Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 14

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#14 of Enochian

Once more, the Drakkaren was on a plane; the difference, at least, was that this one was not only smoother than the last, it was much faster... and best of all, it was equipped with beds that had little railings to ensure you didn't roll off it should things become particularly turbulent.

The beds lined a small corridor on the long-range plane, and they had been served food by a pretty flight attendant whom Cherry had immediately made all sorts of sexual remarks about and likely scared off... but thankfully, after they had eaten their fill of the meats, salads, and everything else that Lunis had to offer. Zerrex, on the other hand, was happy to just have some tea to parch his thirst â€" everything else was a bonus.

Then they had slept, but the Drakkaren had been awake after only a few short hours, yawning and climbing carefully out of his little bed to limp down to the bathroom... they had thankfully lost the stupid-looking cane with the rest of their equipment, but he had to admit, it had worked quite nicely while he'd been using it. And furthermore, it wasn't exactly a wonderful thing they had lost yet another bag of equipment â€" this was exactly why they were one of the favorite customers of Marty's back home, a little, very illegal gunshop that nonetheless did a booming business with civilians and military types alike. And now we're going to have to stop there after we put an end to this garbage and buy even more. Dear Gods, to think we bought so much crap he started giving us a discount on all his wares...

Zerrex yawned, then smiled a bit when the flight attendant strode over to him, a very pretty young bear in a uniform that was too tight on her â€" a white shirt with a gray vest overtop, and a pretty, knee-length silver dress. She sat down beside him on the bed, and he tilted his head curiously before her brown eyes turned deep black, and she said softly: "Lord Zerrex... please don't be alarmed."

The Drakkaren, on the other hand, had leaned back in shock... before he made a face and tilted his head, asking quietly: "You're a demon... possessing a body, aren't you?"

"Yeah, she is." Cherry said darkly, and the demoness sat up a moment later from her bunk, cocking back the trigger of Zerrex's massive revolver with her other hand, and the bear's face twisted in distaste as the female shouted: "Wake up, bitches! Hostile!"

"If I wanted to kill you, I had a hundred chances." The bear said dryly, then she looked over her shoulder at Cherry, adding quietly: "Maybe you should put that gun down, Dius. You have no idea who you're holding it on... but maybe you'll get a better one if I tell you about that night we spent together at the monastery, when the Sisters told me you were being punished."

Cherry started as the others sat up, Cindy and Mahihko both drawing their own handguns on the possessed bear... but then the demoness shuddered and slowly lowered the hammer of the revolver, muttering quietly as she slumped back on the bed. "Forget it... she's an Inquisitor, and a nasty one, too. That body is like a puppet, anyway... no matter how many holes we put in it, she won't feel it with these useless guns."

The female threw the gun down on the bunk with a snarl, clenching her eyes shut... and Zerrex stood up, then limped carefully past the bear as Mahihko and Cindy slowly lowered their guns, exchanging confused looks as Marina sat up on her bunk with a yawn, seeming disinterested in the whole goings-on. He sat down beside the demoness, and then quietly touched Cherry's arm... and she stiffened a bit as she glared across at the bear before relaxing against him and murmuring softly: "I'm sorry, Boss. But... she's..."

"My name is Cleo. And I've been spying on you since the beginning of this long journey, Lord Zerrex, and reporting back to Hell everything you've been doing..." she said softly, then smiled a bit even as Zerrex snarled at her. "No, no, not like that. Rarely anything tactical... just broad estimates of your strength and your exploits; after all, you're a big number down in Hell. The Princess herself is extremely interested in you... but unfortunately, so is the Warlord. His rage has been unparalleled in Hell ever since he realized he missed a chance to kill you himself on that battlefield in Lunis... how Ezekiel suffered at his hands for not telling him right away that it was the infamous Lord Zerrex whom he was about to engage in battle against."

"Stop calling me that." The Drakkaren said distastefully, and Cleo laughed a bit, smiling at him as he snapped: "And what the hell's so funny?"

"Your humility... the way you... fight, kill, and survive... the things you feel and say..." Cleo's eyes flashed, and then she shook her head slowly, murmuring softly as she reached up to touch his face... and Zerrex felt a strange heat roll through him before Cherry snarled and leapt to her feet, batting Cleo's hand away and then grabbing the bear's throat, shoving her down as the bear gagged and stared at her.

"Fuck off!" she shouted, then slung the bear down the corridor, the ursine hitting the ground and sliding all the way to the end of the room with a wince before Cindy grabbed Cherry's arms, holding her back as she screamed: "I ain't afraid of you anymore, bitch! Keep your filthy, sadistic hands off him, you piece of shit, I'll kill you if you think about doing to him what you did to me!"

"Don't you get it?" Cleo leapt up to her feet, her eyes black as night... but burning red in their very center, as if they both contained the glowing embers of Hell's deepest pits. "You are all pieces in a massive chess match, a tournament between Heaven and Hell, and Hell and Hell! You are legendary, but you're also toys, all of you, but I'm on your side. It was my job, Cherry, and when Zerrex dies and goes to Hell, it will be my job to punish him as well...

"But I've been travelling back and forth between the worlds and I've come to deliver a warning from the Princess herself." Cleo closed her eyes, and they returned to the bear's normal brown as she visibly shook herself out to regain her composure, saying quietly: "Ire has known about Hell for a long time, perhaps even longer than Hez'Ranna, despite the lore about the Cradle of Life... because Ire has been attempting to harness the powers of any supernatural force they can get their hands upon for many, many years. If you go to the Sanctuary of the Republic, you're pitting yourselves against things that none of you can yet understand."

Zerrex nodded slowly, standing up and quietly pulling Cherry down to a bunk, murmuring quietly: "Calm down." A pause as she closed her eyes and struggled with herself... and finally, she slumped with a dejected look against the wall of the plane as he touched her cheek gently. The Drakkaren made a bit of a face, then he turned his attention back to Cleo, saying quietly: "Your message has been received. But tell me... if it's your job to torture people in Hell... why are you so interested in seeing me stay alive? And why is there so much interest in me and my family?"

Cleo smiled at this, looking almost surprised as she shrugged and stepped forwards, saying softly: "Isn't it obvious, Lord Zerrex? You killed the Red Beast, the last remnant of the old gods... and I just happen to be one of your... fans, that's all. The Princess is taken with you, as well, you know... and with the eternal wars for power in Hell, you have to be on someone's side, or you end up dying.

"I've overstayed now, though... it's late in Hell, and I'll be missed soon by the Scholars and Scribes if I stay any longer. Take care of yourself, Lord Zerrex... and keep in mind that sometimes it's the times of inaction that are more important than any battle that lies ahead, in the near or distant future." The bear smiled a bit, nodding to him, and for a few moments seemed to wait for something, before Zerrex finally nodded and sighed, earning a look of approval.

Then that look vanished into pain as the bear's head snapped back with a shriek of agony that tore through the plane, a terrible darkness streaming out of her... and for a moment, Zerrex's eyes caught an outline of a demon similar to Cherry seeming to claw her way out from the bear's mouth before it vanished, and the ursine fell lifelessly to the ground. Cindy immediately ran forwards, leaning down by the bear girl and checking her over... and then she sighed with relief, murmuring: "Looks like a mild concussion from Cherry, but otherwise fair condition... body's a bit shocked and I think she'll be unconscious for a little while, but she might even wake up before we land."

"Wonderful." Cherry muttered, sulking on the bed... and then she blushed deeply as the others looked at her, looking away and quietly pushing against Zerrex as he sat down next to her, whispering: "I'm... I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Zerrex responded quietly, and he squeezed her gently around the waist as Mahihko looked away embarrassedly and Marina's eyes narrowed, her features contorting with jealousy for a moment before she turned away with a grunt. For a little while, Zerrex and Cherry just sat together... and the reptile mused on the words that the demon had spoken.

Cleo... he thought quietly, then he glanced over Cherry, who was holding onto him tightly... and reminding him horribly of when he'd found her back in Hez'Ranna after she'd been tortured and warped by Narrius into a Breeding Queen to produce his cloned soldiers. He hated seeing her this way... he hated what Hell had done to her will... but at the same time, he admired her courage for standing up to the demon, even if it had been a useless gesture. It had been symbolic and strong in its own way, though, and he would never think Cherry was weak... But something terrible did happen... and when Cherry gets scared, you know it must have been horrible.

The rest of the plane ride was most silent, Mahihko and Cindy chatting quietly as Zerrex laid down to rest, Cherry and Marina both staring at the walls of the plane and ignoring everything around them, likely both lost in memories. An hour or so before they landed, Cindy did push the food cart through from the back one more time, and they ate their fill before checking over their equipment as the pilot in the cockpit announced their final approach coming up.

"I'm a fucking douche." Cherry muttered, looking embarrassed as she rubbed over a horn with one hand, and then she glared at Marina as the female muttered something in agreement. "Well, you don't have to be such a... prick about confirming it, bitch. Fuck, I'm trying to work some heavy shit out of my system, don't you get that?"

"Fuck off and die." Marina said darkly, and Zerrex sighed a bit, dropping his head in his hand as the two locked their eyes furiously, Marina's hands clenching at her sides and Cherry's claws digging into her own knees. Furthermore, she was still naked... and Zerrex made a face at this, realizing the complications it would cause the moment they landed in Kesteven, soldiers from which she'd ‘accidentally' attacked the moment she'd come out of Hell. And we're already off to a great start, really... they're both ready to kill each other, we're all tired from constant movement, and I made the mistake of thinking we'd get some rest over the seven hour plane ride and that we'd probably be able to get some nice rooms here before we had to start work.

