Like a Wad of Gum

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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After a long day of hunting and fighting off bandits, a tired orc decides to head back home and get some rest, unaware that a perverted intruder is hiding within his house.

He was tired. But then again, spending all day adventuring and fighting off bandits and other monstrosities in the woods would do that to an orc. He had gathered enough food for himself to last for another week or so, and most of his invaders had decided to leave him alone after he severed enough of their heads with his giant axe. So all that was left now was for the orc to lie in his bed and have a good night's rest. He stepped in front of his messy home, exhaling as he opened up the door and breathed in his luscious scent. The orc wiped some of the sweat off his forehead before scratching his bearded chin. He walked around his home, his heavy brown boots thudding against the floor. He shut his front door and sighed deeply again, his whole body aching from the strenuous adventure. He set his axe down beside the living room table before he started to take off his armor. The orc removed the plates attached to his arms and shoulders, revealing his smooth, clammy green skin and brute muscles that intimidated anyone from a distance. The orc curled his fingers a few times and smiled now that he was free of the heavy burden.

He sat down in a wooden chair that creaked and bent over afterwards so he could take off his leggings and other pieces of armor. The orc didn't care; he let it all clatter to the floor noisily, just happy to get it all off. His green legs were just as muscular as his arms, and they had bits of red hair scattered around the skin--which matched his beard as well. He scratched his legs for a moment, giggling as he got rid of a bothersome itch. He licked his crooked teeth and the tusks hanging on his lower jaw before he stood up and started to undo his breastplate. Like the rest of his armor, he let it all fall to the floor with a metallic clatter, telling himself that he'd clean it all up the next day. With his chest armor off, there was nothing to shield his chiseled chest or his muscular back. The orc blinked and scratched his chest, looking down at the scruffy line of red fur that ran down the center of his body. He rubbed the fuzz, grinning as his thick right hand went down to his plump belly, a large spherical pudge that bulged outwards much farther than normal. The orc smacked his stomach twice and sighed as he rubbed his big gut, listening to the food inside digest.

The orc walked through a doorway and found himself standing within his bedroom now, which was just as messy as the living area. Not much was inside besides his bed, more bits of armor, some clothing he needed to wash, and a few stools to sit on. The orc went straight for his mattress, sighing as he sat down and finally relaxed himself. He looked down at his boots upon feeling a tightening in his feet and blinked. The orc didn't even bend over; he used his right foot to slide his left boot off, pushing down on it while simultaneously moving his left foot out. After the left foot slipped out, he repeated the same method with his right foot, sliding it out of the giant boot. The orc smiled as he kicked his boots away and planted his bare soles on the floor. He could feel the heat rising from the feet, carrying a musky, sweaty smell. The orc chuckled and wiggled his big toes, feeling the cold wood comforting his giant feet. He blinked and sighed again, feeling very tired now that he was on his bed. The orc grabbed the waistband of his tan undershorts and lifted his legs so they were erect.

Then the orc pulled his shorts off and was completely bare. He brought his sweaty, slightly stained shorts up to his big nose and sniffed them twice, admiring his own heady crotch and anal scents. He growled deeply before tossing his shorts to the floor. He reached down and scratched his balls, grumbling as he groped his uncut shaft a few times as well. The orc wiggled his fat ass on the bed, knowing some of the sweat was getting on his sheets. He didn't care. Now naked and comfortable, the orc sighed as he laid down, planting his bald head on his pillow and taking his feet off the floor. His legs were too long for his bed, so when he lied down, his feet were hanging off the footboard. But the giant orc didn't mind. He was resting on his soft, surprisingly durable bed. Considering how exhausted the orc was, his body did the rest of the work for him once he was looking up at the ceiling. One moment his eyes were open, the next they were shut. And shortly after that, he began to snore.

His snoring made it a lot easier for the lizard creature to stop hiding underneath his bed. The scaly bandit grinned widely, still trying to keep himself from moaning out loud. Not only did he see the orc's big boots and giant feet, but he even saw the tan shorts plop onto the floor. Upon hearing the orc's snores, the lizard quickly crawled out from underneath the bed, using his lithe, skinny body to his advantage. The lizard was wearing a sleeveless green vest made out of cloth, and he had matching shorts to go with it. He couldn't risk wearing armor; the clunking noises would give away his position. But with his current clothing, he was able to crawl along the orc's floor silently, at which point he went straight for the boots. The lizard closed his yellow eyes as he stuck his snout into the left boot, breathing in the beast's musky scent. The warm smell of the orc's sweaty foot hit the lizard with full force. He sniffed a few times, growling as he felt his prickly shaft emerging from its cloaca. The lizard removed his snout and placed it within the other boot, taking in another big breath of the burly creature's foot odor.

