Tales of a changed Earth: Ewyon earining Samsons trust

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of a changed Earth

Tales of a changed Earth: Ewyon earning Sampson's trust By Raven Fox: Second story of a new series. Ewyon thinks about what she did to Sampson long ago and earns Sampson's trust.

Prelude: One hundred and twenty years ago, unknown planet.

The sky is dark with the shapes of flying dragons. The different colors of the dragons made the light change from the shifting of their positions in the sky. A large gold dragon chased a smaller black dragon. Then the black dragon changed its course grabbed the larger gold and started clawing it.

The gold colored dragon screamed clutching its right hand almost throwing it's rider off. The rider glared at the retreating black dragon. "Curse you Ewyon, I'll slay you and feed your remains to Samson."

"Eww, don't feed her to me. I can't stand the flesh of black dragons." Said Samson in the riders mind.

The black dragon flew fast to a large green dragon. The rider on her back trembled at the sight of the green dragon. Oblivion watched as the young dragon handed him a gold finger. "This is from Samson?" The black dragon nodded. "You honor me with your gift my apprentice." He chuckled as the young black dragon flew off.

The black dragon looked at the destruction on the ground with mixed thoughts. "Is this right, why am I feeling terrible for doing that to Samson?" Ewyon thought to herself as she flew.

The rider on her back patted her neck. "That took a lot of guts, Oblivion taught you well."

Ewyon nodded with mixed emotions.

Present day north of the Great Salt Lake. A large cavern.

Samson looked at his hand examining the stump of a missing finger. He's now a large blonde colored anthro wolf.

An anthro artic vixen with a silver sheen to her white fur walked up to him. She has silver head hair looking at the wolf with eyes of silver blue mixed together. "It's been one hundred and twenty years since that Ewyon did that to you and you still stare at that."

Samson looked at the vixen. "I still think of that day, she had me in a position to kill me. But instead of tearing my throat out she ripped off one of my fingers. I think she's not lying Lynn."

"I don't know Samson, you're right at keeping an eye on her. It will take more than showing mercy, to convince me." Said Lynn. "Let's have the fully train dragons keep an eye on her. I think Morgan is still too young to watch her."

"I agree with you on this." Said Samson letting out a sigh. "It's best to have the experienced ones watching her. Morgan needs to learn to control his emotions; I was like him till I was fifty one years old."

Lynn laughed. "That I would have liked to see Samson. Seeing you as a rebellious youth, you know I am only four hundred and fifty years old."

The red bronze colored wolf watched them from his section of the cavern. He shrugged off the comments. "Control myself, be cool. Maybe if I act more mature, Samson will trust me more. I just got to control my emotions more and watch what I say around him."

An apartment in Sandy Utah.

Troy looked at the black colored fennec vixen sleeping next to him. He examined her fine features with mixed thoughts. The human got out of bed and walked to a window to look out. Outside he saw a changed city; some of the places he remembered are missing. "My life has been turned upside down; Riva was changed in to an anthropomorphic vixen. She broke up with me, and then a black dragon got me to be a rider and companion. The dragon morphs to an anthro fennec vixen with a petite build. Why has most humans changed into anthros and a few remain human?" Troy thought to himself, he noticed a large blonde colored female wolf with gold colored head hair walk by. Ewyon walked up to him putting a slim arm around him. "That's a very big female wolf." The human said to the vixen.

"That's a gold dragon Troy. They're watching me, like I said earlier. Some of the good dragons don't trust me. Don't worry; it doesn't bother me when they spy on me. In the last one hundred and twenty years one of them always has been watching me." Said Ewyon watching the female wolf. "That's Rynn, I know her. She's eight hundred years old and a possible successor of Samson. Rynn is one deadly fighter and an excellent flier; I fought her a few times." Said Ewyon watching Rynn. A tall broad creature with a wide snout ran up to the female wolf. "Grull, a dumb one going against Rynn."

Troy stared at the hideous creature that looked like an ape. It carried a club running up to the female wolf. A second later there's a gold dragon, she knocked the grull down and impaled it with one of her claws. Then the dragon brought her large head down and devoured the grull. A second later, Rynn as a large wolf continued walking by. He swore he heard a belch from the wolf. "She's fast; I sure don't want her after me." Troy said with a shiver.

Ewyon rubbed Troy's arms. "Relax; Samson says that they would leave us alone. Rynn follows the rules, she won't bother us. Let's go to bed, tomorrow I want to see your skills with a sword." She said pulling him to the bed.

