Fun Times Part Two

Story by ShadowScreen on SoFurry

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#2 of "Fun" Times with Shadow and Alex

"Fun" Times (Part Two)

It had been a few hours after Shadow and Alex had their fun together; Alex was just starting to wake up from their light nap. The relaxed kitty slowly opened his eyes and looked at his still sleeping friend, remembering the enjoyable morning he shared with his dragon. Giving the dragon a swift lick a crossed his muzzle, making his friend moan slightly. He then realized something, he wasn't inside Shadow anymore. The last thing he remembered was being swallowed by the big dragon and loving every minute of it.

‘He must have known I had to work today' Alex thought to himself, he didn't know how Shadow did it, but he always seemed to be fine after he woke up, once the fun was over.

The feline slowly rolled over to the side of the bed to get up, his eyes suddenly snapped open as he looked at the clock. The alarm clock on the night stand read two in the afternoon. "I'm going to be so late!" Alex said louder then he meant too, just enough to wake Shadow from his sleep.

The tired dragon just sat in bed watching his friend run out of the room into the bathroom, uniform in hand. "What's the matter" he yelled before throwing his head back into his pillow.

"I have to be at work in a few minutes, it's already two" a now panting Alex answered "My boss will be the first to notice of course" he finished dressing and dashed back in the room, eyeing the dragon's body still curled up in bed. "Didn't you hear me, I got to go. If you want the car you got to drive me" Alex ears pulled back, before grabbing the sheets and pulling hard, dragging the surprised dragon off the bed crashing to the floor.

"Alright, Alright!" Shadow groaned, pulling the covers off his head. His lovable feline was the biggest pain whenever he had to get out of bed. The tall dragon slowly got up and grabbed his clothes from earlier still laying on the floor and slipped them on, before grabbing his keys.

Luckily Alex's job was close; he worked as a chef for a local business. He made good cash for both of them to live well enough. The car pulled up to Ken's Place the name of a bar and restaurant. The only thing Alex didn't like about his job was his boss Kenny. The kitty sighed as he got out of the car; he knew what was coming once he got in there.

"Seeya around ten tonight, kitty" Shadow yelled as he pulled away. The dragon watched as his friend as he walked in to face his boss, who was waiting just inside the front door. He frowned seeing that bastard start to yell at his friend. They both didn't like Ken much; he was just an old bear wanting to start any trouble he could. Alex would have decked him good if not for the job.

Shadow then grinned as he had a big surprise planned for his kitty tomorrow morning. And since he had his day off today, he had all the time in the world to plan it. He made several stopped before heading home.

The moon was out in full that night as a sleepy kitty stepped out of the restaurant looking to get home as soon as possible. It had been a normal busy day and the whole day's events had worn him out. Finally, he saw his friend pull up with their car, smiling as he got inside.

"Have a good night?" Shadow asked as he looked at the tired feline, giving him a kiss on the cheek, before pulling away and driving them home.

"Just fine, another day and dollar" Alex said looking out the car window. "What did you do with yourself?"

"Nothing to exciting, just a little shopping" giving a shy grin as he said it. But his friend missing it as he slowly closed his eyes almost falling asleep. Shadow tried to be quiet the rest of the way as he drove. Luckily they had just pulled into there apartment he gave Alex a little poke telling him they were home.

Alex slowly followed his friend inside before crashing into the bed uniform and all. The black dragon sighed as he picked his friend back up.

"I'm not having our bed smell like burgers, strip first, and then bed" he chucked as Alex's clothes almost flew off his body, taking a shirt from his face Shadow looked down to see a lump enclosed in covers. Looking over the now sleeping form of his friend, he thought it would be a good idea to get a good night sleep for what was to come for tomorrow morning.

The sun was just starting to rise as the black dragon stirred in bed, first looking over at his friend who was still snoring quietly, then looking at the clock. It was still early, but he wanted to make sure everything was ready before Alex woke up. Shadow slowly got out of bed making sure to stay silence; he made his way into the kitchen to start making a nice breakfast for the two of them. He first took out a gallon of milk from the fridge chuckling as he set it on the counter. He knew all cats loved milk and his friend was no exception to that stereotype. After making some pancakes, eggs, and finishing with a tall glass of milk. He set it all on the table and went to get Alex; he stopped in his tracks almost forgetting what he planned for this breakfast as well. Making his way back into his bedroom Shadow reached under the bed. Pulling out a box and drawing one needle out slowly, putting it behind his back before looking at Alex.

"Alex, cmon kitty it's time to wake up, I got breakfast waiting" Shadow said as he shook his friend awake. It didn't take long with the word breakfast involved to get the feline up and stretching. Shadow smiling at how cute Alex looked and gave him a kiss good morning, before making his way out of the room, signaling for his friend to follow. Shadow keeping the needle hidden as he moved into the kitchen waiting for his friend to sit down to enjoy the meal.

"Wow! Shadow this looks great!" an excited Alex quickly sat down looking over the nice spread of food on his plate. He didn't waste anytime digging into the food before him, and eyeing the big glass of milk only made him meow with glee. Shadow started as well making sure he made a lot more food for his friend so it would take him a little longer.

Finishing up his plate the dragon looked over at his friend who was still going at the pile of food on his, purring as he did. Shadow smiling as he was ready to have his fun today, he turned and slowly pulled out the needle he hid earlier.

