March Hare: The Virgin Slayer.

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#1 of 3rd Earth Shorts

Originally this was a scene from 3rd Earth but I liked it so much I decided to rewrite it add some stuff changes some names and fats forward the time era from the Medieval period to Modern Day and Voila...a one shot short story!

March Hare: The Virgin Slayer.

The lights flashed as the music blare loudly in the strip club where a young human only just come of legal age watched a sensuous female ferret move with fluid graceful motion covered only in loincloth cross thong.

Her humanoid form sliding and grinding against the long neon lit pole made him gasp as she arches and bends with a nimble agility no Human could ever match, her well-formed breasts easing the pole into her cleavage as if it was some lucky guys member before slowly easing up and down along it to deliberately tease the gathering of guys around it.

Her long torso bending sensually in ways few other females from the other species could even begin to hope to achieve as she seems to curl around the dance pole its shaft running up and down between her cleavage.

Every male present just drooled and gawped at her like so many hypnotised prey, before suddenly bring her face to face with the Human giving him a 'I'm going to eat you alive and spit you out in bubbles' look about her face some of the guys gasped as they found themselves spoiling their briefs with their own seed.

The Young Man though just blushed and looked away before heading to find a seat causing the Ferret to frown slightly before grinning and waving a finger to a figure sitting in one shadow cloaked stalls, a sensuous shapely Hare Looked up flashing a smile at her dear ferret friend before looking over towards the Human walking away and grinned evilly as she got to her feet and began to stalk her next victim.

Behind her another young Human sat shaking his eyes rolled up and his clothes either eased up over his head but not off an or down amongst his ankles, his limb still slick and sticky member mercifully hidden in the shadows as she heads off towards the new Human.

The Hare stuck with him regardless of the large crowds he slipped through on his way to the bar, she had never allowed any male escape her before and she was not going to let this one be the first.

Walking a little quicker her eyes focused entirely upon the youth she found herself drawing closer and closer until bringing a disarming smile about her lips as she reached pouncing range of the male.

"Why hello there, care to buy a girl a drink?"

She asks with a slow innocent blink of her eyes, the young Human makes a squeaking sound as he nods nervously making the Hare ruin her facade by laughing in his face.

"My names Zoe, what's yours?"

Zoe asks gently trying to calm him down, she could smell his fear and felt it send shivers of pure delight through her body but she kept herself in check as she begins to find which bait would be best to use in order to hook this male.

Most of the first timers that failed to enjoy themselves where the Humans who walk into establishment after being talked or bullied into it by their friends or out of sheer curiosity that is until the hairless apes with a little coaxing finally move past their inhibitions then they really start to get into the swing of things.


The young male whimpered with a stiff stance that made Zoe all most melt in hysteria at how adorably cute he was being but she kept herself together.

"Thomas huh?...that's a sweet name may I sit here with you please?"

Again he nods stiffly making her run her eyes along his features as she tries to read him, Thomas smiles faintly or at least tries to.

"Don't worry I won't bite"

Zoe whispers into his ear but her closeness starts to make him shake, she blinks slightly as she pulls away realizing something.....something that made her muzzle water and a fire sudden blaze into life with in her loins.

He was a Virgin, calming herself slowly sits down giving him plenty of room so as not to spook him any further, she needed to be careful so as not to scare such a rare prize escape.

She couldn't remember the last time she heard of a Virgin entering the strip club at least not without being sniffed out and dragged into one the store room by some of the other girls, this one was going to be hers.

Setting out the bait by buying Thomas a weak drink so as not to get him drunk merely merry and susceptible to her suggestions, Zoe began her plan by talking about how he found out about the place which led on to why he was here.

The more information she wormed out of him the more he seemed to calm down and talk a little more freely, from what she could gather his friends had talked him into coming only to be distracted by one the dancers.

Zoe could pretty much fill in the blanks for herself, most likely they had grown tired of having one of their friends with an un-popped cherry so they lured him to the one place he would be guaranteed to have it more than popped it would be utterly destroyed without mercy.

"Ever been with a woman?"

She asks just throwing the question out casually baiting the hook and waiting patiently to see if her prey would bite.

