Solarix the Snowmage

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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This is a story about one of my fursonas, I am Solarix Snowpaw, but this is where the snowpaw side comes in at. I wish I could draw one day, yes one day i shall try for now please read and enjoy

Snow, the very word is magical. At least it is to me, I have seen it make children gain energy, and adults become kids again and ironically melt the hardest hearts with its beauty. To me snow is spectacular it is wonderful it is the very essence of who I am and what I do. Who am I you ask? I'm Solarix Snowpaw, the snowmage, the frost star, the icemaker, the midnight guardian. I am known by many names. In answer to the question yes I am a snowmage, and to the second how it happened goes back to almost beyond my memory. Let's just say I remember having humanity losing it to become one with the winter elements and then losing the form that appeared human as time moved on and gaining the one I wear today. I am a blue anthro husky now with a frost white belly and all the other attributes that huskies have. My most unique feature is the large snowflakes on my paw pads of my hand paws and my footpaws, each one is part of the fur and grows in white, and when I am doing my work they glow the most beautiful blue white you have ever seen. Most of the time I dress like any other fur jeans a comfy tee-shirt, occasionally I enjoy putting on my royal blue robes trimmed with white fur and embroidered with snowflakes and flying through the sky enjoying the sensation that only walking in a snowstorm can provide.

I honestly enjoy my work making snowstorms and cold weather as soon as I can. Most of the time I am on one of my many snow clouds floating along above the world either sleeping on my canopy bed of snow or watching the silent cold world pass by. I have never really been bothered by the cold I live for it I find it embracing which is why I have a second form I don't assume as much as my first, that of a blue reindeer with a nose that can glow blue, I have the same markings on my paws in that form as well as having beautiful etchings on my antlers. At this moment though I am sitting quietly in one of the houses I keep around the world, it's a nice mountain chateau style house and there is lots of snow outside, (all my work). Surprised that a being who controls one of the primal sources of nature has a house, well don't be there are many of us who exist to keep the world turning. One of my friends is the source of spring and life's renewal, well technically she is one of many as that job is just too big for some. I also know several water spirits and a few of the beings responsible for fall, but as far as I know I am one of the only Winter/Snowmages in existence. That never really makes me sad just worried that if I don't do my best people won't enjoy the winter the way they should be allowed. Most of my friends know this and they worry about me and my health.

Case in point tonight I am being visited by a friend named Cinamon, she is a fall sprite or mage depending on what you want to call her. She prefers witch since she works at the time many celebrate Halloween. True to form she is a large brown squirrel and whenever she is out doing her work she wears jeans and jackets or dresses that are made to look like autumn leaves swirling around her. I love when she and her mate Cyril visit the house always smells of fresh cinnamon not the person the spice and it's wonderful, it also does as intended and makes me sleepy and dreamy but I am that way a lot anyway so I don't care. Cyril is different he too can mess with nature but is limited, he works with autumn much like Cinamon but he works late at night flying through the sky and sprinkling a mix of cinnamon and sand over the world lulling nature to go to sleep. I see him a lot just before my work begins, they are a perfect pair since one is a brown squirrel and the other is a black squirrel. I get myself in trouble a lot by making the joke that they really shouldn't be together since their fur color contrasts, their answer is to wear jackets with even more contrasting colors. Tonight we are just resting and enjoying a night of T.V. and a pizza (no one really could agree so I say one I mean three) and talk, I am lucky in a sense that many continents don't need me with the way the weather pattern has been altered by the mortals, and the other two don't have to start for a week on anymore of North America.

'so you two how goes it this year?' I asked

Cyril looked at Cinamon, "you should ask the Mrs., Sol I haven't been out and about too much yet", Cinamon punched him playfully in the arm "well it is going pretty good but lazy bones over here needs to get his tail in gear and dust the forests some of the trees are showing too much green for October"

'It has looked a little odd when I've been out and about course some of the furs who have started heading up here for skiing think its odd that there is already this much snow up here'

"well you do tend to go overboard when you settle in for a rest Solarix and its pretty but it's also a little much even for late October in the mountain's" she chided me in a matronly tone the same one she reserves for some of our other friends who get a bit overzealous with their work.

"Yeah sol we didn't even get a chance to hit the trees up here before you caused a small blizzard" Cyril joked "and I think some of the feral squirrels froze their nuts off I know I did when I got out of the car tonight"

'You should dress more appropriately then for visiting a snowmage after all the cold never bothers me'

"Really then why are you drinking hot chocolate and wrapped in a blanket every time we visit"

'I do that to try to appear normal Cyril, but let's be fair then why do I find you always wearing a black cowl, or that one time planting spring flowers in September?'

Cinamon looked at Cyril who had suddenly found interest in his drink. "You know I do find you doing odd things trying to stave off winter or creep people out a lot"

"what can I say hon, I come in at the time of season when everyone expects things to die so I wanna look the part then I feel bad and I plant those flowers to cheer up"

'I suggest some light music instead of killing poor flowers, or do what I do and bring in fresh greens' I pointed around the room where pine boughs were displayed with fresh frost giving the room a nice pine scent

"No kidding" Cyril said as he looked around "there are times I get confused when we visit on which room is the bathroom since that room is finished in pine"

Cinamon sighed "we know hon we know after that one party Solarix threw we found your little puddle of confusion"

Cyril turned bright crimson and took a long sip of his soda and we let the conversation lag for a few minutes. A few minutes turned into two hours of quiet with little snachets of conversation while we enjoyed some snacks, a good show, and some down time together. Before we knew it the large grandfather clock in the main hall was chiming out 9 o'clock. "Is that really the time Sol?" Cyril asked, Cinamon took our here phone "yes hon it is and I think we need to get home for some rest busy day tomorrow". I stood up and led them to the door to see them out, 'be careful you two and good luck with your work'. Cyril gave me a thumbs up, "you too Soly I bet you get your orders soon", Cinamon gave me a hug, "yep he's right see you definitely for your Christmas party" with that she hoped in the car and they both took off slowly at first but steadily into the enveloping night. Cinamon's words stayed with me though and despite the fact that I don't care about the cold, but her words stuck with me since it means I will be soon contacted by Mother Nature.

