A Bond Is Forged - Chapter Four - Steve and Jess

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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A Bond is Forged

Chapter Four - Steve and Jess

Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: ...

A Bond is Forged

Chapter Four - Steve and Jess

Cederwyn Whitefurr

February, 2009

All Rights Reserved

Steve leaned back in the narrow desk chair, his eyes closing as he gently touched the medicated patch on his furred equine cheek. He winced slightly and his ears swept backwards, as he whuffled through his nostrils then let his mind wander back to last night and the delightful pleasures he had shared with Kelly and Jess. As his mind wandered he was oblivious to the quiet snickers of his fellow students around him then there was a deafening slapping sound, as his lecturer slammed a heavy book down on Steve's desk. With a squeal, Steve's eyes snapped open and he visibly jumped, much to the delight of his fellow students.

"Mister Ashhoof if you're quite through inspecting your eyelids for holes - " Snapped the male human lecturer. "Perchance you might favour the rest of the class, with why you seem to think you can sleep through my classes? Do my lessons bore you? Or mayhaps, you already know all there is to this subject, and can teach the class?"

Steve looked around, his ears flattening in shame, as he blushed beneath his fur and hung his head guiltily.

"Sorry sir," Steve stammered, his voice quiet and differential. "It won't happen again, I promise."

Just as the lecturer was prepared to give this recalcient young equine a piece of his mind the bell rang and the students immediately began to pack away their textbooks, and the carcophany of human and anthropomorphic voices drowned out any retort the lecturer had in mind. Steve closed his eyes wearily, and thanked the God's for the timely intervention. He began to pack away his own textbooks, as the lecturer moved back towards his own desk, and then a black furred paw reached over and touched his shoulder. Steve blinked, then twisted himself about, to see Kelly sitting just behind and to his right her eyes haunted.

"Steve I can I talk to you?" Kelly's sibilant voice whispered.

"Uh...sure - " Steve replied, his eyes narrowing into a frown, as he stuffed his textbooks into his pack.

Rising to his six feet, ten inches, Steve seemed to tower over the others, but as far as equine's went he was considered to be short. His muscles rippled beneath the human-like clothes he wore, and his rich chestnut colour and dark chocolate mane reflected the overhead flourescent lights. He picked up his pack, then gestured for Kelly to walk with him to their next classes.


Outside on the common, Steve sat down, then gently took Kelly's paw and gestured for her to sit beside him. Kelly sat carefully, her heavy tail slumping down over the back of the bench on which they sat.

"What's wrong sweety?" Steve asked, as he rested his paw lightly on her thigh, in a non-threatening and gentle gesture of friendship.

A few humans spared the two anthropomorphic animals much of a glance, and some younger males had a bit of a quiet word with their friends wondering just how a stallion and a kangaroo doe, 'did it'. Steve's ears picked up their cruel, painful jibe, but he ignored it stoically, noticing that Kelly's ears were laid back against her neck and she seemed to be a million miles away.

Kelly opened her muzzle, then closed it again, before she began wringing her paws together, tears starting to sparkle in her dark brown eyes. Steve's nostrils flared, as he inhaled the scent of the obviously distressed young Doe, and he reached around and pulled her gently against his side. Kelly snuggled into his embrace, resting her head against his shoulder and shivering.

"I I'm still troubled - " Kelly whimpered, her voice so low, even Steve's excellent ears struggled to hear it.

"About Alex?" Steve inquired, then squeesed her shoulder tenderly, trying to comfort her.

"I I know it was wrong Steve but I it just..." Kelly sniffled, bravely biting back her tears.

"Honey?" Steve sighed, then cuddled her again. "Yes, in a way it was wrong, but if I were him, I would have been grateful, that a kind, loving and gentle Doe like you, was the one to give me my first sexual experience with a female."

Kelly blinked away her salty tears, then looked up into steve's eyes. He gazed back into her eyes, with a look of absolutely belief in what he was saying, and he smiled at her, then his long, rough tongue licked her cheeks gently, tasting the bitter tears that trickled down her muzzle. Kelly wiped at her eyes with her paws, then sniffled and tried to compose herself, before she gently lay her paw on Steve's, then squeesed it tenderly.

"Thank you Steve - " Kelly sniffled, then cuddled the much large equine, as best she could, then kissed his right cheek.

"Hey its what I'm here for that, and I wish to thank you Kelly for...you know last night. You were right, I know, and you know how much both of us would like too - "

Kelly shivered, then lightly pressed her paw against his lips, quieting him. Without another word, she turned and ran off to her next classes, leaving Steve sitting on the bench.


