Chapter 58: I love you; I'll kill you.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#58 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these pokémon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 58

Storm slipped into the bedroom, leaving the light off as he stripped off his work harness and bandana, letting them drop to the floor at the foot of the bed. Circling to the left, he sighed tiredly, staring down at the sleeping form of his partner before gently drawing back the sheets and dropping carefully to lie beside him.

Still, the movement on the mattress woke the human Ranger, who stirred fitfully before opening an eye to regard the typhlosion beside him, as he lay back eyes fixed on the ceiling above.

"Is she settling?" Scott asked softly after the raichu, nearly missing the almost imperceptible shrug as Storm muttered "Yeah. She's still pretty sore, but hopefully she might get some sleep before the night is over."

Scott nodded, as he moved across the bed to press his chest against the warm furred side. Reaching out a hand, he ran light fingers through the thick fur across the typhlosion's abdomen, hoping to relax his friend, but he felt Storm stiffen, muscles tense as Scott paused a moment, before reaching across the wide stomach to hug the pokémon close.

"It's not going to be like last time, Storm" he whispered, as Storm turned his face to regard him, red eyes glinting in the muted moonlight shining through the partially curtained window behind them.

"Why would it be different?" Storm muttered, blinking down at his friends worried face. Bending his head down, he nuzzled into the human's hair, breathing in the familiar fragrance of shampoo and sweat that was so familiar; so comforting.

Concerned, Scott shifted his body up, nestling his head in the crook of Storm's arm, and gave his friend a long look; one the pokémon didn't meet as he again raised his eyes to the ceiling.

Sighing, Scott reached up, stroking the long cheek as the red eyes closed, gripping the fur gently as he tugged Storm's face back towards him. As their eyes met, he said "It won't be like that again, Storm. We will get through this, together."

Scott could feel the typhlosion beneath him begin to tremble, the hand he rested against Storm's face quivering with the pokémon 's fear.

"We're going to die this time, Scott." Storm breathed out, barely above a whisper, and Scott started at the defeatist conviction in his friend's voice.

"You don't know that!" the human spoke firmly, as the pokémon began shaking his head in denial. "You do not know that!"

"They're ready for us. Fact is, they've always been a step ahead. With Jamieson, with that last fiasco at the warehouse; hell, every time we think we've covered every eventuality, they fuck us into the ground!" His shaking momentarily forgotten, Storm's eyes flashed red as he hissed "Even with Sparky. You can't tell me they just "let" her go, or she really escaped on her own, in the condition she was in even before those cunts beat her up? Come on, Scott! They want us to have her, so she can feed our fears. They're so fucking confident they're going to nail us, they're fucking with our minds intentionally!"

"So?" retorted Scott. "Does that mean we're going to give up, and leave them to it? Let them ruin two worlds in their arrogance, without response or defiance?"

Turning away, Storm muttered "No, of course not. But..."

When he didn't continue, Scott sat up, looking down at the cream and blue face as the pokémon again didn't meet his eyes. "But what, Storm?" he asked, reaching his hand down to stroke the broad cream chest softly.

With a long sigh, Storm turned, facing his partner and said "I don't want to die again, Scott. I don't think I could take it again..."

Speechless, Scott froze, unable to formulate a reply. Dropping his head across the solidly muscled chest, he said "Nor do I, sweetheart. Nor do I."

When the pokémon wrapped his arms around Scott, hugging him tightly, Scott ran his fingers down the typhlosion's chest to stroke the soft belly fur with caressing fingers. He felt Storm stir, but the pokémon didn't shift far, as he lay back and sighed at the ministrations.

Still, Scott was surprised when a chuckle rumbled deep from the chest pressed against him, and he raised his eyes to see the pokémon smirking down at him, a wry grin across his muzzle. Raising his eyebrow, Scott let a grin cross his own face, giving his partner a quizzical look. "What?" he said, curious as to the sudden change of mood, and Storm flicked his nose downwards to rumble "What do you mean, what? Damn, you always know how to change the topic in the most ingenious ways!"