One would think that the person in charge of all the seasons would be a physical being who resides in a place where she he it or otherwise can watch the seasons and manipulate. As far as I know and my colleagues know this is not the case. Mother Nature is more of a kind of idea or enveloping structure, she exists but not in the way that you figure, she kind of flows like a river like time does touching all but being beyond touch herself. I don't exactly know how Cinamon and Cyril get their orders which really just amount to waking up to specific circumstances and knowing that it's time to start your work, the rest is left up to the individual. I know for me I will start mine by waking up some morning with particular Christmas songs or winter solstice songs in my head. Occasionally I wake up and I can smell peppermint which is the scent I am associated with a lot that and fresh crisp pine. One year I woke up and couldn't stop sneezing icicles and that was my clue.

Whatever clue I get I just know whether it is planted there by the boss her/him/it, self I get up grab a shower and frost my fur with a frosting wash, grab my blue robe and some other comfy clothes and take off. Sighing as I watched the lights of Cyril and Cin's car fade I headed back to the living room and tossed another log on the blazing fire in the hearth and flipped the channel over to an old T.V. show before sipping on my hot chocolate. Like I said the cold never bothers me but I do enjoy warmth too, granted those steamy days in July are awful, ironic since I was born then. Still they don't last long since I usually transport myself to a different place or just grab a snow cloud shaped a bed of soft fresh snow and take a nap floating over the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle. I have to admit I was feeling somewhat lonely it was going to be another winter where I worked by myself, as I was flipping channels again I caught the near end of the doctor who episode a Christmas carol and heard the one snow leopard singing Silence is all You know, it didn't do much to improve my mood. I finished my hot chocolate, made sure the fire was low but still providing a little warmth, and went up to bed changing into a pair of favorite pajamas. I had a hard night with twisting and strange dreams, fall leaves turned into snow, snow turned into ice, ice became the frozen figure of the snow leopard singing that song over and over with the line "silence is all you know" repeating over and over hauntingly.

I awoke in cold sweat with twisted sheets wrapped around me. To make things more interesting I woke up humming White is in the Winter night by Enya. To make things more interesting I could smell peppermint everywhere frosted peppermint and pine, I knew what this meant, it meant a quick shower a faster breakfast and I would be off and running into my work earlier then I had been in years. The first thing I did was get up and strip out of my pajamas and underwear then headed for the master bathroom and a good hot shower. While I was in there I grabbed my bottle of frosting conditioner which was designed to give the tips of my fur a frosted look making my blue coat a more steely blue and my belly look like fresh sparkling snow. I just dried myself off and headed down to the kitchen to grab some fruit and a bagel, I didn't bother to get dressed after all one of my nicknames was the frozen runner, (I'd been caught running naked through the woods by mortals a few times over the centuries, oh well) after breakfast I rushed upstairs and grabbed some loose but comfortable pants and a long sleeved shirt over this I put on baggier light blue tunic and over this I pulled on my Winter cloak/robe.

I was pretty much ready at this point all I had to do was step on out, I created a pair of snow boots from aether around me and headed down and out of my house locking the door and creating a staff of frostwood tipped with a snow diamond in the shape of a snowflake. Then stretching myself I dashed forward and took to the sky while a little orb of blue light I created to play my favorite music began to play walking in the air for me. Literally that is what it is to me it isn't so much flying as just stepping up into the air, I rose high above the ground and floated gently over my cabin, I looked across the mountains and down into the valley where the nearby town glinted in the morning sunlight.

I never really was sure where to start so out of force of habit from seeing it always happen there first I began to bank clouds over the mountains, filling and prepping them with fresh beautiful snowflakes. I let the clouds swirl and grow getting darker and darker before pushing them over the mountains and into the valley and letting them begin their work. I started out things nice and gentle I didn't want a blizzard too early in the season, after starting my work at home I turned and headed for the more northern part of North America, just to see how things were cooking up in Canada. Unsurprisingly the mountainous regions were already reciving a dusting but it was also time to start moving things southward a bit so I manipulated the north wind and pulled forward a chill from the North Pole heading it toward the main parts of Canada. That was what I did all day going from north to just barely any midpoint checking and if the area was more mountainous then I sent them a nice gentle snowstorm, something to make the kids happy and give them a free day from school. I even enjoyed making myself invisible so I could paint fun patterns of frost on many windows where warm hearts reside (don't ask how but I always know where they reside) I even made a couple of snowfurs. As night approached in its nice inky depths I stirred up one more snowstorm and sent it to lightly dust northern Europe and then I created a thick fluffly snowcloud and stepped down on it and began to alter different aspects of it.

The first thing I did was to create a snow wardrobe so I could hang up my clothes then I made a nice fluffy canopy bed with covers fresh and delicate but thick and strong as one of my winter snows, then I went over to another corner and fashioned a small bathroom out of ice and snow, (insert cold seat jokes here), then after stripping off my cloths and enjoying a nice warm bath, I climbed in my bed and snuggled down under my blankets and watching the snow swirl and whirl by I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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