Unexpected Love- Part 8- Valentine's Day

Story by Wolfy18 on SoFurry

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Sorry this story wasn't posted before Valentine's Day, for some reason yiffstar hasn't been connecting very well and even right now it's abnormally slow. But, forget about my constant complaining and enjoy the story X3

  • * * Kevin was the first to awaken on Valentine's Day. He rolled over and looked at Ty sleeping peacefully. There was a nice gentle breeze comming through the window as well. Kevin could tell that today was going to be a great day. Kevin decided to go and get his presents for Ty out of their closet, so he got out of bed, and, still nude, went and started to shuffle through their belongings. 'Hmmm.. where are they- aha!' Kevin thought to himself as he was looking then found them. He took them over to the bed and set them on the headboard of their bed and then got back into bed. He hugged Ty and woke him up by gently licking his face. When Ty opened his eyes, he yawned and gave a sleepy, but happy smile to Kevin and said, "Morning hun." Kevin grinned and kissed him and said, "Morning to you to sweety." Kevin started to lick the for on Ty's head to one, show his love, and two, to neaten his messy fur. "Can you guess what day it is today?" Ty's eyes immediately lit up, and his ears also perked up. Giggling, he said, "Valentine's Day!? Yeay! Does that mean I get chocolate?" Kevin chuckled and hugged him, "It sure does, you want your gifts now?" Ty giggled and said,trying to be as cute as possible, "You really think I'm gonna wait any longer? Come on pleeease? Can I have them now?" Kevin just licked him and then gave Ty his gifts off the headboard, "Here you go silly, happy Valentine's Day!" Ty immediately opened his gifts, they consisted of, a card that was pink and red with hearts and said- "Happy Valentine's Day Ty, I love you, and will never leave your side, ever. With lots of hugs, kisses, and love, Kevin." a bouquet of red roses, a heart shaped box of chocolates, and (this is the one Ty had immediately fallen in love with) a diamond ring. "Awww!!!" Ty said, "I love them! But wasn't it a bit expensive?" Kevin grinned and said, "I've been saving some money up to buy that for you, don't worry, it's all covered." "Awww... I love you Kevin." Ty said and he kissed, then he looked Kevin in the eyes. "Now I gotta find MY gifts to you." Kevin started to laugh after he watched the naked form of Ty disappear into the closet, for he heard Ty start looking through everything and he heard him accidentally cuss and Kevin heard a crash of something falling over. Laughing, he called "Hey hun, need a little bit of help in there?" Ty laughed and said, "Haha very funny Kevin. OH! There it is!" Then Kevin heard another crash and then Ty called, "I'll clean that up later!" Kevin couldn't stop laughing hearing Ty in the closet. Finally, Ty came out with his gifts in his arms and gave them to Kevin, and the gifts were very similar, flowers (he got Kevin red carnations), a box of chocolates, a card, and Kevin's most favorite gift he always wears, a black and gold collar. Ty was smiling happily and said, "Well, I couldn't think of a good gift and I remembered the collar you gave me. I bought you that one, ooh, and look at this," He grabbed a tag that was with it, but not connected, "this is a heart tag, you take half and put it on your collar and I take the other half." Ty helped Kevin get the collar on and put the heart tag on it. "Aww Ty... it's perfect!" Kevin said looking in the mirror. "Oh I forgot! I have one more surprise for you Kevin!" Ty said. Ty then proceded to take a pieceof poster board from under the bed and give it to Kevin. Kevin flipped it over and immediately felt like pouncing on Ty and drowning him in love. On the poster board, Ty had used the pictures in his collar and drew a poster-sized drawing of him and Kevin kissing together, on the top of it, the word "love" was written. On the back, Ty had wrote Kevin a note that read- Kevin, I made this thinking of you. I hope you'll like it I put alot of effort into it and it would be a waste if you don't like it. I love you and hope you love this drawing. Love, Ty Kevin's eyes began to swell up with tears and he hugged Ty tightly. It wasn't a sad cry, but a happy cry. "I love you Ty," he said, "You treat me way better than I deserve from you." "Aww" Ty said hugging him, "You deserve every ounce of the love I give you." They then broke the hug and Kevin and Ty went downstairs and Ty decided to cook for Kevin, and Kevin couldn't complain, Ty made the best food in the entire town. After breakfast, they had written a card out to Sam and his boyfriend and quickly went and put it in his mailbox. (Ty had done it rather fast because Kevin had laughed and dared him to do it without getting dressed and Kevin said he wouldn't be able to do it, and boy was he wrong!) Kevin and Ty were on the couch snuggling with each other watching a romantic movie. Kevin breathed in deeply and then said, "Ty, what do you say we go out and eat and the restaurant that you love so much? I hear it's a perfect spot for Valentine's Day too." Ty looked up at him and said, "Yeah! That'll be perfect!" "Well then," Kevin said, "I'll go get some reservations for us real quick." He picked up the phone and left the room. 