The New Guy, Part Two: Meetings and Greetings

Story by AwkwardFerret on SoFurry

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#2 of The New Guy

Here we go, second chapter!

Jonathan meets some of the local animals, and even finds a new breeder, but at the same time, the mayor sets his dark plan into motion...

The New Guy

Part Two

Meetings and Greetings


The next day...

"Should have bought an alarm clock, genius..." Jon mumbled to himself as he stepped outside the front door, holding up a hand to shield his sensitive eyes from the sun. "I can't believe it's already eleven..."

"Hey, you!" a gruff voice shouted. Jon looked around, and found the source to be a male dark grey wolf with sand-colored highlights, wearing an absolutely hideous blue shirt dotted with green and orange circles. "Yeah, you!"

"Um..." Jon said as the wolf walked over to him. "I'm sorry, I don't..."

"You're that new guy, right?" The subtle German accent was more obvious now, but still rather difficult to place.

"Well, yes, I am," Jon proclaimed. "Can I ask your name? I haven't really met anybody besides Amelia..."

"Oh, certainly. My name is Wolfgang, real creative, I know. You didn't seem to do much other than hang out with Amelia yesterday."

Jon smiled. "Well, we found a lot of ways to entertain ourselves."

"Is that so?" Wolfgang asked. "I think I know what that means, eh, you sly dog?" He snarled, raising his eyebrow.

"I'll let you decide for yourself what that means," Jon deflected. "Have you seen the mayor anywhere? I'd like to speak with him, get to know more about the town, you know?"

"Ah, yes, I think I saw him over there a little while ago planting some flowers," Wolfgang said, pointing to the north-east. "He mentioned something about wanting to talk to you, as well."

"How convenient, then. Cheers, mate!"

"Have a good day, snarl!" Wolfgang waved as Jon ran the direction he pointed. Upon seeing a human dressed like a pirate kicking a cherry tree repeatedly and catching whatever fell out of it, he immediately turned around, not wanting to deal with the obviously insane person.

"Hey, where are you going?" the pirate demanded, ceasing his task and catching up with Jon. "It's rude to just ignore people, you know."

"Um, I'm sorry, I..."

"Ah, yes, of course, you haven't met me. I'm Mayor Robert." The mayor put out a hand, and Jon hesitantly took it, grimacing as his paw was nearly crushed in the vice-like grip. "You must be that new villager who moved in yesterday."

"Oh, you're the mayor!" Jon said, shaking out his paw. "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you in that...getup of yours."

"Honestly, I just started wearing this to annoy Diana. She's a bit stuck-up, you know."

"I haven't met her, either."

"Well, who have you met? You can't contribute much to our community if you just avoid meeting everybody!"

"I was a bit busy with Amelia yesterday," Jon explained. "I'm trying to meet more animals today."

Amelia? Robert thought. Damn, she's already lost, then...she did seem a bit swollen when I saw her yesterday. I'll have to get rid of this guy quicker than I thought.

"I'll have to get some of the other villagers to send you gifts," Robert quickly added. "You know, as a housewarming thing."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Jon dismissed. "I already have everything I need."

"Well, you can always sell the things you don't want at the Re-Tail," Robert said. "A lot of the other villagers do it that way. There's an office locker floating around that's traded paws at least five times by now."

"That seems a bit callous."

"Well, it's good business for them. Good luck with the other villagers!" With that, Robert ran off, giggling to himself as a plan formed in his head.

Well, that was...interesting. Jon thought, making off. At least this town won't be boring with him at the helm.

He aimlessly wandered for a bit, looking for any other villagers to talk to. Unfortunately, all of them seemed quite busy either performing their own tasks or having their own conversations, leaving him in the dust. Wolfgang had seemingly disappeared, and he considered just going back home and lying down.

