An Following Seas

Story by Jade Wulf-Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#2 of Fair Winds

here is part two of the story Deltroon wrote for me

All characters as Copyright player/owner

An Following Seas

It's been three days since Kendra asked him that puzzlingly simple question. Now anchored at their home island the todd was given his name and position. Shayde gave him the name of Moon because of his big green soul filled eyes. With his new name the captain left his training in the hands of her top three officers. Of course she warned them to take it easy on him at least until he's ready to advance.

Unfortunately only Scully followed her orders to take it easy with his training. Chains and Rye preferred they're own methods of teaching him their trades. Moon didn't complain too much because of the life debt that he owed the captain. When Rye, Chains and Scully were busy he would spend his time with Kendra. The hyena did her best to teach him about his gift then assisted with harnessing it.

Despite all of her efforts Moon's ability couldn't be brought under control. Though she was able to help him better understand this semi hidden power within. Oddly enough his gift seemed to strengthen and weaken with the moon phases. Shayde would constantly find excuses to avoid being around the male fox. When Moon confined in Kendra about this little sequence of events she investigated.

"Captain could I have a moment with you in private please." Kendra asked. The twenty five year old domestic long hair nodded and joined her hyena friend. Upon wondering what she wanted Kendra was more than happy to speak. "Forgive me for this but, is there any real reason you've been avoiding him? If I didn't know any better you find that todd attractive and are afraid to admit it." She said.

Surprise quickly plastered itself all over the feline face then she flinched. This gave Kendra all the information she needed to piece this little story together. When this naughty smile appeared Shayde was finally able to voice her opinion. Sadly her attempts to defend herself on the subject only confirm the hyena's hunch. Neither woman counted on Moon walking by or the fact he overheard their conversation.

Clearing his throat loud enough to gain their attention and when they looked. His ears were folded back and the expression on his face was less than pleased. Before either woman could bring themselves to explain Moon turned and left. Of course Shayde was quick to chase after him leaving Kendra with a smile. "Hey, love my work's all done and I'm in the mood for some loving, wait... What's with the smile?" Chains asked.

"Let's just say our Captain Shayde isn't as closed off as we've first believed. Granted I couldn't get her to admit it openly but, to see her chase after Moon. I didn't have to con the truth out of her considering her actions spoke for her. Besides it was about time that she found someone to occupy her free time with." Kendra replied. The white lioness looked at her mate curiously for a moment then smiled broadly.

"Perhaps, you're right but. let's not talk about other and focus on ourselves." Chains said. Kendra moved closer and held her lover/mate tight in her strong muscular arms. From there the two walked hand in hand back to their home to express their love. Meanwhile Moon was jogging through the woods with Shayde not far behind. Until she took another route that would allow the feline to cut him off up ahead.

Not bothering to see what the feline had to say he just brushed past the captain. That didn't go over to well with her as she grabbed his shoulder stopping him. When he turned to face her, all that happened next was her fist hitting his muzzle. Knocking the fox to the ground then followed by the sound of a sword being unsheathed. As he shock himself silly then turned to look up only to be staring at her cutlass.

"If you weren't valuable to me or my crew I would've just left you to die. So why don't you cut the shit and tell me what your fucking problem is right now." She growled. He didn't waver nor answer her question even with the threat of death by her hands. Moon stared right back into her odd colored eyes with a similar intensity. When he rose to his feet Shayde didn't withdraw her blade as he brushed himself off.

Not wanting things to escalate anymore Moon decided it was best to leave. As he faced away from her Shayde lowered her sword and with her free hand. Grabbed the grip of her short barrel musket drew it then cocked the hammer back. Upon hearing that it still didn't deter him from walking away from her until she fired. The bullet barely missed the fur on his cheek as it whizzed by and sunk into a tree.

Turning slowly to face her and the expression on his face certainly said a lot. Considering he wasn't expecting such a reaction from the person that saved him. "Look, here Moon I'm responsible for the well being of everyone on this island. Doubly so while aboard my ship if we can't trust each other than what good are we?" She stated. The tone of her voice was slightly calmer than before but, she was still angry.

"What do you expect me to say Captain, I've never been apart of anything before. When you and the others saw me in the market place I had woken up from a long sleep. I can't recall anything before waking up on that small island you freed me from." He replied. Now Shayde had heard him correctly and did find it a little hard to believe. Though judging from his tone of voice Moon wasn't lying about his memory loss.

"Perhaps we should go pay the island sage a visit she might be able to assist you. I'll take you to her but, know this she may ask you to do some thing in return." Shayde said. Sheathing her sword and pistol she motioned him to follow her to the Sage's home. The walk would take them at least a couple of hours to arrive at their destination. When they reached the outskirts of the Sage's property Moon became uneasy.