Troy crawled in to bed and pulled the covers over him. He felt Ewyon get close to him feeling the furry body press against his naked skin. The human stroked her white colored head hair.

The next day, Harmon's grocery store.

Troy pushed a cart down an aisle putting different items in the cart. Ewyon walked by him looking at the different stuff. A female voice said. "Hey human, where's your dragon?" Troy saw Riva a few feet away looking at him.

Ewyon started to walk to Riva, but Troy stopped her. "Don't do anything, she's not worth it. You said the good dragons are watching you." He pointed to a copper colored male fox looking at her from near by.

The fennec vixen looked at Riva, and then grinned. "Riva, such a shame you broke up with Troy, your lost my gain."

Riva pointed to the male fox. "What about him, he seems handsome."

Ewyon looked at the anthro copper colored fox. "He's mated, I know his mate, plus he's a little too old for me." The vixen looked at Riva with her amber colored eyes.

Riva looked at the short black vixen with white hair. "Are you that dragon?"

Ewyon let out a growl, and then stopped. "Remember my warning, stay away from us."

Riva went to slap the smaller vixen, but her hand was caught. The small hand tightens giving her the feeling of being squeezed by a vise. Ewyon let go of Riva, the fennec grinned. "Just stay away, you blew it with Troy. I could have crushed your hand, but I didn't, stay away from us tramp." The couple walked off.

The male fox watched shaking his head. He looked at the vixen rubbing her hand. "You're lucky to still be standing, if you did that to Ewyon one hundred and twenty years ago she would have killed you. Ewyon, I am only four hundred years old, Samson is the one that's too old for you."

Troy and Ewyon walked out of the store. He looked behind seeing the copper colored male fox standing by the entrance looking at the sky. "Am I right of who he is?"

Ewyon looked at the fox nodding. "That's Shan, one of Samson's advisors. He's laid back; you'll like him for a friend. Shan is kind of crazy; his favorite stunt is folding his wings to his body while flying. He went thru a couple of riders till he found one as crazy as him." She looked at the fox again. Shan is looking at her grinning and waving at her. "He's four hundred years old and still acts like a hatchling."

One hour later, gym of Troy's apartment.

Troy showed Ewyon the large room with nautilus machines for working weights. Ewyon looked at the opened area where people do exercises. She nodded. "This will do, come over here Troy."

The human walked on to the foam mat. "Darn, I don't have anything to use for sparring."

"I'll take care of that." Said the vixen as she spoke some strange words. Two shapes appeared in her hands. The shapes looked like the sword Ewyon gave him yesterday. She tossed one to Troy. "Show me what you can do. You're boss said you liked sword play."

Troy looked at the vixen with mixed thoughts. He went to touch the shape; it felt like his fingers are being sprayed with water. The human looked at his dry hand. "What are these?"

Ewyon held the shape in her hands. The vixen grinned tightening her grip. "It's a spell used for training. I don't like sticks or blunted swords because they break bones. When these shapes touch each other they act like two swords colliding. So if you hit me with the shape it will feel like I got hit with a stream of water. Same thing for you. Don't hold back; try to hit me with the sword. Because I am going to try hitting you like an enemy, so show me no mercy." She ran at him bringing up her sword.

Troy blocked her attack, his arms jolted by her blow. He almost dropped his sword by Ewyon's attack. The human started a series of sword maneuvers to try to lay a blow on the vixen. But the black fennec moved quick striking like a snake. Troy found out after a few minutes, he's outclassed by Ewyon. "Well, she has two centuries of experience of fighting and I a few years. But I am going to put up a good fight." He thought to himself as he blocked Ewyon's blows.

"You have potential Troy, a little training from me and you'll be good sword fighter." Said the vixen as she continued her attack on Troy.

Troy's arms jolted from another blow, his joints are starting to ache from the repeated blows from Ewyon. After another few minutes of sparring and a strong will of not giving up. Ewyon stopped and looked at Troy; she said a few words and the training swords disappeared from thin air. The vixen placed her hands on his shoulders. Ewyon said a few strange words, and then Troy felt the sensation of warm water being poured on him. The ache in his limbs went away. "Thanks, I feel a lot better." He said.

"You're good Troy; I say with some training from me, there's room for improvement. We'll do this a one hour a day, now for some lifting." Ewyon looks around the gym. The vixen sighs. "There's nothing to pick up to work our muscles."

Troy chuckled; he walked to one of the machines. The human sets up the bench press, he starts working the machine.

Ewyon went to another mimicking Troy's setup. She worked it a few times, then sighed and then set the machine to two hundred pounds. The vixen nodded and worked the machine. "That's better, still too light." Ewyon said.