"Forget it," he muttered. "I might as well just--"

"Oh, Jonathan! Come over here, cuz~!" He turned to see Amelia waving him over, standing next to a curvy sheep femme, with very vibrant yellow wool that covered everything except her limbs and much of her belly and cleavage, where the white underfur showed through. Both her large, curvy horns (an odd sight on a ewe) and the ends of her hooves and fingers were a light purple color, going nicely with the yellow of her wool. Curiously, she wasn't wearing any sort of clothing save for a plaid scarf, probably figuring that her dense wool would cover up what needed covering up, and even with her large breasts, she was quite right. Still, he had seen well enough to make his decision even before they were introduced.

"Who is this?" he asked, putting on his least-toothy grin. With a sheep, revealing his full carnivore dentition wouldn't be the best introduction. "She certainly seems lovely."

The sheep femme smiled in a rather smug way and introduced herself. "My name is Willow, dear, and you are quite right about me being lovely, I can assure you."

Jon raised an eyebrow, but chose to ignore the odd statement. "Has Amelia told you anything about me?"

"Oh, she's mentioned a few things about you," Willow said, running through a few in her mind. "I would love to get to know you myself, though."

"I guess I'll just leave you two alone, then," Amelia said, winking at her friend before running off.

"She seems in a hurry," Willow observed. "Anyway, let's introduce ourselves more properly. I'm Willow, of course." She struck a rather proud pose, her lips subtly turning up.

"I'm Jonathan." He made no pose, but put out his paw, hoping Willow's handshake was a more reasonable type. Indeed, she barely grasped it at all, leaving Jonathan to do most of the work. "So...what do you like?"

"Well, the first answer is design, of course," Willow said. "Fashion, interiors, exteriors...I've been told that I'm very good at it, and given that I'm doing it, I certainly should be."

I think that sentence ate itself, Jon thought. "Anything else?"

"'s more of a hobby, really, but I'm something of a musician," Willow admitted.

"A musician?" Jon echoed. "I'm quite into music myself. What style do you like to play?"

"I like the old Romantic piano pieces." Willow subtly moved closer to him, her eyelids lowering just barely. "They're so very passionate and vibrant..."

"I see," Jon said, grinning. She certainly seemed vibrant. She would doubtlessly be a lot of fun to breed. "I'm more of a Baroque man myself. It's a lot more fun to compose, I think."

"Oh, you're a composer? That's certainly interesting...I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with Baroque."

"I'm not as familiar with Romantic, I'm afraid," Jon said. "Maybe you could educate me?" Jesus, did I really just say that?

"Are you flirting with me?" Willow asked. She didn't seem particularly perturbed with the idea, and Jon breathed a sigh of relief. At least he hadn't made a complete fool of himself.

"Maybe I am." Jon smiled just slightly, so that his teeth wouldn't show. "Really, though, I would like to learn more about Music. It could help my compositions."

"How about we go to my house?" Willow proposed. "I have a few things that might interest you."

"Let's go!" Jon allowed her to go ahead, trailing far behind. So far, he was making excellent time...


"Isabelle!" Mayor Robert greeted as his dutiful assistant entered the office. "What have you managed to learn about Jon?"

"Well...I haven't been able to get much other than rumors, and none of them have been helpful."

Robert grimaced. "Give me something, at least. Even the tiniest thing could be used against him."

Isabelle hesitated for just a moment, but continued. "Well, from what I've heard, he's allergic to pineapple, but you already knew that, he's some sort of Eastern European, and he likes music."

"You're right, that's not very useful," Robert agreed. "Perhaps we might look at some official records?"

"Um, I don't think you should be doing that, Mr. Mayor!" Isabelle objected as he pulled open a drawer from his filing cabinet, sifting through the manila folders in search of Jon's documents. "That's very private in there!"

"All's fair in love and war!" Robert pulled out a folder and opened, smiling as he looked at the information. "Let's see...Jonathan Wojciechowski, gonna say the medical records?"

"Robert!" Isabelle yelled. "You can't seriously be considering--"

"Would you rather he just ruin everything, Isabelle?" She had no answer. "Didn't think so."

