It Will End

Story by demfurrys on SoFurry

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hey everyone this is a true story as it is happening in the current now that is my life. the inspiration for this true story that allowed me to write about this is called To This Day if you haven't seen it the link is beside this bye all see you next time;-p

When I was younger I used to think that the world was the greatest place in the world

But when I turned ten it all seemed to change,

Suddenly the bright world turned into a contingency of Good Kids and Bullies.

I tried to deal with it but it gradually got harder, and harder.

When I became a teen it turned suddenly from Good Kids and Bullies to packs of Good Kids and packs of Bullies.

And I was the one left out,

See my family moved on average about one a year so what friends I got; I usually lost when we moved.

But I was lucky that one of the packs of Good Kids took me in.

Luckier still that they were considered eccentric like me,

And for a while things got better.

Then the bullies found me,

After that the teasing slowly progressed to the point for the need of a councillor

Don't get me wrong the councillor was awesome

But for the Bullies to tease me for a game that I played?

Especially when some of those kids were half my height?

Then the thoughts of how much easier it would be to leave this world, but I hung on

When all else failed. I hung on.

Telling myself that "it will end, it_will _end

When I finally made it to high school the teasing didn't stop.

In fact it started to get worse

What with all the Bullies from my previous school wanting to fit in with their new friends,

Telling them about why they were teasing me and then them _doing_the same thing,

All I can hope is that it will end, it will end,

Now with me in grade 9 and three more years to go.

I_know_ I will get more friends to help me with the troubles.

And now, the pain has started to lessen,

Especially when my friend Sam thinks that suicide has no point, and you know what?

When I think about it,

It really doesn't does it?

I Sleep

Sadness overcomes me, My lover has left me to wallow in my woes of sorrow. Now I have no reason to survive, No reason to go on. To the lake I will go, Into the peace and quite. Nobody will miss me, Not after I'm gone Not ever again. Into the...

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