The hiker and the filly:chapter one:Introduction

Story by xj9 on SoFurry

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#1 of The hiker and the filly series

This story is Based on a fantasy in my head And the main character is a little reference to my own personality.

Because this is my first fiction story. expect some errors. Also English is not my first language. so there may be grammar errors.

Also i hope that there are some people interested to be a proofreader.

I hope you enjoy this and leave some comments.

tips and advice are welcome :)

The hiker and the filly

Chapter one:Introduction

This story will be set in the high country five years after the events from the silver brumby TV series. We will following the human Marcus, a hiker and is traveling at the Snowy Mountains region of Australia. But his life is about to change, when he meets the mare Luna.

In the high country there is always the call of bush animals, the song of the birds, the hoof beats of wild brumby's. But one thing that you will rarely hear are the sound of heavy steps from a man.

The owner of that sound is someone a long way from human civilization, a choice that he had taken freely. One day he was heaving enough of everything in his life. The horrifying stories on the news about a Country where innocent people were killed. The so called Friends in his live who didn't Care how it goes with him. When he decided that it was time to go away from it, he had taking his travel back, put some clothes, survival gear, tent and sleeping back and was Flying to the "land down under". After he have arrived at Melbourne, He had buy some food And was heading to the mountains of the Australian Alps . This was the last time the Human was seeing in the safety of civilization.....

No one knows how long the human has traveled, or when it was the last time he had somebody to talk with. One thing has been sure, and that was that this man is one his own For a long time. The human looks Like he has been lost in the forest for months. Survival with small amount of food, hunting for his own meal, looking for shelter to keep warm in the cold nights. This is not true, the man was not lost but was walking every day to reach his destination on time before darkness. This has taken much energy from the human. On the Trip he would collect some Nuts and berries that are familiar with him and are safety to consume. Sometimes if he stumble on a river or a small lake he catch some fish for himself to eat. For outsiders this men looks crazy ,but he likes this life.

After traveling thirty Miles today, he found a nice small grass field to rest for a couple days. It was deeply hidden in the woods so no one could disturb him in his peace. "no humans at least" The men Setting up his tent and cooking his caught fish on a small fire.

After satisfied with his meal, the young men was slowly dozing off...

On the other side of the woods, a herd of wild brumby's was grazing and enjoying the sunset. This Herd Consist of two small Bands, Led by a two stallion's an there Lead mare's.

The first Band Was led by Thowra And his mate Boon Boon, These two had spent years together as a couple. These two lovers are expecting their Third foal in a couple of months, the herd also consist of Four other mares who were grazing together With their foals close by.

The second Band was led by Thowra's half-brother storm, and his mate Kalari , Boon Boon sister. Next to her was their 2 months old colt named Midnight. In This herd there were three Mare's. The first two where Amy and Celeste And The other mare was Luna , Storm and Kalari Oldest daughter.

Luna a 3 year old bay filly, was grazing from a small distant from her parents, She wanted some time for herself.

It is not that she Dislike her father's herd. But sometimes she just want to be on her own.

Soon it will be happening that the filly is going to being a grown mare, this was also the reason why she want to be more independent from her father's herd.

Some herd members didn't understand why the filly never has accepted the company of a stallion or joining a other Herd. There were much stallions who were interested in her, But she always rejected their offer. When they asked their this she just indicated them many times, that she never felt a bond with one. She just was waiting for the right time to meeting someone Who she truly like's ,one she wants to spend her life with.

Luna was about to just lie down, for a short nap. When she Suddenly heard small hoof steps approaching. But when she noticed it was her Little Brother Midnight, she was just smiling at him.

When her brother was jumping on her back and enthusiastic was Saying "Hey Sis whatcha doing?"

Luna was giving an annoying snort ant was saying with an annoying Voice"what it looks like i am doing ?"

"it looks like you are doing nothing but stare"

Luna just rolling her eyes, when suddenly her mother came to join.

When she has greeted her mother she asks "Luna Would you be a dear and keep an eye on you brother for a couple of minutes?"

"Sure,no problem but where are you going?"

"You father and i Just are going to explorer the woods a little bit" Hoping that her daughter Know What she means with that.

Luna was just smiling and make sure that her brother didn't hear her Saying. "You two have fun then, just do me a favor and make sure that i get a new baby sister instead of a brother"

Her mother was blushing "i can't promise that, but we will try"

When her mother and father where out of sigh, Midnight suddenly was giving an Nip on his sister neck and screaming "Tag you're it!" Luna just was go along with it' And chasing Her brother Whinnying "That not fair!! We didn't even started."

When her father And mother where back from there little expedition, Luna was feeling exhausted from their game, also her brother was tired and currently lying on the grass taking a nap. Her mother and father where silence approaching Them to not disturb the colt from his sleep. "My compliments" her father says. "i never find him this worn out, what have you do to him?"

Luna was giving a low laugh saying "i have did nothing to him we only played tag"

"her mother was smiling at her" whatever you did you did well, I hope that he wasn't such a handful?"

Luna was giving a long sigh "its ok, but sometimes i don't understand how you keep up with him."

Her mother was chuckling "you would understand some day when you have your own foal to care for"

She just was rolling her eyes she hears that sentence allot from her. "i guess your right"

After Having a little chat with her parents she was feeling tired.

When she bid her parents a goodnight, she was going to a small field in woods.

A place she sometimes go's when she wants to be alone. although it's dangerous to sleep with no protection from the herd se didn't feel to worry, because the woods always feels safe for her.

However this time she didn't expect, that she have some company in the woods.