They were scheduled on the same route they had taken before: they would land at the Embassy, and then take the helicopter immediately after their flight to the military base. Cindy had also agreed that it was a good idea to keep moving at this point, pointing out that if they stayed even one night in Lunis, Ire might be able to send in aircraft carriers and set up an aerial blockade to halt all traffic out of Lunis by that method.

And even landing at the Embassy was dangerous: after all, Ire would undoubtedly have its eyes fixed on any and all locations that Zerrex might show up at, and that included any and all Hez'Rannan Embassies located around the world. So he thought the immediate transfer to head towards the arctic regions was also a necessary evil... but it might just be pushing his already-strained family too hard, which was another constant worry on his mind. I should go on alone...

"I'd kill you if you did that, and so would everyone else here." Marina snapped immediately, then she grabbed her father and shook him firmly, making him wince and blink as she added darkly: "Don't think I'm not above hurting you to prove a point, either, Daddy! You need to have more faith in yourself... you know us inside out, and we all trust every decision you make, so... so there!" A pause, and then Marina muttered: "As long as we get some sleep and clothes at Killer's base. That's all I want."

"We'll get them here." Zerrex said dryly, and then he held up his hands when Marina glared at him again, as a loud beep went off to inform them that the plane had started its final landing procedure at the Embassy runway. "I'm not saying we'll stop and rest here, just that we'll get new clothes so Cherry doesn't show up naked and demonic at the military base-"

"But that'd be fuckin' hot, too." Cherry piped up, apparently back to her old self â€" at least for the moment. She grinned widely as Zerrex looked down at her sourly, adding cheerfully: "Dude, I could totally trick them all into raping me to take revenge... maybe we shouldn't mention to the Big K that I'm like... me, huh? Because then he might not rape me so hardcore, y'know? And I want it to be hardcore with that... big ding-dong he has..."

The Drakkaren rolled his eyes, grumbling to himself as the plane shook for a few moments, and then he blinked as the plane's engines whirred down, the vehicle rolling to a halt. He stared outside one of the small windows that lined the wall, and then he looked stupidly back to the others, Cindy looking equally-surprised as the door opened at the end of the plane and the pilot stepped out nervously, the ram lacing his fingers together. "S-Sorry about the rough landing... this was my first time bringing a plane down on such a small airstrip, I was worried we weren't going to stop in time..."

Zerrex could only stare, letting Cindy do all the talking before they stepped out of the plane, and the Drakkaren once more met with the local ambassador, requesting some uniforms... and fifteen minutes later, Cherry was dressed and sulking, her body shifted from demonic to her old form sans the piercings, and Zerrex glad for once to have a long-sleeve shirt on and a Hez'Rannan military jacket overtop this. A few other changes of clothes were in a brand-new duffel bag that Mahihko had on his lap in the helicopter, the poor wolf still carrying his little plastic bag of piercings around with him and looking sulky as Marina kept elbowing him and snapping at him inside the helicopter.

It brought back memories of the general... and the Drakkaren rubbed at his muzzle slowly, remembering the taste of the cigar in his muzzle before he smiled a bit at Cherry's inquisitive look, and then another thought struck him as he looked to the sky. All at once, the weight of everything they had done seemed to fall in on him despite all his training and experience... and he cleared his throat and faked a yawn to hide the tears that were coming to his eyes as he asked quietly: "Do you think Tinny's up there somewhere in Heaven?"

"No doubt... all the rest of the Legion I'm sure are somewhere in Hell, but the Tinman's probably chatting with Frank as we speak." Cherry replied firmly, and Cindy looked quietly out the windows of the helicopter as they flew northwards through a light snow, much unlike the vicious blizzard they had travelled through on their first time through this storm. And even Mahihko looked down quietly, remembering the badger that had attempted to befriend him even when they'd first met and he'd been Lone... and how he'd never really paid his respects or properly thanked the badger who had done so much for even him.

Marina looked back and forth, then she closed her eyes to touch each of their emotions, feeling what all of them felt... and finally she made a face, resting back and saying quietly: "Tinman. But it seems like you all thought he was so weak for most of his life-"

"Yeah, well, we were all fucking stupid, okay?" Cherry snapped, and Marina looked surprised at her harsh tone, her eyes widening. "You see, it's like... he was that little nerdy guy who we all thought of as dead, extra weight, who we made do all the extra shit and shit. He was the guy who we all made fun of, and who I remember kicking hard in the face and yelling at way too often, and calling names and basically being a bully to. He was the guy who was the zero to the ten that's the Boss there... but without him, I think we all would've been way worse off. That's why Vampire carted him around everywhere, I think sometimes... and maybe shithead was the only dude who ever got around to realizing early on Tinny's real value, or maybe he was just manipulating him for kicks, I sure as shit don't know. The only thing I know for sure is that it's true: when you find a friend, you do your best to keep ‘em around, ‘cause the world's real different when you lose them."

Marina glanced down, nodding slowly and frowning a bit, and Zerrex looked at her quietly, watching as she struggled to understand Cherry's words... and once again, feeling nothing but utter hatred for what Narrius had done to his sweet little girl. If I could kill him again... Gods know, I would. I would tear him limb from limb for what he's done to Marina...

"You're sweet, Daddy." Marina said quietly, and Zerrex closed his eyes, but only to see her image in his mind, walking over to him, kissing him hungrily, grinding their bodies together... and he made a face as his eyes opened, the female looking across at him with a teasing smile as she said gently: "Want me to show you just how thankful I am to have a father like you? I'm glad to do it in person or in your mind, Zerrex..."

Cherry scowled, but Zerrex only shook his head, saying politely: "No, Marina. Be professional, okay?" A pause as she nodded and smiled embarrassedly, and he added softly: "But thank you. It means a lot to me."

The rest of the helicopter ride was uneventful... and once more Killer met them at the helipad, waving to them as they touched down and looking tired as the family approached, Zerrex leaning on a plain wooden cane the Embassy had included with the clothing. "Zerrex! It's good to see you again, and what a surprise that it's so soon... but you and your family look like you've been through hell." A pause, and then he made a face as Alexis coughed gently, adding lamely after a moment: "No pun intended, of course."

Cherry grinned and leered at him, leaning forwards and opening her mouth to make some bad quip, but Zerrex immediately grabbed her muzzle and closed it firmly, the demoness squawking as he said mildly: "Before Cherry can start verbally raping you, I was wondering if we could have some rooms to rest up today... and tonight I'd be glad to take up that raincheck on having dinner, if you two aren't busy."

Killer smiled warmly at this, glancing up at the already-bright sky... but here in the far north, the light could be all too deceiving as he said amiably: "Well, I was going to take a team out to check on the Black Hole... but it's well under control right now, and we can do that tomorrow together, if you like. Tonight we can relax and just talk a bit... I think that'd be good, after everything that's happened in only the last week alone."

Zerrex nodded, smiling back a bit and glancing over the liger as he leaned on his cane, saying mildly: "It looks like you two have been getting up to quite a lot yourselves... if I'm not mistaken, that's a fair splatter of blood over your shirt."

Killer rubbed a hand against his head, looking faintly amused as he nodded slowly. "Yeah... not only from demons, but rebels and other insurgents as well who are taking advantage of the current... distractions to stage their own attacks." The liger made a face, shaking his head slowly. "I'll never understand people these days."

"People suck." Zerrex shrugged a bit, looking quietly amused, and the liger nodded and grunted in agreement before the Drakkaren's eyes travelled over to Alexis, adding with a slight smile: "Well, at least you two won't be getting bored any time soon."

"And here we were thinking things might actually quiet down after we destroyed that last military base from the Patriarch's reign." Alexis said mildly, before cocking her head towards Cherry with a teasing grin. "Not that it's stopped me and Killer from having some fun between ourselves now and again... too bad you couldn't be there, Cherry, to learn how a girl's supposed to act in bed when she's with a real male. Maybe then poor Zerrex here could get more pleasure out of sleeping with you." A pause as Cherry huffed, and then she added softly: "But it's good to see you're back in action. I have to admit I'm surprised... we had no idea what happened to you when you were taken by those demons into that portal."

"I've seen Hell," Cherry remarked mildly, looking completely serious as she continued: "It was full of guys who looked just like you two, but all of them were too small for Killer's big penis to fit inside. So I had to show them all how it just takes a little effort to get it all the way in to the hilt." A pause, and then she grinned as Alexis glared at her flatly. "Oh no, wait, that was a dream I had. Or an internet stream recording, I forget which."

"Hey, I've got a porno inside where Killer shows just what he can do to me. Why don't you follow along... following me is what you're best at anyway, isn't that right?" Alexis retorted, and Cherry perked up at this while growling at the same time, before the tigress spun around, and Zerrex sighed as the two went down the path before breaking into a race for the doors, yelling at each other and squabbling as they tried to shove one-another out of the way.

Killer exchanged a look with Zerrex, then he sighed and shook his head as he glanced down at the Drakkaren, the two heading down the path for the doors of the military base as he said mildly: "I don't know if Cherry brings out the best in her, or the worst in her, to be completely honest... but Alexis really does only act that way when she's around." A pause and a slight smile. "Mostly. Maybe it's just because Cherry's so..."

"Cherry." Zerrex supplied, and Killer nodded with an amused look. They chatted amiably as they continued inside, Killer mentioning the change in weather and Zerrex talking a bit about the long trip they'd had as they climbed a staircase to the second floor, and then the liger left them at a pair of private rooms, apologizing that he didn't have more.