Robert scanned the page, first his eyebrows raising, then breaking into a vicious smile. "Well, that's interesting..."

"Oh, dear..." Isabelle whispered. "I'm sorry, Jon..."


"Very nice," Jon said, looking at Willow's house. It was fairly small, yet quite modern at the same time, with sharp right angles and a delightful palette of sunset colors. Of course, it would soon need some significant expansions to accommodate certain needs, but that was a ways in the future. For now, all Jon could do was admire it.

"I did design it," Willow said, pulling a key out from her scarf and unlocking the door. "If it isn't very nice, I'm not doing my job properly."

Jon scoffed, stepping inside behind her. "And what job would" His breath caught in his throat.

"Making things look nice."

"Nice" was an understatement. The foyer was incredibly regal in appearance, with a good portion of it looking like it was made of the finest white satin. A small, almost amusing chandelier hung above a very expensive-looking rug that Jon's paws sank into when he stepped forward to look into the living room. Its design was similar, though his attention was captivated by something else: the massive, ivory-colored grand piano that served as the centerpiece.

"What's this?" he asked, observing it with a subdued reverence. He looked just above the perfectly-formed keys to see a small brass plate that read "Gramway--1963".

"That would be my piano," Willow said, smiling. "I assume you like it?"

"T-this thing probably cost as much as the whole house!" Jon cried, stepping back from it out of fear that he would damage it somehow. "I've never seen a Gramway in person's amazing!"

"I'll let you play on it, if you'd like," Willow offered, stepping up next to him and pressing her body against his.

Jon huffed. This was simply too easy! But he couldn't breed her in here...if something got damaged, or more likely, stained, he would probably spend the rest of his life working it off, and that was not something he could fit into his plan. Perhaps he would humor her now and lure her into his own house later...

"Sure, I'll give it a go. I'm really more familiar with harpsichord, but it should be about the same."

He pulled the chair out and sat upon it, fingers deftly moving over the keys as he tried to determine where to start. After pressing some random keys, he found his spot. A furious fire grew in his eyes as he started playing madly, fingers deftly moving over the keys in rapid arpeggios that Willow could barely keep track of. Whole octaves passed by in the blink of an eye, in increasingly complex variations. Then, barely even a minute after he had begun, he stopped dead, panting slightly.

Willow shook her head, staring at him in awe. "What was that?"

"That was me improvising," Jon said, shakily getting up from his seat. "I tend to overdo it a bit. Don't ask me to do that again, by the way."

"I'm not sure I would want you to..." Willow said. "At least, not on my piano..." Oh, god, did I really just say that?

"What?" Jon asked. "Wow, we're both pretty corny today, aren't we?"

Willow giggled. "I guess now we're equal. But...we should probably get to know each other a bit more, shouldn't we? I don't even know your last name!"

"You don't? I thought with all the rumors flying around about me, you would know plenty."

"Well...there really aren't that many rumors, and Diana told me most of them, so I don't actually know that much about you. Diana's a bit creative..."

"I've heard a lot about this Diana," Jon said. "You'll have to introduce me to her."

"I'm not sure you would like her...she's a bit hard to get along with, you know?"

"I can manage it. Anyway, you wanted to know my last name?"

Willow nodded.

"Fair enough. It's Wocjiechowski."

"Wojciechowski?" she repeated. "That sounds Russian."

"It's actually Polish," Jon corrected.

"Oh, so you're Polish?"

He frowned. "Is that a problem?"

"Oh, no, of course not. I just didn't know."

Jon chuckled. "Sorry, it's just...I've had some problems in the past with that."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's not your fault. great-grand parents left Poland for America some time around 1900 and became farmers in Wisconsin."

"So they weren't around during the war?"

"No, they got lucky. My grandparents said some of my relatives fought in the resistance, though."

"Wow..." Willow breathed. "That's really something."

Jon shrugged. "They never really told me that much about it."