"N...No, I...haven't"

Came the reply as he took her bait, she had to be careful now how she reeled him in, to aggressive and he would slip the hook and one the other females might get her prize n she would be damned if she let that happen.

"Do you ever want to?"

The Hare asked with just as equally causal a tone, he paused for a moment looking at her more intently now.

Zoe kept her breathing at a normal steady pace, her eyes looking to his chest while easing herself slowly into a position where Thomas could see down her top she waited for him to draw himself in to her clutches.

"I..Um well that is uh"

He babbled blushing brightly and looking as if he might try to run away, acting quickly so as not to let him escape her she slips her small paws into his hands and brings her lips to his lightly.

Zoe felt his body start to relax again as she pulls her lips free from his, he had a somewhat dopey expression about his face showing she had only to reel him in now.

"I'll take that as a yes shall we?"

The Hare smirks before turning to the barkeep saying.

"Got a nice fresh Virgin here gonna take him up to the Cherry Picker Motel, think you could cover for me?"

The large Equine looks at her then the still nervous looking Human before giving a curt nod and a firm reply.

"Sure, but this time try not to traumatise the poor guy!"

Licking her Muzzle Zoe grabs Thomas by the wrist and half drags half pulls him behind her as they head towards the main entrance.




[Twenty Minutes Later.]

Walking in wet trails of rain water Zoe helped Thomas up the stairs his body still recovering slightly from his early experience, their muddy boots and wet socks sat just inside the front door of the motel room and into bed room she gawped at the cot or rather a bed fit for a king, it was both a work of art as it was practical and capable of easily handling considerable abuse; but then it had to be considering what she had planned for him.

"Let's get you out of those wet things and warm you up shall we?"

Zoe mused sitting him down on the edge of his bed before tossing bot of their soaked coat over one of the nearby chairs, her small paws eagerly began helping him out of his coverings, her touch was surprisingly gentle and tender unlike his last encounter with her.

"We're not all ways so rough and aggressive Thomas"

Zoe laughs warmly as if she had just read his mind, leaning down she brings her muzzle to his face slamming her inhuman lips to his in a brief kiss, Thomas could feel them moving as she presses firmly against his chest with her paws.

With a soft moan she lifts his I love paws T-Shirt up along his well-built torso as he raises his arms allowing her to ease up over his head and away.

"Mnnnnnn I love that about you human's, even the ones with hair on their bodies you can see the beauty of their body!"

She groans running her hands along his chest hair before lowering her face to abdominals walls and tracing the firm array of stomach muscles with the tip of her small warm tongue.

The sensation sent the Human's mind spiraling as he leant back a little too far feeling the bed felt as if it had risen up to meet him, laying there on his back he closes his eyes for a second to enjoy the touch of the Hare's lips and tongue moving along his soft silky skin.


Was all he could say as a moan escapes his quivering body, drawing herself down along him as she straddles his waist brings herself down into a kiss for what felt like a blissful eternity.

Grudgingly she eases away from him getting back on to the floor once more, her little paw like hands grasping and pulling at his jeans before stopping to calm herself down a little and easing undone the small metal buttons before slipping down the zipper.

Pulling them up over his hips and away he lay over her bed all most stark naked, his feet resting against the floor as Zoe looked at him her eyes lighting up with delight as they feasted upon what they saw.

"I really must have a taste of that thing first!"

Zoe whispers shuffling her thighs uncomfortably as she leans over at a near perfect right angle, gasping his semi flaccid man-hood she sniffs then flicks her tongue along his bulbous head as she draws back his foreskin to taste him.

"Mnnnnnn Delicious!"

She groans before pursing her lagomorph lips together and pressing them firmly against his tip as if simulating the tight entrance of a virgin for his member to deflower.

Thomas whimpers then gasps deeply as he feels the tightness part and slide down along the bulb like head, the moist hot maw engulfs the entirety of his limp offering to her hungry muzzle.


He groans as he feels her tongue swirl around his member, she didn't move down any firth as she didn't need to she could feel him swell and harden inside of her mouth pushing that thickening head to the back of her throat then down through it.

