Matheau and Beijore: Dispelling Despair

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Matheau and Beijore: Dispelling Despair

First of all, lets get the legal stuff out of the way. Not 18-21? No read for you. Second, Matheau and Beijore are copywritten to me, so don't use them without my consent. NOW, something a little new. This story is a collaboration with the help of the awesome Maggot4life. He wrote probably more of this story than I did, and he is an amazing writer, and this really couldn't have been done without him. If you've not read any of his works, I highly recommend you do so. Without further interruption, enjoy the read, and I hope you like it as much as we did writing it.

"What can I possibly do to win him back?" Beijore thought as she shuffled aimlessly about the cave, nit-picking at this and that to keep herself busy. "He's so down on himself, feels so much guilt..... he's been pushing me away. He didn't even notice my heat, and that is not like him! At any other time, he would be all over me in a heartbeat!" Of everything, that was the part that got to her the most. He was so loving with her..... now he could barely gaze at her passively without looking away in shame.

"Well, you seem to be keeping yourself busy this morning." She'd been so deep in her thoughts that Matheau's voice made her jump slightly. "You keep this place almost spotless as it is. Why don't you take a break, honey?"

Beijore took the initiative and went to him, getting on her hind legs and pressing her paws to his chest, kissing his lips softly.

"I'll take a little break when you do, honey." She said, nuzzling into his neck and pointedly pressing her breasts against him. She knew that it was impossible for him to ignore such a flagrant gesture. And yet... it seemed as though he either didn't notice, or didn't care.

"You have given me time to myself, dear, and I want you to have the same thing. I have already taken my flight for today, and I want you to go now and relax for a little bit, alright?" He kissed her then, so softly. To Beijore though, it felt so horribly empty.

"Matheau......" she wanted to pour her heart out to him, but she knew that wouldn't be enough. He was too broken, to far into despair. She needed to find some way to snap him out of it and bring him back, but HOW was still a mystery to her? "Alright, I'll take a short flight, and maybe get a bath. But I'll be back soon."

He nodded and walked towards their bedroom... and that was that. Beijore once again found herself disappointed and left wanting, but she need time to think, so she turned and left.

Her flight actually took longer than she thought it would, so many were the thoughts coursing through her mind. Each time she chased one thought down, another would come from the void. Was he possibly seeing someone else, and that was why he was avoiding her? She pondered on this for more than a few moments. She knew his daily flight path; where he stopped, where he hunted, where he bathed... But was it possible? She shook the notion away. Mating with Sasha was one thing, but she knew in her heart that he would never sleep with another dragoness. That just wasn't her Matheau. Still... It couldn't hurt to check it out.

She next stopped at a natural hot spring and sighed as she slipped into the water, the heat relaxing her muscles and mind as she sank up to her neck into the deep pool.

"Matheau... gods above how I need you..." She couldn't stop herself from sliding her paw between her hind legs, caressing the velvet folds of her pussy. She moaned softly as her mind's eye saw her beloved mate stroking her, teasing her while he nibbled upon her neck. Slipping two fingers into herself, she groaned out as she stroked them in and out of her sex, growling in the need for release. She used her thumb to rub and toy with her clit for several minutes until at last she got the orgasm she wanted, but it was nothing like what she needed. She panted heavily as she rode out the slight climax, and then began to clean herself so that her scales shone bright as polished mirrors.

The air felt much cooler after she rose out of the hotspring, making her shiver slightly as she took flight and headed for home.

It wasn't very far, and Matheau was waiting for her at the cave entrance when she arrived.

"You were gone a little bit longer than I thought you would be, dear." His nostrils twitched, and he gave a half smile as he looked at her. "Well, someone had a good time bathing......."

Beijore bristled; that single comment making her want to smack the shit right out of him. But by some extreme force, she managed to keep herself from doing just that.

Instead, she narrowed her eyes and said icily, "I have to get satisfaction somewhere!" She then pushed past him, stormed to their room and slammed the door without another word. She sealed it with magic so that not even he could get in. Not that he didn't try, of course, but he eventually gave up. When at last there was a semblance of quiet, she thought over in her mind how best to follow him tomorrow, and if there were any way she could bring him out of his rut.

The next morning only when she heard the wingbeats of Matheau leaving the cave did she venture forth from their room. She waited a few moments before she too left, taking to the air and following the trail of his scent.

It didn't take her long to catch up to him, and she had to slow down and stick to the shadows of outcropping mountains to make certain she wasn't seen. So far, everything was normal; he was hunting his favorite grounds, and had already taken a deer for his breakfast. Her stomach grumbled, but she steeled herself. She could eat later; she had to know for sure what was going on.

Once he was done with his meal and had buried the remains he took off again, and she followed him to the ridge overlooking the canyon. Perching on a lower ridge some distance away she sat and watched him. He lay down on the ledge and didn't move, just watching the sun come up.

Perhaps that was why he always came here; to watch the sun rise and sort his thoughts, whatever those might be. No others came, and he didn't look as though he were looking for anyone, merely watching the sun. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Part of her felt terrible for sneaking around and spying on him like this, but she had to know for sure... and now she did. There was no one else involved: it was merely his own despair that was keeping him from her. She flew back home as quickly as she could and went back into the bedroom, leaving the doorway open so that Matheau would know she had forgiven him.

He never did come in the room though, and she should have known better than to hope. She sighed... half angry, half upset. This was going to take something really desperate. She half thought of bringing Sasha and young Matheau back again, but that would only complicate things. No. She had to get his attention... his full attention. She needed something that was going to strike him deeply and personally, make him see what he was doing to her... to them.

