A Fluke of Nature

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#10 of A Real Animal Lover

                Do you

know what a busman's holiday is? It's where you do something work related on

your day off. Some people call it a working vacation. I had one of those once.

I was granted a leave for four weeks to work with a friend at a marine park in

Florida. I won't say which one it was, but its name is well known. He was

working with dolphins, and he knew I had a little experience with seals and

wanted to know if I wanted to broaden my horizons. He didn't know how much

experience that was, and I wasn't about to tell him.


park was aging at this point in time, but still in beautiful shape. And they

had a lot of pretty cool marine life, from tanks with starfish and clown fish

to pools large enough to hold dolphins. And what would be the point in having a

place big enough for dolphins if you did have dolphins? So yeah, they had



visitors streamed in the front doors to watch shows and stare at marine life

behind glass, I was behind the scenes learning all I could about the smaller

members of the cetacean clan. It was quite the experience. Up to this point, my

swimming skill had been what I would call sufficient, but when you got in the

water with these guys, you found out pretty quickly that no matter how good you

were, they were going to be twenty times better at slipping through the water

like living torpedoes.


were an interesting bunch. I won't quote the animal's names because then you'll

be able to definitively track down where I was, and I don't need anyone else getting

into trouble for something I did.

                So there! stick's out tongue  

Ok, so that was childish of me. Get

over it.


are pretty neat creatures; even if my opinion has been lessened over the years

by recorded observations of some of their less endearing behaviors. On the

other hand, they are no worse than humans, and in a lot of ways they are far

superior. They don't dump garbage on the land. We use their home for a trash

pit; from plastic bottles to radioactive waste.


tirade aside, I found them to be intelligent, fun loving, and at times a little

scary. There was one male in the group who had no problem flashing us his penis

whenever he wanted to. It was hard to get a solid look at, though once or twice

he did surface and roll, exposing himself like some old flasher in a gray

raincoat. If I were to guess I'd say the old boy loved shocking the silly


                It was

an impressive looking thing, his cock, and while I just might have equaled him

in length, he was much thicker than a typical human one. And then there was the

way it tapered to a point. That pink protrusion was quite the sight and it made

a few of the female workers blush whenever they saw it.

                When I

came here, I didn't have sex on the brain. I was here to learn, but the sight

of that ole boy got me stirred up. He was apparently a randy thing, and I

wondered if any of the females would be receptive to a little cross species

interaction. Of course, I had to figure out the method for telling them apart

first. Most of the time, as they barreled through the water, they all looked


                I found

out that unless you were in the water looking up at their undersides, there

wasn't a whole lot you could do to distinguish them by their sexes. I was

taught to look for identifying marks, such as bites, nicks, scars and other

points of damage to their tough skin. I felt like it was figuring out my car

from a dozen like-colored models by the scratches and dents they had. I was

told I was essentially correct.

                I soon

had one, a female, who seemed to be intrigued with my presence. I'll call her

Giggi. She was hanging around me a lot while I was in the water, though it was

hardly an overt display like her male counterpart. She mostly would bump into

me, and once or twice took the opportunity to swim under me and dump me face

first into the water. You could tell she was having good sport at my expense.

My friend laughed because when she swam under me, she was always upside down,

exposing her belly.

                Tom (my

friend) said that she had a crush on me.  I didn't know if he was teasing or being

serious. After all, he was one of the experts. It turns out he didn't

necessarily mean it in a sexual way. The individual dolphins had a habit of

picking one or two favorites from the trainers and would often ignore the

others. However, no one ever had the audacity to investigate just how far these

relationships might be taken.


got to be like an underwater shadow, and after the first week she could be

found waiting for me to show up every day. I was flattered, and more and more

wondered if she would be receptive to a little one on one action. Of course the

likelihood of that happening was nearly zero. Zilch. Nada.


could hold their breath for a good long time, longer that I could. And they had

sex underwater. I was thinking up ways of getting a SCUBA outfit and trying it,

but soon found out that I would never have that opportunity alone. The tanks

and regulators and such were kept locked up. To ask for the key would be asking

for trouble, because no one was supposed to be in the pool alone.


didn't keep me from checking her for receptivity. I would occasionally grab her

dorsal fin and hitch a ride, allowig her to take me to the far side of the

pool. I could still be seen, but not readily. I then floated until she came

around again, diving under the surface to be alongside her.