It wasn't even a bad smell. He didn't smell cheese or corn chips; all the lizard noticed was the natural odor of sweat, along with leather and the faint rancid odor all orcs carry within their scent. The reptile removed his snout again and sat down, grinning as he stuck his scaly hand within his trousers. He looked at his yellow scales and breathed quickly as he stroked his member, already feeling a small amount of pre. The orc snorted and mumbled in his sleep before he resumed snoring. Curious, the lizard stood up and got a closer look at the beast. He could see the orc's bald head, his jagged tusks hanging out his mouth, and his scurfy red beard. He could see the orc's sweaty, plump belly, the green skin almost glistening, the red fuzz moving all the way down to the crotch. He noticed all the chiseled, rough muscles protruding along the creature's thick legs and arms, all of them bulging and massive. He saw the beast's hairy crotch, the groin covered with more red fuzz and surrounding the orc's green foreskin and meaty balls. But most importantly, he could see the orc's immense feet, which were sweaty and had unkempt yellowish toenails.

Needless to say, the lizard cock was at full mast. He had never been this close to an orc before, never noticed how pungent their scent was, how big their bellies and feet could get. But most importantly, he never noticed their giant cocks. The lizard licked his choppers as he stared at the orc's package. Then he flicked his eyes at the beast, making sure his eyes were still closed and that he was still snoring. Once the lizard confirmed that the orc was still sleeping, he placed his scaly left hand on the orc's belly. The reptile watched as the plump gut rose and fell everytime he inhaled and exhaled. He rubbed the smooth belly and the scruffy hair, eager to rest his head on the bloated mass. The lizard even poked it a few times so he could watch it jiggle. But when the lizard's hand found the orc's groin, that was when he lost it. He felt the heat coming from the groin before he even touched it. When the lizard finally grasped the orc's dick, he moaned and rubbed the shaft slowly, feeling the foreskin moving back and forth. Then he took his hand away and scratched the orc's testicles, feeling more moisture around his taint.

The reptile lowered his head, his snout only a few inches away from the giant cock and testicles. The lizard sniffed a few times and blinked. He knew what he was about to do was risky, but he couldn't stand it. He wanted the beast's green sausage-like copulatory organ inside his maw. So he stuck out his tongue and licked the shaft a few times. The orc twitched in his sleep. The lizard licked the shaft again, causing more grunting and twitching. Then the lizard exhaled onto the shaft, his hot breath exciting the sleeping giant, his mouth watering and releasing saliva onto the member. It started to grow and throb. The lizard snickered softly as he stroked the member a few times, watching as the shaft continued to extend in length. The reptile could see the glans poking out of the foreskin now; he moved a finger up the thick member and stuck one of his claws inside the foreskin, playing with it as he moved said claw around. The orc was still sleeping, mumbling and twitching, spreading his legs around on the mattress. The reptile removed his finger and decided it was time to get started.

The scaly creature opened his mouth and lowered his head, allowing the shaft to enter his maw. He struggled at first, as the orc's penis filled his entire mouth and was hard for him to take in fully. He let his saliva moisten the shaft before he lowered his head further and closed his eyes. The orc grumbled in his sleep and started to pant. He curled his toes and shuddered, still unaware of what was happening in the real world. One hand on the orc's stomach, the other in-between his legs, the reptile started to perform fellatio on the green beast. He mumbled as he moved his head up and down, emitting a quiet suckling noise. The reptile's saliva seeped into the foreskin and ran down his shaft. His hot breath was all over the orc's groin, stimulating him even further. The lizard licked the penis a few times, rolling his tongue along the smooth but burly member. The intruder stopped and bit down on the orc's dick, his sharp teeth grazing the uncut skin and giving off a tingly sensation. He wanted to sink his teeth into the member even further, but he knew that if he did, he'd definitely wake up the orc.

The orc still had no idea what was going on. He thought it was all just a fantastic dream. The green beast had no control over himself. He started to grasp his bed, digging his long nails into the soft material. He couldn't stop curling his toes. His dick throbbed constantly. The orc's eyes twitched, but remained shut. His mouth slowly widened, turning into a mischievous grin that showed every single tooth in his mouth. The lizard was getting caught up in the moment as well. He never tasted a beast with such a succulent, meaty flavor, such a musky, manly odor. The lizard stopped blowing the green beast for a moment so he could smell his crotch again. The sweaty, alluring pheromones floated into the reptile's snout and made his prickly shaft throb as well. He moaned with his mouth full and released more slobber. It was starting to get onto the mattress now, creating a small puddle that oozed over towards the orc's spherical copulatory organs. The lizard began to suck on the penis now, clamping his teeth down and tugging on it with his mouth. He wanted to see how fast a beast of this magnitude would be able to ejaculate, how much semen would fill his mouth.

