Throes Confession: First day - Begining of Toccata

Story by Jinx-huha on SoFurry

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"Here's the money." A guy pawed the money to the feline cashier, buying a bottle of coke and a small pack of crackers.

"Thanks." She replied as she noticed the look of depression on his face and the depressed looking tail, but she just smiled, pretending like she doesn't noticed it. Although he was one of her regular customers, she didn't have the slightest clue of whom he is or what he was like.

The guy walked out the store, turned left and left again into the alleyway, a shortcut to his college. The cashier kept on peeking at him through the window as the shadow of the unknown fur moved away.

It was early in the morning, with the sun just starting to lighten the sky. He walks alone carrying his book and wearing his usual brown long sleeve collar T-shirts like a geek, opens up his coke and drinks it then sighs. Clicking his I-P.N (Ipod nano), he chooses a song to listen to. "All good things come to an end" by Nelly Furtado.

In public, they can only see him as just another ordinary wolf-person with low self-esteem and lack physicality (because he always wearslong sleeve T shirt).

Watching the ground, he felt uneasy. He reached into his pocket to grab a capsule-like containment as he was getting nearer to the gate when....


Some jocks were ramming each other accidentally pushed him and made him fall. His paperwork were scattered on the ground and he watches the jocks step on it. It was like he was nonexistent, none of the jocks helped him, spoke to him or even looked at him.

He still felt relief; the container in his pocket didn't fall out. His earphones were broken to half, but still functioned. The paperwork was covered by mud and stains. He slowly got up and collected the paper.

"Need some help Brams?" A voice was heard from behind. He turned around and saw his friend, Grey. He known grey since in primary school and he is the only friend he had. "Those jocks did this to you, huh..."

"Heheh..." Brams smile. Grey helps Brams collect the paperwork and gives it to him.

"Aren't you supposed to be with them? They're already pumping up for the big game tomorrow" Brams asked him while trying to cover up the container in his Pocket with his books, hiding it from Grey's sight.

"I know. I woke up late; my alarm clock was busted... I didn't even have breakfast." Grey makes an innocent face while rubbing his tummy.

"I did buy a pack of crackers, here..." Brams handed him the crackers. "I already had a breakfast. So, you can have it."

"Gee....thanks." Grey reached his paws to grab the crackers. Brams saw Grey's face go red from a blush as Grey grabs the crackers, and at the same time, rubbing the back of Brams furry paws. Brams didn't know why, he thought maybe he was shy or maybe...

"Grey!!!!!! Honey!!!!! "

A female canine voice was heard from a distance. They search for the source of the voice, it was Grey's girlfriend, Rachel. She was running like she was being chased by a dog (a real dog).

She was the most popular girl in the college (cause she always have the latest emo style and she was pretty) and also a good friend of Brams. They've known each other since last year when Grey introduced her as his girlfriend. But no one knows of their friendship (no one even know that Rachel is Grey's girlfriend). They have no time to hang around in the college. Beside, there's nothing else to do in the college.

When she got close enough, she jumps and hugs Grey, showing her baby-face...

"For an Emo, you're more like a blonde." Grey teased her.

"Shut up....hehe" She said with a girly voice. " Oh, hi Brams. How you doing?" she asks while looking at his clothes, "Nice outfit, as always."

"Hmhm...Hi." Replies Brams as he looks at his watch. "Oh no, I'm late. Sorry guys, I have a presentation today. I need to show up early...So, catch ya' later" Brams waves to them and walks quickly to the auditorium.

"Bye, and good luck with it..." Grey shout form the distance as Brams walked away.

"Yeah, good luck..." Rachel howled to him.

As Brams walked away, he put away his broken earphones, feeling a sense of disappointment, not knowing where it was coming from. He turns back and sees them waving before going their separate ways.

Brams once again reach into his pocket as he getting nearer to the door of the auditorium. He takes out two pills from the container. He swallowed them followed by a quick drink of his coke. He then throws away the half-full coke into the nearby trash can before entering the room.


The presentation lasted for four hour. Brams came out from the auditorium with a look of despair.

"Darn it, I screwed up"

He watch the other student walking around, there are love-birds holding hands, some are just a group of gangster-like gangs (most of them are tigers and bats) and the rest are nearly as ordinary looking as him.

He walked along the green-tiled pathway toward the college food court. Suddenly, he heard a yell for help.

"Huh....that voice!"

He searched throughout the surrounding area. The sound was getting louder as he moved towards the old storeroom. The yelling suddenly turn into pain, with words such as stop' and no'. A punches and slap was heard behind the door of the storeroom.

Brams peep through a hole, wandering what it is.