"Hm...what do you do for a living?"

"I publish my music, mostly. It pays pretty well, but I have some investments that paid out really well a couple years back. I'm just about set for life, really."

"Then why keep publishing music if you could just retire now?"

"Because I like my art."

"I can appreciate that. I consider myself an artist, you know."

"With houses?"

"Clothing, too. It may not be what some people consider 'art', but it still takes a certain vision. I've gotten some very lucrative deals lately. Very high profile stuff."

"Is that so? You sound very successful."

"I have a new line of clothing coming out this fall. A bit of a small release, but it should be very good for me."

"What's a business lady like you doing living in a little town like this?"

"I just like the small town charm, I suppose."

She'll be fun, Jon thought, releasing the slightest bit of his musk. It wouldn't get her off completely, but it would be more than enough to start.

Willow caught the pheromones he released, and her heart suddenly began racing as she started to heat up. What...what is that? It's so earthy... "Did it just get hot in here, or is that just me?"

"I'm fine, but my fur is pretty short. Maybe it's your wool?"

"Yeah, my wool, that must be it..." Willow panted. "I...maybe..."

"This place seems a bit stuffy," Jon said. "Maybe we should go to my house, it's a lot cooler."

"I would love to!" Willow interjected. "I mean...that sounds lovely."

Perfect, Jon thought. "Do you know where it is, or would you rather I lead the way?"

"Oh, I'll just follow, that's no problem," Willow said, laughing awkwardly.

"All right, then," Jon agreed. He turned around and walked to the door, Willow stealing a glance at his rear, practically entranced by his short tail swinging back and forth. He may not have been very muscular, but he was still quite attractive in her eyes. Mmm...

"Are you coming?" Jon asked. Willow shook her head and looked at him. He was holding open the door and seemed amused, though she was still quite embarrassed.

"Oh! Yes, of course, I'm sorry..."


"This is a nice house," Willow observed nervously as they stepped inside. Jon hadn't bothered to release any more of his scent, figuring that Willow collapsing in orgasm in the middle of town would be counterproductive. "Seems a bit empty, though."

"Most of my stuff is upstairs. I have a harpsichord and a cello I use for composing, and a lot of music books."

"No violin?"

"I prefer writing for cello. It's quite a bit more versatile."

Oh, versatile..._Willow thought. _I wonder how versatile he is...

She failed to notice, focusing so hard on his lovely form, that her arousal was becoming more obvious. Beneath her thick wool, her nipples had hardened, and moisture was beginning to grow dense between her legs, as her hand started tracing on her belly. Jonathan, however, noticed perfectly, sharing her smile.

"You seem a little tense, Willow," he said, stepping behind her in a few large strides. "Maybe I could help with that?"

Willow shivered and sighed as the ferret placed his dexterous fingers on her shoulders, gently but firmly rubbing them.

"I was right, you are very tense..." Jonathan said, bringing his paw to the one she held on her belly. "But it's not in your shoulders...where could it be?"

Willow groaned loudly as he pushed her hand away and began idly tracing with his own claw, getting lower and lower as he released more of his musk.


"You know, yesterday, when I bred Amelia...she was begging for me even before I had my cock down her throat."

"A-Ameli--AH!" She screamed as Jon rubbed across her engorged clit, while also beginning to nibble on her ear. Pleased at her response, he continued rubbing harder and harder as her arousal reached its peak.

"Oh, yes, Amelia. She's definitely pregnant now after the way I bred her, and she'll be having a lot of beautiful eggs in a few months. I want you to beg me to breed you, Willow. I want you to beg me to ravage that beautiful body of yours, to make you MINE, to let me breed you so utterly you'll never want to do anything else!"

"YES!" Willow cried, finally cumming from his rough treatment of her pussy. "BREED ME, DAMN IT!"

Jon released her, the sheep shaking from the powerful orgasm. "Soon, soon...but first, I'm not quite ready."