So, she said not a word to him in passing as she left the bedroom, though he did look up when she came out and smiled to her. She ignored him and kept walking as she moved outside and took to the air.

Beijore heaved a heavy sigh as she flew onward, not really even sure where she was going. She just needed time to think.

She needed some way to jar Matheau out of his slump... but the means by which to achieve this end were still lost to her. She was feeling neglected and more than a little lonely despite her undying and everlasting love for her husband, and she felt she needed to take matters into her own hands.

Her wings carried her across the landscape almost of their own accord, until she saw a site she vividly remembered from long ago.

It was the river where she used to hunt and bathe. She no longer dwelled there because of the encounter with the...

Her eyes widened as a sudden idea flashed into her head.

"Perfect..." she murmured with a sly grin, suddenly beginning to descend in a lazy spiral towards the babbling brook, sincerely hoping that this was still the same territory it was when she'd last visited.

Beijore's powerful legs took the brunt of her landing as she touched down next to the water. She folded her wings against her back and padded over to the shore with as much noise as she could muster. She waded into the river and lay back in the shallow water, knowing a sure-fire way to draw out what she sought.

Her paw strayed between her legs as she immediately began to fantasize about Matheau; what they used to do with each other during their matings, his strong body pressed against hers, his warm lips sensually kissing her, tongues entwining, masculine paws cupping and massaging her breasts...

It wasn't long before she was absolutely dripping with arousal. She moved up the bank a bit and leaned against a rock so that her hips were out of the water, wafting her intoxicating scent on the breeze. Her fingers began toying with her swollen folds while her other hand played with one of her breasts... just like she had the last time she was here. Her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth as pleasure began flowing through her long-neglected body. Oh how she wished that her mate was actually here... but she needed another before se could truly have him willingly.

Beijore kept fingering herself for a few minutes more, moaning loudly and frequently. Her eyes were closed as powerful sensations bombarded her senses, but when she opened them to gaze across the river to the opposite bank she smiled inwardly at what she saw.

"Hello dragoness." Came the deep voice of the green drake staring hungrily at her from across the water. He was considerably bigger and older looking then when she'd last seen him, and his face has a small beard at the bottom.

"B-Bakkaran... please. I know the circumstances of our last visit were far from ideal for you, but I need your help. I beg you... still this fire within me." Beijore pleaded. In truth, she really had next to no desire to have sexual contact with the drake, but she knew there was almost no chance of him helping her with her little plan if she didn't give him an incentive. She'd been starved of a male's touch for so long, and even if it wasn't her Matheau... she was still HUNGRY!

"Dragoness, I thought we had discussed this. You already have a mate, do you not?" he queried from afar.

"Y-Yes, but he has ceased to care about me. He has not mated with me for a very long time, I feel I have little choice but to turn to... other means of fulfilling my body's needs." She murred, trying to be as alluring as possible without giving any hint as to her actual motives behind her sensuality. It was partly true; she really DID feel as if she had little other choice but to try and make Matheau jealous.

Bakkaran seemed to grapple with internal conflict for a moment before he shrugged to himself and briefly took to the air. He landed in the water next to her and Beijore spread her legs for him.

"I want that hot tongue of yours..." she murred, gazing up at him needily.

Bakkaran smiled and padded over to her kneeling down between her thighs. Beijore almost screamed with pleasure as he dragged his draconic tongue from the bottom of her dripping sex right to the top. He flicked her aching clit with the tip, drawing her back into an arch as she sensually caressed his head in her paws.

Truth be told the drake wasn't half bad, but he still didn't tread water on Matheau. However, she still moaned erotically to him as he pleasured her, groaning his name and telling him this was the best she'd ever had... in order for her plan to remain afloat she needed Bakkaran to think he was 'the one'. And it wasn't like she wasn't receiving pleasure.

She'd been so aroused just by the thoughts of her mate that it didn't take her long to reach climax. With her mind thus occupied by her husband it was a miracle that she didn't scream Matheau's name in the throes of her release and ruin the whole plan, performing a personal triumph by roaring Bakkaran's name instead. Her sex contracted around his tongue and her juices flowed out of her in tremendous volumes given how long it had been since she'd had an orgasm wrought by something other than her own fingers. She also made a great show of erotically arching her body into him and sensually caressing his head with her paws.

"T-That was amazing, Bakkaran." Beijore panted, still twitching slightly with the aftereffects of her climax.

"I'm glad, m'lady." he murred to her.

"Listen, I wish I could stay here with you, but if I'm not back at my lair soon my mate will begin to suspect something out of the ordinary." Beijore stated, hoping that the green's arousal hadn't overshadowed his rationality.

"I understand... but... when will I be able to see you again?" queried the drake, hoping that her mate's negligence could present an opportunity for him.

Beijore had already formulated the next stage of her scheme in her head and wasted no time in implementing it.

"I'll tell you what. My husband always goes on a flight in the mornings to get exercise. There's a ridge about fifty miles north of here, meet me there tomorrow at a quarter-sun." Beijore murred with a smile. Bakkaran smiled back at her as she rose from the water, wrapped her forepaws around his neck and kissed him deeply, giving him a fair bit of tongue as well. Bakkaran's eyes opened wide with surprise for a moment before they drooped closed as he kissed her back.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my handsome dragon." Beijore purred before turning from the smitten drake and took off into the sky once more.

She could barely contain her joy at being so devious. What she'd told Bakkaran was true; Matheau did indeed take a flight each morning, always taking the same path each time. But, she'd omitted the fact that the ridge she'd mentioned was one she knew to be Matheau's rest stop on his flights.