"It's just that we're still repairing the damage from the raids..." Killer paused, glancing up at a hole in the ceiling barely covered by several layers of plastic and insulation to stop as much heat from escaping as possible. "But in any case, I'll send Cherry back to you once I get the chance. We can talk about more serious subjects afterwards, like the demons in the district, once you're all well-rested. If you want, I can have someone bring you up a meal or change of clothes..."

"Thank you Killer, but we're fine... we have some clothing here and we ate on the plane." Zerrex nodded courteously, smiling slightly and patting the liger firmly on the bicep. "But don't let us hold you up, either... it's already more than I could ask for to see you meeting us out here and offering us rooms on such short notice."

The huge feline smiled in return at this, reaching out to squeeze the reptile's shoulder firmly and laughing softly. "You're the ones doing me another favor up here, Zerrex. It's always a pleasure and a bonus to have a good, strong warrior like yourself around, especially since we're finally establishing a better relationship with Hez'Ranna. But we can talk more later on all that. I'll likely be in and out of the meeting room all day, so find me whenever you're ready."

Zerrex nodded as Cindy smiled and curtsied, and the male watched the huge warrior tiger walk away before he pushed into the room and rubbed at his legs a bit with a sigh, heading over to the nearest of four beds and immediately dropping down into it, the soft blankets and pillows fluffing out as he let out a sigh of relief. Cindy rolled her eyes as she made for the bathroom herself, and Mahihko finally shifted downwards from his increased size, slipping off the tight combat outfit and prancing naked around the room as Marina muttered something in disgust. A few moments later, as Mahihko was carefully putting his piercings back in on the furthest bed, Cherry kicked in the door and then slammed it loudly behind her, gaining glares from everyone as she sulked a bit and muttered: "Why can't I have mind powers, too?"

"You do have mind powers; in fact, you have too many mind powers. And I'm scared to think of what you'd do with telekinesis." Zerrex said flatly, then he rolled over in bed... before squeaking as Cherry immediately jumped in behind him and began to bump and grind against his back, her arms wrapping around his chest as he flailed a bit. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Proving my dominance!" Cherry said cheerfully, and then she squawked when Zerrex rolled on top of her and drove an elbow into one of her boobs. "Ouch, motherfucker! Okay, okay, okay, back the hell off, you have no sense of humor."

"You have no sense of morality." Zerrex shot back, rolling off her... and then making a face when she immediately clung to his back and mumbled something to him, her muzzle resting beside his head. "You know, there's a whole four other beds in the other room that-"

Cherry made some loud sound of disgust, and Zerrex's expression darkened as the side of his muzzle was covered in spittle. "Like hell. I'm staying here. Hey, Marina, come and make it a sandwich! Or one of the other bitches in this room... hey, let's see if we can all cram into one bed, huh, how about that?"

Marina grumbled something as Cindy rolled her eyes, the middle sister currently in the middle of a short stretch routine in her underwear, and Mahihko mumbled something from across the room as he carefully continued inserting various rings and rods. Finally, however, the youngest daughter of Zerrex slid out of bed and wandered over, climbing in and wrapping her arms around her father as she pressed in against his chest... and Zerrex sighed a bit, awkwardly shifting onto his back and wrapping an arm around either female as Cherry grinned cheerfully up at him. "See? It ain't so bad, huh? You two are just dumbasses."

"You suck." Zerrex muttered in reply, but amazingly, it didn't take him long to get to sleep. Later, Cindy quietly walked over and gently removed both Marina and Cherry to different beds, Zerrex opening one eye tiredly for a moment before smiling a bit as the gentle daughter made for the door... but he patted his bed, and Cindy smiled slightly over her shoulder at him, seeming unsurprised before they curled up together and went back to sleep like that.

On the other hand, they were all awoken around one in the afternoon by Cherry's enraged squawking, and Zerrex made the unfortunate mistake of sitting up his as she was diving across the bed to attack Cindy. He ended up being tackled to the ground and rolling around with her as she attempted to strangle him, before he kicked her off and Cindy stepped on her, pinning her in place as she wiggled around and muttered about ‘unfair play.'

Afterwards, they changed â€" Cherry leering around at every single occurrence of partial nudity like she was in a strip-club â€" and Zerrex headed outside to go and find Killer and find out what was on schedule for today. As he let himself wander a bit to refamiliarize himself with the base, he came across Alexis chatting amiably with several other snipers, and she waved him over with a smile as she dismissed the team.

"I was just coming to find you or Killer." Zerrex glanced over her equipment, then he smiled slightly up at her, adding as he nodded to the enormous, enlarged sniper rifle she easily cradled in one arm: "You know, it's no wonder why Cherry's always arguing with you, with you toting around and wielding a rifle like that so easily... not to mention how enraptured all those soldiers looked. When Cherry walks into a room, she's more likely to get stares of horror than gazes of admiration these days, after all."

"You're too kind, Zer." Alexis glanced down the hallway curiously, before adding in an amused voice: "And speaking of Cherry, you didn't kill queen bitch, did you? I was hoping to show her how to properly shoot later today."

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that second part?" Zerrex asked curiously, and the tall female did so, tilting her head a bit, before Zerrex laughed a bit and shook his head slowly with a bit of a grin. "So you call her the same thing, do you? I bet that must make her real pleased... then again, she's probably wracking her brains to think of more good one-liners right now. I just wanted to ask when we should meet for dinner, originally, but if you want to go shooting, the rest of my family would be more than pleased to join you and watch."

"Excellent." Alexis rubbed her hands together slowly, smiling to herself. "Then I'll meet you all out by the helipad in a few minutes. I'm supposed to be doing a solo demonstration for some of the soldiers, but this should serve as a good treat to see instead."

Zerrex nodded, then they smiled to one another before she added teasingly, reaching up to stroke under his muzzle gently. "And don't be a stranger, okay Zer? Believe me, I'm always happy to have some good fun with a wonderful male like yourself..." She winked, adding teasingly: "And it has been so long since we've spent any fun quality time together."

With that, she turned away, striding off down the hall, and Zerrex coughed a bit before rubbing a hand over his chest slowly, turning around and heading back up the hall before focusing more on figuring out the best way to get Cherry down to the helipad without having her throw some sort of fit-

He stared as he opened the door to their room and saw Cherry sitting in the middle of the floor in a combat vest and military pants, military boots already tied tight on her feet and a bandanna around her head, the massive anti-tank rifle across her lap and her thumbs forming little circles with her forefingers, resting on her knees as she looked up at the Drakkaren seriously and said solemnly: "I sense a disturbance in the world. I feel that someone has challenged me to a mighty conquest, and so I am spiritually preparing my-"

"She followed you outside." Cindy said flatly from where she was laying on a bed with Mahihko browsing some magazine, and immediately Cherry lost her composure, glaring at them and flailing a bit as Cindy added over Cherry's grumbling: "I'm so not going outside with her when she's like this."

"I'll go, Daddy." Marina said immediately, walking over to him with a smile and hugging him loosely around the neck, before she leaned up to kiss his lips chastely, Zerrex smiling a bit in return and hugging her gently around the waist before she added softly: "We're all you ever need though, isn't that right? There's no one else out there more important than us to you, right?"

"Yeah..." Zerrex replied after a moment, then he hugged her quietly back, leaning over his youngest protectively even as he felt shadows flutter over his face, even Cherry frowning a bit at Marina's forwardness. "Yeah, you know you are."

"Good." Marina said cheerfully, then she rested both hands atop the one pushing down on his cane, adding in a gentler tone: "We've gotten some rest now... and this is no real difference than the way things were during the war, never knowing what was going on, never knowing what was coming next, always fighting against terrible odds for our very survival... perhaps now we should move on again, start into Ire on our mission. I don't want to be here."

Zerrex tilted his head towards her curiously... and he realized a moment later he could feel her paging through the memories he had of Killer and Alexis. He made a bit of a face, trying to figure out how to tell her that she shouldn't feel threatened at all by the fact he was capable of getting along with non-Drakkai... but a moment later, Cherry stood up and cleared her throat, saying loudly as Marina turned around: "First, I have to go and outshoot a certain someone. And afterwards, we have a rather important mission to do involving inspection of the Black Hole and gathering information about the presence of demons in all of the imperial and sovereign areas north of even Northern Ire."

For a moment, Zerrex was about to compliment Cherry on being so candid... and then she added, leaning down and growling in Marina's face: "So stop being such a prissy little bitch about everything and learn to live with the fact you can't spend your whole life wrapped around Daddy's cock, wonderful as that would be."

Zerrex gaped a bit, and Marina immediately punched Cherry hard in the face, sending her reeling backwards with a grunt of surprise before the youngest daughter of Zerrex yelled furiously and tackled the demoness, Cherry falling to the ground as Cindy immediately jumped down to drag Marina off before she could do any more damage, the psychic snarling and flailing uselessly as Zerrex sighed and covered his face.

Cherry rubbed the back of her head as Marina clawed at her, refusing to calm down until Zerrex finally gave his youngest daughter a pleading look, and she almost immediately stopped, as if someone had flicked an off switch on her anger, now only looking grouchy as she sat down on a bed and muttered something angrily, kicking at the floor. Cherry grinned lamely as Zerrex turned a glare on her, rubbing at the back of her head slowly, and then she quickly picked up the fallen rifle and said dumbly: "You know, I'm uh... I'm just going to head out now and stuff. You know, before I spontaneously combust."

"Cindy, would you..." Zerrex broke off as he tilted his head towards Marina, and Cindy nodded a bit, heading over to sit quietly by her little sister and daughter, before the Drakkaren turned around and beckoned for Cherry to follow with a grunt. She winced as she walked out into the hall... and then gagged when Zerrex grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against a wall, saying quietly: "Cherry, this isn't the Legion... this isn't like the old days, where I always had to punish you physically to get any sort of response out of you.

