Amateur Talent Night

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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It's the Amateur Talent Night at the Butt(on)hole Club, and the Fun and Games Stage waits its occupant...who shall submit to the hot bear daddy Master Johnny, and see what kind of reaches public sex can take? A Gruffy...'do you want to see...' ...and the answer seemed to be hell yeah!


Amateur Talent Night


This is a sponsored commission for avatar?user=160701&character=0&clevel=2 Green Fuzzball - who was very kind to support my work, and lend his helping paw with funding this story! Thank you! I'm very glad that I've been able to put out these commissions recently, and more is to come, so stay tuned, whether you're waiting for a commission or not, there shall be more stuff to read either way. There are still sponsorship stories open, so do check the list for something that tickles your fancy!

Hope you like, and do leave me comments and other feedback!


It seemed that the musky air of the Butt(on)hole club was getting even more charged with the manly odor of sweat, balls sex, when the harness-wearing big-bellied polar bear lumbered onto the stage. The lights in the club were low, but a couple of small spotlights were enough to make the bear's white furs stand out magnificently from the darkness of the shady stage. It made the leather straps crisscrossing his body seem all that more black, too, even with their shiny studs and holes for the buckles adorning his thick arms. Eyes in the crowd looking at him hungrily, from his leather pants with the noticeably bulky codpiece, to the heavy boots, to the black spiked leather cuffs on his wrists.

Someone whistled.

"Gentlemen..." the bear rumbled, the little wireless mic taped carefully under his chin to stay hidden from the view of the randy crowd admiring his shiny muscle-gutted form on stage.

"WE AIN'T HERE FOR GENTLE!" someone yelled.

Everyone laughed. There was a lot of whooping and clapping.

The bear growled and smirked, showing off his dangerous teeth.

"Well that is true, of course," the bear spoke in a silky tone, "because indeed, tonight, we have something special in store for you..."

"SPANKING!" a high-pitched voice called from somewhere in the dark club.

The bear harrumphed and pointed into the crowd with his big paw.

"Whoever said that should be glad I ain't got my paddle at paw..."

More laughter. The whinny heard from the twilight zone of the club indicated that maybe someone had taken matter into their own paws and delivered a good smack to the jokester's rump.

"...though maybe later on...after all, it is the Amateur Talent Night here on the fun and games stage..." the bear continued ever so calmly while his eyes scanned the audience, "...and what's a good Talent Night without a little bit of paddling?"

"A PUSSY NIGHT!" someone yelled.

"About-DAMN-FUCKING-A-right!" the polar bear shook his paw, to incite an uproar of catcalls and whistles from the crowd who was stomping their paws on the floor and smacking tails all about one another in their fervor to see what the kinky bear had in mind for tonight.

"But indeed...are you ready to see our brave volunteer?"


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"I take that as a yes," the bear murmured.

Another cacophony of grunts and yelps filled the room, which only served to bring the heat onwards while the polar bear surveyed his eager audience with glinting eyes and a bulging groin. Nothing quite beat the collective excitement of fifty horny men in leather and rubber, waiting to see some poor blue-eyed guy get the good treatment from the club's resident Master of Ceremonies.

"Okay, then...bring him in, boys!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and further stomping, with everyone's eyes fixed onto the black curtain set up behind the stage. Their expectant waiting was soon fulfilled when the cloth shifted, and a tough-looking jaguar wearing a black collar, some rubber pants and a naughty leather vest stepped forward, to the applause of the audience. In his paw he held a chain leash, and with what looked like a rough tug, he pulled another fur out into the open.

"EVERYONE, MEET OUR STAR FOR TONIGHT!" the polar bear whooped as the jaguar led in a tall green-furred tiger. The male, his peculiar color highlighted by the brown fur on his face and chest, walked with small, waddling steps, since his ankles were tied together with shackles connected by a relatively short chain. The leg cuffs were connected with another chain to a pair of leather paw cuffs that kept his wrists tied together, and he also had a leather blindfold mask and a ball gag in place. All he wore besides the bondage gear was a pair of white briefs that covered what was clearly a healthy erection straining onto the elastic fabric.