                With on

hand I would grab her fin, and with the other explore the lower end of her belly

were her opening was. The skin was tough, yet soft and rubbery. But sure

enough, I found her slit, marked on either side by a mammary gland. My questing

fingers were not unwelcome, it would seem, for she held sill while I probed

inside.  That slit was incredibly narrow,

and she was able to control it with strong muscles. That made sense, for the

slit housed both her vaginal opening as well as her anus. My exploration ended

when my air supply did.


surfaced and she rolled over in the water, apparently recognizing my

limitations and offering herself for a little more playtime. The problem was,

we weren't alone, so I scratched her belly and then started to swim back to the

others. My new friend was very disappointed. I guess dolphins have their own

moral standards. She came up under me and turned so that her belly as against

mine. I rabbed her beak and she propelled the two of us, with her upside down,

back across the pool. Tom was impressed.


really does have a crush on you. They rarely will get that frisky without a

bucket of fish handy!"


could I say? I guess I had a certain amount of animal magnetism. A lot of good

it was going to do me now. With her flirtatious behavior noted by everyone on

the staff, I wasn't likely to ever get a chance at any kind of play with her.

And with the passing days, and her continued attention, that was getting harder

to avoid. One of these times I was going to drop my trunks and have at her

regardless of the consequences.


course I never did. It was one thing to ruin my reputation, it was entirely

another to ruin my friend's and perhaps that a well respected aquarium.  But I was often swimming with a hard-on, and

that was occasionally difficult to hide. After two weeks had passed I began to

formulate a plan. I couldn't make out with her in the water, but what if she

came out?

                Part of

their act was with them rushing out of the water onto the smooth, painted

concrete of the stage part of the pool. They would come out, do a little trick,

get a tasty fish, and then twist themselves back into the water. I'm sure you

know what I'm talking about. If I could get her to rise up on top of me, I

might have a chance of making it happen. The problem was, I had to practice

with her during the daylight hours, and of course, only when she wasn't in the


                 She was a fast learner. I tried to make it

look like I wasn't promoting her behavior, because she was quick to slide up on

top on me in the back practice area. Sounds delightful, right? Nope. She

weighed somewhere around four hundred pounds, and while in the pool this meant

nothing, out of the buoyant effects of the water she was a beast. A compact

beast but a four hundred pound worth of flesh nonetheless. Add to that the

position of her slit. That meant that I was supporting all of her weight on my



played it coy after she had figured out what I was aiming at, and maybe she

knew I had to work out a few other things because she backed off. But the day

finally did come, and I was more than ready for it. It had been three weeks

without sex of any kind. I hadn't hit on any of the human females at the

aquarium because I had secretly been dying to get between Giggi's slit. Now

maybe I had the chance. It was going to be tricky, but if I succeeded, I'd have

an experience to go down in history.


evening I stayed late, reading up on the numerous species of dolphins and

porpoises, and I was left behind with a promise of meeting up again in the

morning. The security guard was made aware that I was still here, but as he

mostly ate doughnuts and watched his little television set inside the guard

house, I didn't figure he'd be a problem.

                I put

on my trunks, went over to the switch that operated the gate to her enclosure,

and let her swim through before closing it back up. One dolphin was going to be

plenty. She bobbed with her head out of the water, emitting a series of squeaks

and whistles.


I coming in!"


splashed down beside her and grabbed her dorsal fin for a quick ride. I could

totally see me working here! After a few laps around the pool, she slowed to a

stop and I got off.  I ran my hand

underneath her and found her slit. It was cracked open a little, which I took

as a sign of wanting a little attention.

                I swam

up to the slanted deck where they were expected to appear during their

performances, turned and laid back. I pulled off my trunks and spread my legs.

And I prayed. We had practiced this a few times, and I knew how much her weight

increased as she came out of the water. I think the real trick was going to be

getting inside and holding her in place once I did. It wasn't all that simple.

She was slick, and her body was evolutionarily designed for slipping through

water. That meant she was more likely to slip out of my grip than to stay

confined with it.


didn't have an erection, leastwise not one that would be suitable for entry

into that tight hole. Before I could worry about that little detail she came

out of the water and smack dab on top of me.  I let out a grunt. But I grabbed her behind

her dorsal fin with both hands and hung on. It didn't work. We both slid off

into the pool. However, I was still hanging on to her. She bobbed with her head

out of the water, her tail working the water to support both of our weights.

Now this just might work.

                The problem

was in the relative position of our respect reproductive parts. Hers were lower

on her body than a human's were, which meant my nose was going to be below the

level of the surface of the water. That would give me only short bursts before

I had to breathe again. The other possibility was for her to keep propelling

herself out of the water. I doubted that was going to be effective as close as

the slit was to her tail.