The lizard found out sooner than later, as the orc finally reached his limit. He couldn't take the euphoria anymore. Still grinning, the orc created a faint rumbling sound as his entire body shook. His penis throbbed several times, shortly before the beast came. The creamy fluids surged through his urethra almost instantly and began to fill the lizard's maw. At first the lizard only felt two streams, both of which he swallowed quickly. But after that, the lizard nearly yelped with surprise when the goopy substance completely filled his mouth. He couldn't handle it at first; some of the semen began to drip from his open maw, trickling onto the bed, the orc's cock, and inside his foreskin. The lizard shut his eyes and tried to swallow it all, the salty, fiery orc jizz rushing down his throat very quickly. The orc's body began to settle down, and the green beast found himself growling and snorting in his sleep a few times. The penis throbbed a few more times, expelling the last few streams of ejaculate. The intruder swallowed more of it, but it became too much for him at a point. He opened his mouth and spluttered, coughing as the remaining spooge erupted from his mouth and dripped down onto the bed and the orc's groin.

The lizard took a few deep breaths and stood straight up. He licked off most of the jizz around his teeth and mouth before wiping off the rest with his arm. The scaly creature stared at the big orc and smirked. He was still sleeping soundly, and he was snoring once more. As much as the reptile enjoyed blowing the orc, he still hadn't satisfied his primary urges yet. The lizard looked at the orc's feet hanging off the edge of the bed and started to growl. He walked to the foot of the bed, wagging his tail and licking his teeth as he stared at the giant clodhoppers in front of him known as orc feet. He didn't know where to start. Every aspect of the beast's feet seemed precious to him. The lizard stared at the orc's big toes and toenails, the glistening sweat on the soles and heel, the smooth green skin that was just longing to be touched. The reptile reached forward and grasped them, moaning softly as he placed his scaly, rough hands against the large creature's sleek feet. He rolled his thumbs along the balls of each foot before squeezing them, feeling all the bones and muscles inside. The lizard got on his knees so the feet were right in front of his face.

He leaned forward and planted his snout on the left foot, closing his eyes and taking a long whiff. The pungent odor of the orc's feet was filling his lungs again. His feet were a lot muskier and had a stronger scent than his boots. The lizard still noticed a faint hint of the leather scent, but it was overshadowed by the overwhelming smell of musk. The reptile moved his snout up and down, flaring his nostrils over and over as he took in the strong smell. He let some of the sweat get onto his snout and even inside one of his nostrils before he growled and placed his nostrils near the toes. The lizard started to scrunch up his face a little; the area in-between the toes had the strongest odor compared to the rest of his foot. Up there the stench was rancid, appalling almost. His toes carried the faint odor of rotten cheese, and the lizard was starting to pull his head back because the odor caught him off guard. He exhaled and decided to check out the other foot instead, longing to breathe in a more attractive scent. He pressed his nose against the right foot's toes and sighed happily.

The smell was still very strong, but not rancid like the other foot's toes. The lizard figured the orc probably stepped in something and didn't wipe his left foot off very well in-between the toes. The reptile went back to growling and huffing the scent gleefully, his chest puffing out with each sniff he took. The lizard's mouth began to water; he had never breathed in such a delectable manly smell before. His shaft was bulging against his shorts, leaking pre into his trousers. The reptile was so tempted to start masturbating right then and there. He moved his snout up and down, sniffing the rest of the foot and groping it with his hands. He squeezed the toes and ran his claws down the sole, noticing how smooth (if not a bit clammy) the foot was. The lizard jerked his head back over to the left foot and breathed in the scent again. He made sure he only breathed in the smell around the toes for a couple seconds, still slightly perturbed by the odd stench. As for the rest of the foot, he panted and growled joyously as he moved his snout up and down. He grabbed the orc's big feet and grunted as he moved them closer together, making sure he could sniff and play with both feet simultaneously. Then the intruder moaned as he planted his snout against the orc's feet again.

"I know you're there."

The lizard froze and frowned. He was still holding the orc's feet. His snout was still planted along the soles. The lizard paused for a few seconds before blinking. He slowly moved his head away, and then lifted his head so he could look at the orc's bed. The orc was sitting up now, grinning and curling his toes as he stared at the reptile.