"These days, you're supposed to be my daughter, and not causing trouble inside the family, but outside, natural as it is for you three to argue." Zerrex continued in a soft voice, releasing his grip on her as she coughed once and then rubbed slowly at her neck with a wince. "You know I love you, and I know you love me. And we both know how much you love Marina... but here's a thought: if you act like this, do you think Marina knows you love her?"

Cherry started, looking up in surprise at this... and then she nodded slowly and gave a bit of a small, sad smile, handing over the huge rifle to Zerrex and saying softly: "Why don't you take this, Boss? I don't think I'm going to be shooting today after all." She made a bit of a face as she rubbed at her head slowly, then muttered quietly: "You've ruined me, Zerrex. Gone and made me into a sentimentalist. Some field commander I am."

"Shut up." Zerrex said dryly, and Cherry grinned before grabbing his shirt and jerking him forwards into a hungry kiss, and their mouths moved for a few moments in delicious passion before he drew back and jerked his head at the door, saying firmly: "Get in there, soldier."

"Sir, yes, sir." Cherry said cheerfully, and then she kicked open the door and stomped back inside, heading over to Marina... and Zerrex shook his head, smiling a bit but wondering at the same time how much chance his little family stood against the tests of time.

The afternoon wasn't too busy: Alexis had been disappointed at Cherry's failure to show up, but had been equally surprised when Zerrex had been willing to at least try a few shots at the targets set up in the snow, despite the terrain and the fact he never did any long range shooting... but he wasn't exactly much of a challenge, amusing as it was to see how many shots it took him to hit targets that Alexis could nail while talking over her shoulder to the huddled group of soldiers nearby.

On the other hand, then Killer had come outside and slapped him firmly on the back, cheerfully embarrassing the Drakkaren by talking about how he was an infamous war criminal-slash-hero... and the reptile had grunted and promptly slipped his cane around Killer's legs while elbowing him over, and most of the platoon had stared in shock as the liger's eyes had widened in surprise before he'd fallen over into a snowbank. Zerrex had coughed... and then winced and fallen over when a particularly large ball of snow had flown out of the bank and hit him in the face, knocking him sprawling.

They had moved to an indoor gymnasium after this, and Zerrex had muttered a few useless protests as Killer asked him to perhaps stage a demonstration for the group of soldiers they were currently training... but then one of them had started laughing at the ‘old lizard with the cane,' and now here Zerrex was, muttering and rubbing embarrassedly at the scars that mapped his muscular body, his shirt off and still rubbing snow out of his hair as he stood at one end of a boxing ring, a big, brawny tiger at the other side looking at him with a wide grin.

Alexis deftly jumped up to the side of the ring, then she leaned forwards over the ropes and said clearly, as soldiers from both outside and who had been using the workout area earlier clustered around: "The rules, as agreed upon, are no rules. The first fighter to issue his surrender loses." A pause, and then Alexis looked over to the big tiger, saying mildly: "Good luck, soldier. Think of this as your first lesson."

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll ace it." the orange and black-striped tiger grinned widely, crackling his knuckles before he flexed his body, hopping back and forth from paw-to-paw as he looked across at the reptile, adding teasingly: "So how old are you, dude? Like... eighty?"

"Over eighty, actually." Zerrex muttered, looking embarrassed, and Killer stared at him from out of the ring as the Drakkaren snapped: "What?"

"I'm just very, very glad that I don't have to worry about aging anymore." Killer said kindly, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "You're starting to wrinkle."

"I am not!" Zerrex looked horrified at this, and then he groaned as Cherry and Cindy wandered in through the doors, looking curious at what was going on. "Oh dear crap. This is just wonderful." A pause as the tiger who was in the ring at him suddenly leapt at him, and he almost absently threw a straight palm out into his chest, sending him sprawling backwards to the laughter and yells of the crowd as Cherry began to dance around at the edge of the group. "Go away!"

"Kick his ass! Hey, hey, send in like, three more dudes! And if they win, they can all fuck me however they want!" Cherry shouted cheerfully, flapping her arms stupidly. The crowd quickly began to murmur among itself, and then Alexis shrugged and Killer nodded in consent, and immediately hands went up all through the group as the tiger in the ring stood up, wincing and rubbing at his head.

Zerrex made a face as three more tigers entered the ring a few moments later, handpicked by Alexis: two in uniform and one in shorts and a sweat-stained shirt, and they half-circled one side of the large ring as he rubbed at his head slowly, before leaning back against the ropes and muttering to Killer: "This was so not the idea."

"Zerrex, most people would be happy to show off what they can do. Don't think of it as unwanted attention: think of it as... instructing some of our newer, younger generation that strength and size do not a warrior make." Killer said easily, gesturing with one hand before adding mildly: "Besides, you're doing me quite a favor. Ever since the Great War, I've been trying to build â€" twelve o'clock."

"I know, he's just feinting... it's the one on the right who's thinking about attacking me." Zerrex responded absently, tossing a glance towards the ground before one of the tigers halted in mid-step, falling over and staring at the Drakkaren. "See?"

Killer shook his head a bit, looking quietly amused as he turned his eyes to the Drakkaren, crossing his arms and asking curiously: "Where did you learn all this, Zerrex? You seem to have precognition when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Or is that just another secret you've been hiding all these years?"

"Well, you heard roughly how old I am and I've been fighting since I was two or three, I don't remember which." The Drakkaren shrugged a bit, then he coughed and nodded to the arena. "Anyway, I think they're too worried about interrupting their King while he chats with their enemy, so I better go and take care of this. You don't mind, right, your worship?" A wink, and Killer snorted, waving a hand at him with a roll of his eyes.

The Drakkaren stepped forwards, readying himself and then nodding to the tigers... and all four immediately swarmed him, attempting to grab onto him and likely simply crush him down with their combined weight... but the reptile ducked and slipped between the two in the center before shoving a flat palm into both of their backs, sending them sprawling before he added a firm kick to the chest of the tiger that was now on his right, the feline's eyes bulging as he staggered backwards and fell over the ropes into the crowd amid yells of surprise. The last tiger standing stared for a moment before quickly backing off to the corner, waiting for the other two to climb back to their feet.

They muttered to one-another as Zerrex rubbed idly at his bad leg... and then one of the tigers dived for this, only to earn a kick to the head that knocked him unconscious, Zerrex making a face as Cherry cackled from somewhere in the crowd. The Drakkaren leaned down and picked up the unconscious feline easily, muscles flexing lightly as the others stared, watching as he strode over to the ropes and dumped him out before turning to his last two competitors, who were both staring in horror at the ease the reptile had lifted the soldier who had at least double the Drakkaren's mass.

Zerrex beckoned with a slight smile to the two... but they both stayed back, muttering between themselves before falling silent as the Drakkaren said mildly: "Now, do we all see what's happened here? First they underestimated my speed and strength, so I quickly took down the first one when he ended up being stuck on his own with no support nearby. The second fellow went for an obvious weak spot, and then was ambushed by my foot to his face, which took him out.

"These two have survived by staying back and planning together... but on the other hand, constant strategizing for every move your enemy makes doesn't work when you have to go over it again and again and wait for every soldier to confirm in." Zerrex added, then he sprang forwards, startling both of the tigers as their arms rose defensively... before he dropped and swept both their legs neatly out from under them, one of them barely catching himself against the ropes before Zerrex landed a flat palm to his chest and winced when several of the ropes snapped off with loud twangs, soldiers yelping as their comrade fell a few moments later out of the ring with a dazed look on his face. "As I uh... just demonstrated. Sorry about that."

He coughed a bit, then glanced down at the other soldier, who was attempting to wiggle his way under the last rope... and Zerrex reached down, hefted him by the ankles as he winced and looked over his shoulders, before bending his heels up to touch his lower back and sitting on his ankles, cheerfully pinning the huge feline as he shoved him down by the back of the head with one hand. "I hate wrestling. Why? Because the moves are so damn awkward. Hurts like hell, doesn't it?"

The tiger groaned something that Zerrex guessed meant ‘yes,' and then the Drakkaren applied a bit more pressure forwards, grabbing one of his wrists and pulling it up to the center of his back as well now as the feline bucked and tried to move beneath him, ignoring Cherry's shouts and taunts. "Here's my advice. Surrender, before I end up breaking you in two." A pause, and then the Drakkaren smiled slightly at a muttered curse from the tiger, leaning down and saying softly in his ear: "You can't win this fight. Know when you're beaten, or else..."

The lizard let the silence roll out as soldiers muttered to each other, and then there was a gentle crack before the tiger arched his back, his teeth grit in pain as Zerrex twisted his arm and popped his elbow out of place. He waited a few seconds, and then the tiger surrendered beneath him before groaning as there was another pop as the Drakkaren snapped his arm back together and then stood up, the feline rolling over the moment Zerrex was on his feet to cradle his injured arm. The reptile looked around the room as he rubbed at his chest, Cherry still catcalling from the near the back of the crowd, and then he sighed and walked over to the ropes, shouting at her: "You're not setting a good example here!"

"And you're a tightass, Boss." Cherry barked in return, then she shoved her way through the crowd and leapt up into the ring, before grinning over her shoulder and saying cheerfully: "Hey, I got an idea! Queen bitch, why don't you come up here and fight me?"

Alexis glared up at her, then immediately jumped up into the ring as Zerrex quickly scampered out, wandering around to stand by Killer with a wince as he muttered: "What if one of them gets thrown out of the ring and they start chucking weights at each other?"