"Give a big round of applause for...Alec!" the bear added, just as his other helper, the club's tiger bartender walked onto stage, too, standing guard of the bound tiger led on stage by the sternly smirking jaguar.

The crowd really went wild, pelting the stage with obscenities from their hungry muzzles all the while the green tiger shivered, standing there in their sight and flanked by his guardians. The polar bear licked his lips while appraising his "catch" for the night.

"Let's see what our new friend has to say, shall we?" he told the audience while he stepped forward to the tiger and unhooked his ball gag so that it was left hanging, dripping saliva, against the tiger's brown cheek. The cat drew deep breaths and swallowed, nose full of bear musk while the polar bear lingered close, one paw catching his arm, while a microphone was put onto his other one by the jaguar, and then it was brought close to the green tiger's muzzle.

"Well, say hello to can't see them, but you can hear them alright!"

"Uh...hi?" the tiger mumbled.

"HELLO SWEETIE!" someone yelled.

"Ain't him sweet alright..." the polar bear grinned as he looked up and down the tiger's bare, toned body, "just the way I like my boys here on stage...wearing little...and most of it is leather..."

He waited for the resulting whooping and dirty calls to roar down before he continued.

"Oh yes...sweet and..." the bear smirked before he cupped his paw over the tiger's pouch and squeezed, causing him to rumble with surprise, "...not badly hung either..."

He fondled the tightly clothed boner with an expert caress, still holding the mic up to the tiger's lips so that the audience could hear all of his rumbles and ragged purrs amplified to the maximum. The polar bear if anyone knew how to raise the tension...of the sexual kind, which was of course his favorite kind.

" come you're on the Fun and Games stage tonight?" the polar bear inquired while he kept up the groping of the tiger's vulnerable erection.

"Uhh...ahhh...uhm..." the tiger rumbled, distracted by the bear's rough fingers sufficiently that replying seemed to be somewhat problematic, " friends signed me up..."

"YOU'RE LOOKING GREAT THERE DUDE!" a voice called from the audience.

The bear winked in the general direction of the fur behind the latest yelp and smacked an air kiss out.

"The crowd is grateful for you," the bear rumbled before turning to look at the tiger again, "why, such nice friends you've got..."


"Oh yes..."

The polar bear grabbed the tiger's chin and pulled him into a big, messy kiss, pushing his tongue into the green cat's muzzle and licking all over his trembling tongue and gums while the horny audience applauded. His muzzle dripped saliva by the time they separated, and a new firmness seemed to make the bulge in the tiger's skimpy briefs even larger than before. The polar bear adjusted his own codpiece (in full view of the crowd) before he promptly shoved the ball gag back into the tiger's sloppy muzzle and buckled it in.

"We'll see if we do something fun with this muzzle later on, but for now...strap him on, boys!"

Another round of applause ensued, while the leather-harnessed jaguar and the tiger led the blindfolded green party boy onto a bondage cross standing on the stage. He was instructed to step onto footrests which allowed him to stand legs spread on the bottom of the cross, and once the chains connecting his cuffs were removed, the two moved quickly and efficiently to snap the cuffs onto metal hoops on the cross itself, so that now his leather bounds were secured onto the bondage frame acting as the centerpiece of the stage.

"What a sight he makes..." the polar bear rumbled happily while he looked onto the tiger, now bathing in shine from one of the spotlights, spread into the classic X shape on the cross while the audience showed their approval.

"A bit overdressed, though, don't you think?"


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"Oh, shush," the lumbering bear chuckled, "this ain't a slaveboy...just an eager little slut, more like..."

He was sure that the tiger was blushing, even if the actual colorization was impossible to see through the exotically colored furs over his muzzle. At least he was struggling cutely against the bindings strapping all of his limbs onto the cross, and his tail swished the air behind him so that it occasionally brushed against the black cloth of the backdrop.

"...but that never stopped Master Johnny for giving a good time to anyone who steps onto his stage..."


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"About right!" the bear grinned broadly before gesturing at his assistants. "Now, leave papa bear to his toy, you..."

The leather-clad assistants stomped off the stage, and the bear himself stepped to the side only long enough to retrieve a metal cart loaded with the toys of his trade as the resident Master at the club. Everyone was watching eagerly, knowing that the tiger strapped down was in for quite the ride in the paws of the bear who had laid down many tools he planned to use.

