Camping trips: a Time to Unload

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissions

This is commission number 5 for Guythreepwood! i had a great time writing it and have had it done for a while now honestly, im finishing up another commission hopefully tomorrow, but i have no real certainty. Apologies for all commissioners on the lateness of everything! it's been busy busy busy here in the RL moving and moving again right at the start of school while still working overtime :P but a bears gotta do what a bears gotta do right?

ANYWAY this one was edited by Arkarian as always and will have a direct sequel!

"I can't even believe that's a year down, went by so much faster than High school." Allen stated, gazing out the window of Mike's truck. They had just finished waving goodbye to their sendoff gathering. Most of their friends were from in town or at least in the state, so they could all gather to say goodbye without fear of running behind on packing.

"Yeah," the panther replied with a large comical yawn. "Already done being freshman, Jesus."

Unfortunately it was seven in the morning, the day after exams. Mike and Allen didn't live too far away, relatively, but a six hour drive at seven AM with breakfast and a lunch planned with gas stops they would be at home at around three PM giving them enough time to unpack before dinner and get settled. They had arrived home later on winter break and hated ever second of that first evening.

Although the summer break would have less of a weather concern adding to the misery, they didn't want to take chances. Since the last semester Mike had already made fantastic recovery time and although he had to be back at school earlier then Allen did, the panther was confident he would still be a first string quarterback the upcoming fall. He was off any medication and only attending a handful of rehab visits a month.

"I'm sure you had a hard time making friends as a freshman." Allen rolled his eyes. "You act like it was a struggle."

"It was!" the panther protested, his Pinewood Heights University hat flashing a distracting neon orange glare atop the coal black felines head. "I hardly touched the ball in real games and only knew like a hundred people on a first name basis."

"Go fuck yourself!" Allen retorted elegantly. "I think I talked to six people outside our little circle."

"Were they mostly teachers?" Mike teased.

"Yes." Allen hung his head in mock shame, playing along. "The other was a janitor."

Mike laughed, "Was he a genius math prodigy at least?"

Allen shot him a look, "Do you even know what movie you're referencing?"

"Not a clue." Mike admitted, eyes focusing back on the road. There was a smile painted on his face Allen could just make out from his angle.

Their relationship had been going well, although both were very aware of how little they had managed to see each other the previous break with their parents. Allen's mom was blissfully unaware of the whole situation. Mikes mom was aware thanks to the cat's sensitive nose and although she was fine with PDA in the house, she had informed them her home was not a breeding ground, especially with all of Mike's siblings running around.

In a whole month they had managed to have sex once, on Christmas, at a party in the bathroom. It was rough and rushed and hot, but it was a singular event and their libidos were already hurting at the thought of the following FOUR months.

Allen was always antsy with long car rides. They mostly consisted of him constantly changing the radio station, or putting in his headphones despite being one of two people on the trip, and or bouncing in his seat a bit as he just looked out the window. In his room he could sit back and read a book for hours and hours, but there was something about being stuck in a car and KNOWING he couldn't move that made him so energetic. The panther was of course well aware of this fact and kept the window down and the radio under his control. From experience he knew Allen would give up the radio station habit in an hour if Mike kept changing it back every five minutes.

It was always fun watching Allen's odd habits form. He would adopt and drop 'habits' faster than anyone Mike knew. Right now the human was absently playing with his beard. Scratching at it, rubbing it, looking at it in the mirror. Mike gave that one a half hour tops.

When they finally stopped for breakfast, It was at a little diner off the first exit they saw with a knife and fork on the sign as well as a gas pump. They passed the station and parked in the first spot they saw in the gravel parking lot; practically leaping out of the car after only two hours.

"So help me god if the egg yolks are too solid to dip my toast in." Allen huffed under his breath as the elderly waitress walked back to the kitchen. He took a sip of his OJ and did some stretches in the booth.

"Oh hush up yah baby. You'll be lucky if Sammy Small town line chef over there doesn't spit in your food for giving Anggie a hard time." Mike chuckled, waving his paw at the kitchen window where the grungy looking badger whipped his arm along his arm, technically, careful to avoid his hands.

The human made a face and looked away from the table, covering the side of his face as if it would stop the badger from hearing his hushed comments, "I think I'd notice a nice wad of chew in my eggs thank you very much. I just hate over cooked eggs. Like, what's the point if you can't dip the toast?"

"Sustenance I'd imagine." Mike shrugged, almost finishing his own glass of OJ, "I just hate that we got out of the car to do more sitting." the panther sighed over dramatically.

Allen chuckled now, "Sorry if I don't share your need to be up and active all the time. I have a computer chair butt, I'm doing just fine." he interlocked his fingers behind his head for effect.

"Cause you're an adorable lazy mess!" Mike said a little louder than he had meant to. "But, I dunno. It's worth it. This old dinner reminds me of the mess hall at Wenona."

"Oh my god I haven't been to Wenona in years!" Allen said with childhood excitement. "Jesus, since seventh grade right? When you're dad took us for the weekend that it poured! I was effing freezing all night."

Mike nodded and launched into a few stories before the food arrived. Allen's meal appeared to be snot free. They finished up fast, paid the bill and grumbled as they got back in the car for the next leg of the trip. They hadn't even gotten to the highway before mike spoke up again.

"You don't have a summer job lined up yet right?" he asked Allen who was already trying to doze off and leave him alone to drive.

"Huh? Uhh, no. not yet."

"Well what if we rented a cabin or something up at Wenona?" Mike asked, "We both have savings, we could bring food for a few days, have a bit of time for ourselves about midway through the break just before I get back for pre-season" he looked over at his mate with what Allen could only describe as puppy like excitement. He had a grin that wouldn't quit, and longing eyes.

Even if Allen wasn't really interested by the idea, he couldn't have said no to that face. To be honest their sex life was starting to fizzle a bit. The second semester at Pinewood was amazing fun with their rooms all selected and planned. Their group had all gotten into the same building on the same floor. It was great for a while, but they all soon realized they missed the privacy that living apart had given the couples. None of them were shy, but they also didn't feel right about going all out as if they had a floor of strangers.