"Alexis wouldn't do that." Killer paused, crossing his arms as his eyes settled on Cherry as she flexed, then a wince crossed his muzzle as they exchanged a slew of vulgarities obscene enough to make him flush a bit. "You know what? Just in case, it should be very clear that getting tossed out of the ring is a loss."

"Yeah, good idea." Zerrex mumbled, then he held up a fist as Killer looked at him curiously. "Rock-paper-scissors to decide who has to referee?"

"You big pansies, I'll do it." Cindy said mildly, then she walked by to climb up to the side of the ring, clearing her throat and then shouting to get the attention of the two females who were currently locked in an insult match with one-another, and they both looked at her with surprise before she said in a cheerful voice: "Alright, the rules are simple. Cherry, no grabbing Alexis' hair and pulling. Alexis, no telekinesis. Cherry, no setting her on fire. Alexis, I feel I have to warn you seriously, do not under any circumstances hit Cherry in the crotch, since she'll take it very personally. Cherry, no groping or fondling of breasts, your own or your opponents, or any other sexual area for that matter. Otherwise, try to keep the taunts to a minimum, and first one to surrender wins, or first one thrown out of the ring. Ready..."

Cindy rose a hand as Cherry and Alexis readied themselves, facing each other and glaring into one another's eyes... and then Cindy shouted, dropping her arm: "Fight!"

Immediately, Alexis rose her hands as her sharp blue eyes searched for a weakness... and Cherry struck a pose, wiggling her hips back and forth as she put her hands behind her head, scrunching her muzzle up as she mocked: "Ooh, look at me, I'm a pretty princess! You can brush my hair, dress me up in clothes, and I even come with a moan button for when you put your dirty parts in me! Dirty, dirty, dirty princess action figure, now with extra girly-muscle!"

Alexis glared furiously as Cherry continued to wiggle, then stepped forwards and punched Cherry in the face, and the demoness fell sprawled on her back. Zerrex frowned, however, then recognized the tactic as Killer looked nonplussed, shaking his head and muttering: "Oh, don't worry... it's just starting. I've seen Cherry do this before."

The female stared a bit, then looked down at her own fist before leaning over to peer at Cherry, a bruise forming quickly over her muzzle... and then the ivory white feline snarled, leaping backwards as both of Cherry's combat boots snapped up and she leapt to her feet, grinning widely as the color of her scales flickered to solid green, saying cheerfully: "Whoops, it looks like I have the advantage here, Alexis honey-cupcake-darling."

The tigress snorted, though, raising her hands gamely and saying coldly: "Come on, Cherry. Stop screwing around... or is it because you're scared to fight me, is that it?"

"Oh, believe me... we'll see just who's scared in a minute." Cherry grinned widely, her eyes flashing, and then she leapt forwards, kicking out hard at the feline's side before drawing her foot back a moment before it hit the hand that Alexis dropped to snag it in midair, spinning around on the toe of her other boot and slamming her foot home towards the feline's stomach, Alexis barely managing to twist out of the way as the heel of Cherry's boot scraped along her abs.

Killer and Zerrex both watched curiously as soldiers throughout the crowd gaped as the displays of speed, agility, and raw power, the two leaping back and forth through the ring so fast that they seemed to almost be flashes, and then Killer tilted his head down towards Zerrex, saying softly: "I don't even remember Cherry being this strong the last time we fought together... and if I'm not mistaken, she's predicting moves even further into the future now than she was the last time I saw her fight Alexis."

"Yeah... she's improved, to say the least." Zerrex said softly, then he shook his head a bit as Cherry dove towards Alexis with a downwards punch that the feline leapt gracefully over, the demoness landing and skidding on all fours before throwing herself to the side as Alexis slammed her fist down into the floor of the ring hard enough to crack it, before leaning backwards and almost falling over as one of Cherry's boots snapped past her head. "At this rate, they're going to very quickly wear one-another out."

"I wouldn't be so sure..." A pause, and then a stare as Cherry mirrored several of his wife's attacks, a hard double kick colliding in midair before both spun around and shoved off one another's shoes to land on their hands against the floor of the ring, only to shove back in the air and twist around in midair as they landed with their backs to opposite corners. "On the other hand, Alexis makes me feel just a bit... slow... sometimes. I honestly didn't think what just happened was possible."

"And yet they look so happy for the challenge." Zerrex said dryly, and Killer snorted with amusement, grinning a bit as he amiably squeezed one of the lizard's shoulders. "I'm just glad they don't have weapons, or this whole room would be in tatters by now."

In the ring, Cherry charged towards Alexis, then ducked suddenly low under a hard kick, before wincing as the feline slammed her heel down into her back... but the demoness took the hit well, falling to her knees but immediately wrapping her arms around the feline's leg, Alexis blinking before letting out a grunt of surprise as she was hefted into the air, catching herself from falling on her face with her hands before she was half-dragged around in a circle, gritting her teeth as she drew her other leg back and quickly walked along the floor of the ring with her hands to avoid falling... but a moment later, Cherry threw herself backwards, jerking the leg she had a hold of painfully up to the middle of Alexis's back as the muscular female's weight drove the feline to the ground.

But the vibration allowed her leg to slip free for a bare moment, and immediately Alexis spun around to attempt to wrap her legs tight around Cherry's throat... but the demoness slipped neatly upwards between her thighs and tackled her upper body to the ground, Alexis grunting before wincing as Cherry half-punched, half-slapped her with a cackle before shoving a palm into Cherry's gut and sending her flying towards the other side of the ring.

She crashed into the ropes, but continued to laugh stupidly as Alexis rubbed embarrassedly at her reddened cheek, the demoness pointing at her and saying cheerfully: "I got you, bitch! I got you good, and the whole damn world can see! What do you think of that now, huh? Ain't no one can beat me!"

"It isn't over yet!" Alexis snapped, then she ran forwards, and almost immediately Cherry was up on her feet and slipping along the sides of the ring, easily avoiding the first set of attacks. The feline snarled a bit... then controlled herself, drawing backwards to avoid falling into Cherry's pace and playing her little games. I have to stop and think... that's all Cherry's trying to stop me from doing. I might have size and reach on her, but she's fast, strong, and she'll avoid any kind of direct physical attack...

Cherry snorted, crossing her arms and grinning a bit as Alexis's eyes sized her up, drew over her body... and then the demoness sat down and assumed a meditative position, Alexis blinking a bit as she said thoughtfully: "I am... the savior of the universe... here... to destroy that which... would destroy all good sexual things... like porn and bad animations on the internet done by amateur artists."

Alexis bit her cheek to avoid from replying as she continued to sort all the information she had gathered up. I'll slip around her, then... that's my best shot at beating her... "Knock-knock."

"Who's there?" Cherry piped up, almost immediately looking cheerful, and Zerrex winced a bit, rubbing a hand through his hair at the bad feeling he got from Alexis's grin.

"Cherry." Alexis said mildly, and the other female blinked a bit before, as she opened his mouth, Alexis immediately interrupted: "Already came, sorry."

It took Cherry a moment to get the joke, but then she glared and jumped to her feet, saying huffily: "I'll have you know that I'm very good at controlling my orgasm until the precise moment that it would best suit mine or my current partner's interests, Miss Alexis." She put her hands on her hips and snorted, tilting her muzzle in the air, and then demanded: "I think you should apologize."

"Alright." A pause, and then Alexis walked over to the ropes, winking down at Zerrex and saying cheerfully: "Hey, I'm sorry your squeaktoy here is such a letdown in bed... if you want, I can-"

"Bitch!" Cherry lowered her head and charged like a bull, and Alexis winced before leaping and slipping out of the way, and a moment later Cherry crashed headfirst into one of the posts at the corners of the ring and fell over, groaning and grabbing at her head before rolling around on the floor comically, and Alexis could only stare before the demoness began to crawl over to her, mumbling: "I will do very bad things to you."

Cherry scratched at one of her boots slowly, and Alexis made a face before reaching down... and immediately Cherry seized her wrist, cackled and grinned sharkishly at the feline as she jerked her head back, looking repulsed, before rolling and jerking down hard to drag her to the ground. Alexis, however, dove into a roll, safely avoiding Cherry's attempt to pin before she spun around on her side and kicked both feet outwards, the demoness grunting as she rose both forearms in front of her face to block the hard attack.

The feline leapt up to her feet... and Cherry immediately followed suit, raising her fists as the two glared at each other before Cherry winced and rubbed at her head... and then her eyes widened before she grabbed her own crotch and spun around, yelling: "I surrender!" and charging out of the ring, leaping over a group of horrified soldiers and heading for the door as Zerrex groaned and dropped his head in one hand.

Alexis stared for a few moments, then ran to the edge of the ring, waving one arm angrily and shouting: "You can't surrender! Get the hell back here!" And a moment later, she too leapt out of the ring and charged off after the female, and Killer exchanged a look with Zerrex before the Drakkaren shrugged a bit and smiled tiredly.

"This is my life." he said plainly, and then exchanged a quick goodbye with Killer before leaving with Cindy, leaning over to murmur to her quietly: "Are you thinking what happened what I'm thinking what happened?"

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking what happened, then yes." Cindy nodded a bit as they pushed out the doors into one of the halls of the facility, then quickened their pace as they saw Alexis turn a corner ahead, hot on the trail of Cherry as their mixed shouts echoed down the hall. "It makes sense though... if she got too excited, too into the fight, she might've started changing without anyone noticing... in the studies we did of Dragokkaren who had size and body shift abilities, heightened emotions often led to form reversion..."

"Gods, no wonder Cherry calls you Books." Zerrex muttered, and Cindy snorted before pausing and glancing at Zerrex curiously as they rounded the corner, and then they both winced as they saw Alexis pounding on a door and yelling through the wood before rudely shoving it open. "Oh, wonderful."