His uneasiness didn't go away the closer they got to the Sage's front door. Moon's eyes began to glow and swirl with the gift that flowed through his veins. The front door slammed open then a hooded figure stepped out onto the porch. Its hands reached up and pulled back the hood revealing a mature and attractive canine. Through his eyes Moon could tell she was much older than she appeared to be.

"Well, now this is a surprise an actual living descendant of the tides and oceans. I'm honored, please bring him inside Osprey there is much we have to discuss." She smiled. While Shayde followed the strange canine into her home, Moon stayed behind. Something inside of him told him that going in there would be an unwise decision. Before he could leave this forbidden place Shayde returned and grabbed his wrist.

"You can relax she's not going to bite trust me on this okay." Shayde replied. Despite what she said Moon still wasn't keen on being in the same room as her. Putting a little faith in his captain he allowed her to bring him inside the cottage. Where the black and white furred canine was waiting eagerly for him to enter. A few things made this woman really stand out were her curly tail, thick fur and huge bust.

"Trying to find a handle on the situation to answer your question my friend. I was born and raised in a more frozen location then ventured around the world. Finally I wound up on this island many decades ago and made a home for myself. Now why don't we get down to why the both of you have come to visit, Mishka." She replied. Shayde was more than happy to give her their reasons for stopping by this afternoon.

When she finished speaking this sultry smile appeared on Mishka's muzzle. "I see, you'll be glad to know I've got some insight into your friend's past. Though it may not be much at least you'll have a place to start should you go looking. Keep in mind what I'm about to reveal may or may not come as a shock to you, Moon." Mishka stated. Curious to hear what she had to say he gave her permission to continue.

"According to what I know you belong to race that hasn't been seen for centuries. Granted most of your people are of vulpine blood but, there have been exceptions. Though with your unique fur color and deep green eyes suggests you're a pureblood. If you want to learn more than I suggest going south to a crescent moon island." She informed. Her insight proved a lot to take in for the adult fox but, it sparked something.

Feeling rather mixed up inside yet, he knew what she revealed was the truth. Moon didn't want to go someplace that might no longer be the home of his people. "If we go there what are the odds my people are still alive and call it home?" He asked. Mishka rose from her seat then walked towards another table and waved a finger. Where this strange looking bowl was then she picked up a big pear shaped container.

She filled the bowl halfway with a blue silver liquid then motioned him closer. Doing as she asked he walked over and stood where she told him to sit down. Mishka asked for him to raise his hand taking it into hers and pulled out a knife. "I need a small drop of your blood and the fluid will show you what you want to know." Mishka replied. Shayde watched as he grabbed the knife and ran the blade across his palm.

Handing the blade back to her then he held his bleeding hand over the bowl. Three drops of his blood splashed into the bowl then he found a piece of cloth. His eyes never wavered from the bowl as the liquid begin to swirl and change color. As they watched with intrigue until the liquid returned to normal surprising Mishka. "That's strange I hate to say it hun but, you might be the only living survivor." She informed.

Not exactly the answer he was hoping to hear but, it was better than nothing. "Since that proved useless than I'd suggest going there and search for yourself. Who knows you might even learn how to control and use your unique gift willingly." She added. As they moved away from the table Mishka grabbed his wrist to inspect his wound. With her free hand she traced her thumb along the cut, as if by magic healed it.

"My captain told me you demand payment according to the services you give. I'm probably going to regret asking but, what do I owe you for all this Mishka?" He asked. The mature canine tilted her head back and looked up at the ceiling of her home. She stayed like that for a few moments before returning her attention back on him. Moon could see something was wrong when she didn't answer him right away.

"Normally that is a true statement but, in your case I can't seem to find a price. So here's the deal I'll ask for payment when I've found some real solid information. In the meantime I trust you'll take him to that island where he can search. While you do that I'll check with a few of my contacts on and off the main land." Mishka said. With that Shayde and Moon bid her goodbye and returned to the village in silence.

Of course when they got there Scully and Rye had been looking for them. "Do we want to know where you two ventured off to for the past couple hours?" Rye asked. Shayde told Moon to sleep on what he learned today while she talked to the crew. She also said that the choice to sail to that island Mishka mentioned was his call. He gave the captain a nod then walked home while she informed Rye and Scully.

As he left Shayde had both women follow her then she told them what happened. "Captain are you insane you of all people know that damn woman can't be trusted. Or don't you recall the last time we followed her advice she nearly got us killed." Scully growled. She hadn't forgotten about that but, something about Moon worried Mishka. Since Shayde's known the sage she's never seen such a reaction from her before.