"Hmmm...let's see what this handsome guy packs..."

Master Johnny grabbed a pair of shiny blunt-tipped scissors from the cart and stepped forward to the blindfolded tiger. He pinched the waistband of the tiger's briefs and nudged the scissors in, slicing into the fabric with ease.

"I really like unwrapping boys almost as much as tying them up!" Master Johnny told the horny bunch with a wink over his shoulder. "And my, my...!"

He stood in front of the tiger as he pulled off the mutilated (complimentary by the club and not provided by their voluntary playmate) underwear and admired the sizeable erection that popped into sight. He was still standing between the tiger and the crowd, which added to the suspense while he spent a private moment admiring the feline's endowment.

"Looks like we've caught ourselves a naughty one here..."

Master Johnny made a big show of tossing the tiger's pre-stained briefs into the audience where a brief tussle ensued between a fox and a coyote over their ownership, and only then did the polar bear step aside to let everyone see what he had secretly witnessed before and which had been enough to make him click his tongue.

"Just look at that..."

The lewd calls from the crowd only intensified when they saw that a sizeable Prince Albert piercing dangled from the tip of the tiger's barbed, thick, pre-slickened shaft.

"Looks like our tiger's a kinky little stud alright..."

Master Johnny grinned to himself and then flicked at the shiny steel ring on the tiger's tip with his middle and index fingers, causing the tiger to let out a muffled groan into his spit-shiny red ball gag.

"And not a pussy gauge, either..." the polar bear commented, holding onto the ring with the pincer of his fingers as he rotated the PA within the tiger's pierced urethra.

"UHMHMHPPPH!" the tiger groaned, the bondage cross rattling as he struggled against his bounds, entire muscled body straining under the effort while a very particular part of his body was teased by the Master.

"Bet it makes ye feel all kinky, llittle stud..." Master Johnny chuckled.


"Got a good pair down here too..."

The polar bear's big paw grabbed the tiger's fuzzy ballsac and gave it a good yank.

"Not exactly low hangers though..."


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"Oh, tsk you," the bear shook his head playfully while still fondling the tiger's balls, "one has to approach these gently..."

He curled his fingers around the tiger's nuts and cupped them firmly into his palm before giving the entire warm package a good twist.

"Just like this..."


"Definitely need a little bit more training here..." Master Johnny mused, "And I know just the thing for that..."

The polar bear grabbed a ribbed rubber item from the cart of toys and held it up into the air for the audience to view before he grabbed the tiger's nuts once again, with a vicious smirk on his muzzle.

"Now this may pinch a little...maybe..."

He yanked harder, this time, enough that there was room for him to slip the elastic rubber ball spreader down into place, between the dangling sac and the warm fuzzy taint. Master Johnny kept the rubber ring open with his fingers and kept the tiger's balls snug in his grip before the rubber ring snapped into place and left the tiger's gonads in a permanent state of being pulled away from his body.


"Looks like he enjoys it..." Master Johnny declared to his audience as he gave the tiger's newly bound balls a tap with his paw.


"Good boy..." Master Johnny ruffled the tiger's sweaty head furs briefly before he moved on, "and

we're just starting yet, aren't we..."

His eyes had caught the nubs of the tiger's nipples, standing upright in the fuzz of his chest furs, and that gave the polar bear another idea, and something else to point out for his adoring, randy crowds.

" what do we got here now...a nice pair of little man tits!"

The crowd laughed and whooped their appreciation, while the tiger rumbled into his gag and lashed his tail, really the only way to communicate with his muzzle so effectively stuffed.

"Oh yes...everyone likes a pair of good tits..."

He rubbed each nipple with leathery fingerpads, with a touch that was almost tender in comparison to his earlier treatment of the tiger. He stroked circles around the sensitive areolas before zoning in onto the nipples once more, giving the meaty buds proper pinches now.


"Oh yeah, kitty tits are very sensitive alright..."