Her wings carried her back home with a fair amount of speed and eagerness, for anxious was she to instigate her plot 'against' her dear husband.

The night had gone by without event. She'd been trying for quite some time to bring him out of his emotional reclusiveness herself, but by now she'd all but given up. As such, when she'd gotten home she had simply gone to bed. All Matheau had done was greet her with a hollow smile, which she'd returned with the same lack of enthusiasm.

She now flew with all haste towards the ridge, having assuaged Matheau's suspicions by telling him she just felt like an early breakfast. She only hoped that Bakkaran would be there and that Matheau hadn't decided to suddenly deviate from his regular routine.

However, her worries were put to rest as she approached the ridge and saw the green standing there waiting for her. Beijore touched down with a loud thump and eyed him with her best lusty expression as soon as she'd regained her equilibrium.

"Hello, my lovely dragoness." Purred Bakkaran, sauntering up to her.

"Greetings, my handsome beast." Beijore churred back to him. "Is there anything in particular you would like to do with me...?" she asked rhetorically, enwrapping him with her tail as he got close enough.

"Mmm... I would very much like to finish what I started yesterday." He answered her, nuzzling her gently with his muzzle.

"Okay, but please take it slow. As you know, my mate has been quite frigid with me so I haven't mated in quite some time." Beijore added. She needed to try and draw this out as long as possible to give Matheau ample time to arrive. She didn't want to mate with Bakkaran unless absolutely necessary to maintain her ruse.

"Whatever you desire..." he murmured, turning his nuzzles into soft little kisses up and down her neck. Beijore moaned softly and leaned her head back, allowing him to nibble upon her exposed throat.

However, before Bakkaran could go any further there was another rush of wind and a loud thump right next to them. Beijore smiled to herself; that man was nothing if not punctual. She lifted her eyes to see Matheau standing about ten feet away, his face contorted into a sickening mix of confusion, betrayal, and rage.

"Beijore?!" he stammered, not quite able to grasp or accept the fact that his eyes indeed seemed to be displaying his lifemate in the arms of another.

"Matheau?! W-what are you doing here?!" She asked with just as much confusion as he had, except hers was feigned.

"I could ask the same of you. What the FUCK is going on here?!" he almost roared.

By this point Bakkaran had backed away a considerable distance after seeing who he could only assume was her mate... and he was quite a bit bigger than himself.

"Why Matheau, I didn't know you cared about me..." Beijore retorted in a facetious voice, tone positively dripping with biting sarcasm.

"W-what? What could ever possibly make you think something as foolish as that?" he shot back, clearly quite unpleasantly puzzled.

With such a perfect segway placed right in front of her Beijore saw no more reason to hold in her righteous rage any longer.

"Matheau William Stratford, I don't believe you! For the past few months you haven't even acted like I existed! You've been so goddamn withdrawn ever since your grandson was born! I haven't been able to get through to you at all! And now you can't even recognize why I'm so UPSET?! Your behavior affects more than just you, you've ostracized the people you once cared about!" she shouted at him.

Matheau just stood there, eyes wide with surprise at his wife's sudden outburst.

"I still DO care about you!" he yelled back, but his wife hardly gave him a chance to finish his sentence before she was on him again.

"Then why have you been ignoring me!? Do you even REMEMBER the last time you mated with me... or even just TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME?!" she yelled, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Matheau opened his mouth but stopped suddenly as he pondered her words. It was true; he actually DIDN'T remember the last time they'd mated. A feeling of great shame started to creep over him.

But Beijore wasn't finished yet. She could see how vulnerable he was right now and she was going to make her point to him loud and clear. She ran full-tilt over to where her husband stood and tackled him.

"I know you're upset about what you might call 'betraying me' and mating with Sasha... but to tell the truth... I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK! I talked to her about it and she took the same attitude as you; just sealed herself off from everyone else without giving regard to anyone's feelings but her own. I had to smack her out of it... don't make me have to do the same to you. I'm not ready to lose the love of my life over something as TRIVIAL as this! So stop acting like such a hatchling and GET OVER IT!!!" she roared into his face from atop him.

By now Matheau's ears were ringing, his eyes were watering... and his heart was bleeding; her words sending him reeling into a sudden spell of morbid introspection. How could he have been so blind as to cut himself off from the one he loved most in this world over something like this. He felt lower and more pathetic than he could remember feeling in a long time. He looked up to his beloved wife's panting, tear-stained muzzle and reached up to tenderly stroke her cheek, immensely relieved when she didn't bite his hand off.

"I... I'm so sorry, Beijore. I don't know what I could have been thinking." He whispered, tears now streaming from his eyes as well. "I don't know how you can ever find it in your heart to forgive me after the way I now realize I've been acting."

"That's easy; it's a little thing called love. The reason why I'm not angry about Sasha bearing your child is exactly what I told her. I love my family, and I'm not afraid to share that love... you shouldn't be either. Now, if you're done being such a selfish child, we're going to go back to our home and have a long... talk." She murmured soothingly to him, but Matheau could catch a hint of suggestiveness in the last part.

He grudgingly nodded and they two of them took off and started back for their lair.

Bakkaran just stood there, his brain still trying to take in what had just happened in the past forty-five seconds. After a few minutes he began to laugh.

"She's a sly one..." he whispered to himself.

The flight home was anything but quiet. In fact, every creature in the valley had to have heard them overhead.

"Beijore, I know that I've handled things the wrong way since young Matheau was born......" he sped up and turned in front of her, hovering to block her path. "But you..... you know better! You thought that fucking him would fix things?!"