Following the typhlosion's stare, Scott gave Storm a wry grin, as his questing fingers slid slowly along the swollen sheath aroused by his touch.

"Well, it beats lying here feeling sorry for ourselves" he retorted, stroking his partner again softly as Storm lay back again with a groan.

"Arceus! That's the truth!" he whispered, closing his eyes as the fingers drew back the stretched folds of furred skin, exposing the swollen flesh beneath until, finally, he lay exposed to the warm air.

At ten inches, the typhlosion was impressive to behold, and with a girth to match his length, Scott still drew a slight breath of envy whenever he pleasured his friend. With a deep ruby red hue, shot with purple blue veins and arteries, the long folds along its length glistened in the dim light, even as Scott teased the tapered tip lying past the tulip shaped, flared gland, causing it to pulse lightly under his fingertips as the typhlosion groaned again in pleasure.

"Gods, keep that up and I'm gonna fuck your brains out!" Storm grunted, causing Scott to snort in amusement as he curled the fingers of his right hand around the tip, thumb stroking the indented urethral opening that was rapidly becoming sticky with the pokémon's precum. The other hand, fingers wrapped as far as possible around the base of his friend's length, squeezed rhythmically, releasing another grunt from the heavily breathing typhlosion as he tensed up under the teasing.

The grunt turned rapidly into a gasp, as Scott dropped his face over his fingers, breathing soft, warm breath onto the sensitive flesh, soon followed by a moist tongue as he engulfed the head into his warm mouth, questing lips wrapping past the gland to meet tightly as he sucked slowly and rhythmically on Storm's penis.

The pokémon cursed softly, back arching as he tried unsuccessfully to shove as much of himself down the willing human's throat. Scott was ready for his involuntary action, long experience having him ready his left palm on Storm's abdomen, pressing down at each attempt to thrust deeper and harder, stymieing the instinctual movements of his lover.

For several minutes, the room echoed with their breathing; short gasps from Storm, and the less frequent, but equally arduous stolen breaths from Scott, as he began dropping his head deeper and deeper onto the pokémon, until the light touch of the pointed tip grazed the back of his throat and his gag sent a thrill of intense pleasure up the pokémon 's spine, his groans turning into a snarl as his paws dropped onto his partner's head, forcing him deeper onto his penis, with his back arching with the ecstasy of his release.

The initial spurt of his orgasm was short; a single gush of thick cum tantalising in its musky headiness, but Scott continued to suckle on the organ, knowing full well this was simply the precursor to what was to come.

And cum he did. Roaring out his pleasure, Storm released all his inhibitions, thrusting madly as he bucked up off the mattress, sending jet after jet of creamy, thick semen into Scott's waiting throat, as the human gagged involuntarily at the onslaught, striving to swallow as much of the heady liquid as his abused throat and stomach could handle.

The flood soon dried down to a trickle, as the spent typhlosion dropped back to the sheets, gasping as he released Scott to lie, exhausted, beside him.

After a few final swipes of his tongue, cleaning the last of the milky fluid from the softening organ, Scott teased the furry sheath back over the sensitive flesh, smoothing down the tussled belly fur as he lay his head on the pokémon's stomach, closing his eyes with a sigh as Storm reached down to rake gentle claws through his hair affectionately.

"You got a wicked mouth, for a human!" Storm joked, as Scott raised his eyes to meet his partners own with a smile.

"Yeah, it has its moments." he muttered, dropping back onto his gently moving pillow, as Storm's breathing slowed. Returning to his soft caress of Storm's fur, he rolled onto his stomach, eyes closed as the paws began kneading the skin of his neck and shoulders, strong pads pressing into the hard muscles knotted tight with weeks of tension and stress.

"Damn, you're a mess!" Storm swore softly, as he pressed hard along the human's spine, ignoring the grunts as Scott winced at the discomfort. Still, the human didn't pull away as Storm forced his aching back into submission, the skilled paws doing the job expertly as they had on so many occasions in the past.

'You're gonna bruise, I think" Storm told him solemnly once he'd done what he could, the gleam in his eyes belying the innocent nature of his comments. Finished with the heavy handedness, he was now content to stroke the soft, naked skin beneath his paws gently. "I wouldn't walk around without a shirt for a while. People might begin asking awkward questions."

