The Dark Cell: Red Cabbage Soup

Story by darkmaster03 on SoFurry

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As the protagonist becomes aware once more, he comes to realise that even the tender moments are often filled with pain.

The Dark Cell:  Red Cabbage Soup

By darkmaster03

May 22 2014 4:44am

The smell of red cabbage soup, hit my nose. My mouth opened

and just as my tongue touched that wet fur, a soapy taste entered my mouth. The

runoff from his chest fur, cascading down as he held me against himself under

the shower. I tried to push away from him, my hands were encased in some sort

of metal gloves, which in turn were chained to the collar around my neck.

Unaware that I was being held up so high, I started to thrash in his grip,

which he lost as my body twisted free.

Falling onto a wet tiled floor, I whacked my tailbone very

hard. The impact sent a painful sensation up my spine, which I couldn't rub in

anyway. All I could do was grit my teeth, pinch my eyes tight and wait for the

pain to alleviate.

I couldn't believe I was tossed back in here. "This isn't

real." I said to myself, "I'm not bound anymore!" Hearing these words echo in

the darkness around me, as if somehow the cuffs on my hands would disappear.

"Then if I step on you, you won't feel a thing?" A voice asked from high above.

My chest and my legs were covered by a smooth pad, my head was in-between his

furred toes. Weight suddenly increased on my chest, as my legs went numb in the

cold water. "No, I will, I mean I do." I said. Feeling the weight of his wet

pad lift off of me. Warm, furry fingers surrounded me, as I felt myself lifted

back against his chest.

Looking straight ahead, the water felt cool and comforting

as it rained down from above, warmed just enough by his body, that it wasn't

icy. "Do you know what it feels like to be raped by a hairy monster twice your

size, only to see it have his organ eviscerated in front of you, mere moments

later?" I said out of the blue. The sight of that creature thrashing in pain

was still in front of me, I closed my eyes and pressed my face against that

muscular wall of fur. "I should have just let you step on me, honestly...I didn't

feel a thing." In my attempt to redact my earlier statement, my eyes filled

with tears.

He lifted me to his face, and gave me a lick. "I could never

hurt you, much less take your life. Besides it was just a dream, you'll

eventually stop having them, and always wake up here, with me." His large sharp

teeth flashed in front of me, as he spoke with convincing realism. Placing me

on a lower platform, he squatted in front of me. "Just relax and keep still."

He said, as I heard him lathering a bar of soap in-between his paws.

His finger dabbed the underside of my chin, the motion

parted the hairs, allowing me to feel how thick my beard had actually gotten,

and it wasn't long at all. I wanted to ask him a question, but he said hold

still, so I waited. My head was gripped and held firmly, as I felt something

scrape the underside of my neck, traveling upwards toward my chin. The way some

of my hairs, were pulled out by the motion, it felt like an old razor blade. I

couldn't do anything, I didn't want to scream from the pain for fear of it

sinking into my neck, nor did I have the ability to pull back. Tears started to

well up in my eyes as, I felt blood trickle down from where the hairs were

pulled out. All that I can do, is pinch my eyes tight and think about how it

will be over soon.

The pain gets to me, after he scrapes my cheek. My nerves

make my legs shake, and he knows it's hurting badly, it became excruciating

after mere moments later. His wide, warm tongue licks up the blood gushing from

the wound, which feels better than merely washing it off with freezing cold

water. I know he enjoys my taste, otherwise he wouldn't do it this way. He used

to ask me every time, if he could lick me, just so I would say yes, only once

did I say no. The first time. Such a wonderful, compassionate creature, I

wonder if he'll ever get fed up with me. I ask him a lot of questions, though

most of the time he just talks to me, out of boredom. "I love you." That is the

thanks he gets, which he returns with a smile, every time. No matter how much

pain I have to tolerate.

Feeling the smooth texture of his furry fingers, as they

pressed against the crown of my head, affectionately rubbing with lathered

paws. "How do I tell, if I'm alive?" I asked. His fingers stopped rubbing, as

he thought for a moment. Kneeling down beside me, he looked into my eyes. "You

can't tell if you're alive." He told me. Usually he asks for permission before

doing anything sexual, or rough. But he cupped his right paw against my back,

his thumb pressed onto the back of my head, so I wouldn't be able to pull away.

His furry lips pressed into mine, as his wide tongue entered my mouth. As his

eyes closed, just for a few moments, I was enveloped in complete darkness. "You're

alive to me." He said.

Those beautiful eye's opened, and I saw him smile as he rose

back up. He continued lathering my hair, with his paws. He didn't say another

word, but I heard him lick his lips many times. It was over even before it

started. The way he tasted, and the texture of his giant tongue was

unforgettable. I've never been kissed this way by him before, it was always a

lick. Sometimes, a slow lick, other times I kissed his tongue, as he licked my

face. But this time... It must have been the way I sounded, when I asked the

question. He did it, even though it wasn't his way of normally showing

affection, I guess he didn't know what else to do.