Master Johnny dipped his head down and captured a nipple between his lips, to lick and chew on the delectable man-bundle. That freed his paws to play with other parts of the tiger's body, to grab on a pectoral, tickle his abs, grope on his dick or slap the tiger's bare butt, easily accessible beneath the beams of the X of the bondage cross.

"Yeah...he's a delicious kitty cat..." Master Johnny rumbled into his little secret microphone, "oh yeah, seems that he's really into his tits...look at this cock..."

He grabbed the tiger's endowment and displayed it proudly, to show off the quantity of pre-cum trickling off its tip. Master Johnny stepped aside a little and then, by squeezing on each nipple in term, demonstrated how the rough stimulation caused the tiger's pierced cock to bounce up and down with each teasing touch.

"Yep...we've got a real treat here...and I know just what to do..."

Master Johnny did not hurry his steps when he walked across the stage, his leathers squeaking audible and the tight hide giving such a delectable view of his big muscled rear for anyone within visual range...he even bent over a little while reaching for something on the cart of toys and implements he had laid out in preparedness for the great Saturday night show at the Fun and Games Stage...

"...think I'll give him a real something alright..."

He lifted up the two shiny items up in his paw and showed them off with a smirk, and received another round of whooping from his audiences.

"Thought you'd, tiger make sure those little nipples will be nice and puffy soon...."

The polar bear plastered a paw across the tiger's chest and then squeezed on his pec to bring out the dark nub before he attached the shiny metal clamp onto the tiger's nipple.


"Heheh, there we go, boy," Master Johnny ruffled Alec's head furs once again before moving to the other side and clipping on the second nipple clamp. The tiger struggled against his restraints again, but his cock did not show any signs of going soft despite the feeling that must've been as close to pain as it was to pleasure coming off his tightly squeezed nipples. The constant stimulation made his chest heave, breath coming in bubbling huffs around his gag and through his nostrils.

"Well that's a fine sight, isn't it, you think?" Master Johnny addressed the randy raunchseekers while he grabbed the tiger's dangling cock and stroked it slowly, using the accumulated pre-cum as lube while he rubbed his big padded fingers up and down his sexy captive's hefty member.


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"Tsk tsk tsk...where's your patience?" the bear chastised the crowd while flicking fingers against the shiny clamps on the tiger's nipples.

"IN YOUR ASS!" someone yelled.

Master Johnny wriggled his leather-clad rump and blew a kiss into the audience.

"In your dreams, cock hound!" the big bear retaliated, causing a round of laughter and whoops to emerge once again, and likely whoever had called out dibs on the bear's ass was getting his own heartily spanked by whoever was within a paw's reach, at least judging by a ruckus the bear could observe from his vantage point on stage.

"Now...can't forget this lovely ass, of course not," he seemed to change his attention to the tiger's rear then, not really particularly visible, but the swinging tail certainly was enough to bring attention to the tiger's muscled rump. A grin split Master Johnny's face once again as he stepped close and pressed his leather codpiece-enclosed groin against a hip while pushing his paw down across the tiger's rump and then under his swinging tail, which naturally tried to snap his wrist. The polar bear only grinned and treated the tiger's dick to a swat.

"Very nice buns..."

He grabbed a pawful and squeezed hard, feeling the firm muscle pleasantly against his palm. The grope was followed by a slap, and another, before he dug his paw under the tiger's fluffy tail and poked a finger directly against the tiger's hole.


"Yeah...the kitty digs it when I burrow down here..." the polar bear smirked.

The tiger's tail thrashed, but it was not enough to push the polar bear's paw away, even if he had wanted to. Master Johnny tickled the tiger's wrinkled pucker and enjoyed seeing the reactions, the bouncing cock and the tiger's whiny grunts through his gag all the while he teased the tiger's sweet sensitive bud.

"Oh yeah...nice bound studs really like their holes teased and filled..."


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The bear's erection strained as he heard the spontaneous chanting arise. He decided to humor them to a degree, and wormed his finger further against the dry pucker, to feel it clench and stretch just a little, before he released the touch and stood facing the crowd again.

"All in due time..." he murmured, which brought a few half-hearted _'booo!'_s from the club.

"Tsk tsk..."