It happened so fast that he had no time to prepare for it. Beijore reared back and slapped him so hard that it snapped his head around and made his ears ring. The sound echoed for miles and scared the birds from their roosts in the trees. Matheau fell into a stunned silence, and when he turned his head, Beijore had her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"How dare you....." she said in a voice so low it was almost inaudible, a deadly black tone. "How DARE YOU! You have no right, Matheau, NO RIGHT to tell me what is right and what is wrong. You..... You and Sasha are so very much alike!" She was quivering in her rage now. "Sasha, when she realized she was pregnant with your child, she ran away. And you did the same fucking thing! You withdrew from me completely. You couldn't even look at me, Matheau! You hated yourself so much that our love meant nothing to you." Her wings were starting to tire from hovering. She wanted to get him home, but it appeared that she would be unable to do that until everything was settled.

Matheau had remained silent since she slapped him, and as they landed in a grassy meadow, Beijore took the opening. "For your information, I never once fucked Bakkaran. In order for my ruse to work, I had to get him interested and thinking that I wanted him. So I will admit that I let him service me orally..." Matheau's eyes narrowed, but she kept on. "But never once did I mate with him. Use your head for once, Matheau! Don't you think that if I HAD mated with him, you would have smelled him on me?!" Her husband lowered his gaze as he realized in shame that she was right.

She cupped his jaw in her paws and lifted his head to look into his eyes. "Matheau, look how far we've come, and everything that we've been through together. When you first came to my cave, you were a human, just a weak inconvenience. Over time, we fell in love. A dragon and a human, Matheau! But you weren't all human, were you?"

"No......" he admitted softly. "I never told you about my past, because I was afraid... afraid that you would push me away. And then we had our first children, and I had no choice but to tell you. Not long after that you changed me into the proud dragon that I am today." He looked up into her eyes, and then he leaned forward and kissed her, and for the first time in what seemed like ages, she felt it. It filled her heart with joy and her soul soar on wings of happiness. What she felt was his unconditional love for her. In that one passion filled moment, with his lips locked with hers, she saw her mate the way he was supposed to be, and she knew that everything was going to be alright. "It has taken me this long to open my eyes, and for you to teach me, but now I finally see. For so long, I feared you pushing me away, but instead, that's exactly what I've been doing to you all along...I love you with all my heart, Beijore. Can you ever forgive me for being such a fool?"

Beijore laughed softly, a musical sound that made a shiver travel down Matheau's spine. "My dearest mate and beloved husband, of course I can, but on one condition. We go home...Right now!" They took to the air together, and this time, there was no argument or tension. The pair flew wingtip to wingtip, their anticipation growing with each passing second.

The two dragons entered their lair in each other's arms, Matheau having captured Beijore's lips in an unimaginably powerful kiss. While on their flight home his sense of shame and remorse had slowly evolved into an almost overwhelming need to atone to her somehow for his negligence. Now he pressed her back against the nearest wall and continued to drink deep of her sweet lips.

Beijore's heart rejoiced at once more having her mate usher her into the realm of intimacy they both enjoyed and kissed him back ferociously, each of them feasting on each other, on what they had been starved of for much too long.

"Ohhh........ Matheau...!" Beijore gasped in the midst of their blazing kiss. Her husband didn't answer, just pressed his lips more firmly against hers as he let her maneuver them towards where they both knew they'd end up eventually.

Several minutes later they reached the door to their room which Beijore gracefully opened with one of her feet, still engrossed in her lover's intoxicating kiss. As they stumbled through the doorway she closed it behind them with her tail and gestured absentmindedly with her hand, casting the simple spell to soundproof their room. She knew there was no one else in the lair, but she was leaving nothing to chance; she had her husband right where she needed him and she wasn't going to let ANYTHING interfere with them.

No sooner had the door swung shut than they were upon their bed, kissing vehemently and groping every inch of their mate's body that they could reach before Matheau eventually pulled away to speak.

"I've been a fool, my love." He murmured, finding himself growing close to tears once again just thinking of what he'd put his beloved wife through.

"Yes you have Matheau, but I don't want to hear any more about that right now. You did nothing whatsoever to extinguish my last heat and I don't want to talk any more about it until you've given me a good hard fucking!" she growled passionately, enwrapping his neck in her forepaws and locking her muzzle with his once again.

Although it wasn't a very tall order he felt so sorrowful about the way he'd treated her, if she'd asked him to cut out his own tongue he would have done it without a qualm. Such was his burning desire to show her just how remorseful he was... and what he would do to restore balance to their relationship. Words needed to come, and they would, that much was inevitable... but she wanted to mate and that was what he was going to give her.

"I know I've been ignorant of your needs Beijore, but that's going to change from now on. I want to be a better husband to you than I was before." Matheau whispered, bestowing her body with sensual caresses. "Just tell me what you want me to do, I'll do anything..."

"Matheau, this isn't about you being a better husband. I want my mate back, not a dragon who tries to be more than he actually is. You're perfect when you just be yourself; that alone is more than I'll ever need." She cooed.

"Are you sure? You don't want me to..." he began just before he ran his tongue along her neck. "... lick you like this?" he whispered erotically, making Beijore quiver with arousal. "Or..." he continued as his tongue migrated further down her heavenly form before he reached her breasts. "... suckle your breasts just the way you love?" he purred as he gently drew one of her turgid nipples into his muzzle and sucked softly on it while massaging her other breast with his free paw.

"ohgodslove!" Beijore blurted, her arousal spurred on by his infuriatingly rhetorical questions as well as the affection he now hampered her quivering body with.

