Revelations in the night

Story by Aleko_87 on SoFurry

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Hi there! This is my first story, my first attempt to write one... decently. I am SURE that I've made many (maybe to much) mistakes, but I'm Italian (tengo cuore italiano... ^^) and my English is good only when I talk, so... hope you will enjoy it.

This is only the first part of my story. It contains incest between father and son, so do not read it if you're under 18.

"Oh shit, I forgot!" moaned the white horse.

"No, don't stop liking... damn it! Hurry up you big stallion!"

"Just a minute..." said James jumping of the bed and hurrying out of the room. He got his cellphone and closed himself in the large kitchen.

"Hello?" answered a female voice at the phone.

"Hi Jusy, it's James!"


"Well, listen... I'd like to have Chris here the next week. Could that be possible?" asked James nearly impatient. He drank a glass of water waiting for the answer. Sweat covered his whole naked body, for the weather was very hot... but not only for that reason.

"Well... he's not here at the moment! He's sleeping out this night, with some friends of his. But... I think he will appreciate to spend some days with you." continued the female voice. "I'll call you tomorrow and tell you what he thinks about it. Ok?"

"Ehm..." panted the horse, "That would be grate! Call me as soon a possible... bye!" he turned off the cellphone and went the way back to the bedroom. There a little skinny vixen was waiting him moaning and rubbing her wet pussy. James looked at her feeling very horny, holding his long cock fully erected in his right hand.

"Mmh... what took you so long?" asked the little bitch playing with her furry orange tail.

"Never mind!" answered the horse, jumping once moor on the soft bed. "Ehm... are you sure this is going to fit? Your cunt looks very tight!" said James looking from his huge dick to her little vagina.

"No, no... don't worry! FILL ME, BABY!" cried the vixen slapping her cunt as an invitation.

James slowly introduced the tip of his cock into the vixens vagina, trying not to hurt her, but she looked as if it didn't. With a slow motion the horse started to fuck her in rhythmic movements.



He woke up late in the morning, half covered by the sheets. His cock lied harmless on his lap, stiff after the hard sex the horse had done that night. He looked next to him, but the vixen had gone a few hours before. The bed was completely soaked with cum, and every time that James moved, his body got even more wet and sticky.

Cleaning his hands on the pillow he got up and went to the bathroom, where he had a long shower. Summer vacations had jut begun, and the air was very hot. Twenty minutes later he went in the kitchen, completely naked, and prepared some coffee for breakfast, reading a magazine that was lying there on the table.

Some times he kept his mind thinking about his son, that lived only forty minutes from his house. James and Jusy, Chris's mother, had divorced nine years before, and from that moment James could see his son only one weekend every two weeks, except for the summer, the best season off all. So he wished to spend much time possible with Chris as he could, before he started working again.

When the phone rang the horse jumped up, and answered the phone: "Hello?"

"Hi, James... it's me!" answered back a woman.

"Good morning, Jusy. What did Chris say?" asked James hastily.

"He said that it would be great... no surprise he said so anyway!" said Jusy.

"Why do you say so? Is there something wrong?" he asked, hearing the female horse a little bit tired.

Jusy waited a few seconds before she replied: "Well... I think it's about the baby! Chris doesn't like Edward very much. And he had an angry dispute with my husband two days ago... I don't know what to do anymore! He's driving me crazy!" she stopped for a while and continued, "He goes mad with every one, and I don't like his friends at all. He looks so much like..." she went silent a second time, but James knew that she was going to say "!".

"Well... I could try to talk with him." he said.

"Could you do me a favor, James?" she asked, and without waiting the answer she continued, "Could you keep him a little bit longer? I mean... he is already eighteen and I think he wants to stay much more time with his dad. He can make his own decisions, now...".

"Hey, that would be just grate!" shouted James with happiness. "So, how long? Two weeks?"

"Let's do a month, okay?" she said.

"Wonderful! I'm coming this afternoon, maybe around three o'clock... is that okay for you?" he asked smiling widely.