'I can't believe I actually live with Kevin. I swear it feels like a dream like last Christmas when we first got together. I've got to be the luckiest person ever.' Ty thought to himself while Kevin was gone. Kevin walked back in and sat back down with Ty. "Well, everything's all set Ty. We're leaving at about 5:30, we have reservations at 6:00." "Sounds good to me!" Ty said, "But what do you want to do for now?" Kevin thought for a minute. "Hmm...how about we go to the park now? The flowers are in bloom now." Ty smiled and said, "That sounds perfect." Just then, Kevin moved and didn't realize he was sitting on the remote and the channel changed to a porn movie and they saw a wolf pounding away at cheetah's ass. They both started cracking up at the complete randomness of what had just happened. They both then went upstairs to get dressed and then they headed to the car and off to the park. When they got there, they started to walk the path holding hands, and they went through the woods. Everywhere, there was either a colorful flower or a wonderful scent of spring. When the path eventually came out of the forest, they had noticed it got a bit cloudy out and it had started to rain. They both laughed and ran out of the rain together under a pavillian, and then they sat together and kissed. Both of their clothes were sticking to them but that didn't matter, they looked quite sexy in wet clothes. The rain had finally let up and they had decided to head home and get ready for dinner. During the car ride home, they saw a rainbow, and it was the whole thing, bright and vibrant in the sky. They could see all the colors and both sides of it. "Quite a site, isn't it?" Ty said holding Kevin's paw that wasn't on the steering wheel. "Yeah, it's beautiful." Kevin said smiling. They had both gotten home and got out of their wet clothes, making sure each other were dry before putting their clothes on. They had finally gotten dressed (Kevin kept finding places on Ty that needed drying, but Ty knew Kevin just wanted to feel his body.) and they headed out to the restaurant that they had last gone to. Inside was decorated for Valentine's Day and was wonderful. Ty and Kevin even spotted a few other gay couples in the restaurant. A brown bear had walked over to them and lead them to their table, took their orders for drinks, and left. Ty couldn't help but check out the bear's sexy body. Kevin saw him and laughed and said, "Hey hun? You got me now, no need to be checking out all the guys." They both laughed and talked throughout dinner. Before long, they had finished their meal and Kevin decided to buy them a little treat, an ice cream sunday. When they got it, they both ate it together, they only had one spoon, but they shared, and it was very cute seeing them feed each other. When finished, they both left and headed home. Once in their room, Kevin threw Ty on the bed kissing him. "I love you," he said. "And I love you." Said Ty. For a while, Kevin and Ty kissed with Kevin getting a bit groppy, and he also began to kiss Ty's neck gently instead. Kevin then took off Ty's shirt and gave Ty a nice good licking. Ty moaned in sheer pleasure as Kevin pleasured him. Kevin went lower and lower and slowly teased Ty and removed his pants, sniffing and enjoying the smell of Ty's balls through his boxers. Kevin slowly removed the boxers and Ty immediatley got hard. "Hehe... looks like someone's a bit excited, huh? Well, how bad do you want it, big boy?" Kevin said teasing Ty rubbing his cock. Ty moaned, "Oh... yes... Kevin fuck me now! I want you in me!" Kevin chuckled and threw off his clothes and slowly entered Ty. Ty was feeling nothing but sheer pleasure. Slowly, Kevin worked up a steady pace, getting faster and faster going in and out of Ty. Ty began to rub his own cock and also used his other hand to finger Kevin. Kevin jumped a bit at first not noticing Ty's hand, but then he welcomly accepted Ty's finger pleasuring him, creating good feelings on both ends of him. Kevin's fur on his cheeks started to turn red, "Ugh... hun... I'm.. gonna have to finish a bit... EARLY!" Just then, Kevin shot his seed into Ty filling him with the white, sticky substance. Ty moaned and shot his seed as well. After that he was breathing heavily and said, "Hehe... it's okay, I got a little... carried away too hun..., oh well. Hmmm....." Ty looked around, "Boy, we.. sure.. made a mess... huh?" He said panting. Kevin was laying on top of Ty and said panting as well, "Yeah..." He licked a drop of cum off Ty's nose. Ty giggled and pushed Keivn gently off him and got to work cleaning him with his tongue. His tongue went everywhere, including his ass, but that was for fun. And surprising to Kevin, he cleaned most of the cum off of himself too, including the cum in his ass. Kevin chuckled as Ty snuggled with him, "Boy, you sure are flexible, we're gonna have to put that to use soon if you know what I mean." Ty giggled and felt his warmth, "I'd like that, happy Valentine's Day Kevin, I love you too much for words." Kevin hugged him close and said, "As do I my love." And they both drifted off to a nice peaceful sleep, but the peace didn't last long, because the next morning after they ate and got dressed, it was one o' clock and they were getting ready to go out for a while when there was a knock at the door. Kevin looked at Ty, Ty was sitting on the couch tying his shoes, so Kevin told him he'd get it. He opened the door with a big grin, but that grin quickly faded as he opened the door. "Kevin!?" "M-Mom!?!"