High School and Obedience School

Story by Mocha Jon on SoFurry

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This is inspired by something TiranMaster made, and he let me make this as long as I gave credit to him and his original source, the story http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14713310/ and the his sourcehttp://www.furaffinity.net/view/14703905/

This is inspired by something TiranMaster made, and he let me make this as long as I gave credit to him and his original source, the story http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14713310/ and the his sourcehttp://www.furaffinity.net/view/14703905/

So my family moved to some new town during the summer and now I start school. I've heard rumors that the school allows pets, if only I had one, I found out when a chipmunk told me she goes there everyday, that was an awkward conversation.

When I went to the school I noticed there were lots of anthroed animals seeming unsettlingly happy, and everybody looked at me funny for not having one. I dressed like a skunk to try and blend in.

"Well sue me for not knowing how to find animals that should only exists on my FurAffinity page."

Homeroom was confusing, the teacher went on a rant on how we need to get Bs or higher or else we were not worth teaching, ok who ever thought up this school knows nothing about how life works! All the teens were super snobby and smart, and not in that order, which i didn't particularly mind as I am an A-B student, but I'm an ambivert so I knew when to avoid them, and I know how to reinsult them.

"Well if you don't choose your career now Jonathan how are you going to have a good future?" one girl said.

"One, refer to me by my last name, Willi$, and two, to answer that question in a way you all will understand, I will have a good future because I will not wake up at age 40 with the bitter realization that I've wasted my life in a job that I hate because I was forced to decide in a career in my teens and settle for a spouse at age thirty because my stress levels are making me double my aging metabolism to the point that my one of my gonads dropped before the other one."

She sat there confused and hurt. Her coyote then looked me in the eye and started to growl faintly. I was not scared, if the school was that strict on grades imagine how strict they would be if a girl let a coyote bite someone.

"Master may I get revenge on him for you?"

"No thank you boy, he will suffer again when he fails the test in history later." she spitefully said knowing I was listening.

"Um okay this is creepy so I'm going to leave, but first, how did you get that coyote's fur so smooth it looks like rubber, when I finally adopt a ferret I want to use that stuff on him.

During the test I asked the teacher if I had to take the test because it was my first day. He said that sense he checked my grades from last semester and noticed I got a C- on a test in history I had to make up the grade. He said it in a mean way too.

The hour ended and I didn't even finish the test because we were studying Greece at my old school and the test was over Roman life.

"Jonathan I've graded your test already, sense you made it so small... go to the principal's office at once."

I went to the office confused because nobody gets sent to the office for this. The principal had a huge temper and was furious at me for failing.

"Look failure is not an option at this school, now I know this is your first day but I have to take drastic measures."

"Well I'm sorry, apparently making new friends in a new town with weird laws means I have to learn that along with my hard classes that smell like pet stores!"

Now you listen here, we are preparing you for the real world and if you aren't able to handle this the you will never handle being an adu..."

"Okay pause, rewind, that is the job for college and I will be happier there because I will get to drink my stress away, and all high school is is just a place to shelter me from the real world, and I can tell you this means I won't end up running a school that has more problems then your marriage, that's right I went there, snap snap snap."

"Oh that's it...!" he yelled as he made some rubber fluid pour on me, and I started to turn black and white.

"Care to explain why i feel smother then my phone screen... wait the pets, the referring to people as master, the snobby smart people, if people get one bad grade you turn them into animals then brainwash them into being pets to the smart ones... cause, you know, that's something that happens..." I knew I wasn't getting out of this.

"Hey according to your FurAffinity page this is your dream fetish, I can tell by reading Master Stinky and The Clan of the Stinky Tails, so why are you throwing a big fit?"

"Okay one, I don't even want to know how you know my FurAffinity stories, two, yea but only to think about, I don't really want that to happen, and three, I regret writing this story..."

"Next time don't fail and don't ask people who make stories that make your weird fetish of mind control if you don't want them to go this way!"

"I'm not even going to pretend like I was listening, I'm too busy freaking out that I am a rubber skunk now."

"Guys, come in here, take him to the obedience classes."

They took me away and while everybody was laughing at me and they tried taking me through the doors, I bounced away flipping and kicking them all sense I am rubber now.

"The school's system has a flaw, suck on this guys..." I sprayed them and bounced back laughing as I knew I went out on a big.

I went into the room and was put onto a chair, and I think it had glue on it cause I couldn't get up. A green dog walked in and told me...

"I am Pet dog, please look into my eyes."

"Um no, see I don't have to get hypnotized cause I know how to do this cool magic trick I like to call closing my eyes, and you can't open them, the rubber keeps them closed, so jokes on you."

"Yea like nobody's tried that before," the dog whispered.

"Try all you want, I actually want to see you try, but I won't actually 'see' you," I said, enjoying seeing him fail.