He was shocked to see Rachel, with both her nipples being licked and sucked by two Hyenas, a fat hyena and a jock-like hyena. She was crying and huffing from the sensation of the licking. Her eyes was swollen-black and her muzzle was dripping blood mixed with saliva. Both her paws were grabbed by the hyenas, being force to paw of the long, fat cocks of the hyenas.

Her panties were wet with her constant female ejaculation from the tickling and rubbing of one of the hyena's hand to her vagina. The floor was wet with the pre-cum of the hyenas and Rachel's fluid that kept flowing out of her like a broken water pipe.

Brams was stunned, he don't know what to do. He just kept on watching.

The jock-like hyena suddenly inserted his cock into her muzzle.

Brams saw her tongue was force to slide along the cock. The cock getting deeper and deeper until Brams heard a puke-like sound from her.

"Yeah!!! Suck it harder bitch!" Rachel sucked the cock harder like it was a Popsicle to prevent herself from being hit.

"Hey! Suck mine to!?" The fat hyena grabbed her head and thrust his cock into her mouth. She was like a doll.

The sucking getting more and more intense. She was forced to swallowed the pre-cum and the smelly musk of the hyena's cocks. The fat hyena then move to her bottom and was about to strip her, to fuck her in the V's and B's.

The sudden reaction make Brams quickly entered the storeroom and punch the face of the fat-hyena, making the hyena fall nose to the ground. Then he kicks the jock-like hyena on the gut.

"Don't worry, run away. I'll deal with these guys." Brams said to Rachel without even looking at her half-naked body. But she was froze, immobilize.

"(Brams...)" Rachel thought in her mind.

"WTF, damn you to hell" The fat hyena yell while giving a surprise upper cut. The jock-like hyena then grabbed Brams on the waist, lift him up before throwing him to the floor Batista bomb style.(it's funny when in the ring, Batista lift his victim and smells their under-thingies).

Brams eyes turn white when his head hit the wooden plank on the floor. Slowly he regains consciousness and tries to get up to start his next move. The jock was about to punch Brams when he heard his friend shouted.

"Wait!" The fat hyena grabs his friend on the shoulder. "It not fun anymore if someone already saw us in action, lets just get the hell out of here. We'll just wasting our time dealing with this kid."

" Yeah." The jock-like hyena then pointed his claw toward Brams muzzle "Hey kiddo, next time, we won't take it easy on you!"

"Maybe we even rape you...hahaha." added the fat hyena. The hyenas laugh while zipping their pants before getting out from the storeroom. Brams breathing heavily, smelling the arousing smell of sex and feeling the stinging sensation of his bruises and the blood that kept on flowing from his head. He falls down to his knees.

"Brams! " Rachel quickly grabs him from behind, letting his head rest on her naked breasts. Blood start flowing down from his head to her breast. Rachel started crying and hugging him tightly.

"D...don't worry...I'll be f...fine" Brams whispered before he passes out.


A couple of minutes later, Brams woke up to found out that he is still in the storeroom with Rachel, still half naked, hugging him from behind.

Brams felt his head, it was wrapped with Rachel's handkerchief. As he regains consciousness, he realises that he was lying against her naked breasts. Brams quickly gets up removing his head from her furry melons, moving backward, feeling awkward about what just happened with his best-friend's lover.

"Are you alright?" Rachel asked Brams.

"No, I mean....yes, yes, I'm okay.... How about you?"

"I'm fine" She replied with a fake like smile, covering her boobs with her arm. "Don't worry, Grey will be here any minute, I called him already using your phone"

"Oh, okay"

Brams nodded as he looked down, noticing that his pants were unzipped. He then turned around and zipped it back up. With such pain on his head, he didn't stopto think of how and why his zip was undone.

Loud footsteps were heard from the distance and they were getting closer. The storeroom door burst was Grey.

He went straight toward Brams, holding his shoulder. Grey looked worried.

"Brams, are you okay?"

"Yeah, my head still spinning but I'm alright"

"Thank god you're alright" He then saw his half-naked girlfriend rise up and move toward him. As she gotten closer, Grey hugged his girlfriend.

"Are you alright Rachel?"

"I'm fine, you should be worrying about Brams, the injuries look very serious. We should take him to the hospital"

"Here love, I brought the clothes you asked for." Grey handed the clothes to Rachel. She takes it then they kiss a bit. Brams just watch with his poker expression. Brams not even sexually arouse when watching Grey kiss his naked girlfriend.

Rachel put on her clothes and Grey help Brams to get up. They entered Grey's car and sent him to the nearest hospital. Grey was driving fast. Rachel sitting beside Grey, watching through the window and wiping her face with her hand. Brams was lying behind on the seat. The radio was playing a song, 'Decode' as made famous by Paramore.

"Grey, what just happen today, could you keep it a secret?" Rachel suddenly started a conversation with Grey.