"Or even..."

"Just eat my pussy Matheau!" Beijore almost shouted.

"Oh I will..." her husband murred, leaving the sentence hanging almost like a threat. Beijore whimpered, his tone indicating that he would, indeed, follow through with her request... but also hinting at a fair amount of teasing beforehand. He stroked his paws delicately over her sweating body, rubbing over her hips and making her even hornier. He then proceeded to kiss and lick his way ever so slowly down over her prominent chest, nuzzling her and tickling her stomach in the process.

Beijore was agonizingly aroused at this point, his teasing making her whole body erupt in little shivers. She wanted to grab him, to pin him to the bed beneath her and ride him into next week... but she couldn't even move. She'd been without intimate contact for so long that just his simple touch quite literally paralyzed her, leaving her no choice but to just lay there and suffer his sensual tortures.

Her husband nipped at her hips and then began licking over the scales of her inner thighs, mere inches from her wet, quivering sex.

"M-M-Matheau... P-Please! I'm b-begging yooooOOOOOOMYGAWD!!!!" Beijore screamed as she came, Matheau's tongue finally sliding along the swollen lips of her pussy. She clenched around his tongue and inundated his face with her fluids. Her hips bucked into his muzzle and her paws gripped his horns. Matheau continued to lick her convulsing sex, tonguing her through her climax and moaning at her sweet taste.

Beijore's orgasm lasted for a full minute before her body's convulsions became less fierce and her eyes took on a glazed look of utter contentment.

"G-good lord Matheau..." Beijore stammered, weakly caressing his head with her paws.

"I did well?" he asked, licking her muzzle.

His wife captured his tongue with her own, drawing it into her mouth and him into a deep kiss.

"Do you even... have to ask?" she panted as they separated. "If you must know... it was... incredible! You've never eaten me out that well before...!"

"I guess you can do some... incredible things... when you're motivated enough." He replied, his muzzle smiling at her but his eyes still holding the kind of deep-seeded regret that Beijore wouldn't just go away overnight. But she was still far too aroused to start worrying about that again at the moment.

"Well, you're not the only one who's grown hungry for the taste of their mate's body..." she murred teasingly with a glance between his hind legs where his dragonhood pulsed proudly. She kissed him fiercely once more, tasting herself on his lips as she pushed him onto his back. She broke the kiss after several minutes and began licking, nipping and kissing her way down his body much the same as he'd done with her.

However, her resolve wasn't as strong as his and as soon as she reached his waist her resistance crumbled and she took the head of his cock into her warm muzzle.

Her husband arched his back and cried out with pleasure, his hips rising off the bed just a little as he sought more of her sweet mouth.

Beijore didn't disappoint him and soon had his entire length engulfed, the tip touching the back of her throat. She sucked on him like a vacuum, making her mate yell and writhe in blissful euphoria. He'd been so aroused from just the act of pleasuring her that he could actually already feel his climax begin to rise.

But it wasn't until she started bobbing her head along his hot meat that he finally wilted and roared his pleasure to the ceiling, his cock exploding in her mouth. His warm cum erupted from his throbbing member, filling his wife's muzzle almost instantly. Beijore eagerly swallowed everything he gave, pawing him off with her hand as Matheau squirmed and bucked through his peak.

"Oh... oh GODS!" he exclaimed as he began to wind down from his explosive release.

"My my, you were really pent up weren't you?" she queried rhetorically, although she WAS a bit surprised by the sheer volume of his load.

"W-what do you... expect..." he retorted amidst gasps and pants. Beijore let him catch his breath before stealing another animalistic kiss from his lips. Matheau returned it all too happily, wrapping his arms around her and entwining their tongues and tails.

But, after a few minutes of passionate kissing Beijore pulled away and eyed her husband with a look of desperate lust. She got off him and got on all fours facing away from him.

"Matheau, I've gone months without you... I can't wait any longer! I need you inside me... I need you to fuck me senseless!" she begged shamelessly, looking at him over her shoulder and raising her tail in silent plea.

Just seeing his wife presenting herself so submissively and begging him to take her had Matheau hard as a diamond in no time. He grinned and shifted behind her, bending down and giving her dripping sex a passionate kiss before moving to stand over her. He braced each of his forelegs on either side of his wife's quivering body. The tip of his massive erection rubbed against her aching pussy and she whined desperately to him, pressing back against him.

"Take me, Matheau. Fuck me like a bitch in heat!" Beijore gasped, her tail curling around his rump to try and pull him into her. Her mate chuckled above her, grinding his hips into hers without quite entering he yet. He leaned forward so that his muzzle was resting on her shoulder.

"If that is what you wish..." he whispered erotically, then slammed himself deep inside her with one swift thrust.

"Oh SHIT!" Beijore yelled, her back arching as she finally felt her husband's delicious cock filling her tight passage. Pleasure vibrated through her body from the end of her muzzle to the very tip of her tail.

Matheau also groaned with ecstasy as he once again felt his beloved's warm, slick depths enveloping his dragonhood. He held himself inside her for several moments, the both of them reveling in the heavenly sensations as the physical closeness of their mateship was restored.

Then Matheau began to move, humping into her with long, deep, and powerful thrusts. He groaned as he drove himself into his mate over and over, making his mate howl with mad lust. She rocked herself back against him, her tongue hanging from the side of her muzzle and her eyes glazed with the unmistakable trance of pleasure.

"G-gods honey, you feel... nngh... you feel so GOOD!" Matheau exclaimed, gripping her hips in his paws and pulling her back to meet his thrusts.