                I took

a chance and after taking a deep breath, I dropped down and fingered her slit. That

was enough to get my libido going into overdrive. I embraced her body and

positioned my cock and pushed. It was a feeling unlike any other cunt I had

ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I only wished I would be able to breathe

at the same time.

                I was

inside her, wrapping my legs around her torso for the minute or two I might

have before I would pass out from lack of oxygen. But she was a wise old girl

and the next moment found her rolling on her back, her fluke making just enough

motion to keep her moving and on the surface. I was able to pull some air into

my lungs before we sank a little, but she was doing well in keeping us afloat.

                It was

tricky, because I couldn't go full out on her, but it was doable. I wrapped my

arms around her to keep from sliding off and away we went. She leisurely

circled the pool for a while, and don't ask me how long, because I honestly

don't know. It was long enough for me to blow once inside her, with plenty of

enthusiasm left over for more.

                What I

do know is that after a little while of turning (so she could get air) and

swimming, I finally felt my hands bump against the bottom. Since I was above

water, that meant she was at the ramped section again. I moved my hands from

behind her, and the next moment she gave several sharp flicks of the tail and

drove herself up on the concrete. Ninety percent of her body was out of the

water now and anchored by gravity to something solid.

                So I had

plenty of traction for action and she was out enough to keep her blowhole open

to the air. It was my original idea flipped over. And it made sense, since she

outweighed me. Having her on sand would have been easier, for her anyway, as

she could have sunk down into it, but I suppose she was tough enough to deal

with the position for a while.

                I was

now truly able to completely enjoy her. That slit enfolded my cock with a

slick, smooth, thick rubbery skin.  Her

body temperature seemed hot, but the water was cool so that could have been a

false impression. And her muscles seemed very much under her control, for she

would squeeze me from time to time in a most deliberate way.


locked my legs against her sides, with my knees on the concrete and bracing

myself went to doing what I did so well. She was a solid piece of work and that

made for an excellent platform from which to drill out her excellent hole. I

soon was happily deep sea drilling her body with the intent of hitting oil...or

some other fluid.


be told she was already very slippery inside. As she happily squeaked her high

pitched calls mixed with shrill whistles, I added my own grunts and gasps to

the mix, making for one adult rated show that would never have been approved

for the general public.


shifted my pelvis for the maximum penetration and got busy. As it was, she was

longer than I was tall, so her head was well above mine. As it was, I moved my

hands from the concrete to her pectoral fins and used those to pull myself

upwards with each thrust. She got into the rhythm and pulled in time with me,

making my repeated penetrations even more solid.


stayed like this for quite awhile, long enough for me to wish I could breath

underwater. This was incredibly erotic, much more so than many of my previous

encounters because I knew this girl had an intelligent brain hidden inside that

skull. She had made a decision to have this encounter and that was really a

turn on. In the end, I was never so sorry to blow a load in my life.


just say that I pounded her tail until I simply couldn't take it anymore.  I unloaded a batch of sea foam inside her

tunnel that bubbled and frothed back out under the furious hip smashing I was

giving her. Needless to say when I was finished, she wiggled her fluke as if to

say, encore, encore!


was no encore. I was spent. If I had been in the middle of the pool I might not

have had the strength to swim the few yards to where we now were. I slipped out and

rolled beside her. "Damn girl! What I wouldn't give to work here!" Her answer

was a series of clicks and whistles before working her way back down the ramp

into the pool. I pulled myself along the edge as she swan by. Sure enough, she

rolled in the water, exposing her slit again. She was incorrigible!

                I spent

a good half an hour just fingering her. She would stay until she needed a

breath and then she'd return. Thankfully we were quiet now, because I did see

the old fat security guard walk through the arena once. It was good thing we

had done what we had done when we had done it. He would have gotten a sight

that might have given him a heart attack.

                I went

back to the study room and got dressed, closing up the books and putting them

on the shelf. It was late, and I needed to get out of here and to my room. But I did take the time to write something down on a piece of paper and stick it

on the corkboard hanging on the wall. I'm sure most of you will know it, so I

won't quote the whole thing. It went like this.

                They say the sea is cold, but the sea

contains the hottest blood of all, and the wildest, the most urgent.

                My friend commented on it in

the morning. I smiled and told him it was based on the realization of how

wonderful our ocean going companions really were, and that D.H. Lawrence was

quite correct in his interpretation of them. He smiled and patted my shoulder.


yes indeed. They are far better humans than many humans I know.  I sometimes wish I could change into one of

them and leave the land for good, taking them with me."


chuckled. "If that ever happens, give me a call first. I'll join you."