"I don't want anybody to know about it is too embarrassing"

"Don't worry, I will keep it"

"If the doctor asks, just say me and Brams fell down the stairs."

"Okay...and I will"


They reached the hospital. Grey helps Brams getting out of the car, shouldering him while Rachel followed Grey from behind. After confirming certain medicine and treatment, Brams was send to his apartment.

As they went on their way back, none of them spoken any word. They were still in delusion about what happen.

Rachel and Grey got out of the car first. Brams was still inside.

"I think I should go home." Rachel said to Grey. "Please, could you take care of him for today?" She asked him.

"What! Take care of him like, aaaa...stay at his apartment for tonight? I mean...of course...Ammmm"

"What with the sudden reaction?" Rachel asked him again.

"No, no, nothing."

"So, could you..."

"Of course, anything for you." Grey said and turns to watch Brams face.

"Thanks Honey." Rachel kisses Grey and walk away.

"Okay Brams, lets get a move on." Grey said while open the door of his car and help Brams to get out.

"Rachel asked me to take care of you for tonight."

"Wha...No, I fine. I can take....Ahhhh!" Brams suddenly screams a bit from the pain.

"You're in bad condition. Beside, she already asked me, so you can't say no to a girl, right" Grey smiled.

Brams stare down, making a worried expression. Grey supports Brams with his shoulder, helping him walk. As they reach the stair, Brams askes him to stop.

"I don't think I can walk up the stair...I'm really dizzy right now.... I know this is embarrassing but would you just carry me up?"

Grey suddenly blush but Brams doesn't notice it. Brams just kept on looking down.

"O...okay." Grey lifts him up like they are a newly wed couple.

"H...hey, easy! Oww! "Both of their muzzles suddenly meet. They can feel each others breath. Grey glance into Brams eyes. Brams can see the glittering eye of the guy who carried him. There was a pause for a minute.

"Umm...I think we should go to my apartment now." Brams said to him, looking away to the left.

Grey break out from his mild daydream. "Y...yeah"

The sunset brightens the wall with it orange colour light as they climb the stair to reach Brams apartment. It was on the fourth floor. Grey put him down. Brams gave Grey his apartment key from his pocket when he noticed the container, inside his pocket, was gone. His face turns to panic.

Quickly he grabs back the key from Grey's hand and opens his apartment door quickly and searches around to look for the container. He was in so much panic. His eyes suddenly turn red. Grey was oblivious.

"Brams, what wrong?"

"The" Brams said with a freaky sad look on his face. He quickly runs into his bathroom. Grey was worried. He followed him.

Grey watch from the entrance of the bathroom. Brams open his cabinet. He was shaking. He scattered the inside of the cabinet. Then he grab a container and taken out three pills. He put back the container into the cabinet. Brams swallowed all the pills at once, then drinking the water that flow from the sink tap.

Grey was curious. He moves closer to him. Brams was coughing and panting, and then he slowly relaxes a bit. Grey stand behind him and grab the container from the cabinet, wanting to find out what it is. Grey watch the label inscribed on the container and he read.....

"Venlafaxine.....What!!" Grey was shocked from his discovery.

A sudden silence filled the air with despair....

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry....I don't want to make anybody worried..." Brams silence a bit. Then raise his face, watching his friend eyes...Grey's eyes were glimmering. His fang was biting his lower lips. His ear flopped down. A tear suddenly flow down through his cheek.

"It not that serious..."Brams said with a frown-looking smile.

"Not that serious?! How could you say that?!" Grey suddenly burst to tears.

"Why didn't you tell me before...I never knew...I never thought that you're suffering...All this time"


"Why am I crying? I can't hold this feeling anymore..."

Grey move closer and hug Brams like it was his girlfriend... Brams was surprised.

"You were always by my side Brams. You always help me...but I...I..." Grey was lost in words...

As the hug gotten tighter and tighter, Brams trying to push him back...but feeling the strange warmth of Grey's hug, Brams melted into the hug.

"I...I love you...Brams, I love you...I always did..."

Hearing those words coming out from Grey's mouth left Brams stunned, he couldn't believe that the guy who had a girlfriend would fall in love with a guy, a guy like him. Brams eyes start to glimmer. He knows that a guy is hugging him, but he felt calm....The strange feeling inside Brams chest turn into an urge that keep saying 'don't let me go'.......

Brams suddenly lost in fantasy....thinking why he never had this hug before..... Tears started coming out from Brams eyes. Grey was sobbing. Then Grey started to let go of him.

Quickly, Brams wrapped his arms along Grey's neck and he started to kiss him. Tongue started to roll inside their muzzles. They close their eyes, feeling the sensual air, arousing their sexual desire. Grey started to grab on Brams furry ass then he squeezed a bit.