Not to mention that Allen and Mike were being extra careful about Mike's arm. Even if they had been up to make a loud scene in the spring nightly, they didn't want to bend it at weird angles or force any extra strain on it. It had been odd being so careful with Mike. Allen had always been the smaller one, but for him to treat Mike as the fragile one was new and didn't happen without the occasional mix up.

"Yeah that sounds really awesome." Allen grinned, sitting up and getting on board. "How much do you think its gunna cost?"

Mike shrugged, "I didn't know the rates of cabins vs. tents when I was a kid let alone years since my last visit. But uhh, I dunno, my mom would make us some food so probably less than 75$ on groceries, maybe $150 outside of the cabin / tent fee."

They talked the finer points of finances and familial responsibilities until their stop for lunch. The only real events they would have to plan around were Allen's mom's birthday, Mike's brother's birthday, and a handful of random holidays. After a plateful of juicy burgers and over greased fries, they went back to their usual long distance habits.


By the time dinner had rolled around on his first day back, Allen was already missing the dorm life and hoping a home cooked meal would managed to rekindle his hopes of an enjoyable summer with the family. So far his mother had kissed him enough to leave a permanent blush on Allen's cheeks from the alarmingly red lipstick she had apparently taken to wearing in his absence.

His sister Jodi, who was attending a local college and headed for her sixth year in attendance in the fall, brought her little brother up to speed on their mother's recent shenanigans and life changes. Jodi painted the picture of a painfully cliché midlife crisis where Mrs. Frost went from the salon to the spa, acquired an impressive collection of woman's magazines, and had decided once again to hit the gym, because this would be the year it stuck.

So far her midlife crisis had gotten her a new haircut, a larger collection of make-up, a new wardrobe, and a total of one-eighty in her parenting methods. "I think she's trying to be my friend." Jodi said in a whisper, "She has sent me texts asking how I'm doing from work, Allen. Why did you ever have to grow up? This is getting ridiculous!"

So far Allen could confirm every example apart from the 'befriending'. He prayed she never sent him casual texts else he be forced to either answer and condone such actions, or ignore them and put her on another spiral of self-help and youth cultivation. He had half a mind to leave the house, if the kitchen wasn't right by the front door, and the smells of homemade Italian everything wasn't wafting up the stairs to his room. Allen was drooling, but managed to shoot Mike a text explaining the situations at the homestead.

"I'm just really glad to have all my babies' home again." the misses practically sang, not for the first time that evening, over a glass of wine. Allen could only think of a handful of times he had ever seen her drink. Jodi noted the different arrangement of bottles on the wine holder assuring him that she had emptied the previous; Allen had once thought permanent, residence.

Their older brother, Rich, was slurping up the spaghetti with more vigor than either of the college kids. He had gained a bit of weight since Allen had seen him last summer, Allen's mother gossiped endlessly about his current girlfriend. Apparently Ashley was a 'lush' and never wore 'modest clothes'. Jodi approved of Ashley over Victoria who had a hyena laugh or Amber who was 'literally an Ass' (she was a short set horse but no one except Rich ever corrected her).

"I can't tell if she starves you or just feeds you a lot of crap." Mrs. Frost stated bluntly, watching her first born with the same disquieted curiosity one has for watching zoo animals eat. "He hasn't looked this big since third grade, he was quite the athlete in school." she bragged to her other children who recalled the events first-hand.

Allen smiled but rolled his eyes internally. 'This was where Jodi gets it.' he thought to himself.

"And how much will you be needing for schoolbooks this year dear?" she looked up at her daughter, the underlying tone being 'ANOTHER YEAR?!' Jodi though was a master of deflection, and had all the time in the world it seemed to perfect the skill.

"Just a hundred or so, not as much as Allen." she said factually, "For my final semesters it'll mostly be libraries and outside resources for the papers, you know?" 'YES MOM, MY LAST YEAR. DID YOU EVER GO TO COLLEGE?!'

'And my turn'. "That is true, you guys are costing me a fortune!" she chuckled, "And my little boy comes back a caveman! When did you decide not to shave your beard Allen? I miss your baby cheeks."

'When my boyfriend said it looked good this way.' He thought "I dunno," he shrugged, "I ran out of razors and didn't feel like buying any more."

Allen grinned again and felt his phone buzz in his pocket, but dared not answer it.

Home sweet home.


Mike got pizza grease on his phone clicking back a message to Allen's first diaries from hell. "So I guess Allen's mom got crazier." he said to no one in particular.

"Oh my god Mike you should see her." His little sister groaned, "She looks like she finally got some new suits and skirts that actually fit, but the make-up looks like Ru Paul." Mike and his dad laughed harder than they should have, nearly spitting out their drinks.

Mike's mom slapped her daughter's ear "That's not very nice young lady."

"You're the one who said so!"

Mrs. Woods raised an eyebrow "Excuse me little girl? Are you a parrot? No? Then I expect you to filter everything you hear between mommies friends when you go to bed."

"Unless daddy asks you, pumpkin. Then you tell him every word." Their dad raised his glass of soda in her direction.

"Not on your life." His wife retorted, nudging him in the stomach.

"Don't think we husbands don't know you girls listen in at parties. You girls always need something to gossip about." the panther rolled his eyes playfully at his wife. "And apparently our lack of shenanigans is entertaining."

Their banter went back and forth for a while until whatever comedy lived up to its genre and made the family laugh and chuckle. Mike replied in earnest to Allen, knowing full well his boyfriend wouldn't dare answer until dinner had concluded.

"Hey dad, you remember when we used to go up to Wenona in the summers?" Mike tossed out, taking a particularly saucy bite of pizza. His dad nodded. "How much did cabins up there cost exactly?"


Of course prices had jumped in the last 8 years, but a four day weekend was not out of the question. Mike's mom started prepping a list of food to send them off with three weeks early, and Allen's mom went out and bought him a sleeping pad (which evidently goes under the sleeping bag to keep the user's body heat from getting sucked away in the night). These were the sort of things Allen was unaware of as an amateur camper and Mike just chuckled at.