"Out of curiosity, before all hell breaks loose in the base, why exactly does Cherry call Marina Bebop, anyway?" Cindy asked casually, as they hurried past a few soldiers on patrol towards the door, both hoping against hope that Cherry wouldn't lose control of her form before they had a chance to explain to Killer and Alexis privately about what happened.

A moment later, however, Alexis skidded out the door, her eyes bulging and her hands covering her muzzle, then she shot past them, gagging and looking pale. Zerrex and Cindy both stared after her, then looked towards the doors as several other female soldiers ran out, and the Drakkaren replied calmly to Cindy's question: "Bebop is an old cartoon character... we'd watch the show on TV sometimes after missions, when we were just relaxing. He acted intelligent but he was really just a dancing fool, one of the villains... what?"

"You and Cherry watched cartoons after slaughtering people?" Cindy asked flatly, and Zerrex shrugged a bit before they both made a face at the smell currently emanating from the bathroom, the female asking in a strangled voice: "What the hell is that?"

Cherry emerged a moment later with a blast of the stuff through the swinging door, and both Zerrex and Cindy gagged as the demoness rubbed at her pale muzzle, looking ill. "I complained about eating some bad meat and set someone's floater on fire." She paused, rubbing a bit at her head as she added stupidly: "The smell sure as hell got me back under control. I got all a-flutter and thought I was going to end up doing something... bad... in the ring."

Zerrex nodded and made a face, quickly staggering away from the smell as he muttered: "Good. Now go roll around in the snow to get rid of the smell."

"Yeah, going now." Cherry responded agreeably, waving at the air in front of her muzzle and mumbling to herself as she stumbled down the hall in a cloud of reek. "What the fuck did I set on fire... what the hell do they eat up here..."

When Zerrex and Cindy returned to the arena, the military group had moved on to some other demonstration, but one of the soldiers â€" in gear Zerrex recognized as being from Killer's prized ‘Predator' company â€" handed him a note once he stepped into the room, saying courteously: "General Huxley requests your company at the main table in the dining room at eighteen hundred hours, sir."

"Thank you, soldier." Zerrex nodded, and the Predator saluted quickly before walking past, the Drakkaren glancing down at the note: it said almost the same thing on it, but also included a postscript that read: ‘Feel free to come find us at any time: Alexis has returned to working with her personal sniper unit and I'll be in the meeting room.'

Zerrex handed it over to Cindy, who glanced it over before pocketing it, and the Drakkaren paused for a moment as he looked over at the weight sets, asking mildly: "So what are Marina and the wolf doing?"

"I couldn't find much, but there was some paper and a few pencils left over in a desk drawer... so they're probably both sketching upstairs, the one thing they do quietly together." Cindy strode over to the bench, sitting down on it and smiling slightly. "Why, you want to get back into practice?"

"Couldn't hurt to work out and relax a little." Zerrex admitted, nodding and rolling his shoulders as he added: "Plus it's one of the few quiet things Cherry'll do with us and not beg for sex or squawk too much."

Cherry, however, didn't show up for another hour, leaving the two to have a peaceful workout as the warrior tigers around the room stared in shock at the weight the two were capable of moving while still keeping up an amiable banter. Upstairs, however, Zerrex wasn't sure if his mood became better or worse when he found Cherry posing naked for Mahihko and Marina, who were both drooling slightly... since Cherry was posing naked as him.

The Drakkaren glared at Cherry as Cindy snorted laughter, quickly closing the door behind them... and then Zerrex let out a yelp when Cherry immediately grabbed him and pulled him over, saying hungrily: "Kiss me!"

A moment later, he had his jaws locked with a copy of himself, and his eyes bulged in shock as he resisted Cherry's efforts to get him to kiss back, hating the way she â€" now he, he supposed... I'm confused â€" ground his length against him: it was creepy, in a word. He quickly wiggled free... but Marina was staring and Mahihko was flat out gaping, before the two exchanged a look and said pleadingly at the same time: "More!"

"Hell no!" Zerrex fumed... and yet ten minutes later, he was posing with a grin pasted on his muzzle and an arm around Cherry, one of them standing with a bulging cock fully erect and no scars on a smooth, younger body... and the real Zerrex flaccid but still showing off his length, both embarrassed but strangely pacified by the attention he was being given by everyone, even Cindy looking entertained and unable to keep her eyes completely on the book she was reading as Marina and Mahihko sketched like mad.

Ten minutes to six, and Zerrex didn't think he'd ever been more thankful to get moving: even Cherry seemed like she was getting tired of her pose and had been mumbling for a while about how much her penis was starting to ache and that she was going to have the worst case of blue-ovary ever. The Drakkaren didn't even bother arguing with her, but was afraid to move at the same time â€" even though Mahihko had done a sketch by now and was working diligently over by Cindy, Marina was still detailing like crazy and glared at them every time they even breathed too loudly, shouting an order to stand still here and there.

But as the clock began to tick down those last few minutes, the two slipped free and Cherry shifted her form back to her usual body before she clutched her own crotch, moaning and grumbling about being sensitive before waddling over to her clothes. Zerrex, meanwhile, was all too glad to put on his own, and Marina mumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like a pelt joke before suddenly brightening and bounding over to her father to show off her artwork. "Isn't it pretty?"

Zerrex gaped, staring in shock: it looked almost like an old black-and-white photo, complete with a somewhat-grainy quality she'd added on purpose... except she'd made the Cherry-Zerrex a bit smaller and him a bit larger in... every way, he noted. Yeah. That's big. And the backdrop... "Is... that Uroboros?"

"I'm glad you recognized it!" Marina smiled warmly, hugging the picture against her chest and looking up at him with an embarrassed shuffle of one foot, saying happily: "I know you like being big, so I decided it'd be fun to draw you at about twenty five times your height... I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Zerrex said dumbly, then he smiled and reached out to stroke her face gently, saying softly: "It's beautiful, Marina. Thank you."

He leaned in, kissing her forehead, and she blushed before happily walking over to store the picture away in a safe place. A few moments later, an embarrassed Mahihko came over, and he held up the art he'd done with a blush, mumbling: "It's... not much..."

The wolf had sketched him and Cherry at different angles, and although it lacked the talent and realism of Marina's artwork â€" It's a bit more... thick, I guess you could say â€" it had... something else. Zerrex took the pictures gently, shuffling through them and halting on a portrait of himself that wasn't actually half bad despite the obvious difficulty Mahihko had had with the angle of his muzzle and face... and then he smiled slightly, reaching a hand out to squeeze the wolf's shoulder gently as he said softly: "It's a lot. Thank you, Mahihko."

He leaned down, kissing the wolf's forehead, and Mahihko blushed happily and wandered away. And unlike Marina, he never wanted to have his pictures hung up or shown off or seemed to care what Zerrex did with them once they were safely delivered to the reptile... he did it just to get a smile from the lizard and then he left. The wolf was unselfish... and this seemingly-small thing, his hard work in learning how to draw and giving his sketches to the reptile he sometimes called his father... it always touched Zerrex's heart.

On the other hand, Marina was now glaring angrily at Mahihko as Zerrex set the drawings down on his bed, and the wolf shied away from her, his tail tucking between his legs before she turned and walked over to her father, hugging him tightly around the neck. Zerrex hugged her back around the waist, making a bit of a face... but by the clock on the wall, they were going to end up late if they spent any longer here, so he cleared his throat and said mildly: "Come on, everyone, time to go. We don't want to show up-"

"Tardy to the partay!" Cherry supplied, pumping a fist in the air and looking back and forth for support... and then she made a face and muttered something about how they were all losers before heading for the door. Zerrex rolled his eyes, then followed with the others, Marina still clinging to him.

They found the dining hall without much trouble, and Killer waved at them from the head table at the front, where he and Alexis were currently digging in to what Cherry referred to as ‘kitchen scraps' with a group of Predators and other officers, most of them dressed in Kesteven uniform... but Zerrex also noted two Drakkai as they drew closer, and one of them immediately leapt to his feet at the sight of Zerrex, his eyes widening before Zerrex stared, a faint memory flickering through his head as he said dumbly: "You. You're that... Becca!"

"Oh sweet fuck, please tell me you aren't still mad about me stealing your pants back then, right? Because like I said then and have said again time after time, it was business!" Becca cowered back a bit, then he smoothed out the officer's uniform he wore as he coughed and added dumbly: "By the way, you're lookin' real in shape there for an old dude, Lord Zerrex. You know, real... fit and stuff."

The smallish Drakkaren pumped an arm with a laugh, then he adjusted the fez he still wore on his head before beginning to play with the rainbow-colored scarf he wore, causing his many rings and the little silver chain around his neck with the name he went by on it glinting in the light. Killer and Alexis looking on dumbly for a few moments before the liger coughed a bit and said: "Well... I'm glad you two... know one another, then. Please, Zerrex, sit down... I'll have someone bring you a tray."

"I'll get it, Daddy." Cindy said gently, tapping his shoulder, and Zerrex exchanged a smile with her before sitting down in the empty spot beside Becca, the other Dragokkaren nodding to him and murmuring something in Hez'Rannan, Zerrex managing back a friendly hello in the same language. For a little while there was an awkward silence... and then the others returned with trays of food, and Cherry immediately began causing problems by kicking Alexis under the table.

Alexis glared at her, and Cherry whistled innocently before grunting and almost falling over, her chair sliding back a notch as she was nudged by a telekinetic push. She sniffed disdainfully, then quickly began to dig into her food, Zerrex wincing at her atrocious manners as Cindy asked pleasantly: "So how is everyone today?"