He made another trip over to the cart of goodies, this time lifting up a tube of his favorite brand of lubricant, the one with a special sponsorship deal with the club, followed by the large, shiny black rubber butt plug which he held out like a rare relic.


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"You kiss your daddy with that muzzle?" the bear winked.


"That's more like it," the bear echoed the unseen voice's words while he headed back to the tiger.

"Now...kitty...I bet you know what this sound least since you must've heard what your lovely friends in the audience were saying before..."

He lifted the lube tube up to the tiger's ear and snapped it open, the loud 'pop' making Alec's ears drop. The bear liked that reaction and treated him to a nice ball-pat as a reward, before squirting lube onto his paw.

"And in it goes...sorry if it's a bit cold...heh...just kidding!"


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The tiger reacted as expected to the feeling of cold lube being suddenly fingered against his tailhole, and within its tightly pursed rims, when his slick fingertips parted the muscles. The tiger's body squirmed, erotic, hot and wet under the spotlights while the polar bear teased his anal walls. warmed up for something bigger..."

He made a great show of lubing up the toy before it was all properly coated, and then, accompanied by further chanting of "PLUG IT IN! PLUG IT IN!" he approached, wielding his rump invading instrument with pride.

"...I think this will sting a little, unless you're a bigger butt slut than I thought, little stud..."


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"Oh here we go, baby...nice and slow..."

Master Johnny nudged the tip against the tiger's straining hole and kept it there for a moment before pushing in a little...then a little more...effectively starting to fuck the tiger with the toy as soon as he had made contacted with his asshole. He wasn't about to give a break to the tiger, whose hole was being stretched open ever so surely by the smooth, well-lubricated toy designated to do just this, to press into a tight hole and make sure it could not push the toy away before it would be well lodged inside its receptacle.

"Hmm...yes...definitely like this..."

Master Johnny dropped to one knee, giving everyone a great view of how that affected the muscles on his bare back and his rump, and then, looking proudly at the audience, began to tease licks along the tiger's shaft while his paws were still mostly occupied with pumping the plug into the tiger's ass. The bear's big, rude tongue slithered along the tiger's shaft, from the jingling piercing at the tip which gathered much of the delicious pre-cum he could lap away before going down towards the tiger's messy sheath.

"Delicious..." he grinned, mostly to himself, enjoying the play as much as he was enjoying the domming and the showing off game that was going on at the moment, too. A cock was still a cock, and a nice one at that..."...suckable pussycat here, for sure..."

The toy was not ridiculously thick but it was quite long, and despite its easy go shape, there was quite a lot of work to do before the polar bear could bump its flared base onto the tiger's taint. There seemed to be a feeling of finality to that act, for as soon as the body-warmed rubber touched the tiger's scrotum, he let out another muffled grunt into his gag.

"And bottomed out...oh yeah..." the polar bear rubbed the tiger's taint as if checking whether the plug really was all the way inside his caught cat's rectum, "and leaking like a faucet..."

The bear put his paw under the heavy tip of the tiger's cock and cupped it as if trying to catch water from a stream into his palm. His other paw remained between the tiger's spread thighs and pressing and releasing alternatively on the base of the plug. The pumping motion was really doing a number on the tiger's poor prostate and milked considerable dribbles of the sweet nectar out of his piss slit and onto the bear's paw.

"And look at that..."

The tiger moaned and grumbled upon the continued teasing, glancing down across his body to see the polar bear turn his fingerpads into a slick mess which he then rubbed together.

"Oh yes...boy's making a lot of juice...and it's...hmm..." he swiped his tongue across his pads, "...tasty..."


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"Aww..." Master Johnny put his fingerpad against the tiger's piss slit and kept stroking it while he leered at the audience, " much as I'd love to let everyone get a turn polishing this cat for some more of his cream...daddy's got something else in mind...still a hole there we haven't plugged..."

He snapped the Prince Albert once more, bringing a frothy growl from the tiger whose hips jerked forward at the sudden sensations coursing through his shaft.

"Hmmm...yes...Master Johnny has his tricks..." the polar bear mused to himself, with his words amplified for everyone to hear ever over the din of the busy club where the heat was rising with every passing moment among its leather and rubbed-clad denizens.


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The big bear chuckled, still on his way to the cart.