Allen was on the verge of driving back to school a month and a half early and camping in the parking lot. His mother was pushing him to the brink of insanity with her snide passive aggressive comments towards his siblings and the endless doting over him. He practically hopped out of bed the morning they left, already packed, breakfast planned and in under an hour was walking down the street to Mike's.

The Johnson's were anything but lazy. At eight in the morning, in the summer, and with no one headed to work, Mr. Johnson was helping Mike pack the truck and Mrs. Johnson was working the coolers into the back seat. She waved Allen over.

"Morning sweetie, I have breakfast packed, some hotdogs and s'mores stuffs, and all sorts of drinks." She gave him a hug and opened up the red cooler. "Here are lunch meats and bread. You two can get more ice from someone at the general store id imagine. Shame you guys didn't get a cabin with a fridge, a lot less to worry about."

"Oh don't say that Ash, they're gunna rough it like real mountain men." Mr. Johnson flexed and punched his son in the arm. "Nothing but your wits, some knives and a car to escape to civilization whenever you need."

"We're not stepping a foot off the campsite for what we're paying. Can you believe how much they charge for you to have to set up a tent in a patch of dirt?" Mike asked incredulously. "Dirt, grass and a hole for a fire. Probably have to pay for wood."

"There's a fold up saw in the big pack." his dad waved off. "Aside's, it's not like you two are broke, heavily loaned college kids with years of debt in your future right?"

Allen watched Mike and his dad wrestle with a sense of envy he was not unfamiliar with. Especially recently with his head firmly planted in his home life. Experiencing every bother every day. Having to listen to the same arguments from the same people and never feeling like himself when people could see him. The fact that he had to hide at home. Seeing Mike and his family function and watching Mike smile a real smile. It was almost painful.

But as soon as his dad had him in a headlock, Mike tried to tag him in. Mike wasn't blind to Allen's glaring. It was something he had become aware of how to deal with. Allen liked to participate in groups, but never inserted himself into them. The panther had put it upon himself to be the push that let his friend, now boyfriend, be happy. He had seen how Allen acted around his mom. It was uncomfortable watching his happy, smiling friend shut down like that. It wasn't even that Allen looked unhappy; Mike just knew the difference between a real smile from the human, and a fake one.

The drive to Wenona was eerily similar to the drive back to school albeit shorter. On the way they sang car karaoke, discussed the pros and cons of life back with their parents and, of course, pointed out the dozed temporary habits Allen found himself developing.

The human was very excited, he was honestly just happy he wasn't being overly giddy. The prospect of spending a three day weekend alone with Mike was too wonderful to feel any lower degree of excitement. Their alone time was incredibly limited over the last few months and it saddened Allen to realize it. He had even went to Taylor about his family cabin midway through the last semester but the Wolf had regretfully informed him that the spring and summer time was when his own family wanted to use it the most.

Allen was determined to make it an incredible weekend. Even if he had no idea which hikes would be the most romantic he had a few surprises for the jaguar in his bag. Not for the first time he squeezed the backpack between his legs, confirming it was still there and his sexy weekend plan was still a go.

Mike kept up his calm demeanor, but was a one giant grin internally. His tail was constantly swaying, his conversation topics became increasingly more obvious and his dick wouldn't stop reminding him of its presence. Sex between them had been shaky the last few months. Enjoyable but careful. Mike eyed his arm, happy to see his shiny black fur instead of the cream colored wraps. Hell, he was happy to drive without his sling and not have to take shifts with Allen!

Mike never had many opportunities to feel weak like that in his life, but he was happy the learning experience was over. While the foreplay seemed relatively unaffected, Mike would have to hide a blush every time he made a noise of discomfort and Allen stopped whatever noises he was making to reposition and ask if it was better.

The very memory was softening him up. It was beyond embarrassing and Mike didn't get a nugget of joy from that. Allen on the other hand, seemed to have a thing for it. Mike took great pleasure on campus knowing Allen could be flustered and babbling in seconds if Mike only put a paw on his crotch or squeeze his butt. Something about being in public set the guy off and Mike was happy he found out it was sexual. He had accidentally taken it too far the one night and wound up grabbing a handful of leaky, rock hard human dick.

Allen had been mortified, but he got over it.

The entrance to the camp was easier to find than Mike thought which was a major relief. The feline pulled up to an official looking front gate with a giant Camp Wenona sign. Beside that was the parking fee rates and a ridiculous looking cartoon deer in a ranger outfit.

"Watch out for Ranger Rick." Allen mumbled with a dorky grin. Mike him an incredulous look that melted into a smile.

"His name is Darren Deer." he corrected his boyfriend with a pointed finger. "Says so right on the sign."

"Ranger Darren Deer." Allen stared back at Mike.

"I'm not sure he has those qualifications."

"What did he steal the uniform?"

"Oh yeah, cause he couldn't find tan shorts and an ugly tan jacket at Walmart." Mike rolled his eyes.

Allen gave the deer another look and then turned back to Mike. "Shut the fuck up. Jesus it was just a joke!" he whined. "Drive us up to the cabin minion. Chop chop."

The panther just grinned but kept his foot on the break despite the line having moved up. "He was just admiring Allen. How cute he was when he pouted. How genuinely happy a conversation about a cartoon deer made him. "Hey you." he grabbed both sides of Allen's face for effect and turned his face into a short but over dramatic kiss.

Allen was smiling when Mike pulled away. They kissed again with more intention and less showmanship, tongues teasing each other with the brevity of their kiss. "Love you."

"Love you more."

Allen spread his arms out as far as they would go in the car. "I love you THIS much!"

"Oh noes..." Mike whined with a grin. He took the hand Allen had almost hit him in the head with and kissed it, driving on into the camp grounds.


Can you believe how much pre chopped wood was?" Allen asked for the fifth time since they left the general store. They had found inexpensive ice, but couldn't bring themselves to buy the wood. The raccoon at the counter had assured them it was a fair price because the type of wood would burn right up, but Mike had explained after they left that it was a ploy and everyone wanted sturdy, long lasting wood.

