Chapter 15: Training & The Argument

Story by RagingWolf2124 on SoFurry

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#15 of Wolf: The Legendary Half Breed

RagingWolf2124- Kept you waiting huh? (Smiles)

Narrator- After yesterdays events which almost led to Inferno's death, Wolf had discovered what Team Galactics plans were. To gather all 7 of Sinnoh's Magical Orbs in order to summon Jirachi The Wish Pokemon and grant a wish that was yet unclear. He has one which could prevent them from gathering them all. There was a slight problem though, how is he going to find the other 6? Not only that, but he has to let the team know about last night. Inferno's recent evolution could also raise some questions. The day now begins.

Intro Song- Heaven Divide from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. All rights go to Konami.

Wolf's Pov

Morning struck me as last night was something I couldn't forget, no matter how hard I tried. I could still see the look on Inferno's face as he was stabbed in front of my eyes. He almost died, but yet something within me had given me more strength due to the emotion I felt, as if it were something other than Merciless, it was something pure. It wasn't what Aurora experienced back in Oreburgh against Roark's Cranidos as I had found out that a Lucario's Aura becomes stronger when they take more damage. Me and her, have grown real close... maybe it's time to give her my Mothers Mega Stone as a gift and... unlock her hidden powers. Then again, maybe not yet, she could become to consumed from her Aura and lose control. An experience my Mother had gone through the first time she Mega Evolved when she hadn't learned how to completely harness her new strength, but after training hard with the form she had complete control. I'll need to think on this matter.

"Aurora, wake up." I said whispering.

"Huh? Wolf... I'm tired." She said with her eye's still closed.

"Something happened last night that you need to to know." I said.

"What is that?" She asked turning her body the other way.

"Team Galactic and the Hitmonclan ambushed me and Inferno last night and he almost died." I said.

"WHAT!" She shouted out loud and I covered her mouth and told her to be quiet.

"Tell me everything that happened." She said. After 10 minutes of explaining about Team Galactics plans, The 7 Orbs, and killing the entire group of Grunts she started crying.

"Aurora what's wrong?" I asked.

"You could have been killed. You should have told us before going after him." She said still sobbing. She's right, I could have.

"I didn't know they would come after us." I said.

"I know, but you shouldn't always handle things yourself, give us a chance to prove ourselves, Pokemon can't be our only opponents for the rest of our lives. Your strong Wolf I know you are, but there is a chance you could still get hurt." She said with worry. I know, even with this great power I can't always believe I'll win every battle. This battle against Team Galactic isn't just mine, It's the entire teams as well. The Eternal Wolves battle.

"I understand Aurora... your right." I said.

"You really think so?" She said with no more tears.

"Yeah, I'll rely on you and the rest of our friends from now on." I said. She then grabbed my face and gave me a deep kiss.

"Thank you, I promise you won't regret it Wolf." She said hugging my neck. I hope I don't, If she's going to help out more than maybe... I should give her the Mega Stone.

"Hey, I want to give you something as a gift," I said.

"What is it?" She asked as I reached in my backpack.

"Close your eye's and you'll see." I said and pulled out the Lucarionite & Key Stone for it. Both were necklaces. She had her eye's closed, perfect.

"Now hold out your paws." I said as she held them both out and I dropped the Lucarionite in her hand. I then put the Key Stone around my neck.

"You can open your eye's now." I said as she opened her eye's. She squealed happily as she saw what was in her hands.

"You got me a necklace!?" She said overjoyed.

"It's not just any necklace, It's a Mega Stone called Lucarionite." I said.

"Mega Stone? Lucarionite? What is that?" She asked.

"It's a legend discovered in the Kalos Region, It is something that will allow you to Mega Evolve... into a Mega Lucario, a form much more powerful than your current one." I explained.

"This will make me... stronger than before?" She said looking at the stone which mesmerized her.

"It will and this Key Stone is the item that will activate it, but there is a problem." I said.

"What problem?" She asked.

"We must train together and train using that form, because if our bond isn't strong enough then you will lose control and go mad." I warned.

"Then what are we waiting for, train me!" She said.

"The determination in your eye's tell me that you can do it Aurora, but before we go out and train, let's get something to eat first shall we?" I said.

"Okay, Teach." She said.

3rd Person Pov

The rest of the team was told by Wolf about what happened last night which also lead to Inferno's evolution and were shocked, especially Rose who fainted for a minute. He also told them he was going to train Aurora to help her achieve Mega Evolution.

"Why didn't you let us know!?" Rose said as she ate her breakfast.

"For the last time Rose, I didn't know they were coming after us." Wolf said eating a sausage.

"Rose, that's enough, stop blaming Wolf for my mistakes." Inferno said.

"Huh?" She said confused.

"Don't blame our trainer for this okay? I'm the reason they came after us, all because of this stupid orb." Inferno said as he was about to throw it.

"Inferno, wait!" Wolf said as he grabbed the object from his hands.

"You know this thing is important. We can't let Team Galactic get this." Wolf said.

"It's my fault though." Inferno said.