Scott pressed his face into the belly fur beneath him, blowing a long, loud raspberry that had the secretly ticklish pokémon squirming in discomfort.

"Yeah, my breath stinking of pokémon jizz isn't enough to have them wondering already, I guess" he finally got out, grunting as the amused typhlosion grabbed him under the arms, and drew him up into a hug against his chest. When the tapered muzzle began sniffing intently at his face, Scott laughed at the amusing antics, quickly stifled as the long tongue snaked into his mouth, twining against his own in a long, luxurious kiss.

Shortness of breath finally had him pull back, and they broke the embrace as Scott drew away to look into Storms face, sudden sadness at his friend's desperate expression crossing his own.

As their eyes met, the human said softly "You know how much I love you, Storm. Nothing will change that. Not ever. If we get through this... no! When we get through this, I'm over caring what anyone thinks. It doesn't matter anymore. You and I, we're more than a team. We're two parts of a whole."

Storm's eyes softened and he nodded briefly. "We always have been, Scotty. Always have, always will, ever since we met. I don't care what they think, neither. I never have; you know that. Fuck 'em and their outdated, bigoted opinions. It's only for your sake, and your reputation, I've kept my tongue. Besides, Arceus help anyone who thinks they're gonna separate us now. I'll shred them into pieces if they try!"

Grinning suddenly, Scott grabbed his friend into another hug, sharing the moment before Storm squirmed suddenly, and looked at him intently.

"All this mushy shit isn't gonna stop you screwing my brains out, is it? Cause, I mean... It's been a while..."

Snorting, Scott shook his head against the cream fur of Storm's chest, before pushing back and retorting dryly. "Not likely. I'm as horny as a horny quilava, as you well know."

Storm smirked. "Yeah, like hell you are! I remember a certain horny quilava pashing a kid once, who near shit his pants when it happened. Least, until he locked lips back in return!"

Grinning despite himself, Scott nodded. "Well, I wasn't exactly expecting that, at the time. As I remember, I thought you were still shitty at me chucking that water balloon at you, getting your fur all drenched. You bitched and moaned to the point I was going to chuck more at you, just to shut you the hell up. Next thing I know, your arms were around my neck, your maw was locked on mine, and your tongue was buried to the root in my mouth, trying to reach my stomach. All that ran through my mind was that you were trying to chew my face off, from the inside!"

Storm gave a deep giggle, surprising Scott who shot him a raised eyebrow. Shrugging, the typhlosion feigned innocence. "It seemed like a good thing to do at the time, is all. You didn't seem to mind it much. Once you stopped pissing your pants, anyway."

Rolling his eyes, Scott relented, knowing he'd not live down his initial reaction at the time, but muttered "When you dropped and pulled down my pants, then started sucking my dick like you were a baby tauros getting a feed from his mother, what was I going to do? I was fourteen, randy, and had a hot pokémon maw wrapped around my cock. Besides, who would I tell? Mum? Dad? My teacher?"

Smirking, Storm proffered "Well, maybe that weird, freaky lookin' priest at the Arceus temple, where you got that community service that time? Reckon' he would have been in on it, in a heartbeat!"

"Pervert!" shot back Scott, amused despite himself. "That bastard was probably even more twisted than you were."

Pointing to his chest, Storm said innocently "What? Me? I'm the fucking fount of all things good and sweet!"

Leaning forward, Scott pressed his nose against that of the suddenly intent pokémon, and said "Yeah? Let's see about that, shall we?"

Grinning toothily, the typhlosion licked his nose with a sudden swipe and retorted "How you planning on doing that, my kinky friend?"

With a hand planted on his chest, Scott pushed the typhlosion back onto the mattress, his head thumping onto the two pillows haphazardly stacked against the bed head. Crawling between the furred thighs, he placed a hand on either side of the pokémon's body, leaning forward to confront the challenge in his partner's eyes. "Oh, I'll think of something. Now, lay back and shut the hell up!"