"About as much as I believed it three minutes ago."

"I mean $20 per bag? The bags weren't even that big!"

"Gotta make money."

"Yeah but you'd think they'd just do it with the rentals." Allen stopped the rant. "You grabbed a map right?"

"I thought you did." Mike answered with a groan. "Great, now we gotta go back once we set up."

Allen was unsure what he was expecting, but a fire pit in the middle of a cleared circle down a road from the showers was not it. Maybe it was the fading '#14' sign nailed to a post on the road, but it seemed unofficial. Regardless, the two got to work.

In just over an hour the trunk was emptied, the tent was set up, the sleeping bags, blankets and pillows were in place. The clearing lined with six tiki torches Allen had managed to get into the ground with a hammer and a survival knife. Apparently the torches would ward off bugs. Then, true to family tradition (apparently) Mike peed along the edge of the woods.

"Keeps away critters." Mike had explained to a confused looking human.

"Please, you just wanted to whip your dick out." Allen grinned, looking around and, despite his original thoughts on the site, was very happy with the level of privacy and with the trail entrance just down the road.

"Just want you to whip your dick out." Mike purred in his dirty voice. It was playful, but that didn't make it less true. Once the feline had finished up his marking he wrapped both of his massive arms around his boyfriend and nuzzled his head; rubbing his body into Allen's. Allen fought back, but Mike managed to lick his neck and ear, grab at his crotch and tickle his belly before Allen laughed himself onto the ground at Mike's feet.

"You know I'm ticklish!"

"What? Me? I would never." Allen crawled a few feet before standing up. Mike purred and murred behind him as his ass wiggled away on all fours. "Where are you going?"

"To put ice in the coolers." Allen sped walked to the truck, looking over his shoulder once or twice. Mike just smiled and took in a deep breath. It smelled like camp. It was clean and natural. The sounds as well were all ambient. He wouldn't even consider them white noise because it was always different, birds and crickets, other insects, a breeze through leaves. It was wonderful to be out there again in the elements.

"Ok I'll grab some fire wood." Mike said walking into the trees. They needed to collect a bit before nightfall or the night might be cut short on day one.


"Left again." Allen pointed, marching cheerfully through the trail. They had opted out of the map, cut up enough firewood to fuel burning man, and had PB and J sandwiches before heading out. Allen was over excited to be hiking; hell, to be outdoors in general. It was a refreshing change of pace and Mike loved the energy Allen was radiating. He tried his best just to keep up.

They were probably a half hour down the trail which was mostly just straight lines and had followed a stream at the bottom of a steadily steepening and higher drop. Mike was warm and sweaty, but he didn't let the aches bother him. He didn't think it was possible that a freak thunderstorm would bother him if Allen's backpack kept swinging across his butt with every excitable step. It was downright adorable and totally unfair.

"And forward." the dork marched on, a few steps ahead of his supposed expert. Mike had packed their hiking bags with water and snacks, told Allen to put on boots instead of sneakers, and advised to apply bug spray and apparently Allen considered that and his previous camping experience, 'expertise'. Maybe that deer WAS a ranger if basic instinct was all that was required to become an expert.

A few minutes longer and Mike was starting to feel his left shoulder and his feet. He adjusted his backpack, but it didn't alleviate anything. He took a moment to stretch out his toes but it didn't do much. "Gunna get dark soon." Mike mentioned, unsure if Allen even realized the time in his eagerness.

That made the human turn around and start walking backwards. "We can head back if you want." he said simply. Mike didn't like it.

"Would you either stop walking or look where you're going you klutz? That drop off is at least two hundred feet down rock and roots, into a free fall."

"Fiiiiine." Allen said, stopping and getting a good look around. "I really wanted to see the river though. The sign at the entrance said a scenic view was down this way right?"

"If we followed the right paths, there were a lot of turns; we can check a map tomorrow."

Mike stopped, his ears flicking. Without the sound of their steady footfalls, he could hear water up ahead. "Wait, do you hear that? It might just be a bit farther up."

Allen turned immediately forward again, as if from this new stationary vantage point he might see something. He cocked his head a bit as if it would allow him to see past all the trees and bushes in his way. "Can we check?"

Mike exhaled heavily but marched on "Might as well, already this far right?"

"Yup yup yup!" his boyfriend sang, walking beside him now. The panther took the opportunity to hold his hand, half for the a-dork-ableness, and half so Allen wouldn't march ahead again.

They didn't walk another three hundred feet when the trees cleared and the two were standing at the edge of a three hundred foot straight drop down into foamy rapids. The sound of the river, even so far down, drowned out all other ambient noise. They two stared in awe at the majesty, careful not to step too close to the edge, but getting close enough to peak over.

Allen whistled one simple, impressed note and looked down the river to the other hills and woods. The park went on for a long while.

"Totally worth the extra two minute walk huh." Mike asked quietly, still enjoying the view.

Allen just nodded, but pulled out his phone. He took picture after picture, tossed in a selfie, a few shots of Mike at the ledge and finally brought it home by squeezing their faces together to get as much of background into a shot of them together.

"Beautiful." Mike breathed, his paw around Allen's waist as they watched the sun set behind the adjacent mountain, abandoning hope or plan of returning before sunset. The sky was still red with last light.

"You said it." Allen sighed. "Amazing, much better than I remembered."

Mike smiled and rested his cheek atop Allen's head. "You're just as beautiful." he added. "Just so you know."

Allen rolled his eyes. "No way, if anyone can hold a candle to sunsets it's you not me."

The inches between their faces closed the distance so naturally now. Their relationship had formed true, settled into a comfortable bond that didn't need too but COULD make a big deal out of the little things. They kissed passionately, in the slow but powerful way of young love.

Mike murred into Allen, easing himself over the human whom complied without a moment's hesitation. Mike had his paw just under Allen's shirt, rubbing up his side while the other paw caressed his head off the ground. They could have continued, rushed into it but instead they both stopped and made a promise with their eyes.

"We should get back to camp."