Jess fidgeted in her chair, her lower body aching, after the repeated lovemaking her and Steve had done, down on the lakeshore, last night. Even though he was gentle, loving and by no means, a 'true' stallion he was quite well endowed all the same, and Jess loved him for it. Her lecturer continued to blather on about this and that Jess had long ago tuned out and she let her mind wander back to the pleasures by the lakeshore...and how she'd love to do it all over again. Finally, the final bell rang, and Jess sighed, folding her textbooks closed, then rubbing her aching neck.

"Miss Seren - " Spoke her lecturer. "Could I see you a moment please?"

Jess moaned and waited as the other students filed out, before approaching her lecturers desk.

"Yes, Miss Hendels?" Jess asked.

"As you know," Miss Hendel's spoke, her voice all prim and haughty, like some english school matron. "We encourage our students to make friends, both of their own kind, and the - "

Jess felt her anger start to rise, but she masked it well. It was no real secret, amongst many of the students, and quite a few staff that Miss Hendel's did not like the Anthropomorphic people. To her, they were one step removed from the animal's they resembled, and she did well to mask her dislike, but ocassionally, her true colours began to show, when she would single out an Anthro for detention, or sending them to the Dean's office, for the slightest infraction.

"The...*other*...people - " Miss Hendel spoke, her voice catching slightly. "I heard, that you and..."

"Steve Miss Hendels," Jess sighed. "Steve Ashhoof - "

"Yes, that...boy were out drinking at the lake, until all hours of the night!" Miss Hendel's sniffed disdainfully.

Jess bit back her anger, then merely gazed steadily at her lecturer.

"With all due respect Miss Hendel's what Steve and I do, or any of us, do is our buisness. We were not late for classes, nor were we under the influence of alcohol we were merely a few friends, enjoying the moonlight on the lake, with a few drinks, and..." Jess ground out slowly, desperately trying to keep her rising temper.

"Then why are you...oh my god - " Miss Hendel's gasped, her eyes widening, and her hands flying to her cheeks. "You you let that...that *beast*..."

Jess barely held her rage in check, as she stood trembling with anger, guilt and savage fury, before she managed to respond, her voice like two boulders slowly being ground together.

"Miss Hendel's, that *beast* as you call him, his name is Steve Ashhoof, and what he and I may, or may not, have done, is NONE of your business!.!"

Jess turned and stormed out, leaving the horrified and stunned Miss Hendel's shaking.


Angry, confused, bitter and resentful, Jess stormed across the compound, her face a mask of black fury. Steve stood under the great oak, watching her approach, and he fell into step beside her, his hooves clicking against the concrete pathway. His ears flicked too and fro, as the wind ruffled his mane and tail, and he glanced sideways at Jess.

"That...bitch!" Jess swore savagely. "How dare she - "

Steve blinked, then draped his arm around Jess' shoulder, feeling the tense muscles and anger that lay coiled like a snake within his human lover.

"Hey, woah up there missy - " Steve nickered. "What...who you're not making any sense!"

"I...Steve, just...just take me home please?" Jess sniffled, her anger melting into grief, as she leant gratefully against his larger body.

"Sure sweety, I'll give you a nice, hot bath, and you can tell me all about it if you want if not, well I'm sure we can...think of something else?" He smirked at her, then Jess looked up into his eyes, seeing the mischevious twinkle.

Despite her anger and ill-feelings towards her lecturer, Jess managed a weak smile, then tenderly punched Steve in the arm.

"Hah you think...you can last longer this time colt?" Jess laughed weakly.

Steve paused, then looked hurt, before he snorted through his nostrils, then laughed. "Colt? Missy, I'll show you what a real stallion's capable of more than once too!"

"Ohh...promises, promises - " Jess laughed weakly, then slipped her arm around Steve's hips.


Jess reclined in the bath, letting the bubbles froth around her naked body, as she sighed and tried to relax. She could hear Steve clumping around out in the small kitchen, obviously fixing himself a snack, and she chuckled quietly, then lay her head back and rested it on the bath-cushion. Idly, she began soaping her arms, using a soft sponge - and letting the water trickle down her upraised arms.

"Mmmm - " Jess moaned softly. "This feels good..."

Her fingers began to tweak her sensitive nipples, and they swiftly hardenend and perked, as one hand slid slowly down her wet stomach, to lovingly caress her thighs, as she moaned quietly and felt the bath oils slowly relaxing her body. Her fingers seemed to grow a mind of their own, and as her left hand tickled the hyper-sensitive nipples with a fingernail, her right hand caressed, rubbed and stroked her pubic thatch.