Smirk across his muzzle, Storm did as directed, as Scott sat upright, running his hands against the arousal of the pokémon, before slipping them beneath his calves and hoisting the typhlosion's legs upward. Shuffling forward, Scott draped the heavy limbs across his shoulders, the feet resting against his spine as the pokémon crossed them against the human's back. Scott ignored the tightening grip, running his palms down the legs before moving to his own aroused penis, resting inches from the pokémon's anus.

With one hand stroking himself, Scott let the fingers of his right tease the tight, bare flesh of Storm's opening, eliciting a gasp from the pokémon as he lay back under the ministrations. The teasing index finger soon slipped inside, followed by a second, and a third, causing Storm to groan at the sensation of being stretched open.

Now hard and ready, Scott pursed his lip, considering his next move. Quirking his lip, he reached forward, grasping the pokémon's sheath in a sudden move that left his partner stunned. A few quick jerks through the thick flesh produced the desired result, as thick precum oozed from the gland, smearing itself against Scott's waiting fingers as he transferred the gelatinous liquid to his own shaft, and the waiting opening of the pokémon.

"Should have bought some lube, tight arse!" muttered Storm from the sheets, as Scott whispered back "Oh, I'll fix that tight arse issue soon enough!", guiding his now slippery and well lubricated cock forward and thrusting it into Storm's body with a sudden lunge.

Grunting with the movements of the human straddling him, Storm soon matched his rocking pace of Scott straddling him, as the human almost withdrew fully, before ploughing his length back into the waiting ass. Gritting his teeth, Scott wrapped his arms around the legs still draped over his shoulder, using the purchase to press himself harder and deeper into the waiting warmth, the pleasure mounting with every contraction of the tight muscles encircling him even as Storm gave a sudden series of grunts, thrusting his body forward as the pokémon reached his limit, his own cock spilled his seed across his fur in his own ecstasy.

As the muscles clamped rhythmically around him, Scott couldn't hold on any longer. Pushing to his limit, he sprayed his cum deep into Storm's body, his faltering thrusts allowing some to escape their tight union to matt the dense fur beneath the pokémon 's stumpy tail as well as soaking into his own pubic hair. Finally spent, but with his now flaccid penis still inside his lover, he leant forward to nuzzle the pokémon's soft, creamy chest fur and whispered "I love you, sweetheart."

Storm didn't reply, even after Scott withdrew to lie against him once again, arms wrapped around each other as they slowly slipped towards sleep.

Head pillowed against his mate, Scott said softly "We're not going to die, Storm. I won't let that happen. Not to you, me or the others."

With a sigh, the typhlosion nodded imperceptibly. "Yeah, me neither, Scotty. We got too much livin' to do."


At Bill's parent's house, it was several hours before the tired pair managed to extricate themselves from the multitude of questions and head towards Bill's old bedroom.

Shadow slunk at his heels, tired despite herself, and it was her canine filled wide yawns that finally gave Bill the opportunity to bade them goodnight. He'd planned on heading to his own home, but the thought of yet another forty minute drive ahead of him was overwhelming, and he accepted reluctantly the suggestion from his mum to crash at their place, instead.

The room hadn't changed markedly since he left it the year earlier, and Shadow's eye widened as she entered, taking in the things that still marked the place as his own. The posters of scantily-clad bikini girls draped over motorbikes still hung on the walls, although time had caused a few to look more tattered than Bill remembered. His desk, strangely empty of the usual clutter littering its surface, lay stark and empty, with only his old laptop on its surface, testimony to his parents rezoning the room as a makeshift office. The double bed, once seemingly so small, dominated the far end of the room beneath the curtained window, was neatly made for the first time in memory.

It was both as he remembered, yet strangely foreign.

He'd just moved on from that life was all.

He wasn't the same person he was even a year ago.

A loud snort of amusement had him spin to see Shadow studying the posters intently, as she cocked her head towards him, eyeing him suggestively as she pointed a paw at one of them, before rolling her eyes with a smirk.

Bill grinned, stepping over to ruffle the dense, dark fur of her mane, laughing as she pulled her head back in indignation. Flopping backward, he dropped to crash onto the bed behind him, spreading his arms and legs tiredly.