"Yeah, it's getting dark."

They walked with pep in their steps all the way back, too focused on where they were going and what was going on to get lost. When Allen saw the tiki torches he started running, eager to get the fire going and the second part of camping started.


The air was only just starting to cool when Allen finally got the flames to take. Mike had messed around with the matches and newspaper for a while before Allen took over. Despite his proclivity to the internet and his inexperience camping, he had he fire roaring in moments.

"Impressive." Mike conceded, sitting back in his chair and dragging the cooler around between them. "Who knew you had it in you?"

"Call me fire lord." Allen grinned, flexing his less than impressive biceps. "I'm honestly just glad I didn't burn myself. Or destroy the tent."

"Yeah no kidding, But really babe, good job." Mike squeezed Allen's thigh, none too shy about the generous rubs he then gave or the purr that resulted.

Allen just grinned, "Fire lord is thirsty."

Mike chuckled, popping open the cooler. "What'll you have?"

"I'll just star-"

"Whoa! What do we have here?!" Mike exclaimed, shuffling around with the cooler. "Shit, no way." he pulled out two bottles of liquor neither of them could afford. The longer bottle had a note tied around the neck that looked like a Christmas tag.

"What's that?" Allen asked, leaning in.

"'Dear boys, Enjoy the nights away from listening ears and prying eyes. You two didn't used to make it a secret what of mine you'd prefer in the basement. -Dad.'" Mike read, looking back and forth with a grin. "Motherfucker gave us the good vodka and some rum." Mike breathed out.

Allen stared at the bottles with equal shock and guilt at how obvious their drinking had apparently been and the craziness of the surprise. "Well son of a bitch."

The two didn't respond immediately, almost unsure of drinking now that they were given permission.

"Where are the solo cups?" Mike asked, dropping the surprise back into the cooler. "Don't wanna let that go to waste eh?"

They both had taste of each as the fire burned on, making a point to not get too ahead of themselves. Drunken sex was not always pretty, and sex was most definitely happening. The hormones in the air were palpable.

Mike, more so susceptible to the atmosphere and eager for their first time fully recovered, made the first move. Allen shrugged it off with a playful grin. The panther made a second, shot down but still resting his hand on Allen's leg. With the third move, Allen was in Mike's lap, their lips pressed together and their excitable energy hung in the air and echoed in the trees.

A few moves later and the tent was getting closer. One last maneuver (involving a certain human's lower back and a certain feline's rough paw pads) and Mike was ducking into a tent with a stripper boyfriend. Before the zipper was closed Allen had managed to get down to underwear and socks.

It was Allen's turn; he had Mike in his grasp in moments, hands exploring familiar ground. A kiss to the neck, a grope of the butt, bing bang boom, Mike was down to his jockstrap.

"Fuck, I never get tired of these things." Allen moaned, his hand carefully putting the large package in its grasp. He gave it a squeeze and enjoyed the murr it elicited. "You're so hot, god damn it." he chuckled, dipping his fingers between his boyfriends waist and the elastic band. He followed the band back until his fingers rested on Mike's rump. Allen liked to think he had gotten better and acting on his urges, especially since the accident.

Mike would agree with Allen, it was nice to have Allen reacting and acting. This was not that time for it though. He leaned over Allen with a predatory look in his eyes. This first night was dedicated to a rough, long awaited fuck. It wasn't making love like most times were; it was a dirty, needy rut.

The panther discarded the human's boxers, his tongue working up Allen's now exposed chest and over and around his nipples with its rough texture. The human moaned. God, Allen really got Mike going. The cat purred so hard it hurt in his chest. He loved everything about Allen. His body, his smell, his taste, the way he shivered when you licked up his spine. Mike grinned, patting Allen's belly before turning him over and rubbing his ass.

Allen laughed under his breath, "Back to your old self there?"

"Shut up. I miss this ass. I miss you moaning and meaning it when I fuck you." A paw held Allen's head firmly in place. A tongue licked his spine and made him quiver.

"Oh know that's not fair."

"Shut up I said." Mike growled, massaging the humans shoulder and running the paw down Allen's side and gave him a quick spank. Allen yipped at the sharpness of it. "That's better."

Fuck, Allen missed this too. As much as it was nice being in charge for a bit, Allen was well passed his desired time between being a real bottom. The idea made him embarrassed, but in the moment, he had no reason to be really. It was their private matters in a private place.

Mike pulled Allen's waist back and up, bringing his mate to all fours. He couldn't have been a more willing partner, his butt even wiggled in excitement. Mike grinned and spread Allen's fuzzy cheeks exposing his little pick pucker. Without missing a beat Mike ran his tongue over it making Allen whine.

"Oh shit..." Allen moaned, reaching under to give his cock a squeeze. "Fuck..."

Mike slapped the hand away and jerked Allen off, himself, pre already collecting on his paw. The panther knew what to do step by step. He pressed his tongue in, enjoying the moans and sounds Allen made and never relenting. He was in and out, flicking and teasing Allen's balls, stroking his rock hard member.

"Shit just stick it in already." Allen whined. "Fuck me dammit."

Mike wanted to tease Allen more, but he was losing control of his own inhibitions. His cheeks were flushed red, his breathing was quick and his mind was swimming in all the smells their tent kept packed together. He sat up, spitting into his paw and poking into Allen's hole. The human braced himself, getting into a comfortable position ass up and ready.

The panther obliged, pushing in gently, learning from experience that easing into it made it better for Allen quicker. He teased the tip passed the head, popping it back out and in until he was pressing in a few inches and repeating.

Allen moaned in euphoria, enjoying the full euphoric feeling. Mike was just starting to nudge his prostate and Allen knew from experience he would soon be fucking rough into it. The human craved that feeling, waited for it with an impatient bliss.

God damn did Mike miss going at it without his shoulder brace on the side of the bed. He missed not having to worry about waiting or taking a break. He took a masochistic pleasure in the moment before he knew he could get all in. He teased Allen and himself by waiting. By ignoring what he missed. By knowing it would make it better if he did.

Then he caved.

