Red Stage Tales #1 - Horny Hound

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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Red Stage Tales 1 - Horny Hound

It has been a hell of a year since those two seedy strippers gave the challenge that Launa has lost. What happened after thrusts the woman deep into the world of "nighttime entertainment", a feat she did a better job of hiding than her real form from the world. Life at the Red Stage club in the deep parts of Amsterdam's Red Light District is a combination of both obscure and world famous for its service and its ladies. But the moment Launa came into the picture, the mortals of the club are invited to a new league of "clientèle". Strange beings, monsters and otherworldly denizens now come to the club to see the cold-hearted, untouchable but deliciously sensual stripper of death they know as Nightshade. Tall and strong with a body at its peak of femininity, her performances outmatch those of seasoned dancers and the results showed more in dollars and "fans" coming to see her dance, but a few get the honor of a private dance with the woman herself.

One of them is a biker from parts unknown named Claude that has come for three things, to get a cold, hard beer get some action from the ladies on stage and if he's lucky, get his dick wet. The night went as it normally would be, with him getting the cold hard beer and then ordering an unusually large amount of meat dishes from the kitchen, all rare of course, Next Claude gets comes up on stage to oogle at the girls that dance, throwing some of his money and tempting them with a kiss which they refuse, the bouncers didn't like his behavior but when they approach him he turned and snarled at them so hard they backed away fast. After Claude is done and made some of the girls uneasy to have him around however the moment Nightshade came into the picture, his third desire comes to play, What he wouldn't do to get some of that giant muscled pussy he can leave the club a better man he did.

Nightshade sees the biker and after coming on to his whims, she walks off the stage and with her tail, invites the biker to come to her private VIP room. Inside, it is a setup made for kings, thanks in part for her year of gracious service. High-price champagne, gold-plated poles and all the meat he can eat as per the guest's request. Nightshade offered her lap dances and sensual desires no human can ever match. It's part of her character that Launa admits is far beyond what she is capable of. That's when Claude opened his big mouth and asks that if she wants a good hard fuck. Nightshade refuses sternly telling her that this is a establishment, if he wanted to go a brothel then there's one a block away. But Claude wants Nightshade and he grabs her arm, looking at his hand, she can see it change into something more inhuman. To which she turns and nonchalantly tells him that she will not have sex with him.

Like a flash, Claude shoves Nightshade off of him and she lands on her back hard. What followed next landed on top of her with three times more weight than before. Staring down a row of long, razor-sharp teeth. Claude shows his true form. He's a hulking werewolf! Talking down and feeling really horny, he's not going to take no for an answer. Ether he has his way or he'll leave her with barely anything to be called a corpse. But Nightshade shows an unusual form of behavior never seen on anyone pinned by a beast of great power: Total boredom. She yawns and tells him that she has seen werewolves with better shifts than him and with a cold tone, still refuses and gives him five seconds to get off of her. Claude laughs at her feeble attempt to scare him. He knows that her muscles are just for show and she has no real use for them compared to a real man.

Claude then rips of top off and that's where she just jumps to one. Night wraps her legs around Claude's waist and crushes it between her hulking thighs. Claude screams in pain but is silenced by a hard headbutt and brutal backhand. Just as Claude is coming to, he sees both a vision of both the giant white cat and a black one wearing opposite colored glasses. But his focus is back on the white cat who grabs him by his throat and picks him up off of his clawed feet. Night thinks that she didn't make herself clear of not wanting to have sex with him, but if he's willing to be rough, she'll be happy to oblige. No one from the outside notices yet until one dancer is alerted to the muffled sounds of screaming and smashing of glass. The dancer has to know what is going on until the door abruptly opens and Nightshade sees her. The dancer asks if everything is alright, Night calms her down and tells her that they are just having a bit of "rough fun" the client asks for. The Dancer asks if it had to be that rough. Nightshade answered with a yes because that's how he wants it.

The Dancer actually believes her story and walks off but not before asking the janitor to leave a bucket behind. As the Dancer walks away, Claude sticks his head out looking at the dancer and tries to cry for help but Night grabs his muzzle and pulls him back in. Slamming him up against the wall and litter with busted lips, a bitten ear, cat scratches over his body, the mighty werewolf now whimpers like a beaten dog begging Nightshade to let him go. Night is so tempted to continue his torture until his soul screams for mercy. But she has a reputation to keep and the last thing she needs is a whimpering dog cramping her night. She drops him to the floor and throws his clothes on him. Ordering him to change back as he leaves, the white stripper is more than happy to have him back again because now he has the knowledge that if he ever tries to pull the same stuff he did tonight, she will both hunt and put him down like the dog he is. And with a hard kick to the backside, Night ejects a now human Claude out of her room.

Seeing the bucket, Night grabs it, manifests a sponge in her hand and spends some time cleaning up, just to spare the janitor losing another night fixing a damaged V.I.P. room.

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