"Well now! I'll bet this is very awkward for you, huh?"

"...Little bit," said the lizard meekly.

The orc snickered as he wiggled his fat toes. "So ya like big feet, eh? You like invading people's homes and stealing their stuff, toying with them while they're stuck in a deep slumber?"

The lizard could see that the situation was beginning to escalate. He quickly stood up and wiped some dirt and dust off his green clothes. Before the reptile could get a head start for the door, the orc leaned forward and grabbed the back of his vest. He yanked the lizard backwards, causing him to yelp as he stumbled towards the side of the orc's bed. Breathing heavily, he turned and looked at the burly figure.

"H-hey now! No need to let this get outta hand! S'not like I stole anything!"

"Good. If you had, I would've assumed you were a bandit, and I would've had to smash your face in."

The reptile hissed as he exhaled. "Exactly! I was just lookin' for a li', that's all."

The orc looked down at his groin and could see that semen and saliva were smeared around his shaft and the bed sheets. He looked back up at the lizard and grinned widely.

"I know all about the fun you had. And here I thought that was a wet dream."

The lizard snickered and folded his arms. "It was wet all right; I'll say that much! An' thick for that matter!"

The orc turned his body over so his legs were hanging off the left side of his mattress. "Normally this is the part where I'd start strokin' myself and spray my seed all over the floor. But you already took care of my morning wood."

"It's still nighttime."

"Same difference."

The green beast rubbed his bearded chin before a perverted idea came to mind. "Get on the floor."

The reptile blinked. "Why?"

"You'll see."

The lizard found the orc's grin mischievous, not murderous or unsettling. So he did as he was told, lying down horizontally near the left side of the orc's bed. The green beast looked down at the yellow lizard and lifted his big feet. He let them hover over the lizard's body for a moment, making sure he teased the beast by wiggling his toes and letting his feet hover around the reptile's snout. The lizard sniffed a few times, hoping to get another strong dosage of the musky feet. The green creature snickered, and promptly planted his left foot on the lizard's nose. The reptile closed his eyes and grasped the smelly foot, sniffing deeply and growling as the mouth-watering scent flowed into his lungs again. The orc rumbled as he moved his foot back and forth very slowly, letting his sweat get smeared all over the creature's face. While he was doing that, the orc growled and planted his right foot on the lizard's chest. He pressed down, causing the lizard to grunt as he felt the pressure within his midriff. Wiggling his toes, the orc slid his foot against the reptile's waist, his toenails brushing against the lizard's green shorts.

And then the orc slid his meaty foot inside the reptile's shorts and began to grope his groin with his foot. The lizard yelped as he felt his shaft emerging from the cloaca again. Between the pungent smell and the smooth feeling of the green beast's sole, the lizard couldn't control himself. When the orc saw the bulge rising from the lizard's trousers, he began to play with him. The orc felt the lizard's shaft and started to rub his toes against it, making sure he got it nice and sweaty. Meanwhile, he continued to press his left foot against the reptile's face, smothering him with another dose of his scent. The lizard sniffed and growled, his cock throbbing and growing to its peak length. The orc waited until a small wet spot appeared on the reptile's shorts before he moved his foot forward, causing his cock to curl downwards. The beast pressed down on the intruder's member, applying more pressure as though he were trying to squeeze the semen right out of the reptile. More pre came out just as the orc wiggled his right toes again. And then the orc began to drag his foot back and forth.

The lizard breathed heavily, taking in the odor of the left foot whilst feeling the pressure from the right around his groin. The orc moved his sweaty foot back and forth very slowly, occasionally curling his toes so the lizard could feel the beast's toenails. The lizard shut his eyes again and sniffed deeply, his long, prickly shaft still being massaged roughly. The orc stopped rubbing for a moment and focused more on dragging his left foot back and forth, even giving the lizard another whiff of his rancid toes. The intruder didn't even care at this point; having the orc foot on his groin was an absolutely blissful moment. Shortly after giving the lizard another whiff, the orc started to rub again, this time more vigorously. The lizard let out raspy moaning sounds as he felt the smooth foot scraping against his cock, rubbing along the pricks on his shaft. Another few drops of precum oozed out. Some sweat started to form around the lizard's crotch, giving off a potent scent of the lizard's musky odor as well. The reptile couldn't stop sniffing, couldn't stop moaning as the orc kept rubbing his foot harder and faster, giggling the entire time. The lizard spread his legs apart, the testicles in his cloaca bloated and ready to release a full load.