Balls deep he waited again enjoying the warm squeezing around his member. How Allen's body worked unintentionally every moment of its own bliss to milk the cum from his cock.

Allen made truthful noises, giving up the grace of moans and the appeal of talking dirty. Allen just grunted, true and open. It was the only way to sum up how it felt. It was not a show that needed the extravagant dramatics, or a work of smut that needed the dirt and grit. It was just good sex, and fuck was Allen going to focus on that and nothing else.

Mike growled deep in his chest, bringing his muscled form to Allen's back, his paw reaching around to his neck. He brought the human off his elbows. The pair stood there intertwined on their knees, a jaguar claw at a neck, a tongue at an ear and a paw at a needy pair of balls. Allen could only hold Mikes sturdy muscles. He had nowhere else to put them. He felt his ass clench almost painfully around Mike's fat barbed dick, he rode the pain into the prostate-induced bliss he knew was waiting. For the moments before Mike got back into a rhythm the pain and pleasure his him with every heartbeat the pulsed through.

The jaguar wasted no more time. He moved right into one of his favorite positions. He moved Allen back to his knees and planted one foot firmly beside him, that knee up to get a better downward angle. He worked fast from the get-go. In and out, pumping fast then slow, short motions and long thrusts.

"Oh fuck..." Allen swore, his prostate crying out. He whined from then on, the noises keeping Mike even more motivated than he already was. "Oh fuck...I'm gunna cum if you keep...uhhh..."

"Oh no you don't." Mike growled, pulling out and putting Allen on his back. The human looked startled, red faced and desperate all at once. He didn't have long to contemplate what would happen. Mike pushed his legs back over his head, resuming the attack from above, slamming down on Allen with the aggression of an undersexed alpha.

Allen came almost immediately, jerking his impressive dick until his nuts emptied all over his chest and face.

Mike loved when that happened. He got the visual. He heard the moans. He felt the orgasm rack Allen's body and squeeze Mike's dick. All of it hit at once and never failed to put him over the edge. He growled as loud as a campsite in the middle of the woods would allow. No neighbors to hear. He kept up the fucking; thrust passed the near overwhelming sensitivity until his member stopped filling Allen.

They sat there in their mess; sweaty, panting and just looking at each other. Allen's chest was dotted with white, a drooping strange of his own jizz hung in his beard and across his lip.

Mike sat there sweaty and muscled, the lantern in the tent painting his definition with shadows. He was so perfect. "God damn it you're so fucking hot." Allen laughed. "And fuck can you fuck."

Mike chuckled, wiggling his hips "Feeling nice and spent cutie? Cause I'll be rearing to go again very soon."

"Oh I'll be ready." Allen said dreamily. "I can't even imagine ever needing to empty my nuts again at the moment but I'm sure the feeling will pass."

"It better." Mike smiled a devious smile, sitting Allen up into his lap, the jaguar now sitting but still resting inside his mate. The feline kissed Allen gently, kissed his lips and his chest and his neck. He ran the soft-furred backs of his paws over his back and kept the other hand across Allen's lower back keeping him balanced in the makeshift seat.

"Well if you keep going like that..."


Allen returned from the showers much refreshed the next morning. His only company had been an elderly looking tiger who was none too shy about his body or his shower karaoke. Luckily Allen was too upbeat to let it come off as anything more than a quirky old dude. He felt refreshed, and it wasn't just the full night's sleep talking. He wasn't hung over, he was clean, his sex drive was happy and Mike was getting breakfast ready as he cleaned up.

If anything could possibly add to a good night's romp, it was a hardy breakfast. Allen took his time, taking a moment as the water warmed to count the numerous little scratches Mike often left when they got really into it. It was mostly just red lines, not many ever broke the skin at all despite their power, and Allen didn't mind in the least. Usually it went the better of the night, the higher he counted and he was right up and nearing his top 3 counts when the water started steaming.

He was in and out in just 3 songs from the neighboring tiger. Dry and dressed by the middle of the 4th. In the dressing area between the showers and the rest of the bathroom was a pointless mirror. It was only large enough for one person and was fogged up due to its poor location. Allen wiped the mirror off and got a look at himself before he got fully dressed. Since he started dating Mike he had noticed a bit more activity and healthy eating in his life. Allen had since lost a few pounds, cutting back on the baby fat that always just managed not to muffin top. His arms seemed less jiggly as well, and to be fair, since Mike had insisted on Allen trimming the beard from Mountain Man to "Sexy shadow", receding the line at the neck and letting the mustache grow out and into the beard, Allen didn't think he looked half bad.

He wasn't ready to say he looked Hot, but he wasn't all together unappealing. On some level he could at least see why Mike wasn't embarrassed to date him.

Allen could smell eggs from a mile away. The chill morning had long passed, the pair had woken up later than they planned, but they weren't ready to set alarms during a vacation. Besides, the only goal for that day was Canoeing and the river wasn't going anywhere in a hurry. was...but you got the idea.

"Oh my god that smells delicious!" Allen shouted over-dramatically from a distance. "All hail the chef!"

"Well ok, I take my payments in kisses and favors." The jaguar smiled a dorky, toothy smile, getting a kiss on the cheek.

"Favor how amigo?"

"I'll save it for a later date."

They enjoyed breakfast, then Mike took a shower finding out after he insisted that he didn't need one in the grogginess of waking, that he smelled like butt sex and BO.

Surprisingly Canoes were not all that expensive if you didn't also pay for a guide. At sixty bucks a head it seemed steep, but the Canoe was there's all day, the camp grounds even let you dock them to eat and come back for more until the night feel.

The two had to go through a safety course first though, a chubby Deer who looked nothing like Ranger Darren Deer. Allen mentioned something and got an eye roll, He clearly got that a lot.

By the end of the safety course they had life preservers, a map of the water ways, a deceptively heavy canoe, two paddles, and their own backpacks full of food and water, and much to Allen's chagrin, the explicit instruction that Mike was to lead the boat from the back as he was the heavier rider.

