Kazuo: Part One

Story by NightEye88 on SoFurry

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(The story will now be in Kazuo's point of view)

It's been five years now, since my family and friends deaths. I went back to my village, it was completely abandoned and smelt really strong of blood and southern wolves. In these five years, I learnt how to understand the human language and how to use these weapons, as I was told they were called. I learnt how to hunt, and make money off of it. I stayed at a local inn. I enjoyed staying in the shadows of the buildings that made up the town. Many of the people in this town have taken to calling me Zalaph, which means "One with the Shadows." The town I lived in is called Hystown (Hise-Town).

The human race is a strange one. Many of the females close to my age have called me "mysterious" and "charming." Some have even asked me to "marry" them, I had little knowledge of what "marry" meant, but from what I've been told, it means to spend the rest of your life with someone that you "love." I've kept my true identity a secret for five years, and I plan to keep it much longer. Besides, I didn't really love any of them, hence spend the rest of my life with them. Many trade caravans have passed through this small town quite a few times. Some had five wagons while others had as little as one or two. I wore the same robes, but I also wore an undershirt, pants, and shoes. I still covered every inch of my body, the robes helped hide my tail, and the hood part of it hid my left eye and fox ears.

I went for a walk around the market. Once again, many of the human females asked me to marry them.

"Please Zalaph, will you marry me?" They would ask.

I would just ignore them. I enjoyed the market, however, not because of all the attention I got, but because the market was full of many wonderful scents. The smell of baking bread, the sweet scent of sweet fruits, and other foods. It was all enough to make you drool. Although the smell of alcohol was awful! None of the humans seemed to notice any of the scents though. I've come to realize that their noses aren't as efficient as mine.

I decided to go out to the forest and see if I could hunt. Whilst exiting the town, a traveling merchant passed by in a wagon. He had a girl with him, possibly his wife, she wore robes and had a hood on but she didn't cover her face. But as soon as I passed by, her scent, she was a wolf! I started to fell angry, enraged even. I shook myself, "Take it easy!" I whispered to myself. I thought I must be going insane, but I was sure of it, she was a wolf. I couldn't do anything about it now though.

I went into the nearby forest and began to hunt for stag. Smelling the air, I caught scent of a stag nearby. I pulled out my bow and drew an arrow. Aiming straight for the head, and let go of the arrow and it flew straight into its head, killing it almost instantly. I walked over to it and wrapped it. Picking it up and putting over my shoulder, I walked back to the town. When I entered the town, I went straight for the market. The merchant who I passed by walked over to me.

"Hello," he said, "my name is Clyde Jonson, but my trade name is just Jonson. I was hoping you could sell me that fur you get from that stag there?"

I looked him straight in the eye. "Okay. But I don't want money."

"Then what would you want?" Clyde asked.

"I'd like to meet your partner, in private, you can be there to if it makes you feel more comfortable." I replied.

"Oh... uhm, okay." he said nervously.

He beckoned me to follow him to the inn, he was staying at the same one as me. We went a floor above the room I was staying in.

"Wait right here." He said.

I nodded and he went inside. I decided to listen in on him, I didn't have to put my ear against the door thankfully.

"Put these back on, someone is here and wants to talk to you" Clyde said, trying to be quiet.

"Really? Okay." she said.

Clyde opened the door and welcomed me in. The woman was standing in the middle of the room.

"Well?" She said, "What is it you need?"

I remained silent for a moment. 'You don't have to hide yourself... wolf..."

She looked at me shocked, and so did Clyde.

"Y-yo-you know about me?" she said, seemingly scared of me. She slowly took off her hood revealing wolf ears.

"Your disguise is flawless," I said, "But your scent is a dead giveaway."

Clyde and the woman looked at me surprised. "Scent!?" They said together.

I took off my hood to show my ears and my eye. "What is your name?" I asked.

"T-Tala" she said nervously.

I chuckled then raised my blade at her. Her eyes widened. "What are you doing!?" she yelled.

"My family and friends were killed by wolves! And I will have my revenge!" I said, but then I noticed her ears. They were white, along with her tail. I then sheathed my daggers. She and Clyde seemed to relax but were still tense.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a arctic wolf." I said. "My family was killed by wolves from the south. I have no quarrel with you."

"Wait," she said, "you're killing wolves? I can't allow that!" She said angrily.

"Well if you want to die with them, I will happily end your life where you stand now!" I threatened.

She looked at me angrily.

I looked back at Clyde. "You kept your end of the deal," I said putting my hood back on, "I will keep mine. The fur from the stag will be ready within a day."

I walked out of their room and down to mine. I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes. The same nightmare haunts me. My village being attacked my wolves, the screaming, the scent of blood and fear. I awoken to knocking on my door.

~End of Chapter One~