"Oh Matheau, I've waited so long for this!" Beijore yelled, her sex rippling around his thrusting cock as just having her dear husband finally thrusting passionately into her caused her to twitch and writhe in anticipation of a sudden climax.

Matheau seemed to sense her precarious situation and did all in his power to hasten her release. He leaned forward and pressed his chest against her back, licking the back of her neck lovingly. He also brought his tail around and used the tip of it to repeatedly flick her swollen clitoris.

Beijore whimpered with agonized anticipation for several seconds before her back suddenly arched sharply, muzzle pointed to the ceiling as her treasure finally began to contract and convulse as the tide of her orgasm took her body hostage. She screamed his name in rapture, shudders of ecstasy rolling through her. Matheau couldn't help but chuckle to himself, an immense sense of joy pouring over him at making her cum. He kept thrusting through her climax and groaned a bit himself as the feeling of her sex grasping and caressing his sensitive length sent little flashes of pleasure up his spine.

Beijore's release wracked her body for fifteen seconds before she started to come down from her orgasmic high.

"M-Matheau... I want you to... do something... for me." She gasped, still shuddering a bit.

He slowed his thrusts and pushed his hips flush with hers, holding himself deep inside her.

"Whatever you desire, my love."

"Matheau, I want you to take my tailhole. You never do it enough, and you know how I love it."

Her husband chuckled warmly and leaned to lick her. He pulled his dragonhood from her dripping sex and dragged the tip along her hips until it came to rest at her puckered orifice.

"You mean... like... this...?" he queried teasingly, gently moving his hips forward and pushing into her a little bit. She groaned, unable to do anything but vigorously nod her head in affirmation. Her mate smiled at her as he slowly pushed more and more of his cock into her ass. His breathing was shallow, the tightness of her anus threatening to dissolve what little control he still possessed. But he held firm, easing himself the rest of the way into her until his scaled testicles finally rested against her sensitive post-climactic sex.

She hissed in pleasure at being so filled, her whole body shivering. Matheau slowly and carefully withdrew only to push back into her once again.

"F-for gods sake, Matheau... I know what you're doing! I'm adjusted already! Now fuck me!" Beijore nearly shouted, pressing back against him in unquenchable desire.

Matheau had been struggling to remain in control of his lust up until this point, but having her begging him to take her was the final straw. He let out a growl of passion and rammed his cock up into her to the hilt.

His mate screamed in sheer bliss at feeling him dominate her just the way she loved.

Matheau began thrusting into her with a passion, assaulting her with brutal plunges into her clenching tailhole. Once again his hands grabbed her hips as he mated her hard and fast. He also leaned forward again and took her throat in his jaws.

The two then proceeded to slake their thirst for each other for almost an hour, Beijore having over five orgasms and Matheau thrusting her into her with feral intensity. But he couldn't keep it up for much longer; her warm, tight depths gripping his cock made him shudder and growl around her throat... it was an act of a higher power that he'd lasted this long! He feared that he'd explode within another few moments. And Beijore was on the verge of another orgasm as well.

"M-Matheau... I can't take much more of t-this. It's just t-too GOOD!" she stammered, panting so hard she was on the verge of blacking out... both from lack of oxygen and the absolutely unreal amount of pleasure coursing through her body.

"Then I'll j-just have to... to... toooohhfffFFFFUUCK!!!!!" he roared, unable to hold himself back any longer. A gout of flame erupted from his upturned muzzle, much as his seed erupted from his cock. He blasted his load into her bowels, bliss cascading through his every cell.

As it usually did, the sensation of his seed pooling inside her set off Beijore's own climax. She screamed his name, her pussy exploding in vigorous contractions and a flood of her liquids.

They rode out their peaks together, wallowing in the pleasure they gave each other until, finally, they both collapsed, exhausted. They were both breathing as if they'd flown half way around the world, but felt more fulfilled than they had in a long, long time. Matheau pulled himself out of her, his withdrawal accompanied by a generous amount of his seed leaking from her raw, used tailhole. He smiled and drew his wife into a gentle yet deep kiss, one which she returned gladly.

"That... was... amazing..." Beijore gasped, still panting.

"G-gods... how I've missed this...!" Matheau replied amidst his struggle for air.

She nodded breathlessly and curled up to him, so happy to once again have her mate in the embrace of intimacy. Matheau returned her gesture, wrapping his arms around her and snuggling close.

However, even through the hazy afterglow Beijore could still sense unease emanating from her beloved.

"You're still upset, aren't you?" she asked tenderly, earning a sigh from her mate.

"Yes, Beijore. But it's not for the same reason. I WAS upset about inseminating Sasha but that was only because I thought you hated me for it. Now that I know otherwise, my thoughts have turned to the way I acted while I was having such regrets. I told myself I'd never mate again because I was convinced I would hurt you, but the cruel irony is that I ended up doing just that... I pushed you away."

"Matheau... how could you ever possibly think you'd hurt me by mating?" Beijore asked, baffled.

"Well, I brought such pain upon myself by mating with Sasha... I... I guess in my state I only saw the blank facts without bothering to consider the circumstances." He lamented in a sullen yet enlightened tone, like he was coming to a revelation.

"You silly thing, how could you ever think something as foolish as that?"

Matheau winced a bit as she regurgitated his words to her during their argument at the ridge; they sounded unpleasantly different coming from the other side.