"Oh lighten up." Mike chuckled, setting off from shore and guiding them to the middle of the still water. "At least he didn't call you 'little guy' or something."

"He called me 'sport'. That's worse. He looked our age." Allen rolled his eyes. They had already agreed on a route.

The waterways of Wenona were beautiful. They were dotted with all sorts of features from sheer rock faces to seemingly impossibly positioned trees. There were a handful of wildlife sightings before they even got out of the still way and into the actual river where the current would make things a tad easier.

"Beautiful." Mike breathed out, stopping more than Allen was to take pictures with his phone. "Deer." he pointed again, so far always the first to spot one.

"Absolutely incredible." Allen agreed, leaning back into Mike who gave him a big 'ol hug and took their picture.

"You know, I haven't seen one other person on the water." Mike noted, "Seems odd, it's a beautiful day."

"More nature for us then."

"More river for us."

"More quiet."

They rounded a bend the map specified they pay attention too. The only real issue would have been hitting the rock wall on the slightly sharp turn. It didn't seem like too big a deal, though It was quite a swim to the nearest shore as they were now in 'The Alley' and had a rock wall on either side standing tall over them, crawling with vines and little streams of water.

Still not a soul in sight.

Mike started whistling a bit, then humming. Allen liked resting on Mike's chest when he hummed. It really only came out like a purr in felines. Allen was blissfully listening to a tuneless hum and enjoying the sights and sounds of the river.

"So about that favor." Mike broke the song short. Allen sat up a bit, turned slightly.

"What about it?"

The jaguar smiled, "Not a soul around." he stated, scratching at his crotch a little too intently.

Allen blushed immediately. "You! Now?" he whispered hurriedly as if they were in a crowd of people with listening ears.

"Why not? First time for everything right?"

"How would that even work? This thing requires balance right? Nowhere to land either." Allen tried to work it out. His brain was having none of the potentially public adventure Mike suggested. His face blushed and he knew despite himself he was already coming around to the idea mentally and physically.

"Oh I'm sure we can manage." Mike rubbed his shoulders, pressing his thumbs in deep to work out the knots.

"Stoooooop..." Allen whined and shrugged him away, "That's even more cheating."

"What? I can't give my boyfriend a back rub on vacation?" Mike asked incredulously, hands at his hips.

"Not with what you have in mind!" Allen specified with a laugh, turning in his seat, "Geez, you said it like it was something so basic."

"Oh come on, Taylor and Amber say they do public shit all the time. It's all about timing and this is perfect. No one around for miles." The jaguar rationalized. He rubbed a paw up Allen's leg and along the inner thigh.

"Well...I'm not Taylor." the human retorted lamely. He knew he was (happily) losing this argument.

"Nope, I think you're cuter and better and all around more fun." Mike gave a large hug, rocking the boat a bit. Allen glared at Mike who just laughed. "Scared of a little water? Come on, I'm the feline here!"

"Shut up and land over there." Allen pouted, pointing to a small sand bar heading along the side and even under some of the rock wall. There were a few tall grasses and bushes growing along it.

The jaguar stopped laughing immediately and began paddling excitedly. "What did you have in-"

Mike was cut off by Allen attacking his belt. The human was now completely on board the out in the open concept. He loved it. It was an additional layer of thrill to the romp. Nothing like pushing the limits of a good thing! It was exhilarating that anyone might see.

Allen had Mike's plump sheath exposed in moments, dropping the cat's pants to his ankles without ever leaving the boat. There was something about Mike's full sheath before his dick exposed itself that made Allen really wanna suck it. He had the furry protection in his mouth after only the slightest moment of appreciation. He sucked and licked and fondled Mike's sizable balls.

Soon he was sucking a thickening cock, and soon after that he tasted the slight saltiness of pre. Only then did he pull away, giving the member a meaningful lick from base to tip.

"Fuck, you have a nice mouth." Mike breathed, reclining and closing his eyes.

Allen snorted, "What a gentleman." he teased, eyeing up Mikes member, "Well you have a nice cock good sir. And a nice set of balls. Firm legs, a sizable rump and beautiful torso." he grinned. "You're face isn't so bad either. Your fur-"

"Ok ok, stop with that." Mike rolled his eyes, not liking the teasing.

"But I'm not done." Allen stated, unlacing Mikes left shoe. "I haven't even talked about your back or your amazing feet." He had the whole foot free and was massaging the foot pads. "We had such a long walk yesterday they're so tense." He ran his fingers unprofessionally but with a practiced hand between the toes and along the padding to Mike's heel.

The jaguar flexed his toes out and around those blissful fingers. "You're so good at worship." He grinned.

"Well they deserve it." Allen agreed, kissing the bottom over and over until he worked his acts up to licking around and between toes. Mike purred, feeling strangely ready for all of this despite his full belly and the romp last night. Eventually Allen did the same with the other paw, drooling by this point and sucking on the toes and rubbing the padding across his face. God did he love these feet. Unbeknownst to the pair Allen was also decidedly excited and aroused despite the previous night.

The jaguar purred louder, enjoying the ministrations. He kicked off his pants and moved then until Allen was on his back in the sand, paw still in his mouth and Mike standing over him. Allen was flushed with embarrassment that he still didn't want to give up the paw.

"Such a dedicated disciple." Mike noted, rubbing his foot around the humans all too willing face. In fact Allen had opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to bathe as much of the sweaty, spit covered paw as he could. He just grinned looking around the small little sand trap, getting his bearings. There were only tall grasses and shrubs aside from the single large pricker bush. This plan might actually be doable if-


Was that?

"No way." Mike spoke softly but as if it might be a joke. It was too perfect. "Allen look."

Allen leaned his head back farther into the sand, at first confused as to what he was supposed to see. Then it hit him. "For real?"

Every blade of that tall grass on their personal little fuck beach was natural, unrefined Nepeta Catarilia. Commonly known as Nip. Mike's cock jumped at the very concept. A small field of Nip all to themselves. The countless scenarios all played out at once. In a fit of almost giddy excitement he hopping back to his bag for the bottle of lube and the little surprise Allen had thought he had hidden from him.