"Someone be kind and give him a cock to play with to make him happy while Master Johnny is busy?"

The laughter and the commotion provided the polar bear a brief respite while he arranged some tools on his cart. A few _"fuck yeah!"_s echoed from the kinky audience when they saw the bear pulled on some black latex surgical gloves, with loud snaps when they settled onto his leather-armored wrists.

"This is not for the fainthearted..." Master Johnny boomed.


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"You are too kind," the bear smirked before he opened a leather case and pulled out something much smaller, but certainly none the less vicious, which he then held out for the glinting lights to see.


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"Oh yeah...I told you, this kittycat here needs to have all of his holes filled...and we're gonna fill this one nice and deep, I tell's not many who dare to embark on these pleasures of submission...the amount of control, given to another fur, over your body, to someone who is intent on inflicting very new feelings onto you indeed...well...if we know this tiger, he's been around the block a few times, anyway, but still...time to see if we can make that slutty tail curl up..."

During this monologue, Master Johnny polished the perfectly smooth sounding rod with a disinfectant pad before dousing it with lubricant and placing the newly slick toy onto a small plastic tray next to a pre-filled syringe and another of the little pads. Equipped with these, he moved over to the tiger and unceremoniously grabbed his dick.

"Sorry, sweetheart," he pecked the tiger's cheek, "have to part you with this for a moment..."


The Prince Albert was opened and removed tenderly, and dropped onto the plastic tray. A sharp, pungent scent of the antiseptic filled the air close to them when the cold pad was rubbed over the tiger's tip and then dropped away, his shaft held in the bear's latex grip.

"And make things smooth..."

He held the blunt-tipped syringe above the tiger's piss slit and squeezed on his tip to open the hole as much as he could before plunging the plastic nozzle into the tiger's opening and emptying the syringe's contents ever so slowly into the panting feline's dick. Whatever he was feeling, it was all conveyed in a series of huffs and smacks of his tail against the stage floor.

"Now, better be still now, or this is gonna get more interesting than you want it to be, stud..." the bear's voice was once again dangerously smooth as he wielded his instrument and stroked its imposing tip against the ultra-sensitive opening into the tiger's most vulnerable entry point.

An expectant silence seemed to grip the audience, too, for it remained quiet, except for the grunts of someone who sounded like he was receiving a blowjob while watching the show on stage, and every eye capable of following the action was nailed onto the sight of the bear's black-gloved paw, holding its dark, slick rod, and dipping the softly curved, round tip into the tiger's slit.


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"And here we go, little stud...just relax....hahah...who am I kidding?"

His grip was firm while his other paw determinedly guided the sound into the tiger's urethra. The constant push churned clear lubricant and pre-cum out of his shaft and dribbling onto the spectacularly dark surface of his gloves, now shiny with the moisture. The tiger's body seemed to have come as rigid as the steel rod slowly being pushed into him, with small pauses between quarter inches to let him get used to the invasion all the while the audience stared.

Master Johnny could even see a few tongues lolling out.


"You're doing great, little stud...wimps would've already started crying at this ain't crying..."

The tiger sounded like he was trying to say something...or it could've just been random, muffled groaning, but that didn't make much of a difference for the bear enjoying his role as the Master of Ceremonies.

"Just keep breathing, and let your body accept's weird but it'll let it pass...just let it pass...hmmm...yes...there we go...look at that..."

He was several inches in, and the sounding rod protruded out of the tiger's cock obscenely. Master Johnny licked his lips and let go of the sound monetarily, so that the tiger's cock simply stood upright, now with its very own internal support structure to go with its own natural rigidness.

"Look at that...oh can't see...heh...I wonder if I should let you see..."


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"Well what do you know, the audience has spoken..." Master Johnny mused deceptively lightly before he reached for the strap holding the tiger's blindfold in place. It fell off, to show squinting eyes that had to adapt both to the darkness and the spotlights, and the polar bear made sure to stand right there, in his field of vision, to show just who was playing with him so expertly.

"Hello there," the polar bear flicked an ear, "why don't you look at what we've got here..."