"Nothing is your fault Inferno, now stop thinking about it." Raiden said.

"You don't know what it's like to be the cause of this Raiden!" Inferno said.

"I understand, but blaming yourself won't help!" He said.

"What do you know!" Inferno retorted back.

"Stop with the attitude already, I'm just trying to help you!" Raiden said raising his voice.


"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A DUMB ASS YOU DIRTY FUCKING MONKEY!" Raiden shouted at the top of his lungs.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW!" Wolf yelled so loud that it made Raiden and Inferno shrink in fear and Fang, Rose, Sapphire, and Aurora watched with surprise at Wolf's tone.

"He started it!" Raiden said.

"That still doesn't give you or him the right too say things like that to each other, now both of you head back upstairs and sit in the corner to think about what you've done!" Wolf said pointing upstairs.

"I hate you." Inferno said to Raiden.

"Ditto." He responded as they both headed upstairs.

"Guys, I'm sorry about that." Wolf said.

"Inferno..." Rose thought.

"Raiden..." Sapphire thought as well.

"I hope those two make up soon." Fang said.

"Wolf..." Aurora said getting sad and holding onto his arm again.

"I'm sorry to raise my voice, but I can't stand them fighting." He said.

"Raiden, Inferno, please don't try to rip each others throats out while I'm away." Wolf thought.

Later in the upper part of town...

Aurora's Pov

"First, were going to work on your speed. You showed great potential when you won against Roark's Cranidos with speed on your side, but that was your Aura growing stronger from taking damage. So let's see if you have what it takes to catch me." Wolf said.

"Okay, don't go easy on me though." I said feeling confident.

"You sure? I could prove difficult to-" I was cut off.

"I know I can do it." I said.

Super Smash Bros Brawl- Bramble Blast Song.

"Okay." He said as he sped off into the woods. I was in absolute shock, but immediately ran into the forest after him. I was fast, but Wolf was faster.

"I didn't know this was going to be this difficult!" I shouted from behind.

"It's not easy, but I know you can do it Aurora, I believe in you!" He said as he kept running ahead. His words of encouragement gave me the motivation to keep running, as the training we were doing together would be worth it in the end. I kept running and running, determined to catch up with Wolf. I was doing great as I still had Wolf in sight, but wasn't able to catch him yet. We ran around some small ponds and jumped over a stream. Many Pokemon saw from their trees caves and ponds as Wolf & me ran right through.

"Your doing great Aurora, just a little closer!" Wolf said. I was still running and was catching up to Wolf.

"I'm catching up to him!" I thought as I was just a few feet away from him and jumped on his back which caused us to fall on the ground together as we rolled on the grass and finally came to a stop with Wolf on the bottom and me on top of him.

"Gotcha!" I said as we both laughed and then looked as my chest spike and hand spikes were suddenly gone, but before I can say anything they came back and made me jump in surprise.

"I think you can retract your spikes." Wolf said.

"I think your right." I said as I focused and retracted them back.

"I didn't even know Lucario's could do that." He said.

"Neither did I, but what do you want to do now?" I asked as I laid against the one I loved.

"Let's head back, I want to have a talk with Inferno and Raiden." He said.

"I really hope those two are getting along." I said.

"Aurora." Wolf said.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I'm proud of you, you showed great determination today, I promise that all this will be worth it in the end." He said.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Wolfy." I said laughing inside.

"Heh, is that my nickname now?" He said chuckling.

"Yes, cause only I can call you that, so you wanna race back to the house?" I said challenging him.

"Feeling confident about your speed huh?" He said.

"Well, it's not Extreme Speed yet, but if we keep working on this then you'll have it sooner than you think." He said.

"I wouldn't want anyone else, but you to teach me." I said as me and Wolf ran off.

Meanwhile back at Ken's house...

Raiden and Inferno were sitting in the guest room with their backs turned to each other. Raiden was still pissed at Inferno, not only did he start to hate him, but it's because of him he got in trouble in front of Wolf. Raiden then noticed Inferno looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" He said.

"Someone that annoys me." Inferno responded.

"Shut up." Raiden said.

"Make me." Inferno said.

"I said shut up." Raiden said growing angry.

"What are you going to do about it?" Inferno mocked.

"Nothing seeing as how you were the reason why Team Galactic came after us, It's better for me to just let your guilt eat you alive." Raiden said.

"Well at least I don't cry like a baby over Sapphire." Inferno said.

"Shut up..." Raiden said growing angrier.

"Things would be better off if Wolf lost and hadn't won you a the Carnival." Inferno said laughing. Raiden then started to shed tears.

"Awww, is the little Luxio going to cry?" Inferno said.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Raiden roared as he went and jumped on Inferno and clawed at his chest leaving a mark with blood dripping from it.

"YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT YOU STUPID LUXIO!" Inferno said as they fought and started hitting each other furiously. Eventually they were now fighting outside the room and Raiden tackled Inferno and were rolling down the stairs.

"Inferno, get off of him!" Sapphire shouted and attacked Inferno with an Aqua Jet which really hurt due to type advantage.