"Oh...oh god - " Jess gasped, as she slipped a finger into her warm folds, then relaxed letting the warm bath water fill her like a liquid lover. Her middle finger probed into her depths, then slid back out again, as she groaned and shivered before teasingly rubbing the tip of her finger against her clitoris. Her heart-rate shot upwards like a galloping horse, as her already heightened sexual arousal was elevated to near stratospheric levels, as she masturbated herself.

For ten minutes, she worked herself higher and higher, then a gentle whuffle riffled her hair and her eyes widened, to look up the nostrils of her equine stallion lover, who rested his paws on his knees, and looked down his nose at her.

"My my - " Steve nickered in laugher. "Just couldn't wait could you?"

Far from ashamed, Jess merely stretched up and kissed her lovers velvety nose, then tweaked her right nipple teasingly, making her shiver and groan in pleasure. Steve snorted quietly, then shook his head and laughed at her. He felt his own arousal beginning to rise, yet he kept it under control, as it wouldn't do him any favours, to get all worked up, before Jess had her bath.

"Want to join me horsey?" Jess teased him, stroking his muzzle with a soapy hand.

Steve groaned and shivered then shook his head, his long flowing mane flicking from side to side. "I'd love too but there's nowhere near enough room in that bath for me as it is let alone us together.

Jess rose, then stepped from the bath, and Steve drank in her beautiful body. A five feet, three incles tall, Jess only came up to Steve's chest, but she had a body, like that of some greek goddess, or so Steve honestly believed. Jess's eyes were a deep, sea-green, her hair a rich, vibrant chestnut much like his own and her breasts were like two large, ripe rockmellons. They were firm and perky even more so, with her aroused state, with smooth, pink nipples poking through a thin veneer of soapy bubbles. Her slender hips were well proportioned, with a firm, well rounded buttocks, and strong, muscular legs that were not unsightly, but as Steve knew Jess's legs were well muscled and strong. He looked her up and down, then a low, gurgling moan escaped him.

"Like what you see little foal?" Jess smirked, as she slowly pirotetted and then bent over and touched her toes.

"Foal?" Steve gurgled, as he fought to control his arousal. "You bend over like that missy and I'll..."

Jess stood back up, then knelt before him and her wet hands unbuttoned his jeans, then pulled them down to his ankles. Steve's black, velvety sheath was swollen, but as yet, he had yet to begin to reach erection. Jess grinned mischievously, then gently pushed the sheath down the swelling penis, and her warm tongue lapped at the tip of Steve's penis.

"Oh god..." Steve moaned, and his body shivered his penis suddenly sliding itself slowly free of its confining sheath.

Jess held it lightly between her palms, as she continued to nibble, lick and kiss the swelling penis, knowing Steve would be going absolutely crazy with pleasure and his grunts and snorts didn't dissapoint. She paused in her oral pleasuring, only long enough, to help steve out of his shirt, which hse threw into a corner of the bathroom then she resumed stroking his growing errection. As Steve nickered and whinnied in delight, Jess rose, then straddled her lovers hips and stood up, positioning his growing errection between her thighs. Steve blinked at her, then any thought of asking what she was going to do, was washed away, as she gasped and lowered herself down, then wrapped her strong legs around his hips.

As his erection grew more and more, it pushed it way deeper into Jess's dark depths, and she licked and nibbled Steve's nipples, driving the stallion mad with desire and longing. It only took a few minutes, before his rock hard penis became fully erect within Jess, and she gasped, as he slid his hooves back then let his tail hang over the edge of the bath, and into the water.

"Oh god Jess - " Steve moaned, as Jess wriggled and arched her stomach against his

Steve was by no means a true stallion but his impressive penis length of nearly eleven inches before it reached the sheath at full erection made Jess feel as if she was being mated with a throbbing, pulsing fence-pole. Steve filled her completely, her vaginal walls clutching needfully at his trembling penis inside her, and as he moved again Jess groaned in pleasure, as his penis head flared within her. Steve's tail began to pump up and down, as he felt Jess tighten her muscles and carefully begin rocking against her anthro-stallion lover. Water soaked Steve's tail, as it pumped up and down, flicking water droplets up the wall behind them, as Jess moaned and writhed in Steve's firm grasp, his hooflets tenderly squeesing her buttocks as Jess relaxed more and more.

Jess eagerly began pumping her hips against Steve, slowly pulling herself up and listening to his grunts, as she nearly dismounted him before carefully sliding back down his penis, her tight folds parting under the throbbing of the stallion's penis. Again and again, she slid up his length, making Steve feel as if he'd surely lose his self-control then and there, before she'd slide back down again until at last, she had taken his entire length inside herself.

For several minutes, Steve and Jess cuddled, kissed and caressed, as Jess wriggled against him, bringing both herself and Steve ever closer to their orgasm. Steve placed his paws beneath Jess's buttocks, then carefully stood up and holding her up he began tenderly bucking against her.