He quickly removed his pants and shirt, leaving him entirely bare, and his melon-sized balls hanging freely. Willow turned to see his oversized equipment, breath catching in her throat as she took in all of it. His strangely shaped cock had begun to come out, slowly growing to its massive full size.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Jon asked, looking proudly upon his own member. "Amelia had the same reaction, you know."

"It's...I've never seen anything like it!" Willow cried. "What...what do I do? It's huge!"

"You can start by slathering my balls," Jon suggested. "Amelia couldn't really do that, unfortunately, as much fun as she was."

"O-okay," Willow said, stepping forward and kneeling before him. She hesitated just for a moment, reflecting on just what it was she was about to do, before deciding it didn't matter and going all in. She opened her mouth wide and inhaled that magnificent scent of his directly from the source, simultaneously running her tongue over as much of the large fur-covered orbs, which wasn't much, as they were simply that huge. Jon sighed in delight, both from the pleasure of her running her tongue over his balls, and from looking at her submitting so willingly to him.

"You're doing wonderfully," he said, gently rubbing the top of her head and drawing her away from his sack. "But that's enough of that. You've had more than enough of my scent for what I'm gonna do next. Open wide."

Willow held open her mouth, and Jon eagerly guided his pointed tip in, some pre leaking out onto her tongue. Though it wasn't much of anything compared to his actual cum, it was still a nice, salty flavor, and she savored it even as his tip reached the back of her throat and further. Her eyes widened in surprise as it slid right down; even with the lubrication his precum provided, something that large shouldn't have gone down so easily!

"Ah...that's it..." Jon moaned as his knot pressed up against her nose, putting some delightful pressure on it. "I'll take this part a bit more gently. You seem like you'd prefer it that way."

True to his word, he pulled back very slowly, enjoying the tighter grip Willow's mouth had on him. Her tongue twitched in confusion at the unfamiliar feeling of barbs running over it, at which Jon growled in pleasure. Gripping her horns for leverage, he pushed back in equally slowly, hissing as he got a complete feel of her mouth. He'd have to remember to take it more slowly in the future and truly savor it, to maximize his enjoyment, and prevent his partner giving out from exhaustion.

But that thought was set aside as he began to slightly pick up the pace, not as fast as with Amelia, but still fast enough Willow was struggling to hold on, the still unfamiliar feeling leaving her dumbfounded, and the pheromones flowing over her making her head cloudy again.

"Ah...that's very nice, Willow, but...I think it's time for me to finish...!"

Willow tried to say something, but around the great shaft in her mouth, it was merely a muffled "Mmf?"

Jon's cock twitched and his balls pulled up, releasing his first massive load down her mouth. He held onto his new pet's horns as hard as he could, to prevent the sheer force from pushing him out. Willow continued to make muffled cries out of both arousal and confusion as the thick seed flowed into her stomach, slowly expanding it outwards. He soon pulled out, still unleashing a thick deluge that filled her mouth and then covered her face, turning her wool from yellow to white very quickly indeed. Aiming it downward, her breasts and belly were coated as well, dripping down onto the floor as Willow moaned with pleasure, realizing the wonderful taste of Jon's sperm for the first time and swallowing it with glee.

By the time Jon was finished, Willow's entire front was thoroughly soaked with Jon's essence, seeping into her wool and fur easily. She sighed happily, rubbing some of it off onto her hand and licking it, if only to get more of the taste.

"That...was something..." she panted, looking up at him.

"That was nothing compared to what's next," Jon corrected. "Now, turn around so I can breed you properly."

"Oh, yes please~" Willow promptly turned around and bent down, reaching a hand behind to spread her wet lips open, eagerly revealing her depths to Jon.

Jon chuckled, gripping his dick to hold it up. "All right, I won't make you beg for it again. You clearly want it."

"Then what are you waiting for~?" Willow asked, spreading her pussy wider. "Don't you want to breed me already?"