The haircuts kept getting better and better, every time.

Even though he had to use that dull shaving instrument, to slice through

strands of my hair. It was perfectly executed, he had impressive feline

dexterity, as I felt his fingers artfully crafting his favorite look for me.

When he was satisfied, he picked me up and held the back of my head, over the

freezing cold running water. The water caused my hair to drape over my

forehead, as furry fingers loosened the bits of loose hair, before he ruffled me

dry with his towel, and placed me onto his bed. I sat up and watched the

darkness, as he brushed my hair from the floor and placed it into the garbage


When he was done, he brought me onto his chest, as he lay on

his back. "Stand up, I want to check my handiwork." He told me, as he lowered

me from his grip. I did as I was told, I couldn't help but smirk as his eyes

stood over me. Feeling his fingers grasp my cheeks, as he gently turned my head

from side to side. "You're perfect." He said, as his large finger gave me a

friendly poke, causing me to fall backwards, onto his muscular fluffy chest.

With eager enthusiasm, I got up and walked over to his

crotch. His large feline penis had been poking out for quite some time after he

licked my face. As my lips pressed against the smooth feline skin..."hey, I don't

want you sticky, five seconds after you've been cleaned up." He said. With his

left hand, he brought me up onto his chest, and kept the palm of his heavy paw

on my back, immobilizing me in place. His fur brushed against the side of my

face as I turned my head, and lay down. "There's got to be something we can

do?" I spoke out loud, while staring and thinking.

Fingers gripped around my midsection, as I felt the ground

under me lurch up. He placed me onto the bed, in-between his legs. His eyes

rose up, even though I couldn't see him, his form was a grand spectacle to

behold, judging from the height of his eyes, as he propped himself up, his gaze

loomed above me. I felt dwarfed by his height, as I saw his teeth flash. "Just

be careful where you press, my claws are immensely sharp." He told me, and in

one bone crunching motion, his foot was dropped onto me.

The weight was immense, as his large pad pressed me down.

The large feline wasn't even exerting any force, it was the sheer weight of all

of that bulk, pressing onto me at once. My face was forced into his smooth pad.

Trying to twist my head to the left, then to the right, but it was pressed down

so hard, just too much weight for me to handle. I pushed up with my bound

gloves, and felt some of the pressure lift up just a bit. "Are you alright, I'm

not hurting you am I?" His voice spoke from high above. Now that I could open

my mouth, the first thing I did, was press my tongue against the rough texture.

The smell of his freshly washed paw was on my taste buds, as I slid it across a

tiny fraction of his immense pad.

Pressing against him a bit more, gave me enough room, so

that I could rub with both my limbs. Rubbing vigorously. Every so often,

raising my head, so I could lick him a few more times. "I want to taste your

entire paw, starting from your heel." I said. Feeling his paw move forward over

top of me, it felt like it kept going on forever before it stopped. The smooth

fur of his heel tickled, as it brushed over me. "Okay, I'm ready." I said,

before sticking my tiny tongue out, pressing it onto that immense upside down

wall of fur, hanging above me.

The texture of his furry heel, gliding across my tongue was

so smooth. The fur tasted divine, it smelled faintly of him, even though it was

just washed. I inhaled deeply, as my body was barely touching the slowly

gliding paw. He had massively long paws, though he walked on his pads, which

could easily cover the heads of a hundred people at a time. They were rough,

but sensitive. As my tongue slid against the texture, high above his thoughts

began to wander. The slow moving wall above me started to press harder against

my face. My tongue wasn't strong enough, to press that hard against his

sensitive pad. I heard him make purring sounds as his paw pressed me down.

Attempting to lift my arms up, the massive weight kept me pinned.

My tongue went back in my mouth, as my head was forced down.

The pressure was so great on my head, I barely felt my nose break, due to the

rough gliding motion, scraping my body apart. When the massive furry toes

approached, the weight began to lift somewhat. I could barely see the shock in

his eyes, as my face came into view from in-between his toes. My mouth was

bloody from the rough pad cutting into my tongue, and my nose had been pressed

and broken into my face. If he had moved his paw the other way, my nose bone

could have very likely gotten lodged into my brain.

He immediately removed his paw, setting it down on the side

of the bed. I sat up, feeling dizzy and in pain. "I am so sorry, I didn't know

I was pressing so hard, are you alright?" he asked with a shocked look in his

eyes. "I'm fine, but I think my nose is broken." I said with a bloody mouth, my

tongue felt like it had been shredded with a knife. "I don't think I want to do

that again." I squeaked, falling onto my back and seeing those concerned eyes

hover over me, as I blacked out.