"Raiden, leave Inferno alone!" Rose shouted as well and hit Raiden with her Wing Attack.

"Your going to regret doing that you stupid Buizel!" Inferno said standing by Rose's side.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Raiden said standing by Sapphire's side.

"Have you all gone mad!? Stop fighting, Wolf could be home any mi-" Before Fang could finish, the door opened with an exhausted Wolf and Aurora. What they saw was shocking, chairs and furniture turned over, his Pokemon fighting and Fang trying to stop it.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" Wolf said yelling at the top of his lungs that it scared everybody. Raiden, Inferno, Rose, and Sapphire had finally stopped fighting.

"Uh... we can explain." Inferno said.


"We didn't mean too..." Rose said.

"(Sigh) What happened?" He asked calming down.

"This stupid Monkey here won't leave me alone!" Raiden said angrily.

"Hey, we Monkey's are not stupid, we are very intelligent, so piss off!" Inferno yelled.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Wolf shouted making them scared again.

"But..." Inferno said before Wolf interrupted him.

"Listen Inferno, you need to cut the crap and leave Raiden alone, you don't have to treat him like that just because he was trying to help you!" He said scolding Inferno.

"You guy's are friends, not bitter enemies, so make up already." He said. Inferno then felt bad because he was right.

"I'm sorry... Raiden, I was just... so mad at myself... that I took it out on you." Inferno said meaning every word.

"It's okay buddy, I understand, now get over here and give me a hug." Raiden said as he and his best friend Inferno hugged.

"Inferno, I'm sorry for hitting you." Sapphire said crying.

"Me too, Raiden, I'm sorry." Rose said also crying.

"Aw come over here girls." Raiden said as they joined in and made a group hug.

"Room for one more?" Fang asked.

"The more the better." Inferno said as they made room for the little Shark Pokemon.

"So, all better now?" Wolf asked them.

"Yup, I needed that, thanks guys." Inferno said.

"Alright, now let's clean this mess up before Ken and his parents come back from shopping." Wolf said.

Half an Hour Later...

Wolf's Pov

"Wow, everything's looking good." I said as everything was back in place. The door then opened.

"Hello, were back!" Luna said coming in with groceries.

"Oh, it you." Drake said coming in along with Ken and his Buneary Serenity.

"Hi, Mr. Wolf! Me and Serenity got something for you!" Ken said as he took out a pair of long boots and a bandanna which were both in Black and Dark Red like my Trench Coat and Murasama.

"Ken, you didn't need to get me anything." I said.

"It's too thank you for what you did!" He said smiling.

"Try them on Mr. Wolf!" Serenity said hopping. I took my short boots off and put the new ones on. They reached almost to my knee's and my pants were tucked into them. (Think of Assassins Creed) I then took the Bandanna and wrapped it around my forehead. (Think of Solid Snake)

"Wolf, you look so cool!" Raiden said looking at my new boots and bandanna. I then looked into the Mirror, the bandanna also had a Lucario head on it with the appendages showing from the back of it's head.

"So, do you like it?" Ken asked.

"Like it? I love it!" I said loving my new look.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." I said as he gave me a hug along with his Buneary. We then ate dinner and decided we were going to head off to continue on our way to Eterna City so we do not put them at risk of being hurt by Team Galactic.

Outside Just Before Route 205...

"Do you really have to go Mr. Wolf?" Ken asked sadly.

"I'm afraid I have to Kenny, I'm on a journey to stop Team Galactic and become Champion of the Sinnoh Region, but I promise to come back one day." I said.

"Thank you for saving Serenity young man, maybe your not as bad as they say you are." Luna said.

"I'm really not." I said.

"Hey." Drake said as I was heading off with the team.

"You were that man who killed a bunch of them back in Oreburgh huh, to protect the People and Pokemon there?" He asked.

"Yes, that was me." I said.

"I guess I was wrong about you... well... good luck... Wolf." He said as he offered me his hand to which I gladly shook and headed off with Aurora holding my arm.

Narrator- After helping Inferno and Raiden resolve their issues, Wolf, Aurora, and friends are back on track to continue their adventure. This time to Eterna City where Wolf will face Gardenia for his second badge.

Chapter 16: Halloween Special

**RagingWolf2124- Kept you waiting huh? (Smiles)** **This is a Halloween special for you guy's and gal's. This is the first time I try and write something scary so it may suck, but otherwise I hope you enjoy!** **Narrator- Wolf, Aurora, and friends...

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Chapter 14: Ambush & Unknown Power

**RagingWolf2124- Kept you waiting huh? (Smiles) Sorry guys this one looks like a short chapter or that could just be what I think. Anyway enjoy.** **Narrator- It seems that Inferno has what Team Galactic is looking for. Could it possibly explain why...

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Chapter 13: Hitmon Clan & Ken

**RagingWolf2124- Kept you waiting huh? (Smiles)** **Intro Song- Heaven Divide from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. All rights go to Konami.** **Narrator- After winning their first Gym Badge, Wolf, Aurora and friends have traveled back to Jubilife and...

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