The ferret growled in arousal, getting onto his knees and lining up his breeding rod with Willow's opening, teasing slightly it with the pointed tip. She hissed, her nerves heightened by all the scents and chemicals flying around, but it soon became a cry of pleasure as he thrust inside. much of the cock's length entered her easily, stretching her out like she never had been before, and those odd barbs scraping her inside and almost bringing her to another orgasm with just one thrust.

"Now, then, Willow," Jon began, "how would you like your breeding? Do you want it to be nice and slow, or would you prefer it rough?"

With the last word, Jon bent down to her head and started nibbling on her ear again, his hot breath running over her face.

"I-I don't want it too harsh..." Willow panted out. "I'm s-sensitive..."

"Don't worry, I'll go nice and slow~" Jon said, getting back up to his original position. True to his word, he slowly pulled back out, allowing his barbs to very carefully rub over her clit, at which Willow's breathing became heavier, approaching her next tremendous orgasm at last.

_He's amazing..._she thought as he pulled out almost completely, before pushing in slightly harder, harshly pounding her clit and bringing her to finish. She cried and squirmed in pleasure, Jon staring in amusement.

"You weren't kidding about being sensitive," he observed, beginning to pump back and forth, trying to maintain a slow pace even as Willow continued wailing from continued orgasms. "Have you, anh, been with anybody before?"

"T-there was ah!"_Willow started shaking again, now up to her third or fourth orgasm. Jon paused so she could answer, pulling completely out. "There was Wolfgang, and I guess he was fun...but he's nothing compared to _you."

"I'd imagine," Jon said, pushing back in and ramming right against the opening to her womb. She gasped as she realized where his tip was, trying to look up at him. He smiled down at her, drawing back his hips the slightest bit. "Now you'll get to feel what a proper hyper breeding feels like. I can guarantee right now, you'll never want to go back to Wolfgang or anybody else after this."

With all the force he could, he pushed forward, breaking past the barrier and entering her chamber, firmly bringing her into yet another screaming orgasm. The bulge in her belly was now quite obvious, and Jon's cock twitched and released some of his pre when his tip hit the back wall and the knot rammed against the outside of Willow's hole, his job nearly complete. It didn't take long to cum once he was that deep inside~

"M-my womb," Willow breathed as Jon continued thrusting, now going quite roughly as he neared his end. "H-how are you doing that?"

"Th-that would be my musk, dear," he growled, "it's changed you, made you more stretchy~ And don't forget about your eggs~ I can't even guess how many your ovaries have put out by now, and they'll all be fertilized in just a moment~"

A slight panic rose in Willow's chest at these words, but upon a slight bit of thought, found that she didn't really mind the idea, and sighed in happiness as Jon finally came, his knot slipping inside and inflating large enough to lock them together. Thick ropes of his seed flowed out into her womb, instantly fertilizing the released eggs, exactly as he promised, making her pregnant in less than a second. The bulge of his cock in her belly was lost as she rounded out, quickly looking fully pregnant from the incredible amount of sperm he produced. Once she looked about full term with twins, he stopped allowed his knot to recede and pop out, some of his sperm falling out with it.

"You okay?" Jon asked, cock receding into its sheath.

"I'm better than that supposed to happen?" Willow asked, looking at her expanded stomach.

"I do produce a lot, so...I'd say yes."

Willow slowly stood up, her legs shaking as more cum leaked out between them. She struggled to stand at first from the size of her body, but got used to it fast enough. "Oh, dear, look at me, I'm a mess!"

"Don't worry, it washes right out once it dries. You won't want to go out in public for a while, though, the smell lingers."

Willow took a deep whiff, and smiled at the now-recognizable scent. "I can tell..."

The ferret smiled, and looked at her softly, bringing a paw up to her horn, slightly sticky from the few spurts that hit it. "You really are beautiful, Willow."

Willow blushed, not expecting the sudden complement. "Oh...thank you like my horns?"

"Why wouldn't I? They're lovely."

