing with a sinking feeling that there was no easy way out of this one. Ah well. Rolling her eyes toward heaven and the gods who saw fit to afflict mortals so, Wisselfleur started to explain the situation, doing her best not to giggle at the way Rael's eyes grew so very wide.

"Uh," the puppywolf said, gulping as she blushed furiously. "Well, I guess we'd better get some help for you both right away." Then she cocked her head to the side, a realization coming to her. "So this is going to keep up until you get help from a male, right?" Both fillies nodded, Imogen obviously embarrassed beyond all words. "Oh, well, okay," Rael said finally, her tail starting to wag once more. "No problem, then. C'mon, let's get this stuff on your poor tender parts, and then we'll see about getting you both fixed up in a jiffy."

Putting her hands on the shoulders of the two fillies, Rael led them toward Belthin's tower. After all, what was the point of having a nice bathroom available if you didn't take the chance to make use of it?

Path Choices

The Valkyries are travelling ahead of the party, while Rufus' party hangs back and enjoys the scenery, among other things. Jonna knows the way to the Valyrie fortress, and will guide us if she is kept in the party; otherwise, the party will be left with magical means to guide them. This leads us to a few questions:

1) Should we keep Jonna, the painted minotauress, Maji, the water elemental, or Belthin, the captive evil sorceress, with us? If so, they will join in on any activities that might take place. Otherwise, they will go with the Valkyries back to their fortress.

2) The Valkyries seem to have taken a liking for Calanon and Durion, our high elf and dark elf rescues from Belthin's clutches, and have expressed a desire to let the boys live in luxury as male breeding stock. The elves don't seem to mind the notion, especially since it is a much better life than their former one as Belthin's slaves. Should they be allowed to go with the Valkyries?

3) The following of our party members are interested in going with and perhaps joining the Valkyries: Padmini, Lysha, Hanaro, Shara, Urta. Which should be allowed to go (these characters will be included in a final sex scene before departure), if any? This departure will be a permanent removal of the character in question from our party, though we will likely meet them in the future in an NPC role.

4) Should we send anyone back to the Blue Feather camp to report on our progress and take our loot for safekeeping? Make nominations as you like. Any character that gets 5 or more votes will be sent back.