Still, he grunted as she leapt on top of him, dropping her weight over his body as she straddled him from head to foot, face mere inches from his own as she breathed out softly, lowering herself into his embrace.

"You know I would look ridiculous in one of those thing, don't you?" she told him in pokéspeak. He grinned again, scratching her ears softly as he retorted "Oh, I don't know. I wouldn't mind seeing you in one, although it might get us both arrested. Or on national TV. Or both."

She nuzzled his neck as he hugged her close, as he whispered to her "Besides, you're sexy enough without any of that stuff, gorgeous kitten."

Snorting again, she muttered "flatterer!", but didn't pull away as he returned the caress, a soft sigh escaping her as he began long, slow raking of his fingers down her back, grasping the dense fur of her rump as she gave a groan of pleasure at his attention.

Of course, it was at that moment, that Bill's mother pushed open the door to stick her head in the room and ask "Do you need anything....Oh!"

Bill froze, before he called out dryly "A little privacy, mum? We're fine! Honestly!"

Nodding rapidly, his mother gulped, shutting the door behind her a little too hard as she beat a hasty retreat back to the far end of the house, and her waiting husband.

Sighing, Bill muttered "Damn!" before opening his eyes to regard the startled gaze of the luxray, who had her mouth wide in a silent "Oooh!"

They exchanged the stare a moment, until her eyes crinkled in amusement, and they began laughing uncontrollably, the heaving of his chest sending her bouncing against him.

By the time they finally regained control, Bill's heaving breathing subsiding to a rasp, he bent forward to plant a kiss on her muzzle, ardently returned until, breathless again, they broke the contact and he rolled her to the side, bracing her back against the wall as he stretched and groaned.

"I got the feeling I've 'got some 'splainin' to do!" he said in a false Italian accent, wry grin on his face. While she didn't get the reference to the old school TV program from his childhood, she nodded regardless, stretching herself as she extended her claws to clench the air repeatedly, before dropping them across his shoulders around his neck.

"More complications we don't need, huh kitten." he muttered, wrapping his arms around her as she began a worried apology. "I'm sorry, Bill..." she began, concern in her expression, but he kissed her deeply again, and hushed her up.

"They'll live. It's one of the reasons I moved out of home. The lack of privacy was becoming unbearable. Hell, last time she barged in on me, I was spread out with a naked blonde on her back..." winding down, he turned beetroot red as she laughed harder at his embarrassment. Nuzzling him softly, she whispered "I'm not blonde, at least." at which he resumed his stroking caress and said "No, thank God. You're way smarter and much more amazing."

"Again with the flattery! You males are all the same!" she hissed, as his hands drew lower again, followed by his face as he began nuzzling down her dense blue chest fur towards the black reaches beneath. Gasping as his lips pressed between her rear legs, she couldn't help involuntary spreading them wide, giving him full access to her nether regions as she would for a male of her own kind.

He didn't object, lips seeking and finding the soft musky opening within the hot fur, tongue parting the moist black flesh to delve deeply into the heated passage within. Arching up against him, she gasped again, as his tongue penetrated deeper, joined by a finger that slipped to begin kneading gently the small nub that shot spears of pleasure through her body.

She kept her cries faint, barely above a whisper, as she humped against his face desperately seeking the release he promised. A minute past, then a second, with the rocking of the bed and soft hisses of delight accompanying the occasional moist slurp the only sound heard.

Bill continued stroking her thighs, then moved his free hand to the base of her tail, teasing the soft ring of flesh there as he pressed against her anus, inciting her to even further levels of ecstasy. But the moment arrived when she could no longer contain herself, stifling her cry as a spasm rocked her body once, then again, sending a gush of thick, musky fluids pulsing across Bill's face as her orgasm crashed through her, spinning her into exhaustion.

Spent, she lay back, breathing heavily and twitching as Bill continued to bathe her with his tongue, lapping up the mess he'd created before, finally satisfied she'd pass muster in the morning, raised his head to see her peering down at him, head cradled on the pillow and an obviously satisfied, lusty expression on her face.