He grabbed the sound and pulled on it so that an inch slid out, before the bear pushed that very same inch back inside the tiger's tortured tunnel...and then added a quarter inch more. The tiger's eyes seemed to widen, and he couldn't stop looking at the unearthly sight of the sound probing his insides...a solitary point of concentration, even with his ass, his nipples, his entire body under such sensual torture.

"Time to fuck you, pretty boy," the bear growled, as his paw began to move, plunging the sound in and out of the tiger's pisshole with a slow, detemined pace, while his other paw groped all over the tiger's lean, toned tummy and chest, "time to see what it feels like to get off for all the wrong reasons...the strangest sensations you ever felt...cum for daddy...cum for Master Johnny..."

The audience was panting along with the tiger. Paws stroked and groped on cocks, not always belonging to the respective owners of the paws, either. Tailholes were prodded, and a few winked good-naturedly at the welcome intrusion, with only the odd harrumph when someone had found an exit only gateway of joy. The attention still gravitated onto the stage where the bear, half-smirking, half-stern, poked the sound smoothly in and out of the tiger's pisshole.

"Come for me, sweet kitty...don't let your friends they're waiting for the money shot...make 'em proud...make your daddy proud..."

He slipped his paw down and began to pump the butt plug once again, nudging it onto the tiger's prostate from his ass while the sound was practically doing the same from within his cock itself. The straining member was a shade of an angry red and seemed to not be worse off for the alien stimulation of the stainless steel tube running its length, and the tiger suspended on his very own cross could really do nothing but to chew on his gag and...feel.

"Yeah, right there..." the polar bear's voice was almost hypnotic, speaking like he was somewhere far away, " know it's okay to cum for Master...Alpha really likes seeing the little stud shoot his stuff..oh yes, I'll be right there for you, little kitty...just let it go...your body knows what to do even if it doesn't know what's going on..."


"Oh yes...there we go, I think...just let your body work it..."

He gripped the tiger's cock and began to jerk him off, in and out, one paw on the outside, along the shaft, the other working the sound into his urethra. The tiger's eyes squinted shut and his ears flattened, and the polar bear could feel some telltale contractions course along the shaft.

"We've got blastoff, guys...ready for this _gay_ser..."

Only his skills in the acts of decadent sexual teasing could've given the bear the instinct needed to know exactly when to pull the sound completely out of the tiger's cock and let it bounce up, freely, just when the burst of cum shot out at a remarkable pressure and hit the tiger squarely in the chin. He moaned loudly into his gag, now dripping cum, while his cock dropped and shot further blasts onto the polar bear's pants, down onto the stage, even catching someone standing close to the stage by his ear while the tiger's balls exploded. The toy pumping against his prostate seemed to give it all an extra kick, for he kept going and shooting until it all drizzled out, to create a small pool down on the stage in front of the now slumped tiger.

"Well done, kitty," the polar bear grinned, patting the tiger's sweaty ass, "very well done."

He had one more thing to do unlash two straps that kept his codpiece in place, to show his own hard cock as it lashed out of its cave like a snake and stood up in its proud, no longer constrained attention. A few pairs of eyes in the audience bulged at the sight, and the polar bear could even see a wanton paw reach out into the if a mirage told him that he could actually reach the hefty cock and balls now visible.

"Just a little treat for you, kiddo," the polar bear grinned as he pulled the leather codpiece over the tiger's muzzle and secured it onto his gag with its extra leather straps.


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"Now..." the bear grinned, and scratched his white belly with one black glowed paw, "who wants to see this one go off..."

The racket could've been heard blocks away, the bear thought, as his cock throbbed with anticipation.


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked what you saw, and I look forward to your comments! As always, remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

The Drake Experiment Zero (1)

** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** Well, people always want to see more dragons, so here you go, a nice 8,000 word story about a very dragon-tastic story alright! This is a commission for...

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\* Just something I cooked up! Hope you like :) ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** It felt colder today than yesterday, something my nosepad could tell even without me having to look at the thermometer on the window...

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Bonus Scene to "Double Trouble"

Hello, boys! This is an extra addition to the latest Jimmy chapter, featuring some kinky action I decided to post as a separate part because it's a highly polarizing kink and it's something that Doug does, but it might turn off some of my readers,...

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