"I got another surprise for you kitty, since we had such a fun time the other day" Shadow said getting a confused, but eager look from Alex. Food forgotten once Shadow brought the needle into view for his friend to see and gradually made his way over to his kitty. Alex looked up at the tall dragon knowing what was coming, closing his eyes and putting his arm out. But he didn't feel anything, instead hearing a little yelp from Shadow.

Alex was speechless as he saw his normally tall friend shrink before his eyes. Shadow rarely did this for him usually because he wanted to be the dominate one. After about a few seconds Shadow was a cute little 6" dragon looking up at the now towering friend, his boxers falling off leaving the dragon naked. The Shadow didn't seem to feel dizzy like Alex usually did, waving his hands up at his friend to pick him up.

"Umm...Surprise?" Shadow shyly said to his friend, always getting little shy and nervous when he is this height, his body being naked and exposed. A loud purr seemed to shake through Shadow's body as he was hugged to his friend chest. He looked up to see his friend grinning widely before he was lifted up to his face.

"This is so awesome Shadow, I always love you at this size." Alex said still grinning at the small dragon. "You think I'm cute small, you look like a newborn hatchling" Shadow just listened embarrassed at all the compliments he was getting, before he felt himself moving closer to his friend's mouth. "And I get you like this for the whole day" Alex said licking his friends body a few times still excited that he was in control today. His tongue continued to lick his friend pushing him over to have more access to certain parts.

Shadow could only moan as he was worked over with his feline's giant tongue, he had to admit this was a nice change of pace from their usual games. He just laid back and enjoyed the tongue bath. Shadow couldn't help but become aroused by the tongue yelling out in pleasure as he was licked.

After a couple of minutes of licking and feeling his little dragon having a good time, Alex felt himself being turned on by the whole situation. A tent in his boxers growing and he grinned down at his panting friend. The feline got an idea and couldn't resist trying it. He stopped his licking and open his boxers, bringing his other hand down and letting Shadow see where he was heading.

Shadow didn't think he was the only one having a good time, as he looked into his friend's boxers to see a very large sheath, his pink cock slowly growing with each passing second. Grinning as he was placed against the hard flesh and giving it a few firm licks before things went dark.

Alex closed his boxers back up and slowly got up groaning and panting himself as he was worked on by Shadow's small form. He was trying to think of all the fun things they could do today before Shadow got back to normal size. The feline pushed his hand against his boxes as he thought of a fun thing to do, making his way to the shower.

Shadow felt everything rise up around him as Alex started walking around. But that didn't keep him from licking against his friend's big dick. Whipping his tongue over the tip of the cock over and over, and diving it into the slit a few times, getting a pat from his friend outside.

Alex stepped into the bathroom and walked over the shower, slowly taking off his boxers to see a small black dragon frenching his cock. Laughing at the funny sight, but still getting another moan from him, Alex got into the shower and turned on the water. Feeling the hot water run down his body as enjoyed the little dragon sucking on his dick, who didn't seem to be districted by the water around him. The kitty tried to relax, but with the rate Shadow was going he was going to blow at anytime.

The black dragon continued to lick at Alex getting moans, pants and cries out of him. He knew Alex loved the control when he was this small, but like it or not he was still in control over the big feline. At that thought he pushed he muzzle into the slit hoping to push Alex over the edge. And with a grin he had done just that. Shadow looked up as his kitty's body shook as climax hit them both hard.

Alex yelled out as he shot out several blasts of semen from his dick a few hitting the small dragon making him lose his grip, but luckily Alex placed his hand under him just incase, catching Shadow's cum covered form. Leaning against the wall panting Alex just let the water around him wash the cum away from his dick, but carefully washed his dragon's small body as he held him.

Panting in his friend's hand he moaned softly as he was bathed by his large kitty. It only took a few minutes to get both clean and tidy before Alex turned off the water. Stepping out and grabbing a towel he rapped it around both their bodies and quickly dried them off.

"What should we do next?" Alex asked walking into their bedroom and looking around the room. Shadow stayed quiet for a minute before waving his hand for Alex to come closer. Tilting his head the feline bent his head forward, bringing him face to face with his friend.

Shadow grabbed on to his friends muzzle and giving him a kiss on the lips, it looked a little odd by their sizes, but the meaning was still there. "Alex, I love you and I would like to spend the rest of my life with you" Shadow said with a nervous but serious tone. Looking away after seeing the surprised look on his felines face.

Alex was once again speechless, not because of what his friend said, but how he was acting. Acting like he would reject him for saying it. "You're so silly" Alex whispered knowing his dragon was serious about what he said. "Of course you love me and I love you" he said saying it with a giggle in his voice. Giving his dragon small lick knowing things would never change between them.

Shadow breathed a sigh of relief as he listened to his friend "I know, but I had to say it, I want to be able to see you as my lover not just another friend" the dragon said shyly before Alex gave him another lick.

"You seem to be a step behind today Shadow" Alex mewed softly, "I've always looked as you as my lover and best friend" Alex finished as he kissed his lover one last time. "Now cmon, I have control of my little dragon today and we got hours of fun left" Alex smiled as he lifted his dragon to the top of his head.

Shadow just smiled as he heard his friend, feeling himself being placed on his lover's head. He knew they could spend the rest of their lives together, and he would love every second of it.