Troy watched the vixen work the machine. "Dam, I better not get her mad at me."

An artic vixen with a silver sheen to her white fur and silver hair is doing stretching exercises watching nodded. She has been watching the two since they returned from the store. Lynn is teamed up with her mate Shan. The vixen heard from Shan what happen at the store with Troy's ex-girlfriend, plus the phrase that Shan is to old for Ewyon. "He does have potential Ewyon. Such a shame you got him first, I know a few good female dragons who would love to have him as a rider and a partner. If I wasn't mated to Shan, I would have taken him. One thing, Shan isn't old, he is a little nuts." Lynn watched as the couple walked out, she followed.

Troy for some reason turned his head seeing the vixen following them. He tapped Ewyon on the shoulder; she turned her head and whispered. "That's Lynn, a silver dragon. She's Shan's mate, Samson's right hand female after Rynn. Lynn is more mature then Shan, plus she was real nice to her rider, she didn't scare him while flying like Shan did."

Lynn walked up to Ewyon; the vixen looked at Troy and at Ewyon. She smiled at the two. "Samson said for us not to bother you, but I wanted to talk to you as a... friend."

Ewyon looked at Lynn, and then smiled. "Alright, I have no problem with that. I have no real friends other than Troy." She looked at Troy, who is looking at the white silver vixen.

Lynn took a deep breath, and then let it out. "Samson told me during that fight, when you tore off his finger. You had a chance to kill him, why did you spare him?"

Ewyon winced, and then shrugged. "It wasn't right, I could have killed him, but I didn't. It would have been wrong, I admired him. He was trying to kill me during that fight. During that time of my life, I was having second thoughts of what side I was on. I didn't like what I was doing for Oblivion and the other evil dragons." Ewyon eyes watered, she wiped them. "That rider I was carrying that day was my fourth. The three I had before were killed by Oblivion, because they had second thoughts of what they were doing. Those three riders were responsible for me changing sides. I spent one hundred and twenty years with out a rider and friend living like a wild animal."

Lynn hugged Ewyon, and then wiped her eyes. "I am sorry for what happened to those riders. I can't believe the punishment for in subornation on that side is death. At our side the rider is sentenced to a time of hard labor or grounded from flying with the dragons for a time. Depending on Samson's mood." She released the hug, wiped Ewyon's eyes. "Tomorrow, I'll help you improve his swordsmanship. Don't worry, I can interact with you. Samson told us not to pick a fight with you, I have his ear. He won't punish me for helping you." She walked away.

Lynn watched as the couple walked in Troy's apartment. A hand missing a finger went on her shoulder. A voice said. "You always had a soft spot Lynn." The vixen turned seeing a large blonde colored anthro wolf.

"Samson, I just wanted to talk to her." She replied, with a shaking voice.

Samson chuckled patting Lynn's shoulder. "I am not going to do anything to you Lynn, I heard everything. Shan told me what she did at the market." The wolf sighed looking at the sky. "Things have changed Lynn; I miss the extra moon our world had. Now we're on a different world, a dragon that was evil is doing good, plus a silver good dragon is being friends with her. Yeah, things have changed for us, but we must go with the changes. Keep an eye on her, Rynn will be here in a couple of hours. We'll talk more Lynn." The wolf walked to a large clearing, then morphed in to a large gold dragon, then took off.

Sometime later, over Midvale Utah.

Troy grinned with the wind blowing in his face. He looked down seeing areas where parts of the town is missing. At some of the missing areas are large caves. The human stared at one of them. "Swoot burrows, plus some grull caves." Ewyon said in his mind.

"What do swoots look like?" Asked Troy.

Ewyon chuckled. "A guinea pig on steroids, they taste good. I hope I see one, after killing it breathe fire on it for five seconds, brings out the taste."

Troy shook his head, then he saw a small bronze colored dragon walking near one of the caves. He tapped Ewyon's neck and pointed to the dragon. "Who's that bronze colored one?"

Ewyon sighed. "Morgan, he's a hatchling, only fifty years old. He shouldn't be out by himself. Samson and Rynn must be doing something, because they won't allow a young dragon out by himself. Let's keep an eye on him."

Troy examined the bronze dragon; he's the size of a CRJ7 jet. The bronze dragon is watching a brown furry rodent the looked like a very large guinea pig. The human watched the dragon walk real slowly to the Swoot, plus he saw the two grull stalking the dragon.