Sadness turns into relaxation, and relaxation turns into passion.

"Mmf!" Brams hummed, feeling his best-friend's paw seducing his butt, asking to be loyal to Grey. Brams tongue playing with the inside of Greys muzzle. Their cocks kept on bumping each other, feeling the erection and the hot wet pre-cum.

Grey then lifts Brams up again, carrying him to his bed. Grey then tosses Brams to the bed. He then slowly stripped his clothes off, showing his buff abs and large chest. Then he jumped on top of Brams wearing only his tight undies. Brams doesn't even think about the injuries anymore. The pain turns into desire, the desire to be with the one who love him. Brams then taken his cloth of until there is not even a thread on him.

"Relax......" Grey said and smile.

Brams lay down on the bed, letting Grey bite his neck. Grey then moves downward, licking Brams furry chest and nibbling Brams nipple. As the tips of the nipples were bitten, Grey can feel Brams cock harden, touching Grey's abs.

"Oh...Ah..." Brams was tickled by the sensation of the licking. His cock showering Grey's and his abs with pre-cum. Grey brought his tongue lower and lower to Brams nice round ball. He then lick it and suck it while his hand playing and squeezing Brams long-thick cock.

Brams moaned and squealed as Grey's hand move up and down his pole.

Grey kept on sucking and pawing Brams cock. Brams twitched every time Grey bites his ball.

The air filled with the smell of sensational musk and sweat. Grey then licked Brams cock, sucking it while his fingers were gently rubbing Brams nipple.

"Mmff..." Brams squealed as his cock was sucked, feeling Grey's fangs and tongue touching the tip of the cock. Brams tightly grabbed the pillow that he lay on. His eyes were closed tightly and his face turned red. He was about to cum.......

"Stop!!" Brams said suddenly, making Grey stop.

"Why? What wrong?"

"Rachel, what about Rachel?" Brams was starting to get depress again. Then Gray kissed him.

"Forget the outside world; it's about us right now. I want to make love to you like this is the last time we meet." Brams smiled. He then kissed him back. Brams was ready to surrender himself to Grey.



Brams glance into Grey's eye. Then he grab Grey's furry ass brought it under his crotch, making grey cock hit the hole of Brams butt.Grey grinned then kisses him once more, even lustier than before. As they kissed, Grey slip down his underwear and started to push his thick cock into Brams nice tight hole.

"Ngh!!" Brams clenched his jaws together While enduring the pain of Grey's big cock entering the part that used to let stuff out, not in. It was really big and long, and it was hard like an over-pumped tyre. Grey pushed his cock slowly into Brams butt. Brams squeezed the pillow even tighter, moaned in pleasure as the pain turned into pleasure.

"Ugh! ...deeper, go deeper!!"

Grey pushed his cock half-way, closing his eyes as he felt the lining of Brams butt was tightening against his cock. The stroking was getting faster. Brams was squeaking like a mouse each time the cock touched a certain spot inside his butt.

"Ah! Harder! Go deeper!!! Ah!"

Brams was drooling from the pain and pleasure of having his butt stroke fucked by the one who loved him. Grey was sweating as he fully pushed his cock deeper into the hole.

The stroking and thrusting were getting faster and faster. The sound of Brams constant moaning showed Grey that he was really enjoying it. Brams turned his head to the pillow, biting it and closing his eyes. Grey started to thrust more forcefully, making Brams suddenly moaned louder....

"Oh! I'm gonna...ah! Don't!! Don't stop!!" Brams was in the end of the trail. Grey quickened his thrusts, making Brams lost in ecstasy...

"It coming!!! It...Aahhh!!" Brams shouted as his cock squirt out a trail of cum, hitting his muzzle and along his furry body. Brams was gasping air as Grey continuingly stroked his cock. Brams face was bright red, enduring the continuous sensation after his orgasm...

Brams was squealing and moaning even louder. Grey was about to reach his burst point.

"Oh! I'm gonna....!!!!Nggghh!!!" Grey arched his back as he pushed his cock even deeper hilting himself within Brams as he climaxed.

"Aaah!!!" Yowled Grey, as he released his semen inside of Brams butt before pulling out of him to squirt it onto Brams's cock. Grey let out a long breath.

Both of them are gasping for air. Tired, Grey lay down beside Brams, both of them looked into each others eyes, both of them exhausted.

Grey licked the cum off of Brams muzzle, then he kissed Brams and as their tongues wrestled Brams could taste his own semen. They kissed each other passionately. Grey hugs Brams tightly. Then he heard Brams whisper,

"Don't let me go........"


How was it..This is my first time writing a story,but I do get some help from one of my watcher. Please....send comment, or rate it, then Iwill continue on the next story...hehe