"Oh you'll open them soon, I know you need to pee soon..." he said.

"Dude I've held it for three hours once I can last... wait what do my eyes have to do with that?" I said as I opened my eyes in confusion.

"Please look into my eyes," he said as I gave in.

His eyes were spinning and while I thought it was kind of a turn on... I realized that nothing really mattered, I would believe anything.

"What is your name?" the dog asked.

"Jonathan but I lime to be called my last name, Willis, but spelled with a $, W...i...l...l...i...$..."

"Forget it, forget everything, forget your name and your life, now what is your name?"

"I don't know..."

"For now on your name is Pet skunk until you get a Master, then he or she will rename you, and I want you to forget everything, everything, up until you went into this trance, you were always Pet skunk, and when a higher authority says 'Pet skunk, erase and forget all memories' you will revert back to this trance, now what is your name?"

"I am Pet skunk..."

"Now you are loyal and obedient, and all you need to be happy is obeying your Master, being petted and being called 'good boy', now let's take you to your first obedience class, you will become a pet by the end of the month."

We walked out and I was put into my room and was waiting until the next day, I was excited for my obedience training and getting a new Master.

On my first day, I was put into a room that's purpose was to teach how to keep my master entertained. The teacher was a raccoon.

"Now to keep your Master happy you must learn how to make them laugh, tell me a joke that would be hurtful to you because you don't care about your won feelings anymore," Pet raccoon said.

"Well me I stink so bad I make Justin Bieber's music seem like Avril Lavigne's," I said.

"W...Wow, keep going, your Master will love that!"

"My grades sucked so hard they make a better living room vacuum then One Direction's new single."

"Keep going."

"For a skunk I am so big I make Meghan Trainor look like Klarista Flockhart if she didn't get blown away by my stink spray."

My humor was so good that Pet raccoon let me leave early, I was already on my way to being a pet!

The next day, the training was for telling off my Master's enemies, I would love this even if I wasn't hypnotized and programed to love it. The teacher was a ferret.

"Now Pet skunk, pretend I just insulted your Master... OUCH" Pet ferret said as I slapped him in the face.


"I like the energy and loyalty, but I meant tell him off..."

"Oh, okay, you think my master is a slut, you're so loose you keep your not allowed in tight spaces without the glue you sniff,"

"Wow your Master would love that, now try me calling your master gay," Pet ferret said.

"My Master is not gay, and I'd say it takes one to know one but you're so deep in the closet you've found your Christmas presents, like your new MLP poster!"

As the days went on, I learned at ease and they said I was going so fast I could graduate a week early, and today was my last day, the pet was a chipmunk.

"Now Pet skunk, for your last obedience class, you need to learn how to compliment your Master, now what do you say if your Master get pregnant and or gets someone pregnant and the parents are too mad to help?" she said.

"Look Master, I am sorry but what they said was totally out of line, as much as I love you I love your kids too and I need to tell you that this os about them and this is why You need to tell them that it's not about what you guys did, it's about the baby and your parents need to get past it so their grandkids have the opportunity to be as good as my Master, so please take this advise and tell them to help their grandchild!" I said continuously getting more emotional."

"You are ready, there is nothing less to teach yo..." she began.

"Also, if they don't they are so dumb they should be turned into pets too."

The next day was the day where I become a pet! I was excited to get my first Master. The first girl who got to pick her pet was the same girl I met on the first day, she did an extra credit report that was so good that she gets to get a second pet. She walked up to me and chose me!

"What's your name?" she asked.

"What ever you want it to be."

"I miss Willi$, he was the only one who made me think that there was more than studying, I wonder what happened to him, he was funny too, and for some reason you kind of remind me of him, I'll call you Willi$, and my name is Wendy."

My eyes glowed for a second and then I was as happy to see her, I had no idea what she was talking about but it made me feel, good, almost like I was petted, and I was happy to have my new Master. I sat down by her desk next to her coyote and simply smiled.

"Master, this story was so bad the TiranMaster was tempted to write a story with the author being transformed into a lemming and made him run off a cliff, after making him kill the makers of that lie of a movie."

Farmer Stinky - part 1

It was a simple day in the country, the fields were green, the horses were roaming, and the leaves were changing and falling. There were two visitors to the country, and they did not like it at all. The raccoon was born on a ranch and moved to the city...

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Master Stinky - part 4

They had all returned to their home in the forest, they are approaching another skunk. Unlike the other skunks, she had no pet and had a much less stronger scent then the others. "Master Stinky, I see another skunk, is it one of your...

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Master Stinky - part 3

They had all returned to their home in the forest, they are approaching another skunk. Unlike the other skunks, she had no pet and had a much less stronger scent then the others. "Master Stinky, I see another skunk, is it one of your...

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