Morgan felt excitement as he stalked the swoot. He trembled as he quietly crept to the rodent. Saliva dripped out of his maw as the scent from the rodent wavered in his nostrils. The dragon made up his mind; he'll kill this swoot and give it to Samson, to show his teacher that he's responsible. "After I take a limb for a snack, I'll just tell Samson it got torn off while transporting it." Morgan thought to himself.

Something hit him on the side real hard. Morgan fell to his side; he squirmed trying to get back on his legs. Another blow hit him on the side of his head stunning him. He saw a grull raising his club. Then there's a roar of a dragon, the grull looked around. "That's not the roar of one of the good dragons, it's the roar of ..." Morgan shuddered. "A black one, now I am done for." A large black shape knocked the two grull down. Morgan flinched as the black dragon devoured both grull.

The large head looked at him with amber eyes. "Morgan, Morgan, when you stalk a swoot or other game in an area with grull around. You got to keep an eye on your surroundings or you won't live to see your fifty first birthday. Anything broken?"

Morgan tried to get up, but he can't. "I don't know, I can hardly move." He saw a human on Ewyon's neck base. The human is talking to her, she nodded.

"Ok, I can carry you, but you got to flap your wings once in a while and keep them spread. I know you can't tell me where your place is but you can tell me which direction to fly. I know Samson will have some sentinels some miles out." Said Ewyon grabbing Morgan gently. She saw the dazed look in the young dragons' eyes. The dragon knew that the blow on his head is affecting his ability to morph to his wolf form. "It would be easier if he could morph to his wolf form."

Morgan flapped his wings once in a while to aid Ewyon to carry him. He had mixed thoughts as the larger black dragon carried him north. The dragon looked up to Ewyon examining her shiny black body, then down to the massive hands gently holding him. "Just think a while back I wanted to pick a fight with her. Samson was right, she is deadly, I don't stand a chance with her in a fight." He thought to himself, and then his mind cleared for a brief second. "Samson, I need help. I've been attacked by grulls!"

Ewyon continued flying north, her back muscles burned from carrying Morgan. Right now she's flying over a large lake. A glint of gold appeared in front of her, and then the form took on the shape of a large gold dragon. The black dragon breathes a sigh of relief when she saw that one of the massive hands is missing a finger. The gold dragon maneuvered above her, then she felt a new rush of energy and the pain went away.

Morgan is dazed and can't think straight; all what he saw is the massive cave getting close in his view. Ewyon slowed her flight and gently put Morgan on the ground. Troy leapt off her, and then the dragon morphed in to a fennec vixen. He held her steady as the gold dragon walked up to them.

Samson morphed into a large wolf and walked up to the human holding the black fennec vixen. He looked over to the bronze dragon being looked over by a couple of dragons. "Take him to his area; I'll deal with him later." The wolf ordered to the dragons as they carried him. "Hatchlings have to keep an eye on them all the time. What am I going to do with you?" Samson looked at the human and vixen.

Troy gently put Ewyon on the floor and looked at Samson. "I'll keep this place secret, just let us go and we'll leave quietly. Ewyon had no intention of finding your place. She wanted to help Morgan, because he was in trouble."

"You could have let the grull kill him." Replied Samson looking at Ewyon lying on the floor.

Ewyon stood up holding onto Troy. "That would have been wrong, that's something Oblivion would have done. I am not like that; I caused so much grief and destruction in my first eighty years of life. One hundred and twenty years ago, I decided to stop that and decided to help beings in need because it's the right thing to do."

Samson nodded and grinned. "That's what I wanted to hear Ewyon. You earned my trust, you're welcomed to come here and be a member of our lair, but I think you prefer sleeping in Troy's apartment. Now I got to deal with Morgan and decide a punishment for him."

Ewyon grinned at Samson. "I heard that you when you were forty nine, that you did the same thing and the elder at that time gave you a messy punishment, maybe you should do the same thing."

Samson wrinkled his muzzle. "It's been almost fifteen hundred years and I can still smell that, thanks for the suggestion. Rynn, take them back to Troy's home, then come see me when you're done."

The blonde female wolf nodded and morphed into a gold dragon. "Let's ride Ewyon my friend." She said in their minds, after a few minutes of flying the dragon asked. "What was the punishment Samson received for being disobedient?"

Ewyon in Troy's arms chuckled. "It was messy and smelly Rynn." She told Rynn what happen to Samson when he was forty nine.

Later Troy's apartment.