"Yes!" Jusy said, clearly happy.

"Okay, thanks Jusy..."


From that moment the day started to appear strangely beautiful. He dressed in the coolest clothes he had, and spent the rest of the morning washing his black porsche, trying to appear as the best father in the world. Then he went back in the house and cleaned the guest room (for his was quite not presentable) and every room that looked excessively messy. When he was satisfied about his work he gasped, noticing that he was nearly late. He hurried out in the garden and got in the car.




James rang the klaxon and waited for an answer. The house he was looking at was a very big and beautiful one, surrounded by a good looking garden. While he was looking at the mansion he got out of the car and sat on the hood of it.

"DAD!" the door of the house slammed opened and a very handsome young man ran out, holding in his left hand a red rucksack. "Dad, how nice to see you!" shouted Chris dropping the rucksack and opening his arms.

"Chris!" called James, running towards him and hugging him strongly. "How are you, Big Boy?" he asked releasing him. He looked his son for an instant: the young horse had a brown fur, very shiny under the sunlight... nearly gold, like his mother; his eyes were dark blue, like his fathers, but framed by locks of blond hair.

"I'm fine! Oh, I'm so happy to see you... I missed you so much!" said Chris hugging him again.

"Me to, son!" said James. Looking back at the mansion he saw Jusy waving at him behind the closed window. Without paying to much attention at her, he freed himself form his sons hug and piked up the rucksack. "Get in the car, Chris..." he said closing the bag in the car trunk.

"Wow! Your car is awesome!"gasped Chris getting in the car.

"Thanks Big Boy!" laughed his father turning on the motor.

After a few minutes they were back on the road that would have led them to James's house. Chris turned the radio on, looking for some good music to listen. When he was satisfied he looked at his dad and smiled widely.

"So, how are you, Chris?" asked James.

"I told you dad... I'm fine!" answered Chris looking a little confused.

"I mean," continued James "that your mother told me about you and her mate arguing two days ago and about you hating your little brother!".

"He is not my brother!" said Chris bitterly.

"Brother... step brother, you know what I mean! Why do you have all this resentment against him?" asked James without taking off his eyes from the road.

"Could we talk about something else?" said Chris bored.

"Wait! This is important: its your mothers opinion and mine that you are not a child anymore." said James, "You are a man now, and you can take decisions by your own."

"What is this supposed to mean?" asked his son, looking at him even more confused.

"Well..." the horse didn't know how to ask it, "Ehm... I mean that if you really hate to go back to your mothers house..."

"REALLY?" shouted Chris hugging his father.

"Hold on your excitement! I'm driving!" said James trying to regain the control of the car.

"Sorry... oh dad! This is the happiest day of my life!" said Chris laughing.

"Really?" asked his father amused.

"Yes yes... I've been dreaming about it this last year! I couldn't wait to break away from that house!" said Chris, "I am going to tell mom as soon as we arrive at your house!"

Ah! At least this is done! , thought James very happy.


"HOLLY SHIT!" shouted Chris twenty minutes later.

"Hey, no bad words when I'm around!" warned James opening the front gate of the house with the remote control.

"But your house is awesome! Why didn't you ever bring me here?" asked Chris, muzzle and eyes wide open.

"I was working on it these last two years... I think I did a good job!" said his father looking satisfied.

"ARE YOU KIDDING? This house is wonderful!" said Chris getting out the car and running towards the house front door, looking the inside throw the open windows. In the mean while James parked the car.

"Hope you like it..." said James opening the door and turning on the lights. Chris stood astonished looking the very handsome light ocher living room: on his left there was a large dark brown sofa, with a huge TV on front of it; on his right a long table with eight chairs around it and a grey lamp on top; in front of him there was a green billiard and, behind, a French window that opened in the garden.

"Home sweet home!" said James smiling.

Chris entered breathless in the house and then started to scream with excitement. "I CAN'T BELIVE IT!" he said running from one room to another, touching what ever he could see that could capture his attention.