"Come on cutie, I want to have sex in a bed of aphrodisiacs."

Allen made a confused face that quickly shifted to an excited and then desperate one. He jumped up after Mike, already taking off his belt.

Mike just took a few direct whiffs of the grass. It wasn't as strong naturally as when refined, but there was plenty of it in the air to make him feel light headed just walking into the waist high collection. "Jesus there's so much." Mike noted, feeling the soft blades in his paw. Nip sold by the ounce in most cases; this was a ridiculous sum of the stuff!

Allen could already feel it too, which was impressive for a human nose. There really was a lot if he could already feel its affects. The human hugged Mike from behind, feeling under his shirt, around his back to his belly. "Well I picked a good spot to land at least huh?"

"HA!" Mike exclaimed, turning to his mate and dropping a paw to his exposed rump. Quickly he took off Allen's shirt, leaving him standing there completely naked. "You picked well, but on an unrelated note," he said with a victorious grin, holding up a little box "Did you think you could hide this from me?"

Allen's face lit up and he tried to grab at the box. "Hey! Where did you-"

"You left it in the tent dummy, I found it this morning. I didn't know you'd like this." Mike mused. "I'm curious is all." He flicked at one of Allen's nipples and unpacked the clamps.

"Hey now." The human took a step back, hands over his exposed chest. "Don't be so hasty."

It was probably partially the Nip, but Mike was having none of it. "Get your ass back here and turn around." He ordered. It was calm and dominating. The kind you just listened to the order instead of the volume.

Mike ran his paws over Allen's front, his own stomach pressed into Allen's back and his dick leaving trails of pre-just above his butt. He tweaked Allen's nipples, inhaling the mixed scents of lust and Nip, nibbling and licking ears and exposed necks. Allen was quivering; he bent forward when Mike gave his dick a squeeze.

Then Mike applied the first clamp. He had a good bit of time while Allen was in the shower that morning to mess with the adjustments until it was comfortable on himself, he assumed Allen's setting would be similar and he was right. The human moaned and bit down as the clamp came to rest. Then the other was applied and Mike let his mate get used to them a bit, moving his touches down to Allen's waist.

Allen was in heaven. It took a moment to work past the pain and into the pleasure, but the clamps were even better than he had expected! After a moment, Mike flicked at the chain connecting the clamps, teasing his sensitive nipples to the point he bent forward again.

"Oh I'm gunna like this..." Allen breathed.

Mike chuckled, agreeing and looping a finger around the chain. He guided Allen forward until he was bent over, hands on a rock amidst the Nip. His head was swimming and he was leaking like a faucet onto Allen's lower back. From the looks of it, Allen was holding up just as well. His cock was hard and shiny at the tip.

The feline growled low, lubing up his cock and pressing a wet finger into Allen's experienced pucker. They were both dripping and panting, needing and begging. Mike was less careful than the night before, feeling rushed by the Nip, but Allen was stretched enough it didn't matter. He was balls deep in three thrusts and didn't relent.

Allen moaned and cussed and squeezed whatever surface he could find on the rock. The momentum was shaking the chain and teasing his nipples. His cock bounced around, pre falling off in drops along the rock. He missed using Nip. It was an extra sensory experience. There was just an additional something in the air that touched the right buttons and without ever touching himself Allen could already feel himself getting closer to the edge.

Mike found his rhythm and did not alter it. He was in no state of mind to let this last too long. The thrill of the semi-open, outdoors experience, the Nip, the tightness of Allen's rump and the sounds his mate were making were pushing him far beyond a state of self-control. His balls slapped at Allen's, he had it in his mind that he wouldn't cum until Allen did, and he wouldn't let Allen touch himself. He swatted Allen's hand away from his dick despite the begging and the moaning.

"Please let me cum...Fuck I need to please sir..."

"Don't you dare touch yourself got it? I'll make you cum all right." Mike growled, increasing his pace and thankful for his leg strength.

Mike was sweating, dripping down on Allen's back. He had one paw on his hip and one on his shoulder for optimal momentum. He was in and out, almost tip to hilt on ever thrust, making sure Allen felt the whole of his dick slam into his prostate with purpose.

Finally it was too much. Everything was overwhelming Allen and he let out a louder moan that usual, he knew it was happening. "Oh fuck I'm cumming!" he shouted, almost painfully gripping the rock.

Mike reached around and tugged gently on the chain, ready to cum himself. He was already there when Allen's ass squeezed tight around his cock and Mikes knees went weak.

They collapsed in orgasm, Mike rolling them away from the rock, Still inside Allen, but Mike on his back. He lifted his legs to get a few more extra-sensitive thrusts in before he entirely gave up in the waves of euphoria that were only enhanced by the plants they fell into.

They huffed and panted. They sat there naked aside from Mike's boots in the sun. They were quiet for a while, arms around each other and gripping whatever they could. Holding each other close.

When they finally stood away and cleaned up, getting ready to ship off weak kneed and walking funny; the pair filled a bag with the nip for fun later. They just smiled at each other. Still madly in love and still excited to be in each other's lives through everything hard and fun.

"Love you." Allen smiled bashfully as he got dressed.

"Love you more." Mike returned, tossing their bags in the canoe. "We still have a day and a half here babe. How are we going to top this?" he chuckled, shaking his head.

Allen smiled; happy Mike had not found every surprise he had brought along. "I have some ideas."

FriskeCrisps' Commission: Felines, Feet, and other College Courses

So this is a commission i wrote up for [FriskeCrisps](, totaling 8719 words with a sequel on the way. For visuals go [HERE.]( Edited by...

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New Beginnings part 14

So heres another part so soon. Only one more chapter of re-boot i believe and then its all new everything for everyone! As always please comment, critique, etc etc. What you like, what im good at, what needs work whatever. I really do appreciate the...

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New Beginnings part 13

Sorry for the long wait! this has been mostly edited for a while now and im only just posting! ## Chapter 13 "I'm gunna kill her," Miki fumed; closing Ricky's door after one more glance in, "Why the hell would she go for Ricky though? That doesn't...

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