"Oh Steve - " Jess gasped, as each forwards thust slapped his groin against hers. "Yes my love, go on mate me like a mare in heat!"

Steve grunted, his teeth clenched, as he tightened his grasp and began thrusting harder and harder against her, but with this angle of penentration, it wasn't as satisfying as Steve would have liked and Jess too, felt a little disquieted. She wanted to feel Steve let his inhibitions go, to make love to her like he would a stallion and a mare, but his gentleness, love and respect for his human partner, made him reign in his insticts, even though the erotic sensations made his very genetic memories scream for the sharp, powerful lunges. Yet once he was inside Jess, he knew to completely dismount and attempt re-entry, would cause his beloved pain and discomfort, and he wanted most of all, for their love-making to be a gentle, passionate affair not some wild, bestial mating.

His tail pumped up and down with each thrust, and Jess gasped and squirmed in his grasp, her soapy body wetting his fur, as he grunted and lunged then Jess sank her fingernails into his shoulders and bit down on his neck muscles, as she gasped in discomfort. Again and again, Steve lunged against her, slamming himself against her, before Jess arched her hips against his and threw back her head then squealed like a mare her orgasm making her vaginal muscles tighten down on Steve like he'd put his penis into a warm, moist vice.

He was so close to orgasm himself already, he could feel the hot, sticky ejaculations that accompanied his rising orgasm, and these secretions helped lubricate his penis, as it rubbed every single sensitive spot in Jess's young body.

"Oh my god - " Jess shrieked, as she orgasmed again and again, her body convulsing with each one.

Steve continued his frenetic thrusting, his tail pistoning up and down, before he squeesed Jess tight, and he squealed in equine delight , his ear-tips touching together, as his own orgasm exploded, and he pulled Jess tight against him, as his penis spurted again and again, sending a copious flood of semen into Jess.

Long having been Steve's partner, Jess knew how Steve's orgasms were and she felt each explosive pulse as he ejaculated, his semen spraying in incredibly strong spurts, - each one, a rush of incredibly hot warmth, that spread from her groin to every never ending in her body. Her body wracked by her multiple orgasms, and those of her equine lover, Jess felt fulfilled, both physically and emotionally yet she clung to Steve like a leech, her heart pounding against his chest, as he whiffled and grunted, feeling his erection wilt slightly, but Jess' tight depths still squeesed and milked the stallion for every last drop.

"Steve - " Jess rasped, her voice raw and filled with emotions.

Steve shuddered, then humped agaisnt her again, giving another short, sharp gasp as a less intense orgasm spurted deep inside Jess, before he bowed his head and his long, rough tongue licked away Jess' salty tears that trickled down her cheeks. He held her tenderly, his penis still deep within her, as they both basked in the after-glow of their almost bestial lovemaking.

"I..." Steve gurgled, then squeesed closed his own eyes, and thrust against Jess again, but this time, there was no further ejaculations, just his over-stimulated neve endings sending their signals to his reeling mind.

Jess moved with Steve as he bucked against her, feeling his length slide up and down inside her, but she concentrated and tightened her vaginal muscles, keeping her stallion from trying to dismount, even though, she knew he could pull away if he wanted, but they both enjoyed the sensations, of their after-coital bliss.

"I...love you, my dear, sweet woman - " Steve whiffled through his nostrils, as his eyes rolled and his tail swished from side to side.

Jess shivered, then reached up a shaking hand and lightly stroked Steve's cheek, tracing the quivering muscles with her fingertips.

"I love you too my dear, sweet, gentle...colt" Jess giggled, then moaned as Steve pressed forwards.

"Colt!" Steve gasped, and twitched his legs beginning to ache from their exertions, and holding up Jess. "You...we...I came at least four times..."

Jess grinned, then gasped as Steve bucked again, her hips slapping against his groin, and she shivered in delight.

"Three times my dear stallion I...was only teasing you." Jess rasped, and caressed his cheek again.

Steve trembled, then his eyes narrowed and he nipped her shoulder tenderly, before he laughed and cuddled her tight against him.

"Give me a chance to recover a little and we'll see if we can't beat that record, hmmm?"

Jess blinked, then looked up at her equine lover before she burst into laughter and kissed his soft, velvety nose.

"You're on - " Jess murred, as she ran her finger-tips across his furred lips.

Steve shivered and gave another short, sharp buck against her, feeling his errection already firming again, and Jess gasped in surprise and pleasure, before he whickered in laughter, then carefully walked out the bathroom door and into their bedroom, kicking the door closed behind them both.


To Be Continued...