In either case the choice to investigate the lead she provided was up to Moon. "He's been looking for answers I took him to see her where he might get some. Sadly what neither of us expected was to learn he belongs to a long extinct race. Though if he desires there's a crescent island to the south they once called home." Shayde stated. Rye and Scully read between the lines that the decision to go was up to him.

For now it would be business as usual and with that Scully and Rye left. <To be perfectly honest with you there might be a long rough and wild road ahead. With the changing times I wonder how much longer we can continue doing this. Of course if Moon can gain control of what ever power flows through his veins. Until he decides on what he wants to do with the info Mishka gave him we wait.> She thought.

The rest of the morning gave way into the afternoon then into the evening. Moon struggled with the choice laid before him and kept him from falling asleep. When the first rays of the sun entered his home and his legs had gone numb. After he got circulation back, he stood up, cooked breakfast then left the house. His next stop was to find the captain to tell her what he's decided to do with Mishka's info.

Unfortunately she wasn't around but, when he ran across Helix he asked her. "Hmm, I haven't seen or spoken to her since we came home from Saralia Isle. Scully might have a clearer idea, you can find her at the river checking the nets. Of course you could talk to Rye, Chains or Kendra if you feel brave enough, Moon." Helix replied. With that the raccoon excused herself then Moon walked down to the river.

Naturally Scully was where Helix said checking and emptying fishing nets. She stretched briefly and noticed Moon leaning against a tree nearby the river bank. Motioning him to come over with a couple fingers and with a nod he joined them. "Well good morning what brings you here as if I really need to ask that question." Scully smiled. He managed a smile then told the black leopard and said his reasons for coming.

"Wow, I don't know what to say that's a lot of info for anyone to absorb. That would also explain the weary look in your eyes that it kept you from sleeping. As admirable as wanting to know where you come from, than think about this. Sometimes digging up the past can be a dangerous path and must be treated as such. Though given all that you've been through I can't say that I blame for wanting to search." She said.

"Perhaps you're right Scully but, this is something I can't overlook either. I know nothing about where I come from or why I woke up on Saralia Isle." He replied. Scully looked down at her feet while remaining silent unsure of how to respond. Though she couldn't just sit there like a log the poor guy was struggling for clues. "Honestly, Moon I really don't know what to say that will be of any help." She said.

"By talking to me like this is more helpful than you realize Scully so thanks." He smiled. Placing her hand on his left shoulder then shaking him side to side playfully. They shared a good laugh before Scully got up and resumed her work in the river. "If you're still interested in talking to the captain you'll find her on the ship." She stated. Standing up and brushing himself clean Moon gave a parting wave and left.

<I wonder if he's noticed that he's the only male on this little island?> She wondered. What made her laugh was when that fact actually dawned on the young male. Either way he was a breath of fresh air around here and that's certainly a blessing. Granted there was some initial friction luckily things settled down quite smoothly. He hasn't found his calling amongst the villagers and crew but, time will change that.

Meanwhile Moon arrived at the cavern that sheltered the Phantom Reaper. As he walked along the dock towards the gang plank he didn't hear any noise. Once aboard the vessel Moon checked every inch of the large ship and nothing. Until he returned topside with a surveying sweep of the deck nobody was here. Feeling a bit defeated Moon disembarked then walked all the way back to his home.

Where he would spend the rest of the day and night there until the next morning. After washing up and dressing there was a knock upon his door then a voice. "Hey Moon, we've got a job grab your gear and me the crew at the dock." Helix said. Doing as she suggested through the door her retrieved his gear then joined everyone. Shayde gave the crew a brief rundown of what their job was before she giving orders.

The entire crew jumped into action leaving him behind on the dock confused. "Moon get that vulpine ass in gear and join us in the navigation room now." Shayde barked. Doing as she said he bolted up the plank then joined the captain and ranking officers. After closing the door behind him then looked around a spark of curiosity struck. Before he could ask what was going on Shayde gave everyone the full briefing.

Apparently the governor of the islands to the north has requested their services. For a transport and security escort southeast to the mainland for several days. During which they'll be able to purchase a few things they're running short on. It sounded like a legitimate job to Moon but, than again nothing is ever simple. Since this was his first mission he still had a ton to learn and prove to the entire crew.

With heartfelt goodbyes from the villagers the Phantom Reaper got underway. This trip would take a few days to get there so Moon began weapons training. Since Chains was his teacher things would certainly prove interesting for both furs. When it came to guns sadly the todd was all thumbs until she gave him a sword. Moon showed a natural talent for wielding a blade surprising Chains and Shayde.

Curious to see just how far his raw talent stemmed Shayde drew her blade. Seeing this, Chains snapped her fingers to get his attention that he's been challenged. Next the white lioness moved out of the way then watched the upcoming duel. Shayde always kept her skills sharp and Chains knew that Moon was in trouble. Especially if the captain decided to fight him with the intent to kill than he won't last long.