"Matheau, you've been there for me through everything. You've sired and helped me give birth to two beautiful clutches of children, you endured an agonizing physical transformation for the sake of making us closer, you've raised our sons and daughters to the best of your abilities and you've given me unconditional love throughout our mateship... apart from the last few months." She added, making Matheau look away. She cupped his cheek in her hand and brought him back around to face her. "I love you with all my heart, and I can safely say that nothing short of you willfully killing and eating one of our babies will ever change that." Beijore said; her voice filled with absolute conviction as tears filled her eyes.

Matheau began to cry softly, her words touching his very soul, letting him know everything was alright. He suddenly clutched his wife close to him in a crushing embrace, tears flowing freely down his muzzle as he began bawling openly on her shoulder. Beijore grasped him back just as fiercely, sobbing right along with him.

Their tears were not born of a single feeling, but rather many, far too many. These tears were tears of pure, raw emotion. Perhaps buried beneath the cascade of roiling turmoil that blanketed their consciousness lay relief, sadness, happiness, or even joy... but neither of them knew or cared and let loose all the misgivings and distrust that had dominated them for the past months in a tumultuous flood all over their mate's shoulder.

Matheau and Beijore gave vent to each other for quite a while longer, both feeling a great deal better afterwards. Once they'd both stopped crying they smiled at each other... and moved right into yet another searing kiss. Over the course of the night they continued to rebuild and reaffirm their love; Matheau mating her two more times.

Beijore stretched as she awoke. She didn't feel Matheau next to her and yawned, getting up to go look for him. She found him sitting on his favorite ledge, watching the sunrise. She smiled and sat down next to him, but her smile quickly faded as she saw his expression. It was much the same as the one she'd grown sick of seeing when he was deep in his depression.

Then she looked down and saw that he was writing something on a scroll. Matheau noticed her looking and quickly hid it from view. He turned to smile at her, and it was a genuine smile that made her heart flutter.

"Good morning, my love." He said, leaning forward to kiss her softly. "I trust you had a restful night?" She giggled and leaned against him so they could take in the sunrise together.

"After the way that you mated me last night... who wouldn't have slept well?" she

asked, laying her head on his shoulder. "It took me a while to snap you out of it, but I did, and it seemed as if all that pent up aggression and lust you had came out all at once. I would make you wait a month to mate me again if that's the reaction I got every time, but you know that I could never wait that long!" And it was true. She could barely last a day without needing him. She had yet to reach her prime as an adult dragon, and neither had Matheau. They were both still young; the flames of lust would burn within them both for years to come. "What are you writing, honey?"

"Hmmmm? Oh, this? Errrrr, this is just some chicken scratch, honey, nothing important. No, don't look at me like that, I'm not going to let you read it." He chuckled softly as Beijore pouted her lip out and gave him the cutest doe eyes he had ever seen in his life. "That look didn't even work on me with the children, honey, and it's not going to work for you. Tell you what though... I'll let you hear it when I'm finished. I should be done with it tonight, as a matter of fact. So until then, you're just going to have to wait."

Beijore pouted and simpered for a little bit longer, but Matheau was steadfast. She was going to have to find another look, one that worked.

"I'm going to take my flight, love, and I'm going to be gone a little bit longer than usual so that I can finish this and take a bath. Perhaps you might go on a flight yourself?" It didn't sound like a bad idea, so Beijore agreed.

They both went their separate ways, and after a brief flight, Beijore found Matheau at the hot springs, soaking in the water and working on his writing, whatever it may be. She was eager to see what it was. He had written her a few poems, and she had loved them. Perhaps this would be another. She decided to let him be, and returned home to make sure that dinner was ready for him upon his return.

Later that evening, after the full moon had risen, he called her outside.

"It's finally finished, my love. Are you ready to hear it?" As if he needed to ask! She nodded vigorously, and he spread his wings. "Fly with me, won't you dear?" He took off into the night sky, and she followed after him. She kept on his tail as he gained height... and began to move in a spiral. Wait... she knew what he was doing, and her instincts guided her to following in the same set spiral. He was taking her on a mating flight!

"Matheau, what are you doing?" She asked, though she already knew, and could feel the heat between her thighs rising. "We've already had a mating flight......." He didn't answer her, only continued his spiral.

When the reached the height of their climb, they locked limbs and his wings folded around her. Then they began their fall. She screamed out as his cock pierced her wet vent, and he looked deep into her eyes as he thrust into her.

"To you my love, this I vow: I vow never again to hurt you by withdrawing myself from you for any reason. To you my love, I vow my heart, my love, my very soul. To you my heart, I vow that nothing shall ever separate us, that we shall go through all things, good and bad, side by side." He began to pant and growl as he mated her, and his words filled her heart to overflowing with her love for him. She whimpered with every plunge he gave into her body. "To you my beloved, I vow always to be true. Never again shall I share myself with any but you. To you my dear, I pledge my undying love, for without you, I am nothing."

She roared out as she came around his thick cock, coating it with her juices.

"To you my mate, I pledge to always stand by your side, and never to judge you." She said as best she could trough her pleasure. "To you my love, I give my total devotion. To you my heart, I vow to bear your children with pride, as many as we are blessed with. To you my darling, I promise that our love shall be eternal, and that none will ever separate us. And to you, my beloved, I promise that never again will any but you have me, for on our love, this I swear."

Matheau roared out mightily as he came inside of her, filling her womb with his thick, rich seed... making her roar out again in bliss and shudder against him. The mating flight seemed to last an eternity, and at last they separated... gliding apart and then

Re-joining to land softly at their lair's entrance.

"We had a mating flight before love, but it felt incomplete. I wrote down my vows and spoke them to make certain that they were just right. Each vow was spoken from my heart, and may I die should I break any of them." She entwined her tail with his and started to pull him inside.