Minor conversation continued between those along the table as Becca poked at Zerrex's bicep, earning a glower from the Drakkaren before the smaller reptile mumbled that he just wanted to see his tattoo. That made the lizard roll his eyes, and the two exchanged jabs and threats before sinking into actual conversation about the state of Hez'Ranna and Ire's interference.

The latter topic caught Killer's attention as they finished eating, the liger frowning a bit and shaking his head slowly. "It's a safe bet that Ire's been interfering up here, too... we have a report that an Irenic probe was launched into the snows, but there's no way we'll ever find it..." Killer made a face, rubbing at his muzzle slowly. "It's a puzzle. Most of my technology is more advanced than Ire's, other than those new BAD suits they've designed and some of the miscellaneous junk they have in their military bases... but I've never been able to capture or figure out the way their probe and droid units work. They're self-sustaining, they don't show up on any of our scanning equipment other then short-range, high-wave radar, and the moment you get too close to one, they explode so cleanly you'd never know there had been anything there a moment before."

"Killer's been frustrating himself trying to stop Ire from getting into the arctic site." Alexis added, patting the liger's arm as he snorted and looked at her with amusement. "We've got it completely covered, shielded, and locked down, yet we're still detecting abnormal life forms in the vicinity."

"You mean, other than the demons and other crazy thingamabobs that crawl out of the portal." Becca said glumly, picking at his mashed potatoes before dropping his fork and sighing, putting his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his chair. "Let's see what came out of there today, for instance... a fucking wooden bucket, of all things, that hit me square in the chest because some asshole demon likely threw it from the other side... a few small things we've dubbed Moles, because that's what they look most like... a zombie or two that died almost instantly when it hit the cold air and turned to a block of ice, which we burned for safety purposes..." A long pause, and then he made a face. "Oh. And a bunch of fucking gigantic bugs. Real glimpse of the jungles back home, you know? Like I haven't seen enough centipedes the size of my goddamn arm in my life. Thank shit for the fact they die fast in the snow."

"Thank you for that eloquent summary." Killer said dryly, and then he made a face as he looked over to Zerrex. "But I will say one thing... we did have one demon who really fucked up our operations for a short while come out of there, although everything else has been, as Becca often puts it, ‘shit.' But this demon..." Killer shook his head, crossing his arms and frowning down at his plate. "Twenty three injured, seven casualties."

"Some bitch-demon..." Alexis added, shaking her head with distaste and leaning on the table, looking across at Cherry with a grin. "I was out there, and it was just lucky I didn't have my rifle close... or Killer would be showing it the meaning of pain right now. Hell or not, we don't like to see our soldiers die."

Yeah. This isn't awkward at all. Zerrex thought morbidly, and then Cherry snorted and muttered: "Yeah, like you could shoot... it." she finished lamely, and Alexis frowned at her before the demoness added in a firm tone, leaning forwards and raising a finger. "I would bet money that a demon like that couldn't be taken down by a single shot from even your big-ass rifle... but supposing it could uh..." A stupid grin to Killer. "What would you do to it, if you did catch it?"

Killer grunted, shaking his head with distaste. "Thinking about it, I'm not sure. I know what Alexis wants me to do, of course..." The two tigers traded a grin for a moment as Cherry's eyes widened in excitement... before her face collapsed into a grimace as Killer finished flatly: "But being a demon, I wouldn't want to give it too much pleasure. It'd be better just to kill it and avenge my soldiers."

"Well, that sucks." Cherry grumbled, crossing her arms and looking sulky... but thankfully, with Cherry being Cherry, her disappointment at the lack of having what the two probably thought was just another rape fantasy for her to drool over was overlooked.

Zerrex wondered for a moment how to breach the subject, and then Marina said casually, without looking up from the salad she was munching: "Cherry's the demon."

Cherry gaped at her stupidly, the bandanna she was still wearing flapping around her head, and both Killer and Alexis stared for a moment at Cherry before both of them laughed, and Marina frowned as Cindy muttered something in her ear and Zerrex urged her silently not to do this. "Oh, come on! You can't hate your big sister that much, can you? Or are you doing this as a favor to Cherry out of the hopes Killer here will ‘rape her to some point of intense agony?'"

Becca, on the other hand, peered over at Cherry thoughtfully, then tilted his head towards Zerrex, mumbling: "I could believe that, especially after hearing she was in Hell for a little while... besides, I don't hold a grudge. We were all a bit trigger happy these days and she killed one of the former MPs who used to extort my little shop all the time. Tell her thank you for me, huh?"

"You're a cold-blooded little monster." Zerrex said mildly, and then he reached down and grabbed one of Becca's larger rings, twisting it painfully into his finger to bend his entire hand awkwardly, the Drakkaren wincing and letting out a whine of pain as he leaned to the side. "By the way, if I go back to the archives and find out this particular ring here was one of Huck's, I'm going to do terrible things to your body that will cause you vast amounts of pain. And after that, I'm going to tell Albatross, who will also do terrible things to your body and likely revoke your merchant's permit."

"Maybe you should just take it and we can forget the whole thing?" Becca squeaked, and Zerrex yanked the ring off the Drakkaren's finger, who immediately clutched his hands together, sulking and holding his now-bloody knuckle. "You're a bastard."

"You're a wimp." Zerrex shot back... then he winced when Killer glared at Cherry, who had likely said something stupid, and the liger slammed his hands down into the table, looking injured as Alexis frowned deeply and leaned back a bit from Cherry in confusion.

"How could you... kill... Cherry, I can understand some blue-on-blue fire, but the reports I received were that the demon... you... burned down almost half the outpost!" Killer said angrily, his loud voice echoing through the dining hall as most other conversation in the room ground to a halt. Alexis, however, muttered something to him, and Killer slowly sat down, frowning a bit and then glancing over to Zerrex, asking in a voice that was almost pleading: "Did you know about this? Zer, please. You and Cherry are my friends. I don't want to think that you would hide this from me."

Zerrex shook his head slowly, sighing as he clutched Huck's ring in his hand and saying softly: "I wanted to tell you earlier, Killer, I did... but... I figured it would be best to wait until things had settled down." He glanced pointedly at Marina, who shrank a bit in her chair at his dark look. "Cherry is... Cherry, wait."

The female had already stood up, through, bowing to Killer and Alexis before turning and quickly stomping off and shoving a soldier out of her way as she went, his tray flying from his hands to splatter food over the others as Killer dropped his head in one hand with a wince. No fight started, though, as Cherry glared around the room before shoving her way through the doors and knocking another soldier down, before Zerrex looked over to the two and said quietly: "I'm sorry for the mess and ruckus, Killer, I am. My family and I are prepared to do whatever it takes to make it up to you and these soldiers... but Cherry needs a bit of understanding right now. She's literally been through Hell, and even though it's not my place to defend her-"

"No, no, it's fine." Killer rose a hand, leaning back in his chair and looking depressed, rubbing a hand through his Mohawk slowly as he glanced over to Alexis, who had taken one of his huge hands into her own gently. "When I think back on some of the things I've done... I can understand. And after all the time I've spent with Alexis, I know what it's like to love someone so much that you'd do anything for them..." He paused, then shook his head a bit, saying quietly: "We can talk more later. I think for now we should all have our space."

Zerrex nodded, then he bowed a bit to the huge tiger and the others at the table, the rest of his family following suit before he said quietly aside to Marina: "You're on gun detail. I want every piece of ammunition checked over and every gun we have cleaned out, and a full count of all the ammo we have in stock. You'd better start with bringing the anti-tank rifle up to the room... it's stacked in the armory with several other rifles."

"Yes, Father." Marina whispered, nodding to him and bowing her head silently, and she quietly strode away to find the gun as Zerrex and the rest of the family made their way up to the room.

Cherry was back in her real body now: her demonic form, hugging herself and looking miserable... and Zerrex nodded to her, and silently Cindy and Mahihko slipped past... before Mahihko hugged Cherry impulsively, and she looked down in shock as he mumbled embarrassedly: "I don't think you're a bad person, Cherry. I like you."

"Fuck off..." Cherry mumbled, but she blushed deeply and nodded, then grunted something that sounded almost like a thank-you as Mahihko wandered over to sit with Cindy. She looked after him quietly, then shook her head slowly and left the room with Zerrex to step into the other â€" a smaller, more private room that also had an attached bathroom, and Cherry glanced up at this before looking at Zerrex with a bit of a grin. "Wanna take a shower?"

"I'll never understand you." Zerrex said flatly... but he couldn't help smiling a bit in return, because all the same... he did understand her. They looked at each other, met one another's eyes, and whispered words they'd forbidden themselves to say to one-another long ago... and only moments later, they were naked under the spray of hot water together in the shower stall, steam rising up from their bodies as Cherry moaned and pressed against him and Zerrex's thick, erect shaft ground into her stomach, their mouths working hungrily together as a bit of blood rolled down their muzzles from the their tongues wrestling dangerously between sharp teeth that bit as much as their mouths worked together.

A bead of blood made its way along Cherry's neck, then down the slope of one large breast to touch her hard nipple, and from there it fell gently to the head of Zerrex's pulsing, obsidian cock; it continued its journey downwards, rolling along the underside of his shaft before touching his huge testicles. It slid along these, defying gravity to reach his thigh... and finally, it rolled down his leg, over a knee that was no longer completely there, and down to his foot to the floor, washed away through the water down the drain... and with it seemed to go all the worries and pain of the two for the moment, as they gave themselves to each other in their hungers and lusts, and Zerrex pulled back as Cherry rose one leg high and pressed it against the wall, the thick head of his penis rolling along the smooth wonderland of her body...