Thomas really didn't stand a chance as she began to suckle greedily forcing his hands to grasp and clench at the bran new blankets beneath him, he could feel her lips moving around the base of his shaft as his bulbous end was jammed through her oral sphincter poking into her oesophagus.

A few seconds passed with her throat bulging before she drew back off along the now erect muscle until only the very end of it remained inside of her mouth as she pants and gasps for breath.

Thomas was impressed by just how she had managed to take him so deep without harming herself, even more considering her razor sharp incisors that lined the very front of her muzzle.

"Mnnnnn I see your impressed Human"

Zoe moans with her mouth full, he whimpers at the sudden sensation rippling down along his member much to her amusement.

Looking up at him she begins to ease her mouth down though not quite so far this time, last thing she wanted to do was to damage herself by bruising or splitting the pouting entrance to her gullet.

As it was she would probably suffer from a sore throat for the next few days for stretching her oral passage way so much.


Thomas gasps as the tight moist sensation that grasped and squeezed his man-hood, begins to piston its way down further and further until inch by inch he was half way inside of the females Muzzle once more.

Zoe could feel the bulb like end brushing against the back of her throat as she used her paws to caress and twist in a stroking fashion along the rest of his thick twitching muscle.

She could tell he was not going to last much longer by the contortions his face was making from her ministrations.


Came a whimpering cry as his head shakes from side to side unable to handle the sheer volume of sensation tearing through his senses, his vison blurred and as lights danced and shimmered before his eyes.

Second s latter he felt his body jerk and buck as the ball of heat sudden flared into existence at the every base of his shaft followed by a climax that stole every ounce of strength in his body.


The Female squeaks feeling the sudden blast of warm sticky cream splashing against the back of her throat before drawing back far enough along his length to swallow what she could the rest seeping out from the corners of her mouth.

With a few more bobs of her head she pulls free from his man-hood before running the tip of one of her fingers along the escaped dribbles of seed that had escaped her muzzle so she might slowly if not provocatively lick her finger tips clean.

Licking the corners of her muzzle with her small pink tongue; Zoe drags her own black tank-top with Bitch written along the front in white letters, up over head and tossing it amongst Thomas's clothes.

Her purple bra was next to follow as she unhooked it and simply dropped it on the bed before wiggling out of her tight thigh high black skirt showing the purple thong she had been wearing underneath.

Turning around she lifts her undies up over her hips and slowly down along her thighs as she bends over allowing her latest conquest see the moist hot pink area she would soon be feeding his reproductive tool deep inside of her.

With a flick of one of her paw like feet she kicks her thongs away and climbs up onto the bed keeping her mischievous eyes fixed upon his as she enjoys the sound of his nervous whimpering.

"Mnnnnn! Time for the next round Thomas, hope you're ready?"

Zoe winks slowly making him gulp deeply as he looks down his body and into those malevolent eyes he could see the hungry glint in her gaze as her trim well-formed body began to ease up over his, her warm soft fur sending shivers of pure ecstasy through his body.


He cries out as her small chest brushes along his allowing her muzzle to clash aggressively with his lips, he felt her inhuman lips or what passed as such for a Hare part his own as she eases her tongue slowly down along his.

The sheer passion and lust in her kiss was so strong his eyes rolled up into his head as he passes out for a few brief seconds, he came round to a stinging sensation across his cheeks, with his eyes fluttering up he felt one of several slaps to his face to awaken him.

"Good, it not as much fun if you're unconscious!"

Zoe grins wickedly turning the last approaching slap to a tender caress of his crimson cheeks.

Thomas could feel a moist warm sensation enveloping the lower section of his man-hood from where her lower lips where parted around the length of his shaft, this realisation caused him to gulp deeply.

"You're so cute Human, I'm going to enjoy utterly destroying your cherry!"

The Hare whispers slowly planting her paw like fists either side of his face, it was then Zoe began undulating her stomach muscles with a slow circular grinding motion, he could feel her thighs squeeze against him as she tenses her small strong buttocks with gradual trust like strokes of her hips.