"Forgive me for this but, sheath your blade Moon isn't ready for that just yet. So if you don't mind humoring me this one time please use these swords instead." Chains said. Eyeing the lioness for a moment then Shayde complied with her humble request. While this occurred half the crew gathered around to see and bet on the winner. Shayde took a traditional stance with one arm behind her back and weapon extended.

As for Moon his stance it was more closed in but, it didn't lack structure. The captain made the first move with a swift and direct thrust to his ribcage. It was swiftly deflected to the left then followed up by a reverse thrust to the neck. With a fast defensive counter from Shayde and a kick to the kidney dropping him. Tossing his sword up forcing her to move back and leave herself open for a second.

Jumping up and before Shayde reacted he snatched her cutlass from her belt. Spinning around upon his heel and when the feline noticed it was already too late. The reflection of the midday sun brighten the white fur along her neck and chin. Time had stood still as Moon glared deep into Shayde's eye making the captain smile. For the first time in six years Shayde had almost forgot what defeat felt like until now.

Though it was certainly a first to be defeated by her own trusty weapon. Before things went any further Chains stepped in and separated the two of them. She asked Moon to hand the captain's blade over to her until Shayde spoke up. "No, Chains a good blade deserves to be in the hands of someone worthy of it. If Nokama our sword master was alive today she'd agree, Moon earned that sword." She stated.

Chains smiled remembering the lessons her mother taught before her passing. "No offense captain but, you're overlooking one thing you forged that blade. Granted he may have beaten you but, I doubt he's earned his own sword just yet. Perhaps in time he'll be permitted to forge his own unique blade like you did. For now he can use these wooden training swords until he's proved his mettle." She replied.

Moon quietly handed the sword back to Shayde then walked towards the bow. Where he stood looking out at the ocean and sky leaving the crew staring at him. "Alright, everyone back to your stations we've all had enough fun for now." Shayde ordered. The crew gave a shout and went back to their stations without another word. Chains excused herself then went below leaving Shayde alone with her thoughts.

Retiring to her quarters for a time Moon hadn't budged from where he stood. Even after the sunset he remained as if frozen until Moon's ears perked up. Turning slightly to the left to glance over his shoulder to see Rye standing close by. "Let's go I've been charged with teaching you our more silent methods of conversing." She said. He eyed her for a minute then followed her to a less crowed location.

Rye was angry with Shayde for getting this assignment but, she did as told. Once the two were in a less populated spot Rye gave him a brief idea of their signals. For the next three hours Moon spent studying and conversing with Rye. The young dragoness couldn't believe his ability to learn new skills so quickly. She still can't wrap her mind around why the captain brought him along on this mission.

Granted from want she heard he possesses a talent or some kind of power. "Moon mind explaining the rumor I've been hearing among the crew and villagers?" She asked. Remaining still for a long moment before turning his gaze back towards Rye. It was there she saw a strange energy swirling like flames inside his green eyes. As if he was on autopilot Moon rose to his feet without breaking his eye contact.

"I don't know anything about this power within me is, that the ocean speaks. It tell me things though not everything is clear but, I get the message over time. Though we might want to stop our lesson for now and allow me to go see the captain." He replied. Without him having to say another word Rye moved aside then Moon vanished. All Rye saw and felt was this white blur run past her then up the stairs to the main deck.

Vaulting up from the last few stairs into the air making Helix jump sideways. As Moon landed nearby on the deck and before she could say a single word. "Captain we're about to have company they're roughly three leagues away from us." He said. At that same instant his hand marked the direction they were coming from. Shayde ordered him to get up into the crow's nest and help locate those vessels.

Giving Shayde a nod he vaulted up the nearest mast into the crow's nest. Where he spent quite some time helping the scouts find those ships he had sensed. A whistle sounded it informed the crew below that they're about to have company. Shayde followed up with a series of orders which the entire crew quickly obeyed. Moon had to admire the captain's adaptability and everyone's trust in their leader.

Watching them make her orders a reality was motivating until it finally pinged. Since the day he was rescued and brought to their home something felt strange. Until now he's been lost inside his own thoughts to notice things happening around him. Now most folks are able to handle such situations without worry of overreacting. Of course the rest of this particular group simply can't keep such information private.

"WAS SOMEONE GOING TO TELL ME I WAS LIVING AND SAILING WITH ONLY WOMEN?!" He yelled. Sadly Moon had just joined the crowd that can't keep their mouths shut. Everyone that was in the middle of finishing their orders stopped cold. By the time he realized what he blurted out it was already too late to apologize. "Do you find that to be a major issue, Moon?" Shayde wondered broodingly.