The orc curled the toes on his right foot, grabbing the skinny and long member. The lizard took a few deep breaths as his heart began to race, unable to handle so much excitement. Then the orc growled as he uncurled his toes and pressed down on the shaft as hard as possible. The lizard let out a quiet yelp, and then he released a raspy moaning sound. The orc stared at the lizard's shorts and saw a few drops appear on his trousers. A stain emerged, one that spread around the crotch very slowly, looking like the lizard was peeing himself. The orc lifted his right foot and stopped applying so much pressure on the urethra. Almost instantly, the stain increased in diameter, making it look like the lizard was flooding his shorts. The orc lifted his left foot as well and allowed to lizard to release those raspy moans. As the lizard came, he hissed and grinned widely, having experienced one of the best orgasms in his life. The orc heard some of the seed splattering against the lizard's shorts, as well as his big foot. He chuckled as he looked at the lizard's relieved, leering grin and waited until the moaning and the splattering stopped.

The intruder's shorts were so wet the orc thought some of the semen would've started to bleed right through the material. It didn't, although the wet spot would definitely be hard for the lizard to wash out. The orc blinked as he slowly removed his right foot. Unsurprisingly, there was sticky lizard semen all over his big toes and part of the ball of his foot.

"Now look at what you did made a mess!"

The orc moved his right leg so his right foot was hovering just above the reptile's snout. The lizard could see the white semen hanging from the toes. He could smell his jizz, and he blinked when a small dollop of his seed dripped down onto his face.

"Lick it up. All of it."

The lizard snatched the orc's foot and immediately started to lick the ball of his foot. He didn't even wince at the salty, bland flavor, or the bitter taste of his own semen. The orc giggled as the lizard's smooth tongue tickled his foot. Then the lizard started to suck on the orc's toes, slurping noisily as he let the toenails and meaty digits fill his mouth. He sucked on two at a time, mumbling and slobbering as he swallowed all of his semen in only a few seconds. The lizard wasted no time sucking on the orc's toes; it only took the lizard half a minute before he was finished, at which point he opened his mouth and took his head backwards, panting and exhaling his hot breath onto the now clean foot. The orc wiggled his toes again, noticing that there was more slobber than semen coating his foot now. The beast sighed as he put his foot down on the floor, at which point he gestured towards his bedroom's doorway.

"There! We're even now."

The lizard panted as he got to his feet again. He looked down at the giant stain on his trousers and chuckled timidly.

"Suppose it'll be a while 'fore this washes out, huh?"

"Who said it'd wash out?"

The lizard and orc chuckled moments before the reptile sighed.

"No harm, no foul, eh? Nothing's been stolen, no one's been killed, and we both got each other off. Sounds like a good night to me!"

The orc nodded. "Exactly."

"So, uh...I'll just leave now, and you'll forget I ever broke into your home. You won't come looking for me and slay me in my sleep, right?"

The orc nodded again. "Right."

The lizard hissed and smiled. "Good! ...If we're lucky, maybe we'll run into each other again in the future! Under better circumstances, of course."

The orc didn't respond this time. He just grinned widely.

"Okay then. See ya!"

Just as the lizard turned around, the orc hopped out of bed and grabbed his vest. The lizard yelped as the orc used his brute strength to jerk him backwards. The lizard grunted as he toppled over the bed's footrest and found himself lying on the mattress.

"Now would ya look at that! All this excitement and watching you cream your shorts has got me stiff!"

The lizard glanced at the naked orc's groin and frowned. His uncut shaft was fully erect.

"You're hard again?!"

The lizard yelped when the orc flipped him over. Before he could move, the green beast got onto the bed, his hands and knees on the opposite sides of the lizard. The lizard started to pant when he felt the orc's warm breath on the back of his neck.

"That's right lizard boy! We orcs can't control ourselves sometimes. Even the slightest thing will set us off!"

The orc grabbed the reptile's shorts and pulled them down, revealing his smooth backside and his cloaca, which still had semen smeared all around the slit.

"Uh, c-can we suck each other's cocks at the same time or something? I'm...I-I don't do ass-play."

"'ll only hurt once I stick it inside! After that, the pain will numb you, and you'll feel like you're in Valhalla."

The lizard began to calm down. "Oh. That doesn't sound too bad."

The orc laughed heartily. "Nah! Your cloaca's gonna be sore all week!"

The lizard's eyes grew wide. The orc started to move his shaft towards the slit.


The orc shoved his cock inside hard and fast, at which point all the screaming began.

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