"Hm...well, it's just that...Diana makes fun of me about them a lot, because they're so big, you know?"

Jon frowned. "I've heard a lot about this Diana character, and I don't like her much from what I've heard."

"Oh, she's not that bad, really! She's just...I think she just has difficulties expressing herself around others. It's not her own fault!"

"I'll have to see that for myself."

The doorbell suddenly rang, and he turned around, wondering what to do. After all, it wouldn't do for somebody to see the state of him and Willow. They were completely unpresentable!

"Crap!" he yelled.

"Don't worry, it's just me!" Amelia said from the other side of the door.

"Oh, okay, the door's open."

The eagle promptly entered, eyebrows raising as she observed the scene before her.

"Um...hi!" Willow greeted.

"I see you've already made friends with each other," Amelia observed, with some amusement. "So, Willow, how was he?"

"Well...the only word I can really think of is 'amazing'."

"Why, thank you," Jon said. "What brings you here, Amelia?"

She pulled out a small cardboard box in response, looking at it suspiciously. "I found this box on my front porch with a note saying to bring it to you."

"A gift?" Jonathan wondered, taking the box and opening it. Upon seeing its contents, he cried in shock and dropped it, a peach rolling out when it hit the ground.

"What's wrong?" Amelia asked, running to him and looking into his eyes.

"'s just that I'm allergic to peaches..." he said, calming down slightly. "It took me off guard, that's all."

"Peaches? I thought it was pineapples?" Willow asked.

"No, it's peaches. I don't know where you got pineapples from."

"Well, it was just a rumor..."

"Hey, there's another note in here!" Amelia noted, pulling a small slip from the box. "Let's see...oh my goodness!"

"What is it?" Jonathan took the slip, and looked at what was written.

Oh, god..., he thought, trying to make sense of the words.

"L-let's see...g-go im...imp...uh...impure? No..."

"What's wrong?" Willow asked.

"I...oh, the hell with it, you were gonna find out anyway. Probably from Diana or whoever." Jon took a deep breath, and looked at his girlfriends frankly. "I'm dyslexic. If I can recognize the word, it's not much of a problem, but this thing," he held the note up, looking at it like it was a condemned murderer, "is a fucking mess."

"I...I didn't know," Amelia said quietly. "I swear, she didn't say anything about that."

Jon shook his head. "I shouldn't accuse her of stuff like that, I'm just a little frazzled. Could you read it?"

Amelia took the note, and grew angry as she took in the words. "'Go imbibe some vodka and expire, you inebriated Polack piece of'...I can't finish this."

"That's a threat!" Willow proclaimed. "That's clearly a racial threat! You need to take that to the authorities!"

"I'll do that later, but...I can't help but wonder why it's written like that." Upon the odd expressions he received, he continued. "I mean, I wouldn't use those words there."

"You said you could read words if you recognized them," Amelia noted. "Maybe they knew you're dyslexic and wrote it with difficult words on purpose?"

"Maybe." Jon steeled his gaze, looking at the peach on the floor. "Somebody wants me out of here...hopefully I can find out who before they do something stupid."

"This is shameful." Amelia shook her head. "I can't believe anybody in town would do something like this."

"They'll get caught, don't worry," Jon assured. "I won't let them get away with this."

"Maybe we could do something to...take our minds off this for now?" Amelia suggested, leaning into him and tracing a feather down his bare chest.

He smiled, growing aroused again. "Now that sounds like an idea...perhaps we should go somewhere else, though..."


"You should be ashamed!" Isabelle yelled at the mayor from across his desk. He certainly didn't seem to care, smugly leaning back and smiling. "I used a slur! That...that's practically a hate crime! And the could have killed him!"

"I'm not taking any risks here, Isabelle," Robert said. "I need to get rid of him, and I can't afford to half-ass it. Now go get me a coffee."

Isabelle huffed. You son of a bitch...I won't let you get away with this anymore...