He shoved forwards into her, and her sex stretched wide to accommodate him, the female not holding back her eager, hungry moans as she bucked hard forwards, one leg sliding around his waist as he buried fully inside of her with a growl of pleasure, arching his back as their kiss broke and he looked down at her with primal need, the demoness gazing back with the same. She began to rock her hips hard against him as he leaned back against the wall of the stall, thrusting hard upwards as his hands gripped tightly into her hips, her breasts bouncing under the hot spray of water from above that was only adding to the eroticism and pleasure...

He thrusted firmly upwards over and over, at the same time gyrating his hips to screw his massive shaft into her, making her moan louder as the gargantuan black flesh ground against the walls of her sex as she gripped his shoulders tightly with both hands, sitting on his inclined hips as she gazed down at him hungrily, the two moving together lovingly but sinfully at the same time, challenging each other with growls and grunts as water continued to flow over their bodies, adding an extra wetness to every squelch of his shaft into her sex and the slap of his testicles against her anus. Her body flexed and seemed to ripple in the water as he rammed into her over and over, and he groaned in ecstasy at the feeling of her passage squeezing and rubbing against his member as he pounded up into her: not loose, but not too tight, either, and so very hot... and the sound of her breasts slapping against her wet body as she bounced on him mixed with the sound of his massive member thrusting into her was quickly causing his ecstasy to skyrocket, made the flesh of his cock feel painfully, exquisitely hard.

They moved together hungrily, the reptile's thrusts increasing in strength as his muscles bulged, growling lightly under the flow of the water as his musculature stood out in perfect profile on his enormous form. Cherry only urged him on, however, leaning forwards so that he could feel her hard nipples scratching against the scales on his chest, her muzzle by his as she breathed hungrily against his wet neck, hair and sweat and water blurring his vision but her eyes boring into his as she grunted and moaned to him: "Zerrex... Zer... Boss... oh, Daddy, make me your bitch..."

He growled in reply as he slid one arm up around her waist, cutting himself on the small spikes along her spine but not caring as he began to shove even harder into her, but slowing his pace to draw back more than half his enormous length as she bucked hard down against him, letting out a cry with every deep penetration of his gargantuan member into her body. His testicles struck against her anus with enough force to cause her to spasm at every thrust, and her body pressed closer to his, her moans increasing in volume as she let out ecstatic, needy cries, her passage beginning to clench tightly around the huge obsidian tower burying deep into it again and again.

A few moments later, she arched her back, screaming her pleasure to the world as she shoved hand into the wall beside Zerrex with enough force to crack the tile, her eyes ablaze with bliss as she shoved herself down the Drakkaren's shaft, forcing him to hilt in her as she made short, hard bucks, the reptile grunting as he arched his back with a groan of pleasure and surprise at her aggression as her passage squeezed his huge cock tighter than he had ever felt, feeling his member being milked with terrible power before her fluids burst down in a rhythmic flow along his shaft, spurting out around the obsidian member as she released cry after cry of bliss. It lasted for more than a minute, her sweet nectar continuing to pump out of her body as her hands eventually gripped into his shoulders, glaring down at him hungrily as he snarled back at her, their eyes locked as her passage enveloped his penis in animal bliss... and then she finally let out another scream of pleasure and bucked extra hard, drawing back before the reptile pulled free, and a moment later he spun her around, gripping her wrists tightly as she automatically bent forwards, her expression hungry as she moaned: "More, more, more! I need more!"

"Now we fill my needs first, bitch!" Zerrex replied hungrily, and he ground his massive shaft against her buttocks, her tail raising automatically as the obsidian member pushed between the large cheeks of her ass, the reptile growling teasingly before drawing far back and releasing her wrists, Cherry immediately pushing her hands against the fogged glass wall of the stall, looking over her shoulder with a moan as her fluids continued to leak from her wet, hot sex, hot water continuing to pour over the masculine chest of the male and her lowered back as he stepped away from the wall, her tail automatically half-wrapping around him.

The head of his bulging cock teasingly poked into her tender rosebud, causing her to moan and buck slightly in anticipation, her tongue lolling out of her muzzle as she stared over her shoulder... and then he ground slowly down between her legs, pushing his massive cock between her thighs to press against her stomach, the hot, throbbing shaft grinding against her sensitive clitoris as she moaned and spasmed, her already-hot body sent rocketing into even greater bliss by the male's cock. Zerrex grinned hungrily behind her, his eyes flashing with a lustful fire even greater than that which burned in the eyes of the demoness... and then he leaned over her as he drew his hips back and her tail tightened around his waist instinctively to try and drag him closer, before the Drakkaren grasped one of her horns as the other pushed the head of his cock between the blossomed lips of her sex, saying hungrily: "Yes... I'm going to fill you up..."

Cherry groaned hungrily and lowered his head... and then he shoved forwards, and she let out a shriek of bliss as if she had just been pierced for the first time, the reptile spreading his legs behind her and immediately beginning a rapid, hard thrusting that beat a wet tattoo against her thighs with his enormous testicles, Zerrex growling in pleasure as he slammed to the hilt over and over again, the hungry lips of her sex completely engulfing him into her slick, tight passage, the walls of her vagina massaging and squeezing the Drakkaren's shaft and bringing him to a level of bliss he had almost forgotten existed. He rammed over and over into her, not holding back as her body rocked violently, the reptile leaning over her and reaching down to dig his fingers painfully into the swell of one breast, pulling it back against her body as he felt one of her large, erect nipples slip between his fingers, and he growled hungrily at the feel of her firm flesh as she cried out over and over again, his other hand moving from one horn to her shoulder for support to let her drop her head fully, the female crying out over and over again in ecstasy.

He felt his steel-stiff shaft hardening up further as the water splashed over them both, growling and grunting in primal ecstasy as he grinned down at her like a beast, hammering the female with his girthy cock even harder now as he moved forwards a bit more, his thrusts short but powerful enough to rock and bounce her body, free breast swinging wildly back and forth as she cried out again and again. It wasn't long before he felt as if he was thickening, growing even further inside the passage of the demoness, and then she arched her back and shrieked loudly, cracking the glass in front of her as she pressed forwards against it as her hips spasmed and bucked, another orgasm striking her and squeezing the Drakkaren's cock, inviting him to fill her with his load as her own sweet juices leaked down her thighs.

The lizard grunted hungrily as the last of her orgasm washed through her, her passage giving a final few rhythmic clamps before her eyes widened as a new feeling entered her vagina, and her eyes bulged with ecstasy as Zerrex roared in pleasure behind her, his shaft twitching several times as he made short, incomplete thrusts, trying to resist before slamming to the hilt in her, both hands moving back to grasp her hips, claws digging through the scales to draw blood as he tilted his head back with another loud, primal cry of ecstasy that was drowned out by Cherry's shriek of bliss, yelling her master and father's name over and over again as the first volley of his seed blasted into her like a comic, filling her body with an ecstasy she hadn't even felt during her orgasms as shot after shot of his thick load spilled into her with powerful and fast thrusts, much of it squelching out to splatter back over the Drakkaren's own crotch and run down her thighs, to be quickly washed away in the flow of hot water from the shower.

He pumped his seed into her as he pistoned his black-fleshed member in and out almost savagely, growling hungrily as he looked down at the body of the moaning demoness below him... and then, slowly, he came to a halt, panting hard and growling hungrily as he felt his shaft give a last few twitches inside of her, his whole body engulfed in a passionate fire before he slowly drew back as Cherry straightened with a moan, the lips of her sex sealing almost instantly... and then she turned around and he grabbed her by the sides, jerking her forwards in a passionate kiss that she immediately submitted to, their mouths working lovingly and firmly together before she drew back and gazed hungrily down to him from the ten feet of height that was the norm for her demonic form... and yet somehow she still seemed to be looking adoringly up at him before she grasped his thick cock with one hand, murring softly and whispering: "Here, Lord Zerrex... let me... ease another out from you... I'm anxious to taste your seed..."

She lowered her head, and Zerrex allowed her to gently set the very tip of his penis into her mouth as she fell to her knees... before he yanked her back by one of the horns, and she grunted in pain but looked up at him immediately with only respect, as he said softly: "You didn't say ‘please,' bitch..." A pause as she licked her own muzzle slowly, the look in her eyes telling him it wasn't the hot water splashing over her face that was making her blush... and then he added with a smile, fighting every instinct in his body: "And I think we've had enough for today, in any case."

Cherry made a disgusted face at this, then she gazed longingly at his massive shaft before grasping his hips and leaning forwards to kiss it gently... and he watched her, grunting in pleasure as she leaned up and took it into her maw... down to her throat... and then down past that until her lips touched his waist with an expression of dreamy ecstasy, suckling slowly back as her tongue lapped around his cock before she drew dejectedly back until his penis sprang free of her muzzle, a clean thirty-two inches of black flesh slicked not with his-and-her juices now, but only saliva as she pushed her face gently against his enormous member for a moment, murmuring softly: "Whatever you want, Boss... but I still think you're a fuckin' idiot for givin' up this and my new ‘you'll-never-feel-it-bending' deepthroat trick."

"Whore." Zerrex poked her forehead, and she grinned stupidly before the Drakkaren turned around, saying mildly: "But you can at least wash my back and my hair, if you want."

Cherry grunted at that, but he caught a glimpse of the cheerfulness in her eyes, and she went about the job briskly as Zerrex thought for a moment on the mentality of the female: be it sex, combat, or anything else, as long as he was the one giving her orders, she'd do anything for him with a smile... and once again, it brought back memories of exactly why she'd been given that number II plate, which she'd apparently cherished enough to keep whole even through her long durance in Hell.