Troy lay down on his bed looking at the ceiling. Ewyon walked in wearing a dark blue outfit. She looked at Troy smiling. "I really love and care for you Troy." The vixen reaches behind her back untying the halter top and removing the breach cloth. Ewyon smiled at him. "I want to do this with you, because it's been one hundred and twenty years since I did this." The vixen climbs onto his body rubbing herself on Troy.

All what he could do is just lay there as Ewyon removed his briefs. He looked at the firm breasts with a tuff of hair spilling over them. Troy fondled them looking at the small pink areolas. He looked down as the vixen lowered herself on his penis. The human felt the lips touch the head and felt the warn wetness engulfing his length. Troy looked down watching his penis sliding inside her. He shuddered feeling her body and rubbing her muscles that felt like steel.

Ewyon looked down at Troy feeling his member inside her. She noted that his organ is longer and thicker than the others she made love to. The vixen shuddered as his hands touched her at different areas of her body. Ewyon brought his head up and stuffed it between her breasts feeling his warm breath on her. She looked down stroking his light brown hair studying it. The vixen thought of dying her hair, but Troy told her he liked her white hair color because he thought it is sexy. Then she felt a rush and orgasm.

Troy with his head between Ewyon's breasts relaxed feeling her slim fingers stroke his hair. He breathes in smelling her musk odor, then Ewyon yelped and orgasm. The human felt the tight vaginal canal contract and pull on his penis. Troy moaned at the feeling, then a while later he released inside her moaning loudly. Ewyon stayed on him still doing a motion on him. Troy was released laying on the bed looking at Ewyon still on him. He looked down only seeing a small bit of his penis with pink lips wrapped around it. The vixen looked at him and laid down on him. The human stoked her white hair feeling her breasts on him. She looked at him with her amber colored eyes and fell asleep on him still holding him inside her. Troy had no choice but to fall asleep with a vixen sleeping on him.

The next morning.

Troy awoke to the door bell ringing. Ewyon also woke up finally freeing Troy. He needed to urinate, but he had morning wood. The human sat on the toilet seat bending his erection to empty his bladder.

"Troy, we have visitors." Yelled Ewyon from the front door.

He slipped on a pair of clean briefs and T-shirt. At the front door is a large female blonde colored wolf with gold head hair. Standing next to her is a shorter red colored one with a bronze sheen to the red coloring and he has short brass colored head hair.

The shorter wolf looked at Ewyon; he had the look of someone who had a stern lecture given to him. Morgan cleared his throat. "Ewyon, I am sorry for causing you some trouble yesterday. I known I shouldn't have sneaked out of the cave with out permission. I came here to apologize to you."

Ewyon looked at Morgan and grinned. "Apology accepted Morgan. Are you in serious trouble with Samson?"

Morgan keeps his gaze on Ewyon and smiled. "No, I was given a lecture by Samson, plus I got to pick up our droppings in the cave and burn them. We normally burn them after doing our business, but Samson told the dragons to call me over to pick them up and burn them. I am not sneaking out of the cave ever again. From now on I am going to listen to him; I got to do this job for one week." He shook Ewyon's hand. "I'll see you around Ewyon." The wolf walks off with Rynn.

Ewyon watched as the two wolves changed into dragons and flew away. She turned to Troy. "He'll be ok; the rebellious streak stops at the age of fifty one. Morgan learned a hard lesson and almost gotten killed by breaking a few rules."

Troy hugged his new girlfriend and lover. He looked at the white hair thinking, before he went flying yesterday. Troy burned all of Riva's pictures; he replaced them with pictures of a black anthro fennec vixen with white head hair, plus pictures of a shiny black dragon. The human kissed her feeling her body.

That same moment in Salt Lake City.

The anthro red vixen walked down the street. Her hand is still sore by getting squeezed by that fennec vixen. "I am getting even with those two that dam black dragon. I want to get even with her." She said to herself.

A male voice behind her said. "Need help my vixen friend?"

Riva turned and saw a large male anthro gray wolf with a hint of a green coloring in his fur. The wolf has short green head hair; he gazed at her with emerald colored eyes. He chuckled looking at her. "I'll repeat myself, do you need any help with a black dragon. My specialty is dealing with dragons."

"Are you a dragon slayer big boy?" Riva asked looking the wolf over admiring his large build.

"No, I am after a certain dragon. A black female named Ewyon, I want to kill her. What's your name vixen?" Asked the wolf looking at her.

Riva smiled licking her lips. "The names Riva, I'll be glad to help you. What's your name?"

The wolf looked at Riva showing his teeth. "I am new to this world, plus I need a companion to guide me around. I'll tell you my name, it's OBLIVION."

To be continued.