"Worth the wait?" he teased, as she nodded vigorously, reaching out for him as he moved into her arms.

"Think your parents noticed?" she breathed into his ear, and he shrugged, smirking at her. "Doubt it. You were suitably controlled, I'd say. Besides, from my end, you are a dream, kitten." Evil smirk crossing his face, he breathed her strong scent into her face, as she blissfully wrinkled her nose taking it in. "You taste wonderful!"

Sniggering, she drew him tightly against her, hot fur teasing him through his clothing, and he vowed to take them off at the first available opportunity. But she continued to grip him almost desperately, and when she began shaking, he turned worried eyes to hers, startled to see them clenched closed.

"What is it?" he said, concerned, and she shook her head, a little frantically, until with a long drawn in breath, she said almost imperceptibly "Be my mate!"

Startled, he said "I thought I am..." but she hushed him, ruby eyes opening to bore into his own, as she said in a husky voice "My life mate!"

Frozen in shock, he took in her desperate plea with a warm smile, shocked she felt he needed to even be asked.

"But I am, kitten. From the moment I met you, I've been yours. Did you ever think otherwise?"

Shaking her head slowly, she grasped him to her again, and it was a long time before either felt it necessary to stir.

But time they had, the pair of lovers.

All the time in the world.


Authors note:

Alright, here's the rub.

Damaged finger is still shitting me, but at least it sort of works again, albeit not that well. Sensitivity is pissing me off, but could be worse.

House is a fucking disaster still. Will be a few months before I finish, and it's my priority atm. So, everything revolves around that.

On top of everything else, I'm losing a large part of my income, as one of my employers decided to give in, and shut the business on short notice. How this is going to sort out, on top of everything else fucking with me at the moment, is a mystery, but again it holds priority over other matters, including writing.

I'll try and keep future delays to a minimum, but they're not likely to go away any time soon.

Getting back to writing has been a bitch. Writers block, on top of stress, has me avoiding it avidly, but I want this bloody story finished by Xmas. Two years is a ridiculous amount of time to spend on it! Still, I have the ending pretty well mapped out, and I will say it's going to be interesting!

With all the delays, I decided to write this chapter in the sexy manner. I sort of owe it to those who like that sort of thing, and it's a hell of a long time coming. With the ending in sight, there probably isn't much chance of it occurring again before the finale, but beggars can't be choosers. It also isn't intensely edited because, well, I don't give a shit ;) Sorry, but I'm shagged atm.

I will say, every time I write this stuff, someone always whinges and says "Oh, why didn't it include this going down on that", or "why isn't it longer and more detailed". To those people, I say clearly, and I mean it most charitably and with the upmost respect; please don't! (Do note I toned this comment down from "Piss off and die!" because I'm such a nice, awesome guy ;) Honestly, I'm not a happy camper atm, and the last thing I need is someone complaining about stupid, when I have more important things to concern me IRL. Take it as written, and be glad you got this much! Shit, I very nearly skipped this chapter altogether, and was going straight to Ch 59 ignoring this in its entirety, so consider yourselves fortunate!

However, to all the large bulk of perfectly normal, happy people who seem to like what I write as it is, even when I don't spend 500 pages describing smut, and don't see the need for the aforementioned bitching whenever something disagrees with them, I hope it ticked a few boxes and they enjoyed it. Certainly, I had a good long session with it after writing it, and the plot has been on my mind for a long time. As I always say, a good dose of pokémon nookie does wonders for your mental attitude. ;)

Then again, I'm a pervert. A grumpy, pissed off and not overly happy one atm, but still... a pervert at heart.

Next chapter will be back to actual story. It's all gonna go crazy from here!

Totally mental!

Oh, BTW, the horny quilava comment was in appreciation for a quote in a comic strip from Ausfer a while back, which had me in stitches when I first saw it!

"Why can't you just suck dicks like a normal quilava??"

LOL!! Gods...funny shit!

Finally, the title comes from one of my favourite songwriters. Enigma.

I love this album. One of the few things that relaxes me anymore.