Thomas was biting his bottom lip as the sensation of her sliding along his thick swollen member was starting to have an effect upon him as eased his hands slowly up behind her to grasp her firm taunt little rear as that small powder puff of a tail twitched and jerked at the squeeze of her cheeks.


He managed groan as Zoe's juices began to ooze down along his pelvis, she became more and more aroused with her little fun; by now he was once again as hard as stone not that she showed any signs of stopping if anything her sliding strokes began to increase in speed as she began to pant and moan deeply as she breaks the kiss, her hot breath now against his face as she trembles against him.

The caress of her fur was like the caress of some goddess given flesh followed by the cruel playful brush of Zoe's six swollen nipples dragging across his skin like the claws of a lustful Succubus.


Zoe wailed picking up speed with shorter more aggressive pelvic thrusts against the Human, she could feel the building pressure building deep within as she grinds her lower lips along his thick swollen muscle.

The heat he could feel from her entrance slipping and sliding against his member was amazing even if his pelvis had become quite soaked by her sexual juices, grasping handfuls of blanket from either side of Thomas's head the female muzzle wrinkles up as she lets out cute vulnerable cry as her first orgasm hits her.

"I think.....*pants*'re....*gasps*....ready now"

The Hare whispers between deep gasping breaths as she reaches down between them she lifts her hips up while guiding his thick bulbous head to her entrance, before easing herself back down slowly impaling herself upon him.

Zoe watches the expression on his face as he's fed into his first female passage way, she loved how his eyes squinted caught between wanting clamp down tight yet unable to stop looking at how he sinks slowly with some ease up inside of her.

"UHNNNN...You're Lucky Thomas...*pants*....losing your cherry to someone with experience!....*gasps*.....It can be quite the...Uhnnnn!....disappointment losing it to another Virgin who...*Grunts*....doesn't know what they're doing"

She groans as Thomas found himself almost paralyzed from the sheer sensation of his man-hood being fed other tight moist entrance, the way his foreskin had rolled back as she had begun to insert him had all most made him release right then and there but her grip and don't you dare look in her eyes kept him in check though only barely.

Now he could feel those tight hot inner walls gripping around his member as it's drawn up inside of her, it felt like as the muscles where corduroy trousers turned inside out but with a soft vice like grasp.

"Brace yourself!"

Thomas hears her say but before he can she pushes down hard forcing his bulbous head up against the pouting unyielding entrance to her womb, panting deeply he lays there his mind reeling as she twists and pushes for a few more moment until with a sickening crunch her cervix dilates and give sway to his bulb like tip.

He felt her sudden decent take him to the hilt as her pouting entrance closes around his thick swollen shaft.

"NNNNNNGH!.....No Human Female...ahnnnn!...could do this...uhnnnn!...for you!"

Zoe moans feeling a sense of fullness emanating through every inch of her body before starting things off with a slow grinding motion of her hips as she props herself up right astride him.

Once more her stomach muscles begin to undulate, squeezing and moving her inner walks around his long girth that lay buried so deeply inside of her as she applied more and more force to her hips.


She yells at him before suddenly stopping with a frown, with a harsh stroke she slaps his face aggressively.


She yells noticing him holding his breath, something most inexperienced male s and females do when involved with intercourse then as he let out his breath she resumed her deep circular motions that involved both her hips and her torso.

Only this time she squeezes her buttocks as she pushes downwards to apply more pressure around his quivering muscle to force him to let out his breath in case he began holding it again, trying to ease his hand up along her thighs Thomas found he could barely move.

The sheer force of pleasure engulfing him as the pressure and heat began to build at the base of his shaft was just too much for him, his vision began to blur in and out of focus as several times he all most blacked out from the over load of pure ecstasy.

Then it happened he felt his first climax inside a female body wash over him with such force all colour drained from his sight for a few seconds before returning, the whole time Zoe had kept up her assault forcing him to bare every last ounce of orgasmic pleasure before laying down over him while his mind soared in its afterglow.

A smile formed across her lips as she kisses his chest, she would let him rest before she took another ride on him, she was far from finished, after all it was her responsibility to make sure Thomas had at least rudimentary knowledge on how to satisfy a female.