"My vows were spoken from the heart as well, darling." She said heatedly. "And if you come inside right now, I'll fulfill another vow........."

Several days later Beijore found herself once again flying towards Bakaran's territory. Her relationship with Matheau was well on its way to a healthy recovery. She could tell that he wasn't fully back to his old self, but he was getting better with each passing day.

But now that she had him back her thoughts turned to the one she'd used do so. She felt bad about using him and exploiting his feelings to achieve her own ends. Although her plan had been successful in its entirety she still felt the need to reconcile with the drake.

Her eyes once more fell upon the little stream and she flared her wings to reduce her speed. She banked steeply and headed for the ground, hoping that the drake was there and not be too sore at her.

She didn't have to wait long as she saw him emerge from the trees on the north end of the clearing before she'd even touched down.

"What is it you want this time, dragoness? Would you like me to give your nephew a blowjob so your niece doesn't leave him?" he asked her point blank, a slight scowl on his face.

Beijore had just opened her muzzle to offer an apology, but stopped as he began to chuckle. She was stymied, at a momentary loss of what to say. Of all the scenarios she could have anticipated, this certainly wasn't one of them.

"A-aren't you angry for what I did...?" Beijore asked as she finally found her tongue several moments later.

"Hah, well... I was a tad miffed at first; I thought your husband was going to tear me to pieces! But after the danger passed I saw the funny side of it. You are a very resourceful creature, dragoness."

Beijore stood dumbfounded for a while longer before she too began to laugh.

"You're quite a unique dragon, Bakkaran. I hate to ask, but I need one last favor." She asked tentatively, his unexpected reaction giving her a sudden idea.

The drake eyed her strangely for a moment before speaking. "Really? You're not setting out to trick me again?"

"No no. Let me explain. I have a daughter; her name is Sasha. She has recently given birth to the child of her father; my husband. Ever since she gave birth, my mate had been having misgivings and regrets about inseminating his own daughter, a fact I was not in the least bit concerned with. His regret was so deep that he stopped being intimate with me, stopped being himself altogether. This is the reason why I deceived you; I needed to make him jealous in order to snap him out of his emotional stupor. But even before that, my daughter secluded herself from our family... choosing to raise her son in isolation." Beijore lamented, letting her words sink in.

Bakkaran kept eying her inquisitively. "What exactly are you getting at?"

Beijore took a deep breath, choosing her next words carefully. "She has no one to comfort her, no one to help her raise her child. You're a good soul, and I see in you someone who can be there for her. Whether you chose to act on this or not is entirely up to you. However, I want you to think it over. She's a very beautiful young dragoness who just needs someone to look after her and her son. If you take a chance with her I just KNOW something special will come of it." She said, trying to keep a pleading expression from her face.

Bakkaran's eyes seemed to soften a small amount.

"I will dwell on it." He said.

Beijore smiled and walked up to him, kissing him tenderly on the cheek. "Thank you." She murmured. "Should you choose to seek her out she lives in a small cave towards the west end of the valley." She added before hunkering down and leaping into flight without another word, leaving the drake to ponder her request.

It was close to half an hour before Beijore touched down on the ledge outside her lair. No sooner had she regained her balance than she saw her beloved Matheau coming out to meet her.

"Good evening, my love." He cooed, walking up to where she stood and nuzzling her.

She nuzzled him in return before kissing him on the lips. "Hello to you as well, my darling."

"How did he take it?" Matheau asked.

"He actually thought it was funny! But his reaction gave me an idea..." his wife answered.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. He's a good person... and I thought he'd be a good match for Sasha."

Maheau cocked his head at her, a fair amount of surprise evident on his face.

"Are you sure?" he queried.

"No, I'm not sure... but I just have a special feeling about this. I see in him the qualities of both a good father and a loving mate; his reaction to being used showed me that he is not quick to anger. And wouldn't YOU feel better if she had someone to care for her?"

Matheau seemed to mull this over in his mind before he nodded slightly. "Yes, yes I would."

"As would I, but I left the decision up to him. Now, I don't want to think about it any more considering that it's out of our hands. Come to bed love, so we can enjoy a full night's rest." Beijore said, wondering if he'd catch her little stab.

Her husband closed his eyes as he heard the very same words he'd spoken to her during her last heat. But when his eyes opened he was smiling again. His tail entwined itself with hers as they began walking towards their bedroom. The two mates gazed fondly at one another as they walked, eventually entering their room for the night. Beijore's tail once again closed the door behind them, a slight gasp followed by a pleasured moan of 'ohhhhh Matheau' wafting on the air before it clicked shut.

At yet another cave some distance away a beautiful dragoness sat huddled in the corner, a small ruby colored hatchling held close to her chest as she nursed him. She'd also built a small fire next to them and basked in its warmth.

But her head snapped up as the heavy beating of wings fell upon her ears. She suddenly pulled her son from her breast, placing him on the ground behind her and taking up a defensive posture, prepared and wiling to protect her child from anything.

She bared her teeth as the noise manifested itself in the form of a large silhouette landing in the mouth of the cave. The dragoness snarled and growled menacingly as the shadow began moving closer to her and her defenseless son, who was now hiding behind one of his mother's legs.

But the female's growls faltered slightly as the mysterious figure began to come within reach of the fire's light. Her eyes now rested upon an incredibly handsome male dragon striding towards her. Even though she was in a protective mode, she could detect not the slightest hint of threat from the drake.

"W-Who are you?" the dragoness asked warily, but unable to keep a note of genuine interest from entering her voice.

The male stopped his advance and smiled at her, green scales shining.

"My name is Bakkaran..."