"There are the bedrooms up stairs!" shouted James closing the door behind him. He threw his jacket and the red rucksack on the sofa and started to climb the stairs. He could clearly hear his son opening and closing every room, laughing with happiness.

"Hey dad! Why is this room locked up?" asked Chris.

"That's my room..." he said panting going near him, "Its a little messy at the moment, so I guess I'll have to sleep on the sofa this night! But come...". He led his son in front of a very nice bedroom, "This will be your room for the next weeks... or days... or months... or... well, have a good look of it and tell me what you think!" said James.

The day went on in a very good mood. When sunset came James went in the kitchen to prepare some food, while Chris was watching Tv. When lunch was ready the two sat at the table and started to eat.

"So, have you decided which collage are you going to?" asked James watching his son .

"Not yet, but I don't think I'll go to collage!" said Chris with his mouth full.

"And why not?"

"Hey, not now, please!" moaned Chris smiling.

"Ok, but I don't think it's a good idea to finish your studies like this..." concluded James filling his mouth with pasta.

"Hey, dad!"


"Why don't we sleep together tonight? The sofa is a little uncomfortable, you can't sleep on it!" he said looking his fathers eyes.

"Uhh..." coughed James, "It would be a pleasure, but I don't want to disturb you!"

"If I asked you it means that it doesn't disturb me!" said Chris, finishing his meal.

"Ok then!" standing up and bringing the empty plates in the kitchen. They went on laughing and joking and talking till very late in the night, so they decided to go to sleep. When the two of them were in the bedroom James closed the door and sat on the bed.

"Its' pretty hot in here... does it bother you if I sleep in underwear?" he asked pulling off his shirt.

"Not at all..." said Chris undressing himself.

"Have you been going to the gym lately?" James asked, watching his sons well built body.

"Yeah!" said Chris smirking. When the two of them were in underwear they slipped under the sheets and turned of the lights.

"Good night, dad!" said Chris in a low voice, "And thanks!"

"Good night, Big Boy!"


James opened his eyes. A soft moon-ray slightly illuminated the room from the open window. A soft and warm breeze came in from outside, but no sound came from the garden. He couldn't feel the sheets on his body, not even his boxer shorts. Could it be possible that he got undressed without noticing, maybe in his dreams? Then he felt the mattress moving while his son was lying back down on the bed.

James wanted to talk, but for some strange reason he didn't. Chris slowly went nearer to him, trying not to make noise. He turned on his right side, barely breathing, watching his fathers cock. James's mind was racing with many thoughts. His sons trembling hand finally softly grasped his long dick, that twitched for an instant and started to grow involuntarily. Chris started to play with his fathers glans, jerking off at the same time with his own cock. His movements were soft, probably because he didn't want James to wake up.Â

What an awkward situation!, thought James, feeling both excited and ashamed.

He had always thought about his Big Boy as a great latin lover, surrounded by lots of girls (for Chris was a very handsome young man), but this was... totally unexpected!Â

What am I going to do?, James opened his eyes wide as his son started to stroke his big and heavy balls, giving him great pleasure.

Ten minutes had passed before Chris had decided to get in a sitting position. James shivered and blushed in the night: he could see his sons cock leaking dense pre-cum from it's tip, his beautiful face, his eyes shinning at the moon, his bare chest covered with hair... Then James bent over his fathers belly shaking slightly, and licked his dick.Â

Oh my... this is too much!, he thought, and slowly turned the other side.

Chris froze immediately and stood still for a minute and two. When he saw that his father didn't move again, he relaxed and started to masturbate in silence. James closed his eyes, feeling the bed moving rhythmically. After five minutes or so he heard his son moaning and the thud of heavy drops of cum covering the wooden floor.Â

What am I going to do now?, asked the horse to himself for the second time, feeling invulnerable in front of his sons sexuality.

Chris panted for a few seconds, then he went to the bathroom. That night James couldn't sleep.

To be continued...